Senior News March/April 2015

Senior News
March/April 2015
Providing programs for individuals, families and seniors that lead to self-sufficiency and foster independence.
Metrocrest Services
13801 Hutton Dr.
Suite 150
Farmers Branch, TX 75234
(972) 446-2100
Mon.–Fri., 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Sat., 9 a.m.–1 p.m.
Follow us on
Facebook or
Twitter @MSS_key
Craig Woodfield, Board Chair
Susan Watson,
Chair Elect & Secretary
Brian Boilla
Reggie Carney
Paul Crooks
Sonja Dodds
Andy Folmer
Anthony Hill
Gene Jeffries
John F. Oliver
John Pruitt
Diane Moreau-Randall
Beccy Ratliff
Jamie Robertson
John Roppolo
Jan Rugg
R. Wayne Saunders
Bob Slaten
Jack E. Viveros
Pam Peña, C-FB ISD
Marvin Franklin, City of Coppell
Kevin Falconer, City of Carrollton
Kirk Connally,
City of Farmers Branch
Lance Murray, Town of Addison
Oscar Lopez, Brookhaven College
Lou Sartor, Advisory Committee
Volunteer l Donate l Sponsor
Information is on-line at
To sign up for our e-letter,
contact Kathy Thompson at
Volunteers: neighbors taking action
According to the Corporation for
National and Community Service,
over 56% of us do some sort of
“informal” volunteering—for
example, helping at neighbor. At
Metrocrest Services, we see that
drive to help others in volunteers of
all ages—from school age children
who help prepare boxes of food in the
pantry to retired professionals who
want to use their skills and talents to
benefit others. Tracy Eubanks, CEO,
said, “Volunteers are a key partner
in our mission to help our neighbors
in their time of need. Without the
efforts of thousands of committed
volunteers Metrocrest Services would
not be able to fulfill its mission.”
Because they provide many
intangibles that cannot be quantified,
it is difficult to put a dollar value on
volunteer time. A volunteer may give
a ride to a senior, and we know that
The Independent Sector, an agency
that collects volunteer data, has
placed a value of $23.40 on the hour
of service. But you cannot determine
the significance to the passenger
who values her independence but no
longer drives. Because a volunteer
was willing to give their time, the
rider did not have to ask an adult
child to leave their job for this
errand; she remains self-sufficient
and able to set her own schedule.
LEFT: Tracy Eubanks with members of the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity at a holiday distribution. RIGHT: Clockwise
from left: Mary Arronte, Donna Leary, Mary Pearson, Pat Leary, Pat Garrett and Virginia Miller.
Taking action helps make our
community a better place, and you
don’t have to give up a lot of time to
make a difference. Organizing a drive
for cleaning or hygiene products at
your church or workplace can have
a big impact for an older adult on a
fixed income. These non-food items
cannot be purchased with a SNAP
(Food Stamps) card, and finding
toilet paper and denture cleaner
available in our food pantry is a
great benefit to them. A list of these
items is always on our website:
The food pantry is an essential
part of the services provided, since
dollars saved on groceries can
be used toward other needs. At
Metrocrest Services, daily pantry
operations are run by volunteers,
enabling the agency to stretch its
budget for direct aid. “Every day
as I walk through the food pantry
I marvel at the commitment
of our volunteers.” Tracy said,
adding, “without these exceptional
individuals Metrocrest Services could
not begin to meet the needs of our
For almost a decade, one group
of neighbors has been a staple in
the pantry on Thursday mornings.
It began when Pat Garrett, who
doesn’t drive, asked her neighbor,
Mary Arronte for a ride so she could
Volunteering made easy
“Last fiscal year, we recorded 36,000 hours of time
donated by volunteers,” said Erica Mahoney, Pantry &
Volunteer Manager. At Metrocrest Services, positions
are varied and include food pantry workers who restock
shelves and assist clients or pick up weekly donations
from grocery stores, to those helping with seasonal
distributions such as school supplies or Thanksgiving.
Volunteer assignments that involve working with senior
clients include providing transportation, delivering
meals or helping with minor home repairs and grab bar
installations. These programs offer volunteers great
flexibility; you can volunteer as seldom as you want since
there is no set schedule.
You will find volunteer opportunities and an
application on our website:
Whether you want a short-term assignment or prefer a
more long term commitment, call Erica at (972) 446-2100
or email
Erica Mahoney, Pantry & Volunteer Manager
volunteer. As one neighbor told
another about Metrocrest Services,
the group grew to six, all of whom
live within a couple of blocks of one
another. The neighbors enjoy the
camaraderie volunteering as a group
gives them as well as the feeling that
they are being of service to their
community. “We get more out of it
than we give,” said Pat Leary and his
wife Donna added, “I miss it when
we don’t come.”
This shared volunteer
commitment of neighbors helping
neighbors is a perfect expression of
one of the core values of Metrocrest
Services, to provide hope and
encouragement to our community.
Tour Information
Join CEO Tracy Eubanks Thurs.,
March 26th or April 16th at 9:30
a.m. You will be given a onehour introduction to Metrocrest
Services that explains the
agency’s role in providing aid and
financial education to families
and seniors. If you plan to attend
one of these orientations, please
RSVP Tracy by email: teubanks@
Tours are also scheduled for
Sat., March 7th or April 18th at
10:00 a.m. Open to groups and
individuals, participants take a tour
of the agency and 1,200 square foot
food pantry. A complete list of tour
dates for 2015 is on our website: Page 2
Metrocrest Senior News
March/April 2015
Churches come together to Sack Summer Hunger
Four years ago, when Metrocrest Services wanted to start
a program to feed low-income students during summer
and holiday breaks, they called together members of local
congregations to brainstorm the program. Sack Summer
Hunger has grown every year, with countless volunteers
delivering sacks of kid-friendly, easy-to-prepare meals and
snacks to youngsters at sites in Farmers Branch, Carrollton,
Coppell and Addison over a 9-week period.
“Each involved church has its own Sack Summer Hunger
coordinator. They determine the routes, and pull together the
groups to make each delivery,” said Nicole Newkham, Senior
Director of Development and Community Involvement. These
unsung heroes include Stephanie Brewer from The Branch in
Farmers Branch; Robby Gordon of Bent Tree Bible Fellowship;
Amy Wilkins, Mike Quinlin and Rick Roush from Valley
Ranch Baptist; Lori Erwin from Holy Covenant UMC; Ann Love
with Christ United Methodist Church; Mark Nevels at First
Baptist Carrollton; David McKenas at Nor’Kirk Presbyterian,
and Sally McCurdy with First United Methodist in Coppell.
Designed to feed kids who may miss the nutritious meals
provided at school through the free/reduced lunch program,
LEFT: Students from Valley Ranch Baptist Church prepare bags for SSH program. RIGHT: Members from The Branch in Farmers
Branch volunteer with the program each year.
last year we were able to serve 122,850 meals to these children.
Everyone doing a little makes a huge impact; in 2015, sponsors
and individual financial donations will help us serve over 1,700
youngsters! If your organization or group is looking for an
opportunity to be of service to the community, please contact
Nicole (972) 446-2129 or email nnewkham@metrocrestservices.
Employment counseling
empowers job seekers
“We know that people want to be self-sufficient; they don’t want
a hand-out,” said Camilla Zimbal, Senior Director of Financial
Stability Programs. With our
employment program, individuals
move toward the goal of financial
stability in sessions designed to
teach job readiness, job acquisition
and retention skills.
Patricia Granados, Employment
Coordinator, is assisted by three
volunteers who have varied
backgrounds: Jim Palma, Fran
Powell, and Melanie Brown. Each
uses their extensive professional
Jim Palma
experience to help update resumes
and improve interview skills.
Palma said, “For people who have been discouraged and
disappointed, an encouraging word can be as important as the
job referral.” If you are interested in helping with this important
program, please contact Patricia by email: pgranados@
Older Adult Job Seekers
Jill Pfaff Waterbury, co-author of
Boomers Job Search Guide…You’re
Not Old, You’re Experienced, is an
employment expert who speaks at
conferences around the country. She
will be offering workshops at Metrocrest
Services as follows:
March 5th—10 a.m. Networking ~
your target markets
March 12th—11 a.m. Interviewing ~ skills to success
March 26th—10 a.m. Your job search ~ communication &
These helpful sessions are open to the community—please
call (972) 446-2100 to reserve a seat.
Driven to make a difference
Bette Rosenfield began volunteering with Home Delivered
Meals over a decade ago. “I had retired and had some time to
give,” she said, adding, “Having cared for my mother, I knew
how important it was for someone to check on them in the
middle of the day.” Her husband
Joe, who began helping out when
he retired, said, “In some cases, we
may be the only human they have
contact with all day, and you can
see the happiness on their faces
when they answer the door.”
Bette began driving as TransJoe and Bette Rosenfield
portation volunteer a few years ago
when requests for rides went up dramatically as the Transportation program grew by 49%. She now drives on a weekly
basis, helping out with additional rides when needed. Bette and
Joe have discovered that they can split an assignment, with Bette taking a rider to their destination and Joe picking them up
for the return trip home. “This lets me help more often, as Joe
can do the return trip if I am busy,” Bette said, and Joe added,
“We may need that help ourselves one day.”
The Transportation program offers active seniors a
way to volunteer that doesn’t conflict with their activities
or schedule. If the ride given is one way, with the van making
the return trip, it can be less than an hour out of the day, says
Kathy Blaschke, Director of Transportation and Home Repair.
“We have six great Drivers on our staff, but need volunteers
to help us meet the requests for rides that exceed our van
schedules,” she said.
We appreciate your support
None of us can do it all, but when each of us contribute
a little, we can have a big impact on our community.
Metrocrest Services relies on the continuing financial support
of individuals, churches, groups, and organizations to be
successful. We appreciate your donations and gifts!
Home Repair volunteers tackle
maintenance projects
“Volunteers are the most important part of our Home Repair
program,” says Rich Piper, Home Repair Coordinator.
Although many large projects are
completed by groups from businesses
or churches, individual volunteers
like Robert Tribble complete most
jobs on their own. Robert, who read
about this program in our senior
newspaper, encourages others to
put their handyman skills to good
use by volunteering. He often helps
out friends and neighbors with
home repair projects and says that
volunteering “keeps me busy, but not
Robert Tribble,
too busy.”
Home Repair
Robert enjoys visiting with clients
and has found that many of them are
widows who have no idea who to call or which contractor can
be trusted. “They appreciate that we identity ourselves and
will get the job done with the least expense for them,” he said.
Be a ChangeMaker!
ChangeMakers are donors who commit to giving $20 or
more each month, providing a steady revenue stream that
helps us budget our resources responsibly throughout the
year and sustain our programs even at times when other
donations fluctuate. To become a ChangeMaker, decide on
the monthly level of support that’s right for you, then set up
a secure automatic bank draft (ACH) or online credit card
donation. You will receive a confirmation, and at year end
you will receive a letter with your total annual contributions.
If you have questions about ChangeMakers, call Mike Harris,
Development Manager at (972) 446-2130.
Senior Center Programs
March Program Registration Opens February 13
Arts & Crafts
Beaded Spring Sun Catcher
Friday, March 6—1 p.m. Fee: $12
Instructor Carol Slawson
Learn to make a beautiful beaded sun catcher that you can
hang in your window. Check out the Center’s display cabinet
for samples.
Greeting Cards
Tuesday, March 10—1 p.m. Fee: $8
Instructors: Jan McCord & Carmel Mosley
Learn to make four different greeting cards in this fun class.
Check out the display cabinet for each month’s projects and
be sure to register early as this class fills up fast.
Intermediate Polymer Clay Jewelry
Wednesday, March 11—2:30 p.m. Fee: $5
Instructor: Nancy Lotzer
Polymer clay is a sculpting medium that is soft and can be
easily formed into many shapes then baked to become hard.
Learn various techniques that are applied to all kinds of
jewelry creations. Pick up supply list at the front desk.
Watercolor Painting: Barn in Snow Landscape
Friday, March 20—1 p.m. Fee: $10
Instructor: Donna Williams
You can paint! Even if you’ve never done it before, you can
follow along in this hands on, step-by-step class. All supplies
are furnished; all you need are your brushes.
Gourd Luminary Light
Tuesday, March 24—1 p.m. Fee: $40
Instructor: Linda Klark
Learn to design and create your own luminary light out of a
dried gourd and enjoy a beautiful night-time show of lights
on your walls and ceiling. Gourd, light, stand and dyes
furnished. Student will need Dremel like rotary tool or drill
with small bits up to ¼" and power strip extension cord.
Slash Your Stash! Make a Fabric Box
Friday, March 27—12 p.m. Fee: $5
Instructor: Bettie Smith
Use up some of your fabric STASH and make something useful in this one hour class.
Most classes are limited to five students in order to provide the
best learning experience, so be sure to register early.
Better Photography and Picasa Photo Editing Class
Wednesday, March 4—9:45 a.m. Fee: $5
Instructor: Bill Woster
Review camera settings to take the best pictures and learn
to use Picasa to manage and edit photos on your computer.
Learn to create a gift CD and export edited photos for
printing. Participants will need to bring their digital cameras
and their USB connection.
Intro to Facebook
Two classes to choose from:
Tuesday, March 17 or Tuesday, March 31 at 6 p.m.
Instructor: Jennifer Stone Fee: $15
This is an introduction class to get you started using Facebook
and creating your own personal profile. You will need your
email address and bring personal photos on a flash drive.
Intro to Skype Class
Wednesday, March 25—9:45 a.m. Fee: $5
Instructor: Bill Woster
Skype provides the ability for two or more people to communicate with high quality audio or video free from anywhere
in the world where an internet connection is available. Learn
how to create a Skype account of your own and configure
Skype to talk with your friends and family.
March 2015
Health & Exercise
Stretch & Flex
Tuesdays at 3 p.m.
Keep the body limber and flexible with this gentle but effective exercise class.
B12 Shots
Thursday, March 5—9–9:30 a.m. Fee: $20
Blood Pressure and Glucose Screenings
Monday, March 9—8:30–11 a.m.
The Dallas County Health Department is here the second
Monday of each month to check your blood pressure and
glucose. Stop by the health room for this free service.
Waist Management Group (Two dates offered each month)
March 13, 10 a.m. and/or March 18, 6:30 p.m.
If you’re looking to get healthier and need weight-loss
motivation and help, this group is for you! Each month we
will focus on healthy, proven tips and tools that help keep
you motivated and on the right path to a healthier you. This
month, you will set your goals, then make a plan that you can
easily track your progress. Be part of a positive, life changing
group and watch your waist get smaller and your health get
bigger and better!
Special Events
Monthly Breakfast
Monday, March 2—8:15 a.m. Fee: $2
Menu: sausage, gravy, biscuits, eggs, juice & coffee
Entertainment: Chris Freeman, singer & guitarist
Host: Senior Advisory Board
Chair Volleyball Teams and NEW Open Play
Join one of our three Chair Volleyball teams or the NEW
Open Play and experience the fun, fast moving, smack talking (just a little and all in fun) adventure.
Open Play—Tuesdays 11 a.m. No organized teams; just
play for fun! No Open Play on March 24 due to Spud & Show.
Organized Farmers Branch Team Practice (you do not
have to be a resident from Farmers Branch to be on a team.)
Thursdays 11 a.m. Team practice only. Scheduled quarterly
tournaments facing other Senior facilities will be held.
Birthday Lunch
Wednesday, March 18—12 p.m.
Fee: $2 Free if it’s your birthday month.
Happy birthday to those born in March. Let’s celebrate
together with a great meal and birthday cake. Birthday gifts
provided by United Financial Services and birthday cake
donated by Brookdale at Farmers Branch.
Spud & Show: And So It Goes
Tuesday, March 24—11:30 a.m. Fee: $2
Buy your ticket early and come enjoy a baked potato with all
the fixin’s and a comedy about a self-absorbed realtor enlists
the help of his neighbor when he’s suddenly left in charge of
the granddaughter he never knew existed until his estranged
son drops her off at his home. Starring Michael Douglas and
Diane Keaton.
Special Interest
◄ Wii NEWS ►
End of Spring I Season Party
Tuesday, March 10—2 p.m.
Those who particpated in this season will come together to
celebrate the highs and lows of this fun competitive season.
Spring II season begins March 16. Check with the
front desk if you are interested in participating.
Rock & Mineral Club
Thursday, March 5—10 a.m.
Bring some of your favorite rocks for show and tell and
learn more about what this group is about.
Cookin’ Club: Cabbage Rolls
Wednesday, March 11—10:30 a.m.
Bring a greek dish, along with the recipe then learn how
to make cabage rolls this month. If you are interested in
participating in this fun group, sign up at the front desk.
Random Acts of Kindness: Pebbles Apartments
Thursday, March 12—10 a.m.
These apartments are for the homeless and mentally challenged families. R.A.K is collecting any kitchen related item
for this group. Please bring donations to the desk.
Garden Group: Beneficial Bugs
Wednesday, March 18—10 a.m.
Join us for an interesting garden related talk the third
Wednesday of each month. Green thumbs not needed!
Master Gardener, Carolyn Rozier will talk on the good, the
bad and the ugly bugs in your garden.
Texas Hold ‘em Tournament
Thursday, March 19—1 p.m.
Sign up at the front desk to play this monthly tournament.
Lunch Sponsor: Acadia Assisted Living.
Neglected History
Friday, March 20—9:30 a.m.
Join the Neglected History group in welcoming author, Dr.
Richard McCaslin from UNT. He will be speaking on the
Annexation of Texas.
Genealogy Trip to the Dallas Library
Tuesday, March 24—9:30 a.m.–3 p.m. $1 transportation
Come hop on the bus and travel to the Dallas Library with a
group who enjoys researching their family roots.
Rose Group
Wednesday, March 25—10 a.m.
Come help propogate roses and learn more about them.
AARP Smart Driver Course
Thursday, March 26—8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Fee: $15 AARP Member, $20 Non Members
Learn how to compensate for age-related changes. Reduce
your traffic violations, accidents, & chance for injury.
Update your knowledge of the rules of the road.
You may be eligible for an insurance discount.
This course does not qualify for a dismissal of a traffic
violation. Sign up at the front desk today.
New trips are posted each week on Fridays at 12 p.m. and
are available for Farmers Branch residents only the first
week. Non-residents and residents may purchase trips
starting the following Friday at noon. You can also find a
listing of trips at
Cruisin’ Cuisine
Thursday, March 19 or Monday, March 23
11 a.m.–2 p.m. Fee: $3 Limited Walking
1:30 Theater “The Lady With All They Answers”
Tuesday, March 17—11 a.m.–5 p.m. Fee: $15
Resident registration opens: Friday, February 20—12 p.m
Open registration: Friday, February 27—12 p.m.
Las Colinas Symphony at the Irving Arts Center
Saturday, March 21—7–10 p.m. Fee: $24
Resident registration opens: Friday, February 27 at 12 p.m.
Open registration: Friday, March 6 at 12 p.m.
Theater 3 “Hot Mikado”
Wednesday, March 25—12 p.m.–5:30 p.m. Fee: $15
Resident registration opens: Friday, February 27 at 12 p.m.
Open registration: Friday, March 6 at 12 p.m.
Dallas Arboretum Deep In The Hearts of Texans
Thursday, March 26—9:30 a.m.–3 p.m. Fee: $14
Resident registration opens: Friday, February 27 at 12 p.m.
Open registration: Friday, March 6 at 12 p.m.
Tour the Blue Bonnets in Ennis
Saturday, April 18—11 a.m.–5 p.m. Fee: $20
Resident registration opens: March 20 at 12 p.m.
Open registration: Friday, March 27—12 p.m.
“Livin’ The 50 Plus Lifestyle in the Branch”
14055 Dennis Lane, Farmers Branch TX 75234 | | 972.919.8740
MARCH 2015
8:15 am
8:15 am
9:00 am
9:15 am
9:30 am
10:15 am
12:30 pm
2:00 pm
7:00 pm
Stretch & Strength
Duplicate Bridge
Shared Moments
Mah Jongg
Acrylic Painting
Dance: Country
Southern Pride
8:15 am Power Walking
9:00 am Yoga/Cribbage
10am-2pm Tax Aide
10:00 am Strong & Balanced
10:00 am Intermediate Spanish
10:00 am Intermediate Bridge
11:00 am Fitness Orientation
11:00 am Open Chair Volleyball
12:30 pm Party Bridge
12:30 pm Begin Line Dance
1:00 pm Canasta/Hand & Foot
2:00 pm Beginning Spanish
3:00 pm Stretch & Flex
5:30 pm Craft Group
6:30 pm Round & Square Dance
6:30 pm Alzheimers Support
8:15 am Power Walking
8:15 am Stretch & Strength
9:00 am Yoga/Cribbage
8:30-11am BP & Glucose Screen- 10am-2pm Tax Aide
9:00 am Billiards
10:00 am Strong & Balanced
10:00 am Intermediate Bridge
9:15 am Thinkabilities
10:00 am Intermediate Spanish
9:30 am Duplicate Bridge
11:00 am Fitness Orientation
10:15 am Shared Moments
11:00 am Open Chair Volleyball
12:30 pm Mah Jongg
12:30 pm Party Bridge
12:30 pm Begin Line Dance
2:00 pm Acrylic Painting
1:00 pm Greeting Card Class
7:00 pm Dance: Ballroom
2:00 pm Beginning Spanish
Blue Champagne
2:00 pm Wii Season Party
3:00 pm Stretch & Flex
5:30 pm Craft Group
6:30 pm Round & Square Dance
8:15 am
9:00 am
9:15 am
9:30 am
10:15 am
12:30 pm
2:00 pm
7:00 pm
Stretch & Strength
Duplicate Bridge
Shared Moments
Mah Jongg
Acrylic Painting
Dance: Country
Will Taylor
8:15 am Stretch & Strength
9:00 am Billiards
9:15 am Thinkabilities
9:30 am Duplicate Bridge
10:15 am Shared Moments
11am-2pm Cruisin’ Cuisine Trip
12:30 pm Mah Jongg
2:00 pm Acrylic Painting
7:00 pm Dance:
Dave Alexander
8:15 am
9:00 am
9:15 am
9:30 am
10:15 am
12:30 pm
2:00 pm
7:00 pm
8:15 am
9:00 am
9:30 am
9:45 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
12:30 pm
1:00 pm
1:00 pm
2:30 pm
8:15 am Power Walking
9:00 am Yoga/Cribbage
9:30 am Genealogy Trip
10am-2pm Tax Aide
10:00 am Strong & Balanced
10:00 am Intermediate Bridge
10:00 am Intermediate Spanish
11:00 am No Volleyball
11:30 am Spud & Show
12:30 pm Party Bridge
12:30 pm Begin Line Dance
1:00 pm Gourd Luminary
2:00 pm Beginning Spanish
3:00 pm Stretch & Flex
5-8 pm
Craft Group
8:15 am
9:00 am
9:30 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
10:30 am
12:30 pm
1:00 pm
1:00 pm
2:30 pm
2:30 pm
6:00 pm
Stretch & Strength
Dulcimer Group
Begin Table Tennis
Five Crowns
Intermediate Line Dance
Cookin’ Club
Party Bridge
Duplicate Bridge
BINGO/Mah Jongg
Clay Jewelry
Adv Table Tennis
Exercise Class
Stretch & Strength
Dulcimer Group
Intermediate Line Dance
Garden Group
Five Crown
Birthday Lunch
Party Bridge
Bluebonnet Trip
BINGO/Mah Jongg
Adv Table Tennis
Not Your Mama’s
Exercise Class
Waist Management
8:15 am Stretch & Strength
9:00 am Dulcimer Group
9:30 am Begin Table Tennis
9:45 am Intro to Skype
10:00 am Rose Gardeners
10:00 am Intermediate Line Dance
10:00 am Five Crown
12-5:30pm Theater 3 Trip
12:30 pm Party Bridge
1:00 pm Duplicate Bridge
1:00 pm BINGO/Mah Jongg
2:30 pm Adv Table Tennis
6:00 pm Exercise Class
9-9:30 am
9:30 am
Better Photo & Picasa 10:00 am
10:00 am
Five Crowns
Intermediate Line Dance 10:00 am
Party Bridge
Mexican Train
BINGO/Mah Jongg 1:00 pm
1:00 pm
Adv Table Tennis
2:00 pm
6:00 pm Not Your Mama’s
3:00 pm
Exercise Class
8:15 am Power Walking
8:15 am
9:00 am Yoga/Cribbage
9:00 am
10am-2pm Tax Aide
10:00 am
10:00 am Strong & Balanced
10:00 am Intermediate Spanish 10:00 am
11:00 am Intermediate Bridge 10:00 am
11:00 am Fitness Orientation
12:00 pm
11am-5pm 1:30 Theater Trip
12:30 pm
11:00 am Open Chair Volleyball 11:00 am
12:30 pm Party Bridge
1:00 pm
12:30 pm Begin Line Dance
1:00 pm Canasta/Hand & Foot 2:30 pm
6:00 pm
2:00 pm Beginning Spanish
6:30 pm
3:00 pm Stretch & Flex
5-8 pm
Craft Group
5:30 pm Round & Square Dance
6:00 pm Intro to Facebook
Stretch & Strength
Dulcimer Group
Begin Table Tennis
8:15 am
B-12 Shots
9:00 am
9:30 am
Beginner Bridge
9:30 am
Intermediate Spanish 10:00 am
Rock Club
10:30 am
Chair Volleyball FB 12:30 pm
Team Practice
1:00 pm
Instructional Quilting 1:00 pm
Needlecraft Group
1:00 pm
Beginning Spanish
2:30 pm
Strong & Balanced
9:00 am
9:30 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
1:00 pm
1:00 pm
1:00 pm
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
8:15 am
9:00 am
Beginner Bridge
9:30 am
Intermediate Spanish 9:30 am
RAK: Pebbles Apts. 10:00 am
Chair Volleyball FB 10:00 am
Team Practice
10:30 pm
Senior Advisory Board 12:30 pm
Instructional Quilting 1:00 pm
Needlecraft Group
1:00 pm
Beginning Spanish
2:30 pm
Strong & Balanced
Power Walking
1-5 pm
Neglected History
1:00 pm
Quilting Group
Pickleball Rec Center
Mah Jongg
Beaded Sun Catcher
Hand and Foot
Table Tennis
Power Walking
Neglected History
Waist Management
Quilting Group
Pickleball Rec Center
Mah Jongg
Hand and Foot
Table Tennis
1-9:30 pm CENTER HOURS
1:00 pm
Table Games and
Open Recreation
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Square Dancing
Power Walking
1-5 pm
9:00 am Billiards
9:30 am Beginner Bridge
Neglected History
1:00 pm
Dr. Richard McCaslin
10:00 am Intermediate Spanish
11:00 am Chair Volleyball FB 9:30 am Clogging
7-10 pm
11:00 am Team Practice
10:00 am Quilting Group
11am-2pm Cruisin’ Cuisine Trip 10:30 pm Pickleball Rec Center
1:00 pm Instructional Quilting 12:30 pm Mah Jongg
1:00 pm Needlecraft Group
1:00 pm Watercolor Painting
1:00 pm Texas Hold ‘em
1:00 pm Hand & Foot/Canasta
2:00 pm Beginning Spanish
2:30 pm Table Tennis
3:00 pm Strong & Balanced
8:15 am
8:30 am AARP Smart
9:00 am
Drivers Course
9:30 am
9:00 am Billiards
9:30 am
9:30 am Beginner Bridge
10:00 am
9:30am-3pmDallas Arboretum Trip
10:00 am Intermediate Spanish 10:30 am
11:00 am Chair Volleyball FB 12:00 pm
12:30 pm
Team Practice
1:00 pm Instructional Quilting 1:00 pm
1:00 pm Needlecraft Group
1:00 pm
2:00 pm Beginning Spanish
2:30 pm
3:00 pm Strong & Balanced
Power Walking
Neglected History
Quilting Group
Pickleball Rec Center
Slash Your Stash
Mah Jongg
Hand and Foot
Table Tennis
Table Games and
Open Recreation
8:15 am
9:00 am
9:30 am
Table Games and
Open Recreation
Las Colinas
Symphony at the
Irving Arts Center
1-9:30 pm CENTER HOURS
1:00 pm
Table Games and
Open Recreation
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Square Dancing
Stretch & Strength
Duplicate Bridge
Shared Moments
Mah Jongg
Acrylic Painting
J.C. Tippett
8:15 am
Power Walking
9:00 am Yoga/Cribbage
10:00 am Intermediate Spanish
10:00 am Strong & Balanced
10:00 am Intermediate Bridge
10:00 am Intermediate Spanish
10am-2pm Tax Aide
11:00 am Open Chair Volleyball
11:00 am Fitness Orientation
12:30 pm Party Bridge
12:30 pm Begin Line Dance
3:00 pm Stretch & Flex
5-8 pm
Craft Group
5:30 pm Round & Square Dance
6:00 pm Intro to Facebook
Tuesdays 10 AM–2 PM through April 14
Need free help with your income tax return?
Call 972-919-8740 and an AARP
representative will call to set up an
appointment with you.
8 a.m.–8:45 p.m.
Thursday & Friday
8 a.m.–5 p.m.
1st, 3rd & 5th Saturdays 1 p.m.–5 p.m.
2nd & 4th Saturdays
AARP Tax Aid Program
1 p.m.–9:30 p.m.
Book Swap
Bring in your books and magazines
and swap them out for ones you
haven’t read. Great way to recycle
and save some money too!
7–9:20 p.m. Fee: $5
March 2
March 9
March 16
March 23
March 30
Southern Pride Blue Champagne Will Taylor
Dave Alexander J.C. Tippett
Country Western
Country Western
Golden Oldies
March 2015
Coppell Senior and Community Center
345 W. Bethel Road, Coppell, Texas 75019
North Texas Irish Festival
Join us for music, folk dancers, storytelling, food, fun, and more as we travel
to the North Texas Irish Festival at Fair Park in Dallas! We’ll leave the Center
at 5 pm and return by 10 pm. Bring money for food and spending. Deadline to
register is February 27. Cost: Free
Friday, 3/6, 5:00 pm–10:00 pm
Supper Club—Harvest Restaurant • McKinney
Celebrating the seasonality of ingredients, food, and rich contributions of
farmers, Harvest’s seasonal menu features organic, local, and regional products.
Join us as we enjoy each other’s company and good food. Deadline to register is
March 9. Cost: $3
Tuesday, 3/17, 5:00 pm–9:00 pm
VIP Tour of AT&T Stadium (Home of the Dallas Cowboys)
We’ll enjoy a VIP tour, which includes visiting a private suite, print media press
box, Dr. Pepper Star Bar, the field, post interview game room, and much more.
We’ll have lunch at a local restaurant. Bring money for souvenirs and lunch.
Deadline to register is March 13. Cost: $20 Thursday, 3/26, 9:30 am–2:30 pm
Special Events
St. Patty Day’s Breakfast
Come celebrate St. Patty’s Day with breakfast in the company of good friends,
great food, and entertainment. Register in advance for food count by March 11.
Entertainment will be provided by the Coppell Senior Center’s Line Dancing
Wednesday, 3/18, 9:15 am
Coppell Senior Center 5th Anniversary
Jeans & Jewels Casino Night 2015
“Jeans and Jewels” is the theme for the Coppell Senior Center’s 5 year anniversary
party! You are invited to a fun filled night of western dress, food, music,
entertainment and fun! Entertainment by Midnight Shift, a BBQ dinner, and a
chance to win door prizes. Casino games will include black jack, roulette, Texas
Hold’em, a bingo room and craps tables. Tickets on sale now! Pre-registration
required. Registrations will not be accepted at the door. Cost: Free to first 250
Members until March 6. After this, member price is $10. Non-Members: $12
until March 6, $15 from March 9–21.
Saturday, 3/21, 4:00 pm–8:00 pm
Bingo March Madness Coverall
Come one—come all—hurry and sign up for the monthlong, fun-filled BINGO
MARCH MADNESS COVERALL of prizes and cash! DO NOT delay signing
up! This month’s games will be limited to the first 100 participants who sign
up to play! Only those players who are paid, current members of the Coppell
Senior Center no later than March 1, 2015, and attend three events of bingo play
during March will be eligible for the grand finale coverall games. A continuing
attendance list of all participants will be kept and posted throughout the month
to verify that participants have attended the required number of games. More
information is available at the front desk.
Friday, 3/27, 9:15 am
972-462-5138 phone
Monday & Wednesday
Tuesday & Thursday
Therapeutic Horticulture Program—Kokedama
Don’t get your face wet while the water gives you a great workout. Low impact
water aerobics increases cardiovascular endurance and burns fat without stress
on bones and joints. Class is held at the Aquatic and Recreation Center. All
participants must be members of the Coppell Senior Center.
Tuesdays, 9:30 am and Fridays, 10 am
Join us for an indoor hands-on activity where participants assemble small
horticultural projects. Learn more about this form of Japanese bonsai and create
your own moss-bundled houseplant. Space is limited to 12 participants; please
sign-up early. Detailed description of each class is listed below. Cost: $8 per class
Tuesday, 3/10, 10:00 am
Coppell Cut-Ups Handmade Cards
A fusion of yoga and Pilates mixed together with a shot of espresso! Yoga poses
performed in a slow flowing progression mixed with Pilates exercises focusing
on posture and core stability to create symmetry, flexibility, and strength.
Instructor: Janet Spain
Tuesdays 10:15 am
Circuit Training
Every two minutes when the music changes, you will work a different muscle.
The class will focus on the cardiovascular system and all major muscle groups.
Guaranteed to be fun!
Wednesdays, 5:00 pm
Fit Dance Plus
Aerobic fun with simple foot patterns, working around a chair, adding balls and/
or weights for coordination, balance and muscle work, and ending with gentle
stretching. Benefits include laughing a lot, improved fitness level, self-esteem,
overall health! Instructor: Janet Spain
Thursdays, 9:30 am
Zumba is a Latin dance class that is energetic and designed to get you movin’
with Salsa, Merengue, and Cumbia. Come join the party!
Instructor: Christine Douglass
1st, 3rd & 5th Saturdays, 9:30 am and 2nd & 4th Mondays, 6:30 pm
Nia Movement Class
Nia is a movement fusion dance class that incorporates Martial Arts (Akido,
Tai Chi and Tai Kwon Do), Dance Arts and Healing Arts (yoga, meditation, and
stretching). The music is beautiful and choreographed specifically for Nia.
Instructor: Christine Douglass
2nd & 4th Saturdays, 9:30 am and 1st, 3rd & 5th Mondays, 6:30 pm
Line Dancing
Line dancing is very basic with easy dance steps. Most dances are based on
doing a 32-count pattern, then turn to face each wall. The steps include cha-cha,
grapevine, and box step.
Thursdays, 10:45 am–11:45 am
Tai Chi
Tai Chi focuses on self-healing movements of stretching and balance, guided by
Aromatherapy relaxation and meditation. This is a wonderful movement class
that will help you become more aware of your breathing through the movements
while strengthening your muscles and becoming relaxed, both physically and
mentally. Come join us for some wonderful music and movement.
Fridays (Except 4th Friday), 12:00 pm
Breakfast Bingo
Join us for breakfast before bingo! Advance registration required. Deadline to
register is one week before.
Friday, 3/20, 9:15 am
Mah Jongg Lessons
Join the Mah Jongg group for a lesson!
Potluck and Birthday Celebration 5
Trivial Pursuit
Come enjoy our monthly potluck and birthday celebration. Members are asked
to bring a dish to share with others. Those with birthdays in the month will have
a chance for a gift card. Entertainment by Cottonwood Creek Elementary on
March 25. Please register in advance.
Wednesday, 3/25, 11:30 am
Texas Hold’em Lessons
Mondays, 1:00 pm
Join in on the fun! Interested players, be prompt and come in teams of 3 (or you
will be placed on a team). Prizes will be awarded to the top players. Sign-up in
advance to reserve your spot.
Monday, 3/2, 5:00 pm–6:30 pm
Do you have a passion for giving back? Here is your chance to volunteer at the
Coppell Senior Center. We are looking for volunteers to assist with an internal
“handmade” card making program. The cards will be used for get well, thank
you, and deepest sympathy cards for our members. Sign-up in advance to show
you’re interested.
Friday, 3/6, 1:00 pm
Woodland Walk Frame
March finds us arranging selections of preserved leaves, bark, nuts, and other
natural elements onto a frame perfect for displaying a single pressed leaf, a
handwritten autumnal themed poem or cherished photo. Sign-ups required.
Thursdays, 3/5, 3/12, 3/26, 1:00 pm
Educational Sessions
Lunch & Learn • Sandy Lake Rehabilitation
Join Sandy Lake Rehabilitation and Care Center for an overview of their services,
such as individualized treatment plans, wound care, pulmonary management
IV therapy, outpatient therapy and more. Sign-up in advance to reserve your seat.
Wednesday, 3/4, 11:30 am
Snack & Chat • Stocks, Bonds & Mutual Funds
Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds...all these terms can be confusing. Whether it is
simply understanding the difference or utilizing them to preserve capital and
grow assets, a proper strategy must be executed to decrease risk and increase
gain. Presented by Modern Woodman Financial. Sign-up in advance to reserve
your seat, light snacks will be served.
Monday, 3/9, 10:00 am
Lunch & Learn • Social Security
Let DFW Educate help take the guesswork out of your Social Security benefits
and all of the confusing rules. Come learn how to take full advantage of your
benefits. Presented by DFW Educate. Sign-up in advance to reserve your seat.
Saturday, 3/14, 11:30 am
Optimal Health Informational
Take charge of your health and well-being by managing your weight! Join
Optimal Health and learn how to wean yourself from the addiction to
carbohydrates, sugar, and salt which will “Wake up your tired body”. In this
session you will learn how to break the habit of fast food and gain basic
principles for health and well-being. Sign-up in advance to reserve your seat.
Monday, 3/16, 10:00 am
Lunch & Learn • Living with Neuropathy
Ever wonder what Neuropathy is and how common it is? Do you know the
signs and symptoms, and how it can be treated? Join Rider Chiropractic as they
discuss “Living with Neuropathy. Sign-up in advance to reserve your seat.
Wednesday, 3/18, 11:30 am
Early Detection Matters: 10 signs of Alzheimer’s
Want to brush up on your skills? Lessons will take place the day before Texas
Hold’em regular play.
Tuesday, 3/10, 10:30 am
Indoor Walking
Texas Hold’em Tournament
Join other Senior Center Members for a walk around the Coppell Aquatic and
Recreation Center indoor track! Members are able to use the indoor walking
track daily during the posted times ONLY. If you wish to utilize other amenities,
please purchase the appropriate pass. All participants must be a member of the
Coppell Senior Center and check in at the front desk.
Monday–Friday, 9:00 am–10:00 am
Sign up for our popular Texas Hold’em Tournament. Sign-ups limited to the first
48 participants. Lunch served at 12:30 pm. Sign-ups required for lunch count, a
week before play. Lunch donated by Subway.
Wednesday, 3/11, 1:00 pm
Learn the warning signs that may be symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease or other
forms of dementia. Visiting your doctor early to rule out treatable conditions that
may be the cause of these symptoms is important. Early diagnosis helps with
planning, treatment, the opportunity to participate in clinical trials, and gives
you access to support from the Alzheimer’s Association. Sign-up in advance to
reserve your seat.
Monday, 3/23, 10:00 am
Cribbage Open Play
Snack & Chat • Planned Giving
Personal Training
Join certified personal trainer Sharon Tuggle for one-on-one personal training.
Sign-up in advance, trainer will call you directly to schedule your personal
training appointment. Cost: $40 per session, $35 for 5 or more
Monday & Wednesday, 10:00 am–12:00 pm
Core 30
Core 30 is a 30-minute fitness class which incorporates exercises to strengthen
the abdominals and back. Instructor: Janet Spain
Mondays, 9:30 am–10:00 am
Beginner Yoga
Move your body through a complete series of seated yoga poses. Perform
postures designed to increase flexibility, balance, strength, and range of
movement. Chair support is offered. Wear fitness shoes with good support, or if
you feel comfortable, no shoes at all. Great for those who have never attended a
yoga class or are new to the exercise. Instructor: Janet Spain
Mondays, 10:15 am–11:15 am
Gentle Yoga
Move your body through a complete series of seated and standing yoga poses.
Postures are designed to increase flexibility, balance, strength, and range of
movement. Chair support is offered. Wear fitness shoes with good support, or if
you feel comfortable, no shoes at all. Instructor: Janet Spain
Mondays & Thursdays, 5:00 pm
Bring boards to share with others during open play.
Monday, 3/2, 3/16, 11:00 am–12:30 pm
Ping Pong Group 9
Join in on a round of ping pong. No sign-ups required.
Fridays, 1 pm–3 pm
Join DFW Educate for pastries and coffee as they discuss the best ways to leave
your money behind by planned giving. Planned Giving lets you designate your
financials as a gift to non-profits or charities. Presentation presented by DFW
Educate. Sign-up in advance to reserve your seat.
Monday, 3/30, 10:00 am
Special Interest
Advisory Committee
The Skit Wits
All Advisory Committee Members are asked to be present at the meeting.
Members, if you are interested in placing items on the advisory committee
monthly agenda, please see an advisory committee member.
Tuesday, 3/24, 10:00 am
The group will meet to choose its next drama to perform. Options include the
following: Readers Theatre, Poetry Reading, Comedic Scenes and more. The
group may even decide to take in a play together—the opportunities are endless!
If you are interested in joining the Skit Wits or have questions, please email
Brenda Magri at See you on the stage!
Fridays, 3:00–5:00 pm
Garden Club Meeting
Join in on our on-going planning of the Coppell Garden Club. Garden education
topics will be presented at various meetings.
Wednesday, 3/4, 1:00 pm
Writing for Fun
Arts & Crafts
Write about a hobby, an occupation, an event, or a timeline or trouble you have
experienced—it’s up to you. Sign-up in advance for this new writing group; just
for fun.
Fridays, 1:00 pm
Knit Wits Fiber Arts Group
Cranium Cardio
The Knit Wits are gathering! With over 2,000 handmade baby items donated,
and now topping over 30 members since its May 2014 inception, this group
is GROWING! All are welcome to grab their sewing, knitting, and crocheting
accoutrements and join in on the kindly camaraderie every Tuesday.
Tuesdays, 1:00 pm
Fitness isn’t just about squats, lunges, and cardio—it’s also about staying
mentally nimble. Join us as we engage the brain in thinking tasks to help
build brain connections. Think of it as “Cranium Cardio”. Remember more,
concentrate better, and think sharper, while having fun in the process!
Monday, 3/30, 1:00 pm
Daily/Weekly Activities
Core 30
Beg. Yoga
12:30p Mah Jongg
Mah Jongg Lessons
12:30p Duplicate Bridge
Knit Wit
Ping Pong
Hand & Foot
Fit Dance
12:30p Contract Bridge
Arts & Crafts
As a courtesy, if you are unable to make a trip or program please call the center.
March 2015
11 am
5 pm
Trivial Pursuit
6 pm
11:30 am
Sandy Lake Rehab
Lunch & Learn
1 pm
Garden Club
10:45 am
Line Dancing
12 pm Tai Chi
1 pm
Arts & Crafts
1 pm Ping Pong
1 pm Cut Ups
1 pm Writing
3 pm Skit Wits
9:30 am
Zumba Class
5 pm–10 pm North Texas Irish
Festival Trip
10 am
Stocks, Bonds &
Mutual Funds
Snack & Chat
6 pm
10:30 am
Texas Hold’em Lesson
10 am
Horticulture Therapy
1 pm
Texas Hold’em
Lunch @ 12:30 pm
10 am–6 pm Craft Corner Store
9:15 am
10 am
Optimal Health
10 am–6pm Craft Corner Store
11 am
5 pm–9 pm Supper Club
Harvest Restaurant—
6 pm Zumba
6 pm
10 am
Planned Giving
Snack & Chat
1 pm
Cranium Cardio
6 pm Zumba
Tai Chi
9 am–1 pm Craft Corner Store
1 pm
Arts & Crafts
1 pm Ping Pong
9:30 am Nia
1 pm
Writing For Fun
3 pm
Skit Wits
11:30 am
Social Security Lunch
& Learn
10 am–6 pm Craft Corner Store
9:15 am
Breakfast Bingo
10:45 am
10 am–5 pm Craft Corner Store
9:30 am
12 pm Tai Chi
1 pm Writing
4 pm–8 pm 5th year Anniversary
Jeans & Jewels
Casino Night
1 pm Ping Pong
3 pm Skit Wits
11:30 am
Cottonwood Creek
Elementary @ 12pm
12 pm Line Dancing
11:30 am
Living with
Lunch & Learn
10 am
Advisory Committee
St. Patty’s Breakfast
Line Dancing
10 am–6 pm Craft Corner Store
10 am
10 Signs of
10:45 am
9 am–1 pm Craft Corner Store
9:30 am–
2:30 pm VIP Tour of AT & T
9:15 am
Bingo March
Madness Coverall
10:45 am
Line Dancing
1 pm Writing
1 pm
Arts & Crafts
1 pm Ping Pong
3 pm Skit Wits
9:30 am
Golden Oldies
April 2015
Coppell Senior and Community Center
345 W. Bethel Road, Coppell, Texas 75019
Klyde Warren Park—Dallas
Located over the Woodall Rodgers Freeway, this beautiful park has
something for everyone. You can bring your favorite club and enjoy the
putting green, relax with a book or game at the Reading & Game room, or
play a game of ping pong or croquet. You can take a walk over to the Dallas
Museum of Art or Trammel Crow Museum and Nasher Sculpture Center.
Eat lunch at one of the unique food trucks at Klyde Warren or in the Dallas
Museum of Art café. Deadline to register is April 6. Cost: Free
Thursday, 4/16, 9:30 am–3:30 pm
Supper Club—Kenny’s Italian Kitchen • Addison
Kenny’s Italian Kitchen serves classic “Southern Italian American” food
modeled after the “Little Italy” sections of Boston and New York. You’ll enjoy
the atmosphere and ambience of this wonderful restaurant. Deadline to
register is April 13. Cost: $3
Tuesday, 4/21, 5:00 pm–9:00 pm
Special Events
Breakfast Bingo
Join us for breakfast before bingo! Advance registration required. Deadline
to register is one week before.
Friday, 4/17, 9:15 am
Bingo and Game Night
Come enjoy great company, food and games. Please bring food to share with
everyone. Food served at 1 pm. Bingo begins at 6 pm. $1 per card.
Saturday, 4/18, 4:30 pm
Potluck and Birthday Celebration 5
Come enjoy our monthly potluck and birthday celebration. Members are
asked to bring a dish to share with others. Those with birthdays in the
month will have a chance for a gift card. Please register in advance.
Wednesday, 4/22, 11:30 am
Parking Lot Sale
Join us for a community wide parking lot sale! Booths are open to Seniors
50 or older to sell their unwanted treasures. Table fee is $10 per table for
members and $15 for non-members with a 2 space maximum. One 6
ft. table will be provided by the Center. Racks for hanging items will not
be provided and must be kept within the 2 space limit. Unwanted items
can be donated to CCA at the conclusion of the sale. Registration Begins:
Members March 2nd and Non-members March 9th.
Saturday, 4/18, 7:00 am–11:00 am
Indoor Egg Hunt
Join us for an indoor “EGG HUNT”. Gold eggs will be placed throughout the
facility, with a special prize in each egg. All you have to do is present the egg
and ticket inside to claim the prize. HAPPY HUNTING!!
Friday, 4/3, 10:00 am–4:00 pm
Volunteer Lunch
Our way of saying “Thank You” to our hardworking volunteers for all they
do at the Coppell Senior Center! If you have volunteered for a program but
have not officially completed paperwork, please stop by the front desk to get
on the list to be recognized and come enjoy some great food. Entertainment
provided by Blue Diamond Trio. Signups required. Register by April 6.
Wednesday, 4/15, 11:30 am
Indoor Walking
Join other Senior Center Members for a walk around the Coppell Aquatic
and Recreation Center indoor track! Members are able to use the indoor
walking track daily during the posted times ONLY. If you wish to utilize
other amenities, please purchase the appropriate pass. All participants must
be a member of the Coppell Senior Center and check in at the front desk.
Monday–Friday, 9:00 am–10:00 am
Personal Training
Join certified personal trainer Sharon Tuggle for one-on-one personal
training. Sign-up in advance, trainer will call you directly to schedule your
personal training appointment. Cost: $40 per session, $35 for 5 or more
Monday & Wednesday, 10:00 am–12:00 pm
Core 30
Core 30 is a 30-minute fitness class which incorporates exercises to
strengthen the abdominals and back. Instructor: Janet Spain
Mondays, 9:30 am–10:00 am
Beginner Yoga
Move your body through a complete series of seated yoga poses. Perform
postures designed to increase flexibility, balance, strength, and range of
movement. Chair support is offered. Wear fitness shoes with good support,
or if you feel comfortable, no shoes at all. Great for those who have never
attended a yoga class or are new to the exercise. Instructor: Janet Spain
Mondays, 10:15 am–11:15 am
972-462-5138 phone
Gentle Yoga
Move your body through a complete series of seated and standing yoga
poses. Postures are designed to increase flexibility, balance, strength, and
range of movement. Chair support is offered. Wear fitness shoes with good
support, or if you feel comfortable, no shoes at all. Instructor: Janet Spain
Mondays & Thursdays, 5:00 pm
Don’t get your face wet while the water gives you a great workout. Low
impact water aerobics increases cardiovascular endurance and burns
fat without stress on bones and joints. Class is held at the Aquatic and
Recreation Center. All participants must be members of the Coppell Senior
Tuesdays, 9:30 am and Fridays, 10 am
A fusion of yoga and Pilates mixed together with a shot of espresso! Yoga
poses performed in a slow flowing progression mixed with Pilates exercises
focusing on posture and core stability to create symmetry, flexibility, and
strength. Instructor: Janet Spain
Tuesdays, 10:15 am
Circuit Training
Every two minutes when the music changes, you will work a different
muscle. The class will focus on the cardiovascular system and all major
muscle groups. Guaranteed to be fun!
Wednesdays, 5:00 pm
Fit Dance Plus
Aerobic fun with simple foot patterns, working around a chair, adding balls
and/or weights for coordination, balance and muscle work, and ending with
gentle stretching. Benefits include laughing a lot, improved fitness level, selfesteem, overall health! Instructor: Janet Spain
Thursdays, 9:30 am
Zumba is a Latin dance class that is energetic and designed to get you
movin’ with Salsa, Merengue, and Cumbia. Come join the party! Instructor:
Christine Douglass
1st, 3rd & 5th Saturdays, 9:30 am and 2nd & 4th Mondays, 6:30 pm
Nia Movement Class
Nia is a movement fusion dance class that incorporates Martial Arts (Akido,
Tai Chi and Tai Kwon Do), Dance Arts and Healing Arts (yoga, meditation,
and stretching). The music is beautiful and choreographed specifically for
Nia. Instructor: Christine Douglass
2nd & 4th Saturdays, 9:30 am and 1st, 3rd & 5th Mondays, 6:30 pm
Line Dancing
Line dancing is very basic with easy dance steps. Most dances are based on
doing a 32-count pattern, then turn to face each wall. The steps include chacha, grapevine, and box step.
Thursdays, 10:45 am–11:45 am
Tai Chi
Tai Chi focuses on self-healing movements of stretching and balance, guided
by Aromatherapy relaxation and meditation. This is a wonderful movement
class that will help you become more aware of your breathing through
the movements while strengthening your muscles and becoming relaxed,
both physically and mentally. Come join us for some wonderful music and
Fridays (Except 4th Friday), 12:00 pm
Mah Jongg Lessons
Join the Mah Jongg group for a lesson!
Mondays, 1:00 pm
Trivial Pursuit
Join in on the fun! Interested players, be prompt and come in teams of 3
(or you will be placed on a team). Prizes will be awarded to the top players.
Sign-up in advance to reserve your spot. Monday, 4/6, 5:00 pm–6:30 pm
Texas Hold’em Lessons
Want to brush up on your skills? Lessons will take place the day before Texas
Hold’em regular play.
Tuesday, 4/7, 10:30 am
Texas Hold’em Tournament
Sign up for our popular Texas Hold’em Tournament. Sign-ups limited to the
first 48 participants. Lunch served at 12:30 pm. Sign-ups required for lunch
count, a week before play. Lunch donated by Subway.
Wednesday, 4/8, 1:00 pm
Cribbage Open Play
Bring boards to share with others during open play.
Monday, 4/6, 4/20, 11:00 am–12:30 pm
Ping Pong Group
Join in on a round of ping pong. No sign-ups required.Fridays, 1 pm–3 pm
Advisory Committee
All Advisory Committee Members are asked to be present at the meeting.
Members, if you are interested in placing items on the advisory committee
monthly agenda, please see an advisory committee member.
Tuesday, 4/28, 10:00 am
Monday & Wednesday
Tuesday & Thursday
Garden Club Meeting
Join in on our on-going planning of the Coppell Garden Club. Garden
education topics will be presented at various meetings.
Wednesday, 4/1, 1:00 pm
Arts & Crafts
Knit Wits Fiber Arts Group
The Knit Wits are gathering! With over 2,000 handmade baby items donated,
and now topping over 30 members since its May 2014 inception, this group
is GROWING! All are welcome to grab their sewing, knitting, and crocheting
accoutrements and join in on the kindly camaraderie every Tuesday.
Tuesdays, 1:00 pm
Therapeutic Horticulture Program—Spring Wreaths
Join us for an indoor hands-on activity where participants assemble small
horticultural projects. Assemble a rustic wreath with moss, seasonal florals,
and springtime ephemera. Space is limited to 12 participants; please signup early. Detailed description of each class is listed below. Cost: $8 per class
Tuesday, 4/14, 10:00 am
Coppell Cut-Ups Handmade Cards
Do you have a passion for giving back? Here is your chance to volunteer at
the Coppell Senior Center. We are looking for volunteers to assist with an
internal “handmade” card making program. The cards will be used for get
well, thank you, and deepest sympathy cards for our members. Sign-up in
advance to show you’re interested.
Friday, 4/3, 1:00 pm
Starburst Spoon Mirror
Spring finds us repurposing plastic spoons, mirrors and paints to create
your one-of-a-kind wall art; a SpoonBurst Mirror! All supplies included;
sign-ups required.
Thursdays, 4/2–4/30, 1:00 pm
Educational Sessions
Lunch & Learn • Avoiding Scams
This seminar will provide you with the tools you need to have a basic
understanding of the types of scams targeting seniors. You will learn how
to protect yourself from becoming a victim. Come learn the steps to ensure
your economic safety and take advantage of available resources to begin
safeguarding your money. Presented by Metrocrest Social Services. Sign-up
in advance to reserve your seat.
Wednesday, 4/1, 11:30 am
Snack & Chat • Leaving a Legacy
Everybody wants to leave behind a legacy. There are many ways of doing
so through beneficiaries and estate planning, come learn the most efficient
and cost effective ways that can only be achieved through proper planning.
Presented by Modern Woodman Financial. Sign- up in advance to reserve
your seat.
Monday, 4/6, 10:00 am
Snack & Chat • Financial Fitness
Fitness isn’t just about your body, it applies to your money, too. Learn how to
be agile with your resources with a presentation by DFW Educate. Sign-up
in advance to reserve your seat.
Monday, 4/13, 10:00 am
Alzheimer’s Communication Informational
Learn the basics of Alzheimer’s disease, how Alzheimer’s disease affects the
brain, and changes communication. The Alzheimer’s Association will teach
you how to help the person with Alzheimer’s and dementia communicate.
Sign-up required in advance.
Monday, 4/20, 10:00 am
Easy to Prepare Recipes
The Chateau on Wildbriar will be partnering with Allstar Home Health Care
and Home Companions to speak about nutrition, which will include the
needs of diabetics. The presentation will focus on easy to prepare, refreshing
spring and summer recipes. Sign-up in advance to reserve your spot for
Monday, 4/27, 11:30 am
Special Interest
The Skit Wits
The group will meet to choose its next drama to perform. Options include
the following: Readers Theatre, Poetry Reading, Comedic Scenes and more.
The group may even decide to take in a play together—the opportunities
are endless! If you are interested in joining the Skit Wits or have questions,
please email Brenda Magri at See you on the stage!
Fridays, 3:00–5:00 pm
Writing for Fun
Write about a hobby, an occupation, an event, or a timeline or trouble you
have experienced—it’s up to you. Sign-up in advance for this new writing
group; just for fun.
Fridays, 1:00 pm
Cranium Cardio
Fitness isn’t just about squats, lunges, and cardio—it’s also about staying
mentally nimble. Join us as we engage the brain in thinking tasks to help
build brain connections. Think of it as “Cranium Cardio”. Remember more,
concentrate better, and think sharper, while having fun in the process!
Monday, 4/27, 1:00 pm
Daily/Weekly Activities
Core 30
Beg. Yoga
12:30p Mah Jongg
Mah Jongg Lessons
12:30p Duplicate Bridge
Ping Pong
Knit Wit
Hand & Foot
Fit Dance
12:30p Contract Bridge
Arts & Crafts
As a courtesy, if you are unable to make a trip or program please call the center.
April 2015
10 am
Leaving a Legacy
Snack & Chat
11 am Cribbage
5 pm
Trivial Pursuit
6 pm Nia
10 am
Financial Fitness
Snack & Chat
6 pm Zumba
11 am
6 pm
11:30 am
Easy Recipes
1 pm
Cranium Cardio
6 pm
Avoiding Scam
Lunch & Learn
1 pm
Garden Club
10:30 am
10 am
10 am
Texas Hold’em Lesson
10 am
Therapy Class
10 am
Texas Hold’em
Lunch @ 12:30 pm
Volunteer Lunch
10 am–4 pm Indoor Egg Hunt
1 pm
Arts & Crafts
12 pm Tai Chi
1 pm Ping Pong
1 pm Cut Ups
1 pm
Writing For Fun
3 pm Skit Wits
1 pm–4 pm Quilt Class
Zumba Class
9:30 am
Line Dancing
12 pm Tai Chi
1 pm
Arts & Crafts
1 pm Ping Pong
1 pm
Writing For Fun
3 pm Skit Wits
9:15 am
Breakfast Bingo
7 am–11 am Parking Lot Sale
12 pm
Tai Chi
9:30 am
1 pm
Writing For Fun
1 pm Ping Pong
4:30 pm
Bingo & Game
3 pm Skit Wits
9:30 am–
3:30 pm Klyde Warren
Park Trip
10:45 am
Line Dancing
1 pm
Arts & Crafts
Line Dancing
9:15 am
1 pm
Arts & Crafts
1 pm
Writing For Fun
1 pm
Ping Pong
3 pm
Skit Wits
10:45 am
Line Dancing
1 pm
Arts & Crafts
10:45 am
11:30 am
Easy to Prepare
9:30 am
10:45 am
11:30 am
Line Dancing
11:30 am
5 pm–9 pm Supper Club
Kenny’s Italian
10:45 am
1 pm
9:30 am
Senior Center Programs
April 2015
April Program Registration Opens March 14
Arts & Crafts
Drop-In Arts & Craft Groups
Bring your project or start something new while meeting
new and old friends in any of these weekly groups.
Come and enjoy the fellowship of others who enjoy arts
and crafts.
• Acrylic Painting Group
Mondays, 2 p.m. No Fee
• Tuesday Evening Craft Group
Tuesday, 5–8 p.m. No Fee
• Instructional Quilting
Thursdays, 1 p.m. No Fee
• Needlecrafting Group
Thursdays, 1 p.m. No Fee
• Quilting Group
Fridays, 10 a.m. No Fee
Beginning Polymer Clay Jewelry
Wednesday, April 8—2:30 p.m.
Fee: $10 All supplies furnished.
Instructor: Nancy Lotzer
Have fun learning the basics of working with polymer
clay while creating beautiful jewelry.
Decorative Painting Class: Texas Blue Bonnets
Friday, April 10—1 p.m. Fee: $10
Instructor: Donna Williams
You can paint! Even if you’ve never done it before, you
can follow along in this hands on, step-by-step class.
All supplies are furnished; all you need is a canvas bag,
shirt or other item to paint.
Greeting Card Class
Tuesday, April 14—1 p.m. Fee: $8
Instructors: Jan McCord & Carmel Mosley
You’ll make four different greeting cards in this class.
Slash Your Stash: Make a Snap Purse
Friday, April 24—12 p.m. Fee: $5
Instructor: Bettie Smith
Use some of your fabric STASH and make something
useful in this 1 hour class. Pick up a supply list.
Introduction to Microsoft Word
Instructor: Jennifer Stone Fee: $15
5 classes: Tuesdays & Wednesdays, April 7–21—6–8 p.m.
Learn the basic features of word processing with Microsoft Word. By the end of the class, each student should
have a good grasp on editing text and changing the appearance of words and paragraphs.
Better Photography at the Dallas Arboretum Plus
a Picasa Photo Editing Class
Wednesday, April 8—9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Fee $3 plus admission fee into the Arboretum
Instructor: Bill Woster
The class will travel in our bus to the Dallas Arboretum
for hands-on instruction with taking digital photographs. Then learn how to use Picasa to manage and
edit these photos once you have returned to the Senior
Center. Participants will need to bring their digital cameras and USB connection.
Health & Exercise
Stretch & Flex
Tuesdays at 3 p.m.
Keep the body limber and flexible with gentle but effective exercise class.
B12 Shots
Thursday, April 2—9–9:30 a.m. Fee: $20
Take Charge of Your Health & Well-Being
Wednesday, April 1—6 p.m.
Have fun learning how to manage your weight, wake up
your tired body and wean yourself from addictions to
carbohydrates, sugar, and salt. Learn about free radicals
and the damage they cause. Researchers are learning
that unwise dietary choices are linked to cancers and
heart disease. Come learn basic principles for health
and well-being with Tammy Nguyen, Health & Nutrition
Cycling Thursdays
Thursdays, 8:15 a.m.
Meet at the Center with your bike for a 7–12 mile tour
of Farmers Branch landmarks and other communities.
Waist Management Group
Two dates offered each month:
Friday, April 10 at 10 a.m. and/or
Wednesday, April 15 at 6:30 p.m.
If you’re looking to get healthier and need weight-loss
motivation, this group is for you! Each month we will
focus on healthy, proven tips and tools that help keep you
motivated and on the right path to a healthier you. Be part
of a positive, life changing group and watch your waist get
smaller and your health get bigger and better!
Blood Pressure and Glucose Screening
Monday, April 13—8:30–11 a.m.
The Dallas County Health Department is here the
second Monday of each month to check your blood
pressure and glucose. Take advantage of this free
service each month.
Special Events
Monthly Breakfast
Monday, April 6—8:15 a.m. Fee: $2
Menu: sausage, gravy, biscuits, eggs, juice & coffee
Entertainment: Rick Stephens, guitar and vocals
Host: Senior Advisory Board
Birthday Lunch
Wednesday, April 15—12 p.m.
Fee: $2 Free if it’s your birthday month.
Happy birthday to those born in April. Let’s celebrate
together with a great meal. Birthday gifts provided by
United Financial Services and birthday cake donated by
Brookdale Assisted Living in Farmers Branch.
Special Interest
Beginning Line Dance Lessons
Tuesdays 12:30 p.m.
Are you intimidated by starting something new?
Learn the basics of Line Dancing step by step at a
comfortable pace with Instructor, Karen Aubrey.
Rock & Mineral Club
Thursday, April 2—10 a.m.
Join us each month for rock talk and sharing.
Cookin’ Club: Farmers Market Field Trip
Wednesday, April 8—10:30 a.m. Fee: $3
Random Acts of Kindness
Thursday, April 9—10 a.m.
Farmers Branch Animal Adoption Center. Please bring
donations of kitty litter, pet food, towels, and blankets.
Garden Group: Field Trip-Texas Discovery Gardens
Wednesday, April 15—10 a.m. Fee: $9 Lunch on your own
Texas Hold ’em Tournament
Thursday, April 16—1 p.m.
Know when to hold ’em; know when to fold ’em. Sign
up at the front desk to play this monthly tournament.
Lunch Sponsor: Acadia Assisted Living Center
Neglected History
Friday, April 17—9:30 a.m.
Join the Neglected History group in welcoming
author, Dr. Richard McCaslin from UNT. He will be
speaking on Texas 1846–1861.
Rose Group
Wednesday, April 22—10 a.m.
Come help propogate roses in this monthly group.
Genealogy Trip to the Dallas Library
Tuesday, April 28—9:30 a.m.–3 p.m. $1 transportation
Come hop on the bus and travel to the Dallas Library
with a group who enjoy researching their family roots.
Sign up today.
AARP Smart Driver Course
Thursday, April 23—8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Fee: $15 AARP Member, $20 Non Members
• Learn how to compensate for age-related changes.
• Reduce your traffic violations, accidents, & chance
for injury.
• Update your knowledge of the rules of the road.
• You may be eligible for an insurance discount.
This course does not qualify for a dismissal of a traffic
violation. Sign up at the front desk today.
Mother’s Day Brunch Ticket Sales Start April 13
Friday, May 8—11:30 a.m. Ticket fee: $5
Farmers Branch resident ticket sales beginning April 13.
Open registration starts Monday, April 27
Celebrate your mother, your wife, or your memories
of a special person. Menu includes egg and bacon
casserole, sweet sausage, fruit salad, gelatin salad,
fruit muffins with flavored butters.
Entertainment will feature Harp Essence.
Cruisin’ Cuisine
Thursday, April 16 or Monday, April 20
11 a.m.–2 p.m. Fee: $3 Limited Walking
Tour the Blue Bonnets in Ennis
April 18—11 a.m.–5 p.m. Fee: $20
Resident registration opens: March 20 at 12 p.m.
Open registration March 27 at 12 p.m.
Enjoy the Bluebonnet Festival and tour the beautiful
terrain. The trip includes transportation, Henrietta
Novotny as our tour guide and lunch. Make your menu
selection when you register. Moderate Walking
The International Exhibition of Sherlock Holmes
Thursday, April 23—12:30–4:30 p.m. Fee: $23
Resident registration Opens: Fri, February 27 at 12 p.m.
Open registration: Friday, March 6 at 12 p.m.
The tales of Sherlock Holmes go beyond mere storytelling. As a chemistry and forensics expert ahead of his
time, Sherlock uses seemingly trivial observations to
solve the most complex crimes. His practices and
techniques, created by doctor-turned-author Conan
Doyle, profoundly influenced the way police work was
conducted at the turn of the 19th century and many of
Sherlock’s methods still remain in practice today.
Extended Walking
Train—Bike—Explore Fort Worth
Saturday, April 25—9 a.m.–9 p.m.
Pay as you go. Dart fee: $5
Resident registration opens: Fri, March 27 at 12 p.m.
Open registration: Saturday, April 4 at 1 p.m.
Explore Fort Worth by train and bike. We will leave the
DART station at 9 am and go downtown and transfer to
the TRE and head to Fort Worth. At the train station, use
your credit card to use their bike share program. $8 for
all day. Depending on the group, the day is open to
museums, parks, the Stockyard, dining and more.
Extended Activity
The Liar at Theatre 3
Wednesday, May 20—12–5:30 p.m. Fee: $15.00
Resident registration opens: Fri, April 24 at 12 p.m.
Open registration: Friday, May 1 at 1 p.m
Enjoy lunch before the 2 p.m. performance in any of the
local restaurants. It’s Paris in 1643. Dorante is a charming
young man with a single flaw: he can’t tell the truth. He
meets Cliton, a manservant who cannot tell a lie, and falls
in love with Clarice, a charming young woman whom
he unfortunately mistakes for her friend Lucrece. From a
series of misunderstandings and intricate lies springs one
of the Western world’s greatest comedies.
Limited Walking
“Livin’ The 50 Plus Lifestyle in the Branch”
14055 Dennis Lane, Farmers Branch TX 75234 | | 972.919.8740
APRIL 2015
Check out the new
Margaret Young Natatorium
Farmers Branch Aquatic Center
14032 Heartside Place
8:15 am Breakfast
8:30-11 am Stretch & Strength
9:00 am Billiards
9:15 am Thinkabilities
9:30 am Duplicate Bridge
10:15 am Shared Moments
12:30 pm Mah Jongg
2:00 pm Acrylic Painting
7:00 pm Dance:
Blue Champagne
8:15 am Stretch & Strength
8:30-11am BP & Glucose Screen
9:00 am Billiards
9:15 am Thinkabilities
9:30 am Duplicate Bridge
10:15 am Shared Moments
12:30 pm Mah Jongg
2:00 pm Acrylic Painting
7:00 pm Dance: J.C. Tippett
8:15 am
9:00 am
9:15 am
9:30 am
10:15 am
11:00 am
12:30 pm
2:00 pm
7:00 pm
8:15 am
9:00 am
9:15 am
9:30 am
10:15 am
12:30 pm
2:00 pm
7:00 pm
Stretch & Strength
Duplicate Bridge
Shared Moments
Cruisin’ Cuisine Trip
Mah Jongg
Acrylic Painting
Will Taylor
8:15 am
9:00 am
9:30 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
12:30 pm
1:00 pm
1:00 pm
2:30 pm
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
Stretch & Strength
Dulcimer Group
Begin Table Tennis
Five Crowns
Intermediate Line Dance
Party Bridge
Mexican Train
BINGO/Mah Jongg
Adv Table Tennis
Not Your Mama’s
Exercise Class
Stretch & Strength
Dulcimer Group
Photography at the
Arboretum & Picaso
Begin Table Tennis
Intermediate Line Dance
Cooking Club Trip
Party Bridge
Mexican Train
Duplicate Bridge
BINGO/Mah Jongg
Beginning Clay
Adv Table Tennis
Microsoft Word
Exercise Class
8:15 am Power Walking
9:00 am Yoga/Cribbage
10:00 am Strong & Balanced
10:00 am Intermediate Bridge
10am-2pmTax Aide
10:00 am Intermediate Spanish
11:00 pm Fitness Orientation
11:00 am Open Chair Volleyball
12:30 pm Begin Line Dance
1:00 pm Greeting Card Class
2:00 pm Beginning Spanish
3:00 pm Stretch & Flex
5-8 pm Craft Group
5:30 pm Round & Square Dance
6:00 pm Microsoft Word
Stretch & Strength
Dulcimer Group
Begin Table Tennis
Intermediate Line Dance
8:15 am
9:00 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
11:00 pm
11:00 am
12:30 pm
1:00 pm
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
5-8 pm
5:30 pm
6:00 pm
8:15 am
9:00 am
9:30 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
8:15 am
9:00 am
9:30 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
12:30 pm
1:00 pm
1:00 pm
1:00 pm
2:30 pm
6:00 pm
Stretch & Strength
Dulcimer Group
Begin Table Tennis
Five Crowns
Rose Gardeners
Intermediate Line Dance
Party Bridge
Duplicate Bridge
Mexican Train
BINGO/Mah Jongg
Adv Table Tennis
Not Your Mama’s
Exercise Class
Stretch & Strength
Dulcimer Group
Begin Table Tennis
Five Crowns
Intermediate Line
Party Bridge
Duplicate Bridge
Mexican Train
BINGO/Mah Jongg
Adv Table Tennis
Not Your Mama’s
Exercise Class
7–9:20 p.m. Fee: $5
April 6
April 13
April 20
April 27
Blue Champagne
J.C. Tippett
Will Taylor
Dave Alexander
8:15 am
9:00 am
9:30 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
1:00 pm
1:00 pm
1:00 pm
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
Country Western
8:15 am
9:00 am
9:30 am
9:30 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
10:30 am
12:30 pm
1:00 pm
AARP Smart
Driver Course
9:00 am Billiards
9:30 am Basic Bidding Bridge
10:00 am Intermediate Spanish
11:00 am Chair Volleyball FB
Team Practice
12:30 am Sherlock Holmes Trip
1:00 pm Instructional Quilting
1:00 pm Needlecraft Group
2:00 pm Beginning Spanish
3:00 pm Strong & Balanced
8:15 am
9:00 am
9:30 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
1:00 pm
1:00 pm
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
1-5 pm
8:15 am
9:00 am
Basic Bidding Bridge 9:30 am
Intermediate Spanish
Cruisin’ Cuisine Trip 9:30 am
Chair Volleyball FB 10:00 am
Team Practice
10:30 am
Instructional Quilting 12:30 pm
Texas Hold ‘em
1:00 pm
Needlecraft Group
1:00 pm
Beginning Spanish
2:30 pm
Strong & Balanced
8:15 am
8:30 am
The Senior Center
will be closed in
observance of
Good Friday.
Basic Bidding Bridge
Intermediate Spanish
RAK: Animal Center
Chair Volleyball FB
Team Practice
Senior Advisory Board
Instructional Quilting
Needlecraft Group
Beginning Spanish
Strong & Balanced
Basic Bidding Bridge
Intermediate Spanish
Chair Volleyball FB
Team Practice
Instructional Quilting
Needlecraft Group
Beginning Spanish
Strong & Balanced
8:15 am
9-9:30 am
9:00 am
10:00 am
9:30 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
8:15 am
9:00 am
9:30 am
10:00 am
Garden Group
11:00 am
Texas Discovery Garden
11:00 am
12:00 pm Birthday Lunch
12:30 pm Party Bridge
1:00 pm
1:00 pm BINGO/Mah Jongg
1:00 pm
2:30 pm Adv Table Tennis
6:00 pm Microsoft Word
1:00 p.m.
6:00 pm Not Your Mama’s
2:00 pm
Exercise Class
3:00 pm
6:30 pm Waist Management
8:15 am
Power Walking
9:00 am
Strong & Balanced 9:30 am
Intermediate Bridge 10:00 am
Intermediate Spanish 10:00 am
Fitness Orientation
10:00 am
OpenChair Volleyball 12:30 pm
Begin Line Dance
Canasta/Hand & Foot 1:00 pm
1:00 pm
Beginning Spanish
1:00 pm
Stretch & Flex
2:30 pm
Craft Group
Round & Square Dance6:00 pm
Microsoft Word
Power Walking
9:00 am Yoga/Cribbage
9:30 am Genealogy Trip
10:00 am Strong & Balanced
10:00 am Intermediate Bridge
10:00 am Intermediate Spanish
11:00 pm Fitness Orientation
11:00 am Open Chair Volleyball
12:30 pm Begin Line Dance
1:00 pm Canasta/Hand & Foot
2:00 pm Beginning Spanish
3:00 pm Stretch & Flex
5-8 pm
Craft Group
5:30 pm Round & Square Dance
B-12 Shots
Rock & Mineral Club
Basic Bidding Bridge
Intermediate Spanish
Chair Volleyball FB
Team Practice
1:00 pm Instructional Quilting
1:00 p.m. Needlecraft Group
2:00 pm Beginning Spanish
Health & Wellness Talk 3:00 p.m. Strong & Balanced
8:15 am
8:15 am Power Walking
9:00 am
9:00 am Yoga/Cribbage
9:00 am
10:00 am Strong & Balanced
10:00 am Intermediate Spanish
10:00 am Intermediate Bridge 9:30 am
10:00 am
10am-2pm Tax Aide
10:30 am
11:00 pm Fitness Orientation
11:00 am Open Chair Volleyball 12:30 pm
12:30 pm Begin Line Dance
12:30 pm
2:00 pm Beginning Spanish
1:00 pm
3:00 pm Stretch & Flex
1:00 pm
5:30 pm Round & Square Dance 2:30 pm
6:00 pm Microsoft Word
2:30 pm
6:30 pm Alzheimer’s Support 6:00 pm
6:00 pm
Mothers Day ticket
sales start for residents 8:15 am
Stretch & Strength
Duplicate Bridge
Shared Moments
Mah Jongg
Acrylic Painting
Blue Champagne
8:15 am
9:00 am
9:30 am
9:30 am
10:00 am
10:30 am
12:00 pm
12:30 pm
1:00 pm
1:00 pm
2:30 pm
Power Walking
Neglected History
Waist Management
Quilting Group
Mah Jongg
Decorative Painting
Texas Blue Bonnets
1:00 pm Table Games and
Open Recreation
1-9:30 pm HOURS
1:00 pm
Table Games and
Open Recreation
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Square Dancing
Power Walking
1-5 pm
Neglected History
11am-5pm Blue Bonnet Tour in
Dr. Richard McCaslin
1:00 pm
Table Games and
Quilting Group
Open Recreation
Mah Jongg
Hand and Foot
Table Tennis
Power Walking
Neglected History
Quilting Group
Slash Your Stash
Mah Jongg
Hand and Foot
Table Tennis
1-9:30 pm HOURS
9am-9pm Train-Bike-Explore
Fort Worth Trip
1:00 pm
Table Games and
Open Recreation
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Square Dancing
Trips are posted each week on
Fridays at 12 p.m. and are available
to purchase for Farmers Branch
residents for one week.
Non-residents may purchase trips
after the first week they are posted
starting Friday at 12 p.m.
8 a.m.–8:45 p.m.
Thursday & Friday
8 a.m.–5 p.m.
1st, 3rd & 5th Saturdays 1 p.m.–5 p.m.
2nd & 4th Saturdays
1 p.m.–9:30 p.m.
March/April 2015
Pacesetters meet at the Addison Athletic Club
3900 Beltway Drive
(972) 450-7048
Activities & classes for adults 50+
About ten years ago, the Pacesetters senior group
at the Addison Athletic Club asked that a few
books be placed in a quiet upstairs room so that
members could read or hold book club meetings
there. Marietta Taylor, who has since moved away,
began collecting donated works of fiction and
the Town of Addison donated shelves. Marietta’s
efforts resulted in recognition by the Mayor for
having established the only library in Addison.
In the past decade, the library has grown
tremendously with shelves now going almost
completely around the room. The library and its
ever expanding collection of books is maintained
by volunteers Paula Welch (pictured, from left) and
Mary Reed. These two women take care of all the
donations, tag incoming books, and organize the
shelves. The library is free to residents of Addison,
and while many enjoy relaxing in the library to read,
other take out books to read at home.
Page 15
Metrocrest Senior News
Paula Welch (pictured, from left) and
Mary Reed maintain the ever growing
collection of fiction in the Addison
Athletic Center library.
Carrollton Senior Center
1720 Keller Springs Road
(972) 466-4850
Activities & classes for adults 50+
When Lori Luckey,
Activity Coordinator,
asked those who
volunteer at the
Carrollton Senior
Center to come in for
a group picture, over
half of them showed
up, even with little
notice. “They’re
all willing to do
whatever we ask of
them, from picking
up bread to making coffee, acting as class managers, working in the kitchen and much more,”
Lori said. On a regular basis, volunteers work a half day beside a staff member at the front desk
where they answer phones, greet guests and give tours of the facility. Some have been active
volunteers for a decade, and some are just beginning their service. All are happy to be a part of
the community at the senior center and the staff is grateful for their assistance.
Fashion Accessory Exchange and Pot Luck
Monday, March 23, 11 am
You may ask, what is a fashion accessory? Well, we think it applies to
scarves, handbags, bracelets, or necklaces. Lori would also consider a tiara
a fashion accessory. Bring your gently used bling and a dish to share for
a morning of trading lollapalooza. Please sign up at the front desk. The
Senior Center will provide iced tea and utensils.
Farmers Branch Senior Center
4055 Dennis Lane
(972) 919-8740
Activities & classes for adults 50+
Karen Aubrey grew up dancing,
“In rural Nebraska, it’s a part
of the culture,” she said. After
retiring as a flight attendant, she
enjoyed ballroom dancing with
her husband. When he passed
away, she began line dancing
because the moves are the same
as in ballroom dancing, but you
do it alone. “Line dancing is
one of the best forms of exercise
Intermediate/Advanced Line Dance Class members; back
for older adults,” Karen said,
row, from left: Richard Brown, Sharon Sugarek, Josie Bates,
adding, “it really works your
and Doris Bush. Front row, from left: Joyce Mills, Theresa
mind to memorize the steps
and then recall the steps as you Kindle, Barbara Wren, Bev McGuire, Karen Aubrey, Terri
Alexander, and Shannon Morehouse.
coordinate your body to move
with the music.” Classes for beginner, intermediate and advanced dancers are held regularly at
the center. The North Texas Line Dance Classic, an all day event that includes a catered lunch,
will be held at the FBSC on June 19th. To learn more, visit
Dried Gourd Luminary Class—Tuesday, March 24th at 1 p.m.
Fee includes gourd and dyes; participants will bring a dremel or drill with ¼" bits. For more
information, call Linda Klark at the FBSC, (972) 919-8740.
Lucille York (left)
and Suzanne
Ames at work in
a recent class,
weaving a pine
straw collar onto
gourd bowls.
Coppell Community & Senior Center
345 W. Bethel Road
(972) 462-5136
Activities & classes for adults 55+
Tom Garding became involved with the Coppell
Community & Senior Center before it even existed;
he served on the steering committee that came up
with the design concept and layout of the facility.
His engineering background served him well as
issues arose with the building and he had to work
with subcontractors to complete construction of the
building. Beautifully situated in a park-like setting,
the Center serves all residents of the community,
offering a wide range of classes and social gatherings.
“The Center gives people an opportunity to get
out and make new friends,” Tom said, adding, “an
opportunity to get off the couch and enjoy this time
of their lives.” Tom currently serves as Chair of the
Advisory Board, and among his other activities,
coordinates the monthly Texas Hold’Em tournaments.
The City of Coppell Senior
Center will hold its’ annual
Casino Night on Saturday,
March 21st, 2015 from
4:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. with a
theme of Jeans and Jewels.
The event will include live
band, food stations, casino
play and a chance to win
Page 16
Metrocrest Services Staff
Tracy Eubanks, Chief Executive Officer
Charlie Lindner, Chief Financial Officer
Kathy Blaschke, Transportation & Home
Repair Director
Nicole Newkham, Senior Director,
Development & Community Engagement
Mike Harris, Development Manager
Erica Mahoney, Volunteer & Pantry
Camilla Zimbal, Senior Director, Financial
Stability Programs
Tammy Payton, Program Manager
Patricia Granados, Employment Coordinator
Sharonda Burnett, Case Worker
Kelsey Cox, Case Worker
Liza Sullivan-Galloway, Case Worker
Claudia Rodriguez, Case Worker
Barbara Ball, Information Coordinator
Kathy Thompson, Administrative Assistant
Bruce Gibson, Information & Referral
Dary Dorantes, Information & Referral
Rich Piper, Home Repair Coordinator
Judy Chamberlin, Driver
Larry Dennis, Driver
Glenda Lappe, Driver
Ronnie Lappe, Driver
Judy Twu, Driver
Ralph Valliere, Driver
Frankie Wilford, Metrocrest Senior News
(972) 446-2100
Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Saturday, 9 a.m.–1 p.m.
Metrocrest Resale Staff
Laura Siadek, Manager
Jason Catlett
Scott Jones
Brandy Hashman
Joanne Kelly
Crystal Hipp
Jessica Muresan
Kim Huskey
March/April 2015
Metrocrest Senior News
Monday, May 18, 2015
for Metrocrest Services
Golf Tournament «
Brookhaven Country Club
in Farmers Branch
Visit our website
for information or call
Tracy Eubanks, CEO at (972) 446-2100
to learn about sponsorship opportunities.
You can reach thousands
of seniors with your
sponsor ad on this page.
For more information, contact
Tracy Eubanks by email:
Metrocrest Services Senior News—March/April ’15
This newspaper is published bi-monthly by Metrocrest Services, a non-profit agency serving Addison,
Carrollton, Coppell, Farmers Branch and city of Dallas in Denton County. The printed News is delivered
free to homes of 60+ area residents and is free to everyone on-line at
Does your stuff
own you?
The emotional attachment
felt for the things we own can
create conflict as treasures
and a lifetime of memories
stand between us and the
need to declutter. We all
have too much stuff, and are
often resistant to the idea
of letting any of it go until
an illness or pending move
forces us to consider what is
really of value.
When moving from a
3 bedroom home to a one
bedroom apartment, one
wise member of our senior
community set a time for her children take the
pieces they wanted. She then invited her close
friends to come and take items they admired or
could use. She was comfortable in donating the
rest, knowing that the proceeds would remain
in the community.
When working to reduce clutter, focus
on items used most often and let the rest go.
Don’t go by the newest and best; go by what
you use. If you are moving,
take only the items you will
actually use. If you have
an array of family photos
or a treasured collection,
pick your favorite piece to
highlight in your new home.
Share what remains with
family members or make a
photos album of the pieces
for a keepsake.
When downsizing
or decluttering, collect
your household goods,
decorative items, furniture
and collectibles and call
Metrocrest Resale at (972) 250-1900 to
schedule a pick up for your tax deductible
Remember that sales events, new inventory
and alerts on one-of-a-kind items are always
posted on our Facebook page!
All proceeds from our store benefit your
friends and neighbors through the programs of
Metrocrest Services.
Metrocrest Resale
Bent Tree Plaza
2661 Midway Rd., #207 in Carrollton
Mon.–Sat.: 10 a.m.–7 p.m.,
Every Tuesday is
Senior Discount Day
Save 20% off regularly
priced items.
Visit Metrocrest Resale on Facebook!
Disposable Incontinence Products Available
Metrocrest Services currently has a large supply of adult disposable diapers in our
warehouse and we are giving them away at no cost. If you or someone you know has a
need for this product, please call us at (972) 446-2100.
March 19, 2015
Marriott Quorum in Addison
Our biggest fundraiser, the Keyholder Breakfast, supports the
many assistance programs that benefit local families and seniors.
Although our 2014 event brought in 50% over the previous
year, the need in our community continues to grow. The 2015
Keyholder Breakfast will be held at the Marriott Quorum in
Addison on Thursday, March 19th.
If you would like to sponsor or purchase tickets to attend
this event, please contact Mike Harris at (974) 446-2130
or email