METRIC Final Event, Brussels, Belgium, 19th March 2015 Mapping Regional Transport RTD Frameworks in Europe Vladislav Maraš, Zoran Radmilović, Slobodan Mitrović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering Vojvode Stepe 305, 11000 Belgrade SERBIA INTRODUCTION Content I. the results of the METRIC project efforts to map the data on existing RTD activities in European regions; II. development of “FP7 METRIC Regional Transport RTD & Innovation Repository” and relevant tools; III. Structure and role of the innovative milieu IV. examination of prioritized objectives in R&I infrastructure in different EU countries, with specific emphasis on the area of regional transport research METRIC Final Event, Brussels, Belgium, 19th March 2015 MAPPING PROCESS Based on: desk based analysis of relevant literature; on-going work being undertaken by the: European Regional Innovation Monitor (RIM), ERAWATCH, Eurostat, and other relevant databases and reports; Eurostat’s Community Innovation Survey (CIS) – main data source for measuring innovation in Europe. METRIC Final Event, Brussels, Belgium, 19th March 2015 MAPPING PROCESS GOAL METHOD RESULTS elaboration of the state of regional transport research and innovation policies and programmes review of academic and policy literature analysis and synthesis of trends in the regionalization of European research and innovation policy implications of the regionalization on the interactions between national and regional policy governance Introduction and explanation of the responsibility for science, research and innovation policy in European countries METRIC Final Event, Brussels, Belgium, 19th March 2015 DATABASE METRIC Final Event, Brussels, Belgium, 19th March 2015 DATABASE METRIC Final Event, Brussels, Belgium, 19th March 2015 APPROACH STRUCTURE AND ROLE OF THE INNOVATIVE MILIEU analysis of the transport innovation milieu in several European regions; the regions were selected by using the star rating of the European Cluster Observatory for the transport sectors: automotive, aerospace and transport and logistics; METRIC Final Event, Brussels, Belgium, 19th March 2015 IMPORTANT FINDINGS STRUCTURE AND ROLE OF THE INNOVATIVE MILIEU All the transport sub-sectors have different innovation systems ; research on the regional innovation milieu and/or regional innovation systems is predominantly focused on the automotive sector and to a lesser extent to the aerospace sector ; the innovation milieus in regions with high star ratings in the transport and logistics are less institutionalised than in regions with high star ratings in the automotive or aerospace industry; most innovation in the transport and logistics sector are nontechnological and cooperation with knowledge institutions is less than in technology driven sectors more SMEs are involved in clusters or networks in the automotive and aerospace sectors, but hardly in the transport and logistics sector METRIC Final Event, Brussels, Belgium, 19th March 2015 INNOVATION AND RTD PRIORITIES Questions: What objectives are prioritized in R&I infrastructure in different EU countries? What type of innovation is the focus of transport sector, and how does this vary across European regions? To what extent is transport research and innovation across European regions coordinated with other relevant programmes and strategies (i.e. where are synergies, overlaps and gaps)? METRIC Final Event, Brussels, Belgium, 19th March 2015 INNOVATION AND RTD PRIORITIES compatibility of RISs and ROPs is an important segment of successful strategic planning of R&I activities at regional level APPROACH REASONS QUESTIONS mutual comparison of the priorities of regional innovation strategies (RIS) and relevant regional operational programmes (ROPs) RIS should be compatible with the ROP (e.g. RIS for Malopolska Region) priorities given to projects funded within ROP are often based on the specialization fields identified in regional innovation strategies (e.g. ROP for the Śląskie voivodship, ROP for the West Pannon) METRIC Final Event, Brussels, Belgium, 19th March 2015 INNOVATION AND RTD PRIORITIES IMPORTANT FINDINGS 15.9 % regions explicitly define transport research as a research priority in their respective R&I strategy; transport research related priorities cover: general approaches such as transport, transport logistics, transport technology and mobility; more specific transport mode or technology like automotive industry, innovative future technology such as aerospace technology or fuel cell technology; transport infrastructure aspects (development of region’s transport infrastructure; effective infrastructure such as roads, railways, airport and ports). METRIC Final Event, Brussels, Belgium, 19th March 2015 INNOVATION AND RTD PRIORITIES IMPORTANT FINDINGS 80 % included transport related issues among the priorities of their OPs; Priorities are classified in the following transport related area: Accessibility; Urban issues; Traffic safety; Mobility; Transport networks; Transport infrastructure; Energy savings / renewable energy; Environmental impact of transport. METRIC Final Event, Brussels, Belgium, 19th March 2015 CONCLUSIONS The METRIC database and relevant tools aim to assist a number of stakeholders (i.e. regional agencies, etc) in exploring the innovation capacity profile of their (or other) regions; this tool could be used to feed into JRC's RIS3 platform, assist the EC in getting a snapshot of the innovation for their cohesion fund policy documents, etc METRIC Final Event, Brussels, Belgium, 19th March 2015 MAPPING REGIONAL TRANSPORT RTD FRAMEWORKS IN EUROPE Thank you! Contact details: Dr Vladislav Maraš, assist. prof. University of Belgrade Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering Vojvode Stepe 305 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Tel: +381(0)11 30 91 324 Email: Skype: vladislav.maras METRIC Final Event, Brussels, Belgium, 19th March 2015
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