New Additions: April 2015 Report generated on 5/6/2015 1:09 PM Call Number Title/Subtitle Author 025.2 BAK Double fold : libraries and the assault on Baker, Nicholson. paper 051 The new American. 292.13 BUX The complete world of Greek mythology Buxton, R. G. A. 303.48 SUN Infotopia : how many minds produce knowledge Sunstein, Cass R. 323.11 VAN Savages and scoundrels : the untold story of America's road to empire through Indian Territory VanDevelder, Paul. 359.9 CLA Battle ready Clancy, Tom, 1947- 365.430 KER Orange is the new black : my year in a woman's prison Kerman, Piper. 510.2 ZEG Basic math & pre-algebra for dummies Zegarelli, Mark. 520 PHI Understanding astronomy Phillips, Cynthia, 1973- 551.55 LAS The children's blizzard Laskin, David, 1953- 631.4 HYN Improving the soil Hynes, Erin. 635.044 MED Pruning Medic, Kris. 635.049 HYN Controlling weeds Hynes, Erin. 635.09 FEL The Pennsylvania gardener : all about gardening in the Keystone State Fell, Derek. 635.9 BAL Ball, Liz. Pennsylvania gardener's guide 635.9 HIL Lawns, grasses, and groundcovers 636.72 EWI Bulldogs for dummies Hill, Lewis, 1924Ewing, Susan M. 650.1 ABR A perfect mess : the hidden benefits of Abrahamson, Eric, 1958disorder : how crammed closets, cluttered offices, and on-the-fly planning make the world a better place 743.4 ART The art of drawing people. 781.626 KOS The keys to flamenco guitar Koster, Dennis. 787.61 DUN The art of classical guitar playing Duncan, Charles. 789.1071 FEL Alfred's beginning drumset method Feldstein, Sandy. 796.962 MCD The last hockey game McDougall, Bruce, 1950- 796.962 PAI Chill factor : how a minor-league hockey Paitson, David, team changed a city forever 824.914 BIN Maeve's times : in her own words Binchy, Maeve, 944.05 ROB Napoleon : a life Roberts, Andrew, 1963- 973 LOE Loewen, James W. Lies my teacher told me : everything your American history textbook got wrong 973.04 JAC A century of dishonor : the classic exposé of the plight of the Native Americans Jackson, Helen Hunt, 1830-1885. 973.7 ADA Adams, George Worthington. Doctors in blue : the medical history of the Union Army in the Civil War 974.8 MEN Mercer as its citizens remember it : 1800-1917 edited with an introductory chapter by James E. Mennell. 974.8 REE Wolf Creek Legacy Books One and Two Reeher, Lillian Reynolds 2014 985.02 MAC The last days of the Incas MacQuarrie, Kim. 92 KINKS God save The Kinks : a biography Jovanovic, Rob. B THA That's not my kitten-- : its ears are too soft Watt, Fiona. CD 458 Final theory Alpert, Mark, 1961- CD 459 Up close and dangerous : a novel Howard, Linda, 1950- CD 460 Missing you Coben, Harlan, 1962- CD 461 The black ice Connelly, Michael, 1956- CD 462 The uninvited Graham, Heather. CD 463 Victims Kellerman, Jonathan. CD 464 The wild zone a novel Fielding, Joy. CD 465 The watchman Crais, Robert. CD 466 Broken a novel Slaughter, Karin, 1971- CD 467 Critical conditions White, Stephen, 1951- CD 468 Night road Hannah, Kristin. CD 469 The pagan stone Roberts, Nora. CD 470 Immortal in Death Robb, J. D., 1950- CD 471 The Devil's punchbowl a novel Iles, Greg. E ALB The gobble gobble moooooo tractor book Alborough, Jez. E CAR The children who loved books Carnavas, Peter, 1980- E COT This is the stable Cotten, Cynthia. E MAC Wrong way MacLeod, Mark. E MOS The cow that went oink Most, Bernard. E OVE A day at Gramma's Overstreet, Marcia Cate. E PHI Find Anthony Ant Philpot, Lorna. E REY Margret and H.A. Rey's where is Curious Platt, Cynthia. George? : around the town : a look-andfind book FIC BAR The Alaska brides collection. FIC BAR The bartered bride collection : 9 complete stories Cathy Marie Hake ... [et al.]. FIC BAR A Pioneer Christmas collection : 9 stories of finding shelter and love in a wintry frontier Lauraine Snelling ... [et al.]. FIC BAR The stitched with love collection : 9 historical courtships of lives pieced together with seamless love Tracie V. Bateman ... [et. al.]. FIC BOX BK Stone cold 14 Box, C. J. FIC BRO BK Dark of night 14 Brockmann, Suzanne. FIC BRO BK Hot pursuit : troubleshooters : their 15 only mission is to keep you safe Brockmann, Suzanne. FIC BRU BK A merry heart 1 Brunstetter, Wanda E. FIC BRU BK The quilter's daughter 2 Brunstetter, Wanda E. FIC BRU BK The bishop's daughter 3 Brunstetter, Wanda E. FIC ELL BK 1 Living in Harmony Ellis, Mary, 1951- FIC ELL BK 3 A little bit of charm Ellis, Mary, 1951- FIC ELL BK 3 The way to a man's heart Ellis, Mary, 1951- FIC ELL BK 4 An Amish family reunion Ellis, Mary, 1951- FIC FIE Now you see her : a novel Fielding, Joy. FIC FOR Canada Ford, Richard, 1944- FIC GER Under the knife Gerritsen, Tess, FIC GRA BK Winter's awakening 1 Gray, Shelley Shepard. FIC GRA BK Spring's renewal 2 Gray, Shelley Shepard. FIC GRA BK Autumn's promise 3 Gray, Shelley Shepard. FIC HED The preacher's bride Hedlund, Jody. FIC HIL Silver girl : a novel Hilderbrand, Elin. FIC JAC BK 6 Malice Jackson, Lisa. FIC JOH One heart to win Lindsey, Johanna. FIC JOH Prisoner of my desire Lindsey, Johanna. FIC KIN BK 1 The gunslinger King, Stephen, 1947- FIC KIN BK 3 The waste lands King, Stephen, 1947- FIC KIN BK 6 Song of Susannah King, Stephen, 1947- FIC LAU BK By winter's light 21 Laurens, Stephanie, FIC LOE Loehfelm, Bill. Bloodroot FIC MAR BK Pressing on 13 Tang, Camy, 1972- FIC MAR BK Family heirlooms 14 Hanson, Pam. FIC MAR BK Hopes and dreams 15 Davis, Susan Page. FIC MAR BK Ringing true 16 Berg, Patti. FIC MAR BK Steps of faith 17 Tang, Camy, 1972- FIC MAR BK With grateful hearts 18 Jeffers, Sunni. FIC MCC BK All the pretty horses 1 McCarthy, Cormac, 1933- FIC MIC Michaels, Fern. The real deal FIC O'BR BK Master and commander 1 O'Brian, Patrick, 1914-2000. FIC PIC Picoult, Jodi, 1966- Second glance : a novel FIC ROL BK The devil colony 7 Rollins, James, 1961- FIC ROT BK The Name of the Wind Day One. 1 FIC RUB Rooms : a novel Rubart, James L. FIC STJ One last thing St. James, Rebecca, FIC UPD Pigeon feathers and other stories Updike, John. FIC VOG BK When Grace sings 2 Sawyer, Kim Vogel, FIC WIG BK The ocean between us 1 Wiggs, Susan. FIC WIG BK Winter Lodge. 2 Wiggs, Susan. FIC WIG BK Return to Willow Lake 9 Wiggs, Susan. FIC WIS BK 5 Wiseman, Beth, 1962- Plain proposal FIC WIS BK 6 Plain Peace Wiseman, Beth, 1962- FIC WOO BK 1 When the heart cries : a novel Woodsmall, Cindy. FIC WOO BK 2 The Christmas singing : a romance from Woodsmall, Cindy. the heart of Amish country FIC WOO BK 4 The dawn of Christmas : a romance from the heart of Amish country Woodsmall, Cindy. J BRU BK 1 What a pair! Brunstetter, Wanda E. J BRU BK 2 Bumpy ride ahead! Brunstetter, Wanda E. J BRU BK 3 Bubble troubles : Mattie & Mark Miller double trouble Brunstetter, Wanda E. J BRU BK 4 Green fever Brunstetter, Wanda E. J BRU BK 5 Humble Pie Brunstetter, Wanda E., J COL BK 3 A grimm warning Colfer, Chris, 1990- J ERI BK 65 The almost last roundup Erickson, John R., 1943- J KNU BK 1 The dragon of Trelian Knudsen, Michelle. J MAG AME American girl. J MAG HIG Highlights for children. J MAG HIG Highlights High Five -- MAGAZINE. J MAG NAT National geographic kids. J MAG NAT National Geographic little kids. J MAG RAN Ranger Rick J MAG ZOO Zoobooks. National Wildlife Federation. J MON A tale of two cities Sebag-Montefiore, Mary. J PB BER The Berenstain Bears' mad, mad, mad toy craze Berenstain, Stan, 1923-2005. J PB BIT The matzah that Papa brought home Manushkin, Fran. J PEI BK 7 Big Nate lives it up Peirce, Lincoln. J SHA Macbeth : based on the play by William Mason, Conrad. Shakespeare J SHA Romeo & Juliet Claybourne, Anna. J SHA Twelfth night Dickins, Rosie. JNF 293.13 Usborne illustrated Norse myths FRI Frith, Alex. JNF 296.4 DAV The story of Hanukkah Davidson, Susanna. JNF 332.024 HOU Balancing a checkbook Houghton, Gillian. JNF 332.024 HOU Creating a budget Houghton, Gillian. JNF 332.1 HOU How banks work Houghton, Gillian. JNF 332.4 HOU Cash and ATMs Houghton, Gillian. JNF 332.7 HOU How credit cards work Houghton, Gillian. JNF 381 HOU Goods and services Houghton, Gillian. JNF 398.2 MAR The story of Robin Hood Jones, Rob Lloyd. JNF 398.209 EVA Greek myths and legends Evans, Cheryl. JNF 463 AME The Usborne Internet-linked first thousand words in Spanish : with Internet-linked pronunciation guide Amery, Heather. JNF 534 RAN Sounds in my world Randolph, Joanne. JNF 535 RAN Light in my world Randolph, Joanne. JNF 537 RAN Electricity in my world Randolph, Joanne. JNF 613.6 SMI Improve your survival skills Smith, Lucy. JNF 621.8 RAN Gears in my world Randolph, Joanne. JNF 621.8 RAN Inclined planes in my world Randolph, Joanne. JNF 621.8 RAN Levers in my world Randolph, Joanne. JNF 621.8 RAN Pulleys in my world Randolph, Joanne. JNF 621.8 RAN Wedges in my world Randolph, Joanne. JNF 726.809 WEB Taj Mahal Webster, Christine. JNF 759.05 The Usborne book of famous paintings DIC Dickins, Rosie. JNF 781.542 Big idea's Jonah : a veggietales movie piano, vocal. JNF 784.420 VEG Big Idea's veggie tunes : a queen, a king, and a very blue berry. JNF 790.91 Dad's book : old-fashioned fun for the DAD family fairy tales retold by Wendy Wax ; music arrangement by Frank Zuback ; recipes by Lena Tabori. JNF 978.02 The Oregon Trail FRI Friedman, Mel, 1946- JNF 985.37 Lost city : the discovery of Machu LEW Picchu Lewin, Ted. LG PRINT Blood infernal FIC ROL BK 3 Rollins, James, 1961- LG PRINT FIC STE Prodigal son : a novel Steel, Danielle. M ALB BK 14 Bleeding hearts Albert, Susan Wittig. M ALB BK 15 Spanish dagger Albert, Susan Wittig. M AND BK 14 Some like it hawk : a Meg Langslow mystery Andrews, Donna. M AND BK 4 Crouching buzzard, leaping loon Andrews, Donna. M AND BK 8 The penguin who knew too much Andrews, Donna. M BEA BK 13 Death of a dentist Beaton, M. C. M BEA BK 20 Death of a bore : a Hamish Macbeth mystery Beaton, M. C. M BEA BK 21 Death of a dreamer : a Hamish Macbeth Beaton, M. C. mystery M BEA BK 6 Death of a snob Beaton, M. C. M BLU BK 1 Nowhere to be found Thomas, Emily (Christian author) M BRA BK 27 The cat who went bananas Braun, Lilian Jackson. M BRA BK 28 The cat who dropped a bombshell Braun, Lilian Jackson. M BRO BK 15 Puss 'n cahoots : a Mrs. Murphy mystery Brown, Rita Mae. M CAS BK 5 Deadly Heat Castle, Richard. M MOR Morton, Kate, 1976- The secret keeper : a novel M SEC BK 2 Rewriting history Dodge, Vera. M SLA BK 5 Fallen : a novel Slaughter, Karin, 1971- MAG ALL All You MAG BET Better homes and gardens. MAG BLO Business week. MAG BOO The booklist MAG CON Consumer reports. MAG COU Country living. MAG CRA Crafts 'n things. MAG FAM Family circle. MAG FAM Familyfun. MAG GAR Garden gate. MAG GOO Good housekeeping. MAG GUI Guideposts. MAG HAN The Family handyman. MAG HEA Health. MAG KIP Kiplinger's. MAG LIB Library journal. MAG MAR Martha Stewart living. American Library Association. MAG MON Money MAG NAT National geographic. MAG NEW The new American. MAG OPR O : the Oprah magazine. MAG OUT Outdoor life. MAG PAG Pennsylvania game news. MAG PAR Parents. MAG PEN Pennsylvania Angler & Boater. MAG PEO People weekly. MAG POP Popular mechanics. MAG POP Popular science MAG PRE Prevention. MAG PRO Progressive farmer. MAG REA The Reader's digest. MAG SEV Seventeen. MAG SMI Smithsonian. MAG SPO Sports illustrated MAG TIM Time MAG WOM Woman's day. PB AND Perfect timing Anderson, Catherine (Adeline Catherine) PB BEV An unlikely countess Beverley, Jo. PB CAR One wish Carr, Robyn, PB JAC Our first Christmas Lisa Jackson, Mary Burton, Mary Carter, Cathy Lamb. PB KIN Remember me? Kinsella, Sophie. PB LON Amish bride of Ice Mountain Long, Kelly, PB MIL Under a desert sky Mills, DiAnn. REF 443 LAR Larousse modern French-English, dictionary, by Marguerite-Marie Dubois with the collaboration of Charles Cestre [and others] General editor: William Maxwell Landers. Assistant editors: Roger Sha REF 974.8 MER Mercer County Throught Our Eyes 150 Years of the Herald The Herald/First National Bank SCI 791.4375 KRA Religions of Star Trek Kraemer, Ross Shepard, 1948- SCI ADA The ultimate hitchhiker's guide Adams, Douglas, 1952- SCI ASI Fantastic voyage : Based on a screenplay by Harry Kleiner. Asimov, Isaac. SCI BRI BK Earthclan 2 Brin, David. SCI BRI BK 6 Heaven's reach Brin, David. SCI CAR BK Ender's game 1 Card, Orson Scott. SCI CAR BK Shadow of the Hegemon 2 Card, Orson Scott. SCI CAR BK Speaker for the dead 2 Card, Orson Scott. SCI CAR BK Shadow puppets 3 Card, Orson Scott. SCI CAR BK Children of the mind 4 Card, Orson Scott. SCI HEI Starship troopers Heinlein, Robert A. (Robert Anson), 1907-1988. SCI MAN Station eleven Mandel, Emily St. John, 1979- SCI SAW Calculating God Sawyer, Robert J. SCI TEP The companions Tepper, Sheri S. SCI WRI BK Count to a trillion 1 Wright, John C. (John Charles), 1961- YA DAR edited by Christopher Golden. Dark duets : all-new tales of horror and dark fantasy YA HOP BK Burned 1 Hopkins, Ellen. YA HOP BK Smoke 2 Hopkins, Ellen. YA JIN BK 1 Evil genius Jinks, Catherine. YA KIR The clockwork three Kirby, Matthew J., 1976- YA GRAPHIC 338.7 QUI Steve Jobs : genius by design Quinn, Jason. Grand Total Records Count: 244
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