The Meridian Genetic Partnership Fund 10 A J O I N T C HA R I TA B L E B E N E F I T O F B O N E I O LA M & M E R I D I A N CAP I TAL The Prologue M E R I D I A N & B O N E I O LA M T H E P RO LO G U E Dear Friend, 10 Greetings! We hope this correspondence finds you in the best of spirits. We would like to cordially invite you to take part in an upcoming Meridian Capital Group event known as the Meridian Genetic Partnership Fund. This gathering will serve to benefit Bonei Olam - a legendary organization which was founded to alleviate the suffering of childless couples, help finance the exorbitant costs of modern fertility treatments and offer a comprehensive array of genetic-related services in the fields of Genetic Research and Clinical Genetics. Over the years the Meridian Genetic Partnership Fund and Bonei Olam have partnered to create fantastic events raising millions of dollars that directly benefitted childless couples. This year it is our privilege to honor our dear friend and colleague, Isaac Filler, a real estate broker known for his outstanding professionalism. Our featured guest speaker, John Catsimatidis, is the esteemed CEO of Red Apple Group. A commemorative Corporate Sponsorship Journal will be distributed at the event celebrating the partnership between Meridian Capital Group and Bonei Olam. We ask you from the bottom of our hearts to please take a moment to read more about the Meridian Genetic Partnership Fund and participate in our annual fundraising event on Wednesday March 25th 2015. With your help we will assist couples in achieving their dreams of building healthy families. Thank you for your collaboration and we look forward to greeting you personally. Ralph Herzka • Morris Diamant • Moshe Majeski Founder Committee J. Jay Lobell • Abe Hirsch • Scott Assuline Getting off the subway that early Sunday in middle of Brooklyn we felt as lost as we had been for the past year since our daughter Ayelet passed away. Jacob Rochlitz • Joe Klein • Ben Piller David Steinmetz • Steven Ribiat • Tzvi Krieger Ayelet: Chapter I The Partnership M E R I D I A N & B O N E I O LA M T H E PA RT N E RS H I P { Uniting in a Pioneering Project } 10 Meridian Capital Group is partnering with Bonei Olam on a joint humanitarian endeavor: to help medical researchers identify fatal genetic mutations causing life threatening disorders among children. The funds raised for this project will benefit the Meridian Genetic Partnership Fund. Bonei Olam is renowned in the medical research community for its dedication to eradicating critical genetic disorders; as a result of the past year's event, multiple solutions have already been identified to combat an impressive range of specific and rare genetic mutations. This special partnership will allow companies affiliated with Meridian Capital Group to participate in this noble cause, receive high-profile recognition for their pioneering partnership, and help struggling couples realize their lifelong dream. The Meridian Partnership Event G u es t of H o n o r ISAAC FILLE R S E N I O R B RO K E R , M E RI D IAN CAP I TAL _ _ G u es t S p e ake r JOHN CATSIMATIDIS C HAI RMAN AN D C E O O F T H E RE D AP P LE G RO U P Chairman ABE HIRS CH MANAG I N G D I RE CTO R , M E RI D IAN CAP I TAL He somehow knew our daughter’s genetic makeup, her history, where the specific mutation was found in her DNA, and all the doctors, researchers and players we had been in consult with..." Ayelet: Chapter V _ _ WEDNESDAY MARCH 25TH 2015 The History of Bonei Olam BROAD STREET BALLROOM Bonei Olam was founded to alleviate the suffering of 4 1 Bro a d S t , N ew Yo rk , N Y 10 0 0 4 childless couples and help finance the exorbitant costs of modern fertility treatments. The organization has guided countless couples through the labyrinth of medical options, underwritten thousands of fertility procedures and launched a groundbreaking Genetics Program critically acclaimed by medical researchers worldwide. COCKTAILS 5:45 DINNER 6:30 The Triumphs The Goals Bonei Olam has partnered with world-renowned medical researchers who utilize modern genetic technologies to assist infertile couples struggling with failed pregnancies. As a direct result of Bonei Olam’s Genetics Program - and thanks to the funds generated through last year's Meridian Genetic Partnership Fund - the projected objectives were reached. Hundreds of couples were able to use advanced prenatal options and ultimately blessed with the birth of healthy children. The following genetic mutations were identified as a result of the previous year's goals: Meridian Capital Group recognizes the importance of Bonei Olam’s Genetics Program and encourages business affiliates to join the Meridian Genetic Partnership Fund and advance Bonei Olam’s lifesaving work. All tax-deducible donations generated will be allocated toward the research of serious medical issues caused by genetic mutations. The goal for this year's event is to raise $500,000 in funding to identify the following five genetic mutations. The future begins now; be a part of it. • Hereditary Sensory Autonomic Neuropathy Hearing Loss • Pelizaeus Merzbacher-Like Disease There are many different causes of hearing loss in infants and young children, making it difficult to diagnose even those cases caused by a known disease. We will continue to work with leading researchers to find novel mutations that will help lead to a proper diagnosis and potential treatment. M E R I D I A N & B O N E I O LA M AC H I E V E M E N TS / G O A LS { Reviewing Past Achievements } 10 • Hydrocephalus with Mental retardation • Congenital Microcephaly We finally somehow found a human on this planet who understood where we were... there was a world built in that one meeting. We felt there was hope again." Ayelet: Chapter VII { Establishing Future Visions } Blindness We have already identified previously unknown diseases linked to blindness through our work, but we will continue to search and identify the precise variations, which can later be used for diagnostic purposes as well as in reproductive planning. Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD) Early-Onset Microcephaly We are working with a family that has two children who were found to have early-onset microcephaly, spasticity, and feeding difficulty. We are performing DNA analysis on the family to uncover the genetic culprit of this hereditary disorder. Suspected Mitochondrial Disorder We are performing DNA studies for a family with children affected by an unknown disease, possibly mitochondrial in nature. Our team plans to study genetic variants present in the children to help characterize this disease and its genetic basis. This is a rare genetic disorder of the lungs, resulting in blockages and infections of the airways. We are working to find the genetic mutations linked to PCD. A better future begins today. We invite you to take part of it. S P O N S O RS H I P / D E D I CAT I O N S M E R I D I A N & B O N E I O LA M 10 Corporate Sponsorship { Helping Others is Serious Business } $36,000 Event Sponsor Lobby easel at event with sponsor name and logo prominently displayed Red Carpet display for Sponsor name & logo $10,000 Patron Sponsor name & logo prominently displayed at event Patron Page in commemorative Corporate Sponsorship Journal Sponsor name & logo prominently displayed at event Participate in the Meridian Genetic Partnership Fund and join us in our goal of obtaining $500,000 in funding to help medical researchers discover the underlying causes that are responsible for severe genetic diseases. Affiliated companies will receive widespread recognition that will be viewed by the CEOs, Presidents bankers, brokers and C-Level Executives of companies across the financial sector. But it's about more than merely recognition: join in this selfless act of partnership and commit to the future of mankind by uniting with the Meridian Genetic Partnership Fund. Master Builder Page in commemorative Corporate Sponsorship Journal $7,200 Benefactor Sponsor name & logo prominently displayed at event Benefactor Page in commemorative Corporate Sponsorship Journal $25,000 Journal Sponsor Rear cover advertisement in commemorative Corporate Sponsorship Journal $5,000 Supporter Red Carpet display for Sponsor name & logo Sponsor logo to be displayed at the event Sponsor name & logo prominently displayed at event Supporter Page in commemorative Sponsorship Journal Journal Sponsor Page in commemorative Corporate Sponsorship Journal $3,600 $18,000 Partner Red Carpet display for Sponsor name & logo Bonei Olam finds ways to give young couples searching for hope a sense of optimism in new and innovative ways that are unmatched on this planet." Ayelet: Chapter X Sponsor name & logo prominently displayed at event Partner Page in commemorative Corporate Sponsorship Journal Associate Associate Page in commemorative Corporate Sponsorship Journal Previous Sponsors S P O N S O RS The following companies have generously joined the Meridian Genetic Partnership Fund as active participants in our noble quest to help struggling couples across the globe. Conway, Farrell, Curtin & Kelly, P.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW M E R I D I A N & B O N E I O LA M Attorneys at Law 10 A Madison Commercial Real Estate Services™ Company LAHR, DILLON, MANZULLI, KELLEY & PENETT, P.C. WM SHUBERT & CO., INC. A REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL AND CONSULTING TITLE INSURANCE AGENCY 2117 WILLIAMSBRIDGE ROAD, BRONX, NY 10461-1601 (718) 863-2200 (FAX) 863-2215 BCS Valuations, Inc. Allied Partners 255 Executive Drive – Suite 205 Plainview, New York 11803 Phone: (516) 472-7400 Fax: (516) 472-7401 Real Estate Appraisal & Consulting Services Bruce Schwartz, MAI, President The future awaits. will you be a part of it? Phone: 212.390.8203 Fax: 212.390.8307 Email: Address: 1 Battery Park Plaza 26th Floor New York, NY 10004
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