Head & Neck IMRT Treatment Planning IMRT for H&N • IMRT only – where all volumes are treated with IMRT beams only • IMRT and SCV static fields – where a split beam approach is used and all volumes superior to the match-line are treated with IMRT beams and the supraclavicular areas/nodes are treated with traditional static beams Isocenter Placement • For IMRT only - At simulation the “marked isocenter” is generally placed at a stable location somewhere near the superior-inferior center of the area(s) of interest and just anterior to the vertebral body • IMRT & SCV split beams – the “marked Isocenter” is generally placed just superior to the larynx (if treatment volumes allow) so that the larynx can be protected by a block in the SCV field Contours • The physician generally contours the following structures: – CTV volumes – Parotids – Cochlea Contours • CTV volumes CTV1 CTV2 CTV3 • Parotids Contours •Cochlea Contours ***These are possible physician or resident drawn structures. If contoured, then be mindful to reduce ALARA • Larynx avoid • Arytenoids avoid • Esophagus avoid Contours • Dosimetrist will also create the following: – – – – – – – – Cord expanded 5mm Brainstem expanded 5mm Parotid subs External & external contracted 3mm CTV subs PTVs Total PTVs expanded Normal tissue Contours External • To create: Use the Autocontour, use the default threshold of 800 (lower) and 4096 (upper) • Place an external contours at 5 slices above and below any CTV contour. If the plan has static SCV fields, stop the external on the isocenter slice 4096 Contours External Contracted 3mm • This contour will be used when creating CTVsubs and PTVs to ensure that there is an adequate build-up region in place. • To create: Set “external” as source & “external contracted” as destination ROI – set variable margin at 0.3cm to Rt, Lt, Anterior & Posterior, and 0 to the Superior & Inferior Contours CTV Subs • A copy of the CTVs is required because one should not edit the original targets drawn by the physician • This copy is the original CTV without the build-up region or any CTVs of high prescription doses. • To create: Start with the CTV going to the highest dose. Set “CTV1” as source & “CTV1 sub” as destination ROI; set “external contracted” to avoid exterior; and set uniform margin to 0cm CTV1-60 Contours CTV Subs • Create the next CTVsub for the next highest dose • Set CTV2 as source & CTV2 sub as destination ROI; set external contracted to avoid exterior; set CTV1sub to avoid interior; and set uniform margin to 0cm • Do this process for all CTV volumes Contours Parotid Subs • The is a copy of the parotid without the CTV targets • To create: Set the “Rt Parotid” (in pink) as source structure and set all CTVs to avoid interior -- create new ROI named “Rt Parotid sub” (in black) • Note: The term “sub” means that it is a copy of the physician drawn volume that has been edited for planning purposes – so that pixels will not share conflicting objectives -- “sub” stands for “subtracted” Contours PTVs • These contours are 3 mm expansions of the CTVsubs • To create: Start with the CTV going to the highest dose; Set CTV1 sub as source & PTV1 as destination ROI – set external contracted to avoid exterior; set cord, brainstem, and parotid subs to avoid interior; set uniform margin to 0.3cm Contours PTVs • Create the next PTVs for the next highest dose • Set CTV2 sub as source & PTV2 as destination ROI; set external contracted to avoid exterior; set cord, brainstem, and parotid subs to avoid interior; set PTV1 to avoid interior; and set uniform margin to 0.3cm • Do this process for all CTV volumes Contours PTVs • “Shaving” or “cleaning-up” PTVs • It is sometimes advantageous to take the some of the created PTV out of abutting structures (such as: Brain, Optic nerves, larynx, esophagus, or even air) Contours Total PTVs expanded 5mm • To Create: Set all PTV volumes as source & Total PTVs expanded 5mm as destination ROI; and set uniform margin to 0.5cm Total PTVs expanded 5mm 0.5 Contours Normal Tissue • To Create: Set external contracted as source & Normal tissue as destination ROI; set Total PTVs expanded to avoid interior; and set uniform margin to 0cm Beams • The typical beam arrangement for bilateral cases consist of 9 beams • See the “standard” gantry angles to the right •The field name is the couch angle – gantry angle and the area of treatment Note: When there are static SCV fields with IMRT we rotate the collimator to 90 degrees so the collimators match on the SCV and IMRT fields Beams • The typical beam arrangement for unilateral cases consist of 7 beams • For left sided disease: 182, 350, 22, 54, 86, 118, and 150 degrees • For right sided disease: 210, 242, 274, 306, 338, 10 and 178 degrees Beams • Using the “standard” 9-beam arrangement, Possible modification for each beam’s gantry angle you could: • Re-open the Blocks window for each beam: – Evaluate for the following: • gantry angle (can be done with full or half beam IMRT technique): check shoulders (IF you have a CTV that extended posterior) • collimator angle (only use if the plan is full IMRT): Minimize field width, possible less dose in shoulder • whether or not the beam should be split (only use for full IMRT): large flds (X1 and X2 Jaws) will need to be split into two flds so the MLC leaf motion can be fully used to achieve optimization Beams Gantry Angles • If the targets are low in the inferior neck/scv area, some of the lateral standard beams may go through more of the shoulder than we would like -- In these cases we would edit the gantry angles slightly, however, make sure that the beams are still well distributed around the patient. Note: Creating a quick contour for the Rt humeral head and the Lt humeral head can also assist in setting up optimal beams Beams Gantry 280 Gantry 285 Beams Collimator Angles • Changing the collimator angle can also be a useful technique for avoiding unwanted dose to the shoulders (although we rarely have to worry about too much dose to the shoulders) • Collimation is also helpful in creating narrower flds so that you may not have to split the beam Beams Gantry 240 / Coll 0 Gantry 235 / Coll 345 Beams Split Beams • If the field size is approaching 20cm (or larger) one will need to split the beam into two parts so the MLC leaves can travel the width of the fld freely to insure the best optimization within each control point. 23.7cm Beams Split Beams IMRT Parameters • These are the recommended parameters for DMPO • Max number of segments is 10-15 per field. This has been found to produce the most optimal plan without over doing the amount of segments. In this case 9 beams are used so max number of segments is 135. A segment is a “MLC control point” IMRT Objectives Min Dose: applies to whole ROI volume. The objective is met when the region of interest has a minimum dose that is greater than or equal to the target dose. The icon appears at the 100% volume level of the DVH. Max Dose: applies to whole ROI volume. The objective is met when the region of interest has a maximum dose that is greater than or equal to the target dose. The icon appears at the 0% volume level of the DVH. Uniform Dose: Applies to the whole ROI volume. Can only be used as an objective. The objective comes closer to being satisfied as the dose throughout the ROI’s volume becomes more uniform. IMRT Objectives Min DVH: Applies only to a percent volume of the ROI. The objective is met when the specified percent of the volume of the region of interest has a minimum dose that is greater than or equal to the target dose. Max DVH: Applies only to a percent volume of the ROI. The objective is met when the specified percent of the volume of the region of interest has a maximum dose that is less than or equal to the target dose. EUD (Equivalent Uniform Dose): Applies to the whole ROI volume. Can only be used as an objective. Applies to the mean dose. IMRT starting objectives Starting objectives for a BOT IMRT plan Rt Parotid Sub IMRT Objectives Objectives • These objectives are a good starting point. After the first run through look at you objective values to see if you need to adjust the objectives. • On the first trial you want to get all of your target coverage. Steadily increase the weighting on the targets while keeping the unaffected tissues weighting at 1. • Once target coverage has been achieved, copy your trial and start pushing all of your unaffected tissues. Planning Iterations • Use the dose distributions, the DVHs and the objective values to evaluate each plan iteration Dose Painting • “Painting” is when we create a contour with the objective of either increasing or decreasing dose to a certain limited area – Cold or Hot spots in target volumes – Pushing of dose off of a critical structure Plan Evaluation • Isodose line distributions – PTV1 95% coverage – CTVs (subs) 99-100% coverage – Minimal 105% hotspots • Dose Volume Histograms (DVH) – Min. / Max. / Mean • Tabular DVH Final DVH Include the following ROIs on the Final DVH: • PTV1 • CTVsubs (all) • Rt & Lt Parotids •Brainstem, Brainstem expanded • Cord, Cord expanded • any other critical structures as needed Dose Constraints • Cord: 45Gy max dose (<40Gy, if achievable) • Cord Expanded 5mm: 50Gy max dose if possible (depends on location of PTVs) • Brainstem: 54Gy max dose (typically <40Gy)(try for <30Gy to posterior portion) • Brain: Tight 54Gy gradient • Parotids: <26Gy mean dose • Cochlea: <35Gy max dose (<30Gy, if possible) Note: These are the maximum dose limits, you should look to achieve below these constraints Dose Constraints • • • • • • • Optic Chiasm & Optic Nerves: <54Gy max dose Mandible: <70 max dose, no hot spots of > 105% Oral cavity: ALARA Larynx: ALARA Esophagus: ALARA Posterior Neck: <35Gy (try to control the 30 Gy) Lens < 5Gy or <10 Gy if they are close to the target Note: These are the maximum dose limits, you should look to achieve below these constraints Images of completed plan - Tight gradient on the parotids with good coverage to the targets.
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