Page 1 of 3 MECH 896 Homework 7: Simulation and EVM Analysis For this homework assignment, we return to Scenario A where the management targets were: Scope = wireless (170 tasks) Schedule = week 18 Budget = $42,500 Process = 85% (morale) We wish to determine how the tools of Earned Value Management (EVM) can be used as a predictive tool when running the simulation. The underlying objective is to obtain a better understanding of how the EVM’s are calculated, what they mean and how their results can be interpreted. You need to run 2 trials of Scenario A with the initial conditions given in the table Trial X: Increase the team size from 2 to 4 in week 6. If you don’t change any of the conditions, you should finish in week 13 with a cost of $40,800, a score of 703 and a morale score of 46/100. Input Schedule Week 1 12 Team 2 Skill Med High Outsourcing Primary Overtime Encourage Coaching 2 Standups 10 Reviews 1 Prototype none Scope wireless Trial Y: Increase the team size from 2 to 4 in week 4. If you don’t change any of the conditions, you should finish in week 12 with a cost of $40,800, a score of 748 and a morale score of 78/100. Page 2 summarizes the simulation results for Trial X, obtained by selecting the Management Targets tab in Week 13 (when simulation is done, selecting the “View Graphs” and then “View Data” tabs). Page 3 gives the EVM analysis for Trial X, obtained by inputting the Management Targets numbers (of page 2) into the EVM spreadsheet (original excel file available on the website). Homework Assignment: 1) Run Trial X, confirm you get the same results as page 2. 2) Generate the simulation results for Trial Y (as per page 2, which are screen captures). 3) Generate the EVM analysis for Trial Y (as per page 3, use the excel file on the website). Answer the following questions: a) For Trial Y, how do you interpret the trend plots of the EVM analysis ? b) Has the spreadsheet been set up correctly ? Do you agree with the sourcing of the data ? Have the formulae used to calculate the EVM parameters been set up correctly ? Make reference to specific slides in Lecture #6 to support your answers. c) What is missing to enable this EVM analysis to be extended as a predictive tool ? d) The last column in the Management Targets numbers table is entitled “Your Target” and is not currently used in this EVM analysis. Could it be used ? This is not the answer to c). Written answers to these questions are due before the Simulation Workshop on March 5. Send your answers to, use“FirstName-H7.pdf” as the filename. Your single adobe file should include your results for Trial Y, screen captures from Step 2) and excel table with plot from Step 3). The answers will be the subject of discussion during the workshop. 2015 (rev2) Page 2 of 3 Scenario A – Trial X (team 2 to 4 in week 6, finish in week 13) 2015 (rev1) Wk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Cumulative Cost (AC) $2,040 $4,080 $6,120 $8,160 $10,200 $12,240 $16,320 $20,400 $24,480 $28,560 $32,640 $36,720 $40,800 At completion Tasks (TCC) Cost (PVC) Management Tasks Management Cost Target Completed Task Target (PV) (TC) (MT) $2,361 9 9 $4,722 18 19 $7,083 30 28 $9,444 41 38 $11,806 51 47 $14,167 60 57 $16,528 78 66 $18,889 96 76 $21,250 115 85 $23,611 134 94 $25,972 151 104 $28,333 168 113 $30,694 170 123 170 $30,694 Percentage Completed Earned (PC) Value (EV) 5.3% $1,625 10.6% $3,250 17.6% $5,417 24.1% $7,403 30.0% $9,208 35.3% $10,833 45.9% $14,083 56.5% $17,333 67.6% $20,764 78.8% $24,194 88.8% $27,263 98.8% $30,333 100.00% $30,694 Where: PC = TC/TCC EV = PC*PVC SV = EV ‐ PVC $4,000 1.000 $0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ($4,000) ($6,000) ($8,000) Where: CV = EV ‐ AC SPI = EV/PV CPI = EV/AC 1.200 $2,000 ($2,000) Schedule Cost Schedule Cost Variance Variance Variance Index Performance (SV) (CV) (SPI) Index (CPI) ($415) ($736) 0.688 0.797 ($830) ($1,472) 0.688 0.797 ($703) ($1,666) 0.765 0.885 ($757) ($2,041) 0.784 0.907 ($992) ($2,598) 0.780 0.903 ($1,407) ($3,334) 0.765 0.885 ($2,237) ($2,445) 0.852 0.863 ($3,067) ($1,556) 0.918 0.850 ($3,716) ($486) 0.977 0.848 ($4,366) $583 1.025 0.847 ($5,377) $1,291 1.050 0.835 ($6,387) $2,000 1.071 0.826 $0 ($10,106) 1.000 0.752 Schedule Variance (SV) Cost Variance (CV) 0.800 0.600 Schedule Variance Index (SPI) 0.400 Cost Performance Index (CPI) 0.200 ($10,000) ($12,000) 0.000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 MECH896Homework7trialX
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