PROPOSED GOVERNOR’S MANSION FOR THE MERU COUNTY AT MERU CONTRACT REF: MCG/ONT/002/2014-2015 ____________________ BILL OF QUANTITIES ARCHITECTS STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS K&M Archplans P. O. Box 76240 - 00508 NAIROBI Xenocon Consulting Engineers P. O. Box 59385 - 00200 NAIROBI QUANTITY SURVEYORS Constingconsult Ltd P. O. Box 51509 - 00200 NAIROBI FEBRUARY 2015 SERVICES ENGINEERS Mecoy Consultants Ltd P. O. Box 53086 - 00200 NAIROBI TENDER DOCUMENTS AND BILLS OF QUANTITIES Consisting of From To 1. Signature Page iii iii 2. Form of Tender iv v 3. Tender Bond vi vi 4. Instruction to tenderers IT/0 IT/5 5. Pre/Post qualification Forms TQ/0 PGB/2 Conditions of Contract CC/1 CC/23 Appendix to Conditions of Contract ACC/1 ACC/3 Spec/0 Spec/64 6. Section 1 7. Section 2 Trade Preambles and Specifications 8. Section 3 BILLS OF QUANTITIES (i) Preliminaries 1/0 1/29 (ii) Main House 2/0 2/26 (iii) Servant Quarters 3/0 3/17 (iv) Changing Rooms 4/0 4/14 (v) Ablution Block 5/0 5/12 (vi) External Works 6/0 6/13 (vii) P.C & Provisional Sums 7/0 7/2 (viii) Summary Summary Page Appendix – List of Drawings ii TENDER FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF THE PROPOSED GOVERNOR’S MANSION FOR MERU COUNTY IN MERU BILLS OF QUANTITIES Prepared as part of the Contract Documents for the Proposed Mansion for the Governor of Meru County. Prepared by Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors & Project Managers P. O Box 51509 – 00200 NAIROBI The Contract for the aforementioned works entered into on the …………… day of ………………… 2015 by the undersigned parties refers to these Bills of Quantities consisting of those pages numbered on page ii and the drawings attached which shall be read and construed as part of the said contract. ………………………………………… (Contractor) ………………………………………… (Date) …………………………………………. (Employer) …………………………………………. (Date) iii The County Secretary Meru County P O Box 120 - 60200 MERU FORM OF TENDER TENDER FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF THE PROPOSED GOVERNOR’S MANSION FOR MERU COUNTY IN MERU I/We, the undersigned, having read the drawings, conditions of contract, conditions of tendering, the specification and the Bills of Quantities delivered to me/us do offer to construct fully, complete and maintain the whole of the works described for the sum of Kenya Shillings (in Words) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …… (Kshs ……………………………………………..) I / We, further agree to deliver the whole of the works compete within the contract period of ………………………………………….. ( ……………..) Calendar Weeks. Further, I/We agree if our tender is accepted, to provide a Performance Bond to the Meru County Government of Kenya shillings (In words). ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …… (Kshs. …………………………………) being 10% of our tender sum, within 14 days of the letter of acceptance and within validity period of the Tender Bond. Further, I/We, agree to provide all the necessary insurance policies described within 14 days of the later of acceptance and within validity period of the Tender Bond. I/We agree to be bound by this tender for a period of ninety (90) days from the date for submission of tenders. I/We agree to enter into a contract with the Meru County, on the basis of these Bills of Quantities, Conditions of Tendering, Drawings and the Agreement and Conditions of Contract. I/We agree that until a formal agreement is prepared and executed, this tender, together with your written acceptance hereof, shall constitute a binding contract between us and the Meru County. iv I/We understand that Meru County is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender and that no expense incurred by me/us in the preparation of this tender will be allowed. Name of Tenderer ……………………………………………………………………………………….. Address ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Name of Authorized Representative …………………………………………………………………….. Signature ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Date ……………………………………………………………………………………………………... Occupation ………………………………………………………………………………………………. v TENDER BOND The County Secretary Meru County P O Box 120 - 60200 MERU TENDER FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF THE PROPOSED GOVERNOR’S MANSION FOR MERU COUNTY IN MERU We ……………………………………………………………………………….. (surety) Registered in Kenya at the following address ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… are bound to Meru County for the payment of Kenya Shillings Two Hundred thousand only (200,000) The Conditions of this Bond are such that if …………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………. (Tenderer) keep this tender dated ………………………………………………..valid for fifteen (15) weeks from …………………………………………………………….and execute the formal Contract Agreement in accordance with the instructions to tenderers and produce the Performance Bond satisfactorily in all respects to The Meru County, then the written Bond is to be void otherwise tender bond to be forfeited. ………………………………………………… SURETY ………………………………………… WITNESS Address ……………………………………….. Address………………………………… …………………………………………………. ………………………………………….. Date ……………………………………………. Date ……………………………………. vi SECTION ONE (1) INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS Proposed Governor’s Mansion For Meru County INSTRUCTION TO TENDERERS The Tenderer is to read carefully the instructions set out below and no claim will be entertained on the grounds of failure to read or comply with the instructions nor for any alleged mis-understanding of their import. 1. Currency The following Bills of Quantities and Form of Tender are to be priced in Kenya shillings. 2. Tender documents a) All documents relating to the tender and any correspondence shall be in English language b) A complete set of the tender documents shall consist of the following; i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Instructions to Tenderers Form of Tender Articles of Agreement and Conditions of Contract Bills of Quantities Contract Drawings – listed in the Appendix Any other materials required to be completed and submitted c) A complete set of tender documents may be examined by appointment during normal working hours throughout the tender period at the offices of the Architects/Engineer/QS. d) It is the Tenderer’s responsibility to examine carefully the whole of the tender documents and to satisfy himself that the documents are complete and NO claim whatsoever will be entertained on the grounds that the Tenderer failed to see any of the documents. e) Any Tenderer requiring any clarification of tender documents may notify the Employer in writing. The Employer, will only respond to requests for clarifications received earlier than seven (7) days prior to deadline for submission of tenders. Copies of any Employers clarification shall be sent to all Tenderers. 3 Information and Documents to be submitted by Tenderers If required during examination and evaluation of tenders, the tenderer shall submit the following information and documents to the Architect:- a) Copies of documents defining the legal status, place of registration and principal place of business. b) Statement of experience in works of similar nature and size undertaken in the last five years listing and giving name of project, value of project and Client. c) A listing of projects currently committed to stating the value and Client. SECTION 1 Instruction to tenderers IT/1 Proposed Governor’s Mansion For Meru County d) Listing of major items of Construction Plant and Equipment proposed to be used to under take the project e) Listing of key management and Technical personnel proposed for project stating their qualification and experience and an undertaking they will be available f) Reports on the financial standing of the tenderer. g) Evidence of adequacy of working capital for this contract stating cash in hand and lines of credit with supporting documents 4 Tender Information a) It is the Tenderer’s responsibility to obtain all the information he requires to arrive at his tender price and no claim for alteration of the tender amount will be entertained on the grounds of failure to obtain accurate information or of any alleged misinterpretation, misinformation or any verbal or written instruction or promise given by the employer or his representative other than what is allowed for in the tender documents. b) Should there be any doubt or obscurity as to the meaning of any of the tender document, or as to anything to be done or not to be done by the Contractor, or as to these instructions, or as to any other matter or things pertaining to the Contract, the Tenderer must submit such doubt or obscurity in writing to the office of the project Architects not later than one week before the date fixed for delivery of the tender to facilitate the issue of a circular letter to all tenderers clarifying or amending any item. c) Same as above, no alterations whatsoever may be made in any of the tender documents. If any such alterations are made or if the Bills of Quantities and/ or Details of Tender are incomplete or improperly filled in, the tender may be invalidated. The tenderer should also confirm with the Architect any specifications that he may deem not clear. d) Before the deadline for submission of tenders, the Employer may modify the tendering documents by issuing addenda. Any addendum thus issued shall be part of the tendering documents and shall be communicated in writing or by email to all tenderers. Prospective tenderers shall acknowledge receipt of each addendum in writing to the Quantity Surveyor. 5 Pricing The rates and prices set down by the Tenderer against the items in the Bills of Quantities are to be the full inclusive value of the finished work described there under and are to include for profit and all obligations and liabilities of every kind which under the contract are to be borne by the contractor. The Tenderer’s attention is drawn to the section in which provision is made for the pricing of the Contractor’s general obligations. Any item or items not priced either in this section or elsewhere in the Bills of Quantities will be deemed to have been allowed for in the prices inserted against other items in the Bills of Quantities. The tenderer shall fill rates for all items of the works described in the Bills of Quantities. The rates inserted against item shall be deemed to include all costs involved in complying with specifications requirements. SECTION 1 Instruction to tenderers IT/2 Proposed Governor’s Mansion For Meru County 6. Assignment and Sub-letting The Tenderer’s attention is drawn to the clauses in the Conditions of Contract which prohibits the assignment or sub-letting of the whole or any portion of the Work without the prior consent in writing of the Employer or their representative. The tenderer shall submit with his tender a list of all portions of the work he proposes to sublet, with particulars ( as far as possible) of the sub-contractors he proposes to employ, but the acceptance of his tender shall not be regarded as implying in an way approval of his proposal for sub-letting. 7. Canvassing Any form of canvassing is strictly prohibited. If a Tenderer makes any representation intended to influence the consideration of the tenders either directly or indirectly to any person officially concerned in the condition of the tender, his tender shall be disqualified. 8 Form of Tender a) The tender must be submitted on the form of Tender provided. The tender amount is to be inserted in words and figures in the space provided and all other black spaces elsewhere in the form of tender must be filled in with the information required. b) The Tenderer is asked to state the time he requires to complete the Contract and he must insert in words and number of weeks or months he requires. The time stated will be taken into account when deciding on the award of the Contract and will be incorporated in the Contract documents. c) The tender must be signed by the principal of the firm or by a person authorized for the purpose and the registered name and address of the Contractor must be printed in block letters or typed in space provided. No tender that is incompletely or improperly filled in will be considered. 9. Conditions of labour The Tenderer’s attention is drawn to the requirement in the conditions of Contract to comply with all regulations, rules or instructions concerning conditions and terms or employment of any class of employee. 10. List of PC items for which the Contractor desires to Tender If the Tenderer in the ordinary accurse of his business, undertakes work for which prime cost or provisional sums are included in the contract and he desires to tender for the same he must submit with his tender list of such items for which he desires to tender. 11. Tender Submission a) Tenders must be delivered in a plain envelope, properly sealed and with no external instructions or mark of identification other than the following title; “TENDER FOR THE PROPOSED GOVERNOR’S MANSION FOR MERU COUNTY’’ SECTION 1 Instruction to tenderers IT/3 Proposed Governor’s Mansion For Meru County b) Tenders shall be delivered to the Employer at the address specified not later than date specified in the invitation letter. Any tender received after the deadline specified shall be rejected. c) The envelope shall contain all other tender documents supplied to the Tenderers except for any drawings which are to be returned to the office from which they were issued. d) Tenders delivered after the time stated will not be considered. e) The date, place and time of submission shall be indicated in the letter of invitation to tender 12. Validity of Tender The tender shall remain a valid offer open for acceptance at any time up to Sixty (60) days from the date of submission unless previously withdrawn in writing by a letter to the Employer. 13. The Employer accepts no Obligations a) The Employer will not reimburse a Tenderer for any costs incurred in the preparation of the tender. b) The Employer does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any tender and will not assign any reason for the rejection of any tender. 14. Visit the Site The tenderer is strongly advised to visit the site to view and ascertain for himself the site conditions especially with regard to the existing structures adjacent properties, access to the site, the site levels and the general neighborhood. 15. Tender opening and evaluation (a) Tenders will be opened by the Employer in the presence of tenderers who wish to attend. The tender sum from each tenderer shall be recorded at the tender opening. b) To assist examination evaluation and comparison of tenders the Employer at his discretion may ask any tenderer for clarification of tender including breakdown of unit rates. c) Information relating to the examination and evaluation of tenders and recommendations shall not be disclosed to tenderers 16. Correction of Errors Arithmetic errors will be corrected as follows: (a) SECTION 1 Instruction to tenderers where there is a discrepancy between the amount in figures and the amount in words, the amount in words will prevail; and IT/4 Proposed Governor’s Mansion For Meru County 17. 18. (b) where there is a discrepancy between the unit rate and the line item total resulting from multiplying the unit rate by the quantity, the unit rate as quoted will prevail, unless there is an obvious typographical error, in which case the adjustment will be made to the entry containing that error. (c) In the event of a discrepancy between the tender amount as stated in the Form of Tender and the corrected tender figure in the main summary of the Bill of Quantities, the amount as stated in the Form of Tender shall prevail. (d) The Error Correction Factor shall be computed by expressing the difference between the tender amount and the corrected tender sum as a percentage of the corrected Builder’s Work (i.e. Corrected tender sum less P.C. and Provisional Sums) (e) The Error Correction Factor shall be applied to all Builder’s Work (as a rebate or addition as the case may be) for the purposes of valuations for Interim Certificates and valuation of variations. Award of Contract (a) The Employer will award the Contract to the tenderer whose tender has been considered to be substantially responsive. (b) The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any tender and to cancel the tender process and reject all tenders any time, prior to award of contract without thereby incurring liability. (c) The tenderer whose tender has been accepted will be notified of the award in writing through a “Letter of Acceptance.” Tender submission, Evaluation and Award to be confidential The whole process of tender submission, query clarification, evaluation, examination award etc. shall be confidential SECTION 1 Instruction to tenderers IT/5 Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County PRE/POST QUALIFICATIONS i) Tender Questionnaire TQ/1 ii) Qualification Information QI – QI-4 iii) Confidential Business Questionnaire BQ/1 – BQ2 iv) Form of Tender Security TS/1 – TS/2 v) Performance Bank Guarantee PBG/1 – PBG/2 Constingconsult Ltd Consulting Quantity Surveyors and Project Managers Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County TENDER QUESTIONNAIRE Please fill in block letters. 1. Full names of tenderer; ………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………... 2. Full address of tenderer to which tender correspondence is to be sent (unless an agent has been appointed below); ……………………………………………………………………………………... ……………………………………………………………………………….…….. 3. Telephone number (s) of tenderer; ……………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………... 4. Telex of tenderer; ………………………………………………………..……… ……………………………………………………………………………………... 5. Name of tenderer’s representative to be contacted on matters of the tender during the tender period; ……………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………... 6. Details of tenderer’s nominated agent (if any) to receive tender notices. This is essential if the tenderer does not have his registered address in Kenya (name, address, telephone, telex); …………………..……………………….… …………………………………………………………………………………..…... …………………………………………………………………………….………… _______________________ Signature of Tenderer Make copy and deliver to: THE COUNTY SECRETARY MERU COUNTY P. O. Box 120 - 60200 MERU TQ/ 1 Constingconsult Ltd Consulting Quantity Surveyors and Project Managers Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County QUALIFICATION INFORMATION IMPORTANT NOTES 1. Tenderers are advised to refer to the instructions to tenderers section before preparing the qualification information. 2. The tables appearing below are samples. Tenderer should prepare their own table using a word processor (computer) and fill in all the required information. Hand filled forms will not be accepted. 3. “Certified copies” means certified by a High Court Advocate and Commissioner for Oaths. 4. Tenderers must be registered companies incorporated in Kenya under the companies act CAP 486. 1. Individual Tenderers or Individual Members of Joint Ventures 1.1 Constitution or legal status of tenderer (attach copies or Incorporation Certificate, PIN and VAT certificates); Place of registration: ____________________________________ Principal place of business _______________________________ Power of attorney of signatory of tender ____________________ 1.2 Total annual volume of construction work performed in the last five years Year Volume Currency 1.3 Value Work performed as Main Contractor on works of a similar nature and volume over the last five years. Also list details of ongoing projects, including expected completion date. Project Name Name of client and contact of person Type of work Value Note: Tenderer to attach certified copies of completion certificates (completed projects) and award letters (ongoing projects). Refer to clause 1.7 (b) of instructions to tenderers. QI/1 Constingconsult Ltd Consulting Quantity Surveyors and Project Managers Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County 1.4 For the projects given in 1.3 above give further information as follows:Project Name 1.5 Initial contract period (weeks) Actual Completion time (weeks) For the projects given in 1.3 above give further information as follows:Project Name 1.6 Lead Consultant Initial Contract Sum (Kshs.) Final Account Sum (Kshs.) Variations Value Major items of Contractor’s Equipment proposed for carrying out the Works. List all information requested below. Refer also to Clause 1.7 (c) of the Instructions to Tenderers. Item of Equipment Description, Make and age (years) Condition(new, good, poor) and number available State whether owned or leased Note: For owned equipment attach certified copies of proof of ownership e.g. logbooks. For leased, attach copies of lease agreements. 1.7 Qualifications and experience of key personnel proposed for administration and execution of the Contract. Attach Curriculum Vitaes (CV’s). Refer also to clause 1.5 (e) of the Instructions to Tenderers and Clause 9.1 of the Conditions of Contract. Position Name QI/2 Qualifications Years of experience in proposed position Constingconsult Ltd Consulting Quantity Surveyors and Project Managers Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County 1.8 Proposed subcontracts and firms involved. Refer to Clause 7.1 of the Conditions of Contract. Sections of the Works Value of Subcontract Subcontractor (name and address) Years of experience in Similar work Note: Subcontractors must be class E or above (Ministry of Public Works) and registered with other relevant Government ministries and public authorities. Attach certified copies of certificates. 1.9 Financial reports for the last five years: balance sheets, profit and loss statements, auditor’s reports, etc. List below and attach copies. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Note: Audited accounts must be signed and stamped by at least 2 company directors and audited by a registered certified accountant. 1.10 Evidence of access to financial resources to meet the qualification requirements: cash in hand, lines of credit, etc. List below and attach certified copies of supportive documents. All documents must be signed and stamped by the directors of the institutions providing the financial facilities ____________________________________________________________ 1.11 Name, address and telephone, email and facsimile numbers of banks that may provide reference if contacted by the Employer. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 1.12 Statement of compliance with the requirements of Clause 1.2 of the Instructions to Tenderers. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 1.13 Proposed program (work method and schedule) in compliance with requirements Tender Documents 1.14 Bank Statements. Provide certified copies of bank statements from your official bankers for the last 6 months. 1.15 Tax compliance certificate. Provide certified copy of your up to date valid tax compliance certificate from Kenya Revenue authority. QI/3 Constingconsult Ltd Consulting Quantity Surveyors and Project Managers Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County 1.16 NHIF & NSSF compliance certificates. Provide certified copies of your up to date valid remittance receipts, or compliance certificate from NHIF and NSSF. 1.17 Litigation: List of disputes Name of Contract Type of resolution method Date of dispute Date of settlement Amount in dispute 1.18 Details of company ownership; provide copies of the following: Memorandum of Association Articles of Association List of Directors and their Curriculum Vitaes (CVs) 1.19 Attach copy of current business permit 1.20 Attach copies of Ministry of Public Works registration certificate and any others from different registration authorities and government ministries and institutions. 2 Joint Ventures 2.1 The information listed in 1.1 – 1.10 above shall be provided for each partner of the joint venture. 2.2 The information required in 1.11 above shall be provided for the joint venture. 2.3 Attach the power of attorney of the signatory(ies) of the tender authorizing signature of the tender on behalf of the joint venture 2.4 Attach the Agreement among all partners of the joint venture (and which is legally binding on all partners), which shows that: a) all partners shall be jointly and severally liable for the execution of the Contract in accordance with the Contract terms; b) one of the partners will be nominated as being in charge, authorized to incur liabilities and receive instructions for and on behalf of any and all partners of the joint venture; and c) the execution of the entire Contract, including payment, shall be done exclusively with the partner in charge. QI/4 Constingconsult Ltd Consulting Quantity Surveyors and Project Managers Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS QUESTIONNAIRE Note: Tenderers must be registered companies incorporated in Kenya under the companies Act CAP 486. You are requested to give the particulars indicated in Part 1 and either Part 2 (a), 2 (b) or 2 (b) OR 2 (c) and 2 (d) whichever applies to your type of business. You are advised that it is a serious offence to give false information on this Form. Part 1 – General Business Name ……………………………………………………………………… Location of business premises; Country/Town…………………………..…. Plot No……………………………………… Street/Road ……………………….… Postal Address……………………………… Tel No……………………………….. Nature of Business……………………………………………………………..…….. Current Trade License No…………………… Expiring date …………………… Maximum value of business which you can handle at any time: K. pound …….. Name of your bankers……………………………………………….……………… Branch………………………………………………………………………………… Part 2 (a) – Sole Proprietor Your name in full…………………………………… Age………………………… Nationality………………………………… Country of Origin…………….……… Citizenship details ………………………………………………………………… BQ/1 Constingconsult Ltd Consulting Quantity Surveyors and Project Managers Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County Part 2 (b) – Partnership Give details of partners as follows: Name in full Nationality Citizenship Details Shares 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Part 2 (c) - Registered Company Private or public …………………………………………………………………………… State the nominal and issued capital of the company Nominal K£ ………………………………………….. Issued K£ ……………………………………………. Give details of all directors as follows:Name in full Nationality Citizenship Details Shares 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Part 2 (d) – Interest in the Firm: Is there any person / persons in ----------------- Kenya in general who has interest in this firm? Yes / No ………………………………….. (Delete as necessary). I certify that the above information is correct. …………………………….. (Title) * ……………………………… (Signature) …………………………….. (Date) Attach proof of citizenship BQ/2 Constingconsult Ltd Consulting Quantity Surveyors and Project Managers Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County FORM OF TENDER SECURITY (From an approved Commercial Bank) BANK GUARANTEE: (See Clause 3.7 of Instructions to Tenderers) The County Secretary Meru County P. O. Box 120 - 60200 MERU THE PROPOSED GOVERNOR’S MANSION FOR THE MERU COUNTY AT MERU WHEREAS …………………………………………………………………………..……….. (hereinafter called “the Tenderer”) has submitted his tender dated ………………… for the construction of THE PROPOSED GOVERNOR’S MANSION FOR THE MERU COUNTY AT MERU KNOW ALL PEOPLE by these presents that WE ………………………...……………… having our registered office at …………………………………………… (hereinafter called “the Bank”), are bound unto The County Secretary, Meru County P. O. Box 120 - 60200 Meru (hereinafter called “the Employer”) in the sum of Kshs. --------------------------------------- for which payment well and truly to be made to the said Employer, the Bank binds itself, its successors and assigns by these presents, sealed with the Common Seal of the said Bank this ………………….……. Day of ……………….………… 20 …………………… THE CONDITIONS of this obligation are: 1. If after tender opening the Tenderer withdraws his tender during the period of tender validity specified in the instructions to tenderers Or 2. If the Tenderer, having been notified of the acceptance of his tender by the Employer during the period of tender validity: (a) (b) fails or refuses to execute the form of Agreement in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers, if required; or fails or refuses to furnish the Performance Security, in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers; We undertake to pay to the Employer up to the above amount upon receipt of his first written demand, without the Employer having to substantiate his demand, provided that in his demand the Employer will note that the amount claimed by him is due to him, owing to the occurrence of one or both of the two conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions. TS/1 Constingconsult Ltd Consulting Quantity Surveyors and Project Managers Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County This guarantee will remain in force up to and including thirty (30) days after the period of tender validity, and any demand in respect thereof should reach the Bank not later than the said date. _____________________________ ___________________________ [Date] [Signature of the Bank] _____________________________ _____________________________ [Witness] [Seal] TS/2 Constingconsult Ltd Consulting Quantity Surveyors and Project Managers Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE The County Secretary Meru County P. O. Box 120 - 60200 MERU Dear Sir, WHEREAS _____________________________ (hereinafter called the Contractor) has undertaken, in pursuance of Contract No. ______________ dated _____________ to execute THE PROPOSED GOVERNOR’S MANSION FOR THE MERU COUNTY AT MERU (hereinafter called the works); AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the Contractor shall furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by a recognized bank for the sum specified therein as security for compliance with his obligations in accordance with the Contract; AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Contractor such a Bank Guarantee: NOW THEREFORE we hereby affirm that we are the Guarantor and responsible to you, on behalf of the Contractor, up to a total of Kshs. _____________________________ (amount of Guarantee in figures) Kenya shillings _____________________________________________________ (amount of Guarantee in words), and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limits of Kenya shillings ________________________________________________________________( amount of Guarantee in words) as aforesaid without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand for the sum specified therein. We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the Contractor before presenting us with the demand. We further agree that no change, addition or other modification of the terms of the Contract or of the works to be performed there under or of any of the Contract documents which may be made between you and the Contractor shall in any way release us from liability under this Guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any change, additions, or modification. PBG/1 Consting-Consult Consulting Quantity Surveyors and Project Managers Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County This guarantee shall be valid until the date of issue of the Certificate of Completion. SIGNATURE AND SEAL OF THE GUARANTOR _____________________________ __________________________ Name of Bank __________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________ Date___________________________________________________________________ PBG/2 Consting-Consult Consulting Quantity Surveyors and Project Managers Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1 Table of Contents Definitions ………………………………………………… 3-5 2 Interpretation……………………………………………… 5 -6 3 Language and Law ………………………………………… 6 4 Project Manager’s Decisions……………………………… 6 5 Delegation………………………………………………… 6 6 Communications ………………………………………… 6 7 Sub Contracting ………………………………………… 6 8 Other Contractors ……………………………………… 6 9 Personnel ………………………………………………… 6-7 10 Works……………………………………………………… 7 11 Safety and temporary works ……………………………… 7 12 Discoveries ………………………………………………… 7 13 Work Programme ………………………………………… 7-8 14 Possession of site ………………………………………… 8 15 Access to site …………………………………………… 8 16 Instructions ……………………………………………… 8 17 Extension or Acceleration of completion date ………… 8-9 18 Management Meetings ………………………………… 9 19 Early Warning …………………………………………… 9 20 Defects …………………………………………………… 9 -10 21 Bills of Quantities ………………………………………… 10 22 Variations ………………………………………………… 10-11 23 Payment certificates, currency of payments and Advance Payments ……………………………………… 11-13 24 Compensation events …………………………………… 13 - 15 25 Price Adjustment ………………………………………… 15 - 16 26 Retention ………………………………………………… 16 27 Liquidated Damages……………………………………… 16-17 Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County 28 Securities ………………………………………………… 17 29 Day Works ……………………………………………… 17 30 Liability and Insurance …………………………………… 17 - 19 31 Completion and taking over ……………………………… 19 32 Final Account …………………………………………… 19 33 Termination ……………………………………………… 19 - 20 34 Payment upon termination ………………………………… 20-21 35 Release from performance ………………………………… 36 Corrupt gifts and payments of commission ………………21 -22 37 Settlement of Disputes ……………………………………… 22-23 SECTION 2 Conditions of Contract CC/2 21 Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1. Definitions 1.1 In this Contract, except where context otherwise requires, the following terms shall be interpreted as indicated; “Bill of Quantities” means the priced and completed Bill of Quantities forming part of the tender. “Compensation Events” are those defined in Clause 24 hereunder. “The Completion Date” means the date of completion of the Works as certified by the Project Manager, in accordance with Clause 31. “The Contract” means the agreement entered into between the Employer and the Contractor as recorded in the Agreement Form and signed by the parties including all attachments and appendices thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein to execute, complete, and maintain the Works, “The Contractor” refers to the person or corporate body whose tender to carry out the Works has been accepted by the Employer. “The Contractor’s Tender” is the completed tendering document submitted by the Contractor to the Employer. “The Contract Price” is the price stated in the Letter of Acceptance and thereafter as adjusted in accordance with the provisions of the Contract. “Days” are calendar days; “Months” are calendar months. “A Defect” is any part of the Works not completed in accordance with the Contract. “The Defects Liability Certificate” is the certificate issued by Project Manager upon correction of defects by the Contractor. “The Defects Liability Period” is the period named in the Contract Data and calculated from the Completion Date. “Drawings” include calculations and other information provided or approved by the Project Manager for the execution of the Contract. SECTION 2 Conditions of Contract CC/3 Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County “Dayworks” are Work inputs subject to payment on a time basis for labour and the associated materials and plant. “Employer”, or the “Procuring entity” as defined in the Public Procurement Regulations (i.e. National or County Government administration, Universities, Public Institutions and Corporations, etc) is the party who employs the Contractor to carry out the Works. “Equipment” is the Contractor’s machinery and vehicles brought temporarily to the Site for the execution of the Works. “The Intended Completion Date” is the date on which it is intended that the Contractor shall complete the Works. The Intended Completion Date may be revised only by the Project Manager by issuing an extension of time or an acceleration order. “Materials” are all supplies, including consumables, used by the Contractor for incorporation in the Works. “Plant” is any integral part of the Works that shall have a mechanical, electrical, chemical, or biological function. “Project Manager” is the person named in the Appendix to Conditions of Contract (or any other competent person appointed by the Employer and notified to the Contractor, to act in replacement of the Project Manager) who is responsible for supervising the execution of the Works and administering the Contract and shall be an “Architect” or a “Quantity Surveyor” registered under the Architects and Quantity Surveyors Act Cap 525 or an “Engineer” registered under Engineers Registration Act Cap 530. “Site” is the area defined as such in the Appendix to Condition of Contract. “Site Investigation Reports” are those reports that may be included in the tendering documents which are factual and interpretative about the surface and subsurface conditions at the Site. “Specifications” means the Specifications of the Works included in the Contract and any modification or addition made or approved by the Project Manager. “Start Date” is the latest date when the Contractor shall commence execution of the Works. It does not necessarily coincide with the Site possession date(s). SECTION 2 Conditions of Contract CC/4 Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County “A Subcontractor” is a person or corporate body who has a Contract with the Contractor to carry out a part of the Work in the Contract, which includes Work on the Site. “Temporary works” are works designed, constructed, installed, and removed by the Contractor which are needed for construction or installation of the Works. “A Variation” is an instruction given by the Project Manager which varies the Works. “The Works” are what the Contract requires the Contractor to construct, install, and turnover to the Employer, as defined in the Appendix to Conditions of Contract. 2. Interpretation 2.1 In interpreting these Conditions of Contract, singular also means plural, male also means female or neuter, and the other way around. Headings have no significance. Words have their normal meaning in English Language unless specifically defined. The Project Manager will provide instructions clarifying queries about these Conditions of Contract. 2.2 If sectional completion is specified in the Appendix to Conditions of Contract, reference in the Conditions of Contract to the Works, the Completion Date and the Intended Completion Date apply to any section of the Works (other than references to the Intended Completion Date for the whole of the Works). 2.3 The following documents shall constitute the Contract documents and shall be interpreted in the following order of priority; (1) Agreement, (2) Letter of Acceptance, (3) Contractor’s Tender, (4) Appendix to Conditions of Contract, (5) Conditions of Contract, (6) Specifications, (7) Drawings, (8) Bill of Quantities, SECTION 2 Conditions of Contract CC/5 Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County (9) Any other documents listed in the Appendix to Conditions of Contract as forming part of the Contract. Immediately after the execution of the Contract, the Project Manager shall furnish both the Employer and the Contractor with two copies each of all the Contract documents. Further, as and when necessary the Project Manager shall furnish the Contractor [always with a copy to the Employer] with three [3] copies of such further drawings or details or descriptive schedules as are reasonably necessary either to explain or amplify the Contract drawings or to enable the Contractor to carry out and complete the Works in accordance with these Conditions. 3. Language and Law 3.1 Language of the Contract and the law governing the Contract shall be English language and the Laws of Kenya respectively unless otherwise stated. 4 Project Manager’s Decisions 4.1 Except where otherwise specifically stated, the Project Manager will decide contractual matters between the Employer and the Contractor in the role representing the Employer. 5 Delegation 5.1 The Project Manager may delegate any of his duties and responsibilities to others after notifying the Contractor. 6 Communications 6.1 Communication between parties shall be effective only when in writing. notice shall be effective only when it is delivered. A 7 Subcontracting 7.1 The Contractor may subcontract with the approval of the Project Manager, but may not assign the Contract without the approval of the Employer in writing. Subcontracting shall not alter the Contractor’s obligations. 8 Other Contractors 8.1 The Contractor shall cooperate and share the Site with other contractors, public authorities, utilities etc. as listed in the Appendix to Conditions of Contract and also with the Employer, as per the directions of the Project Manager. The Contractor shall also provide facilities and services for them. SECTION 2 Conditions of Contract CC/6 Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County The Employer may modify the said List of Other Contractors etc., and shall notify the Contractor of any such modification. 9 Personnel 9.1 The Contractor shall employ the key personnel named in the Qualification Information, to carry out the functions stated in the said Information or other personnel approved by the Project Manager. The Project Manager will approve any proposed replacement of key personnel only if their relevant qualifications and abilities are substantially equal to or better than those of the personnel listed in the Qualification Information. If the Project Manager asks the Contractor to remove a person who is a member of the Contractor’s staff or work force, stating the reasons, the Contractor shall ensure that the person leaves the Site within seven days and has no further connection with the Work in the Contract. 10 Works 10.1 The Contractor shall construct and install the Works in accordance with the Specifications and Drawings. The Works may commence on the Start Date and shall be carried out in accordance with the Program submitted by the Contractor, as updated with the approval of the Project Manager, and complete them by the Intended Completion Date. 11 Safety and Temporary Works 11.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for the design of temporary works. However before erecting the same, he shall submit his designs including specifications and drawings to the Project Manager and to any other relevant third parties for their approval. No erection of temporary works shall be done until such approvals are obtained. 11.2 The Project Manager’s approval shall not alter the Contractor’s responsibility for design of the Temporary works and all drawings prepared by the Contractor for the execution of the temporary or permanent Works, shall be subject to prior approval by the Project Manager before they can be used. 11.3 The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety of all activities on the Site. 12. Discoveries 12.1 Anything of historical or other interest or of significant value unexpectedly discovered on Site shall be the property of the Employer. The Contractor shall notify the Project Manager of such discoveries and carry out the Project Manager’s instructions for dealing with them. SECTION 2 Conditions of Contract CC/7 Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County 13. Work Program 13.1 Within the time stated in the Appendix to Conditions of Contract, the Contractor shall submit to the Project Manager for approval a program showing the general methods, arrangements, order, and timing for all the activities in the Works. An update of the program shall be a program showing the actual progress achieved on each activity and the effect of the progress achieved on the timing of the remaining Work, including any changes to the sequence of the activities. The Contractor shall submit to the Project Manager for approval an updated program at intervals no longer than the period stated in the Appendix to Conditions of Contract. If the Contractor does not submit an updated program within this period, the Project Manager may withhold the amount stated in the said Appendix from the next payment certificate and continue to withhold this amount until the next payment after the date on which the overdue program has been submitted. The Project Manager’s approval of the program shall not alter the Contractor’s obligations. The Contractor may revise the program and submit it to the Project Manager again at any time. A revised program shall show the effect of Variations and Compensation Events. 14. Possession of Site 14.1 The Employer shall give possession of all parts of the Site to the Contractor. If possession of a part is not given by the date stated in the Appendix to Conditions of Contract , the Employer will be deemed to have delayed the start of the relevant activities, and this will be a Compensation Event. 15. Access to Site 15.1 The Contractor shall allow the Project Manager and any other person authorized by the Project Manager, access to the Site and to any place where work in connection with the Contract is being carried out or is intended to be carried out. 16. Instructions 16.1 The Contractor shall carry out all instructions of the Project Manager which are in accordance with the Contract. 17. Extension or Acceleration of Completion Date 17.1 The Project Manager shall extend the Intended Completion Date if a Compensation Event occurs or a variation is issued which makes it impossible for completion to be achieved by the Intended Completion Date without the Contractor taking steps to accelerate the remaining Work, which would cause SECTION 2 Conditions of Contract CC/8 Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County the Contractor to incur additional cost. The Project Manager shall decide whether and by how much to extend the Intended Completion Date within 21 days of the Contractor asking the Project Manager in writing for a decision upon the effect of a Compensation Event or variation and submitting full supporting information. If the Contractor has failed to give early warning of a delay or has failed to cooperate in dealing with a delay, the delay caused by such failure shall not be considered in assessing the new (extended) Completion Date. 17.2 No bonus for early completion of the Works shall be paid to the Contractor by the Employer. 18. Management Meetings 18.1 A Contract management meeting shall be held monthly and attended by the Project Manager and the Contractor. Its business shall be to review the plans for the remaining Work and to deal with matters raised in accordance with the early warning procedure. The Project Manager shall record the minutes of management meetings and provide copies of the same to those attending the meeting and the Employer. The responsibility of the parties for actions to be taken shall be decided by the Project Manager either at the management meeting or after the management meeting and stated in writing to all who attended the meeting. 19. Early Warning 19.1 The Contractor shall warn the Project Manager at the earliest opportunity of specific likely future events or circumstances that may adversely affect the quality of the Work, increase the Contract Price or delay the execution of the Works. The Project Manager may require the Contractor to provide an estimate of the expected effect of the future event or circumstance on the Contract Price and Completion Date. The estimate shall be provided by the Contractor as soon as reasonably possible. 19.2 The Contractor shall cooperate with the Project Manager in making and considering proposals on how the effect of such an event or circumstance can be avoided or reduced by anyone involved in the Work and in carrying out any resulting instructions of the Project Manager. 20. Defects 20.1 The Project Manager shall inspect the Contractor’s work and notify the Contractor of any defects that are found. Such inspection shall not affect the Contractor’s responsibilities. The Project Manager may instruct the Contractor to search for a defect and to uncover and test any Work that the Project Manager considers may have a defect. Should the defect be found, the cost of uncovering and making good shall be borne by the Contractor, SECTION 2 Conditions of Contract CC/9 Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County However, if there is no defect found, the cost of uncovering and making good shall be treated as a variation and added to the Contract Price. 20.2 The Project Manager shall give notice to the Contractor of any defects before the end of the Defects Liability Period, which begins at Completion, and is defined in the Appendix to Conditions of Contract. The Defects Liability Period shall be extended for as long as defects remain to be corrected. 20.3 Every time notice of a defect is given, the Contractor shall correct the notified defect within the length of time specified by the Project Manager’s notice. If the Contractor has not corrected a defect within the time specified in the Project Manager’s notice, the Project Manager will assess the cost of having the defect corrected by other parties and such cost shall be treated as a variation and be deducted from the Contract Price. 21. Bills Of Quantities 21.1 The Bills of Quantities shall contain items for the construction, installation, testing and commissioning of the Work to be done by the Contractor. The Contractor will be paid for the quantity of the Work done at the rate in the Bills of Quantities for each item. 21.2 If the final quantity of the Work done differs from the quantity in the Bills of Quantities for the particular item by more than 25 percent and provided the change exceeds 1 percent of the Initial Contract price, the Project Manager shall adjust the rate to allow for the change. 21.3 If requested by the Project Manager, the Contractor shall provide the Project Manager with a detailed cost breakdown of any rate in the Bills of Quantities. 22. Variations 22.1 All variations shall be included in updated programs produced by the Contractor. 22.2 The Contractor shall provide the Project Manager with a quotation for carrying out the variations when requested to do so. The Project Manager shall assess the quotation, which shall be given within seven days of the request or within any longer period as may be stated by the Project Manager and before the Variation is ordered. 22.3 If the work in the variation corresponds with an item description in the Bills of Quantities and if in the opinion of the Project Manager, the quantity of work is not above the limit stated in Clause 21.2 or the timing of its execution does not cause the cost per unit of quantity to change, the rate in the Bills of Quantities shall be used to calculate the value of the variation. SECTION 2 Conditions of Contract CC/10 Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County If the cost per unit of quantity changes, or if the nature or timing of the work in the variation does not correspond with items in the Bills of Quantities, the quotation by the Contractor shall be in the form of new rates for the relevant items of Work. 22.4 If the Contractor’s quotation is unreasonable, the Project Manager may order the variation and make a change to the Contract price, which shall be based on the Project Manager’s own forecast of the effects of the variation on the Contractor’s costs. 22.5 If the Project Manager decides that the urgency of varying the Work would prevent a quotation being given and considered without delaying the Work, no quotation shall be given and the variation shall be treated as a Compensation Event. 22.6 The Contractor shall not be entitled to additional payment for costs that could have been avoided by giving early warning. 22.7 When the Program is updated, the Contractor shall provide the Project Manager with an updated cash flow forecast. 23. Payment Certificates, Currency of Payments and Advance Payments 23.1 The Contractor shall submit to the Project Manager monthly applications for payment giving sufficient details of the Work done and materials on Site and the amounts which the Contractor considers himself to be entitled to. The Project Manager shall check the monthly application and certify the amount to be paid to the Contractor within 14 days. The value of Work executed and payable shall be determined by the Project Manager. 23.2 The value of Work executed shall comprise the value of the quantities of the items in the Bills of Quantities completed, materials delivered on Site, variations and compensation events. Such materials shall become the property of the Employer once the Employer has paid the Contractor for their value . Thereafter, they shall not be removed from Site without the Project Manager’s instructions except for use upon the Works. 23.3 Payments shall be adjusted for deductions for retention. The Employer shall pay the Contractor the amounts certified by the Project Manager within 30 days of the date of issue of each certificate. If the Employer makes a late payment, the Contractor shall be paid simple interest on the late payment in the next payment. Interest shall be calculated on the basis of number of days delayed at a rate three percentage points above the Central Bank of Kenya’s average rate for base lending prevailing as of the first day the payment becomes overdue. SECTION 2 Conditions of Contract CC/11 Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County 23.4 If an amount certified is increased in a later certificate or as a result of an award by an Arbitrator, the Contractor shall be paid interest upon the delayed payment as set out in this clause. Interest shall be calculated from the date 23.5 upon which the increased amount would have been certified in the absence of dispute. 23.6 Items of the Works for which no rate or price has been entered in will not be paid for by the Employer and shall be deemed covered by other rates and prices in the Contract. 23.7 The Contract Price shall be stated in Kenya Shillings. All payments to the Contractor shall be made in Kenya Shillings and foreign currency in the proportion indicated in the tender, or agreed prior to the execution of the Contract Agreement and indicated therein. The rate of exchange for the calculation of the amount of foreign currency payment shall be the rate of exchange indicated in the Appendix to Conditions of Contract. If the Contractor indicated foreign currencies for payment other than the currencies of the countries of origin of related goods and services the Employer reserves the right to pay the equivalent at the time of payment in the currencies of the countries of such goods and services. The Employer and the Project Manager shall be notified promptly by the Contractor of an changes in the expected foreign currency requirements of the Contractor during the execution of the Works as indicated in the Schedule of Foreign Currency Requirements and the foreign and local currency portions of the balance of the Contract Price shall then be amended by agreement between Employer and the Contractor in order to reflect appropriately such changes. 23.7 In the event that an advance payment is granted, the following shall apply:a) On signature of the Contract, the Contractor shall at his request, and without furnishing proof of expenditure, be entitled to an advance of 10% (ten percent) of the original amount of the Contract. The advance shall not be subject to retention money. b) No advance payment may be made before the Contractor has submitted proof of the establishment of deposit or a directly liable guarantee satisfactory to the Employer in the amount of the advance payment. The guarantee shall be in the same currency as the advance. c) Reimbursement of the lump sum advance shall be made by deductions from the Interim payments and where applicable from the balance owing to the Contractor. Reimbursement shall begin when the amount of the sums due under the Contract reaches 20% of the original amount of the SECTION 2 Conditions of Contract CC/12 Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County Contract. It shall have been completed by the time 80% of this amount is reached. The amount to be repaid by way of successive deductions shall be calculated by means of the formula: R = A(x1 – x11) Where: d) 24. 80 – 20 R = the amount to be reimbursed A = the amount of the advance which has been granted X1 = the amount of proposed cumulative payments as a percentage of the original amount of the Contract. This figure will exceed 20% but not exceed 80%. X11 = the amount of the previous cumulative payments as a percentage of the original amount of the Contract. This figure will be below 80%but not less than 20%. with each reimbursement the counterpart of the directly liable guarantee may be reduced accordingly. Compensation Events 24.1 The following issues shall constitute Compensation Events: (a) The Employer does not give access to a part of the Site by the Site Possession Date stated in the Appendix to Conditions of Contract. (b) The Employer modifies the List of Other Contractors, etc., in a way that affects the Work of the Contractor under the Contract. (c) The Project Manager orders a delay or does not issue drawings, specifications or instructions required for execution of the Works on time. (d) The Project Manager instructs the Contractor to uncover or to carry out additional tests upon the Work, which is then found to have no defects. (e) The Project Manager unreasonably does not approve a subcontract to be let. SECTION 2 Conditions of Contract CC/13 Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County (f) Ground conditions are substantially more adverse than could reasonably have been assumed before issuance of the Letter of Acceptance from the information issued to tenderers (including the Site investigation reports), from information available publicly and from a visual inspection of the Site. (g) The Project Manager gives an instruction for dealing with an unforeseen condition, caused by the Employer or additional work required for safety or other reasons. (h) Other contractors, public authorities, utilities, or the Employer does not work within the dates and other constraints stated in the Contract, and they cause delay or extra cost to the Contractor. (i) The effects on the Contractor of any of the Employer’s risks. (j) The Project Manager unreasonably delays issuing a Certificate of Completion. (k) Other compensation events described in the Contract or determined by the Project Manager shall apply. 24.2 If a compensation event would cause additional cost or would prevent the Work being completed before the Intended Completion Date, the Contract Price shall be increased and/or the Intended Completion Date shall be extended. The Project Manager shall decide whether and by how much the Contract Price shall be increased and whether and by how much the Intended Completion Date shall be extended. 24.3 As soon as information demonstrating the effect of each compensation event upon the Contractor’s forecast cost has been provided by the Contractor, it shall be assessed by the Project Manager, and the Contract Price shall be adjusted accordingly. If the Contractor’s forecast is deemed unreasonable, the Project Manager shall adjust the Contract Price based on the Project Manager’s own forecast. The Project Manager will assume that the Contractor will react competently and promptly to the event. 24.4 The Contractor shall not be entitled to compensation to the extent that the Employer’s interests are adversely affected by the Contractor not having given early warning or not having co-operated with the Project Manager. 24.5 Prices shall be adjusted for fluctuations in the cost of inputs only if provided for in the Appendix to Conditions of Contract. SECTION 2 Conditions of Contract CC/14 Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County 24.6 The Contractor shall give written notice to the Project Manager of his intention to make a claim within thirty days after the event giving rise to the claim has first arisen. The claim shall be submitted within thirty days thereafter. Provided always that should the event giving rise to the claim of continuing effect, the Contractor shall submit an interim claim within the said thirty days and a final claim within thirty days of the end of the event giving rise to the claim. 25. Price Adjustment 25.1 The Project Manager shall adjust the Contract Price if taxes, duties and other levies are changed between the date 30 days before the submission of tenders for the Contract and the date of Completion. The adjustment shall be the change in the amount of tax payable by the Contractor. 25.2 The Contract Price shall be deemed to be based on exchange rates current at the date of tender submission in calculating the cost to the Contractor of materials to be specifically imported (by express provisions in the Contract Bills of Quantities or Specifications) for permanent incorporation in the Works. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, if at any time during the period of the Contract exchange rates shall be varied and this shall affect the cost to the Contractor of such materials, then the Project Manager shall assess the net difference in the cost of such materials. Any amount from time to time so assessed shall be added to or deducted from the Contract Price, as the case may be. 25.3 Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, the Contract Price shall be deemed to have been calculated in the manner set out below and in sub-clauses 25.4 and 25.5 and shall be subject to adjustment in the events specified thereunder; (i) The prices contained in the Contract Bills of Quantities shall be deemed to be based upon the rates of wages and other emoluments and expenses as determined by the Joint Building Council of Kenya (J.B.C.) and set out in the schedule of basic rates issued 30 days before the date for submission of tenders. A copy of the schedule used by the Contractor in his pricing shall be attached in the Appendix to Conditions of Contract. (ii) Upon J.B.C. determining that any of the said rates of wages or other emoluments and expenses are increased or decreased, then the Contract Price shall be increased or decreased by the amount assessed by the Project Manager based upon the difference, expressed as a percentage, between the rate set out in the schedule of basic rates issued 30 days before the date for submission of tenders and the rate published by the J.B.C. and applied to the quantum of labour SECTION 2 Conditions of Contract CC/15 Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County incorporated within the amount of Work remaining to be executed at the date of publication of such increase or decrease. (iii) No adjustment shall be made in respect of changes in the rates of wages and other emoluments and expenses which occur after the date of Completion except during such other period as may be granted as an extension of time under clause 17.0 of these Conditions. 25.4 The prices contained in the Contract Bills of Quantities shall be deemed to be based upon the basic prices of materials to be permanently incorporated in the Works as determined by the J.B.C. and set out in the schedule of basic rates issued 30 days before the date for submission of tenders. A copy of the schedule used by the Contractor in his pricing shall be attached in the Appendix to Conditions of Contract. 25.5 Upon the J.B.C. determining that any of the said basic prices are increased or decreased then the Contract Price shall be increased or decreased by the amount to be assessed by the Project Manager based upon the difference between the price set out in the schedule of basic rates issued 30 days before the date for submission of tenders and the rate published by the J.B.C. and applied to the quantum of the relevant materials which have not been taken into account in arriving at the amount of any interim certificate under clause 23 of these Conditions issued before the date of publication of such increase or decrease. 25.6 No adjustment shall be made in respect of changes in basic prices of materials which occur after the date for Completion except during such other period as may be granted as an extension of time under clause 17.0 of these Conditions. 25.7 The provisions of sub-clause 25.1 to 25.2 herein shall not apply in respect of any materials included in the schedule of basic rates. 26. Retention 26.1 The Employer shall retain from each payment due to the Contractor the proportion stated in the Appendix to Conditions of Contract until Completion of the whole of the Works. On Completion of the whole of the Works, half the total amount retained shall be repaid to the Contractor and the remaining half when the Defects Liability Period has passed and the Project Manager has certified that all defects notified to the Contractor before the end of this period have been corrected. SECTION 2 Conditions of Contract CC/16 Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County 27. Liquidated Damages 27.1 The Contractor shall pay liquidated damages to the Employer at the rate stated in the Appendix to Conditions of Contract for each day that the actual 27.2 Completion Date is later than the Intended Completion Date. The Employer may deduct liquidated damages from payments due to the Contractor. Payment of liquidated damages shall not alter the Contractor’s liabilities. 27.3 If the Intended Completion Date is extended after liquidated damages have been paid, the Project Manager shall correct any overpayment of liquidated damages by the Contractor by adjusting the next payment certificate. The Contractor shall be paid interest on the overpayment, calculated from the date of payment to the date of repayment, at the rate specified in Clause 23.30 28. Securities 28.1 The Performance Security shall be provided to the Employer no later than the date specified in the Letter of Acceptance and shall be issued in an amount and form and by a reputable bank acceptable to the Employer, and denominated in Kenya Shillings. The Performance Security shall be valid until a date 30 days beyond the date of issue of the Certificate of Completion. 29. Dayworks 29.1 If applicable, the Dayworks rates in the Contractor’s tender shall be used for small additional amounts of Work only when the Project Manager has given written instructions in advance for additional work to be paid for in that way. 29.2 All work to be paid for as Dayworks shall be recorded by the Contractor on Forms approved by the Project Manager. Each completed form shall be verified and signed by the Project Manager within two days of the Work being done. 29.3 The Contractor shall be paid for Dayworks subject to obtaining signed Dayworks forms. 30. Liability and Insurance 30.1 From the Start Date until the Defects Correction Certificate has been issued, the following are the Employer’s risks: (a) SECTION 2 Conditions of Contract The risk of personal injury, death or loss of or damage to property (excluding the Works, Plant, Materials and Equipment), which are due to; CC/17 Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County (b) (i) use or occupation of the Site by the Works or for the purpose of the Works, which is the unavoidable result of the Works, or (ii) negligence, breach of statutory duty or interference with any legal right by the Employer or by any person employed by or contracted to him except the Contractor. The risk of damage to the Works, Plant, Materials, and Equipment to the extent that it is due to a fault of the Employer or in Employer’s design, or due to war or radioactive contamination directly affecting the place where the Works are being executed. 30.2 From the Completion Date until the Defects Correction Certificate has been issued, the risk of loss of or damage to the Works, Plant, and Materials is the Employer’s risk except loss or damage due to; (a) a defect which existed on or before the Completion Date. (b) an event occurring before the Completion Date, which was not itself the Employer’s risk (c) the activities of the Contractor on the Site after the Completion Date. 30.3 From the Start Date until the Defects Correction Certificate has been issued, the risks of personal injury, death and loss of or damage to property (including, without limitation, the Works, Plant, Materials, and Equipment) which are not Employer’s risk are Contractor’s risks. The Contractor shall provide, in the joint names of the Employer and the Contractor, insurance cover from the Start Date to the end of the Defects Liability Period, in the amounts stated in the Appendix to Conditions of Contract for the following events; (a) loss of or damage to the Works, Plant, and Materials; (b) loss of or damage to Equipment; (c) loss of or damage to property (except the Works, Plant, Materials, and Equipment) in connection with the Contract, and (d) personal injury or death. 30.4 Policies and certificates for insurance shall be delivered by the Contractor to the Project Manager for the Project Manager’s approval before the Start Date. All such insurance shall provide for compensation required to rectify the loss or damage incurred. 30.5 If the Contractor does not provide any of the policies and certificates required, the Employer may effect the insurance which the Contractor should have provided and recover the premiums from payments otherwise due to the SECTION 2 Conditions of Contract CC/18 Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County Contractor or, if no payment is due, the payment of the premiums shall be a debt due. 30.6 Alterations to the terms of insurance shall not be made without the approval of the Project Manager. Both parties shall comply with any conditions of insurance policies. 31. Completion and taking over 31.1 Upon deciding that the Works are complete, the Contractor shall issue a written request to the Project Manager to issue a Certificate of Completion of the Works. The Employer shall take over the Site and the Works within seven [7] days of the Project Manager issuing a Certificate of Completion. 32. Final Account 32.1 The Contractor shall issue the Project Manager with a detailed account of the total amount that the Contractor considers payable to him by the Employer under the Contract before the end of the Defects Liability Period. The Project Manager shall issue a Defects Liability Certificate and certify any final payment that is due to the Contractor within 30 days of receiving the Contractor’s account if it is correct and complete. If it is not, the Project Manager shall issue within 30 days a schedule that states the scope of the corrections or additions that are necessary. If the final account is still unsatisfactory after it has been resubmitted, the Project Manager shall decide on the amount payable to the Contractor and issue a Payment Certificate. The Employer shall pay the Contractor the amount due in the Final Certificate within 60 days. 33. Termination 33.1 The Employer or the Contractor may terminate the Contract if the other party causes a fundamental breach of the Contract. These fundamental breaches of Contract shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following; (a) the Contractor stops work for 30 days when no stoppage of work is shown on the current program and the stoppage has not been authorized by the Project Manager; (b) the Project Manager instructs the Contractor to delay the progress of the Works, and the instruction is not withdrawn within 30 days; (c) the Contractor is declared bankrupt or goes into liquidation other than for a reconstruction or amalgamation; SECTION 2 Conditions of Contract CC/19 Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County (d) a payment certified by the Project Manager is not paid by the Employer to the Contractor within 30 days (for Interim Certificate) or 60 days (for Final Certificate)of issue. (e) the Project Manager gives notice that failure to correct a particular defect is a fundamental breach of Contract and the Contractor fails to correct it within a reasonable period of time determined by the Project Manager; (f) the Contractor does not maintain a security, which is required. 33.2 When either party to the Contract gives notice of a breach of Contract to the Project Manager for a cause other than those listed under Clause 33.1 above, the Project Manager shall decide whether the breach is fundamental or not. 33.3 Notwithstanding the above, the Employer may terminate the Contract for convenience. 33.4 If the Contract is terminated, the Contractor shall stop work immediately, make the Site safe and secure, and leave the Site as soon as reasonably possible. The Project Manager shall immediately thereafter arrange for a meeting for the purpose of taking record of the Works executed and materials, goods, equipment and temporary buildings on Site. 34. Payment Upon Termination 34.1 If the Contract is terminated because of a fundamental breach of Contract by the Contractor, the Project Manager shall issue a certificate for the value of the Work done and materials ordered and delivered to Site up to the date of the issue of the certificate. Additional liquidated damages shall not apply. If the total amount due to the Employer exceeds any payment due to the Contractor, the difference shall be a debt payable by the Contractor. 34.2 If the Contract is terminated for the Employer’s convenience or because of a fundamental breach of Contract by the Employer, the Project Manager shall issue a certificate for the value of the Work done, materials ordered, the reasonable cost of removal of equipment, repatriation of the Contractor’s personnel employed solely on the Works, and the Contractor’s costs of protecting and securing the Works. 34.3 The Employer may employ and pay other persons to carry out and complete the Works and to rectify any defects and may enter upon the Works and use all materials on the Site, plant, equipment and temporary works. SECTION 2 Conditions of Contract CC/20 Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County 34.4 The Contractor shall, during the execution or after the completion of the Works under this clause remove from the Site as and when required, within such reasonable time as the Project Manager may in writing specify, any temporary buildings, plant, machinery, appliances, goods or materials belonging to or hired by him, and in default the Employer may (without being responsible for any loss or damage) remove and sell any such property of the Contractor, holding the proceeds less all costs incurred to the credit of the Contractor. Until after completion of the Works under this clause the Employer shall not be bound by any other provision of this Contract to make any payment to the Contractor, but upon such completion as aforesaid and the verification within a reasonable time of the accounts therefore the Project Manager shall certify the amount of expenses properly incurred by the Employer and, if such amount added to the money paid to the Contractor before such determination exceeds the total amount which would have been payable on due completion in accordance with this Contract the difference shall be a debt payable to the Employer by the Contractor; and if the said amount added to the said money be less than the said total amount, the difference shall be a debt payable by the Employer to the Contractor. 35. Release from Performance 35.1 If the Contract is frustrated by the outbreak of war or by any other event entirely outside the control of either the Employer or the Contractor, the Project Manager shall certify that the Contract has been frustrated. The Contractor shall make the Site safe and stop Work as quickly as possible after receiving this certificate and shall be paid for all Work carried out before receiving it. 36. Corrupt gifts and payments of commission The Contractor shall not; (a) Offer or give or agree to give to any person in the service of the Employer any gift or consideration of any kind as an inducement or reward for doing or forbearing to do or for having done or forborne to do any act in relation to the obtaining or execution of this or any other Contract for the Employer or for showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavour to any person in relation to this or any other contract for the Employer. (b) Enter into this or any other contract with the Employer in connection with which commission has been paid or agreed to be paid by him or on his behalf SECTION 2 Conditions of Contract CC/21 Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County or to his knowledge, unless before the Contract is made particulars of any such commission and of the terms and conditions of any agreement for the payment thereof have been disclosed in writing to the Employer. Any breach of this Condition by the Contractor or by anyone employed by him or acting on his behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the Contractor) shall be an offence under the provisions of the Public Procurement Regulations issued under The Exchequer and Audit Act Cap 412 of the Laws of Kenya. 37. Settlement Of Disputes 37.1 In case any dispute or difference shall arise between the Employer or the Project Manager on his behalf and the Contractor, either during the progress or after the completion or termination of the Works, such dispute shall be notified in writing by either party to the other with a request to submit it to arbitration and to concur in the appointment of an Arbitrator within thirty days of the notice. The dispute shall be referred to the arbitration and final decision of a person to be agreed between the parties. Failing agreement to concur in the appointment of an Arbitrator, the Arbitrator shall be appointed by the Chairman or Vice Chairman of any of the following professional institutions; (i) Architectural Association of Kenya (ii) Institute of Quantity Surveyors of Kenya (iii) Association of Consulting Engineers of Kenya (iv) Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Kenya Branch) (v) Institution of Engineers of Kenya On the request of the applying party. The institution written to first by the aggrieved party shall take precedence over all other institutions. 37.2 The arbitration may be on the construction of this Contract or on any matter or thing of whatsoever nature arising thereunder or in connection therewith, including any matter or thing left by this Contract to the discretion of the Project Manager, or the withholding by the Project Manager of any certificate to which the Contractor may claim to be entitled to or the measurement and valuation referred to in clause 23.0 of these conditions, or the rights and liabilities of the parties subsequent to the termination of Contract. SECTION 2 Conditions of Contract CC/22 Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County 37.3 Provided that no arbitration proceedings shall be commenced on any dispute or difference where notice of a dispute or difference has not been given by the applying party within ninety days of the occurrence or discovery of the matter or issue giving rise to the dispute. 37.4 Notwithstanding the issue of a notice as stated above, the arbitration of such a dispute or difference shall not commence unless an attempt has in the first instance been made by the parties to settle such dispute or difference amicably with or without the assistance of third parties. Proof of such attempt shall be required. 37.5 Notwithstanding anything stated herein the following matters may be referred to arbitration before the practical completion of the Works or abandonment of the Works or termination of the Contract by either party: 37.5.1 The appointment of a replacement Project Manager upon the said person ceasing to act. 37.5.2 Whether or not the issue of an instruction by the Project Manager is empowered by these Conditions. 37.5.3 Whether or not a certificate has been improperly withheld or is not in accordance with these Conditions. 37.5.4 Any dispute or difference arising in respect of war risks or war damage. 37.6 All other matters shall only be referred to arbitration after the completion or alleged completion of the Works or termination or alleged termination of the Contract, unless the Employer and the Contractor agree otherwise in writing. 37.7 The Arbitrator shall, without prejudice to the generality of his powers, have powers to direct such measurements, computations, tests or valuations as may in his opinion be desirable in order to determine the rights of the parties and assess and award any sums which ought to have been the subject of or included in any certificate. 37.8 The Arbitrator shall, without prejudice to the generality of his powers, have powers to open up, review and revise any certificate, opinion, decision, requirement or notice and to determine all matters in dispute which shall be submitted to him in the same manner as if no such certificate, opinion, decision requirement or notice had been given. 37.9 The award of such Arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the parties. SECTION 2 Conditions of Contract CC/23 Proposed Governor’s Mansion, Meru County APPENDIX TO CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT THE EMPLOYER IS Name: MERU COUNTY Address: P. O. Box 120 - 60200 Name of Authorized Representative: ____________________________________________ Telephone: _______________________ Facsimile: ________________________ The Project Manager is Name: Address: Telephone: Facsimile: ________________________ The name (and identification number) of the Contract is THE PROPOSED GOVERNOR’S MANSION FOR THE MERU COUNTY AT MERU Contract Ref: MCG/ONT/002/2014-2015 The Works consist of an Executive Modern Mansion, Services installation and External Works The Start Date shall be to be agreed The Intended Completion Date for the whole of the Works shall be LEFT COMPETITIVE BUT SHALL NOT EXCEED 78 WEEKS. However, the Tenderer is required to determine and state their proposed time. The following documents also form part of the Contract: _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Appendix to Conditions of Contract ACC/1 The Contractor shall submit a revised program for the Works within FOURTEEN (14) days of delivery of the Letter of Acceptance. The Site Possession Date shall be AGREED The Site is located at MERU TOWN IN MERU and is defined in drawings nos._________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ The Defects Liability period is 180 days. Other Contractors, utilities etc., to be engaged by the Employer on the Site Include those for the execution of; 1.____________________________________________ 2.______________________________________________ 3._____________________________________________ 4._____________________________________________ The minimum insurance covers shall be; 1. The minimum cover for insurance of the Works and of Plant and Materials in respect of the Contractor’s faulty design is 20% percent of contract sum 2. The minimum cover for loss or damage to Equipment is 10% percent of Contract Sum 3. The minimum for insurance of other property is 10% percent of Contract Sum 4. The minimum cover for personal injury or death insurance For the Contractor’s employees is 10% of Contract Sum And for other people is 5% of Contract Sum The following events shall also be Compensation Events: 1. N/A 2. __________________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________________________________ Appendix to Conditions of Contract ACC/2 The period between Program updates is 30 days. The amount to be withheld for late submission of an updated Program is 10% of value of subsequent certificate The proportion of payments retained is 10% percent. The Price Adjustment Clause NOT (shall/shall not) apply The liquidated damages for the whole of the Works is Kshs. 100,000 (per week or part thereof) The Performance Security shall be for the following minimum amounts equivalent as a percentage of the Contract Price 10% percent (%) The Completion Period for the Works is competitive Tenderer to insert [Weeks] The rate of exchange for calculation of foreign currency payments is N/A. The schedule of basic rates used in pricing by the Contractor is as attached [Contractor to attach]. Advance Payment shall not be granted. Appendix to Conditions of Contract ACC/3 SECTION 1 - EXCAVATION AND EARTH WORKS 1. Nature of Excavation The contractor must ascertain for himself the nature of the material to be excavated and price the work accordingly. No extra payment will be made beyond the Contract Sum for any alleged ignorance in this respect. 2. Excavation Generally It is the responsibility of the contactor to check the commencing levels and determine depths of excavation as no extra payment will be made in respect of any alleged excavations carried out due to the commencing levels being above that shown upon the drawings without the prior written agreement of the Structural Engineer. 3. Site Clearance The Contractors shall clear the construction areas within the site of all bushes, roots, and brush boulders, natural obstructions rubbish and any other natural or artificial obstructions which would interfere with construction of building, roads, paths and drains. 4. Over-site Excavation Over-site excavations over the areas of building shall be done up-to and including removal of vegetable soil. The excavated material is to be spread around the site as directed. Excavated material suitable for backfilling around foundations and for making up levels under roads, floors etc, is to be kept separate from soil spoil heaps and to be re-used as directed or spread and leveled on the site at the end of excavation operation when found to be surplus. Vegetable soil is not to be used for backfilling around foundations. 5. Excavation for Foundations and Structures Excavations for foundations and the reinforced concrete structure shall be to the widths, depths and levels to accommodate the structure shown on the drawings and to the satisfaction of the Structural Engineer. No extra payment shall be allowed for working space including space for formwork and use of planking and strutting. 6. Inspection When the excavations have been made to the sizes and depths required from the drawings, the Structural Engineer shall be called to the site immediately for inspection, and upon approval, the Contractor shall proceed with the work to prevent any natural ground moisture from drying out and to prevent rain water or other surface water draining into the foundations. The excavations are to be left open until any variations in depth has been agreed. 7. Excavations below Required Depths. Should any excavations be made below the levels or lines shown on the drawings or otherwise required by the Structural Engineer, the Contractor must fill up the resultant over- excavation to the proper levels or lines with the concrete class “E” at his own expenses (see “Concrete Work”). 8. Filling Filling to make up levels under floors shall be approved granular materials arising from excavations which has been carefully separated from other excavated material for it suitability for the purpose. It shall be entirely free from organic matter, mud, rubbish or lumps exceeding a size, which will pass through a 100mm-dianeter ring in every direction. Filling shall be placed in layers not exceeding 150 mm thick and shall be rolled with a pedestrian operated power roller of at least 700 kg in weight. The rolling process shall be continued for every layer until no further noticeable Consolidation takes palace. 9. Return, fill in and Ram Return fill in and ram suitable filling material as described above, around foundations and other concrete structure in layers not exceeding 150mm thick and carefully ram and consolidate with power rammer. No filling in shall be executed until concrete foundations etc. have been inspected and approved by the Structural Engineer. Regardless of the means of backfilling and compaction adopted, the Contractor is responsible not only for the standard of the work but also for any possible damage of the permanent work or adjacent structure. Specifications 1 10. Leveling The quotation must include for leveling and preparing the ground for concrete or other works including ramming or rolling bottoms of excavations where necessary. 11. Soil Sterilization Anti- termite treatment is to be carried out by an approved specialist firm who is required, upon completion of the soil sterilization, to furnish a written 10-year guarantee certifying the following: a. That the chemicals applied comply with the requirements specified herein for chemical concentration and rates of application. b. That the treatment will remain effective against termite infestation for a period of ten years. c. The free treatment by the firm of any areas showing signs of infestation before the expiry of the ten year period. The chemicals to be used include the following, or any other equal and approved chemical: 1. Aldrin 0.5% applied in oil solution or water emulsion. 2. Benzene hexachloride, 0.8 of gamma isomer applied in oil solution or water emulsion. 3. Chloridane 1.0% applied in solution or water emulsion 4. Dieldrin 0.5% applied inoil solution or water emulsion 5. Lindane; 0.8% in oil solution or wate emulsion 6. Pentachlorophenol; 5% in oil solution. 7. Trichlorobenzene; 1 part to 3 parts oil. Some of the chemicals listed above are toxic to animals and plant life and must, therefore, be applied only with caution by an experienced person. Where individual water supply systems are proposed precautions must be taken to prevent infiltering and endangering the water supply. Treatment shall not be made when soils or fill is excessively wet or immediately after heavy rain. Precautions must also be taken to prevent disturbance of the treatment by animals or human contact with the treated soil. The treatment areas are to be covered as quickly as possible after treatment. The rate of application is to be as indicated by the manufacturer and areas measured include those under floor and around wall and column foundations and around the perimeter of the house 12. Disposal of Surplus Excavated Material Surplus excavated material will be carted away from the vicinity of the works. 13. Disposal of Water The contractor shall keep the excavations free from standing water and silt (or excavated material softened by water) and he shall include for the cost of pumping, construction of temporary drains, soak-away pits, etc, as deemed necessary to achieve this. If spring or running water is encountered, the cost of any pumping ordered by the Structural Engineer will be paid for by the Contractor. 14. Planking and Strutting Sides of all excavations must be supported in order to prevent falls from or collapse of the earth face. The term “planking and Strutting” is deemed to include any method which the Contractor elects, but with the prior approval of the Engineer, to adopt to uphold, protect and maintain the sides of excavations. The Contractor will be responsible for any consequences of his failure in this respect including clearing away fallen material and any extra concrete or other works including formwork ordered by the Structural engineer due to such failure. 15. Hard-core Hard-core shall be hard crushed stone to pass a 100mm ring in al directions. No sand, quarry dust or fine material will be permitted. All hard-core beds shall be topped with a layer of fine stone or aggregate minimum size 12 mm to fill the void on the surface too receive concrete beds. Rates for hard-core shall include for leveling or finishing or laying to falls and consolidating by rolling as described for “filling” above. Specifications 2 16. Classification of materials “Rock” shall mean black trap granite, quartzitic sandstone or other rock of similar hardness which in the Structural Engineer’s opinion required drilling, wedging and splitting or broken up by means of compressors, jack hammers and chisels, etc. “Earth” or “Soft rock” shall mean all ground other than that classified as “rock” and shall include made up ground and any loose stones or pieces of concrete not exceeding 0.10m3 in volume. Should the contractor consider that any of the excavations are more difficult in nature than excavation in “Earth” he shall immediately notify the Quantity Surveyor in writing. Failing such notification, the excavations shall be deemed to be in “Earth” shall be measured and valued accordingly. The Contractor may use any method he chooses to excavate any class of materials, but his chosen method of excavation shall not determine the classification of the excavation. 17. Blasting NO blasting shall be allowed on site. Should blasting become absolutely necessary, the contractor shall take every precaution to protect the works and persons and property in the vicinity of works. The contractor shall in such circumstances obtain written authority of the Engineer. The Contractor will be held responsible for any injury or damage caused by any blasting operations and shall make good such damage at his own expense. Specifications 3 SECTION 2 – CONCRETE WORK 1. Materials and Workmanship Generally The recommendations of the latest British Standards Code of Practice for the Structural use of Reinforced Concrete in Building shall be deemed to be incorporated in these preambles Clauses unless otherwise specifically stated. 2. Materials Generally All materials to be used in the works shall conform as to quality and description as specified hereunder and shall be equal to approved samples. In particular, no materials shall be used until approved samples have been supplied to the Consulting Engineer for approval at least one week before ordering in bulk and delivery to the site. Any materials delivered to the site which has not been previously approved by the Structural Engineer shall be the Contractor’s liability. All materials shall be transported, handled and stored on site so as to preclude damage, deterioration or contamination. All condemned materials are to be removed from the site within 24 hours. 3. Cement The cement, unless otherwise specified on the drawing shall be ordinary Portland cement of approved manufacture, delivered in the manufacturer’s bags and shall comply in all respects with the requirements of the latest British Standard 12. The consignments of the cement shall be delivered in scaled bags and shall be stored on the site so as too be used in the order in which they are delivered. The Structural Engineer shall have the right to take samples for testing in accordance with B.S. 12 and the Contractor is to obtain current certificates of tests from the manufacturer prior to bulk deliveries. Under no circumstances is high Alumina cement too be used. 4. Aggregate Generally All aggregate shall be from approved, reputable sources and shall be strong, hard, and durable, of limited porosity and free from dust, soft materials, earth or other extraneous matter, and washed and or screened by the contractor if so required by the Structural Engineer. Samples shall be provided as often as called upon by the Structural Engineer for Testing in accordance with BS. 882. Only approved materials shall be used. Graded samples of all types of aggregate shall, after approval, be kept on site behind glass for visual checking of subsequent deliveries for grading, shape and where applicable, colour. Aggregate shall be stored on site on paved areas with divisions between each type of aggregate, and shall be used in the order in which they are received on site. No aggregate shall be stored directly on the ground. 5. Fine Aggregates The Contractor shall ensure that the grading of fine aggregates shall be such that not more than 10% by weight shall exceed 5 mm in size and not that 10% by weight shall pass a sieve BS. No.100. Between these limits the grading shall conform to the grading for either zone 1, 2, or 3 (BS.882). 6. Coarse Aggregate Course aggregate shall bee clean, well-graded natural gravel or crushed stone from an approved quarry and washed if required by the Structural Engineer. The pieces shall be angular or rounded in shape and shall have granular or crystalline or smooth (but not Glassy) non-powdery surface. Flaky and laminated pieces, mica and shale shall only be present in such quantities as not affect adversely the strength and durability of the concrete. The four nominal aggregate sizes shall be 40 mm; 20mm; 15mm; 10mm and the grading when analyzed as described in BS.812 shall be within the limits given in BS. 882. Specifications 4 7. Water Water used for mixing of concrete, washing out of shuttering and similar purposes shall be clean fresh and free from organic impurities in amounts likely to impair the quality of the concrete. 8. Steel Reinforcement Steel for reinforced concrete shall comply with the following specifications: Mild steel rod reinforcement shall comply with BS.4449 High tensile steel reinforcement shall be either cold worked deformed steel bars of circular octagonal section complying with BS.4461 or hot rolled deformed high tensile bars having a guarantee minimum yield stress of 4200 kg/ and other physical qualities in accordance with BS. 4449. Welded steel fabric reinforcement shall comply with BS. 4483 Code of Practice C.P 110, for the structure use of reinforced concrete in buildings. All steel reinforcement shall be supplied by an approved manufacturer, and the Contractor may be required to obtain a manufacturer’s test certificate in respect of steel reinforcement supplied. In absence of such a certificate, the Contractor may be required to submit samples to be tested at the Contractor’s expense in such manner as the Engineer may determine. The steel shall be stored so that it is kept clean and reasonably free from rust. The placing of all reinforcement shall be checked by the Engineer and in no circumstances is concrete to be deposited around any steel that has not been passed. At least twenty four hours notice shall be given to the Engineer that reinforcement will be ready for inspection. 9. Bending and fixing of Reinforcement All bending, cutting and fixing shall be in compliance with the British Standard Code of Practice. C. P. 110. Bending Schedules are incorporated in the Contract Drawings or shall be obtained on request from the Structural Engineer. The number, size, form and position of all reinforcements shall, unless otherwise directed or permitted by the Engineer, be strictly in accordance with the drawings. Bars shall be of the required lengths, and lapping, except where indicated on the Drawing, is not permitted unless approved by the Engineer. Overall dimensions shall not be exceeded and shall not be less than 6mm below the required dimensions. The sizes of links and the likes shall be within tolerance of 3 mm under or over the specified dimensions. Any tolerances in the top length of the bar as cut shall be taken up in the end hooks or other approved portions of the bar. The internal radius of the bends at corners of links and the like shall equal half the diameter of the bar embraced by the link. At specified locations, as directed by the Engineer, reinforcing bars to be lapped at staggered locations so as not to reduce the effective spacing between bars to less than two times the bar diameter or 5mm plus the maximum size of coarse aggregate, as referred in BS 8110. The steel reinforcement shall be assembled and fixed in the form of a rigid cage. To prevent displacement before or during concreting the bars shall be secured to each other with approved wire. Concrete distance blocks shall, unless otherwise directed, be used between the reinforcement and the bottom and sides of the forms to ensure correct concrete cover to the bars, as specified on the drawings. The specified cover shall be provided and maintained within the specified tolerance. The minimum clear distance between adjacent bars shall be 25 mm horizontally and 25 mm vertically. Spacer bars shall be inserted at such intervals that the bars do not have perceptible sag. Great care must be taken to ensure the correct positioning of beam and column starter bars and to secure projecting bars against displacement both during and after concreting. At the time of fixing and when concrete is being placed, all reinforcement shall be free from oil, paint, grease, excessive dust and scale or any other coating, which will destroy its bond with the concrete. Specifications 5 10. Wrought Form Work Form work described as wrought shall be constructed of, or lines with, 100mm wide sawn boards well cramped together, boards running horizontally on fascia, down drains, etc. as shown on drawings. Boards on columns to run vertically. An exposed vertical aris to be formed with 20mm x 20mm triangular bead set in corner of formwork 11. Concrete Grades Concrete must comply with the requirements set out in the following table according to the grade: Grade nominal 1 Mix Fine Course Test Minimum resistance to crushing at 28 days after mixing (works test) Kg/sq/cm Test 1 2 210 315 6 0.50 1.5 3 175 262 20 0.55 C 1:2:4 2 4 140 210 20 0.60 D 1:3:6 3 6 84 140 40 0.60 E 1:4:8 4 8 65 100 40 0.60 A 1:1:2 B 1:1:5:3 Nominal cubic Meter of Aggregate per 1500 kg of cement Minimum resistance to crushing at 7 days after mixing (works test) Kg/sq/cm Size of coarse aggregate mm Maximum water ratio by weight 12. Preliminary Cube Tests The contractor shall specify the source from which the aggregate will be obtained and shall deliver at his own cost sufficient material to enable preliminary cube tests to be carried out and approved by Engineer. The Contractor will be responsible for submitting his proposals for the concrete mix proportions together with aggregate grade curves to the Engineer for approval and for the payment of the fees of an approved Testing Authority in carrying out the crushing tests. The strength of the preliminary cubes must be a minimum of 33% above those in the table which are the minimum works strength. The approval of any mix by the Engineer will not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for ensuring that all concrete used in the works obtain the minimum works strength shown above. In proportioning the concrete and the quantities of fine and coarse aggregate by either volume or weight, due allowance shall be made for the moisture content of the aggregate. Only sufficient water shall be added to the cement and aggregate during mixing to produce a concrete having sufficient workability to enable it to be well consolidated, to be worked into the corners of the shuttering and around reinforcement, too give the specified surface finish and to have the specified strength. When a suitable amount of water has been determined the resulting consistency shall be maintained throughout the corresponding parts of the work and the slump test or compaction factor test shall be carried out from time to time to ensure the maintenance of this consistency. In no case should the slump be more than 65 mm as determined by the slump test nor should the compaction factor be more than 0.87 as determined by the standard compaction factor test as described in BS. 1881. Should the contractor wish to use patent, plasticising compounds or other admixes, those shall be approved by Engineer and be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s publications. 13. Work Cube Test Work cube tests shall be made throughout the Contract. Each cube shall be described with the date of manufacture, location and identification mark. A record shall be kept for each batch of cubes showing the position in the works which the concrete represents, the date of manufacture, the mixture and the slump of the concrete, particulars of the cement and aggregates used, a statement of whether or not the cubes were vibrated and other; information relating to the subsequent history of the cubes Specifications 6 The cubes shall be made, cured and tested in accordance with the requirements of BS. 1881 when directed by the Engineer and in his presence or that of the Approved Testing Authority. A sample of concrete shall be taken at random on 8 separate occasions during each of the first 5 days of using the mix. Thereafter at least one sample shall be taken on each day any concrete of that particular mix is used. From each sample four cubes shall be made, two for testing at 7 days and two for testing at 28 days. The works cube results shall be examined both individually and in consecutive (but not overlapping) sets of four, for which the average and the range of each set are calculated The mix proportions shall be modified to increase the strength if, in the first and consecuted (but not overlapping) sets any of the following conditions are not satisfied: Not more than 2 individual results of the 40 cube tests should fall below the specified works cube strength. No value of the range in any set should exceed 4 times the designed standard deviation. No more than one set should have any average which is less than the specified strength plus 11/3 times the designed standard deviation; No value of the average for any set should be less than the specified strength plus the designed standard deviation. After 10 consecutive sets of results have been obtained the overall average and the standard deviation of the 40 results shall be calculated and any appropriate modification made. Subsequently, if any of the foregoing conditions are satisfied, the overall average and the standard deviation of the previous consecutive 40 results, including the non-complying sets, should be calculated and the appropriate steps taken if the overall average strength minus twice the standard deviation is less than the specified work cube strength. 14. Quality Control Requirements Supervision A competent person shall be employed whose duty shall be to supervise all stages in the preparation and placing of concrete. He shall supervise all tests on the materials and cubes and the maintenance and calibration of mixing and measuring plant. This person shall also be responsible for keeping an accurate record of the dates on which concrete is poured and where. Batch and Mixing Plant The quantities of cement and of fine and coarse aggregates shall be determined by weight. The amount of water added shall be measured, allowance being made for the water content of the aggregate. The accuracy of weighing and measuring equipment shall be + 2.5. Measuring equipment for water shall be maintained in a clean serviceable condition. 15. Workmanship 15.1 Placing of Reinforcement Reinforcement shall be accurately placed and maintained in the position described on the drawings or elsewhere to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer. Bars intended to be in contact at passing point shall be securely wired together with 16 gauge annealed soft iron tying wire. Binders and the like shall tightly embrace the bars and any slackness or misplacement of bars shall be rectified before the Engineer is called for inspection. Spacer of approved design shall be used for ensuring the correct positioning of the bars and diagonal wiring shall be provided to ensure rigidity of all assembled unit of reinforcement. The vertical distance required between successive layers of bars in beam or similar members shall be maintained by the provision of mild steel spacer bars inserted at such intervals that the main bars do not perceptibly sag between spacers. The rates for reinforcement must include for all requisite wiring, spacers and precast blocks to maintain the required spacing and cover. Specifications 7 All bars to be bent in accordance with BS. 4466: 1969. Cover of concrete to the reinforcement shall be, unless shown otherwise: Columns - 25 mm minimum to main bars Base - 50 mm minimum Beams - 25 mm minimum Slab - 15 mm minimum Wall - 15 mm minimum Splices to future work shall be covered in a manner approved by the Engineer to prevent rusting and deterioration. Before any concreting is carried out, the approval of the Engineer as to the correctness of the fixed reinforcement shall be obtained but such approval shall not remove the responsibility for the correctness of the placing from the Contractor. During concreting a competent steel fixer shall be in attendance on the concrete and to make minor adjustments to the position of bars should they become displaced. 15.2 Formwork Generally All form work and moulds shall be rigidly constructed to accurate shape and dimensions as described on the drawings. Timber shall be well seasoned, free from loose knots and be of a kind and thickness that will avoid deflection and warping, remaining true to line and level. Faces in contact with the concrete shall be free from adhering grout, projecting nails, splits or other defects and shall be coated with an approved mould oil so as to prevent gout adhering to them, care being taken to prevent such coatings from any contact with the reinforcement Formwork be braced and strutted to prevent deformation under the weight and pressure of the wet concrete, construction loads, winds and other forces. The bottom of the beam boxes shall be erected with an upward camber so as to prevent downward deflection. Maximum tolerances, which will be permitted in the finished concrete work, are as follows: Dimensions less than 3m - +3mm Dimension between 3m and 15 m - 6mm Dimensions over 15 m - 10mm Joints in the moulds of form work be carefully made so as to prevent leakage of cement grout and particular care shall be exercised to this respect for moulds in which it is intended to place vibrated concrete. Openings in the formwork for inspection of the inside and for the escape of water used for washing out accumulated debris shall be formed in such a manner that they can be effectively closed before placing the concrete. Formwork connections and joints shall be constructed so as to permit easy removal of the form work, but shall be so secured as to retain correct shape under pressure exerted by the wet concrete during placing, vibration, setting and hardening. If any wire ties passing through the concrete or bolts are used, measures shall be taken to prevent rust stains on the finished work and any holes left by the removal of such ties shall be made good. Formwork shall be provided for top faces of sloping work and anchored to prevent floatations, but this shall apply only where the slope exceeds 15 degrees. The formwork for beams and slabs shall be erected so that the sides of the beams and soffit of the slab can be removed without disturbing the beam bottoms. Props for an upper storey immediately below and the lowest prop shall bear upon work sufficiently strong to carry this load. If formwork for columns, walls and other deep sections is erected to the full height, one side shall be left open and shall be built up in sections as placing of the concrete proceeds. Before concreting, bolts and fixings shall be in position. Cores and other devices used for forming of openings, holes, chases, recesses and other cavities shall be fixed to the formwork and no subsequent holes shall be cut in any concrete without the Engineer’s approval. Specifications 8 15.3 Mixing of Concrete All concrete shall be mixed in batch mixing machines. Hand mixing shall not be permitted. All mixing machines shall be of the fixed drum type and not smaller in size than AC/28m3 except with the approval of the Engineer in writing. Tilting drum mixer will not be permitted. The mixer shall be of the type equipped with accurate measuring devices, designed so that no unauthorized person can tamper with valve or vary the quantity of water delivered once this has been approved and set. The mixing procedure to be adopted by the contractor shall be approved by the Engineer. Mixing of each batch shall continue until the concrete is uniform in color and, in any case, for not less than two minutes after all the materials and water are used in the drum. The entire contents of the drum shall be discharged before the materials for succeeding batch are fed into the drum. Upon completion of the days mixing, the drum shall be thoroughly cleaned free of adhering concrete. 15.4. Distributing of Concrete The concrete shall be distributed from the mixer to the position required by approved means, which do not cause separation or otherwise impair the quality of the concrete. All equipment shall be cleaned before commencing mixing and distribution and be kept free from set concrete. All concrete must be in position and consolidated before the initial set is commenced and the Contractor shall ascertain the initial setting time for the brand of cement being used and ensure that his means of distribution are such that it is impossible for concrete to have set prior to placing. Distribution by means of a mortar pail generally will be permitted, but for the large structures such as slabs, large beds, ramps and run ways and elsewhere where instructed by the Engineer the minimum requirements shall be wheelbarrows. 15.5 Placing of Concrete Before placing of concrete commences, the formwork shall be examined and any accumulated water and rubbish lying therein shall be removed. The concrete shall be placed as near to its permanent position as is practicable and shall not be worked along the formwork to that position. It shall not be dropped from a height nor handled in a manner likely to cause separation of the aggregate or loss of cement matrix. In columns and other similar members the bottom shall be in columns and other similar members the bottom shall be first filled to a depth of between 150 mm and 20mm with a cement mortar consisting of sand, cement and water with the sand and cement in the same proportions as that specified for the general mix in that member. The mortar shall have a consistency such that it will work up the formwork and fill spaces, which may occur due to close spacing of reinforcement in the splice. This mortar must be placed immediately in advance of the concrete and shall not be allowed to attain its initial set before pacing the main concrete for the member. Each layer of concrete, while being placed, shall be consolidated by approved methods of ramming/tamping or mechanical vibration so as to form a dense homogenous material free from honeycombing, water and air holes or other blemishes. Concrete shall be placed continuously until completion of the part of the work between the specified construction joints. Approved working joints shall be made wherever stooping of concrete placing occurs. In general, concrete shall be placed in a single operation to the full thickness and placed in horizontal layers not exceeding 750 mm deep in walls, columns and other similar members. 15.6 Vibration Mechanical vibrators or hand tamping must be used in placing all reinforced concrete work unless the Engineer has approved specially designed mixes and preliminary work cube test results have been obtained without their use. Rates for all reinforced concrete work included for this. Where mechanical vibration is required the contractor shall allow for using two vibrators at any one time. 16. Working Joints Working joints shall be of an approved shape and placed at right angles to the axis of the member. All day work joints and construction joints to follow the line of boards on shutter. In fair faced work walls to be poured where possible in one lift to a minimum of 3.60m. Walls higher than this to be constructed in two equal pours. Kickers at bottom of walls to be cast against a straight edge set in shutter and too be 50 mm above structural level of floor. The Contractor shall submit his proposals for the design and positioning of all joints on drawing to the Engineer for his approval well before construction is commenced. The position of day-to-day working joints may be determined so as to meet the requirements of the Contractor’s concreting programme. Specifications 9 Wherever new concrete is to be placed against concrete that has hardened, the face of the old concrete shall be cut back not less than 20 mm and all loose particles removed. The face shall then be wire brushed and thoroughly cleaned with water and then coated with a neat cement grout immediately before placing concrete. The new concrete shall be well rammed and compacted against the prepared face before the neat cement grout sets. 17. Protection of Concrete Newly placed concrete shall be protected by approved means from rains, sun and dry winds, and exposed faces shall be kept moist with polythene sheets or hessian coverings or other approved means for at least 7 days. Under no circumstances shall concrete be worked upon until it has reached cube strength of 140 kg per square centimeter. Immature concrete shall be protected from damage by falling debris, excessive loading, and vibrations, running or standing water, abrasive or other influences likely to impair the quality or strength of the finished work. 18. Concrete in Excavations The length and widths of the excavation shall be necessary for the proper construction of work below ground and in accordance with the preambles contained in the section “Excavation and Earthwork”. Blinding concrete has been measured for the net width required for concrete structures and foundations below ground level. Blinding has not been measured to the extra width, if any, required for working space. The depths shall be decided by the Engineer where these are not given on the drawings. Any obstructions or unusual solids encountered during the excavations shall be reported to the Engineer and dealt with as then instructed. 19. Removal of Formwork The period ellapsing between placing of concrete and removing the form work shall be sufficient to allow the concrete to mature to the extent of being able to maintain its own weight and any constructional and structural loads imposed without damage. The Engineer’s approval for the removal of the formwork shall be as tabulated below: POSITIONS OF FORM WORKS MINIMUM STRIKING TIME Sides Of Walls And Columns 2 Days Beam Soffit (Props Left In) 7 Days Beam Props 14 Days The formwork shall be removed in all cases by gradual easing without jarring and the process shall be such that the sharp edges of the concrete are not clipped and spilled away. If the imposition of a load exceeding the design load is anticipated, props shall be provided in an approved manner after removal of the formwork and before the imposition of the loads. 20. Surface Finishes Upon removal of the form work any honeycombing or damaged surfaces or other imperfections shall be reported to the Engineer. No surface shall be repaired or otherwise treated until an inspection has been carried out by the Engineer and his instructions or approval to the remedial work (if any) have been given or obtained. Concrete surfaces which are to be plastered or rendered are to be hacked or roughened by an approved means to form a key. Sawn formwork is assumed for all surfaces requiring support and subsequently concealed or plastered 21. Precast Concrete Where precast concrete members are specified, these shall be constructed in moulds of approved design and samples from the moulds shall be approved before mass production of the member is commenced. Large precast members shall be lifted only at points which will not damage the members and if necessary temporary bracing of timber shall be used to case the member until it is in position. Small lintels and other small members may be cast in-situ at no extra cost at Specifications 10 the Contractors option. Allowance must in all case be made for any extra reinforcement to counteract temporary stresses whilst handling, transporting and hoisting precast concrete members. Mould for precast units described as finished fair on exposed surface shall be lined with plywood or hardboard to leave a fair finish on the exposed concrete face when; the mould is removed. The concrete shall be of the grade specified on the drawings but maximum aggregate size 12 mm and shall be thoroughly vibrated in the moulds and shall not be removed until seven days after placing the concrete. Care must be taken that no concrete is allowed to become prematurely dry and the fresh concrete must carefully be protected from the rain, sun and wind by means of “sisalkraft” paper, well-wetted sacking, wet sand or other approved means. This protective layer and the concrete itself must be kept continuously wet for at least seven days after the concrete has been placed. Prices for precast concrete shall include for all moulds, reinforcement as specified, hoisting and fixing in the position required, bedding and pointing as described and temporary props and other necessary support. 22. Sub-Contractors Work incorporated in the structure It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to co-ordinate Sub-Contractors and others for incorporating any electrical conduct, plumbing fixtures and pipes, bolt holes, etc. in the concrete members as required and shown on the drawings. The contractors shall submit details of cable and pipe runs to the Structural Engineer before the work is put in hand and shall have the Engineer’s approval for the layout. No holes or chases shall be cut on concrete without the approval of the Engineer. 22.1 General No holes or chase are to be cut in any part of the reinforced concrete construction without first consulting the Structural Engineer. No part of the reinforcement shall be used for conducting electrical current. Notice must be taken of anything appearing on the drawing and not mentioned in these preambles. 23. Expansion and Separation joints Expansion joints shall comprise: Bitumen impregnated soft board or similar approved. Joint topping is to be “Plastic joint” or similar approved bituminous putty applied with a gun. Joints are to be at least 12 mm deep and the gap is to be formed by ranking out (in the case of expanded polystyrene) or by temporary wooden battens of the required width and 12 mm. 24. Mortises and Pockets Mortises or pockets for holding down bolts or dowels shall be formed in concrete to the size and shapes shown on the drawings. Mortises shall be formed by the use of expanded polystyrene blocks of the required shapes and sizes carefully and accurately placed and maintained in position whilst the concrete is poured. Rates for mortises shall include for all necessary templates and ranking out and the complete removal of the polystyrene when the concrete has set. 25. Ready Mixed Concrete Ready mixed concrete may only be used with the permission of the Engineer. The use of ready-mixed concrete shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his obligations and the appropriate clauses of these specifications shall apply to the Ready-Mixed concrete supplier. Concrete test tubes shall be taken on the site at the point and time of discharge in accordance with this specification irrespective of any cubes that the supplier may take at his own works. 26. Strength and Soundness The strength and soundness of the concrete will be generally determined by cube tests, Schmidt hammer tests or by any other method which the Engineer considers to be appropriate and suitable. The opinion of the Engineer regarding the soundless and acceptability of the finished concrete shall be final. Specifications 11 SECTION 3 – BLOCKWORK 1. Water Water shall be as previously specified in “Concrete Work” 2. Cement Cement shall be as previously specified in “Concrete Work” 3. Fine Aggregate Fine aggregate shall be as previously specified in “Concrete Work” 4. Course Aggregate Course aggregate shall be as previously specified in “Concrete Work” and shall comprise aggregate of 6, 10 and 20 mm grading in equal proportions. 5. Lime Hydrated limes for cement/lime mortars shall comply with BS 890 semi-hydraulic Class “B” calcium lime. 6. Concrete Blocks Solid and hollow concrete blocks for walls shall comply with BS. 2028 type “A” except that the recommended mix shall be 1:3:6 cement, fine and coarse aggregate respectively by volume and are to have sharp arises. Blocks are to be manufactured on site in approved block-making machines and shall be solid or two cavities hollow types as specified on the drawings. No damaged blocks shall be used in walling and half or other part blocks required to maintain bond shall be cut true and even. The concrete is to be placed into the moulds in thin layers and shall be properly tamped or vibrated to secure complete consolidation without voids or flaws and to produce smooth surfaces and sharp straight corners. Blocks shall be cast on loose pallets and after removal from the moulds shall be carefully stored under cover for at least 24 hours before the pallets are removed. The blocks shall thereafter be stored under cover for a further seven days protected from the sun and drying of the blocks may commence on the ninth day after manufacture and no blocks may be used within 14 days of their production. The comprehensive strength of the type “A” concrete blocks shall not be less than: Average of 13 blocks 50 kg per square centimeter (700 lbs per square inch) Lowest individual block 40kg per square centimeter (580 lbs per square inch) 7. Concrete Louvers Concrete louver blocks shall be of approved type and manufacture. The blocks shall be with inclined faces and of overall size 460x150x160 (excluding lip protruding outside the bending face). 8. Hollow Walls Hollow walls shall be built with cavities of the width shown on the drawings, the two thickness of blockwork shall be bonded together with wall ties, as described span 900 mm apart horizontally, 300 mm vertically and staggered and with extra ties at reveals and openings; the ties are to be carefully laid so that they do not fall towards the inner thickness of the walls. The cavity is to be kept clear by lifting screeds or other suitable means. Openings shall be left at the base to enable the cavity to be cleaned out at completion and the openings shall subsequently be blocked up uniformly with the surrounding work. When polystyrene insulation is to be fixed in the cavities it shall be inserted as the blockwork proceeds and cut and fixed to wall ties. Specifications 12 The polystyrene shall be completely immersed in bituminous paint before fixing. Before the polystyrene is fixed in the cavity the inner face of the outer blockwork leaf shall have two coats of bituminous paint applied as the work progress. 9. Natural Stone Walls All stone shall comply with the requirements of CP121.202 for masonry and natural stone walls except where amended or extended by the following clauses: Unless otherwise noted, all masonry walls shall be course squared natural stone walling with mortar joints. The size of stones for natural stone walling shall be such that the length of stone does not exceed three times its height. For coursed squared natural stone walls block shall not exceed 300mm in height and shall be not less that 150mm in height. Where snecked natural stone walls are specified; the snecks shall not be less than 100mm square on the exposed face. Stone for masonry shall have a minimum compressive strength of 10 N/mm2. (Stone shall not be required to be tested to failure). The density of stone for masonry shall be not less than 230kg/m3. The drying shrinkage of stone shall not exceed 0.05%. Samples of stone provided for testing shall be tested for the following in accordance with the methods given in BS 2028, 1364 and the test results shall comply with the requirements of this specification. (a) Compressive strength (b) Density (c) Drying shrinkage The colour and texture of stone shall be uniform and consistent. Prior to delivering any stone to site the Contractor shall supply the Architect with a sample of stone in order that he may approve the colour and texture. The Contractor shall ensure that sufficient suitable stone is available for the whole of the project prior to ordering the stone. Where cast stone including described as artificial stone, reconstructed stone, etc, is specified the stone shall comply with the requirements of BS1217. Masonry shall be of stone, having no irregular faces and only the back face if not visible shall be left as from the saw. Prior to ordering dry stone the Contractor shall demonstrate that the stone is durable. This may be done by supplying details of building constructed with stone from the quarry and which has been exposed to the same environment condition for at least ten years. The maximum projection from the face of stone for natural stone walls shall be 20mm beyond the specified face of the wall. The Contractor shall provide six samples of stone measuring 200mm x 200mm for testing prior to delivering any stone to site. As work proceeds the contractor shall provide six samples 200 x 200 x 400mm for testing from every 300m2 of work. All stone shall be stacked on prepared dry areas free of clinker, ashes and sulphate bearing strata. 10. Fair Face Work Walls described as finished with fair face shall be constructed with blocks or stones selected for their uniformity of size and with a smooth exposed face with no chips, blemishes, pinholes or cracks. Walling shall be pointed with a neat flush joint as work proceeds and on completion shall be brushed down and left thoroughly clean. 11. Mortar The mortar used for walling shall be composed of one part of cement to four parts of sand (1:4) measured in gauge boxes and thoroughly mixed and preferably with an approved mechanical mixer or on clean and approved mixing platform with water added afterwards until all parts are completely incorporated and brought to a proper consistency and used within the hour. No partially or wholly set mortar will be allowed to be reused or remixed. The constituent materials shall be measured separately when dry in specially prepared gauge boxes of sizes to give the proportions specified without consolidation of the contents by ramming and shaking. The mortar shall be mixed in an approved power driven mixer for not less than two minutes per batch and using the minimum quantity of water necessary to obtain a working consistency. The mixer shall be used as close as practicable to the works and mortar shall be used within 30 minutes of mixing. No partially or wholly set mortar will be allowed to be used or re-mixed. Specifications 13 12. Workmanship All blocks and stone to be wetted before laying out and the top of walling where left of previously shall be well wetted before recommencing building. Walls shall be kept wet three days after building. All walling to be built true, plumb and level with all perpends vertical and in line and work shall not rise more than 900 mm above the adjoining work and all such rising are to be properly raked back. 13. General Construction (a) Setting out The Contractor shall provide proper setting out rods and set out all work on same for course, openings, heights etc, and shall build the walls, piers etc, to the widths, depths and heights indicated on the Drawings and as directed by the Architect. (b) Building in wood frames Openings for doors, ventilators etc, are to be set out and left unbuilt until the wooden frames have been fixed in position. (c) Building in metal windows and doors Openings for metal frames to be wide enough for the frames to fit without being forced into position. Build the lugs into the joints of the walling and fill into the space between the walling and frames with cement mortar will tamped into the channels of the frames and point all round externally. All frames must be set plumb and level and free from twist. (d) Walls to receive plaster & similar finishes All faces of walls to be plastered etc, to have all projections dressed off and joints raked out as key. 14. Damp Proof Course Damp proof course between foundation walls and the over-site concrete slab shall be hessian based bitumen strip to BS. 743 Type 5A the same width as the block walls. The damp proof course shall be bedded in cement mortar (1:4) with 150mm end laps and full width as passing and angles. Damp proof courses are required on all external and internal foundation walls. 15. Wall Reinforcement Where described walls and partitions shall be reinforced with a 25mm wide strip of No. 20S.W.G hoop iron built into alternate horizontal joints in the wall centre. The reinforcement shall be lapped and hooked at running joints, angles and intersections and carried at least 115mm into abutting walls at junctions. 16. Wall Ties To be 3mm diameter galvanized mild steel wire twisted butterfly wall ties. 17. Building Walling (a) Laying and jointing All blocks shall be well wetted before being laid and the top of walling where left off shall be well wetted before commencing. Walls to be kept wet three days after building. All walls throughout the works shall be carried up evenly in 200mm courses except where courses of less depth are required to bring walling up to level of floors, windows and the like and where otherwise described, no part being allowed to be carried up more than one metre higher at one time than any other part and in such cases the joining shall be made long in steps so as to prevent cracks arising and all walls shall be leveled round at each stage. Not more than 3metres height of wall shall be laid in any one day. Specifications 14 (b) Bonding The blocks shall be properly bonded together and in such a manner that no vertical joint in any one course shall be within 115mm of a similar in the courses immediately above or below. All walling of 300mm thickness or less shall be built in single thickness of blocks. Walling exceeding 300mm in thickness shall be built with through bonders not more than 1070mm apart in each course as directed by the Architect. Alternate courses of walling at all angles and intersections shall be carried through the full thickness of the adjoining wall. All perpends, reveals and other angles of the walling shall be built strictly true and square. (c) Tolerances All courses of walls shall be level with a maximum deviation of +/- 3mm in any one metre length and a maximum deviation of +/- 3mm in any metre height of wall with a maximum deviation of +/- mm in the height of the wall or any storey. All corners of walls which shall be an average of 10mm thick with a maximum deviation of +/-3mm in any one metre length and a maximum overall deviation of 10mm in any length exceeding 3 metres. All bed and vertical joints shall be an average of 10mm thick with a maximum deviation of 3+/- of block work, and stone natural stone walls. Joints for stone masonry walls shall be 6mm +/- mm thick. (d) Curing All walls shall be maintained in damp conditions for at least 24 hours after laying. Walls under construction shall be dampened by applying water with a brush and no hosing directly on to the wall shall be permitted. When work ceases on any section of wall polythene or Hessian shall be draped over the wall, for at least 24 hours. If Hessian is used, it shall be maintained continuously wet. (e) Cavities Cavity walls shall be of the overall thickness shown on the drawings. Cavities above ground level between leaves of block or masonry shall be free of mortar droppings or their debris. The Contractor shall take proper precautions to prevent mortar or debris entering the cavity. Cavity below ground level shall be filled with mortar for cavities up to 75mm wide and for cavities over 75mm wide filling shall be concrete mix 1:3:6. Cavities shall be filled such that there is maximum of three times the thickness of the thinner leaf of the wall filled wit wet mortar or concrete unless the wall is continuously supported for the depth. (f) Backfilling Earth backfilling shall not be carried out such that the level of the backfill is always equal on each side of the wall. When a wall has filling material on one side only to a fill width of more than three times the wall thickness, the wall shall be continuously supported during backfilling. Backfilling shall not be carried out until at least seven days have elapsed since the laying of the blocks or stone. 18. Reinforcement in Walls. Steel reinforcing bars in walls shall be carefully placed and spacers used to ensure that a minimum or 20mm cover is given to the reinforcement unless otherwise specified. Horizontal reinforcement in mortar joints shall be laid such that the reinforcement is not in contact with the blocks or stone. 19. Wall Ties Wall ties shall be provided to connect walls to steel or concrete columns and beams to connect two unbounded leaves of wall. 20. Pointing Pointing of walls shall be carried out as the work proceeds wherever possible. When coloured mortar is specified for pointing shall be carried out after work has been completed. Specifications 15 Existing walls shall be prepared for pointing by raking out all loose friable material to a minimum depth of 15mm to form a square recess. The joints shall then be wetted and new mortar shall be forced into joints and finished as directed. 21. Holes, Cutting and Chasing (a) All putlog holes shall be not less than one course deep and carefully filled with a block cut to fit size of opening with beds and joints filled with mortar well tamped in after scaffolding is removed, and if in faced walls to match facing. (b) Where walling is cut, holed or chased for conduits, pipes and the like all such cuttings etc., shall be filled in solid with cement mortar (1:4) prior to the application of finishes. Specifications 16 SECTION 4 – ROOFING 1. Cement and Sand The cement and sand roof finish is to be mixed in the proportions as described and shall incorporate an approved waterproof additive and an approved hardener. 2. Bituminous “Built-up” Roofing Bitumen based roof covering shall be composed of three layers of single ply roofing felt of specified quality weight and make. Each layer laid shall be lapped not less than 76 mm at all edges and layers shall be bonded together and to the sub surface with approved bituminous compound or hot bitumen. At abutments the felt shall be carried over 76 mm prepared angle fillets up walls or beams etc, or a specified distance and tucked into grooves chases or under parapets as required. 3. Tropicalised mastic Asphalt Roofing Asphalt roofing will be executed by an approved specialist roofing sub-contractor. Before any application of roofing the contractor is to ensure that all roof surfaces are thoroughly cleaned by sweeping. Roofing asphalt to be BS 988/1966 Table 3 COLUMN 111 Tropical Mastic asphalt laid in two coats to a total thickness of 20mm on and including black sheathing felt, and finished with either three coats aluminum paint to horizontal and vertical surfaces local grey stone chippings or precast concrete paving slabs as necessary. The first layer of asphalt to be fully bonded in the sheathing felt and the second layer to be laid with a 75mm joint to the first layer. At all junctions of covering with parapet walls, kerbs, eaves, gutters etc., the asphalt is to be turned up a minimum height of 150mm with an angle fillet at the junction with the roof covering and splayed at the tip and tucked 25mm into groove and pointed in cement and sand. Precast concrete tiles are to be 250 x 250 x 20mm thick, interlocking, finished fair on exposed face and bedded in bitumen and pointed in cement mortar. 4. Fulbora roof Outlets The fulbora outlets shall be as manufactured by Fulbora ltd, hatfield, herts, England and Fixed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. 5. Tiling Materials Metal roofing tiles shall be as supplied by Space and Style Limited, Nairobi or equivalent, and shall be laid and fixed strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s fixing instructions. Workmanship The whole of the roof indicated on the drawings to be covered with the tiles specified. All laps, ridges, verges, abutments, valleys, hips and other edges to be done in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. 6. Colas Roof Waterproofing Colas roof and planting box waterproofing shall be obtained from an approved manufacturer or supplier and laid in accordance with the manufacturers instructions to the approval of the Architect. Surfaces shall be prepared in the following manner:(a) Lay 60mm faced triangular fillets at all internal wall to roof intersections using a mortar comprised of 1 volume of colmastic 30.01 and 2 volumes of sand. (b) Parapet walls and other vertical surfaces must be smooth. Brickwork shall be flush pointed or rendered with a cement/sand mix, to a height of 250mm. Specifications 17 (c) Rain water outlets shall be fixed firmly to but below the level of the roof slab. They should be free to move independently of the down pipe. (d) When the concrete and/or mortar applications are set and dry, brush the surface free of all dirt, dust, laitance and loose materials. Apply, by brush or spray, a coating of colas prime 80.05 and allow this to dry. (e) Day work joints, shrinkage cracks or fillets shall be treated by applying a heavy coat of colaskote 70.02 into which should be embedded a strip of colas membrane 88.08, free of wrinkles. This strip shall extend, in width, 80mm on both sides of the joint/fillet being treated. A further coat of 70.02 shall be applied over the 88.08 and allowed to dry. Colas waterproofing shall be applied as follows: (a) Apply heavy brush of colaskote 70.02 0.75 litres per sq.metre laid on in one direction. Allow to dry. (b) Apply a further heavy brush coat of colaskote 70.02 laid on right angles to the previous coat, and whilst this is still wet, ambed a layer of colas membrane 88.08. (Note: Edges of the membrane should be overlapped by 80mm. Allow to dry. (c) Apply a heavy brush coat of colaskate 70.01 laid on at right angles to the previous coat. Allow to dry. Colas roof waterproofing shall be finished with two coats colaskate 71.04 aluminum reflective paint. The first coat shall be allowed to dry before application of the second coat. Before application of the first coat of reflective paint the colaskote waterproofing shall be dusted with clean, sharp, fine sand whilst still wet and excess sand thoroughly brushed off when the emulsion is dry. 7. Roof Screed Generally Roof screeds are to be laid to a minimum fall and cross fall of 27mm in 3.0 metres with a minimum thickness of 19mm at rainwater outlets and are to be finished to the entire satisfaction of the subcontractor executing the roofing. 8. Lightweight Roof Screeds Lightweight roof screeds shall be composed of bases of cement, sand and pumice (1:4:8) finished with a 12mm cement and sand (1:5) topping laid whilst the base is still green and trowelled smooth to the satisfaction of the Architect. The screeds are to be laid as described in ‘cement and sand Roof Screeds’ 9. PVC Rainwater Pipes PVC rainwater pipes and fittings are to comply with BS 4576 with solvent welded or rubber ring seal joints. Pipes are to be cased into concrete or to be fixed to the structure with PVC holder bats built-in plugged and screwed at maximum 2 metre centres Bends, swan necks, discharge chutes and fittings generally are to be fixed where necessary to facilitate the flow of water. Rainwater outlets shall be PVC suitable for the roof finish in which they occur with domical PVC grating. 10. Protection The Contractor is to make all necessary precautions to protect the finished work and must ensure no damage occurs to the roofing until completion of the works. Specifications 18 Section 5 – CARPENTRY 1. Timber Generally The timber used for carpentry shall be sound, well conditioned, properly seasoned to suit the particular use and free from defects or combination of defects rendering it unsuitable for the purpose intended. All other used structurally shall comply with the relevant requirements of and graded in accordance with the export of timber ordinance (Cap. 288) - The export and Grading of Timber rules 1969. All timber is to be ordered as soon Contract is signed and is to be delivered to the site for open stacking for as long as possible before use. All timber will be inspected by the Engineer upon arrival at the site and if not approved by him shall be removed from the site forthwith. Not withstanding the Engineer’s approval, any timber incorporated in the works found too be in any way defective before the expiry date of the defects liability period shall be removed and replaced at the sole expense of the Contractor. Timber shall be free from live borer beetle or other insect attack when brought to the site. The Contractor shall be responsible to the end of Defects liabilities period for executing any work necessary to eradicate insect attack at or suspected of being attacked notwithstanding that the timber may have been inspected already and passed fit for use. 2. Moisture Content All timber shall be seasoned to moisture content, if not otherwise specified of not more than 15%. The contractor must allow for the cost of any kiln drying which may be necessary to obtain this figure. 3. Samples and Testing The Engineer shall be entitled to select any sample he may reasonable require of materials or prototype of especial construction elements for the purpose f testing (e.g. for moisture content, identification of species, strength etc.). 4. Protection All timber delivered to the site shall be stored under cover clear of the ground and protected from sun and dampness and shall be stored in a satisfactory manner to prevent attack of termites, insects and fungi. 5. Soft wood Timber for structural use, including rafters, purling, etc shall be of grade 11 strength and grade 1 appearance. The softwood shall be seasoned cypress, cedar pine or podocarpus which shall be pressure impregnated with the full cell process as described below, but the Contractors attention is drawn to the Day works Schedule where the basic price of various timber requires pricing, in the event of one of these timbers being selected as an; alternative then these basic rates will be used in calculating new rates for the item of carpentry concerned. 6. Pressure Impregnantation The softwood described, as pressure impregnated shall be treated with the “Celcure A” or “Tenolith C” full cell process. Timber ust be seasoned to a moisture content not exceeding 25% before being treated. The treatment shall be to the minimum standard of: Solution concentration - 2% Absorption of preservative - 520 liters per cu. m Net dry salt retention - 10.4 kg per Cu. m After treatment the timber shall be seasoned to the specified moisture content. Cut ends and faces of timber sawn, drilled and cut after treatment are to be swabbed liberally with approved preservative until saturated, allowed to dry and then treated with a second coat and rates for timer shall be included for this. Approved preservatives are: Atlas A Brunophen No.2 Specifications 19 Cupricol Clear or Water Repellent Clear. Ensele Woodtreat 55 7. Hard wood Hardwood for structural and roof timber shall be third grade scantlings, strength group 1 or other suitable and approved durable hardwood 8. Preservative Treatment On delivery to the site all structural hardwood is to be treated with two coats of an approved timber preservative. After mixing, the hardwood is to be touched up as required with approved timber preservatives. The timber preservative shall be coal-tar creosote to BS.144 or other equal and approved applied either by brush or by spraying in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions. Cut ends and faces of timber sawn drilled and cut after treatment are to be swabbed liberally with approved preservative until saturated, allowed to dry and then treated with a second coat and rates for timber must include for this. 9. Nails Nails shall be galvanized and comply with B.S 1202 and screws with BS 1201. Screws shall be brass unless otherwise described. Bolts, nuts and washers shall comply with BS 916 and gar bolts, coach screws and other accessories shall comply with BS 1494. Washers shall be square minimum 3mm thick and 3mm sides. 10 Workmanship “Unwrought” or sawn timber shall be as left from the saw and shall be to the full dimensions stated. All carpentry shall be executed with workmanship of the best quality. Scantlings and boarding shall be accurately sawn and shall be uniform width and thickness throughout. All carpentry work shall be left with sawn faces except where particularly specified to the wrot. All carpentry shall be accurately set out in strict accordance with the drawings. All structural timbers shall be framed or jointed together as is most appropriate in the circumstances in accordance with the rules of good practice. Joints must be executed in strict conformity with the drawings. All joints shall be secured with a sufficient number of nails disposed as shown of the drawings and rates must include for the joining of timbers. Surfaces must be in a good contact over the whole area of the joint before securing. Holes for nails must be pre-drilled undersize; holes for bolts must be bored slightly oversize form both sides of the timber and washers must be used under the nut which should be tightened sufficiently to permanently secure the joint but not to crush the timber. 2.18 Specifications 20 Section 6 – JOINERY 1. Generally The provisions contained in the Carpentry Section shall apply also in the Joinery Section where applicable. 2. Hardware Joinery is to be executed in approved time, select and locally available hardwood. Hardwood generally will be camphor (pterocarpus angolansis) but hardwood for fittings and built-in furniture may be: Mahogany - unless specifically described. 3 Workmanship All timber shall be wrot by machine dressing on exposed faces, with all machine marks sanded out, unless otherwise specified. The joinery shall be worked strictly in accordance with the detailed drawings and is to be framed up and put together as soon as possible and is to be stored for as long as possible before wedged up. All joints and angles are to be glued and where necessary cross-tongued with hardwood tongues, and the surface finished clean and smooth with machine marks sand papered out before fixing. Should any of the joinery work shrink, wind or fly unduly before the end of the maintenance period of the contract, the work is to be taken down, and new work fixed in its place, together with any other work, which may thereby be affected at the Contractor’s expense. Where joinery is described as screwed, this is deemed to include sinking the head of the screw and pelting with similar timber and to grain in with finished joinery. Screws unless specified, shall be brass. In pricing the items, the Contractor will allow for nails and screws and fixing, all labors, cutting, notching, halving, mortising, tenoning and welding except where otherwise provided. Allow in the rates for easing and adjusting all doors, and leave in perfect working order. The dimensions and thickness given in these tender documents are finished (unless otherwise stated). In the event of nominal sizes being stated then an allowance of 3mm should be allowed for each wrot face. 4. Flush Doors Flush doors shall consist of hardwood core or framing covered with 6mm plywood both sides and complying where applicable with the requirements of BS. 459, part 2 and 2A. Doors described, as Skeleton framed shall consist of framing 125mm wide to all stiles, top and bottom rails, with suitable blocks to receive mortise locks on each long edge. Doors described, as solid core shall comprise a solid core of vertical laminations. All flush doors shall be edged all round with 25mm thick hardwood lipping tongued and glued in. Doors described as external shall be covered both sides with 6mm “exterior” quality plywood as described below. All flush doors shall be perfectly plain on both faces and free form waves, ripples or distortions of any kind. Any doors which, after the application of paint or polish shows any defect of this nature, shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor’s expense. Samples of flush doors, which the Contractor intends to use, must be first submitted to the Architect for his approval. 5. Plywood Plywood shall be of approved manufacture, manufactured for tropical hardwoods of the first grade with BS. 1455, and unless otherwise stated, shall be interior quality. Where stated to be “exterior” quality, plywood shall be W.B.P. bonded weatherproof grade. Where veneered plywood is specified, samples must be submitted to the Architect for his prior approval. 6. Block board Block board shall be of approved manufacture and comply with BS. 3444 and shall be of moisture resistant quality 7. Chipboard Chipboard shall comply with BS 2604 resin-bonded wood chipboard Specifications 21 8. Plugging All work described as plugged shall be fixed with brass screws to plugs formed by drilling concrete, walls etc, with a screw of suitable “Phil plug”, “Raw plastic” or other approved plugging compound in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. 9. Protection Any fixed joinery which, in the opinion of the Architect is liable to become damaged in any way shall be cased and protected by the Contractor until the completion of the works and the Contractor must allow for this in his rates as no separate item for protection has been allowed. 10. Ironmongery All Ironmongery will be fixed with matching screws to be supplied by the Contractor and the Contractor must allow for adjusting locks and striking plates and handling over all keys on completion of the contract with identifying tags attached. The contractor must also allow for oiling locks and hinges and leaving them in perfect working order. All ironmongery shall be as those manufactured by Josiah Parkes and Sons ltd or other Equal and approved by the Architect. The following standard abbreviations have been used too describe the finish to ironmongery: S.C.P - Satin Chromo Plate C.P - Chromo Plate (Polished) S.A.A - Silver Anodized Aluminum Windows shall Brass plated handles and window stays and or as described elsewhere in these documents. 2.20 Specifications 22 SECTION 7 – METAL WORKS 1. Mild Steel Mild steel shall comply with BS. 15, Grade 1, and the size of all small sections shall be in accordance with BS 4 and 4A. 2. Structural Steelworks Steel angles and plates are to be weldable mild steel Grade 43A in accordance with BS. 4360 Electrodes for welding are to be in accordance with BS. 639. All welds are to be fillet welds of 5mm by size unless otherwise indicated. Bolts are to be black bolts in accordance with BS. 4190, and all nuts, bolts and washers are to be hot dip galvanized. Bolts holes are to have a diameter of not more than 2mm greater than the; diameter of the bolt. All steelworks is to be thoroughly cleaned, wire brushed and painted with two-coats of zinc chromate primer and one finishing coat of gloss paint at the workshop. After erection any damage to the paint is too be made good and a further finishing coat applied. 3. Galvanized Work Iron and steel, where galvanized shall comply with BS. 729, part 1, entirely coated with zinc after fabrication by complete immersion in a zinc bath in one operation and all excess carefully removed. The finished surface shall be clean and uniform. 4. Aluminum Aluminum shall be of the alloys described in and shall comply with BS. 1470, aluminum sheet for flashing shall be softtemper, super purity (SI or SIA) and not less than 18 S.W.G (1.2 mm) in thickness. 5. Smithing, Welding and Cutting All smithing, welding, cutting and bending shall be soundly and neatly executed, care being taken not to overheat. All flame cut edges and welds shall be neatly ground off on completion. All welds shall be 8mm fillet welds to comply with BS Code of Practice 1856 unless shown otherwise. 6. Bolts Mild steel bolts, nut and washers shall comply with BS. 916 for black bolts with hexagonal heads and nuts, high Tensile steel bolts and nuts are in accordance with BS. 3139, part 1. 7. Mild Steel Tubing Mild steel tubing shall be in accordance with BS 1387, 1957 with screwed sockets and joints. 8. Anchor- Bolts Anchor-bolts in concrete for steelworks, etc, are to be self-drilling anchor bolts of one of the following types: Philips redhead concrete Rawplug super drill anchor Spit self drilling anchors 9. Shop Inspection The Architect shall be granted full facilities and any necessary assistance for inspection of materials and assembled parts in the Contractor’s (or his Sub-Contractor’s) workshops. At least two weeks notice shall be given to the Architect in writing prior to the dispatch of finished components to the site to enable the Architect to inspect and approve the materials and workmanship at the workshops. Approval of works at the workshops does not relieve the Contractor of his obligations to carry out the works complete at the site to the Architect’s satisfaction in accordance with the contract. 2.21 Specifications 23 10. Marketing All components delivered to the site are to be marked in paint with the mark number in accordance with any shop and erection drawings 11. Storage All components are to be stored at the site in proper racks provided for the purpose, which provide full support to each member, and to obviate any deflection and distortion. Steelworks is to be stored at least 25 cm clear of the ground and the temporary protection is to be provided for protection against water and damage from any other source. 12. Erection Rates for metalwork are to include for the complete erection including any temporary supports required and any necessary templates and wedges. 13. Painting All steel is to be thoroughly de-rusted and de-greased prior to dispatch to the site and is to be given two coats of red lead primer at the works. Further painting treatment will be carried out at the site. The finishing coat of paint and the cost thereof is to be included in the rates for metalwork. 2.22 Specifications 24 SECTION 8 – PLUMBING AND ENGINEERING INSTALLATION 1. Execution Of The Work The work shall be carried out strictly in accordance with: a. “British Standard Code of practice” C.P. 310:1965: Water supply b. “British Standard Code of Practice C.P. 304:1968: Sanitary Pipe work above ground c. All other relevant British Standard Specifications and Codes of Practice d. The working drawings. The plumbing work shall be carried out by a specific and, if the Contractor is not a firm approved by the Engineer for the type and/or value of plumbing Installations contained in this contract, he must sublet this work to a specialist sub-contractor who is approved. 2. Extent of Work The work includes, unless otherwise specified, supply installation, testing and commissioning and delivering up clean and in working order the installation shown on the drawings and specified in these preambles including all details such as: Cold water pipes, discharge (the term discharge pope is in these specification used as a comprehensive all embracing description in place of the traditional soil and waste terms), drain and ventilating pipes, water maters, valves, sanitary appliances including all necessary taps and discharge fittings, fire fighting installations and equipment, and all labor, materials, tools, instruments and scaffolding necessary to execute the work in a first class manner, even such labor or materials which are not specifically mentioned in the project but are necessary for a satisfactory completion of the work. The contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that runs for floors or walls chases, holes to cut or left will be marked out at the appropriate stage of the structural work. The contractor shall undertake all modifications demanded by the Authorities in order to comply with current regulations, and produce all certificates, if any, from the Authorities without extra charge. 3. Extent of Contractor’s Duties At commencement of the work, the contractor shall investigate and report to the Engineer if all materials and equipment to be used in the work, and not specified by others are available locally. If not available, the Contractor shall at this stage place orders for the materials in question and copy the orders to the Engineer. Failure to do so shall in no way relieve the Contractor from supplying the specified materials and equipment in time Materials supplied by others for installation and/or connection by the Contractor shall be carefully examined before installation and connection. All defects noted shall immediately be reported to the Engineer. The contractor shall be responsible for verifying all dimensions relative to his work by actual measurements taken on the site. After the completion of the work the contractor shall, on a set of drawing, indicated all alterations and/or modifications carried out during the construction period. 4. Quality of Materials and Workmanship 4.1 Material and workmanship Generally All materials, equipment and accessories are to be new and regulations where such exist, or in their absence with the relevant BS. 2.23 Specifications 25 Uniformity of type of manufacture of equipment or accessories is to be preserved as far as practicable throughout the whole work. The contractor shall, if required by the Services Engineer, submit samples of materials to the Engineer for his approval before placing an order. If in these preambles the practice is adopted of specifying a particular item as “similar” to that of a particular firm’s product, it is to be clearly understood that this is to indicate the type and quality of the equipment required. No attempt is being made to give preferences to the equipment supplied by the firm whose name or products is quoted. When particular manufacturers are specified herein, no alternative makes will be considered, and the Engineer shall be allowed to reject any other makes. The Contractor will be entirely responsible for all materials, apparatus, equipment, etc, furnished by him in connection with his work, and shall take all special care to protect all parts of finished work from damage until handed over. The work shall be carried out by competent workmen under skilled supervision. The Services Engineer shall have authority to have any of the work taken down or changed, which is executed in an unsatisfactory manner. 4.2 Tubing Generally All tubing exposed on faces of walls, unless otherwise specified, be fixed at least 25 mm clear of adjacent surfaces with approved holder bats built into walls, cut and pinned to walls in cement mortar, where fixed to woodwork suitable clips shall be used. All tubing specified as fixed to ceilings, roof or roof structures, shall be fixed with approved mild steel hangers cut and pinned to ceilings, roof or roof structures. Where three or more tubes are fixed to ceilings, roofs or roof structure close to each other, they shall be fixed in position, which leaves the lower surfaces at the same horizontal level, unless otherwise specified. Tubes shall be fixed to true lines, parallel to adjacent lines of the building unless otherwise specified. Where insulated, tubing shall be fixed with the insulation at least 25 mm clear of adjacent surfaces. Tube fixings and supports shall if nothing else is specified be arranged at intervals not greater than those given in the following tables. Mild Steel Tubing Diameter of pipe in mm maximum spacing of fixing mm 12 19 25 32 38 50 63 76 100 Horizontal runs 1 800 1 400 2 400 2 700 3 000 3 000 3 600 3 600 3 600 Vertical runs 2 400 3 000 3 000 3 000 3 600 3 600 4 600 4 600 4 600 2.24 Specifications 26 Cast iron Pipes Diameter of pipe in mm maximum spacing of fixing in mm All sizes Horizontal runs 1 800 Vertical runs 3 000 Each support shall take its due proportions of the weight of the tube or pipe and shall allow free movement for expansion and contraction. All tubing specified as chased into walls shall have the wall face neatly cut and chased, the tubing wedged and fixed and plastered over. Where tubing is laid in trench care shall be taken to ensure that fittings are not strained. All framed bends shall be made so as too retain the full diameter of the pipe. Sleeves shall be provided where tubes pass through walls and solid floors to allow movement of the tubes without damage to the structure. The overall length of the sleeves shall be such that it projects at least 2 mm beyond the finished thickness of the wall or partition. Tubing shall be cut by hacksaws or other method, which does not reduce the diameter of the tube or form a bead or feather, which might restrict the flow. 4.3 Galvanized Mild Steel Rainwater Pipes Galvanized mild steel rainwater popes shall be in accordance with BS. 3868 with spigot and socket joints. Joints shall be in accordance with BS 3868 with spigot and socket joints. Joints shall be made with best quality tarred yarn, firmly caked to not more than one-third the depth of the socket and the joint finished with molten lead properly caulked. 4.4. Galvanized Mild Steel Tubing Galvanized mild steel tubing shall be in accordance with BS 1387:1957 with screwed and socketed joints Fitting for the same shall be galvanized malleable iron to BS.1356: 1952 with threads to BS 21:1957. Joints shall be made with find hemp and approved jointing compound or tape. Compound containing red lead must not be used. Long screws connectors and flat-faced unions shall not be used. Unless otherwise specified. Where laid underground, galvanized mild steel tubing shall be protected with two coats “Flintkote” or two coats of approved bitumen. Minimum earth cover to underground tubing shall be 600mm. The fixing of galvanized mild steel tubing shall be done by using: Malleable iron “school board” pattern brackets for building in or for screwing too structure, or Malleable iron pipe rings; with either back plate, plug or girder clips, or Purpose made straps to the Engineer’s approval, or Other approved purpose made holder bats. 2.25 Specifications 27 4.5 Cast from Pipes Cast iron pipes and fittings for discharge and ventilating pipes shall be snad cast and spun iron spigot and socket pipes to BS. 416:1957, medium grade, and thoroughly coated inside and outside. Pipes and fittings shall be obtained from a licensed manufacturer and be embossed with the certification mark of approved standard institution. Joints shall be made with best quality tarred yarn, firmly caulked to no more than one-third and depth of socket and the joint finished with molten lead properly caulked. Joints of cast iron discharge or ventilating pipes to stoneware drain pipes shall be made with tarred yarn and cement and sand mortar 1.3, joints to cast iron drain pipes shall be made with tarred yarn and molten lead properly caulked and joints to pitch fiber pipes shall be made with approved adopters. The fixing of cast iron pipes and fittings shall be done by using: - 4.6 Vertical Runs Ears on the pipes socket plugged and screwed or nailed to the wall by means of approved screws or nails or cast iron malleable iron or steel highed holder bats for building in or nailing or screwing to the wall. 4.7 Horizontal Runs Malleable iron or steel flat bats formed to two parts holder bats having the ring bolted together with 10mm bolts and with 10 mm diameter mild steel rod welded one end to the ring and threaded the other end for and; including nut and washer for bolting to and including short lengths of mild steel channel or angle not less than 50x50 mm built into the structure or bolted thereto with self drilling anchor bolts, or Purpose made straps to the Engineer’s approval. Where cast iron ventilating pipes passing through sloping roofs, necessary waterproofing by means of aluminum flashing well dressed down to the roof shall be provided. Cash iron ventilating pipes passing through roofs shall terminate at least 300 mm above the roof level and shall be protected against insect penetration by a copper wire mosquito-proof balloon grating securely bound on the top of the pipe with stout copper wire. At the foot of all coast iron discharge and ventilating stacks and where shown on the drawings and on other positions as directed or necessary for cleaning, inspection pipes with door shall be provided. On cast iron junctions inspection pipes shall be with large rectangular bolted door similar too “BURNBROS” No. 639. 5. Valves, Cocks, Taps etc. Draw-off taps and stop valves shall comply with BS 1010: 1959. Copper-alloy gate valves shall comply with BS. 1953:1964. Brass ball valves shall comply with BS 1212:1953 copper floats for ball valves shall comply with BS 1968:1953; and plastic floats for same shall comply with BS. 2456:1954. Sluice valves shall comply with BS 1218:1946 Manually operated mixing valves for ablutionary and domestic purposes shall comply with BS. 2060:1964. Draining taps shall comply with BS. 2879:1957 Copper-alloy screw down stop valves shall comply with BS. 2060:1964. All valves and cocks shall have the same flow areas as the corresponding pipes and shall be accessible for operation and maintenance and suitably labeled by an approved method. 2.26 Specifications 28 Stop valves shall be fixed in position shown on the drawings to all branch services for group control, or where else specified. All valves, cokes and taps shall be of the correct pressure rating according to the recommendations of the relevance BS, or the local authority. At commencement of the Contract, the contractor shall if necessary, ask the Engineer for guidance on this point. 6. Sanitary and other Appliances The appliances shall be fixed in the positions shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall include in his rates for providing all necessary screws, bolts, etc, together with all jointing material required and also for temporary erecting and securing fittings in the required position of service and discharge pipes, taking down, storing and fixing after completion of wall finishing permanently fixing and connecting to service and discharge. Care shall be taken at all times and particularly after fixing to protect appliances from damage. Upon completion of the work, all appliances shall be cleaned for plaster, paint, etc and carefully examined for defects. 7. Steel Water Storage Tanks Where specified as galvanized mild steel, water storage tanks shall comply with BS 417:1964. Galvanizing shall take place after manufacture. Pressed steel sectional water storage tanks shall comply with BS. 1564:1949 and shall be similar to manufacture “BRAITHWAITE”. Where positioned on roof or storey partition slabs, tanks shall be placed on minimum 150mm high supports to the Engineer’s approval. Water storage tanks shall be mosquito proofed by means of a well fitting bolted cover bedded on a thick gasket of felt or bitumen. Overflow pipes from tanks shall discharge into open air or into floor gullies where nearby positioned, with splay cut ends mosquito proofed by means of wire gauze tightly bond on with stout galvanized wire. 8. Water Meters Water meters shall be installed by the Contractor in the positions shown on the drawings or where else instructed by the Engineer. 9. Fire Fighting Equipments Portable fire extinguishers shall comply with the following British standards: a. Water type (soda Acid) BS. 138:1948 b. Foam type (chemicals) BS. 740:part 1:1948 c. Foam type (gas pressure) BS 749:part 2:9152 d. Water type (gas pressure) BS 1382:;1948 e. Carbon tetrachloride and chlorobrometnane BS 1721:1960 f. BS 3709:1964 Carbon dioxide type g. Dry powder type BS 3709:1964 h. Water type (stored pressure) BS 3709:1964 2.27 Specifications 29 fire hose couplings and ancillary equipment shall comply with BS 336:1965, rubber reel hose shall comply with BS 4169:1959. Underground fire hydrants and surface box openings for same shall comply with BS 750:1964. The installation of hydrants and fire extinguishers shall be in accordance with C.P. 402:;101:1952 and CP, 402: part 3:1964 respectively. If nothing else is specified, fire extinguishers and hose reels shall be supplied in the color “fire red” and be similar to manufacture “ANDUS”. 10. Testing The whole of the water and discharge installations shall be tested to the satisfaction of the Engineer and the local authority. The contractor shall provide all necessary testing apparatus and facilities for testing the installation and any defective work shall be replaced immediately and shall be subject of retesting until found satisfactory. Where pipes are to be chased into walls or otherwise concealed, the work shall be tested prior to lagging, making good chases, etc. All galvanized mild steel cold water pipes shall be tested to a cold-water pressure of 8.0kg/cm2. if nothing else is specified. The testing pressure shall be applied by means of a manually operated test pump or, in the case of long mains of large diameter, by power-driven test pump. Pressure gauges shall be recalibrated before the test. The test pressure shall be maintained by the pump for about one hour and a leakage as specified in C.P. 30 section 502j shall be approved but any visible individual leak shall be repaired. Valves, cocks and taps shall be absolutely tight under the test pressure for correspondence pipes as well as under a small pressure. All discharge pipes shall be tested with air or smoke to a pressure equal to 4mm water gauge and the pressure remain constant for a period not less than 3 minutes. The water seals of all sanitary appliances, which are installed, shall be fully charges and test plugs inserted into the opens ends of the Pipe works to be tested. With the pressure applied, every trap shall retain not less than 25mm seal. All tests shall be repeated three times: the traps being recharged before each test and the maximum loss of seal in any one test, measured by a dip stick, should be taken as a significant result. All test shall be carried out in the presence of a representative of the Local Authority and/or the Engineer or his representative. Upon completion of work, including re-testing if necessary, the installation shall be thoroughly flushed out and water pipes refilled with clean water ready for use. 2.28 Specifications 30 SECTION 9 – FLOOR, WALL AND CEILING FINISHING 1. Sand Sand for backings, floor and wall finishes is to comply with BS 1199 Table 1 2. Aggregate Coarse aggregate is to be as described for “concrete work” 3. Cement Cement is to be as described for “concrete Work” 4. Lime Lime is to be non-hydraulic hydrated line to BS 980 Class “A” obtained from an approved source and run into putty at least 24 hours before use. 5. Workmanship All concrete beds or slabs shall be thoroughly brushed clean, hacked if necessary and well wetted and flushed over with cement sand (1:1) grout immediately before screeds or pavings are laid. Screed cement paying shall be laid in accordance with the relevant BS Code of Practice. Working joints between bays of the floor finish should be placed in accordance with the Engineer’s instructions. Paying shall be damp cured with sand or sawdust and kept damp for at least 7 days after laying. All surfaces to be plastered or rendered must be brushed clean and well wetted before is applied. Joints of walling shall be raked out and concrete hacked to form a key, care shall be taken to see that paving and plastering do not dry out prematurely. Adequate time intervals must be left between successive coats in two-coat work in order that the drying shrinkage of the undercoat may be substantially complete. All internal and external angles shall be pencil rounded. 6. In-Situ paving generally Before laying in-situ floor finishes, the concrete beds are to be thoroughly hacked for key, cleaned off, thoroughly wetted with clean water and coated with stiff cement slurry and rates for screed, granolithic and terrazzo paving are to include for this. They are also to include for all necessary curing and protecting until the building is handed over to the Employer. 7. Cement and Sand paving The cement and sand paving shall be in the proportions of 1:4 by volume and incorporating or treated with an approved hardener. 8. Concrete paving The concrete paving shall be in the proportion of 1:1:4 by volume, the coarse aggregate used shall not exceed 10mm nominal size. It shall be trowelled smooth with a steel float. If the Contractor wishes to use a power float he is to seek the approval of the Engineer who may require him to complete a sample area before granting permission. 9. Granolithic Paving The aggregate for granolithic paving shall be in accordance with BS 1201 and shall be mixed in the proportions of 1:1:11/2 cement, fine and coarse aggregate respectively. The mix shall incorporate an approved hardener suitable for incorporation and not for surface treatment. The water cement ration shall be kept as low as possible and shall not in any case exceed 0.45. The paving is not to be laid to the full thickness described and to be finished with a wood float and no extra cement trowelled into the surface which is to be laid true and level. The paving is to be thoroughly cured after laying by covering with polythene sheeting and periodically watered to keep it moist for at least one week after laying. The surface is to be polished with approved rotary carborundum discs mechanically operated coarse and fine grain and with cement and sand slurry to produce a blemish-free surface. Cost of granolithic paving should include for an approved colour plastic dividing strip. 2.29 Specifications 31 10. Terrazzo paving The in-situ terrazzo shall consist of white or colored cement and marble aggregate; the colour of the cement and aggregate shall be selected by the Architect. The mix shall comprise three parts of 6mm nominal aggregate to one part colored cement by volume. The aggregate shall be clean and granular and shall not contain flaky particles or dust. The underbed shall be cement and sand 1:4 by volume. An approved plastic dividing strip shall be inserted. The terrazzo toping shall be laid to a minimum of 12mm thickness in plastic conditions while the underbed is still green and this should be watered to minimize absorption from the topping. The terrazzo must be well taped into position and rolled with a suitable hand roller. The topping should be allowed to take an initial set and then any surface voids must be grouted up with damp sacking for at least 72 hours. When dry and hard, the surface shall be machine polished by grinding with carborundum or tough stone disc of suitable grade and with rotary polishing pads. 11. Wood Block or parquet flooring Parquet tile flooring shall be as manufactured by Timsales or other equal and approved manufacturer or supplier. It shall be laid on a smooth screed and fixed with approved adhesive. It shall be finally sanded and finished with two coats of approved Two-pack epoxy wood varnish. 12. Floor screed for P.V.C Tiles The cement and sand paving shall be in proportion of 1:4 by volume and incorporating or treated with an approved hardener. 13. P.V.C Tiles Flooring and Skirting P.V.C floor tiles shall comply with BS 3260. The tiles and accessories shall be supplied in the size and thickness specified and in colours selected by the Architect and are to be fixed to the screed base with a suitable adhesive supplied (or recommended) by the manufacturer and used in accordance with his instructions. 14. Tyrolean Rendering Tyrolean rendering is to be applied in four coats to obtain a total thickness of 22 mm and adequate time intervals must be allowed between successive coats in order that the drying shrinkage at each undercoat may be completed. The first coat shall consist of cement, lime putty and sand mixed in the proportions of 1:1:6 by volume applied to a minimum thickness of 10mm and finished with a wood float finish. The second, third and fourth coats shall consist of one part of natural cement to four parts of fine white chipping to approval applied with an approved “flicking machine” so that the first coat is completely covered and a thickness of 12 mm is obtained. 15. Internal Plaster Internal plaster to wall and ceiling shall be applied in two coats and adequate time intervals must be allowed between successive coats in order that the drying shrinkage of the undercoat may be substantially complete. The first coat must be well scratched, keyed and wetted to receive the finishing coat. The finishing coat shall be finished smooth with a steel float but care must be taken not to overwork the surface in order to minimize the incidence of shrinkage cranks. All internal and external angles shall be pencil rounded. Internal plaster, unless otherwise described, shall be lime plaster of 15 mm minimum overall finished thickness applied in two coats, the first coat consisting of cement, lime putty and sand mixed in the proportions of 1:2:9. The finishing coat shall be a skim coat comprising cement and lime putty in the proportions of 1:10 Cement plaster is to be employed where specified on the drawings and is to be applied into coats of approximately equally thickness to a total of 15mm minimum overall finished thickness. The composition of both coats shall be the same and shall comprise cement and sand (1:4) but a small percentage addition (not more than 10%) lime putty may be permitted if the Architect considers that this will reduce the incidence of shrinkage. 2.30 Specifications 32 The Contractors shall cut out and make good cracks, blisters and other defects and leave the whole of the plastering and rendering perfect at completion. When making good defects the plaster shall be cut out to a rectangular shape with edges undercut to form dovetailed key, and all finished flush with the face of surrounding plaster. 16. Glazed Ceramic tiles 16.1 Glazed wall tiles shall be from an approved manufacturer and shall conform to the requirements of BS 1281. Tiles shall be white with slightly rounded or “cushion” edges and unless otherwise specifically described shall be size 200x300x 6mm thick. Tiles shall be laid with continuous straight joints and internal angles shall be butt jointed. Rounded on edge tiles shall be used at all external angles and at edges of panels. Tiles shall be bedded in approved tile adhesive and pointed in white cement. 16.2 Glazed floor tiles shall be from Saj Ceramics or other equal and approved manufacturer and unless otherwise specifically described shall be size 300x300x 8mm thick. Backing to tiles is to be cement and sand in the proportion of 1:4 rendering in one coat to a minimum thickness of 25mm finished with wood float. 16.3 Backing for wall tiles is to be cement and sand in the proportion of 1:4 rendering in one coat to a minimum thickness of 12mm with wood float finish. 2.31 Specifications 33 SECTION 10 – GLAZING 1. Glass Glass generally shall comply with the requirements of BS 952 and shall be free from bubbles, specks, waves, flows or any other defects. Clear sheet glass shall be 32 oz. (4mm nominal thickness) flat drawn sheet of ordinary glazing quality unless otherwise described. Polished plate glass shall be 6 mm thickness. Glass for louver blades shall be clear sheet flat drawn or rough cast obscure rolled glass to the thickness shown in the drawings with all exposed edges ground and polished. 2. Putty The putty shall be hard-setting tropical putty to BS 544 3. Workmanship All glass is to be accurately cut to fit easily into rebates with a tolerance of 2mm all round. It is to be well puttied at the back and to be sprigged with non-ferrous pins. The putty is to be mostly trimmed and cleaned off and care must be taken that it does not show beyond the sight lines of the sashes. All rebates must be treated with one coat lacquer (as described under “painting” hereafter) prior to glazing. 4. Cleaning and Protecting The Contractor must allow in his rates for the protection of all work in this section and for replacing any cracked, scratched, broken or defective glass prior to handing over to the employer. He must also allow for cleaning all the windows inside and out and other glass on completion with an approved window cleaner and wash-leather and for removal of all paint splashes. 2.3 Specifications 34 SECTION 11 – PAINTING 1. Colour Range All painting shall be carried out in colours selected by the Architect. 2. Materials Paint generally shall be ready mixed and supplied by one of the manufacturers listed below and delivered to the site in the sealed containers clearly labeled with the manufacturer’s name, type of paint and colour. Oil based priming paint shall comply with BS. 2521 – 2524 inclusive. Crown Paints Basco Paints (K) Ltd Sadolin Paints Paints are to be used strictly in accordance with the manufacture’s name, instructions, type of paint and colour. Oil based priming paint shall comply with BS. 2521 – 2524 inclusive. 3. Preparation All surfaces to receive treatment are to be clean and dry before paint application and surface irregularities are to be removed by filling or the use of suitable abrasives. 4. Plastered Surfaces Internal plastered wall surfaces generally to be treated with plastic emulsion paint, surface are to be allowed to dry out thoroughly prior to paint application. All cracks and surface imperfections are to be cut back and filled with a patent filler in accordance with he manufacturer’s instructions and rubbed down to a true and even surface. Apply one primer coat thinned with water and two finishing coats of “Crown Paints” or other approved plastic emulsion paint in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. When specified internal plastered wall surface are to be painted gloss. In addition to the preparation described above, apply one coat of an approved alkali-resistant primer and flat down with 320 grade “wet dry” abrasive paper. Apply two finishing coats of approved gloss paint lightly rubbed down in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. 5. Woodwork Preparation Large knots in woodwork are to be cut back and replaced with sound wood or scorched back and after priming the surface made good with stopping. All knots are to be treated with two thin coats and patent knotting free from resin, after priming all nail boles and other imperfections shall be filled with stopping and the whole surface rubbed down to a smooth even surface. The stopping must be “Sadofil” or other approved filler. 6. Metal Work All rust and loose scale on steel and iron work must be removed by wire brushing and rubbing with emery and treated with one coat of red oxide primer or other zinc paint in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. One coat of zinc chromate primer will then be applied followed by two undercoats and one finishing coat of gloss paint as described for woodwork above. The Contractor is to note that where mild steel burglar bars are housed into wood frames the full length of the bar is to be treated before fixing. Galvanized metalwork is to receive one coat of white spirit or mordant de-greasing solution washed off prior to the application of calcium plummet primer followed by two undercoats and one finishing coat of gloss as previously described. Galvanized metalwork is to be painted only where instructions are given by the Architect as in some cases galvanized metalwork is to be left untreated. 2.33 Specifications 35 SECTION 12 – ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS 1. General Conditions and Requirements 1.01 Working Drawing The Contract Drawing are detailed preliminary drawings whose purpose is to establish the requirements and scope of the Electrical Works and allow tenderers to prepare their tenders. They are not intended to be working Drawings and must not be used as such. The Contractor shall prepare all such Working Drawings. The Working Drawings shall be complete in such detail that the Electrical Works can be executed on site and that the Engineer can approve the Contractor’s design and intentions in the execution of the Electrical Works. If the Contractor requires any further instructions, details, contract Drawing or information drawings to such information as may be required in writing to the Engineer. All working Drawing shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. The Engineer reserves the right to reject any work commenced prior to such approval. Working Drawings to be prepared by the Contractor shall include but not be restricted to the following. a. Any drawings required by the Contractor and the Engineer to enable structural provisions to be made. They shall include detailing of holes, chases, fixings, foundations, cable work ducting whether below or aboveground, in or outside or below buildings. b. General arrangement drawings of all plant, control panels switch and distribution boards, fittings and apparatus any part thereof and installation layout arrangements of such plant and apparatus. c. Layout drawings of all concealed and surface ducts and conduits, showing cables and wires concealed. d. Detail and arrangement drawings for any alternative equipment approved by the Engineer. e. Such other drawings as are called for in the text of the Specifications or schedules or as the Engineer may reasonably require. Two copies of all working Drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. Two copies of approved working Drawings shall be submitted as soon as possible thereafter. There shall be no deviation from approved working Drawings without the Engineer’s written permission. The working Drawing shall be based upon the metr5ic system i.e. M(meters) and/or mm (millimeters). Approval by the Engineer of working Drawing shall neither relieve the Contractor of any of this obligations under the Contract or relieve him of correcting any errors found subsequently in the approved working drawings or other working Drawings and in the work on site or elsewhere associated therewith. Record Drawings During the execution of the works on site the Contractor shall, in a manner proved by the Engineer, record on Working Drawings and Contract Drawings all information necessary for preparing Record Drawings of the installed Electrical Works. Marked-up drawings and other documents shall be available to the Engineer as he may require for inspection and checking. Record Drawing may include approved Drawing adjusted as a correct record of the installation of the Contract works, subject to the approval of the Engineer. 2.34 Specifications 36 They shall include but not restricted to the following drawings or information; a. Working Drawing and contract Drawing amended as necessary but titled “Record Drawing” and certified as a true record of the “as installed” electrical works. Subject to the approval of the Engineer such working drawings as may be inappropriate may be omitted. b. Fully dimensioned drawings of all plant and apparatus installed or connected by the Contractor. c. General arrangement drawings of equipment, other areas containing plant forming part of the Electrical Works and the like, including the accurate size and location of plant and apparatus suitably cross-referred the drawings mentioned in (b) above and herein after d. Routes, types, sizes and arrangement of all electric ca les, conduits, ducts and wiring including the date of installation of concealed work. e. Schematic diagrams of individual plant, apparatus, and also those applicable to system operation as a whole. f. Wiring diagrams of plant and apparatus. The Contractor shall supply for fixing in sub-stations, switch rooms, boiler houses, plant rooms, pump houses, the office of the Maintenance Engineer and similar places such suitable instruction charts, schematic diagrams of instrumentation and of the electrical regulations as may be requested by the Engineer provided that the said charts, diagrams etc, relate to installations forming part of the Electrical Work. All such charts and diagrams shall be of suitable plastic materials on a stiff backing and must be approved by the Engineer before final printing. Market-up drawing of the installation of the Electrical Works shall be kept up to date and completed by the date of practical or sectional completion. Market-up drawings of the installation of the installation of the Electrical works shall be kept up to date and completed any the date of practical or sectional completion. Two copies of the Record Drawings of the Electrical Works and two sets of the installation charts and schematic diagrams on stiff backing shall be provided not more than one month later. The Engineer reserves his right of review the marked-up drawings to see if they are in an up to date condition before approving the Contractor’s requests for interim payments. Record Drawing shall be prepared on approved transparent linen or plastic material suitable for reproduction by the Dye line process or similar. If the Contractor fails to produce to the Engineer’s approval either (a) the market-up drawing during the execution of the Electrical Works or (b) the record Drawings etc, within one month of sectional or practical completion the Engineer shall be at liberty to have these drawings produced by others. The cost of obtaining the necessary information and preparing such drawings etc will be deducted from the outstanding payments due to the Contractor. For preparation of Working and Record Drawings the Contractor will be supplied with prints of Contract Drawings and Architect Drawings where required. Samples Samples are physical examples furnished by the Contractor to illustrate materials, equipment and workmanship, and to establish standards by which the Works will be judged. Wherever required in the Particular Specification the Contractor shall submit samples in adequate time so that no delay is caused, and he shall include in his tender price for all; such samples and subsequent amending of same if the Engineer finds it necessary in order to attain the required standard of workmanship or materials. 2.35 Specifications 37 The Engineer will review and approve samples with reasonable promptness so that no delay is caused, but only conformity with the design concept of the works and with the information given in the Electrical Contract Documents. The Engineer’s approval of a separate item shall not indicate approval of an assembly in which the item functions. 1.04 Maintenance manuals Upon practical completion of the Electrical Works the Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer four copes of a maintenance Manual relating to any equipment or plant forming part of the Electrical Work. The Manual shall be loose-leaf type, internal A4 size with stiff covers. It may have in several volumes and must be sub-divided into sections, each section covering one engineering service system. It shall have ready means of reference and a detailed index. The Manual shall contain full operating and maintenance instructions for each item of equipment, plant and apparatus set up in a way dealing systematically with each system. It shall include as may be applicable to the Electrical Works the following and any other items listed in the text of this specification or the Particular Specification. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. System Description Plant Valve operation Switch operation Procedure of fault finding Emergency procedures Lubrication requirements Maintenance and servicing periods and procedures Colour Coding legend for all Services Schematic and Wiring Diagrams of plant, apparatus and Switchgear Record Drawing, true to scale, reduced to international A4 size Lists of primary and secondary spares. The Manual shall be specially prepared for the Electrical Works, and manufacturer’s standard descriptive literature and plant-operating instruction (cares) will not be accepted for inclusion unless exceptionally approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall however, affix such cards, if suitable, adjacent and apparatus. One spare set of all such shall be furnished to the Engineer. Co-operation The contractor shall carry out his work in accordance with the working programme. The Contractor shall co-operate with the Engineer in planning the installation before work is commenced. Particular care shall be taken to ensure that there is close co-operation with the other sub-Contractors in stalling services to prevent fouling of services positions, cable routes, switch positions, access positions etc. The Contract Drawings give a general indication of the intended layout. The positions of the equipment and appliances and also the exact routes of the mains and distribution conduits, trucking, cables, etc shall be shown on Working Drawing and approved by the Engineer before installation is commenced. When large items of equipment such as switchboards, trunking or ling lengths of conduit ate to be installed or cable to be stretched out before drawing in, the Contractor shall provide, in adequate time, access for installation when work is commenced on site. 2.36 Specifications 38 The contractor shall make sure the correctness of connections he is making to all items of equipment supplied under this and other contracts before they are put into operation. Details of operation, temperature, voltage, power, rating, etc shall be confirmed to others and confirmation received before the system is first operated. Cutting away and Making Good All away and all making good will be carried out by the Contractor and he will be responsible for the correct making out of all chases and holes. The contractor will be responsible for the provision of all cable ducts and trenches unless anything else is stated in the Particular specification or marked on the Contract Drawing. The Contractor shall include in his tender for the plugging of all walls, ceiling and floors to facilitate the fixing of the conduits, accessories and all other parts of the electrical installations. Any purpose-made fixing brackets shall also be provided and installed by the Contractors. The Contractor shall also be responsible for ensuring that runs for floor or wall, chases, holes to be cut or left are marked out at an appropriate stage of the structural works. All wall chases shall be perpendicular or horizontal to the finished floor level, angled chases will not be permitted, but for exceptional circumstances. The contractor shall at the earliest opportunity set out the position of all holes necessary for the passage of ducts and conduits or otherwise required in connection with his work. The Contractor shall pay particular attention to the fixing and alignment of switches, socket outlets, telephone outlets and similar boxes. 1.07 Structural Provision for the electrical Work Preliminary major structural provision has been made for the Electrical /works on outline information ascertained ensuring the preparation of the Electrical Contractor sates otherwise when submitting his tender. Any minor structural provisions or alternations to major structural provisions required by the contractor shall be shown on working drawings to the Engineer within 30days of the date of award of the Electrical Contract. No request for alterations to preliminary major structural provisions will be approved except where they are considered unavoidable by the Engineer. They will in no case approved if building work is so far advances that they will cause additional costs or delays in the work. Concealed Work The Contractor will be responsible for the extra runs and placing of conduits and boxes; which are to be cast in concrete ceiling, floors, walls, columns and beams, and for the proper fixing of the conduits and boxes the shuttering and the steel reinforcement work. During the procedure of casting the Contractor must provide a labor to attend the work and if necessary to be ready to make good any damage on the Contractor’s work caused by laborer when casting. When conduit are concealed, the boxes shall be in a exact position relative to the finished plaster of such other finish as may be applied to enable cover plates to be accurately positioned. The contractor shall, if required, indicate suitable catum points from which all measurements can be taken. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure accuracy of fixing. Position of Service, Equipment’s, Fittings and Apparatus The contractor shall be responsible for verifying all dimensions relative to his work by actual measurements taken on Site. 2.37 Specifications 39 The routes of service and approximate positions of apparatus ate shown on the Contract Drawing but their exact positions shall be determined by approved dimensional details on Working Drawing or on site by the Engineer in Consultation with the Contractor. The Contractor shall ascertain on site that his work will not foul other services and in all cases the services through the ducts must be arranged to allow maximum access for maintenance and repair. Any work which has to be carried out twice due to negligence in this respect will be his responsibility. The contractor will be deemed to have allowed in his Tender for locating terminal points for services (eg. lighting switches, socket outlets, lighting points) in the correct positions. The contractor sold refers to the particular specification for exact mounting distance and heights. 1.10 Identification of Plant and Components All main switches, circuit breakers, isolators, switch fuses, control panel, switch – and distribution board shall be neatly and clearly labeled externally with identification marks corresponding with those on drawings or in specifications. Details of the lettering of the labels and the method of mounting or supporting shall be approved by the Engineer prior to manufacturer. 1.11 Painting Unless anything else is stated in the specifications, the Contractor must include in his tender for all protective and finish painting of the Electrical works including colour of service pipe work to the approval of the Engineer. Special requirements, if any, are specified in the text of the particular Specification. The painting shall be carried out by a skilled painter. 1.12 Supply by others The installation only of materials and equipment from a supplier having a direct agreement with the Employer shall mean the taking delivery where directed, checking with invoices, idents or other delivery documents, reporting and claiming damages for shortages and damaged goods, defraying demurrage, signing for as having been received in good order, transporting to and around on site, unloading, storing, covering and protecting until the time of fixing replacing anything lost or damaged, unpacking, sorting, assembling, hoisting to required levels and installing as required. 1.13 Payments The contractor will be paid in accordance with the terms of the Contract. No payments shall be due under the contract unless the quantity Surveyor has included in; a certificate the; amount covering that part of the Electrical Works for which payment is due. The percentage of certified value retained shall be 10% unless otherwise specified; in the Bill of Quantities for the Contract. No certificate so issued by the Quantity Surveyor shall be considered conclusive evidence of the sufficiency of any work or materials to which it relates so as to relieve the Contractor from his liability to execute the works in all respects in accordance with the terms of and subject to the conditions of this and the particular Specification, or from liability to make good all defects as provided thereby. 1.14 Inspection The Engineer shall have full rights t inspect the work in progress and all materials and equipment for use in the instillation prior to its erection whether these are on site or in the Contractor’s workshop. The Contractor shall allow for all reasonable access to the works for this purpose, as well as the provision of necessary laborer, scaffolding, etc. 2.38 Specifications 40 1.15 Cleaning The site shall be kept clean and tidy at all times and all litter removed regularly. 1.16 Testing All tests required by B.S the Regulations for the Electrical Equipment of Buildings and the license shall be carried out by the Contractor. Tests on insulation and earth continuity mentioned in the above rules and Regulations shall be carried out by the Contractor on the completed installation, as well as all running tests for insulation, continuity of all conduit and trunking systems and earth connections. The Contractor will be required to gee all completion forms etc, to enable the installation to be tested upon completion; similarly a reasonable notice should be given to thee Supply Company of the period of completion to avoid delay of such tests (essential before handling the installation over to the Employer). The Contractor shall pay all fees arising from the testing and any subsequent re-testing of the installation. All tests must be carried out in the presence of the Engineer or such other person appointed for this purpose, but the Contractor alone will be responsible to the authorities for the installation’s compliance with rules and Regulations. The Contractor shall provide precise instruments and all labour for testing. Test results shall be submitted the Engineer within fourteen days of the contract and the Contractor shall issue the /Certificate upon completion as required under the above referred regulations. Any defects, faults or omissions of the installations that might be apparent by such tests shall be corrected contractor at his own expense. by the 1.16 Tools and Testing Equipment When required in the Particular Specification the Contractor shall in separate boxes provide sets of special tools, general and special testing equipment required for normal maintenance serving of items of plant and major apparatus forming part of the Electrical Work. The boxes shall be clearly marked inside as to which item of plant or apparatus the contents relate. All special tools and testing equipment may be used by the Contractor in the execution of the Electrical Works but will not be accepted as part of the Electrical works by the Employer unless they are handed over in clean and undamaged condition and in perfect working order. A schedule of boxes and items therein shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer for approval. Boxes shall be of such sizes that they may be conveniently carried by not more than two men and are capable of being suitably and consistently stored in a central store. 1.18 Hand Over Completed Installation The Electrical Works shall be considered complete and the maintenance and defects liability period shall commence only when the Electrical Works and Supporting services have been tested, commissioned and operated to the satisfaction of the Engineer and approved and accepted by the Employer, provided always that the handing over of the Electrical Works shall coincide with the completion of the Main Contract Works. The following procedure will apply: 1) Upon completion of the Electrical Woks to the satisfaction of the Engineer, the Contractor will make a request to the Engineer to hand over the installation. 2) The Engineer will arrange a visit or series of visits on site to satisfy all parties of the correctness of the installation so that the client can accept the installation from the Contractor. 2.39 Specifications 41 3) The Contractor must demonstrate to the employer every service connected and instruct the Employer’s operating staff as to its efficient and safe use and to explain fully all-electrical drawings. 4) The Contractor will prepare Approved Hand Over Certificates and check lists of all controls and items of equipments, tools, spares etc. 5) Copies of all Hand Over documents should be handed to the Engineer, which will signify the start of the defects liability period. 2. Quantity of materials and Workmanship 2.01 Materials and Workmanship Generally All materials, fittings and accessories shall be new as specified and in accordance with the requirements of the current rules and Regulations where such exist and with the relevant British Standards. Uniformity of manufacture and type of fittings and accessories shall be preserved as far as practicable throughout the Electrical works. The Contractor shall, if required, submit samples of materials to the Engineer for his approval before placing an order. Wherever in the Contract Documents the practice is adopted of specifying a particular item as “similar to” or “as” that listed in a particular manufacture’s catalogue, it is to be clearly understood that this is to indicate the type and quality of the equipment required. No attempt is being made to give preference to the equipment supplied by the manufacturer whose catalogue is quoted. The onus of proof as to equivalent quality will rest with the Contractor who’s tender to allow for the makes described. Where particular manufactures are specified herein no alternative makes will be considered without weighty reasons and the Engineer shall be at liberty to reject any other makes. The contractor will be entirely responsible for all materials, apparatus, equipment, etc furnished by him in connection with the Electrical Works and shall take all special care to protect all parts of finished work from damage until it is handed over to the Employer. The work shall be carried out omnipotent workman under skilled supervision. The Engineer shall have the authority to have any part of the work, which is executed in an unsatisfactory manner, removed and replaced. 2.02 Fixing All apparatus and accessories shall be rigidly fixed in position by means of correct number and size of fixing bolts, screws, etc as prescribed by the manufacturer of the apparatus. Flush boxes fort switches, socket outlets, and similar accessories shall be fixed in the wall with a wood screw of appropriate length. Conduit boxes to support, lighting, fitting or other equipment, shall be screwed to the ceiling or wall in addition to the support offered by the conduits. Raw plugs or similar shall be used fixing smaller equipment to walls or ceilings. For large equipment raw bolts or similar shall be used. 2.03 Earthling The Contractor shall earth the entire installation in accordance with the regulations and the license’s bylaws. The entire system of metallic conducts and trunking, metallic sheaths of cables, cases and enclosures of Switchgear and electrical apparatus shall be connected to the earth point according to the current rules and Regulations. The Contractor shall supply and install conductors, cables, copper tapes, earthling rods, etc for the installation of the complete earthling system. 2.40 Specifications 42 2.04 Wiring in Conducts All wiring must be carried out in PVC insulate single core copper cables to the relevant British Standard. The wiring shall be carried out by looping cables from point. Where tee-offs or other joints of conduits required, a proper draw-box shall be provided. The entire wiring shall be so organized that later changes and renewal can take place without cutting down structural parts or removing the fabric of the building. The Contractor must allow in his tender for sufficient fixing of all wiring items. The wiring shall comply with the colour code requirements of the relevant authorities. All cables shall draw in after the installation of the entire conduit system and after plaster has dried out. Draw wires shall not thread in at the time conduits being installed. Not more than 6 final Sub-circuit cables shall run in conduits feeding outlet boxes. Not more than 8 cables running straight back to the distribution board shall be enclosed in one conduit. Sub-mains shall not be enclosed in the same conduit as other circuits. Lighting sub-circuits shall not be enclosed in the same conduit as general-purpose power sub-circuits. Single-phase sub-circuits shall not be enclosed in the same conduits as three phase sub-circuits. Extra low voltage services shall be run n separate conduits systems. A dedicated conduit system for each service shall be provided. Great care shall be taken to ensure that no twisted cables enter the conduits. 2.05 Cables and Conductors All cables shall be with copper cores unless otherwise specified. All cables shall be delivered to the site in their original packing with all seals intact. Cables dimensions shall comply with Regulations and with the information given on the drawings of the specifications. All cables shall confirm the relevant British Standard. No cable dimensions smaller than 1.5sq mm shall be used for light and control circuits. No flexible cords smaller than 0.75 must be used. The appropriate jointing paste is to be used where aluminum conductors are connected to copper or brass elements in switchboards etc, to avoid dissimilar metal chemical action. Cables in horizontal and vertical runs shall be clamped in such a way that stresses in the cables are avoided. Where no trays or trunking is installed the cables shall be fixed to structures by means of screw fixed saddles. Common saddled shall be used where cables are grouped. All cables shall be terminated with suitable compression type cable glands of the correct size. All low voltage cables shall be thoroughly soldered or joined wit reliable connectors, which hold the conductors in a firm grip without damaging the wire and without any possibility of vibrating loose. Mineral insulated cables shall be of 440-volt grade unless otherwise specified. Where specified or where installed in corrosive situations they shall be sheathed with PVC sleeves. 2.41 Specifications 43 The greatest care shall be taken when terminating mineral insulated cables and insulation tests shall be taken 24 hours after a cable has been sealed. Mineral insulated cables shall, where no cable trays exist, be fixed copper clips of an approved design maximum 35 cm centers on vertical runs and maximum 25 cm centers on horizontal runs. Through joints will only be allowed at runs exceeding the length to which cables can be manufactured. Sealing of mineral insulated cable ends shall be by means of cold screw-on type seals and universal glands of same manufacture as thee cable. Where PVC insulates steel wire armored cables enter switchgear and other apparatus they shall be made off with suitable brass glands in corporation in cone grip armor clamps, as approved for use b the cable manufactures, with the whole gland enclose in a PVC shroud. At all points of cable termination, a reasonable excess length of cable shall be included to allow for future alteration. Any exposed conductor or cable end shall be taped with PVC tape to thee thickness of the original insulation. the taping shall be of the same colour as the original insulation. Cables rising from the floor in exposed positions shall have some form of kicking protection for approximately 1 m above floor level. This may be either short length or bushed conduct, or metal channel, and the top end shall be sealed with plastic compound. Cables shall be taken off drums with the drum supported on a spindle and cable drum jacks. Where feeding cables into horizontal routes the cables shall be run the underside of the drum, where feeding to a manhole. Cable shall be run off the top of the drum. Care must be taken to break the rotation of the drum preventing cable turns on the drum form running loose. Cables shall not be dragged over ground, concrete or other surfaces, but must be either adequately suppo9rted on rollers and/or man handled into position. Any damage to the serving or sheathing of cables shall be brought to the Engineer’s notice in writing and his instructions that it shall be repaired or replaced is to be carried out. 2.06 Conduits Plastic conduit shall be of best quality new super high impact grade, heavy gauge, complying with BS 4607, (Rigid PVC plasticised conduit as manufactures by EA cables ltd) suitable for plain connections. Conduits badly formed or bent or damaged in any way must not be used. All PVC conduit connections shall be made using plain bore couplings and special waterproof adhesive for use by the conduit manufacturers. Bends shall be made using either correct size binding springs or rubber cords. Earth continuity shall be maintained by running a suitably sized tinned copper conductor inside the tubing. Connections to boxes, etc shall be down with brass nuts, bolts and washers. Conduits not cat in or concealed shall be galvanized conduits of heavy gauge welded and screwed steel and shall comply with BS 4568. The exposed threads and damaged or corroded surface of any type of steel conduit shall be cleaned and then treated with two coats of zinc rich paint (Zinc content 92-95 percent) all according to the manufacturer’s instructions. One such paint is “Galvanized SB”, Expedite ltd. All joints shall be screwed up tight and all conduit ends cut square with all burrs and roughness removed. Conduits having a diameter of less than 20 mm shall not be used in the Electrical Works. 2.42 Specifications 44 Conduits to be concealed in structures cast in situ shall bee secured to the steel reinforcement with heave binding wire, spaced not than 900 mm apart to prevent movement of the conduit and boxes during the pouring and vibrating of the concrete. Boxes shall be filled with paper to prevent ingress of concrete, and all boxes shall be securely fixed to the shuttering with nails or other measures, which must not be visible after removal of the shuttering unless they later can be concealed e.g. by plaster. Conduits shall be installed after the first grid of steel reinforcement has been securely fixed. All open ends of conduits shall be protected by couplings plugged with a suitable non-metallic stopping plug. Conduits run in chases in walls of the like shall be fixed by means of mild steel pipe hooks or saddles spaced not more than 900 mm apart. Where the conduit is concealed behind plaster it shall be sunk to a dept of 10 mm below finished plaster level before application of the plaster, i.e. thickness of plaster shall not be less than 10 mm when covering conduits. Conduits fixed to the surfaces of walls or ceilings shall be fixed by spaced bar saddles fixed by spaced bar saddles fixed not more than 900 mm apart. Surface conduits shall also be fixed 200 mm from boxes, the boxed themselves being securely fixed. Where such and arrangement of boxes and saddles would prove both unsightly and unnecessary, short lengths of conduit not exceeding 900 mm between boxes need not be secured further than by connection to the adjacent boxes. In such cases the Engineer reserves his rights to insist upon having additional fixings provided should he for any reason whatsoever consider additional fixing necessary. Special care shall be taken to prevent dirt and plaster to enter any section of the conduit system. All bends in conduits shall be formed without any decrease or increase of the cross-sectional diameter of the conduits. The radius of the bend shall not be less than indicated by the Regulations. For concealed work this radius shall be increased. No manufactured tees, elbows and bends will be permitted in concealed work. All conduits shall be thoroughly cleaned for sharp edges and burrs removed. The conduits shall be installed unnecessary bends or changes in direction. Conduits shall be laid in straight lines. Where straight rows of conduit are, installed, inspection boxes shall be placed at not more than 15 intervals. They shall be not more than 4 easy bends or 2 right angle bends between boxes. In surface conduct system inspection bends may, where it seems convenient, replace inspection boxes, but only with permission form the Engineer. Cables capacities of conduit and trunking shall be in strict accordance with the current IIEE wiring Regulations (ref 15th …, appx.12) Where particular installations are called for which fall outside these tables, then a space factor of 50% should be used. 2.07 Boxes Conduits boxes installed concealed in connection with plastic conduits shall be of plastic. Boxes installed externally shall be galvanized and where exposed to direct weather conditions compound filled. All metal boxes shall be fitted with an earth terminal. Deep boxes or extension rings on standard circular boxes shall be used where necessary in order to bring the front of each box flush with the ceiling or wall. All screws for holding boxes, lids etc in position shall be screwed in. Adaptable boxes shall be screwed by minimum four screws. Conducts shall enter such boxes by means of conduit sockets. Joint boxes without connectors will not be allowed. 2.43 Specifications 45 All boxes shall match the equipment installed in the box and preferably genuine parts produced by the same manufacturer shall be used. All necessary screws, plugs, bolts and other fixings for electrical equipment must be supplied by one Contractor and included in his tender. All fixing on concrete or stone structure shall be by means of raw plugs or similar plugs in plastic. All spare ways in boxes left for possible future extension shall be fitted with stopping plugs 2.08 Trunking and Cable Trays The maximum number of cables in trunking shall be that which theoretically would occupy 50% of the cross sectional area of the trunking. If else is specified the metal trunking shall be similar to that manufactured by “Walsall”. All sections shall be rigidly fixed together and fixed to buildings structure at intervals of not more than 1200mm. all metal trunking shall be made electrically continuous with copper links across each joint. The trunking shall be standard wall or sectional type, and shall have a removal cover, which shall be accessible throughout the entire length of the installation. Covers shall be fixed to the trunking with screw or similar devices, which shall be captive within the cover plate. All steel trunking shall be hot galvanized. Further surface treatment to trunking shall be in accordance with the particular specification. Cable trays shall be manufactured of perforated hot galvanized steel plate with returned flanges. Suspensions shall be at intervals of not more than 1500 mm. All supports and fittings shall be of the same finish as the tray. 2.08 Switchboard Tender prices must include the supply of all switchboards and distribution boards where not otherwise stated. All costs for installation in the position indicated on drawings and the cleaning and connection of all in and outgoing cables to the correct terminals must be included in the tender. Each switchboard section shall be completed, fully wired and checked out at the factory or workshop and shall require a minimum of installation work on the site. Modular construction shall be used wherever practicable and provision shall be made for simplified servicing, replacement and maintenance without major dismantling. All switches, switch fuses, circuit breakers, etc shall be numbered in agreement with the Engineer with engraved plastic labels. Were space on switchboard s is provided for future components to be installed as shown on the drawings, all auxiliary parts shall be provided and installed so that future components may be installed and connected with the least possible inconvenience. Full safety measures shall be provided with all such spaces. The tender shall include any provision, which may be required, for the installation of the licensee’s metering equipment. Switchboards and distribution boards shall be dust proof, IP54, if nothing else is stated. They shall have a flexibility of arrangement so that future extensions are possible. Switch fuses shall be so installed that when front cover are removed all incoming and outgoing connections are easily accessible from the front. Neutral and earthing bars shall be provided with each panel in the full length of the panel having connectors equivalent to the number of switches. The arrangements shall be so that complete switches may be disconnected and withdrawn without too extensive work. All busbars and busbar connections shall be clearly marked with colors according to the passes; red, yellow, blue and the neutral black. The busbars shall be orderly arranged in the panel and furthermore so that extensions to both sides may be made in the future. 2.44 Specifications 46 Removable insulated shields shall be provided for protection against contact with live parts. All panels arrangements shall be of sufficient mechanical strength to with stand the influences of short-circuit currents. All wiring within each switchboard shall be orderly laced and bonded to the panel structure, the wiring insulation being colored according to the above busbar colour scheme. Where wiring passes through holes in metalwork protection by rubber bushes shall be provided. Where single core cables are used care shall be taken to prevent inductive eddy currents. Conduits and cable entries shall be provided at the top and the bottom of all equipment. Where wiring is installed to panels, which are supplied and installed by others, the cables shall bebrought into the panel and sufficient length left to permit the making off and connection by others to the terminals. Similarly where which is installed by others to a panel supplied under this contract, the final connection of the cables to the terminals shall be carried out as part of his contract. Each panel shall be fitted internally with circuit lists and a schematic drawing the distribution system, mounted on a plastic covered frame. 2.09 Switchgear Control voltage of all contractors, automatic switchgear and motor protection gear shall be 240 V A C if not otherwise specified. The short circuit capacity of all circuit breakers, switchgear and motor control gear shall be in accordance with the Regulations. All fused switch units shall be supplied and installed complete with Class Q H R C cartridge fuse links complying with B S 88, and shall be contained in metal clad, dust proof, gasket sealed individual enclosure with nondetachable steel operating handles which shall be capable of being locked in either the “on” or the “off” position. The fused switch units shall have fault ratings at least equal to the fault rating of the switchboard in which they are installed. 2.10 Switches, socket Outlets and Spur Units. Switches, socket outlets and spur units shall, if nothing else is specified, be with plastic plates, ivory white, and installed in flush pattern boxes. Surface mounted switches, socket outlets and spur units shall, if nothing is specified, be metal clad type with steel cover plates. Light switches shall be 5 or 20 amp. According to the load switched and must be suitable for inductive loads up to their ful current range. Where nothing else is specified socket outlets shall be 13 amp. To comply with BS 1363. Switches, socket outlets and spur units shall be of same manufacturer and shall match to each other throughout the Electrical Works. 2.12. Motors and Electrical Equipment Precise positions of these and of associated control switches; shall be ascertained by the Contractor. The Contractor shall carry out all conduct work, wiring and connections. If nothing else is specified, isolators shall be supplied by the Contractor, but starters, control gear, etc shall be supplied by others. All connections of starters, control gear, etc shall however if nothing else is specified be included in the Electrical Works. 2.45 Specifications 47 The Contractor shall ensure the correct rotation and running of all motors and control circuits and the correct functioning of all equipment. Conduit connections to motors and equipment shall be made by means of minimum 20 mm flexible waterproof conduit and the rigid conduit shall terminate in a n adequate box. The earth continuity shall be maintained by means of an earth conductor run within the flexible conduit. 2.13 Light Fittings Light fitting ate if nothing else is specified, to be supplied by the electrical Contactor. The Contractor hall include in his tender for cleaning, installation, connection, replacement of breakages and supply of matching light sources in accordance with the attached schedule of light fitting or as specified on the drawings and in the Particular Specification. Fluorescent fittings shall except where otherwise specified be phase compensated by means of a phase capacitor, on LC- coupling. Cast-in boxes shall be completely covered by fittings All light fittings shall be cleaned and the installation be in complete working order before Handing Over. 2.46 Specifications 48 SECTION 13 – DRAINAGE 1. Generally The preambles for the previous trade sections are applicable to his section together with the following preambles. The drainage is to be carried out in accordance with the directions of the Mechanical Engineer and the requirements of the Bye-laws. No length of drain is t be covered until it has been tested and passed. 2. P V C Drain Pipes P V C drain pipes shall comply with ISQ R161 (4kg/cm) “pipes of Plastic Materials for the Transport of fluids” The drain pipes shall be with spigot and socket glued joints. 3. Cast Iron Drain Pipes Shall be Centrifugal cast (spun) iron drain pipes with spigot and socket to BS 437 thoroughly coated inside and outside; alternatively similar pipes but class “B” in accordance with BS 1211 may be used according to availability. Fittings shall be in accordance with BS 1130. Pipes shall be jointed with asbestos yarn and caulked with molten lead or jointed with special jointing compound all to approval. 4. Concrete Drain Pipes. Pre-cast concrete pipes shall be in general conformity with BS 556; Concrete cylindrical Pipes and Fittings. The concrete mix used for the manufacture of ordinary pipes shall not be weaker than Grade A. For foul water drainage sulfate resisting concrete pipes shall always be used. The manufacturer of sulfate resisting pipes shall be in general conformity with BS 556. The concrete is not weaker than “A” Pipes up to and including 450mm diameter shall be un-reinforced and shall incorporate spigot and socket type joints. Pipes above 450 mm diameter shall be reinforced with not less than steel fabric BS 110 or the equivalent in mild steel and shall have spigot and socket joints or if the Engineer so approved shall have the concrete. In socketed pipes the reinforcement shall be extended continuously from the pipe barrel into the socket, the longitudinal bars being cranked as necessary. No wall thickness of the pipe barrel is specified but the reinforcement (if any) and the wall thickness must be so balanced that the pipes are in conformity with BS 556 and the test specified therein. 5. Pitch Impregnated Fiber Drain Pipes. Pitch impregnated fiber drain pipes, couplings and fitting shall comply with BS 2760 part 1 and 2. 6. Manhole Manholes shall be constructed on drain lines in the positions indicated or wherever ordered by the Engineer. Manholes on pipe drains shall be constructed with an in-situ base in concrete class “C” which shall be raised to form benching and invert of the manholes. The benching and channels shall be carefully formed to shape according to the number, diameter and positions of the incoming and outgoing pipes. The channels in the manholes bases shall have circular inverts. The benching shall be sloped towards the channels at a gradient of 1 in 6 or as otherwise detailed on the drawings. Benching shall be carried out in concrete class “C” and rendered with 15 mm 1:3 cement mortar. Rendering shall be carried out in sulfate resisting cement for foul water drainage. The end of all pipes entering the manholes are to be carefully cut to shape to suit the internal dimensions of the manholes are to be as short as possible and are to be surrounded with 15 mm concrete up to the first pipe joint. 2.47 Specifications 49 The manhole shall be constructed in accordance with the drawings for typical and special manholes. Cast iron steps for manholes shall comply with BS 1247. All steps to be hot dip galvanized after manufacture. Manhole covers and frames shall be in accordance with the requirements of BS 497 and as specified on the drawings. 7. Concrete Beds etc Concrete beds shall be class “D” laid to correct falls, 300 mm wider than the external diameter of the pipe. Rates are to include for laying in two parts, the first part being laid on the trench bottom 75 mm thick and allowed to set before pipe laying is commenced. Individual pipes shall be firmly supported on pre-cast concrete blocks placed immediately behind the socket and in such a manner that each pipe is accurately positioned in both line and level and the underside of the barrel is at least 75 mm above the top of the concrete. After the pipe joints have been made and the pipe lines satisfactorily tested, the first layer of the concrete bed shall be thoroughly washed down and cleaned and the remainder of the bedding concrete (and the haunching or surrounding concrete where required) shall be placed and consolidated under and around the pipe in such a manner as not to cause any damage of disturbance to the pipe or joints. The contractor is to ensure that his method of placing this second layer of concrete is such that the full length of each pipe is fully supported. The overall depth of beds is to be in accordance with the table given on the drawings. Where pipes are specified to be haunched, the bed shall be brought up with the second layer of concrete to a minimum overall depth of 150 mm to the underside of the barrel of the pipe plus half of the diameter of the pipe and then sloped up to the top of the barrel of the drain pipes. Where pipes are specified to the surrounded, the bed shall be brought up with the second layer of concrete to a minimum overall depth of 150 mm to the underside of the barrel of the pipe and then completely surrounded with concrete with 150 mm minimum cover all round. Rates of this item are to include for any formwork required. 8. Trenches and Manhole Excavation and Backfilling The bottom of the drain trenches are to be trimmed and consolidated to correct levels and gradients. If any trenches are over-excavated the Contractor is to fill up to the proper depth at his own expense with concrete class “E” where required. Rates for the drain trenches are to include for grading bottoms, any necessary planking and strutting and keeping the excavations free from water, returning, filling in and ramming around over and disposing of surplus material to spoil heaps on site. They shall also include for sieving and hand filling trenches where required for the first 300mm over the drain pipes. Backfilling shall be executed with selected materials in 150 mm layers (300 mm layers if a mechanical rammer is used) each layer being well rammed and watered to obtain the maximum compaction. Care shall be taken to ensure that no stone or other work is placed within 300 mm of such work. Rates for manhole excavation shall include for leveling the bottoms. All surfaces materials including top soil which differs in any nature whatsoever from the sub-strata, shall in every case be carefully set aside and stored separately from other excavated materials. No claim for extra payment will be allowed for setting aside top soil for later use. 9. Pipe laying and Jointing Generally All laying and jointing of pipes shall conform generally with C.P 301. Each cast iron or concrete pipe shall be tested for soundness before laying by striking with a hammer and any pipes or joints which do not ring true or which show in any other way any sign of being defective shall be rejected. 2.48 Specifications 50 Each pipe shall be laid accurately to line and gradient so that the finished pipeline shall be in a straight line both in horizontal and vertical planes. The Contractor shall fix properly painted and secured positioned sight rails, the levels and positioning of which shall be checked by the Engineer before the rails are used and as often as may be necessary. There shall be not times less than three sight rails in position on each length of pipeline under construction to any other gradient and the sight rails shall be situated vertically above the line of pipes or immediately adjacent thereto. 10. Joining P V C Drain Pipes The type of joint used for P V C drain pipes is cemented spigot and socket. The jointing procedure is as follows: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) The spigot and shall be chamfered Clean spigot and socket will wet cloth and dry Ungrease spigot and socket with acetone Mark length of joint and spigot Apply first a relatively thick layer of cement on to spigot and then a thin layer into socket Push home the joint to the mark quickly and give at once a 90 degree twist Remove pressed out cement Do not disturb the joint for five minutes whilst cement is hardening. The cement used shall be supplied by the factory, which is supplying the pipes. 11. Jointing Pre-cast Concrete Pipes The Contractor shall adopt such measures as may be approved by the Engineer to ensure that every laid pipe is concentrating with previously laid pipes with which it joints. Unless otherwise approved pipes shall be laid in an up gradient direction and spigot shall be laid in the direction of the flow. Before commencing the laying operations, the contractor shall ensure that the portions of pipe, which come into contact with jointing materials, are perfectly clean. Cement mortar joints for concrete pipes with spigot and socket joints shall be made as follows: 1. Before commencing the jointing operation the socket of the previously placed pipe and the spigot for the new pipe shall be clean and thoroughly soaked with water. 2. The spigot shall be wrapped one complete lap with tarred hemp spun yarn and the new pipe shall be carefully drawn towards the previously laid pipe so that the spigot enters the full depth into the socket of the previously laid pipe. The new pipe shall then be adjusted and fixed in its correct position in line, level and gradient and the tarred yarn shall be caulked tightly home into the socket. On completion of this operation the yarn shall not fill more than one quarter of the total depth of the socket. 3. The reminder of the socket shall be completely filled with cement mortar consisting of one part of cement (“sulfate resisting cement for fouled water drainage) to three part of sand. The mortar filling shall terminate flush with the socket and shall be neatly toweled to a smooth finish completely around the pipe. 4. To assist the curing of the mortar the Constructor shall cover the joints immediately after they are made with a layer of hessian which shall be kept continuously wet during daylight hours and he shall further adopt such other measures as the Engineer may direct all at the Contractor’s expenses. 12. Positioning of floor gullies etc The Contactor shall before positioning floor gullies, duck-foot bends for ventilating stacks etc. consult the Engineer in order to ensure the correct position of these. Failure to do so shall in no way relieve the Contractor from positioning floor gullies, duck-foot bends for ventilating stacks, etc in positions the Engineer may later direct. 2.49 Specifications 51 13. Testing After the drains are laid and jointed and before the trenches are filled in, they are to be tested in the presence of the Engineer’s representative. The drains shall be tested in lengths between manholes or such shorter lengths as the representative or the Engineer may approve. Water shall be passed into the length under test until such time as all the air has been expelled and the line is full of water and subjected to a head of 1500 mm at the upstream end. The test shall be considered to be satisfactory if there is not visible leakage, seepage or weeping from any of the pipes or joints and if the head of water in a 76 mm diameter upstand tube fitted at the upstream end does not fall at a rate faster than 12 mm per minute per 30 meters length. The contractor shall make such time allowance as maybe necessary for the pipe to absorb water before being subjected to test. Manholes are to be tested for water-tightness in the same way as for drains by filling with water but not exceeding 1500 mm head. The Contractor is to supply all testing apparatus and materials necessary for these tests and provide all labor and assistance required. Any failure whatsoever in the drainage system to withstand the specified tests and any defects appearing are to be made good and the drains re-tested to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 2.50 Specifications 52 SECTION 14 – EXTERNAL WORKS The preambles for the previous trade section are applicable to this section together with the following preambles: Earthworks All excavations are to be carried out to lines and levels as shown on drawings or as directed by the Engineer. Surplus materials shall be disposed of by the Contractor according to the Engineer’s instructions. Top Soil Top soil is defined as any layer of soil adjacent to the existing surface which contains or is discolored by roots, or other organic matter which in the opinion of the Engineer will affect the stability of any superimposed construction. Top soil shall be removed to a depth of 150mm or such depths as may be directed, within the limits of the pavements. The Excavated top soil shall either be stacked for re-use in soiling areas outside the limit for pavements or shall be removed and spread as directed by the Engineer. Road and Parking Area Sub-Grade 1. Description This work shall consist of furnishing and placing approved granular sub-base material of the thickness and width and at the locations shown on the plans or ordered by the Civil Engineer, in accordance with these specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. Unsuitable soils are not accepted in the upper 250 mm of the sub-grade whether cut or fill. These soils include soils with CBR- Value below 7% (measured by 100% modified proctor, and after 24 hours soaking), and soils with content of big roots or other vegetable matter and debris and other substances likely to hamper the compaction and stability of the sub-grade. Soils on site will generally be accepted as materials for filling in the embankments. However, top soil, tree roots or other soils containing vegetable matters will be rejected. 2. Materials The material shall consist of hard, durable particles of fragments of stone or gravel, screened or crushed to the required size and grading. The material shall be free from vegetable matter and lumps or balls of clay and shall meet the requirements for one of the grading given in the table below and whichever is called for in the bid schedule, as determined by AASHO T27. Sieve Designation Percentage by weight Passing square mesh sieves A B C 100 - 75 mm 37.5 mm 75-85 100 - 25 mm - - 100 4.75 mm 45-65 30-70 40-80 850 mm 15-40 - - 75 mm 0-10 0-15 5-20 2.51 Specifications 53 NOTE 1) The percentage passing the 75 mm sieve shall not exceed ¼ of the percentage passing the 4.75 sieve. 2) That portion of the material passing a No. 40 sieve shall be non-plastic or shall have a liquid limit of not more than 25 and plasticity index of not more than 6 as determined by AASHO T89 and T91 respectively. 3. Construction 3.1 Pits and Quarries Pits and quarries shall be cleared and grubbed. 3.2 Placing The sub-grade shall be shaped to the correct cambers gradient and levels as shown on the drawings for the full width of the crown and shall be compacted to minimum 96% modified proctor to a depth of at least 300 mm or as specified by the Engineer. Compaction shall be carried out at Optimum Moisture Content, and the Contractor shall ensure, when water is added to achieve this, that it shall be thoroughly mixed with the sub-grade material in the pre-scribed depth. The sub-grade shall be constructed in such a manner and to such levels that no single points deviates more than 20 mm from the stipulated levels. The deviations must not be one side. 3.3 Measurement The quantity to granular sub-base shall be measured either in square meters giving the thickness. 3.4 Payment The quantities determined as provided above shall be paid for at the contract price per unit of measurement, respectively for each of the particular pay items, which prices and payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and placing the material and for all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work prescribed in this section. 4. Base 4.1 Description This work shall consist of a course composed of gravel or crushed aggregate, placed and compacted on a prepared roadbed in accordance with these specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades, thickness, and typical cross section shown on the plans. 4.2 Materials 4.2.1 Gravel Gravel shall consist of hard, durable particles or fragments of stones or gravel, and a filler of sand or other finely divided mineral matter. Oversize material encountered in deposits from which gravel is produced shall be removed by screening or shall be crushed to the required size, whichever the Contractor may select. 4.2.2 Crushed Aggregate Crushed aggregate shall consist of hard, durable particles of fragments of stones or gravel crushed to the required size, and a filler of sand or other finely divided mineral mater. When produced from gravel, not less then 50 percent by weight of the coarse aggregate retained on the 4.76 mm size sieve shall be particles having at least one fractured face and if necessary to meet this requirement or to eliminate any excessive filler, the gravel shall be screened before crushing. 2.52 Specifications 54 5. General Requirements for Gravel and Crushed Aggregate. In addition to the requirements in section 4.2, gravel and crushed aggregate shall be uniformly graded from coarse to fine and shall conform to the requirements given in the table below for grading. The portion of the material retained on a 4.76 mm sieve shall be known as coarse aggregate, and that portion passing a 4.76 mm sieve shall be known as fine aggregate. The material shall be free from vegetable matter and clay balls. Coarse aggregate shall have a percentage of wear of not more than 50 at 500 revolutions as determined by AASHO T 96. For all grading, that portion passing a 0.420 mm sieve, including filler, shall be non plastic or shall have a liquid limit of not more than 25 and a plasticity index of not more than 6 as determined by AASHO T 89 and T 90 respectively. 5.2 Grading requirements for aggregate. Percentage by weight passing Square mesh sieve AASHO T 11 and 27 Sieve Designation 75 63 50 37.5 25 19 12.5 9.5 4.75 2.36 2.00 425 75 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm A 100 70-100 60-80 50-70 40-60 25-45 15-35 5-25 0-15 0-10 B Percentage By Weight Passing Square Mesh Sieve C D E F G 100 80-100 68-88 53-73 35-55 29-49 17-37 8-28 0-18 0-13 100 80-100 60-80 50-70 30-50 20-45 10-30 5-20 0-10 100 65-95 55-85 35-65 20-50 0-15 0-20 100 75-100 45-75 25-55 5-35 100 70-100 60-80 50-70 40-60 25-45 15-35 1-20 0-15 100 70-90 60-80 45-75 30-60 15-40 0-30 0-20 0-15 Columns, A, B, C, are for Base Course Columns, AD, E, F & G are for Surface Course Columns, E & G are for Bituminous Road Surface Course. 5.3 Blending Materials In fine aggregate or filler in addition to that naturally present in the base course material is necessary in order to meet the grading requirements, or for satisfactory bonding of the material, it shall be uniformly blended with the base course material at the screening and crushing plant or on the road. The material for such purpose shall be obtained from sources approved by the Engineer and shall be free from hard lumps. 5.3 Calcium Chloride Calcium chloride shall conform to the requirements of AASHO M 144. 2.53 Specifications 55 6. Placing The base shall be placed on the prepared surface and compacted in layers not exceeding 150mm or as approved by the Engineer. When more than one layer is required, each layer shall be shaped and compacted before the succeeding layer is placed. The placing of material shall not begin until the surface on which it is to be placed has been approved by the Engineer. Placing shall be from spreader boxes or from vehicles especially equipped to distribute the material in a uniform layer or window. The layer or window shall be of such size that when spread and compacted, making due allowance for any blending material that is to be added on the road, the layer shall have the required thickness. When hauling is done over previously placed material, hauling equipment shall be routed as uniformly as possible over the entire area of previously constructed layer. 6.1 Adding Blending Material When additional fine aggregate or filler is required and it is to be blended with the material on the road, the blending material shall be uniformly placed with spreader boxes or other approved devices. 6.2 Mixing and Spreading After each layer of base course material has been placed, and blending material added when required, it shall be thoroughly mixed to its full depth by means of power graders, traveling mixers, or other mixing equipment. During the mixing, water shall be added in the amount necessary to provide the optimum moisture content for compacting as specified in section below. When uniformly mixed, the mixture shall be spread smoothly to a uniform thickness or in case of the top layer, to the cross section shown on the plans. The contractor shall so schedule his operations as to assure completion of compaction within 48 hours after mixing and spreading. 6.3 Compacting Immediately following final spreading and smoothing, each layer shall be compacted to the full width. Rolling shall progress gradually from the side to the center parallel with the centerline of the road, and shall continue until the entire surface has been rolled. Any irregularities or depressions that develop shall be corrected by loosening the material at these places and adding or removing material until the surface is smooth and uniform. Along curbs, headers, and wall and at all places not accessible to the compactor, the base material shall be tamped thoroughly with mechanical tampers. The material shall be both bladed and rolled until a smooth even surface has been obtained. During the progress of the work, the engineer will make density tests in accordance with AASHO T 191, modified to include only materials passing a 19.0mm sieve, and if he finds the density, is less than 100 percent of the maximum density as determined by AASHO T99. Method C, the Contractor shall perform additional rolling or tamping as may be necessary to obtain that density. Other types of field density tests may be used for control purposes after density values corresponding to those obtained by AASHO T 191 have been established. 6.4 Thickness Requirements The cutting of test holes and refilling with material properly compacted shall be done by the Contractor under the supervision of the Engineer. 6.5 Surface Requirements When tested by a crown template, conforming to the typical cross section shown on the plans, and an ammeter straightedge applied at right angles and parallel respectively to the centerline of the roadbed, the variation of the surface from each testing edge between any two contacts with the surface shall at no point exceed 1.0 cm for the crown template and 1.0 cm for the straightedge. 2.54 Specifications 56 If the contractor elects to produce and stockpile aggregates prior to placement on the roadbed, the aggregates shall be stockpiled to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 7. Measurement 7.1 Square Meter Basis The area of aggregate base course complete in place, compacted to the depth and width as shown on the plans satisfactory to the engineer shall be measured by station length along the center line of the roadway for the length and the measured widths as shown on the plans. 7.2 Cubic Meter Basis The quantity of aggregate base course shall be the number of cubic meters acceptable and laid and compacted as measured by cross section or by nominal cross section area times the station length. 7.3 Metric tons The weight of aggregate base course shall be determined by weighing boarded truck on approved scales minus the tare weight of the truck. 7.4 Payments The quantities, determined as provided above, shall be paid for and which payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and placing all materials, including all labour, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work prescribed in this section. 2.55 Specifications 57 SECTION 15 – Surfacing and pavement Aggregate surfacing 15.1 Description This work shall consist of a course composed of gravel or crushed aggregate, whichever is called for in the bid schedule, constructed on a prepared roadbed in accordance with these specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades, and typical cross sections on the plans. 15.2 Materials Materials shall conform to the requirements of Section 14, except as to grading and plasticity of aggregate. Gravel and crushed aggregate shall meet the requirements given in the table below for the grading . For all grading, that portion passing C 420 mm sieve, including blending filler, shall have a liquid limit of not more than 35 and a plasticity index of not less than 4 nor more than 9 as determined by AASHO T89 and T90 respectively. 15.3 Construction Methods shall conform to all the requirements for construction methods under Section 14. Grading Requirements for Aggregate Surfacing Percentage by Weight Passing Square Mesh sieve AASHTO T11 and T 27 for Grading Sieve designation 37.5 25 19 12.5 9.5 4.75 2.00 425 75 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm A B C D E 100 40-75 30-60 5-12 100 40-75 25-60 5-12 100 45-80 25-60 5-12 100 26-60 5-12 100 85-100 65-100 55-85 40-70 25-45 5-12 15.4 Measurement The quantity of aggregate surfacing to be paid for shall be the number of cubic meters measured in the vehicles, or the number of metric tons as determined by weighing loaded trucks on approved scales minus the tare weight of the truck, whichever is called for in the Bills ;of Quantities. 15.5 Payment The quantities, determined as provided above, shall be paid for at the contract price unit of measurement, respectively, for each of the particular pay items listed below that is shown in the bills of Quantities, which prices and payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and placing all materials, including the labour, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the work prescribed in this section. 15.6 Bituminous Prime Coat 15.6.1 Description This work shall consist of furnishing and applying bituminous material to a previously prepared roadbed in accordance with these specifications and to the width shown on the typical cross section on the plans. 2.56 Specifications 58 15.6.2 Materials Blotter Materials Blotter material shall be clean, graded sand or when called for in the Special Conditions, it shall be a suitable material furnished under another contract item. Bituminous Materials Bituminous materials shall be of the type and grade that shall conform to the requirements of the specifications listed below or as directed by the Engineer. Slow-curing liquid bituminous material Medium-curing cutback bitumen Rapid-curing cutback bitumen - AASHO MM 141 - AASHO M 82 - AASHO M81 Grades (with temperatures of application in degrees C) shall be as follows: Slow-curing liquid bituminous material Medium-curing cutback bitumen Rapid-curing cutback bitumen 15.7 sc-1 (450-850), SC- 2(600-1000) - MC-0 (200-600), MC-1 (45-85) - MC-2 (600-1000), Mc-3 (800-1200) - RC-2 (600-1000) Construction 15.7.1 Weather Limitations Prime coat shall be applied only when the surface to be treated is dry or slightly damp, when the atmospheric temperature in the shade is above 130C and rising or above 150C, if falling, and when the weather is suitable. 15.7.2 Equipment The equipment used by the contractor shall include a roller, a power broom and/or a power blower, a self-powered pressure bituminous material distributor (sprayer) and equipment for heating bituminous material. The distributor shall have pneumatic tires of such width and number that the load produced on the road surface shall not exceed 108 kg per cm of tire width, and shall be so designed, equipped, maintained and operated that bituminous material at even heat may be applied uniformly on variable widths of surface up to 4.6 meters at readily determined and controlled rates from 0.17 to 7.04 liters per square meter as determined by the Engineer, with uniform pressure, and with an allowable variation from any specified rate not to exceed 0.07 liter per square meter. Distributor equipment shall include a tachometer, pressure gauges accurate volume measuring devices or calibrated tank, and a thermometer for measuring temperatures of tank contents. Distributors shall be equipped with a separate power unit for the pump, and full circulations spray bars, which shall be adjustable laterally and vertically. The spray bars on the distributor shall be controlled by a bootman riding on the rear of the distributor in such position that operation of all sprays are in his full view. The Engineer shall require a test to ensure even distribution over the length of the spray bar and that application is at the required rate. 15.7.3 Cleaning Surface Immediately before applying the bituminous material all loose dirt and other objectionable material shall be removed from the surface with a power broom and/or blower as required. If the engineer so orders, the surface shall be lightly bladed and rolled immediately prior to the application of bituminous material, in which case brooming or blowing will not be required. When so ordered by the engineer a light application of water shall be made just before the application of bituminous material. 2.57 Specifications 59 15.7.4 Application of Bituminous Material Bituminous material shall be applied by means of a distributor at the rate directed by the Engineer. Which will usually be from 1.00 to 1.20 liters per square meter, and at a temperature within the range described before for the particular material being used. Any prescribed application shall be divided into two applications when necessary to prevent flowing off the surface and additional bituminous material shall be applied where surface conditions indicate it to be necessary, if the Engineer so directs. When necessary to provide for traffic, the prime coat shall be applied in lanes of approximately one-half the width of the completed surface, unless the extreme width of the surface makes such application impracticable, in which case the prime coat shall be applied in more than two lanes as required. When applied in two or more lanes, there shall be a slight over lap of bituminous material along the adjoining edges of lanes. The surface of structures and trees adjacent to the areas being treated shall be protected in such manner as to prevent their being spattered or marred. No bituminous material shall be discharged into a borrow pit or gutter. 15.7.5 Maintenance and Opening to Traffic Traffic shall not be permitted on the primed surface until the bituminous material has penetrated and dried and in the opinion of the Engineer, will not pick up under traffic, provided that if it becomes necessary to permit traffic prior to that time but in no case sooner than four hours after the application of the bituminous material, blotter material shall be applied as directed by the Engineer and traffic shall be permitted to use the lanes so treated. Blotter material shall be spread from trucks in such a manner that no wheel will travel in uncovered wet bituminous material. When applying blotter material to a treated lane that adjoins a lane yet to be treated, a strip at least 20 cm wide along the adjoining edge shall be left uncovered, or if covered shall be uncovered when the second lane is being prepared for treatment, in order to permit an overlap of bituminous material as required. 15.8 Bituminous Surface Treatment 15.8.1 Description This work shall consist of one or more applications of bituminous material and spreading of aggregate, constructed on a previously prepared surface in accordance with these specifications and to the width shown on the typical cross section on the plans. 15.8.2 Quantity of Materials per Square Meter The approximate quantities of materials per square meter and the sequence of applications and spreading shall meet the requirements gibes in Table 3.5-1 below for the treatment designation called for in the bid schedule: Specifications 60 Table 3.5-1: Quantities of materials per square meter. Treatment Designation Aggregate Grading And Sequence Of Operations Apply Bituminous Material In Liters Spread Aggregate – Kg Grading F Grading E Grading D Grading C Grading B Grading A Totals Bituminous Material – liters Aggregate - kg 1 Single 2 Double 3 Double 4 Triple 5 Double 6 Quadruple 1.14 0.85 0.95 0.57 1.14 0.76 0.50 0.95 1.14 0.57 1.33 1.52 0.76 4.5 11.3 6.8 3.6 5.4 11.3 3.6 5.4 9.1 15.9 9.1 18.1 22.7 31.8 1.14 11.3 1.35 15.8 1.90 22.7 2.28 27.1 2.47 31.8 3.8 49.9 The weights given above are those of aggregate having a bulk specific gravity of 2.65, as determined by AASHO T 85. Proportionate corrections shall be made when the aggregate furnished on the job has a bulk specific gravity above 2.75 or below 2.55. In such case the corrected amount shall be the product of the number of Kg shown in the table multiplied by the ratio of the bulk specific gravity for the aggregate to 2.65. The amounts given in Table 3.5-1 are approximate and the exact amounts shall be set by the Engineer for each application and spreading. Total amounts of bituminous material per square meter may be varied by the Engineer as necessary to fit conditions, but the total amount of aggregate per square meter, after adjustment for specific gravity, shall not be changed, except the Engineer may order that a portion of it be placed in stockpiles and, similarly, he may order some of the apportionment for stockpiling used in the surface treatment. 15.8.3 Materials Aggregate Aggregate for the several designations of surface treatments shall be crushed stone and shall meet the requirements for grading given in table 3.5-2. Table 3.5-2: Requirements For Grading Of Aggregate For Bituminous Surface Treatments Sieve Designation 37.5 mm 25.0 mm 19.0 mm 12.5 mm 9.5 mm 4.75 mm 2.36 mm 150 mm A B 100 90-100 20-55 0-10 0-15 0-5 100 90-100 20-55 0-15 0-5 Percentage by weight passing C D 100 90-100 40-70 0-15 0-5 Specifications 61 100 85-100 10-30 0-10 E F 100 85-100 10-40 100 85-100 60-100 0-10 Aggregate shall be free from clay balls and adherent films of clay or other matter that would prevent thorough coating with bituminous material. It shall be of such nature that after being coated thoroughly with bituminous material of the type to be used in the work, over 95 per cent of the bituminous material will be retained; after being subjected to a stripping test in accordance with AASHO T 182. This stripping test requirement may be waived if the material has a record of satisfactory performance. The material shall have a swell of not more than 1.5 per cent as determined by method A of AASHO T 101. Bituminous Material Bituminous materials shall be of the type and grade called for in the bid schedule and shall conform to the requirement of the specifications and reference listed below. When more than one grade is shown in the bid schedule, the grade shall be that directed by the Engineer. Medium-curing cutback bitumen AASHO M81 Rapid-curing cutback bitumen AASHO M140 Grades (with temperature of application in degree C), shall be as follows: Medium-curing cutback bitumen Bituminous cement – penetration MC-4 (900-1300), MC-5 (1050-1400) 120-150 (1400-1750) 200-300 (1250-1600) 15.8.4 Construction Weather Limitations Surface treatments shall be applied only when the existing surface is dry or slightly damp, when the atmospheric temperature in the shade is above 150c and when the weather is suitable. Equipment The equipment used by the Contractor shall include a power broom and/or a power blower, dragging equipment, a pneumatic tired roller, aggregate spreading equipment that con be so adjusted as to spread accurately the given amounts per square meter, a distributor, and equipment for heating bituminous material. For treatment designations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 the equipment shall also include a pneumatic-tyred motor grader. The pressure distributor shall conform to the requirements of chapter 3.4 of this section. Pneumatic tired rollers shall have a total compacting width of not less than 1.5 m and the gross weight shall be adjustable within the range of 36 to 63 kilograms per cm of compacting width. The operating weight shall be as directed by the engineer. Other equipment of proven performance may be used by the contractor in addition to or in lieu of the specified equipment when approved by the Engineer. Reconditioning of roadbed Surface treatment shall not commence until the surface receiving the treatment has been approved by the Engineer. 2.60 Specifications 62 Sequence of Operations Bituminous surface treatment shall be applied using quantities and sequence of operations as outlined above. Each spreading of aggregate shall immediately follow application of bituminous material, except where the first spreading equipment to be placed directly on the previously bituminized surface. In the case of designation No. 6 surface treatment, an interval of at least 24 hours shall elapse between application of the third layer and that of the fourth, during which period the surface shall be opened to traffic and maintained by the Contractor by brooming and rolling. Cleaning Existing Surface Prior to placing the first layer of surface treatment, loose dirt and other objectionable material shall be removed from the existing surface. If so directed by the engineer the surface shall be cleaned with a power broom or power blower. Application of Bituminous Material Bituminous material shall be so applied that uniform distribution is obtained at all points. Building paper shall be spread on the surface for a sufficient distance back from the beginning and end of each application so that flow through the nozzles may be started and stopped on the paper and so that all nozzles will operate properly on the entire surface being treated. Building paper so used shall be removed and disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. Application temperature shall be within the range called for in this Section for the particular bituminous material being used. During all applications the surfaces of adjacent structures and trees shall be protected in such manner as to prevent their being spattered or marred. No bituminous material shall be discharged into a borrow pit or gutter. Spreading and shaping Aggregate Initial spreading of each layer of aggregate for all designations of surface treatment shall be done with the aggregate spreading equipment specified. Before the bituminous material is applied, sufficient seal aggregate to cover the distributor load of bitumen shall be in truck on the roadway at the site of the work. Trucks spreading aggregate shall be operated backward so that bituminous material will be covered before truck wheels pass over it. Supplemental spreading and smoothing of the first layer of designations 4, 5 and 6 shall be done with thee motor grader or approved drag specified. All other supplemental spreading and smoothing shall be done with a broom drag and by hand methods where necessary. Brooming and Rolling Following spreading and smoothing, each layer of aggregate shall be rolled as directed. Except where a motor grader or approved drag is used for supplemental shaping and smoothing, broom dragging shall accompany rolling. The final layer of treatment in all cases shall be alternately broom dragged and rolled thoroughly until the surface is fully compacted and bonded to full width. The Contractor shall not allow traffic over complete surface treatments for the first 24 hours after aggregate is applied unless permitted by the Engineer. Specifications 63 SECTION 16 – MISCELLANEOUS 1. Precast Concrete flags The precast concrete flags shall conform in all respect to BS 368 2. Precast Concrete kerbs, channels and Edgings The precast concrete kerbs etc, shall conform in all respects to BS 340 3. Demolition’s These works must be carried out at times arranged and convenient to the Employer or as described elsewhere in these tender documents. The contractor will be held fully responsible for any unnecessary damages caused to furniture, equipment in consequence of these works. He shall reinstate all damages at his own expense and indemnify the employer against any loss whatsoever arising therefrom. The Contractor must give the necessary notices and must exercise all due care in the demolition. During the demolition works the Contractor shall keep the debris constantly watered to minimize the dust arising and this must be included in his prices. Unless otherwise stated all re-usable and approved materials arising from demolitions shall become the property of the Employer and the Contractor shall dismantle such materials carefully and stack them in piles ready for inspection by the Architect. Debris and disqualified materials shall be removed from site. 2.63 Specifications 64 BILL NO. ONE (1) PRELIMINARIES Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY BILL NO. 1 PRELIMINARIES PART ONE (1) - PARTICULAR PRELIMINARIES Description A Shs. THE PROJECT TEAM The “Employer” County Secretary Meru County P. O. Box 120 - 60200 MERU The “Architect” and Lead Consultants K&M Archplans P. O. Box 76240- 00508 Tel. 020 - 2723298 Fax. 020 - 2718159 NAIROBI The "Quantity Surveyor" Constingconsult Ltd P. O. Box 51509 - 00200 Tel. 020 - 3860640 Wireless 020 -2650954 Cell: 0728-891924 NAIROBI The "Civil / Structural Engineer" Xenocon Consulting Engineers P. O. Box 59385 - 00200 Tel. 020 - 4444837 Fax: 020 - 4443828 NAIROBI The "Electrical Engineer" Mecoy Associates Ltd P. O. Box 53086 - 00200 Tel. 020 - 2723754 Fax: 020 - 2727555 NAIROBI The "Mechanical Engineer" Mecoy Associates Ltd P. O. Box 53086 - 00200 Tel. 020 - 2723754 Fax: 020 - 2727555 TOTAL CARRIED TO COLLECTION Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 1/1 Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY A PRICING ITEMS OF PRELIMINARIES Prices shall be inserted against items of preliminaries in the tenderer's priced Bills of Quantities. Please note that failure to price any item of general particular preliminaries will be construed to mean that the tenderer wishes to provide for that item free of charge. The rates shall be deemed to include for all costs involved in complying with all the requirements for the proper execution of the whole of the works in the Contract. B VALUE ADDED TAX, DUTIES AND LEVIES The Contractor’s attention is drawn to the V.A.T. Public Notice No. 6 of 5th August 1993 regarding the Finance Bill (1993) (and any subsequent amendments to-date) which requires the Contractor to pay Value Added Tax (V.A.T.) for all Contracts entered into after 1st September 1993. All tender rates shall be inclusive of VAT, all other taxes, levies and duties in force at the time of tender. Please note that from every interim and final payment, VAT shall be deducted and paid directly to the Commissioner of Value Added Tax (V.A.T) C SCOPE OF CONTRACT The Contract shall comprise the construction and completion of an Executive Governor's Mansion including related facilities as well as Services Engineering installations and Specialist installations as follows: (a) General builders works - New works (b) External and Civil works (c) Building services installations shall include: - Electrical light and power installations - Voice and Data installations - Plumbing, drainage and fire fighting installations - Air conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation installations - Sanitary appliances supply and installation D PAYMENTS There shall be NO Advance payments in this Contract. However the Client may allow advance payment upon the Contractor's request and provision of an approved bank guarantee and other conditions. E MATERIALS FROM DEMOLITIONS Any materials arising from demolitions and not re-used shall become the property of the County Government. F LOCATION OF SITE The site for the works is on a piece of land next to Alba Hotel within the Meru town. Access to the site is from the Meru - Nanyuki Road within Meru. TOTAL CARRIED TO COLLECTION Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 1/2 Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY A DESCRIPTION OF THE WORKS The works in this Contract shall comprise the construction and completion of an Executive residential house as described below: a) Main House approximately 1265 Square Metres total plinth in three floors ground floor (458 Sm), first floor (411 Sm) and attic floor (396 Sm) b) Detached domestic servant quarters on one floor approximately 100 square metres floor area b) Related electrical and mechanical installations. c) Related external and civil works which include water and power reticulation, storm and water drainage, gazebo, swimming pool and changing rooms, access road, driveways and parking, elaborate landscaping and boundary walling with two gates and gate houses. B EXISTING PROPERTY AND SERVICES The Contractor shall take every precaution to avoid damage to all existing property including roads, cables, drains and other services and he will be held responsible for all damage arising from the execution of this Contract to the aforementioned, and he shall make good all such damage where directed at his own expense to the satisfaction of the Project Architect C CONTRACT COMPLETION PERIOD The contract completion period shall be as stated in the Appendix to Conditions of Contract and must be strictly adhered to. The Project Architect shall strictly monitor the Contractor's progress in relation to the progress chart and should it be found necessary, the Project Architect shall inform the Contractor in writing that his actual performance on site is not satisfactory. The Contractor is required to bid for the completion period and should enter the completion period on the form of Tender and all other provided spaces. D SIGNBOARD The Contractor must allow for providing, erecting and maintaining a site signboard, the size, type of construction and lettering of which shall be to the Project Architect's design. The names of the Consultants are to be in lettering 50mm high. The board is to be fixed in an elevated position on the site where indicated by the Project Architect. On completion of the works, the notice board shall be removed and making good shall be carried out as necessary. E LABOUR CAMPS No labour with the exception of a watchman may be housed on the site. The cost of transporting labour to and from the site or elsewhere will be deemed to included in the tender. F PARTICULAR INSERTIONS TO BE MADE ON APPENDIX TO CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT For particular insertions see Appendix to Conditions of Contract section ACC TOTAL CARRIED TO COLLECTION Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 1/3 Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY PART TWO (2) - GENERAL PRELIMINARIES A DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviations used in these Bills of Quantities shall be interpreted as follows:a “Approved”: Shall mean approved by the Project Architect. b “As directed”: Shall mean as directed by the Project Architect. c “B.S.”: Shall mean the Current British Standard specifications published by the British Standards institution, 2 Park Street, London W. I, England. d “Kg.”: Shall mean Kilograms e “No.”: Shall mean Number f “MM”: Shall mean Millimetres g “LM.”: Shall mean Linear Metres h “SM.”: Shall mean Square Metres I “C.M.”: Shall mean Cubic Metres j “M.S.” or "m/s": Shall mean Measured separately k “Prs": Shall mean Pairs l Words denoting the "Male" shall be deemed to represent the "Female" and vice versa. m “Ditto”: Shall mean the whole of the preceding description except as qualified in the section in which it occurs. Where it occurs in brackets it shall mean the whole of the preceding description which is contained in the appropriate brackets. n The term "Employer" or "Client" wherever used in this contract shall be synonymous. B DISCLAIMER The information in part one above is given as a guide only. Tenderers are expected to verify all information given above from the drawings, specifications and bills of quantities. The Client or his agents will not be held liable for any losses or inaccuracies arising from the use of the said information C ACCESS TO SITE Access to site is through the main entrance after Nakumatt supermarket off Meru Nanyuki Road and the Contractor shall provide alternative temporary access to the site as necessary where shown by the Employer. The Contractor must allow here for all costs incurred in providing and maintaining the access to the site. TOTAL CARRIED TO COLLECTION Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 1/4 Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY A VISIT THE SITE The Contractor is advised to visit the site and will be deemed to have satisfied himself with regard to the conditions of the site, the nature of the materials to be excavated and conditions under which the works will have to be carried out, the supply of and conditions affecting labour and the facilities for obtaining the articles or materials referred to in these Bills of Quantities. No claim by the Contractor for additional payment will be allowed on the ground of any misunderstanding or misapprehension in respect of any such matter or otherwise. Any damage cause to existing accesses and roads must be made good as directed by and to the approval of the Project Architect. B DRAWINGS The Contractor will be deemed to have examined the drawings before tendering and to have satisfied himself regarding their details and regarding the nature and extent of the works and the method of construction involved. No claims arising out of misapprehension in these respects will be allowed. Drawings may be seen by appointment at the offices of the Architect during normal working hours. The works are to be executed in accordance with the drawings referred to in the Appendix to these Bills of Quantities together with any drawings which may be supplied in amplification or amendment thereof. C FORM OF CONTRACT The Form of Contract and Agreement used is the STANDARD CONDITIONS CONTRACT FORMING PART OF STANDARD TENDER DOCUMENTS FOR PROCUREMENT OF WORKS (SMALL WORKS) issued by PUBLIC PROCUREMENT AUTHORITY (PPOA) Some amendments have been made to the Standard Contract to suit the requirements of the project. In particular, two clauses dealing with nominated sub-contractors and suppliers have been introduced. Reference to Contract clauses appearing hereunder, is to the PPOA Standard of Tender Documents. Any deviations, deletions or additions appearing herein having been made to suit the specifics of the project should override any contract provisions in the Standard Public Procurement Contract. D CLAUSES OF THE CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT The Contractor’s attention is drawn to the clauses of the Conditions of Contract and deletions, additions and modifications thereto which shall be read as incorporated herein and he shall allow any sums which he considers necessary for the observance of such conditions. (the full contract clauses are contained elsewhere in this document) 1 Clause 1 Definitions 2 Clause 2 Interpretations 3 Clause 3 Language and law 4 Clause 4 Project Manager's/Architect's Decisions TOTAL CARRIED TO COLLECTION Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 1/5 Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY 5 Clause 5 Delegation 6 Clause 6 Communication 7 Clause 7 Sub-Contracting 8 Clause 8 Other Contractors 9 Clause 9 Personnel 10 Clause 10 Works 11 Clause 11 Safety and Temporary Works 12 Clause 12 Discoveries 13 Clause 13 Work Program 14 Clause 14 Possession of site 15 Clause 15 Access to site 16 Clause 16 Date instructions 17 Clause 17 Extension or Acceleration of completion Date 18 Clause 18 Management meetings 19 Clause 19 Early warning 20 Clause 20 Defects 21 Clause 21 Bills of Quantities 22 Clause 22 Variations TOTAL CARRIED TO COLLECTION Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 1/6 Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY 23 Clause 23 Payment certificate, currency of payment and advance payment. No advance payment shall be made. Subclause 23.7(b) and ( c) is deleted. No payment in foreign currency 24 Clause 24 Compensation Events 25 Clause 25 Price adjustment 26 Clause 26 Retention 27 Clause 27 Liquidated damages 28 Clause 28 Securities 29 Clause 29 Dayworks 30 Clause 30 Liability and Insurance 31 Clause 31 Completion and taking over 32 Clause 32 Final Account 33 Clause 33 Termination 34 Clause 34 Payment upon Termination 35 Clause 35 Release from perfomance 36 Clause 36 Corrupt Gifts and Commission 37 Clause 38 Settlement of Disputes The County Secretary Meru County P. O. Box 120 - 60200 MERU The name of the Contract is THE PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION FOR THE MERU COUNTY IN MERU TOWN TOTAL CARRIED TO COLLECTION Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 1/7 Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY The start date shall be AS STATED IN THE LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE The Intended Completion Date for the whole of the Works shall be AS STATED IN THE APPENDIX TO CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT The following documents also form part of the Contract: PROGRAMME OF WORKS SUBMITTED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND APPROVED BY THE PROJECT ARCHITECT The Contractor shall submit a program for the Works within 14 DAYS of delivery of the Letter of Acceptance. The Site Possession Date shall be ACCEPTANCE AS STATED IN THE LETTER OF The Defects Liability period is 180 DAYS AFTER DATE OF PRACTICAL COMPLETION days. The minimum insurance covers shall be; 1 The minimum cover for insurance of the Works and of Plant and Materials in respect of the Contractor’s faulty design is 20% OF CONTRACT SUM 2 The minimum cover for loss or damage to Equipment is KSHS. 10% OF CONTRACT SUM 3 The minimum cover for insurance of other property is KSHS. 10% OF CONTRACT SUM 4 The minimum cover for personal injury or death insurance for the Contractor's employees is 10% OF CONTRACT SUM And for other people is 5% OF CONTRACT SUM The following events shall also be Compensation Events: NON OTHER THAN AS DEFINED IN THESE CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT The period between Program updates is 14 DAYS. The amount to be withheld for late submission of an updated Program is ANY FULL CERTIFICATE DUE The proportion of payments retained is 10% OF CERTIFIED AMOUNT. The Price Adjustment Clause SHALL NOT APPLY. THIS IS A FIXED PRICE CONTRACT The liquidated damages for the whole of the Works is KSHS. 100,000/- (per week or part thereof) The Performance Security shall be for the following minimum amounts equivalent as a percentage of the Contract Price 10 PERCENT (%) The Completion Period for the Works is AS INSERTED IN THE FORM OF TENDER BY THE TENDERER TOTAL CARRIED TO COLLECTION Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 1/8 Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY The rate of exchange for calculation of foreign currency payments is NOT APPLICABLE The standards of workmanship and materials used are expected to be of the highest levels achievable to be commensurate with the best standards in the building industry in Kenya. The Employer shall have the right under this contract to hire others to carry out work falling under the contract if the contract fails to achieve the required standards of materials and workmanship. A SUFFICIENCY OF TENDER The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself before tendering to the correctness and sufficiency of his Tender for the works and of rates and prices stated in the priced Bills of Quantities, which rates and prices shall cover all his obligations under the Contract and all matters and means necessary for the proper completion and maintenance of the Works. The rates and prices shall not be changed whatsoever after tender opening. B PERFORMANCE BOND The Contractor shall find and submit on the Form of Tender Bond an approved bank and who will be willing to be bound by the County Secretary, Meru County in and amount equal to Ten per cent (10%) of the contract amount for the due performances of the Contract up to the date of completion as certified by the Project Architect and who will when and if called upon, sign a Bond to that effect on the relevant standard form included herein. (without the addition of any limitations) on the same day as the Contract Agreement is signed, by the Meru County. The Contractor shall furnish within seven days another Surety to the approval of the said County Secretary. C PROVISIONAL WORK All work described as "Provisional" in these Bills of Quantities is subject to remeasurement in order to ascertain the actual quantity executed for which payment will be made. All "Provisional" and other work liable to adjustment under this Contract shall be left uncovered for a reasonable time to allow all measurements needed for such adjustment to be taken by the Quantity Surveyor. Immediately the work is ready for measuring, the Contractor shall give notice to the Quantity Surveyor. If the Contractor makes default in these respects he shall if the Project Architect so directs uncover the work to enable all measurements to be taken and afterwards reinstate at his own expense. D ALTERATIONS TO BILLS, PRICING, ETC Any unauthorised alteration or qualification made to the text of the Bills of Quantities may cause the Tender to be disqualified and will in any case be ignored. The Contractor shall be deemed to have made allowance in his prices generally to cover any items against which no price has been inserted in the priced Bills of Quantities. All items of measured work shall be priced in detail and the Tenders containing Lump Sums to cover trades or groups of work must be broken down to show the price of each item before they will be accepted. TOTAL CARRIED TO COLLECTION Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 1/9 Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY A MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP The works are to be carried out with new materials of the best quality as specified and all work carried out in workmanlike manner. When substitution of materials is permitted the substitutes shall not be of inferior quality to those originally specified. All materials shall be in accordance with British Standard Specifications latest Edition (B.S) when such exist except where acceptable Local Standard is available. All materials shall be obtainable from approved manufacturers and used in accordance with their instructions. Samples of materials and manufactured articles shall be submitted to the Architect and approved before commencement or use thereof. The Contractor may be required to execute small specimens of work and shall allow for doing so in his rates in preliminaries. No work involving special design shall be put in hand without first consulting the Architect. Materials shall be properly stored and protected from damage or contamination and any materials which in the opinion of the Architect are damaged, deteriorated or otherwise unsuitable for incorporation in the works shall be removed immediately from the site and replaced at the contractor’s expense. Workmanship shall conform to recognized good practice and British Standard Codes of Practice (B.S.C.P) when such exists. Where in doubt the tenderer is required to confirm with the designers B BLASTING OPERATIONS Blasting will only be allowed with the express permission of the Project Architect in writing. All blasting operations shall be carried out at the Contractor's sole risk, and cost in accordance with any County regulations in force for the time being, and any special regulations laid down by the Project Architect governing the use and storage of explosives. C MATERIALS ARISING FROM EXCAVATIONS Materials of any kind obtained from the excavations shall be the property of the Client. Unless the Project Architect directs otherwise such materials shall be dealt with as provided in the Contract. Such materials shall only be used in the works, in substitution of materials which the Contractor would otherwise have had to supply with the written permission of the Project Architect and due allowance or credit made for the materials used D CONTRACTOR'S SUPERINTENDENCE/SITE AGENT The Contractor shall constantly keep on the works a literate English speaking Agent or Representative, competent and experienced in the kind of work involved who shall give his whole experience in the kind of work involved and shall give his whole time to the superintendence of the works. Such Agent or Representative shall receive on behalf of the Contractor all directions and instructions from the Project Architect and such directions shall be deemed to have been given to the Contractor. E LOCAL REGULATIONS AND BY-LAWS The Contractor is to comply with all local authority regulations and by-laws including serving of notices and paying of fees where applicable. TOTAL CARRIED TO COLLECTION Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 1/10 Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY A EXISTING SERVICES Prior to commencement of any work the Contractor shall ascertain from the relevant authorities and from a keen observation of the building, the exact positions, depths and levels of all existing electric cables, water pipes and other services in the building and shall make whatever provisions may be necessary and those that may be required by the authorities concerned for the support and protection of such services. Any damage or disturbance caused to any service/installation shall be reported immediately to the Project Architect, the Employer and the relevant authority and shall be made good to their satisfaction at the Contractor’s expense. In addition to the above requirement, the Contractor is required to program any disconnection and reconnection of services in search a manner that it shall not in any way affect the continuity of the operations of the buildings. B MATERIALS, TOOLS, PLANT AND SCAFFOLDING The Contractor shall be responsible for the provision of all materials, scaffolding, tools, plant, transport and workmen required for the works except insofar as may be stated otherwise herein. All materials and workmanship used in the execution of the works shall be of the best quality and description. Any materials condemned by the Project Architect shall immediately be removed from the site at the Contractor’s cost. All plant, tools and scaffolding shall comply with all regulations whether general or local which are in force throughout the period of the contract and shall be altered or adapted during the contract as may be necessary to comply with any amendments in or additions to such regulations. C SUPERVISION The works shall be executed under the direction and to the entire satisfaction of the Project Architect who shall, at all times, have access to the works. D TRANSPORT TO AND FROM THE SITE The Contractor shall allow in his rates and prices for the transport of materials, workmen etc., to and from the site for the proposed works, at such hours and by such routes and means as are permitted by the authorities. E SECURITY OF THE WORKS The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for the security of all the works, store, materials, plant and shall provide adequate watching and lighting and other necessary safeguards to ensure this security and protection. F PUBLIC AND PRIVATE ROADS, PAVEMENTS ETC. The Contractor shall make good at his own expense any damage he may cause to public and / or private roads and pavements in the course of executing this Contract. TOTAL CARRIED TO COLLECTION Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 1/11 Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY A FAIR WAGES The Contractor shall pay rates and wages and observe hours and conditions of labour not less favourable than the minimum rates of remuneration and minimum conditions of employment applicable within the jurisdiction of the Local Authority as stipulated by the Minister for Labour. The Contractor shall comply with the Regulation of Wages and Conditions of Employment Act, Building and Construction Industry Wages Council. Should a claim be made to the Employer alleging the Contractor’s default in payment of Fair Wages of any Workman employed on the Contract and if proof thereof satisfactory to the Employer is furnished by the Labour Department, the Employer may, failing payment by the Contractor, pay the claim out of any money due or which may become due to the Contractor under the Contract. The Contractor shall furnish to the Project Architect if called upon to do so such particulars of the rates of wages, hours and conditions of labour referred to above. B POLICE REGULATIONS The Contractor shall comply with all instructions and regulations of the police Authorities and shall pay any fines and costs arising from non-compliance of the same which may arise in the course of executing this Contract. C OVERTIME Unless overtime is directed by the Employer or the Project Architect on his behalf for reasons other than the Contractor’s own interest to complete the work within the contract period, the contractor will be responsible for any extra cost arising there from. If overtime is worked in accordance with an explicit written instruction issued by the Project Architect, the Contractor shall be reimbursed in respect of such overtime to the extent only of the additional NET cost of productive time payable over and above the basic hourly rates as laid down by the Regulation of Wages and Conditions of Employment Act, Building and Construction Industry Wages Council, and excluding any bonuses, profits and overheads. D ACCESS TO SITE AND TEMPORARY ROADS The Contractor will be deemed to have inspected the site and all access means and allowed in his rates or in this clause any costs associated with this item E LIGHTING AND POWER The Contractor shall provide at his own risk and cost all artificial temporary lighting and power for use on the works, including all Sub-Contractors and Specialists requirements and shall be responsible for all temporary connections, wiring, fittings, etc. surety and clearing away on completion including paying all fees and obtaining permits thereof. TOTAL CARRIED TO COLLECTION Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 1/12 Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY A WATER FOR THE WORKS The Contractor shall provide at his own risk and cost all water for use in connection with the works (including the work of Sub-Contractors) and pay all costs and fees in connection therewith. He shall also provide temporary storage tanks and tubing, etc. as he may consider necessary and clear away at completion. All water shall be fresh, clean and pure, free from earthily vegetables or organic matter, acid or alkaline substances in solution or suspension and shall be tested if so required by the Architect. The Contractor is advised to investigate the position of water supply for works and take this into account in his pricing. B PROGRESS SCHEDULE Immediately after signing the Contract, the Contractor is to prepare a Time and Progress Chart showing the time and order in which he proposes to carry out the works within the total construction time stated in the contract. The chart shall show in detail the order in which each section, element or activity of the works is to be carried out. At the end of each week the Contractor shall mark on the chart in a different colour the actual time taken to complete the respective stages and sections of the work. The Contractor shall also show upon the chart or on a different sheet to be made available to the Project Architect and the Employer the anticipated weekly labour strength required (divided into labourers and craftsmen) and shall similarly mark up the actual numbers employed. The Contractor shall obtain the Project Architect's approval of the chart and then shall supply copies to the Project Architect, the Quantity Surveyor, the Engineer and the Employer, and he shall pin one copy upon the site where directed. He shall thereafter adhere strictly to the approved schedule. In the event of the work falling behind the approved programme for any reason whatsoever, the Contractor shall, within a week of the deviation becoming apparent, prepare a revised schedule showing how lost time would be made up within the overall Contract Period. Upon commencement of the works, the contractor shall be required, in addition to other requirements on the recording of progress contained herein, to compile and submit to the Project Architect and the Employer Site Weekly reports upon which shall be recorded daily activities on site including the labour and machinery (if any) on site, deliveries of materials on site and the extent of work achieved at the close of the working day. The records shall be filed with the relevant parties not later than the Wednesday of the subsequent week. The Contractor is required to execute the work with speed and dispatch to take as short a time on the project as possible. The Contractor may arrange overtime working with the Employer to achieve this. Any overtime payments should be allowed for in the rates and prices. No extra payment beyond the Contract Sum shall be allowed in connection thereto. TOTAL CARRIED TO COLLECTION Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 1/13 Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY A TEMPORARY STRUCTURES AND STORAGE OF MATERIALS The Contractor shall provide adequate storage facilities of approved specifications to the satisfaction of the Project Architect. The facilities shall be for his use and those of the Sub-contractors B SANITATION OF THE WORKS The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for sanitary conveniences for his workmen. Any arrangements so made shall be in conformity with the Public Health requirements for such facilities. He shall be solely liable for any infringement of the requirements. At the completion of the Contract this shall be removed and the ground made good. C PROTECTING AND CLEANING THE WORK The Contractor shall cover up and protect all finished work liable to damage including provision of temporary roofs, gutters, drains, etc., as necessary until the completion of the works. In the event of any damage occurring to the works, materials, sewers, drains, gullies, paths or other works on the site in temporary possession of the contractor for the purpose of this Contract, either from the weather, want of proper protection, defects or insufficiency of the works or any other cause whatsoever during the progress of the works, the Contractor alone shall be responsible and shall, without extra charge, make good all damage and pay all costs which may be levied. D PREVENTION OF NUISANCE The Contractor shall take all possible precautions to prevent any nuisance, inconvenience or injury to the occupiers/users of the building generally; users of the adjacent and neighbouring properties, and to the public, and shall use proper precautions to ensure the safety of all wheeled traffic and pedestrians. All work operations which may produce undue levels of noise, dust, vibration, welding flushes or any other discomfort to the occupiers of the neighbouring buildings or the general public must be undertaken at suitable times which shall be determined in close liaison with the Project Architect and the Employer. In any event the Contractor shall carry out his operations with the utmost care to avoid noise, dust and any avoidable disturbance to the existing structures and neighbouring property especially during demolitions. Any damage caused by his agents, workmen, etc., to the existing structures or property or any theft or loss of property will solely be his responsibility. The Contractor shall be responsible for taking all steps to ensure that his workmen, agents, etc, do not interfere with the property in the proximity of the works. TOTAL CARRIED TO COLLECTION Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 1/14 Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY A PREVENTION OF NOISE In addition to the above provision on nuisance, the Contractor shall keep the general noise emanating from the site operations at all times to a level that does not cause discomfort to the average person. He shall take all necessary measures to muffle the noise from his tools, equipment and workmen to the reasonable satisfaction of the Project Architect and the Employer. B REMOVAL OF PLANT, RUBBISH, ETC. The Contractor shall, upon completion of the Works, remove and clear away all plant, rubbish, cans and unused materials, and shall leave the building and generally the whole of the site of the works in a clean and tidy state to the satisfaction of the Project Architect and the Employer. During site operations, he shall also remove from the site all rubbish and dirt as it is produced to maintain the tidiness of the premises and its immediate environs. C TRAINING LEVY The Contractor’s attention is drawn to Legal Notice No. 237 of October 1971, which requires payment by the Contractor of a Training levy on all contracts of more than Shs. 50,000.00 in value and he should allow in this section of these Bills of Quantities for all costs arising or resulting therefrom. D LABOUR AND PLANT RETURNS The Contractor shall deliver to the Project Architect detailed weekly returns showing the supervisory staff and the numbers of the several classes of labour and plant employed on the Works. E VISITORS BOOK AND SITE DIARY The Contractor shall keep on the site a visitors book for recording the names of all persons who visit the site for the purpose of the project. He shall also maintain on site a diary in which he shall record site activities on a daily basis and particularly any occurrence which bears on the progress of the works in any way. The visitors’ book and the diary shall be surrendered to the Project Architect at the completion of the project or at any other time that the he may direct. F WARRANTY AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The Contractor shall furnish the Employer with a general written warranty covering qualities of workmanship, materials and equipment, and be compelled thereby for a five year period after practical completion of the Contract, except for latent defects which shall be warranted for ten years. The Contractor must make good, at his own expense, such repairs and replacements as may be required as a consequence of negligent workmanship or defective materials. The Contractor must also procure such warranties and guarantees as described in the specifications section of these Bills of Quantities and relevant Codes of Practice. The Contractor must also comply with all tests or materials as required and / or as directed by the Project Architect. TOTAL CARRIED TO COLLECTION Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 1/15 Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY A SAFETY, HEALTH AND WELFARE OF WORKPEOPLE The Contractor shall allow for providing for the safety, health and welfare of workpeople and for complying with any relevant Ordinances, Regulations and Union Agreements. B NATIONAL INSURANCE, HEALTH INSURANCE AND PENSIONS The Contractor shall allow for making any National Social Security Fund and National Health Insurance Fund payments due in respect of workpeople. C HOLIDAYS AND TRANSPORT FOR WORK PEOPLE The Contractor shall allow for providing holidays and transport for workpeople and for complying with any relevant Ordinances, Regulations or Union Agreement. D WORKS TO BE DELIVERED UP CLEAN On completion of the Contract, the site and the works shall be cleared of all plant, scaffolding, rubbish and unused materials and shall be delivered up clean and in perfect condition in every respect to the satisfaction of the Project Architect. Particular attention is to be paid to leaving all windows and floors clean and removing all paint and cement stains. E PROTECTION OF WORKS AND PERSONS The Contractor shall allow for the protection of his own and his Sub-Contractor's work liable to damage, including provision of temporary roofs, gutters, drains, etc., if necessary and shall case-up, cover or in other suitable ways protect all finished work liable to injury, to the satisfaction of the Project Architect until completion of the Contract. From the beginning to the completion of the works, the same shall be under the entire care and control of the Contractor, who shall take all possible precautions to prevent any nuisance, inconvenience or injury to the holders or occupiers of surrounding properties and to the public generally, and shall at all times keep all paths and roads affected by the works in a safe and clear state, and shall use proper precautions to ensure the safety of all wheeled traffic and pedestrians. The Contractor shall allow for providing all watching, lighting, barriers, covering open trenches and protection of the works, including Sub-Contract works as may be necessary for the safety of the works and for the protection of the public and his own and Sub-Contractor's employees. In the event of any damage or loss occurring to the works or to materials or to any sewers, gullies, drains, paths, or other works on the site in temporary possession of the Contractor for the purpose of this Contract either from the weather, want of proper protection, defects, theft, insufficiency of the works or any other cause whatsoever during the progress of the works, or for any accident or damage to property or persons by reason of the said works, the Contractor alone shall be responsible and shall without extra charge, make good all damage and pay all costs incurred. TOTAL CARRIED TO COLLECTION Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 1/16 Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY A SITE OFFICES The Contractor must allow for erecting and maintaining on the site in such positions as may be directed, adequate site offices for the use of his own site staff and removing the same at completion and making good all surfaces disturbed. The site office shall be of sufficient size and shall have sufficient furniture to permit the Project Architect to hold site meetings in it. The Contractor shall also allow for providing, erecting and maintaining where directed a lock-up hut containing a pedestal type water closet and wash basin for the sole use of the Project Architect and other consultants, including making temporary connections to drains and water supplies and paying all charges for connections, conservancy and water consumed. The Contractor shall also allow for providing the services of a sweeper, for keeping both office and closet in a clean and sanitary condition from the commencement to the completion of the works; and for dismantling at completion and making good all disturbed surfaces. The office and closet shall be completed before the contractor will be permitted to commence the works. B TELEPHONE The Contractor shall provide in the offices from the commencement to completion of the works, telephone facilities and shall pay all the necessary acquistition costs and rentals, airtime charges etc for the same. C WORK TO BE OPENED UP AT THE REQUEST OF THE PROJECT ARCHITECT The Contractor shall, at the request of the Project Architect within such time as the Project Architect shall name, open for inspection any work covered up, and, should the Contractor refuse or neglect to comply with such request, the Project Architect may employ workmen other than those employed by the Contractor to open up the same. If the said work has been covered up in contravention of the Project Architect's instructions, or if, on being opened up, it be found not in accordance with the drawings or Bills of Quantities or the instruction of the Project Architect, the expenses of opening and covering it up again whether done by the Contractor or by the Project Architect shall be borne by and be recoverable from the Contractor or may be deducted from any monies due to the Contractor. If the work has not been covered up in contravention of such instructions and be found in accordance with the said drawings and Bills of Quantities, then the expenses aforesaid shall be borne by the Employer, and be added to the Contract Sum; provided always that, in the case of foundations or of any other urgent work so opened up and requiring immediate attention, the Project Architect shall within a reasonable time after the work has been opened, make or cause to be made the inspection thereof, and at the expiration of such time, if such inspection shall not have been made the Contractor may cover up the same and shall not be required to open it up again for inspection except at the expense of the Employer. TOTAL CARRIED TO COLLECTION Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 1/17 Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY A SHEDS FOR STORAGE OF MATERIALS The Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain on the site, in such positions as may be directed, ample temporary watertight, lock-up sheds for the proper storage and protection of cement and other materials liable to damage, and shall remove same at completion and make good all surfaces disturbed. He shall also provide space for storage accommodation which Sub-Contractors may wish to erect for themselves. B HOARDING The Contractor shall allow for providing and clearing away on completion such hoarding, fencing, fates etc. as may be required for the security of the site and as instructed by the Project Architect. The exact location of these items are to be negotiated with the Local Authority by the Contractor who will also be responsible for paying any fees or taxes in respect of the hoarding, fencing or gates. The Contractor shall allow for thoroughly maintaining the hoarding and gates through out the Contract and clearing away and making good disturbed ground on completion. All materials arising will remain the property of the Contractor and he should allow credit against this accordingly. C SCAFFOLDING The Contractor shall allow for providing, erecting and dismantling all general scaffolding required for the works. The Contractor must allow here or in his rates for providing all special scaffolding required by his Sub-Contractors. D APPROVAL OF PROJECT ARCHITECT FOR EMPLOYMENT OF SUBCONTRACTORS The Contractor will be required to obtain the approval of the Project Architect/Engineer in writing before employing any Sub-Contractors for any portion of the work. E TESTING Allow for all expenses in connection with the testing of materials as detailed in specifications and as required by the Project Architect including the supply and preparation of materials to be tested, the cost of materials and their packing and conveyance to the nearest approved testing laboratory, laboratory charges, etc. F WORK RE-MEASUREMENT All work in this Contract shall be re-measured on completion and a final account of the contract prepared by the Quantity Surveyor. The contractor will be given the opportunity to be present for all re-measurements. The final contract sum will be based on the final re-measurements. The Contractor is therefore cautioned against using the Bills of Quantities for ordering of materials as the quantities may change in the course of the CSontract. Neither should the contractor use the Quantities in the Bills of Quantities for executing work on site. The use of the Bills of Quantities by the Contractor for the above purposes shall be at the Contractors own risk and no claims arising from any losses arising therefrom shall be accepted. TOTAL CARRIED TO COLLECTION Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 1/18 Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY A THE STANDARD METHOD OF MEASUREMENT The following exceptions to the SMM should be noted: i) Clause D 5 (f) - Working space: for all types of excavations no allowance has been given for any working space. The contractor will be deemed to have taken into account for working space where required in his rates for excavations. B CONTRACTOR The term “ the Contractor “ wherever used in connection with this Contract shall mean the person or persons, partnerships, firms or company whose tender (offer) for the works has been accepted and who has or have consequently entered into a written Contract with the Employer to carry out the works. C NOMINATED SUB-CONTRACTORS The Contractor will be required to ensure that all Nominated Sub-Contractors enter in to the Sub-Contract Agreement issued under the Authority of Kenya Association of Building and civil Engineering Contracts (KABCEC) and as exemplified or varied hereafter and he must deposit with the Architect a signed extract of the relevant details thereof. Nominated Sub-Contractors and Suppliers (a) The Contractor will not receive any cash, trade or other discounts on Prime Cost and Provisional Sums. Any profit in lieu of these discounts which the contractor desires must be priced by him against the appropriate item provided in the Bills of Quantities. (b) When tendering for works covered by Prime Cost and Provisional Sums the Contractor will be treated as any other Nominal Supplier or SubContractor. (c) The Employer reserves the right to pay direct on certification of the Quantity Surveyor some or all accounts in respect of works and the Provisional Sums due to Nominated Sub-Contractors or Nominated Suppliers and to deduct any amounts so paid from any sums otherwise payable to the Contractor. Should this reservation be adopted any profits which the Contractor may have allowed on Prime Cost and Provisional Sums may be omitted from the contract at the discretion of the Architect. Direct payment will not be deemed to construe omission of the work from the Contract and the Contractor will continue to be responsible for the work or goods in accordance with the terms of the Contract. TOTAL CARRIED TO COLLECTION Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 1/19 Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY A PERFORMANCE BOND Before acceptance of his tender offer the contractor shall be required to provide a Performance Bond in amount of 10% being estimated value of contract sum from approved Bank or Insurance Company for due performance of this Contract. Alternatively cash bond deposited with the Client is acceptable. The Bond is to be forfeited in the event of the Contractor failing to complete the works in accordance with this Contract. The Bond will be discharged on the satisfactory completion of this Contract as certified by the Architect. Provisions of Clause 16.2 of Conditions of Contract on provision of the Performance Bond by the Employer shall be deleted. B CONTRACT DRAWINGS The drawings from which these Bills of Quantities are prepared both Architectural and Engineering and contained in the list of drawings in the Appendix of these Bills of Quantities. C BILLS OF QUANTITIES The Bills of Quantities are prepared in accordance with Standard Method of Measurement for Building Works except where specifically stated otherwise. D COPYRIGHT All Drawings, tracings, Prints and specification are the sole property of the Architect and or Engineer and the copyright of these Bills of Quantities is vested in the Quantity Surveyor. No part of these documents may be reproduced without their permission in writing. At the completion of the job the Contractor is to return to the Architect all drawings and bearing his name and to the Quantity Surveyor all copies of Bills of Quantities. E APPENDICES The appendices to the Bills of Quantities shall be regarded for Contract purposes as part of the Bills of Quantities and shall be read and construed with the appropriate sections of the Bills of Quantities as if contained therein. F AREA TO BE OCCUPIED BY THE CONTRACTOR The area of the site which may be occupied by the contractor for use of storage and for the purposes of erecting workshops, etc, shall be defined on the satisfaction of the Architect. G WATCHING AND LIGHTING The Contractor shall provide at his own risk and cost all watching and lighting as necessary to safeguard the existing buildings, the works, plant and materials against damage and theft. TOTAL CARRIED TO COLLECTION Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 1/20 Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY A SCAFFOLDING Where required the Contractor shall provide and erect an approved type of scaffolding and staging, maintain for the use of all workmen including those of all Sub-contractors and afterwards dismantle and remove from site. All scaffolding and staging over two metres in height together with access ladders, ties to walls and handrails, etc. shall comply in all respects with the Factories (Building Operations and works of Engineering Construction) rules 1978 and shall be to the approval of the Chief Inspector of Factories. B PROVISIONAL SUMS The term “Provisional Sum “ wherever used in these Bills of Quantities shall have the meaning stated in A item A7 (i) of the Standard Method of measurement mentioned in Condition No. 30 of the conditions of contract. Such sums are net and no additions shall be made to them for profit. C PRIME COST (OR P.C.) SUMS The term “Prime Cost “or P.C .Sum” wherever used in these Bills of quantities shall have the meaning stated in section A item A7 (ii) of the Standard Method of Measurement mentioned in the Conditions of Contract. Persons or firms nominated by the Architect to execute work or to provide and fix materials or goods as stated in the Conditions of Contract are described herein as Nominated sub-Contractors. Persons or firms so nominated to supply goods or materials are described herein as Nominated Suppliers. D DEMOLITIONS OF EXISTING STRUCTURES All due care shall be taken during demolition of the existing structures and the works shall be done in close liaison with both the Architect and the Client to minimise nuisance by noise or dust and damage E ATTENDANCE UPON NOMINATED SUB-CONTRACTORS The term “Attendance” following P.C sums for nominated Sub-contractors work in these Bills of Quantities shall be deemed to include both attendance and items of special attendance. “Attendance” on Nominated Sub-Contractors shall be given as an item in each case and shall be deemed to include allowing use of standing scaffolding, mess rooms, sanitary accommodation and welfare facilities providing office accommodation and stores for storage of subcontractors plant and materials, providing light and water for their work, clearing away rubbish, unloading facilities for storage ( as per specified under “storage of materials” in the general preliminaries of Bills of Quantities ), hoisting, providing water and power (as specified under (water and electricity Supply for the Works in the general preliminaries of the bills of quantities), and removing and replacing dust covers, pipe casings and the like necessary for the execution and testing of SubContractors` works providing templates, dimensions and supervision for the proper carrying out of the Sub-Contractors work and being responsible for the accuracy of the same. TOTAL CARRIED TO COLLECTION Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 1/21 Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY A DIRECT CONTRACTS Notwithstanding the foregoing Conditions, the employer reserves the right to place a “Direct Contract” for any goods or services required in the works which are covered by P.C Sum in the Bills of Quantities and to pay for the same direct. In any such instance, profit relative to the P.C Sum in the priced bills of quantities will be adjusted as described for P.C Sums and allowed. B ATTENDANCE UPON OTHER TRADESMEN ETC The Contractor shall allow for the attendances upon other tradesmen and shall afford such persons employed for the execution of any work not included in this contract every facility for carrying out their work and also for the use of his ordinary scaffolding. The contractor however, shall not be required to erect any special scaffolding for them. The Contractor shall perform such cutting away for and making good after the work of such tradesmen or persons as may be ordered by the architect and the work will be measured and paid for to the extent executed at rates provided in these Bills. C SUFFICIENCY OF TENDER The contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself before tendering as to the correctness and sufficiency of his tender for the works and of the rates and prices stated in the priced Bills of quantities which rates and prices shall cover all his obligations under the contract and all matters and things necessary for the proper completion and maintenance of the works. D STAMP CHARGES The Contractor shall allow for the payment all Stamp Charges in connection with the Surety Bond and contract Agreement. E FIGURED DIMENSIONS Figured dimensions are to be followed in preference to dimensions scaled from the drawings, but whenever possible dimensions are to be taken on the site or from the buildings. Before any work is commenced the Sub-contractors or specialists firms dimensions must be checked on the site and /or buildings and agreed with the contractor, irrespective of the comparable responsibility for the accuracy of such dimensions. F SITE MEETINGS Site Meetings will be held in the site office at intervals as directed by the Architect and the contractor will be required to attend and also summon the attendance of Sub-Contractors and Specialists. Adequate arrangements must be allowed for with regard to tables, chairs, etc., which must be provided by the Contractor. TOTAL CARRIED TO COLLECTION Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 1/22 Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY A TRESPASS, DAMAGE AND CARE OF WORKS The Contractor shall prevent any trespass on the adjoining property, and he shall take all reasonable precautions during the progress of the contract to prevent any damage to the adjoining property or public or private roadways and to prevent material, plant, rubbish, debris, etc., collecting on the adjoining property of roadways. Should the Contractor wish to erect scaffolding on or to make use of adjoining property he shall obtain prior permission from the Architect and clear away at completion of his work or when directed and make good any damage to his satisfaction. Except as provided for in the conditions of contract, the contractor shall be held responsible for the care of works generally until their completion, including all works executed and materials deposited on the site by the himself or SubContractors or Suppliers together with all risks arising from weather, carelessness of operatives, damage or loss by theft, or by other cause and he shall make good all such damage or loss at his own expense. The Contractor will be responsible for the protection of adjoining buildings, boundary walls, fences, services either overhead or underground and for the making good of or paying for all damage thereto, should such be caused in the course of building operations. The Contractor shall allow for making good all damage to the roads, kerbs, surface water channels, etc., occasioned by heavy traffic delivery of materials and building operations generally, to the entire satisfaction of the Architect. The Contractor shall also be responsible for observing any Bye-law or Authority regarding keeping the road free from mud, filth, etc, arising out of the execution of the works. The Contractor shall at all times observe any police regulations including those regarding the loading of or unloading of or waiting by vehicles on the public highway and the contract sum shall be deemed to include for strict compliance therewith. B TREES AND SHRUBS The Contractor will be responsible for the care and preservation of any trees and bushes except where expressly stated otherwise by the Architect. In particular they must be protected from damage, including roots, paint marks, etc. C TEMPORARY WORKS The Contractor is to provide all temporary work in the nature of buildings, scaffolding, roads, services and amenities at his expense and is to remove the same at completion and make good any disturbed surfaces. TOTAL CARRIED TO COLLECTION Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 1/23 Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY A MATERIALS ON SITE All materials for incorporation in the works must be stored on or adjacent to the site before payment is effected unless specifically exempted by the Architect. This is to include the materials of the Main Contractor, Nominated Sub-Contractors and Nominated Suppliers. B GOVERNMENT ACTS AND REGULATIONS The Contractor will be deemed to have acquired with all Government Acts, Rules and Regulations including Local Authority Regulations applicable in the area as regards all aspects of construction including labour regulations, licenses, and permit which may be required to enable proper execution of this contract. Contractor’s attention is drawn to the Factories Act and must allow for compliance with the regulations enacted therein insofar as they are applicable. Contractor’s attention is also drawn to the by-laws and regulations of the Local Authority concerning building inspection and approvals and must comply. C ORDERS FOR MATERIALS The Contractor will be responsible for placing orders for materials required in this contract and this applies particularly to all imported materials. Should the contractor experience any difficulties in placing necessary orders he should at once inform the Architect who will act accordingly. D TRAINING LEVY The Contractor’s attention is drawn to the legal Notice No. 237 of October 1971 which requires payment by the Contractor of a training levy on all contracts of more than Kshs. 50,000.00 in value and his tender must include for all costs arising or resulting therefrom. E TESTING Allow for testing all installation required to be tested and provide everything necessary for this purpose and leave in perfect working order to the satisfaction of the Architect or Local Authority. Allow for all expenses in connection with testing of the materials as specified hereunder including the supply and preparation of materials and their packing and conveyance to the nearest Ministry of Works Testing Laboratory, laboratory charges etc. The following items of tests will be measured according to the number of tests actually called for by the Architect but unsuccessful tests will not be included in the measurements. The Architect shall arrange for the testing of such materials as he may at his discretion deem desirable, but the testing shall be made at the expense of the Architect and not at the contractor unless the materials fail to pass the test or are in the opinion of the Architect not in accordance with the Specification, in either case the contractor shall pay for testing in accordance with the current scale of testing charges laid down by the Ministry of works. The Contractor shall allow for all other testing of materials apart from the above, required by these specifications and he shall be responsible for all expenses incurred in completing such tests, including costs of labour, materials, equipment, transport and charges of the testing authority, etc. TOTAL CARRIED TO COLLECTION Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 1/24 Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY A RATES FOR ITEMS Rates for all items unless otherwise described shall include for conveyance and deliver, unloading, storing, hoisting, and all labour setting, fitting, fixing in position, straight cutting and waste, return of packages and for all establishment charges, profits, etc. B CLEAR RUBBISH Clear and cut away all rubbish and waste materials including Sub-contractors that may accumulate from time to time during the progress of the works, and clean the whole of the works internally and externally at completion. Allow for cutting out and making out and making good defective work in all trades and for leaving the whole of the works clean, and perfect at completion to the satisfaction of the Architect. C THE STANDARD METHOD OF MEASUREMENT These Bills of Quantities are prepared in accordance with the standard method of measurement of Building Works for East Africa (S.M.M.) 1989 Edition metric, with exception of the following deviations: i) Attendance clause E.19(a) of the SMM is to read: Attendance on nominated Sub-contractors shall be given as an item in each case and shall be deemed to include: Allowing use of standing scaffolding, messrooms, sanitary accommodation and welfare facilities, provision of special scaffolding where necessary, providing space of office accommodation and for storage of plant and materials providing light and water for works, clearing away rubbish, unloading facilities for storage, hoisting, providing electric power and removing and replacing duct covers, pipe casings and the like necessary for the execution of sub-contractors work and be responsible for accuracy of the same. ii) Disposal of Water Clause 18(a) and (b) of the SMM are deleted and following clause is substituted. Keeping excavations free from all water including spring and running water shall be deemed to be included in all the items of excavations. iii) Planking and Strutting Clause D19 of the SMM delete the words “shall be given as an item or” – and the clause will read “ that planking and struting shall be deemed included in all items of excavations. iv) Fix only “Fix only” shall mean take delivery at nearest supply point, pay demurrage charges, load and transport to site, unload, store, unpack, assemble as necessary, distribute to position, hoist and fix only. TOTAL CARRIED TO COLLECTION Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 1/25 Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY The S M M (Cont'd….) v) Working Space The following variation from Clause D 5 (f) of SMM shall be noted For all times of excavations no allowance has been given for any working space. The Contractor will be deemed to have taken account of working space where required in his rates for these excavations. A V.A.T PAYMENT The Contractors attention is drawn to Government requirement with regard to payment of V.A.T. and the Contractor is to include in his rates for conforming with these requirements. B FENCES AND GATES When existing fences and gates have to be removed or altered for the proper execution of the works, the Contractor shall at his own expense, erect temporary fencing and gates and reinstate the same as necessary. C BUILDING REGULATIONS All buildings erected by the Contractor upon the Site or the offices or the camp and the layout of the buildings and the sites shall comply with all the existing laws of Kenya and all local by-laws in so far as they are applicable. D FAULTY WORK Any work which fails to comply with the Specifications shall be rejected and the Contractor shall, at his own expense, make good any defects, as directed by and to the satisfaction of the Architect, in accordance with the Contract. E AS- BUILT DRAWINGS Following the progress of the works the Contractor is to prepare as-built drawings were required. The as-built drawings will be part of the handing over. At this time the as-build drawings shall be presented for approval. After approval and corrections, if any, the originals and the number of copies as requested by the Client are to be supplied to the Employer. No separate payment will be made to the Contractor for the as-built drawings, preparation and delivery of the originals and the sets of copies, being their cost included by the Contractor in the rates of the Bills of Quantities. TOTAL CARRIED TO COLLECTION Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 1/26 Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY A WASTE DISPOSAL The Contractor shall comply with all government, regional and district regulations in disposing of waste, garbage, waste water, sewage and any other deleterious substances including but not limited to petrol, diesel, engine oil, hydraulic and brake fluid, battery acid and cement. All waste water and sewerage from office, residential and mobile camps shall be piped to soak pits or other disposal areas constructed in accordance with local government regulations, and where and when such regulations require it the Contractor shall obtain a permit or other appropriate documentation approving the disposal methods being used. All used fuels, oils, other plant or vehicle fluid and old tyres and tubes shall be collected to a central disposal point, on a regular basis and disposed of by burning in a manner conforming to government regulations and approved by the Engineer. All household, office, workshop and other solid waste shall be collected to a central disposal area, on a daily basis and burnt in a manner approved by the Architect. Any items remaining after burning shall be buried in a disposal pit, the location, size and depth of which shall be approved by the Engineer. Servicing of plant, equipment and vehicles shall whenever possible be carried out at a workshop area. This workshop area shall be equipped with secure storage areas for fuels, oils and other fluids constructed in such a way as to contain any spillage’s which may occur, and similar storage where used fluids can be stored securely prior to their disposal. When servicing of plant, equipment and vehicles is carried out away from the workshop area it shall be done at locations and in such a manner as to avoid spillage and contamination of streams and other drainage courses. Any spillage shall be cleaned up by either burning in place or collecting the contaminated soils and burning them at the central disposal area, al to the satisfaction of the Architect. On completion of the work on any portion of the project or borrow or gravel pit the Contractor shall ensure the area is cleaned up and all garbage and other deleterious materials are removed as described above. TOTAL CARRIED TO COLLECTION Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 1/27 Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY A SUBMISSION OF SAMPLES As soon as possible after the Contract has been awarded, the Contractor shall submit to the Architect a list of the suppliers from whom he proposes to purchase the materials necessary for the execution of the works. Samples and details of all the materials proposed for use in the Works, whether from an outside supplier or supplied by the Contractor from his own resources, shall be submitted to the Engineer, and shall be tested where required, and receive his approval prior to the materials being transported to the Site of the Works. The Contractor shall provide all samples free of charge. The Contractor’s programme shall allow sufficient time for materials testing and no claims for delays or extra costs arising out of this will be accepted. All materials supplied for use in the Works shall conform with the specified tolerances, to the quality of the approved samples which will be kept at the site office until the completion of the Contract. Where a material has been specified by a manufacturer’s trade name, the product of another manufacturer will be accepted provided that, in the Architects opinion, it is in all respects of an equivalent or better quality. TOTAL CARRIED TO COLLECTION Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 1/28 Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY COLLECTION From From From From Page 1/1 Page 1/2 Page 1/3 Page 1/4 From From From From Page 1/5 Page 1/6 Page 1/7 Page 1/8 From From From From Page 1/9 Page 1/10 Page 1/11 Page 1/12 From From From From Page1/13 Page 1/14 Page 1/15 Page 1/16 From From From From Page 1/17 Page 1/18 Page 1/19 Page 1/20 From From From From Page 1/21 Page 1/22 Page 1/23 Page 1/24 From From From From Page 1/25 Page 1/26 Page 1/27 Page 1/28 TOTAL OF PRELIMINARIES Carried to Main Summary Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 1/29 Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors BILL NO. TWO (2) MAIN HOUSE Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Description Item Qnty Unit Rate Amount ELEMENT NO. 1 SUBSTRUCTURES All Provisional The quantities and nature of work indicated are provisional. The actual work done shall be ascertained, valued and adjustments made accordingly. Work measured upto and including ground floor slab. Excavation and Earthworks A Excavate oversite average 150mm deep to remove vegetable soil cart and deposit in spoil heaps on site as directed 500 Sm Excavate to reduce levels not exceeding 1.50 metres deep from stripped levels 222 Cm Excavate for column bases commencing at reduced level and not exceeding 1.50metres deep 66 Cm D Ditto for wall foundations ditto 216 Cm E Ditto for lift shaft base ditto 12 Cm B C Planking and Strutting F Allow for maintaining and supporting sides of excavations by provision of planking and strutting and for keeping the same free from fallen materials. Item Sum Item Sum Keeping excavations free of water G Allow for keeping excavations free of water (except spring or running water) and mud by pumping, baling or other approved means Fillings H Return, fill and ram selected excavated materials around foundations compacted in layers not exceeding 300mm deep, all to the approval of the Engineer 210 Cm Carried to collection Bill No. 2 Main House 2/1 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Description Item Qnty Unit Rate Amount Selected imported hardcore filling compacted in layers not exceeding 150mm deep: all to the approval of the Engineer A Well rammed and consolidated under floors 282 Cm B 50mm Thick quarry dust blinding to surfaces of hardcore 458 Sm 306 Cm 458 Sm 50mm Thick blinding concrete; plain mix 1:4:8 under wall foundation 160 Sm F Ditto under column bases 43 Sm G Ditto under lift pit shaft 6 Sm Disposal of excavated materials C Load and cart away surplus excavated material from the site as directed by the Architect Anti-termite treatment D Chemical anti-termite treatment executed complete by an approved specialist under a ten(10) year guarantee to surfaces of excavations Concrete Work E Insitu concrete grade 25/20 including vibrating around reinforcement in H Wall foundations 32 Cm I Column bases 17 Cm J Columns 13 Cm K 150mm Thick floor slab 458 Sm L Lift base 2 Cm M 200mm thick lift shaft walls 11 Sm N Extra over slab for thicknessing 400mm wide x 100mm thick including forming sinking in hardcore 14 Lm Carried to collection Bill No. 2 Main House 2/2 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Description Item Qnty Unit Rate Amount Reinforcement High tensile steel reinforcemnt to B.S 4449 and B.S 4466 A 8mm Diameter bars 2,098 Kg B 10mm Diameter bars 1,259 Kg C 12mm Diameter bars 4,195 Kg D 16mm Diameter bars 839 Kg E Mesh reinforcement ref A142 or equal and approved reinforcement in concrete slab including all necessary tying and support (No allowance for laps) 458 Sm Sawn Formwork to: F Vertical sides of wall foundations 107 Sm G Ditto column bases 40 Sm H Ditto columns 73 Sm I Ditto lift base 4 Sm J Ditto lift shaft walls 18 Sm K Edges of slab and steps 150 - 225m wide 251 Lm L Ditto but curved to various radii 16 Lm 458 Sm Damp proof membrane M 1000 gauge polythene or other equal and approved damp proof membrane laid under surface bed; 300mm side and end laps Sub-walling Load bearing approved natural stone walling, chisel dressed; jointed in cement and sand (1:3) mortar N 200mm Thick walling 454 Sm O 12mm Thick cement/sand (1:4) render to plinths 160 Sm P Approved bituminous paint to rendered surfaces Carried to collection 160 Sm Bill No. 2 Main House 2/3 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Item Description Qnty Unit Rate Amount COLLECTION From Page 2/1 From Page 2/2 From Page 2/3 TOTAL OF SUBSTRUCTURES Carried to Summary of Bill No. 2 Bill No. 2 Main House 2/4 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Description Item Qnty Unit Rate Amount ELEMENT NO. 2 REINFORCED CONCRETE SUPERSTRUCTURE Insitu concrete grade 25/20 including vibrating around reinforcement. A Columns 65 Cm B Beams 26 Cm C Ring beams 25 Cm C Gable beams 11 Cm D Staircases 9 Cm E Flower planters (Provisional) 7 Cm F Gutter beams 14 Cm H 175mm Thick horizontal suspended slabs 807 Sm I 150mm Thick staircase landings 36 Sm J 200mm Thick lift shaft walls 60 Sm K 150mm Thick lift shaft cover slab 6 Sm Reinforcement High tensile steel reinforcement to B.S 4449 and B.S 4466 L 8mm Diameter bars 9,552 Kg M 10mm Diameter bars 19,105 Kg N 12mm Diameter bars 5,732 Kg O 16mm Diameter bars 3,821 Kg Sawn Formwork to: P Vertical sides of columns 66 Sm Q Ditto but curved on plan 308 Sm Carried to collection Bill No. 2 Main House 2/5 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Description Item Qnty Unit A Vertical sides of lift shaft walls 120 Sm B Sides and soffites of beams 285 Sm C Ditto but curved on plan 48 Sm D Ditto ring beams 273 Sm E Ditto but curved on plan 55 Sm F Soffites of suspended slabs 807 Sm G Soffites of top cover lift slab 6 Sm H Sides and soffites of gutter beams 180 Sm I Ditto gable beams sloping over 15 degrees from the horizontal 25 Sm Extra over formwork to fascia beams for the decorative moulds 15 Lm K Sloping soffites of staircases 20 Sm L Soffites of landings 36 Sm M Edge of risers 150 - 225mm wide 126 Lm N Open string extreme width 325mm 13 Lm J Rate Amount Carried to collection COLLECTION From Page 2/5 From Above TOTAL OF R.C. SUPERSTRUCTURE Carried to Summary of Bill No. 2 Bill No. 2 Main House 2/6 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Description Item Qnty Unit Rate Amount ELEMENT NO. 3 WALLING Bituminous based damp proof course A 150mm wide 14 Lm B 200mm wide 249 Lm External Walls Selected cut and natural colour quarry stone walling bedded and jointed in cement and sand (1:4) mortar and finished fair both faces C 200mm Thick walling 680 Sm D Extra over walling for raking cutting 86 Lm Internal Walls Machine cut natural stone walling bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:4) mortar; raking where necessary E 100mm Thick walling 11 Sm F 150mm Thick walling 41 Sm G 200mm Thick walling 895 Sm H Ditto but curved on plan 108 Sm I Extra over walling for raking cutting 95 Lm J 300 x 75mm Average thick precast concrete coping tapered; bedded and pointed in cement and sand (1:4) mortar (provisional) 24 Lm 12mm Thick render and approved waterproofing to internal surfaces of flower planter walls 30 Sm K Carried to collection Bill No. 2 Main House 2/7 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Description Item Qnty Unit Rate Amount Sprandel Walls Machine cut natural stone walling bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:4) mortar; raking where necessary A 200mm Thick walling 3 Sm B Ditto but curved on plan 12 Sm C 300 x 75mm Average thick precast concrete coping tapered; bedded and pointed in cement and sand (1:4) mortar (provisional) 50 Lm 1 No Fire place D Construct complete 200mm thick masonry fire place comprising 350x350mm flue with precast concrete cap; lintels and decorative mouldings and corbel and cill; hearth finished in fine chisel dressed stone; sides finished in fire brick lining; front and sides cladded with mazeras stone all to Architects details - refer drawing Carried to collection COLLECTION From Page 2/7 From Above TOTAL OF WALLING Carried to Summary of Bill No. 2 Bill No. 2 Main House 2/8 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Description Item Qnty Unit Rate Amount ELEMENT NO. 4 ROOF CONSTRUCTION AND COVERING Sawn cypress;second grade; clean; well seasoned and treated with approved wood preservative; pressureimpregnated with celcure 'A' with and including all jointing and connections (packing piece, bolts etc) as necessary; in roof approximately 10,000mm high. A 150 x 50mm Rafters in trusses 558 Lm B 150 x 50mm Ceiling joists ditto 406 Lm C 100 x 50 mm Struts and ties ditto 423 Lm D 150 x 50mm Common rafters 622 Lm E 150x50mm Hip and valley rafters 324 Lm F 150 x 50mm Purlins 234 Lm G 150 x 25mm Scarf joints and splices 332 Lm H 200 x 50mm; Ridge piece 54 Lm I 100 x 50mm Wall plate; fixed to concrete or masonary with and including approved bolts or 6 gauge galvanised mild steel hoop iron at 1000mm centres 192 Lm ROOF COVERING Decra roofing tiles; approved colour supplied by Space and Style (k) Ltd or other equal and approved; laid and fixed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions J Roof covering including all necessary fixtures 564 Sm K Ridge/Hip cap 308 Lm Flat metal sheet flashings; 26 gauge; 400mm wide; one edge bend and built into wall 10 Lm Flat metal sheet valley flashings; 26 gauge; 600mm wide; bending and fixing under tiles 90 Lm Galvanized sheets L M Carried to collection Bill No. 2 Main House 2/9 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Description Item Qnty Unit Rate Amount Rainwater Goods A 100x100mm Prepainted metal rain water holderbats at 1500mm (maximum) centres downpipe; 206 Lm B Extra over ditto for 800 mm swan neck offset 45 No C Ditto for shoe 45 No 100x15mm Thick Wrot prime grade cypress board to eaves; T & G joints; nailed on and including 50x50mm brandering at 600mm centres both ways 155 Sm Upvc fascia or berge board as from Space and Style Ltd fixed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions (Provisional) 120 Lm 11 Sm 11 Sm Eaves Covering D E Cement and sand plaster, as described finished with wood float to F Gable surfaces to receive paint; 15mm thick Prepare and apply Duracoat 100% pure Acrylic outdoor protector paint in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions to: G Rendered concrete gable surfaces externally Carried to collection COLLECTION From Page 2/9 From Above TOTAL OF ROOF CONSTRUCTION AND COVERING Carried to Summary of Bill No. 2 Bill No. 2 Main House 2/10 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Description Item Qnty Unit Rate Amount ELEMENT NO. 5 WINDOWS Approved precast concrete cill; bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:3) mortar; pointed in matching coloured cement. A 200mm wide x 25mm Thick cill 111 Lm Pelmet box 150 x 20mm top; 200 x 20mm fascia; 50 x 40mm cypress bearer; 20 x 150mm return ends 241 Lm "Silent Gliss" Aluminium curtain rail complete with rollers and fixing brackets 482 Lm 241 Lm Wrot cypress; prime grade B C Prepare surfaces; apply undercoat and two finishing coats first grade clear polyurethane varnish as "crown paints" or other equal approved; on wood surfaces: D Surfaces over 100 but not exceeding 200mm wide Steel casement window; purpose made standard metal casement sections complete with Zed sections; permanent ventilators comprising 'T' bar gauze and metal hood; openable casements; coupling mullions; approved ironmongery; as per schedule. Pattern as shown in the Appendix to Architects approval E Window size 800 x 1000mm high overall 8 No F Window size 600 x 1000mm high overall 10 No G Window size 2100 x 1800mm high ditto 11 No H Window size 1200 x 1800mm high ditto 13 No I Window size 3450 x 1950mm high ditto; but curved on elevation 9 No J Ditto 3000 x 1950mm high ditto; but curved on elevation 2 No K V-shaped window size 3200 x 4000mm high overall 1 No L V-shaped window size 4150 x 3000mm high overall 4 No Carried to Collection Bill No. 2 Main House 2/11 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Description Item A Qnty Unit V-shaped window size 1500 x 1100mm high overall 2 No 95 Sm 203 Sm 6 Sm 209 Sm 209 Sm Rate Amount Burglar Proofing B Mild steel burglar proofing grille in heavy gauge sections bent and welded into an approved pattern including priming, fixing and finishing to Architect's detail (provisional) 6mm Thick clear sheet glass and glazing to steel casement window with and including linseed putty; in C Panes of various sizes 6mm Thick obscured sheet glass and glazing to steel casement window with and including linseed putty; in D Panes of various sizes Prepare metal surfaces; apply undercoat and two finishing coats first grade eggshell paint; as "Crown paints" or other equal approved metallic paint on metal surfaces to E F General surfaces; window and internally (measured flat overall) burglarproofing grilles General surfaces; windows externally (measured flat overall) Carried to collection COLLECTION From Page 2/11 From Above TOTAL OF WINDOWS Carried to Summary of Bill No. 2 Bill No. 2 Main House 2/12 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Description Item Qnty Unit Rate Amount ELEMENT NO. 6 DOORS Aluminium Doors Supply and fix anodised Aluminium doors; 100x50mm frames including all necessary glazing beadings, opening accessories, sliding gear where necessary, infilled with and including 6mm thick tinted glass, oiling and adjusting on completion; A Door size 1200 x 2400mm high in two leaves, a fanlight 300mm high; c/w all necessary ironmongery 6 No 33 No 3 No 20 No Panel Doors Wrot mahogany panel doors B C 45mm Thick solid panel single leaf door overall size 900 x 2550mm high comprising 150 x 50mm rebated stiles, middle rails, 100 x 50mm bottom and top rails and infilled with moulded solid hardwood panels; all framed and finished to Architect's detail Ditto double leaf door overall size 1500 x 2400mm high ditto Flush Doors 45mm Thick door with mahogany veeneer; hardwood lipped edges; moulded beading to both sides; D 900 x 2100mm high; semi-solid cored flush door Frames selected; in wrot mahogany E 225x50mm with two labours 307 Lm F Ditto rebated transome with two labours 18 Lm G 60x20mm Ditto moulded architraves 614 Lm H 60x15mm Ditto glazing beading 37 Lm Carried to collection Bill No. 2 Main House 2/13 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Description Item Qnty Unit Rate Amount Doors (cont'd) A Pelmet box; 100x25mm top, 125x25mm moulded fascia, 50x25mm cypress bearer and 100x125x25mm blocked ends including double heavy duty aluminium curtain rail as "Silent Gliss" complete with rollers and fixing brackets 30 Lm Three lever mortice lock; rebated and complete with a set of brass lever handle furniture fixed to timber door 3 No Two lever mortice lock; rebated and complete with a set of brass lever handle furniture fixed to timber door 33 No Two lever mortice lock; complete with a set of brass lever handle furniture fixed to timber door 20 No 38mm diameter rubber door stops No. 8400 to concrete or blockwork fixing with screws; plugging 71 No F 100 mm Long brass butt hinges 89 Prs G Approved door closers 8 No H Approved stainless steel door pull handles 6 No I 800 x 200mm High aluminium kick plate 10 No J Provide the Provisional Sum of One Hundred Thousand for (100,000/=) Special Ironmongery to be omitted or expended in whole or in part at the discretion of the Architect Ironmongery Supply and fix English "Union" or other equal approved ironmongery; matching screws; locks to include a set of 3 keys, B C D E Item Sum 100,000.00 Glass K L 4mm Thick clear sheet glass in 0.1 to 0.5m2 panes and glazing to timber with beads (m/s) 8 Sm 12mm Thick anti-bandit glass panes and glazing to timber with beads (m/s) 3 Sm Carried to collection Bill No. 2 Main House 2/14 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Description Item Qnty Unit Rate Amount Painting and Decorating One undercoat two finishing coats clear polyurethane varnish; to Basco duracoat paints or equal and approved on wood surfaces A General surfaces of doors 222 Sm B Not exceeding 200 - 300mm girth internal 19 Lm C Prepare and prime back of frame before fixing 306 Lm Carried to collection COLLECTION From Page 2/13 From Page 2/14 From Above TOTAL OF DOORS Carried to Summary of Bill No 2 Bill No. 2 Main House 2/15 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Description Item Qnty Unit Rate Amount ELEMENT NO. 7 FINISHES Floor Finishings Cement and sand (1:4) screed to floor: in A 32mm Thick finished to receive ceramic tiles 234 Sm B 25mm Thick finished to receive wood blocks 772 Sm C 25mm Thick finished to receive rubber tiles 30 Sm D 40mm Thick paving finished smooth with steel trowel to receive carpet 101 Sm 300 x 300 x 8mm Approved coloured NON-SLIP glazed ceramic floor tiles as 'Saj Ceramics' or other equal and approved; to regular pattern; grouting joints in matching cement; to E Floors; on level screed (m/s) 234 Sm F 100mm High skirting 352 Lm G Ditto skirting; but curved on plan 31 Lm 772 Sm 20mm Thick approved Wood block flooring in wrought hardwood; on screed backing, with approved adhesive; to regular pattern; including machine sanding to H Floors; on level screed (m/s) Wrot mahogany; prime grade; 25mm thick skirting; one rounded junction with wall finish; one coved junction with floor finish; counter sinking and flush pelleting I 100mm High skirting 590 Lm J Ditto skirting; but curved on plan 100 Lm 772 Sm Prepare surfaces; one coat multi purpose PVA clear sealer; three coats gloss two pack epoxy varnish in "Crown paint" or equal approved; on wood to K Wood block floor finish; surfaces generally Carried to collection Bill No. 2 Main House 2/16 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Description Item A Qnty Unit Skirting over 100 but not exceeding 200mm girth 690 Lm 30 Sm 22 Lm 101 Sm 100 x 25mm skirting; one rounded junction with wall finish; one coved junction with floor finish; counter sinking and flush pelleting 68 Lm Ditto 100mm high skirting; curved on plan 7 Lm 75 Lm 577 Sm 100 Sm Rate Amount Specialized Rubber Tiles Allow a Prime Cost rate of Kshs. 6,000 per square metre inclusive of VAT for purchase; include rate for take delivery and fix only to B Floors; on level screed (m/s) with approved adhesive Wrot mahogany; prime grade E 100 x 25mm skirting; one rounded junction with wall finish; one coved junction with floor finish; counter sinking and flush pelleting Carpet Allow a Prime Cost rate of Kshs. 6,000 per square metre inclusive of VAT for purchase; include rate for take delivery and fix only to D Floors; on level screed (m/s) with approved adhesive Wrot mahogany; prime grade E F Prepare surfaces; one coat multi purpose PVA clear sealer; three coats gloss oil paint in "Crown paints" or other and equal approved; on wood to G Skirting over 100 but not exceeding 200mm girth Wall Finishes Externally Cement and sand plaster, as described finished with wood float to H Wall surfaces to receive paint; 15mm thick Prepare and apply Duracoat 100% pure Acrylic outdoor protector paint in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions to: I Rendered wall surfaces externally (Provisional) Carried to Collection Bill No. 2 Main House 2/17 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Description Item A B Qnty Unit Supply and fix approved precisely cut mazeras slates cladding; approved pattern to walls including backing 118 Sm Prepare surfaces and apply Wall Master by an approved Supplier 477 Sm 34 Sm 34 Sm 1,996 Sm 1,996 Sm 672 Sm 672 Sm 360 Sm Rate Amount Wall Cladding Selected smooth facing brick walling in cement/sand (1:3) mortar and grouted up;pointed with neat recessed joints to C 50mm Thick walling externally Prepare, touch up one skim coat and two misty universal undercoat and apply two coats of weather resistant exterior brick paint in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions to: D Surfaces of brick wall cladding externally Wall Finishes Internally 12mm Thick plaster in cement/sand floated with a steel trowel; to block walls and concrete surfaces in:- E Wall surfaces internally Prepare surfaces and apply undercoat and two finishing coats of silk vinyl emulsion paint on plastered masonry or concrete surfaces in:- F Wall surfaces internally 12 mm cement and sand backing to G Receive wall tiles 6mm Thick coloured glazed ceramic tiles from 'Tile and Carpet' to regular pattern; bedding and jointing in cement mortar (1:4) grouting joints with matching cement H To wall; grouting edges with matching cement Ceiling Finishes I 12mm Thick gypsum boards on and including 50x50mm treated cypress brandering on at 600mm centres both ways Carried to Collection Bill No. 2 Main House 2/18 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Item Description A Ditto but suspended on and including 16mm diameter bars support system, complete including all decorative moulding, curved cutting, etc. to Architect's detail B Qnty Unit 100mm Moulded gypsum cornice (provisional) 712 Sm 1,147 Lm Rate Amount Prepare surfaces and apply undercoat and two finishing coats plastic emulsion paint as "Crown Paints" or other equal approved on plastered masonry or concrete surfaces; to C Gypsum plasterboard ceiling surfaces 1,072 Sm D 100mm Moulded gypsum cornice (provisional) 1,147 Lm 36 Sm Staircase Finishes Cement and sand (1:4) screed to landing; in E 25mm Thick finished to receive wood blocks 20mm Thick approved Wood block flooring as before described F Floors; on level screed (m/s) 36 Sm G Ditto to 250mm wide treads 120 Lm H Ditto to 150mm high risers with rounded top and coved at junctions 126 Lm Ditto to open string average 325mm wide 13 Lm 48 Lm I Staircase Balustrading J 900mm High balustrading comprising 75mm diameter stainless steel handrail on 50mmx50mm SHS stainless steel moulded balusters at approximately 250mm centres; 6No middle rails; to profile of staircase; all to detail - see Appendix K Ditto but curved on plan 44 Lm L 75mm Diameter polished brass handrail; including curved sections fixed to wall with and including 25mm diameter stainless steel brackets 50mm long grouted to wall 95 Lm Carried to Collection Bill No. 2 Main House 2/19 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Description Item Qnty Unit Rate Amount Balcony Balustrading A 900mm High balustrading comprising 75mm diameter stainless steel handrail on 50mmx50mm SHS stainless steel moulded balusters at approximately 250mm centres; 6No middle rails; to profile of staircase; all to detail - see Appendix 10 Lm B Ditto but curved on plan 41 Lm C 75mm Diameter polished brass handrail; including curved sections fixed to wall with and including 25mm diameter stainless steel brackets 50mm long grouted to wall 51 Lm Carried to collection COLLECTION From page 2/16 From page 2/17 From page 2/18 From page 2/19 From Above TOTAL OF FINISHES Carried to Summary of Bill No 2 Bill No. 2 Main House 2/20 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Description Item Qnty Unit Rate Amount ELEMENT NO. 8 JOINERY FITTINGS AND FIXTURES Kitchen Worktops and Cabinets A B Provide the Provisional Sum of Kshs. Six Hundred Thousand (600,000/=) only for Kitchen Worktops and Cabinets to be omitted or expended in whole or in part at the discretion of the Architect Item 600,000.00 Item 500,000.00 Provide the Provisional Sum of Kshs. Five Hundred Thousand (500,000/=) only for Wardrobes to be omitted or expended in whole or in part at the discretion of the Architect Plinths for Kitchen Cabinets and Wardrobes C 100mm Thick mass concrete mix 1:3:6 in plinth 36 Sm D Formwork to edges of slab 75 - 150mm high 60 Lm E 15mm cement screed floor on plinth top and sides finished smooth with trowel 36 Sm Allow for Builders work, Profit and attendance in connection with Joinery Fittings Item F Sauna G Provide for seats/benches in wrot cedar slats 50x50mm with two labours, bearers and legs overall 11,000x1200mm wide x 450mm high 1 No Wash Hand Basin Vanity tops overall size 3000x500mm wide; 50mm thick concrete worktop finished with granite top and fascia; all with beveled edges 1 No Ditto but size 1500x500mm wide 4 No Bathrooms H I TOTAL OF JOINERY FITTINGS Carried to Summary of Bill No 2 Bill No. 2 Main House 2/21 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Description Item Qnty Unit Rate Amount ELEMENT NO. 9 ENTRANCE CANOPIES Substructures (All Provisional) The quantities and nature of work indicated are provisional. The actual quantities of work done shall be ascertained, valued and adjustments made accordingly. Excavation and Earthworks A B Excavate to reduce levels not exceeding 1.50 metres deep from stripped levels 66 Cm Excavate for column bases not exceeding 1.50 metres deep from stripped levels 3 Cm Well rammed and consolidated under floors to the approval of the Engineer 54 Cm 50mm Thick quarry dust blinding 82 Sm 69 Cm 40 Sm 3 Sm Selected imported hardcore filling compacted in layers not exceeding 150mm deep C D Disposal of excavated materials E Load and cart away surplus excavated materials Anti-termite treatment F Approved Chemical anti-termite treatment executed under a ten(10) year guarantee Plain concrete class 15/20 G 50mm Thick blinding concrete under column bases Insitu concrete grade 20/20 including vibrating around reinforcement in H Column bases 2 Cm I Columns 1 Cm J 150mm Thick floor slab including jointing to existing slab as necessary 24 Sm 150mm Thick ramp with tamped finish 2 Sm K Carried to collection Bill No. 2 Main House 2/22 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Description Item Qnty Unit Rate Amount High tensile steel reinforcement to B.S 4449 and 4466 A Assorted bars 300 Kg B Mesh reinforcement ref A142 or equal and approved reinforcement in concrete slab including all necessary tying and support (No allowance for laps) 82 Sm 82 Sm Damp proofing membrane C 1000 Gauge polythene sheeting laid on blinded hardcore including all necessary laps Sawn Formwork to: - D Edges of floor slab 225 - 300mm high 19 Lm E Sides of column bases and columns 10 Sm Superstructure Insitu vibrated concrete as before described in; F Steps 2 Cm G Columns 2 Cm H Gutter beams 2 Cm 1,500 Kg Steel reinforcement as before described I Assorted bars Sawn Formwork to: - J Sides of ramp 1 Sm K Columns curved on plan 9 Sm L Sides and soffits of gutter beams 95 Sm M Edge of risers 150 - 225mm wide 15 Lm N Open string extreme width 330mm 1 Lm 28 Lm Precast Concrete Coping O 300 x 75mm Average thick precast concrete coping tapered; bedded and pointed in cement and sand (1:4) mortar (provisional) Carried to collection Bill No. 2 Main House 2/23 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Description Item Qnty Unit Rate Amount Roof Construction and Covering A Perspex waterproof cover supplied by an approved specialist 28 Sm 50x50x3mm RHS curved girders spray painted to the approval of the Architect 81 Lm 25x25x2mm RHS struts spray painted to the approval of the Architect 42 Lm 75mm Diamenter PVC rain water downpipe; in columns including bends and other fittings 7 Lm E Approved cast iron fulbora; 100mm diameter 2 No F Approved EPDM membrane or other equal and approved waterproofing to screeded surfaces of gutters; all applied in accordance with manufacturer's instructions 42 Sm 25mm cement/sand screed protection over waterproofing laid to slope 42 Sm 25 Sm 22 Sm 25 Sm 22 Sm The following in mild steel to BS5950; all welding to BS5135, Grade 4.6 bolts and nuts to BS4360; making small holes; priming and connections to the approval of the Engineer B C Rainwater Goods D G Finishes Cement and sand (1:4) screed to floors: in H 32mm Thick finished to receive ceramic tiles Cement and sand plaster, as described finished with wood float to I Wall surfaces to receive paint; 15mm thick Approved coloured NON-SLIP glazed ceramic floor tiles as 'Saj Ceramics' or other equal and approved; to regular pattern; grouting joints in matching cement; to J Floors; on level screed (m/s) Painting and decorating K Wall Master rendering to masonry or concrete surfaces Carried to Collection Bill No. 2 Main House 2/24 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Description Item Qnty Unit Rate Amount COLLECTION From Page 2/22 From Page 2/23 From Page 2/24 SUB-TOTAL FOR ONE (1) NO. CANOPY TOTAL FOR 3NO. ENTRANCE CANOPIES Carried to Main Summary Bill No. 2 Main House 2/25 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Description Item Qnty Unit Rate Amount SUMMARY BILL NO. 2 MAIN BUILDING BLOCK From Page 1 SUBSTRUCTURES 2/4 2 R. C SUPERSTRUCTURE 2/6 3 WALLING 2/8 4 ROOF CONSTRUCTION AND COVERING 2/10 5 WINDOWS 2/12 6 DOORS 2/15 7 FINISHES 2/20 8 JOINERY FITTINGS AND FIXTURES 2/21 9 ENTRANCE CANOPIES 2/25 TOTAL OF MAIN BUILDING BLOCK CARRIED TO MAIN SUMMARY Bill No. 2 Main House 2/26 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors BILL NO. THREE (3) DOMESTIC SERVANT QUARTERS Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Item Qty Unit Excavate oversite average 150mm deep to remove vegetable soil cart and deposit in spoil heaps on site as directed 109 Sm Excavate to reduce levels not exceeding 1.50 metres deep from stripped levels 66 Cm C Ditto for wall foundation ditto. 48 Cm D Extra over excavation for excavating at any point in rock (no blasting allowed) 4 Cm Description Rate Amount ELEMENT NO. 1 SUBSTRUCTURES All Provisional The quantities and nature of work indicated are provisional. The actual work done shall be ascertained, valued and adjustments made accordingly. Work measured upto and including ground floor slab. Excavation and Earthworks A B Planking and strutting E Allow for maintaining and supporting sides of excavations by provision of planking and strutting and for keeping the same free from fallen materials. Item Sum Item Sum Keeping excavations free of water F Allow for keeping excavations free of water (except spring or running water) and mud by pumping, baling or other approved means Fillings Selected excavated materials compacted in layers not exceeding 300mm deep: all to the approval of the Engineer G 31 Cm Well rammed and consolidated under floors to the approval of the Engineer 76 Cm 50mm Thick quarry dust blinding 82 Sm Around foundations Selected imported hardcore filling compacted in layers not exceeding 150mm deep: all to the approval of the Engineer H I Carried to collection Bill No. 3 Servant Quarters 3/1 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Disposal of excavated materials A Load and cart away surplus excavated material from the site as directed by the Architect 87 Cm 100 Sm 49 Sm Anti-termite treatment B Chemical anti-termite treatment executed complete by an approved specialist under a ten(10) year guarantee to surfaces of excavations Concrete Work C 50mm Thick blinding concrete; plain mix 1:4:8 under wall foundation Reinforced concrete Insitu concrete grade 20/20 including vibrating around reinforcement in D Wall foundation 10 Cm E 150mm Thick floor slab 98 Sm Reinforcement High tensile steel reinforcemnt to B.S 4449 and 4466 F 8mm Diameter bars 156 Kg G 10mm Ditto 344 Kg H Mesh reinforcement ref A142 or equal and approved reinforcement in concrete slab including all necessary tying and support (No allowance for laps) 98 Sm Sawn Formwork to: A Vertical sides of wall foundation 32 Sm B Edges of slab 75 - 150mm wide 55 Lm 98 Sm 137 Sm Damp proof membrane C 1000 gauge polythene or other equal and approved damp proof membrane laid under surface bed; 300mm side and end laps Load bearing approved natural stone walling, chisel dressed; jointed in cement and sand (1:3) mortar D 200mm Thick walling Carried to collection Bill No. 3 Servant Quarters 3/2 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Plinths E 12mm Thick cement/sand (1:4) render to plinths 17 Sm F Approved bituminous paint to rendered surfaces 17 Sm Carried to collection COLLECTION From Page 3/1 From Page 3/2 From Above TOTAL OF SUBSTRUCTURES Carried to Summary of Bill No. 3 Bill No. 3 Servant Quarters 3/3 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY ELEMENT NO. 2 REINFORCED CONCRETE SUPERSTRUCTURE Vibrated Reinforced Concrete Insitu concrete grade 20/20 including vibrating around reinforcement. A Beams 7 Cm B Gutter beams 5 Cm C Columns 1 Cm Reinforcement High tensile steel reinforcement to B.S 4449 and B.S 4466 D 8mm Diameter bar 829 Kg E 12mm Diameter bar 1,121 Kg 138 Sm 3 Sm Formwork Sawn Formwork to: F Sides and soffites of beams G Sides of columns; curved on plan TOTAL OF R.C. SUPERSTRUCTURE Carried to Summary of Bill No. 3 Bill No. 3 Servant Quarters 3/4 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY ELEMENT NO. 3 WALLING External Walls Bituminous based damp proof course A 200mm wide 71 Lm Selected cut and natural colour quarry stone walling bedded and jointed in cement and sand (1:4) mortar; both sides finished to receive plaster B 200mm Thick walling 109 Sm C Extra over external stone wall for bush hammered coynes to edges in alternating lengths of 200 and 100mm on both sides of the edge 33 Lm 58 Sm Internal Walls Machine cut natural stone walling bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:4) mortar; raking where necessary D 200mm Thick walling TOTAL OF WALLING Carried to Summary of Bill No. 3 Bill No. 3 Servant Quarters 3/5 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY ELEMENT NO. 4 ROOF CONSTRUCTION AND COVERING Sawn cypress;second grade; clean; well seasoned and treated with approved wood preservative; pressure- impregnated with celcure 'A' with and including all jointing and connections (packing piece, bolts etc) as necessary; in roof approximately 3,200mm high. The following in trusses and/or independent members A 150 x 50mm Rafters 318 Lm B Ditto ceiling joists 93 Lm C Ditto purlins 92 Lm D Ditto ridges 12 Lm E 100x50mm Struts 202 Lm F 100 x 50mm Wall plate; fixed to concrete or masonry with and including approved bolts at 1000mm centres 51 Lm ROOF COVERING Decra roofing tiles supplied by Space and Style (k) ltd or other equal and approved; laid and fixed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and to Architect's approval G Roof covering including all necessary fixtures 146 Sm H Ridge or hip covering 58 Lm I Galvanized metal sheet valley flashings; 26 gauge; 450mm wide; bending one edge build into wall and grouting to Architect's approval 9 Lm 2 No 100x100mm Rain water downpipe; holderbats at 1500mm (maximum) centres 18 Lm Extra over ditto for 800 mm swan neck offset 6 No Roof Vents J Roof vent, triangular in shape comprising 100x50mm treated cypress framing and t&g boarding overall size 2000x800mm high Rainwater Goods Prepainted galvanized metal; 18 gauge K L Carried to Collection Bill No. 3 Servant Quarters 3/6 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY A Ditto for shoe 6 No 42 Sm 42 Sm Waterproofing to RC gutters (PROVISIONAL) B 4mm Thick APP waterproofing membrane laid in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications to slope including dressing up as skirting 200mm high, 15mm thick cement/sand backing and all necessary outlets and sleeves Eaves covering (provisional) E 25mm Thick first grade cypress t&g to eaves; nailed on and including 50 x 50mm brandering at 600mm centres both ways Prepare surfaces and apply undercoat and two finishing coats of approved wood varnish; to F General surfaces 42 Sm G uPVC fascia or berge board as from Space and Style Ltd fixed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions 17 Lm Carried to Collection COLLECTION From Page 3/6 From Above TOTAL OF ROOF CONSTRUCTION AND COVERING Carried to Summary of Bill No. 3 Bill No. 3 Servant Quarters 3/7 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY ELEMENT NO. 5 WINDOWS Approved red clay tile cill; bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:3) mortar; pointed in matching coloured cement. A 150 x 100 x 25mm Thick cill 12 Lm 8 Lm 8 Lm Window board B 125 x 25mm Wrot mahogany window board, moulded Prepare surfaces; apply undercoat and two finishing coats polyurethane varnish on wood surfaces: to C Surfaces over 100 but not exceeding 200mm wide Supply, assemble and fix the following purpose-made "Z" section steel casemnt windows to comply to B.S. 990, obtained from an approved manufacturer, primed with red oxide primer before delivery to site complete with hinges, handles, catches and building in lugs D Window size 1500 x 1500mm high overall 1 No E Window size 600 x 900mm high overall 1 No 13 Sm 3 Sm General surfaces; window and burglarproofing grilles internally (measured flat overall) 16 Sm General surfaces; windows externally ditto 16 Sm Glazing 4mm Thick clear sheet glass and glazing to steel casement window with and including linseed putty; F In panes; various sizes 5mm Thick obscured sheet glass and glazing to steel casement window with and including linseed putty; G In panes; various sizes Prepare surfaces; apply undercoat and two finishing coats first grade eggshell paint on metal surfaces to H I TOTAL OF WINDOWS Carried to Summary of Bill No. 3 Bill No. 3 Servant Quarters 3/8 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY ELEMENT NO. 6 DOORS Panel doors A 45mm Thick solid mahogany panel door overall size 950 x 2100mm high comprising 100 x 45mm rebated stiles, middle and top rails, 150 x 45mm bottom rail and infilled with moulded solid panels all framed and fixed together and finished to architects satisfaction 2 No 900 x 2100mm Door; solid cored with thin aluminium metal sheet flashing internally 2 No 800 x 2050mm Door; semi-solid cored 2 No Flush doors 45mm Thick mahogany veneer faced flush door; hardwood lipped edges; with planted moulding to architects details B C Wrot mahogany; prime grade; three labours D 225 x 50mm Door frame; rebated; plugged 11 Lm E 125 x 50mm Door frame; rebated; plugged 21 Lm F 38 x 25mm architrave 32 Lm G 20mm Quadrant 32 Lm Prepare surfaces and apply one coat (undercoat) and two coats first grade clear polyurethane varnish as "Crown paints" or other equal approved; on wood surfaces to H Door; general surfaces 23 Sm I Surfaces over 200mm but not exceeding 300mm girth; frame; architrave and quadrant 32 Lm 2 No Ironmongery Supply and fix English "Union" or other equal approved ironmongery; matching screws; locks to include a set of 3 keys, catalogue numbers refer to the "Union catalogue issued by "Josiah parkes & Sons limited" of the United Kingdom; available from their authorized local dealers J Three lever mortice lock; complete with a set of brass lever handle furniture fixed to timber door Carried to Collection Bill No. 3 Servant Quarters 3/9 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY A B C Two lever mortice lock; complete with a set of brass lever handle furniture fixed to timber door 4 No 38mm diameter rubber door stops No. 8400 to concrete or blockwork fixing with screws; plugging 6 No 100 mm Long brass butt hinges 9 Prs Carried to collection COLLECTION From Page 3/9 From Above TOTAL OF DOORS Carried to Summary of Bill No. 3 Bill No. 3 Servant Quarters 3/10 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY ELEMENT NO. 7 FINISHES Floor Finishings Cement and sand (1:4) screed to floor: in A 32mm Thick finished to receive ceramic tiles 82 Sm Allow a prime cost rate of Kshs. 1,200 per square metre inclusive of VAT for purchase; include rate for take delivery and fix only B Floor tiles; on level screed (m/s) 82 Sm C 100mm High skirting 71 Lm 41 Sm 41 Sm 216 Sm 216 Sm 125 Sm Wall finishes Cement and sand (1:4) to walls in D 12mm Thick render to receive ceramic tiles 300 x 250 x 6mm Coloured glazed ceramic tiles as 'Saj Ceramics' to regular pattern; bedding and jointing in cement mortar (1:4) grouting joints with matching cement E To wall; grouting edges Plaster 9mm first coat of cement/lime putty/sand (1:2:9):3mm second coat of cement/lime putty/sand (1:1:6): steel troweled; on masonry or concrete: to F Walls; internally Prepare surfaces and apply undercoat and two finishing coats silk vinyl emulsion paint as "Crown Paints" or other equal approved on plastered masonry or concrete surfaces: to G Walls: internally External Wall Finishes Cement and sand (1:4) to walls in H 12mm Thick render to walls externally Carried to Collection Bill No. 3 Servant Quarters 3/11 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Prepare surfaces and apply textured wall finish as "RUFF N' TUFF" from Crown-Berger (K) Ltd on plastered masonry or concrete surfaces: to A Rendered walls; externally B Supply and fix approved precisely cut mazeras slates cladding; approved pattern to walls including backing (Provisional) 125 Sm 30 Sm 98 Lm 82 Sm Ceiling Finishes Mahogany; wrot; well seasoned; cellcured; selected and kept clean C 75x75mm Moulded cornice D 25mm Thick first grade cypress t&g to eaves; nailed on and including 50 x 50mm brandering at 600mm centres both ways Prepare surfaces and apply one coat (undercoat) and two coats first grade clear polyurethane varnish as "Crown Paints" or other equal approved; on wood surfaces; to E Cornices; surfaces not exceeding 100mm girth 98 Lm F Ceilings, general surfaces 82 Sm Carried to Collection COLLECTION From page 3/11 From Above TOTAL FOR FINISHES Carried to Summary of Bill No. 3 Bill No. 3 Servant Quarters 3/12 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY ELEMENT NO. 8 JOINERY FIXTURES The following in 2No. Kitchen worktop and low level cupboards overall size 2500mm girth x 600mm wide x 850mm high A 100mm Thick concrete block (dwarf) wall 2 Sm B 100mm Thick concrete 1:3:6 in plinth. 3 Sm C 75mm Thick reinforced concrete 1:2:4 in worktop including forming opening for double sink. 3 Sm D BRC mesh type A65 reinforcement in top 3 Sm E Formwork to soffites of worktop. 3 Sm F Ditto edge of slab 75 - 150mm high. 5 Lm G 12mm cement screed floor on plinth including sides 3 Sm H 12mm Thick plaster to walls 4 Sm I Prepare and apply three coats oil paint general surface 4 Sm J 20mm Thick granite slab on worktop and fascia including backing 3 Sm Wrot cypress K 50 x 25mm Rebated frame 6 Lm L 50 x 25mm Bearers 18 Lm M 50 x 20mm Lipping 6 Lm 1 Lm 25mm Thick blockboard; exposed edges hardwood lipped N In 125mm wide fascia, faced one side with mahogany veneer O In shelving 3 Sm P In partitions 1 Sm Q 25mm Thick door size 325 x 550mm high with lipped edges and faced on one side with mahogany veneer. 12 No Carried to Collection Bill No. 3 Servant Quarters 3/13 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY A 25mm Thick blockboard drawer size 325 x 475 x 125mm deep comprising of 25mm thick mahogany veneer faced blockboard front, blockboard sides and 6mm thick plywood bottom all blocked together including 19mm cypress runners on both sides. 10 No B 12mm Wide brass piano hinges 7 Lm C Brass drawer knobs 10 No D 75mm Brass cupboard door handle 12 No E 50mm aluminium tower bolt 6 Prs F Approved Ball catch 6 No G Brass cupboard door locks 6 No H Prepare and apply three coats of oil paint to general surfaces of wood 8 Sm I Ditto surfaces 100 - 200mm girth. 5 Lm J Prepare and apply three coats wood varnish on general surfaces of wood 5 Sm 22 Lm The following in high level cupboards K 50 x 25mm bearers 25mm Thick blockboard; exposed edges hardwood lipped L Bottom, top and shelves 4 Sm M Sides and divisions 2 Sm N Door size 300 x 600mm high one side faced with mahogany veneer; edges hardwood lipped and 15mm planted quadrant moulding 12 No O 15mm Wrot mahogany quadrant beading 7 Lm P Brass piano hinges 7 Lm Q Brass pull handles; 50mm long 12 No R Ball catch 12 No S Prepare and apply three coats of gloss oil paint to general wood surfaces 11 Sm Ditto wood varnish ditto 2 Sm T Carried to Collection Bill No. 3 Servant Quarters 3/14 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Wardrobes The following in 2No. Wardrobes average size 2000 x 600 x 2750mm high A 100mm Thick concrete 1:3:6 plinth B 12mm Thick cement and sand screed finished with steel trowel 3 Sm 3 Sm In Wrot cypress C 75 x 50mm Rebated frames 10 Lm D 75 x 25m Plinth lipping 4 Lm E 50 x 50mm Rebated frame 14 Lm F 50 x 25mm Bearers 14 Lm G 25mm quadrant beading 10 Lm H 38 x 20mm Architrave 6 Lm 25mm Thick blockboard with all exposed edges hardwood lipped in I Bottom 3 Sm J Sides and divisions 6 Sm K Shelves 4 Sm L Door size 650 x 1980mm high one side faced with mahogany veneer; with 1No. 30mm diameter plastic vent and 15mm quadrant moulding 6 No M Ditto door size 650 x 450mm high ditto 6 No N 25mm Thick blockboard drawer size 650 x 550 x 200mm deep comprising 650 x 25mm front and back, 550 x 25mm sides and 6mm thick plywood bottom all blocked together including pull groves to front panel 6 No Ironmongery O Brass piano hinges 8 Lm P Brass cupboard door locks 4 No Q Brass door knobs 12 No R 75 mm Aluminium tower bolt 4 No Carried to Collection Bill No. 3 Servant Quarters 3/15 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY A Approved ball catch 6 No B 19mm Diameter brass plated hanging rail 2000mm long complete with fixing brackets 2 No Prepare and apply three coats gloss oil paint on general surfaces 33 Sm D Ditto but wood varnish ditto. 10 Sm E Ditto but surfaces 200 - 300mm girth 18 Lm C End of 2No Wardrobes Carried to Collection COLLECTION From Page 3/13 From Page 3/14 From Page 3/15 From Above TOTAL FOR JOINERY FITTINGS Carried to Summary of Bill No. 3 Bill No. 3 Servant Quarters 3/16 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY BILL NO. 3 DOMESTIC SERVANT QUARTERS SUMMARY From page 1 SUBSTRUCTURES 3/3 2 R. C SUPERSTRUCTURE 3/4 3 WALLING 3/5 4 ROOF CONSTRUCTION AND COVERING 3/7 5 WINDOWS 3/8 6 DOORS 3/10 7 FINISHES 3/12 8 JOINERY FITTINGS 3/16 SUB-TOTAL FOR ONE (1) NO. DSQ x2 TOTAL FOR 2 NO. SERVANT QUARTERS Carried to Main Summary Bill No. 3 Servant Quarters 3/17 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors BILL NO. FOUR (4) CHANGING ROOMS Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Item Qty Unit Excavate oversite average 150mm deep to remove vegetable soil cart and deposit in spoil heaps on site as directed 76 Sm Excavate to reduce levels not exceeding 1.50 metres deep from stripped levels 46 Cm C Ditto for wall foundation ditto. 60 Cm D Extra over excavation for excavating at any point in rock (no blasting allowed) 8 Cm Description Rate Amount ELEMENT NO. 1 SUBSTRUCTURES All Provisional The quantities and nature of work indicated are provisional. The actual work done shall be ascertained, valued and adjustments made accordingly. Work measured upto and including ground floor slab. Excavation and earthworks A B Planking and strutting E Allow for maintaining and supporting sides of excavations by provision of planking and strutting and for keeping the same free from fallen materials. Item Sum Item Sum Keeping excavations free of water F Allow for keeping excavations free of water and mud by pumping, baling or other approved means Fillings Selected excavated materials compacted in layers not exceeding 300mm deep: all to the approval of the Engineer G Around foundations 33 Cm 300mm Thick well rammed and consolidated under floors to the approval of the Engineer 42 Sm 50mm Thick quarry dust blinding 42 Sm Selected imported hardcore filling compacted in layers not exceeding 150mm deep: all to the approval of the Engineer H I Carried to collection Bill No. 4 Changing Rooms 4/1 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Disposal of excavated materials A Load and cart away surplus excavated material from the site as directed by the Architect 73 Cm 80 Sm 36 Sm Anti-termite treatment B Chemical anti-termite treatment executed complete by an approved specialist under a ten(10) year guarantee to surfaces of excavations Concrete Work C 50mm Thick blinding concrete; plain mix 1:4:8 under wall foundation, column base and base slab Reinforced concrete Insitu concrete grade 20/20 including vibrating around reinforcement in D Wall foundation 8 Cm E 150mm Thick floor slab 67 Sm F Extra over slab for thicknessing size 400mm wide x 100mm thick including forming sinking in hardcore 6 Lm Reinforcement High tensile steel reinforcemnt to B.S 4449 and 4466 G 8mm Diameter bars 78 Kg H 10mm Ditto 288 Kg I Mesh reinforcement ref A142 or equal and approved reinforcement in concrete slab including all necessary tying and support (No allowance for laps) 67 Sm Sawn Formwork to: J Vertical sides of wall foundation 19 Sm K Edges of slab 75 - 150mm wide 32 Lm 67 Sm Damp proof membrane L 1000 gauge polythene or other equal and approved damp proof membrane laid under surface bed; 300mm side and end laps Carried to collection Bill No. 4 Changing Rooms 4/2 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Load bearing approved natural stone walling, chisel dressed; jointed in cement and sand (1:3) mortar A 200mm Thick walling 101 Sm Plinths B 12mm Thick cement/sand (1:4) render to plinths 11 Sm C Approved bituminous paint to rendered surfaces 11 Sm Carried to collection COLLECTION From Page 4/1 From Page 4/2 From Above TOTAL OF SUBSTRUCTURES Carried to Summary of Bill No. 4 Bill No. 4 Changing Rooms 4/3 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY ELEMENT NO. 2 REINFORCED CONCRETE SUPERSTRUCTURE Vibrated Reinforced Concrete Insitu concrete grade 20/20 including vibrating around reinforcement. A Ring beams 4 Cm Reinforcement High tensile steel reinforcement to B.S 4449 and B.S 4466 B 8mm Diameter bar 78 Kg C 12mm Diameter bar 198 Kg 37 Sm Formwork Sawn Formwork to: D Sides and soffites of beams TOTAL OF REINFORCED CONCRETE SUPERSTRUCTURE Carried to Summary of Bill No. 4 Bill No. 4 Changing Rooms 4/4 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY ELEMENT NO. 3 WALLING External Walls Bituminous based damp proof course A 100mm Wide 6 Lm B 200mm wide 46 Lm 101 Sm Selected cut and natural colour quarry stone walling bedded and jointed in cement and sand (1:4) mortar; both sides finished to receive plaster C 200mm Thick walling Internal Walls Machine cut natural stone walling bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:4) mortar; raking where necessary D 100mm Thick walling 15 Sm E 200mm Thick walling 34 Sm TOTAL OF WALLING Carried to Summary of Bill No. 4 Bill No. 4 Changing Rooms 4/5 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY ELEMENT NO. 4 ROOF CONSTRUCTION AND COVERING Sawn cypress;second grade; clean; well seasoned and treated with approved wood preservative; pressureimpregnated with celcure 'A' with and including all jointing and connections (packing piece, bolts etc) as necessary; in roof approximately 8,500mm high. The following in trusses and/or independent members A 100 x 50mm Rafters 187 Lm B Ditto ceiling joists 32 Lm C Ditto purlins 31 Lm D Ditto ridges 11 Lm E 100x50mm Struts 41 Lm F 100 x 50mm Wall plate; fixed to concrete or masonry with and including approved bolts at 1000mm centres 44 Lm ROOF COVERING Decra roofing tiles supplied by Space and Style (k) ltd or other equal and approved; laid and fixed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and to Architect's approval G Roof covering including all necessary fixtures 115 Sm H Ridge or hip covering 27 Lm 25mm Thick first grade cypress t&g to eaves; nailed on and including 50 x 50mm brandering at 600mm centres both ways 33 Sm uPVC fascia or berge board as from Space and Style Ltd fixed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions 48 Lm 33 Sm Eaves covering (provisional) I J Prepare surfaces and apply undercoat and two finishing coats of approved wood varnish; to K General surfaces Carried to Collection Bill No. 4 Changing Rooms 4/6 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Rainwater Goods Prepainted galvanized metal; 18 gauge A 150 x 150mm Box gutter; fixed to fascia with and including steel flat brackets at 1500 mm (maximum) centres; holes for down pipes as necessary; closed ends. 46 Lm 100x100mm Rain water downpipe; holderbats at 1500mm (maximum) centres 46 Lm C Extra over ditto for 800 mm swan neck offset 6 No D Ditto for shoe 6 No B Carried to Collection COLLECTION From Page 4/6 From Above TOTAL OF ROOF CONSTRUCTION AND COVERING Carried to Summary of Bill No. 4 Bill No. 4 Changing Rooms 4/7 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY ELEMENT NO. 5 WINDOWS Approved red clay tile cill; bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:3) mortar; pointed in matching coloured cement. A 150 x 100 x 25mm Thick cill 10 Lm Supply, assemble and fix the following purpose-made "Z" section steel casemnt windows to comply to B.S. 990, obtained from an approved manufacturer, primed with red oxide primer before delivery to site complete with hinges, handles, catches and building in lugs B Window size 900 x 1200mm high overall 6 No C Window size 600 x 900mm high overall 2 No D Window size 1600 x 1200mm high overall 2 No 12 Sm General surfaces; window and burglarproofing grilles internally (measured flat overall) 12 Sm General surfaces; windows externally ditto 12 Sm Glazing 5mm Thick obscured sheet glass and glazing to steel casement window with and including linseed putty; E In panes; various sizes Prepare surfaces; apply undercoat and two finishing coats first grade eggshell paint on metal surfaces to F G TOTAL OF WINDOWS Carried to Summary of Bill No. 4 Bill No. 4 Changing Rooms 4/8 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY ELEMENT NO. 6 DOORS Mild steel doors A Louvred steel casement door overall size 1000x2100mm high comprising 100x50x3mm thick frames, stiles, middle and top rails; 200x50x3mm thick rhs bottom rail; 18 gauge louvres; mosquito gauze on 25x4mm thick flats; all welding; priming and necessary ironmongery and finishing to Architect's detail 1 No 2 No 4 No Timber Panel doors 45mm Thick solid panel door; comprising 120 x 45mm rebated stiles and top rails, 95x45mm middle rails and transomes, 200 x 45mm bottom rail and infilled with moulded solid hardwood panels all framed together and finished to Architect's detail in: B Door size 900x2400mm high Flush doors 45mm Thick mahogany veneer faced flush door; hardwood lipped edges; with planted moulding to architects details C 800x2100mm high; semi-solid cored flush door Wrot mahogany; prime grade; three labours D 175 x 50mm Door frame; rebated; plugged 21 Lm E 225 x 50mm Door frame; rebated; plugged 12 Lm F 40 x 20mm architrave 33 Lm Prepare surfaces and apply one coat (undercoat) and two coats first grade clear polyurethane varnish as "Crown paints" or other equal approved; on wood surfaces to G Door; general surfaces 23 Sm H Surfaces over 200mm but not exceeding 300mm girth; frame; architrave and quadrant 33 Lm Carried to Collection Bill No. 4 Changing Rooms 4/9 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Ironmongery Supply and fix English "Union" or other equal approved ironmongery; matching screws; locks to include a set of 3 keys, catalogue numbers refer to the "Union catalogue issued by "Josiah parkes & Sons limited" of the United Kingdom; available from their authorized local dealers Two lever mortice lock; complete with a set of brass lever handle furniture fixed to timber door 4 No B Indicator bolts 2 No C 38mm diameter rubber door stops No. 8400 to concrete or blockwork fixing with screws; plugging 6 No 100 mm Long brass butt hinges 9 Prs A D Carried to collection COLLECTION From Page 4/9 From Above TOTAL OF DOORS Carried to Summary of Bill No. 4 Bill No. 4 Changing Rooms 4/10 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY ELEMENT NO. 7 FINISHES Floor Finishings Cement and sand (1:4) screed to floor: in A 32mm Thick finished to receive ceramic tiles 56 Sm 56 Sm 139 Sm 139 Sm 78 Sm 78 Sm 111 Sm Non-slip Ceramic tile Supply and fix coloured ceramic tiles as supplied by Tile & Carpet Centre including matching grout to the approval of the Architect; to B Floors; on level screed (m/s) Wall finishes Cement and sand (1:4) to walls in C 12mm Thick render to receive ceramic tiles 300 x 250 x 6mm Coloured glazed ceramic tiles as 'Saj Ceramics' to regular pattern; bedding and jointing in cement mortar (1:4) grouting joints with matching cement D To wall; grouting edges Plaster 9mm first coat of cement/lime putty/sand (1:2:9):3mm second coat of cement/lime putty/sand (1:1:6): steel troweled; on masonry or concrete: to E Walls; internally Prepare surfaces and apply undercoat and two finishing coats silk vinyl emulsion paint as "Crown Paints" or other equal approved on plastered masonry or concrete surfaces: to F Walls: internally External Wall Finishes Cement and sand (1:4) to walls in G 12mm Thick render to walls externally Carried to Collection Bill No. 4 Changing Rooms 4/11 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Prepare surfaces and apply textured wall finish as "RUFF N' TUFF" from Crown-Berger (K) Ltd on plastered masonry or concrete surfaces: to A Rendered walls; externally B Extra over external stone wall for bush hammered coynes to edges in alternating lengths of 200 and 100mm on both sides of the edge 1,110 Sm 30 Lm Approved moisture resistant Gypsum board ceiling fixed to and including brandering 42 Sm Ditto but moulded cornice 38 Lm 42 Sm 150x150mm Post one end fixed to the ground with purpose made mild steel shoe bolted to and including concrete base; overall 3000mm high above floor level 4 No 100x200mm Members finished with polyurethane stain to the satisfaction of the Architect 38 Lm Ceiling Finishes C D Prepare and apply undercoat and two finishing coats premium grade emulsion paint as "Crown Paints" or other equal approved on gypsum surfaces to E Gypsum ceilings, general surfaces Pergola - Provisional Treated and well seasoned hardwood timber including all jointing and anchoring, all in accordance with Architect's drawings and details F G Carried to Collection COLLECTION From page 4/11 From Above TOTAL FOR FINISHES Carried to Summary of Bill No. 4 Bill No. 4 Changing Rooms 4/12 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY ELEMENT NO. 8 JOINERY FIXTURES Lockers A Provide the Provisional Sum of Kshs. TWO Hundred Thousand (200,000/=) only for the fabrication, supply and fixing of Shelves and Lockers to be expended upon the instructions of the Architect Item Sum 200,000.00 Benches B Provide for seats/benches overall 2200x450mm wide x 500mm high in wrot cypress slats 75x50mm with two labours on L-shaped 40x4mm thick angle brackets 300x435mm with a bracing; bolted to wall all as per drawing in page A.15 in the Appendix 2 No TOTAL FOR JOINERY FITTINGS Carried to Summary of Bill No. 3 Bill No. 4 Changing Rooms 4/13 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY BILL NO. 4 CHANGING ROOMS SUMMARY From page 1 SUBSTRUCTURES 4/3 2 R. C SUPERSTRUCTURE 4/4 3 WALLING 4/5 4 ROOF CONSTRUCTION AND COVERING 4/7 5 WINDOWS 4/8 6 DOORS 4/10 7 FINISHES 4/12 8 JOINERY FITTINGS 4/13 TOTAL FOR CHANGING ROOMS Carried to Main Summary Bill No. 4 Changing Rooms 4/14 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors BILL NO. FIVE (5) ABLUTION BLOCK Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Item Qty Unit Excavate to remove black cotton soil not exceeding 1.50 metres deep from stripped levels 69 Cm Ditto exceeding 1.50m but not exceeding 3.0 metres deep from stripped levels 11 Cm Excavate for wall foundation commencing at reduced level and not exceeding 1.50metres deep. 10 Cm Description Rate Amount ELEMENT NO. 1 SUBSTRUCTURES All Provisional The quantities and nature of work indicated are provisional. The actual work done shall be ascertained, valued and adjustments made accordingly. Work measured upto and including ground floor slab. Excavation and earthworks A B C Risk of collapse of excavations Planking and strutting D Allow for maintaining and supporting sides of excavations by provision of planking and strutting and for keeping the same free from fallen materials. Item Sum Item Sum Keeping excavations free of water E Allow for keeping excavations free of water (except spring or running water) and mud by pumping, baling or other approved means Fillings Selected imported hardcore filling watered and compacted in layers not exceeding 150mm deep F G Well rammed and consolidated under floor slab in layers not exceeding 200mm thick 66 Cm 50mm Thick quarry dust blinding to surfaces of hardcore 35 Sm 92 Cm Disposal of excavated materials H Load and cart away surplus excavated material from the site as directed by the Architect Carried to collection Bill No. 5 Ablution Block 5/1 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Soil poisoning Anti-termite treatment A Chemical anti-termite treatment executed complete by an approved specialist under a ten(10) year guarantee to surfaces of excavations 60 Sm 26 Sm Concrete Work Plain concrete ; mix 1:4:8 in B 50mm Thick blinding concrete under wall foundation Reinforced concrete Insitu concrete grade 20/20 including vibrating around reinforcement in C Wall foundation 5 Cm D 150mm Thick floor slab 45 Sm E Extra over slab for thicknessing size 400mm wide x 100mm thick including forming sinking in hardcore 12 Lm Reinforcement High tensile steel reinforcement t F 8mm Diameter bars 61 Kg G 10mm Diameter bars 119 Kg H Mesh reinforcement ref A 142 or equal and approved reinforcement in concrete slab including all necessary tying and support (No allowance for laps) 45 Sm Sawn Formwork to: I Vertical sides of wall foundation 17 Sm J Edges of slab 75 - 150m wide 27 Lm 45 Sm Damp proof membrane K 500 gauge polythene or other equal and approved damp proof membrane laid under surface bed; 300mm side and end laps Carried to collection Bill No. 5 Ablution Block 5/2 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Foundation walling Load bearing approved natural stone walling, chisel dressed; jointed in cement and sand (1:3) mortar A 200mm Thick walling 81 Sm Plinths B 12mm Thick cement/sand (1:4) render to plinths 10 Sm C Approved bituminous paint to rendered surfaces 10 Sm Carried to collection COLLECTION From Page 5/1 From Page 5/2 From Above TOTAL OF SUBSTRUCTURES Carried to Summary of Bill No 5 Bill No. 5 Ablution Block 5/3 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY ELEMENT NO. 2 WALLING Ring Beams Insitu concrete grade 20/20 including vibrating around reinforcement. A Ring beams 2 Cm 28 Sm Sawn Formwork to: B Sides and soffites of beams Reinforcement C 8mm Diameter high tensile bar 81 Kg D 12mm Diameter ditto 181 Kg Bituminous based damp proof course E 150mm wide 11 Lm F 200mm wide 29 Lm External Walls Selected cut natural colour quarry stone walling bedded and jointed in cement and sand (1:4) mortar and finished fair both sides G 200mm Thick walling 56 Sm H Extra over external stone wall for bush hammered coynes to edges in alternating lengths of 200 and 100mm on both sides of the edge 18 Lm Internal Walls Machine cut natural stone walling bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:4) mortar I 150mm Thick walling 24 Sm J 200mm Thick walling 11 Sm TOTAL OF WALLING Carried to Summary of Bill No 5 Bill No. 5 Ablution Block 5/4 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY ELEMENT NO. 3 ROOF CONSTRUCTION AND COVERING Sawn cypress;second grade; clean; well seasoned and treated with approved wood preservative; pressureimpregnated with celcure 'A' with and including all jointing and connections (packing piece, bolts etc) as necessary; in roof approximately 3,000mm high The following in trusses or independent members A 100 x 50mm Rafters 112 Lm B 100 x 50 mm Ceiling joists 24 Lm C 100 x 50mm Struts 41 Lm D 100 x 50mm Purlins 21 Lm E 100 x 50mm Wall plate; fixed to concrete or masonry with and including approved bolts at 1000mm centres 27 Lm Roof covering including all necessary fixtures 66 Sm Ridge/Hip cap 18 Lm Flashings; 26 gauge; 400mm wide; bending and fixing under tiles 3 Lm 32 Lm 100 x 100mm Diameter rain water downpipe; holderbats at 1500mm (maximum) centres 18 Lm Extra over ditto for 800 mm swan neck offset 6 No ROOF COVERING Decra roofing tiles supplied by Space and Style (k) ltd or other equal and approved; laid and fixed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and to Architect's approval F G Rainwater Goods Galvanised metal sheet; gauge 24; pre-painted H I J 150 x 150mm Box gutter; fixed to fascia with and including steel flat brackets at 1500 mm (maximum) centres; holes for down pipes as necessary; closed ends. Carried to collection Bill No. 5 Ablution Block 5/5 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY A Ditto for shoe 6 No 25mm Thick first grade cypress t&g to eaves; nailed on and including 50 x 50mm brandering at 600mm centres both ways and 75mm wrot cypress cornice along walls 22 Sm 225 x 25mm Fascia and berge board 35 Lm 22 Sm 31 Lm 2 No Eaves covering B C Prepare surfaces and apply undercoat and two finishing coats of approved wood varnish; to D General surfaces Prepare surfaces and apply undercoat and two finishing coats first grade gloss enamel paint as "Crown Paint" or other equal approved; on wooden surfaces; to E Fascia; surfaces over 200 but not exceeding 300mm girth Roof vents F Roof vent, triangular in shape overall 2000x500mm high comprising 75x25mm thick wrot cypress louvres with mosquito gauze; 50x50mm cypress framing; varnished Carried to collection COLLECTION From Page 5/5 From Above TOTAL OF ROOF CONSTRUCTION AND COVERING Carried to Summary of Bill No 5 Bill No. 5 Ablution Block 5/6 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY ELEMENT NO. 4 WINDOWS Approved red clay tile cill; bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:3) mortar; pointed in matching coloured cement. A 150 x 100 x 25mm Thick cill 7 Lm Steel casement window; purpose made standard metal casement sections complete with integral burglar proofing 12mm square bars; Zed sections to architects detail and approval; including permanent ventilators comprising 'T' bar gauze and metal hood; openable casements; coupling mullions; approved ironmongery; as per schedule. Pattern as shown in the Appendix B Window size 900 x 900mm high overall 4 No C Window size 600 x 600mm high overall 8 No 3 Sm 2 Sm General surfaces; window and burglarproofing grilles internally (measured flat overall) 5 Sm General surfaces; windows externally (measured flat overall) 5 Sm 5mm Thick obscured sheet glass and glazing to steel casement window with and including linseed putty; in panes D Panes various sizes 5mm Thick one way glass and glazing to steel casememt with and including linseed putty; in panes E 0.5 to 1.0 square metres Prepare metal surfaces; apply undercoat and two finishing coats first grade eggshell paint; as "Crown paints" or other equal approved metallic paint on metal surfaces to F G TOTAL OF WINDOWS Carried to Summary of Bill No 5 Bill No. 5 Ablution Block 5/7 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY ELEMENT NO. 5 DOORS Flush doors 45mm Thick flush door both sides faced both sides with mahogany veneer; all edges hardwood lipped A 800 x 2100mm Door; semi-solid cored 2 No B 800 x 2000mm Door; semi-solid cored with aluminium flashing internally 8 No 900 x 2100mm Door; solid cored; with clear glass panel 250x850mm 2 No C Wrot mahogany in; D 100 x 50mm Door frame; rebated; plugged 41 Lm E 150 x 50mm Door frame; rebated; plugged 21 Lm F 38 x 25mm architrave 65 Lm G 20mm Quadrant 21 Lm Prepare surfaces; apply undercoat and two finishing coats wood varnish; as "Crown paints" or other equal approved paint to H Door; general surfaces 43 Sm I Surfaces over 200mm but not exceeding 300mm girth; frame, architrave and quadrant 65 Lm Three lever mortice lock; complete with a set of brass lever handle furniture fixed to timber door 4 No K Approved indicator bolts 8 No L 38mm diameter rubber door stops No. 8400 to concrete or blockwork fixing with screws; plugging 12 No 18 Prs Ironmongery Supply and fix English "Union" or other equal approved ironmongery; matching screws; locks to include a set of 3 keys J M 100mm Long steel butt hinges TOTAL OF DOORS Carried to Summary of Bill No 5 Bill No. 5 Ablution Block 5/8 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY ELEMENT NO. 6 FINISHES Floor Finishings Cement and sand (1:4) screed to floor: in A 32mm Thick finished to receive ceramic tiles 36 Sm 300 x 300 x 8mm Approved coloured ceramic floor tiles as 'Saj Ceramics' or other equal approved; to regular pattern; grouting joints in matching cement; to B Floors; on level screed (m/s) 36 Sm C Skirting 100mm high 8 Lm 88 Sm 88 Sm 38 Sm 38 Sm 66 Sm Wall finishes Cement and sand (1:4) to walls in D 12mm Thick render to receive ceramic tiles 200 x 250 x 6mm Coloured glazed tiles as 'Saj Ceramics' to regular pattern; bedding and jointing in cement mortar (1:4) grouting joints with matching cement E To wall; grouting edges Plaster 9mm first coat of cement/lime putty/sand (1:2:9):3mm second coat of cement/lime putty/sand (1:1:6): steel toweled; on masonry or concrete: to F Walls; internally Prepare surfaces and apply undercoat and two finishing coats plastic emulsion paint as "Crown Paints" or other equal approved on plastered masonry or concrete surfaces: to G Walls: internally Cement and sand (1:4) render: on concrete or masonry: wood float finished; to H Wall and concrete; externally Carried to collection Bill No. 5 Ablution Block 5/9 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Prepare surfaces and apply undercoat and two finishing coats first grade emulsion paint as "Crown Paints" or other equal approved on plaster masonry or concrete surfaces to A Wall and concrete; externally 66 Sm Ceiling Finishes First grade cypress; wrot; well seasoned; cellcured; selected and kept clean B 75mm Moulded cornice top piece; fixed to ceiling 73 Lm C Gypsum board ceiling fixed on and including 50 x 50 brandering at 600mm centers both ways 34 Sm 73 Lm 34 Sm Prepare surfaces and apply one coat (undercoat) and two coats oil paint on wood surfaces; to D Cornices; surfaces not exceeding 100mm girth Prepare and apply three coats of plastic emulsion paint by "Crown Paints" or other equal and approved; on gypsum surfaces E Ceilings, general surfaces Carried to Collection COLLECTION From page 5/9 From above TOTAL FOR FINISHES Carried to Summary of Bill No 5 Bill No. 5 Ablution Block 5/10 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY ELEMENT NO. 7 JOINERY FIXTURES Vanity tops A Wash Hand Basin Vanity tops overall size 2200x600mm wide; 50mm thick concrete worktop: top, fascia(250mm wide) and splash skirting finished with granite slab; all with beveled edges 2 No TOTAL FOR JOINERY FITTINGS Carried to Summary of Bill No 5 Bill No. 5 Ablution Block 5/11 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY SUMMARY BILL NO. 5 ABLUTION BLOCK From page 1 SUBSTRUCTURES 5/3 2 WALLING 5/4 3 ROOF CONSTRUCTION AND COVERING 5/6 4 WINDOWS 5/7 5 DOORS 5/8 6 FINISHES 5/10 . 7 JOINERY FITTINGS 5/11 TOTAL FOR ABLUTION BLOCK Carried to Main Summary Bill No. 5 Ablution Block 5/12 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors BILL NO. SIX (6) EXTERNAL WORKS Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Item Qty Description Unit Rate Amount EXTERNAL WORKS (All Provisional) SITE PREPARATION A B Clear the site of bushes, shrubs, hedges, undergrowth etc and small trees not exceeding 600mm girth including grubbing up roots Item and remove from site Sum Cut down and remove tree average 900 mm girth grub up roots and cart away 6 No C Ditto but average 1500mm girth ditto 5 No D Ditto but average 1800mm girth ditto 3 No E Dig out and grab up roots of tree stamps ditto 4 No TOTAL OF SITE PREPARATION Carried to Summary of External Works Bill No. 6 External Works 6/1 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY DRIVEWAY AND PARKING A Excavate to reduce levels not exceeding 1.50 metres deep from existing ground levels remove and cart away 1,798 Cm B Grade and compact surfaces of excavations C 300mm Thick hardcore sub-base laid, well compacted and rolled to 3,996 Sm the satisfaction of the Civil Engineer 3,996 Sm D 150mm Thick handpacked stone base laid and compacted to 100% compaction at optimum moisture content and rolled to falls E 3,996 Sm Supply and lay medium duty precast concrete interlocking paving blocks as "Bamburiblox" with rounded edges and butt joints laid to an approved pattern on and including 50mm thick quarry dust bed including all necessary raking cutting to edges and making good 3,996 Sm kerbs to the satisfaction of the Engineer Kerbs F 250 x 225mm Precast concrete grade '20' road kerb, batered at top laid on and including 450 x 150mm high concrete grade '15' haunch including excavations, grading bottoms and disposal of 1,155 excavated material Lm G Ditto but curved to various radii 471 Lm H 125 x 100mm Precast concrete grade 20 road channel bedded in concrete 72 Lm Excavate to reduce levels not exceeding 1.5metres deep and cart away from site 203 Cm Approved hardcore filling laid and compacted in layers not exceeding 200mm thick to the approval of the Engineer 203 Cm 675 Sm 1,125 Lm 169 Sm Paved Walkways I J Interlocking light duty precast concrete paving blocks as before described including 25mm thick sand bed K 50mm Thick concrete paving blocks, laid to pattern L 125 x 100mm precast concrete grade 20 flush road channel bedded in 325x100mm class 15 concrete M 600x600mm x 25mm Thick precast concrete paving slab laid on and including all necessary excavations, levelling and 50mm compacted quarry dust and pointing TOTAL OF PARKING AND PAVED AREAS Carried to Summary of External Works Bill No. 6 External Works 6/2 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY BOUNDARY WALL AND GATES (Provisional) A Excavate for wall footing or column bases not exceeding 1.50 metres deep 388 B Allow for maintaning and supporting sides of excavations Item C Select excavated material part fill around foundations compact in layers and part cart away 388 Cm Reinforced concrete grade 1:2:4 including vibrating around bars in wall footing or column base 87 Cm E 200mm thick masonry wall in cement mortar 1:4 in foundation 492 Sm F 200mm Wide bituminous based damp proof course under walls 645 Lm G 200mm thick quarry stone walling bedded and joined in cement and sand mortar both sides fair faced, keyed and pointed D H Cm Sum 1,313 Sm 50mm Thick special cut mazeras cladding to surfaces of R.C column; backing and recessed key pointing 342 Sm Precast concrete copping size 425x75mm average thick tappered, bedded and jointed in cement mortar 645 Lm J Ditto 690x545mmx150 thick average tappered all sides ditto 228 No K Reinforced concrete 1:2:4 including vibrating in columns 51 Cm 637 Lm I The following in mild steel to BS5950; all welding to BS5135, Grade 4.6 bolts and nuts to BS BS4360; making small holes; priming and connections to the approval of the Engineer; in L Metal grille panel average 600mm high comprising 20 x 4mm thick x 600mm high RHS vertical bars spaced at 230mm centres, 50 x 4mm x 500mm high RHS vertical bars spaced at 2400mm centres and fixed to walls, all welded to and including 20 x 6mm thick m.s flat bottom and top rails centres and fixed between pillars including welding and priming, all as per Architect's drawings (See Appendix A14) Sawn formwork to: M Vertical sides of column base 76 Sm N Sides of columns 251 Sm High tensile steel reinforcement (Provisional) O 8mm diameter bars 1,394 Kg P 10mm diameter bars 3,190 Kg Carried to collection Bill No. 6 External Works 6/3 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Gates A 40mm overall thick metal gate size 6000 x 2200 high in two equal leaves; comprising 65 x 65 x 3mm RHS framing and twisted ornamental steel rods; 100 x 6mm thick plate bottom; 100 x 45mm mild steel horizontal members both ways; all mouldings and decorations; complete with hinges and strap bolts, tower bolts, gate stops; all welded primed and painted with oil paint; reinforced concrete pillars (m/s), finished to Architect's detail (See Appendix A14) 1 No B Ditto but 5000 x 2100mm high ditto 2 No C Ditto but pedestrian gate size 1200 x 2100mm high in single leave ditto 2 No Carried to collection COLLECTION From Page 6/3 From Above TOTAL OF BOUNDARY WALL AND GATES Carried to Summary of External Works Bill No. 6 External Works 6/4 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY GATE HOUSES A B Construction complete of gate house overall size 5.2 x 3.0 x 2.6 metres high complete with a washroom 1400x2300mm wide; constructed of stone masonry walls, painted internally and keypointed externally, timber roof structure covered with decra roofing tiles; mild steel casement windows, hardwood veneered semi-solid core flush doors; in-built benches; all complete in accordance with the Architect's drawings and details (services installations taken seperately) 1 No Ditto size 3.7 x 3.05 x 2.6 metres high complete with a washroom 1200x2200mm wide; constructed of stone masonry walls, painted internally and key-pointed externally,concrete flat roof structure; mild steel casement windows, hardwood veneered semi-solid core flush doors; all complete in accordance with the Architect's drawings and details (services installations taken seperately) 1 No 2 . No Dustbin Cubicles C Construct complete dustbin cubicles overall size 2000x800mm wide x 1500mm high in smooth dressed masonry walling and covered in Decra roofing tiles complete; all in accordance with the Architect's detail TOTAL FOR GATE HOUSES Carried to Summary of External Works Bill No. 6 External Works 6/5 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY FOUL DRAINAGE A Excavate trench for 100 or 150mm diameter drain pipes not exceeding 1.50 metres deep but average depth 600mm, part return and remainder cart away 450 Lm Heavy gauge UPVC golden colour drain pipes complete with fittings laying, jointing and laying in trench B 100mm Diameter pipe 150 Lm C 150mm Ditto 300 Lm D 225mm Diameter precast concrete drain pipe with spigot joints and 100 including concrete surround and all earthworks Lm 450 x 150mm class 20 concrete bed and haunching surround to 100mm pipe under traffic 51 Lm Construct complete manhole including all masonry walling, reinforcement, formwork, channels, plaster, outlets, connections, earthworks, concrete work, and 600x450mm medium duty cast iron cover manhole size 600x450mm internally x 600mm average deep to invert 35 No Ditto manhole size 900x450mm internally x1000mm deep to invert all Ditto 20 No Ditto manhole size 900x600mmx1500mm deep to invert Ditto 5 No 20 No 1 No E Manholes F G H Gulley Trap I 100mm Diameter coated cast iron trapped gulley with 100mm diameter outlet, 150mm diameter cast iron grating set bedded in concrete 1:3:6 including forming 203 x 203 x 150mm high (internal ) gulley surround with 75mm thick sides and rebated top edge for and including cover Conservancy Tank J Construct complete conservancy tank capacity 5000litres all in accordance with the Structural and Mechanical Engineer's details TOAL OF FOUL WATER DRAINAGE Carried to summary of External Works Bill No. 6 External Works 6/6 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY ANCILLARY STRUCTURES Gazebo A Construct complete Gazebo overall size 6000mm diameter; all earthwaorks and foundations, paved steps, cladded concrete columns, beams and decra roof covering on timber structure; timber boarding to floor, t&g ceiling; All complete as per detailed drawing attached in the Appendix 1 No Construct complete Berbeque overall size 7000mm diameter; all earthworks and foundations, paved steps, stone walls, cladded concrete columns, beams and decra roof covering on timber structure; mazeras paving to floor; All complete as per detailed drawing attached in the Appendix 1 No Barbeque worktop curved on plan to profile overall size 6000x600mm wide including service counter, Cooker(m/s) and sink(m/s); 50mm thick concrete worktop finished with BLUE KING MARBLE CLASSIC or similar and approved granite top and fascia; hardwood veneered blockboard sides, shelves and partitions all in accordance with Architect's drawing 1 No 1 No Berbeque B C Generator House D Construction complete of GENERATOR house overall size 4.0 x 3.0 x 2.8 metres high complete; constructed of stone masonry walls, plastered internally and key-pointed externally, 150mm thick RC flat slab water-proofed; louvred precast concrete vent block windows, louvred steel casement doors; all complete in acordance wit the Architect's drawings and details (services installations taken seperately) TOTAL OF ANCILLARY STRUCTURES Carried to Summary of External Works Bill No. 6 External Works 6/7 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY STORM WATER DRAINAGE A B C D E F G 150mm Diameter heavy gauge UPVC pipe in trench including excavations, 100mm thick concrete (1:3:6) surround and backfilling 151 Lm 225mm Diameter precast concrete grade 25 drain pipes in trenches with spigot joints ditto 90 Lm 25 Lm Ditto but 600mm diameter IBD channel with one side slab on both sides 35 Lm Road gully internal size 450 x 450 x 300mm average deep complete including all earthworks, grating cover, haunching, pipe connections as per details. 4 No Construct complete Road culvert 600mm diameter x5000mm long including all earthworks,150mm thick, end and walls rendering to end walls etc as per detail. 2 No Ditto but 900mm diameter x 7500mm long all ditto 1 No 175mm Thick x 800mm wide x 500mm long stormwater shallow Invert Block Drainage channel curved to 650mm radius including all necessary earthworks, sand bed and 50mm concrete bedding Open channel H Open channel size 200mm diameter average x 200mm deep with side embankment at 45 degrees including excavation and 233 compacting Lm TOTAL OF STORMWATER DRAINAGE Carried to Summary of External Works Bill No. 6 External Works 6/8 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY SWIMMING POOL A Excavate for swimming pool pit not exceeding 1.50 metres deep from existing ground level and cart away no allowance for working 186 space Cm Ditto exceeding 1.50 metres but not exceeding 3.0 metres deep from existing ground level and cart away 25 Cm C Trim and level surfaces of excavation 60 Sm D Ditto but to slope ditto 68 Sm B Planking and strutting E Allow for maintaining and supporting sides of excavations by provision of planking and strutting and for keeping the same free Item from fallen materials. Sum Keeping excavations free of water F Allow for keeping excavations free of water (except spring or running water) and mud by pumping, baling or other approved Item means Sum Plain concrete ; mix 1:4:8 in G 50mm Thick blinding concrete under base slab 128 Sm Insitu concrete grade 25/20 including vibrating around reinforcement in H 200mm Thick base slab 128 Sm I Extra over slab for thicknessing average 700mm wide x 200mm thick 56 Lm J 200mm Thick wall 58 Sm K Beams or steps 6 Cm L Sides and base of channel around the pool 7 Cm M Sump 600x600x300mm deep complete with approved PVC grating 2 No Carried to collection Bill No. 6 External Works 6/9 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Vandex or other equal and approved waterproofing additive applied to manufacturer's instructions on and including cement and sand screed paving on A 30mm Thick screed laid to floor 115 Sm B 15mm Thick plaster on walls 58 Sm C 25x25mm Angle fillet 53 Lm D "SIKA" or other equal and approved PVC water bar 200mm wide 53 Lm High tensile steel reinforcement as before described (provisional) E 10mm Diameter bars 3,620 Kg F 12mm Ditto 2,450 Kg G Mesh reinforcement ref A 142 or equal and approved reinforcement in concrete slab including all necessary tying and support (No allowance for laps) 128 Sm Sawn Formwork curved to various radii to: H Vertical sides of wall 116 Sm I Sides and soffites of channel 50 Sm J Edge of slab 150-225mm wide 176 Lm K Steps 150 - 225mm wide 15 Lm 116 Sm Extra over tiling for dressing into sump size 600x600x300mm deep 2 No 6mm Thick to pool walls including cutting and fitting around openings 58 Sm 150mm thick hardcore filling including excavation and cart away 164 top soil, compacting layer of hardcore and blinding Sm Mazeras tiles around the pool including 75mm thick concrete bed 20mm thick cement/sand screed backing Sm Alcalages porcelain or other equal and approved mosaic tiles; glazed blue and bedding and jointing in appropriate cement/sand mortar and grouting with matching cement L 6mm Thick to pool floor M N O P 58 Carried to Collection Bill No. 6 External Works 6/10 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY A 600x600x50mm Thick coloured special concrete paving slabs laid on 50mm sand bed and pointing 106 Sm B Extra over floor tiles for footbaths 450x450mm x150mm deep 2 No C In stainless steel; 2200mm long x 400mm wide ladder in 40x40mm framing and 30x25mm lugs/steps at 250mm centres 1 No D Ditto but 1000mm long ladder ditto 2 No E 50mm Diameter stainless steel hand railing around the pool fixed with and including lugs steps built into concrete 27 Lm Hot deep galvanized steel F 35x35x3mm Thick angle frame fixed with lugs in concrete. 90 Lm G 300mm wide grating comprising 35x6mm thick frames and flats at 25mm centres in lengths not exceeding 1000mm long including curved sections 60 Lm Carried to Collection COLLECTION From page 6/9 From page 6/10 From Above TOTAL OF SWIMMING POOL Carried to Summary of External Works Bill No. 6 External Works 6/11 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY LANDSCAPING Drying Lines A B Gauge (4mm diameter) mild steel drawn wire three No. strands (lines) 8 metres long each comprising 3No. 50mm diameter 4mm thick pipe 2300mm long over all post with one end 150mm long cast in and including 150x450mm deep concrete base, 1No. 50x30mmx3mm thick angle, 600mm long horizontal cross member 2No. 50x30mmx3mm anglex200mm long struts complete with welding and fixing. Provide a Provisional Sum of Two Million Kenya Shillings only for Landscaping to be omitted or expended in whole or in part at the discretion of the Architect 6 Item No Sum 2,000,000.00 TOTAL OF LANDSCAPING Carried to Summary of External Works Bill No. 6 External Works 6/12 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY BILL NO. 6 EXTERNAL WORKS SUMMARY From Page 1 SITE PREPARATION 6/1 2 DRIVEWAY, PARKING & PAVED AREAS 6/2 3 BOUNDARY WALLS AND GATES 6/4 4 GATE HOUSES 6/5 5 FOUL DRAINAGE 6/6 6 ANCILLARY STRUCTURES 6/7 7 STORM WATER DRAINAGE 6/8 8 SWIMMING POOL 6/11 9 LANDSCAPING 6/12 TOTAL OF EXTERNAL WORKS Carried to Main Summary Bill No. 6 External Works 6/13 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors BILL NO. SEVEN (7) PC AND PROVISIONAL SUMS Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY Description Item Qty Unit Amount BILL NO. 7 PRIME COST AND PROVISIONAL SUMS Include the following PC Sums for works to be executed by nominated specialist Sub-contractors A Provide the Prime Cost Sum of Kshs. Twenty Million, Seven Hundred Thousand (20,700,000/=) only for Electrical Installations Item Sum % B Allow for Profits C Allow for Builders work and all Attendance in connection with electrical installations for all the works Item Sum Provide the Prime Cost Sum of Kshs. Eighteen Million, Two Hundred Thousand (18,200,000/=) only for Plumbing, Drainage and Sanitary Installations Item Sum D 18,200,000.00 % E Allow for Profits F Allow for Builders work and all Attendance in connection with mechanical installations for all the works Item Sum Provide the Prime Cost Sum of Kshs. Nine Million, (9,000,000/=) only for Sauna, Steambath and Kitchen Equipment, Airconditioning and LPG Installations Item Sum G 20,700,000.00 9,000,000.00 % H Allow for Profits I Allow for Builders work and all Attendance in connection with mechanical installations for all the works Item Sum Provide the Provisional Sum of Kshs. Two Million (2,000,000/=) only for Underground Water tank to be omitted or expended in whole or in part at the discretion of the Architect Item Sum 2,000,000.00 Provide the Provisional Sum of Kshs. Nine Hundred and Fifty Thousand (950,000/=) only for Wood and Ornamental Panelling to Lobby walls to be omitted or expended in whole or in part at the discretion of the Architect Item Sum 950,000.00 Include the following Provisional Sums for works to be executed by nominated specialist Sub-contractors J K Carried to collection Bill No. 7 P.C Provisional Sums 7/1 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY A B Provide the Provisional Sum of Kshs. Three Million (3,000,000/=) only for Travelling and other out of pocket expenses incurred on supervision to be expended in whole or in part as authorised by the Project Manager and approved by the Client Provide the Provisional Sum of Kshs. Ten Million (10,000,000/=) only for Contingencies to be omitted or expended in whole or in part at the discretion of the Architect Item Sum 3,000,000.00 Item Sum 10,000,000.00 COLLECTION From Page 7/1 From Above TOTAL OF P.C & PROVISIONAL SUMS Carried to Main Summary Bill No. 7 P.C Provisional Sums 7/2 Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors MAIN SUMMARY Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors PROPOSED GOVERNOR'S MANSION, MERU COUNTY BILL NO. 8 MAIN SUMMARY BILL NO FROM PAGE 1 BILL NO 1 - PRELIMINARIES 1/29 2 BILL NO. 2 - MAIN HOUSE 2/26 3 BILL NO. 3 - SERVANT QUARTERS 3/17 4 BILL NO. 4 - CHANGING ROOMS 4/14 5 BILL NO. 5 - ABLUTION BLOCK 5/12 6 BILL NO. 6 - EXTERNAL WORKS 6/13 7 BILL NO. 7 - P.C & PROVISIONAL SUMS 7/2 SHS. TOTAL FIXED TENDER SUM Inclusive of VAT CARRIED TO FORM OF TENDER Name of Tenderer ………………………………………………………………. Name and Signature of Authorised Representative …………………………………………………….. Date ……………………………………………………………………… Name & signature of Witness ………………………………………………… Date ……………………………………………………………………... Constingconsult Ltd Quantity Surveyors APPENDIX Consting Consult Ltd Quantity Surveyors 4th February 2015 The County Secretary, County Government of Meru, P.O. Box 120 – 60200, MERU Dear Sir/Madam, THE PROPOSED GOVERNOR’S MANSION FOR MERU COUNTY AT MERU SUB: ARRANGEMENT OF THE TENDER DOCUMENTS Please find the tender documents for your use as requested. We also wish to comment as follows: The tender documents are in PDF format only. The PDFs have been arranged numerically for ease of locating them, i.e. (1 - 20B) Ensure that when they are printed they are arranged in the order of their numbers as above. This is how the finalized tender document should be. Yours faithfully, K & M Archplans JAMES KIMATHI
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