The Meredith Gardens Gazette

The Meredith Gardens Gazette
For the residents of the Meredith Gardens Homeowners Association
P.O. Box 6883, HB, CA 92615
The Annual
Meredith Gardens
Progressive Dinner
Saturday, May 30th
Last year, over 100 Meredith Gardens residents attended the annual progressive
dinner, making it one of the most successful MG events. This year we expect record attendance. The progressive dinner is a wonderful evening out right here in
your own neighborhood among neighborhood friends. New resident or original
owner; everyone leaves having met new friends and feeling even more “at home” in
Meredith Gardens.
How does it work? All progressive dinner participants will meet at our designated
“appetizer house” for appetizers, drinks, and meet and greet. Then we will break
out to our “dinner houses” in groups of 8-10. Dinner dishes will be assigned to all
participants. Finally, we will all reconvene at the designated “dessert house” for
some final sweet treats. Don’t worry, all these details, times, and food assignments will be e-mailed to you once you RSVP. (This is a kid-free event.)
How do I sign-up? You must RSVP to Cinnamon Morton via e-mail or phone. Cinnamon coordinates the whole event and needs to know exactly who will be attending. She will e-mail you with final details closer to the event date.
Dinner Houses: We are still in need of “dinner houses”. If you would be willing to
open your home for dinner (8-10 people), please let Cinnamon know in your RSVP.
Thanks in advance!
RSVP By May 23rd
Friday Night Yard Parties
LeBard Park Update
While Friday night yard parties have been a
tradition in Meredith Gardens for a few years,
the MGHA will be sponsoring 4 of these events
this summer. It’s another fun and easy way to
unwind and have fun with your neighbors.
These events are very informal and require no
The school district presented their development
plan at a community information meeting on
April 2. The plan reflects the 15 home sites on
the school district hardscape along with six little
league ball fields on the open space as previously
proposed. Residents major concerns were the
loss of parking spaces and the loss of park acreage for added parking spaces.
What to bring: Your whole family, folding
chairs, an appetizer to share, and your own
In evaluating the parking space intrusion into the
park issue, the board of directors took the following into consideration:
Save these Friday dates!
Jun 19 : Aug 14 : Sept 11 :
Oct 2
If you’d be willing to provide
your yard/driveway for one of the above dates,
please e-mail us:
Save the Date
Summer is just around the corner, and you
should be spending it here in Meredith Gardens! Our two big summer events are coming:
4th of July Block Party: July 4th
Bocce Ball & Chili Cook-off: July 19th
All the details for both events will be featured
in our next MG Gazette issue.
Street Number Painting
It’s time to paint the neighborhood curb street
numbers. The MGHA board will be funding a
neighborhood-wide painting day. The board is
currently accepting bids and will be designating a weekend for the painting. All residents
will be notified through e-mail, the MG Gazette, and our Facebook page on when this is
Residents who “friend” us on Facebook get the latest in neighborhood
news first. Search for us on Facebook, “Meredith Gardens”.
1. The 20 new parking spaces intruding into the
park would only be needed 11 Saturdays a year
or 3 percent of the available days in a year.
2. 10 more homes would have cars parked in
front of their homes 11 Saturdays per year.
3. Meredith Gardens residents are used to having
cars parked in front of their house on Saturdays
during little league season.
4. Nefarious nighttime activities would likely occur in this isolated area.
5. Funds spent to construct the additional 20
parking spaces would be better spent on improving park amenities.
The environmental document was released for a
30 day public comment period on April 16. The
document discloses the environmental impacts of
the proposed development. Residents within
1000 feet of LeBard will receive a mailed notification. All residents are encouraged to access the
Planning/Environmentalreports.cfm or by visiting city hall or the central library. Written comments should be submitted to Jennifer Villasenor, Acting Planning Manager, City of Huntington Beach, Planning and Building Department, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, CA
92648 by Friday, May 15 2015. These comments
will be responded to and become part of the official record going before the Planning Commission
and City Council.
More opportunities for public comment are tentatively scheduled to be held on June 9 and July 6.