METAL 2009 19. – 21. 5. 2009, Hradec nad Moravicí ON EQUILIBRIUM PHASE DIAGRAM OF THE IRON – CARBON SYSTEM Prof. Evgeny V. Sidorov Department of Casting Processes and Constructional Materials Vladimir State University Gorky st., 87, Vladimir, 600000, tel.: 7 (4922) 27 98 21, fax: 7 (4922) 35 34 68 E-mail: Abstract In technical literature combined versions of phase diagrams of the iron-carbon system are always represented: equilibrium (stable) and non-equilibrium (metastable). Such combination permits rather easily to envisage the presence of graphite ( Gr ) or cementite ( Cem ) in the microstructure of iron-carbon alloys at the room temperature after various isothermal exposures and cooling rates. However, for any system only one equilibrium state is feasible at the given conditions, whereas non-equilibrium states and hence non-equilibrium phases are numerous. Superposition of equilibrium and non-equilibrium versions makes it difficult to use phase diagrams in solving both scientific and practical problems. In the present work theoretical and experimental investigations have been carried out, which made it possible to show that at temperatures below 727 °C ferrite ( Fer ) and cementite at carbon content up to 6.67 % (mass) and cementite and graphite at carbon content over 6.67 % are equilibrium phases. Thus, it turns out that in the iron-carbon equilibrium phase diagram at the temperature 727 °C there is one more nonalternative three-phase equilibrium Fer + Gr ⇄ Cem and the mono-alternative twophase equilibrium Fer + Gr in the temperature range from 738 °C to 727 °C at any iron and carbon ratio. The proposed new version of the complete equilibrium phase diagram of the iron-carbon system enables to reject the superposed version of the equilibrium and non-equilibrium phase diagram of iron-carbon and explains clearly the presence in the microstructure of iron-carbon alloys at the room temperature of this or that phase constituents in samples by means of the realization or nonrealization of equilibrium processes at crystallization and cooling in various regions of the phase equilibrium. 1. INTRODUCTION Equilibrium phase diagrams show the existence regions and compositions of equilibrium phases depending on their component content and external factors – temperature and pressure. The equilibrium state of the system is characterized by the minimum of the free energy and ensures realization of Gibbs’s phase rule, which is expressed by the equality V = K − f + 1 for systems composed of components with negligible vapor pressure, where V is option or number of degrees of freedom, K - number of components in the system, f - number of phases in the system, 1 – one external factor – temperature. Only one equilibrium state is feasible for any system at the given temperature, whereas non-equilibrium states and hence non-equilibrium phases are numerous [1, 2]. In some cases non-equilibrium phases can be in such condition for a long time, thus being often taken for equilibrium. 1 METAL 2009 19. – 21. 5. 2009, Hradec nad Moravicí Besides equilibrium, non-equilibrium or metastable phase diagrams are shown, in so doing authors don’t specify conditions in which these non-equilibrium states were obtained. Sometimes in the same graph equilibrium and non-equilibrium phase diagrams are superposed. This can not be considered reasonable because it makes difficulties while using phase diagrams in solving both scientific and practical problems. 2. THEORY Numerous investigations and discussions on phase diagrams are devoted to the plotting of the equilibrium phase diagram of the iron-carbon system and the obtaining of more precise information on it. Theoretical and experimental investigations, which were begun by D.K. Chernov in 1868 [3], continued by F. Osmond, A. Sauveur, W.C. Roberts – Austen, A. Martens, A. Ledebur, Le Chatelier H., Roozeboom B.W.H. and many other scientists [4], have been in progress up to our time [5]. It should be noted that practically every handbook, textbook and current publication contains superposed stable and metastable phase diagrams of the iron-graphite and iron-cementite systems [6 – 12]. Such superposition allows rather easily to envisage the presence of graphite or cementite in the microstructure of iron-carbon alloys at the room temperature when using samples after various isothermal exposures and cooling rates. The purpose of the present study is to obtain more accurate knowledge of the equilibrium phase diagram of the iron-carbon system on the basis of literary data. For that it is necessary first of all to specify phase constituents of the iron-carbon system, which include: - homogeneous liquid solution of iron and carbon atoms ( L ); - ferrite ( Fer ) ( Ф ) – solid solution of carbon atoms in the bcc – lattice of iron (in this paper we do not differentiate between high temperature ( δ ) and low temperature ( a ) phases); - austenite ( A ) – solid solution of carbon atoms in the fcc – lattice of iron; - graphite ( Gr ) ( Г ) – solid solution of iron atoms in the hexagonal lattice of carbon; - cementite ( Сem ) ( Ц ) – crystal structure formed by iron and carbon atoms, close to the stoichiometric relationship Fe3C; - martensite ( M ) – solid solution of carbon atoms in the tetragonal lattice of iron. Phases L , Fer , A , Gr are considered to be equilibrium and phases Cem and M non-equilibrium. Ledeburite, perlite, sorbite,bainit, troostite contain several both equilibrium and non-equilibrium phases. These terms are used to characterize microstructure in samples, ingots, castings. In an equilibrium phase diagram there must be only names of equilibrium phases. It seems incorrect to use the same term to designate structural constituents composed of two or more equilibrium or non-equilibrium phases in the equilibrium phase diagram. In one of the recent papers [5] the author substantiated the necessity to consider Cem in iron-carbon alloys the equilibrium phase at temperatures below 727 °C and suggested a new version of the equilibrium phase diagram Fe – 6.67 % C (Fig. 1)∗. We can agree with many author’s conclusions and first of all with that Cem is an equilibrium phase below 727 °C. However, the phase diagram of the system Fe – 6.67 % C in fig. 1 has essential inaccuracies and contradicts the classic law of heterogeneous equilibrium – Gibbs’s phase rule. Thus, in the region S − E − C − F in the temperature range 1147 – 727 °C three phase constituents A , Gr and cl. C (кл. С) (carbon clusters) are shown, and in the region Q − P − S (below 727 °C) – three phase constituents Fer , Cem and Gr , which is inadmissible according to Gibbs’s phase rule, because in the temperature – concentration region at constant pressure in a binary system in the equilibrium state there can be only two phases and the three-phase equilibrium is possible only at one temperature. It must be noted that already in 1900 B.W.H. Roozeboom suggested to consider Cem a stable phase at ∗ In the figure in paper [5] below the temperature 727 °C instead of probably is a misprint. 2 A there must be F , which METAL 2009 19. – 21. 5. 2009, Hradec nad Moravicí temperatures below 1000 °C [13] and gave the appropriate diagram (Fig. 2). However that diagram was not accepted completely for the reason that Cem decomposes at temperatures above 738 °C. Fig. 1. Phase diagram of Fe – 6.67 % C according to [5], A - austenite, Г ( Gr ) graphite, L - liquid, П ( P ) – perlite, Ф ( Fer ) – ferrite, Ц ( Сem ) – cementite, кл. С (cl. C) – carbon clusters Fig. 2. Roozeboom's equilibrium phase diagram of iron - carbon 3. RESULTS It is well known that isothermal exposure of high-carbon alloys at temperatures above the eutectoid line (> 738 °C) results in the decomposition of Cem and formation of A and Gr , therefore in the region S − E − C − F equilibrium phases are A and Gr , and carbon clusters must be simply eliminated. The formed Gr always remains during subsequent cooling, which allows to consider it equilibrium phase below the temperature of the eutectoid line (738 °C). However, if at high cooling rates Cem is formed in iron-carbon alloys, it does not decompose into Gr and Fer when heated to temperature 727 °C. Therefore we can assume that Cem also can be an equilibrium phase below 727 °C. In papers [14, 15] it is indicated that, when cooling low-carbon alloys from A region by (5 – 10) °C below 738 °C with further isothermal exposure and further cooling, Fer and Gr are revealed in microstructure. If similar samples from A region are rapidly cooled to temperatures below 720 °C, Fer and Cem are always found in microstructure, remaining intact at further cooling. It is well known that in high-carbon alloys, initially containing only Cem , it is possible to obtain only Fer and Gr in microstructure by means of continuous isothermal exposure at temperatures above 738 °C (usually 900 - 950 °C) and one more isothermal exposure in the temperature range 720 – 730 °C. These facts allow to assert, that temperature 738 °C corresponds to the non-alternative three-phase eutectoid equilibrium ( A Fer + Gr ). Below this temperature there must be a two-phase equilibrium region ( Fer + Gr ). On the basis of literary data it can be concluded that at temperatures below 727 °C in all iron-carbon alloys, containing up to 6.67 % C, only Fer + Cem must be in the equilibrium state. Therefore, the region of the two-phase equilibrium Fer + Gr must be in the temperature range from 738 to 727 °C and the region of the two-phase equilibrium Fer + Cem - below 727 °C. Thus, it turns out that in the iron-carbon equilibrium phase diagram at the temperature 727 °C there must be one more non-alternative three-phase equilibrium Fer + Gr Cem . 3 METAL 2009 19. – 21. 5. 2009, Hradec nad Moravicí In Fig. 3 the proposed version of the complete equilibrium phase diagram of the ironcarbon system is represented, in which the existing contradictions, regarding phase composition in this system, are eliminated, and in which in all regions Gibbs’s phase rule is completely realized. It is assumed in this version that Cem forms and decomposes at the temperature 727 °C. Fig. 3. The proposed version of complete equilibrium phase diagram of the iron-carbon system The proposed version of the equilibrium phase diagram enables to explain the presence in the microstructure of iron-carbon alloys at the room temperature of this or that phase constituents by means of the realization or non-realization of equilibrium processes, going on in various temperature regions. It should be always borne in mind that crystallization of any alloy with the crystallization range is always going on in non-equilibrium conditions [1, 2]. The result of the non-equilibrium crystallization is the formation of a dendrite structure, in which compositions of solid phase layers change from the center to the boundary. In view of the fact that the equilibrium distribution coefficient of carbon in iron-carbon alloys, determined as K = C S C L , where C S and C L are component contents in the solid and liquid phases relatively, is always less than a unity ( K < 1), the carbon content in the center of a dendrite cell will be less than the initial one and at the boundary – more than the initial one. Thus, for the alloy Fe – 0.8 % C carbon content in the center of the dendrite cell may be 0.4 % and at the boundary – 2.14 %. Consequently, subsequent decomposition in the solid state of the crystal A with inhomogeneous composition will be characterized by a greater variety of nonequilibrium phase constituents. In the present paper we assume that after crystallization the formed solid phase is homogeneous. Then, if in the microstructure of the alloy Fe – 08 % C, cooled at moderate and high rates, at the room temperature the phases Fer + Cem are revealed, it can be stated that despite the fact that both phases are equilibrium for the given temperature, the formation of Cem followed the non-equilibrium way, when diffusion processes were depressed in the temperature range 738 – 727 °C – in the region of the two-phase equilibrium Fer + Gr . If in this alloy at the room temperature Fer and Gr are observed, Gr should be considered non-equilibrium phase. In this case the process turns out to follow the equilibrium mechanism up to the temperature 727 °C, and below this temperature diffusion processes were completely depressed and consequently Cem was not formed and Gr remained. 4 METAL 2009 19. – 21. 5. 2009, Hradec nad Moravicí If in the microstructure of the alloy Fe – 4.3 % C at the room temperature two phases Fer + Cem are revealed, these phases are also equilibrium. However, the process went on at high cooling rates, because diffusion processes were not implemented in the temperature range from 1147 to 727 °C, i.e. not only in the solid but also in the liquid phase, as well as between the liquid and solid phases. Undercooling was more than 420 °C. If in the microstructure of this alloy at the room temperature two phases Fer + Gr are revealed, this means that though Gr is a non-equilibrium phase, nevertheless in the temperature range from 1147 to 727 °C the process followed the equilibrium way with the formation of A and Gr from 1147 to 738 °C, and in the temperature range 738 – 727 °C with the formation of Fer and Gr . However, below 727 °C diffusion processes were completely depressed. Thus, according to the proposed version of the iron-carbon phase diagram it can be considered that if in the microstructures of alloys with the carbon content up to 6.67 % at the room temperature Fer and Cem are revealed, these phases are equilibrium, however the formation of Cem most probably occurred according to the non-equilibrium mechanism. If in the microstructures of alloys Fer and Gr are revealed, Gr is a non-equilibrium phase below 727 °C. In the iron-carbon alloys with the carbon content more than 6.67 % at the temperatures below 727 °C Cem and Gr will be equilibrium phases (Fig. 3). 4. CONCLUSION A new version of the complete equilibrium phase diagram of the iron-carbon system has been proposed, in which it is assumed that non-alternative three-phase equilibrium Fer + Gr Cem at the temperature 727 °C, two-phase equilibrium Fer + Gr in the temperature range 738 – 727 °C and two two-phase regions Fer + Cem (up to 6.67 % C) and Cem + Gr (over 6.67 % C) at the temperatures below 727 °C are present. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author is grateful to Professor M.V. Pikunov from Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys for repeated discussions on this work and his valuable comments and additions on the topic. LITERATURE 1. Пикунов М.В. 1992. Неравновесная кристаллизация сплавов. Изв. ВУЗов. Черная металлургия. № 9. С. 47-54. 2. Пикунов М.В., Беляев И.В., Сидоров Е.В. 2002. Кристаллизация сплавов и направленное затвердевание отливок. Владимир. 212 с. 3. Гудцов Н.Т. Д.К. 1950. Чернов и наука о металлах. Л.- М.: Металлургиздат. 563 с. 4. Тыркель Е. 1968. 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