MIDDLE GEORGIA COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES April 16, 2015 The Middle Georgia Community Action Agency, Inc. Board of Directors met at 121 Prince Street, Warner Robins, Georgia on Thursday, April 16, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. Mr. Willie Shannon, Vice-Chairman, called the meeting to order. Mr. Jesse Hall offered the invocation. Mr. Shannon asked for Board Member updates. On motion by Mr. Jesse Hall, second by Mr. Rodney Stewart, the minutes of the March 19, 2015 board meeting were approved as submitted. No report from Personnel, Planning or Human Rights Committees. In the absence of Finance Committee Chairman Hansel Morris, Mr. Larry Southerland, Director of Financial Operations, reviewed the financial narrative, income statement and balance sheet for the period ending March 31, 2015 which are made a part of these minutes. On motion by Mr. Rodney Stewart, second by Mrs. Shirley Rouse, the financial reports were accepted as information. Ms. Robin Sergent, Deputy Director, using a Power Point presentation, gave a report on the status of specific agency programs and the impact of funding decisions on programs. Ms. Sergent provided the Board with a written report and a handout of the Power Point presentation which are made a part of these minutes. Ms. Sergent provided information on the CSBG Organizational Standards and the IS Report. These documents were provided to each board member for review. Ms. Sergent reported that funds had been awarded by the United Way for the Home Delivered Meals Program. Through donor designations and Community Impact Funds, the agency will receive $25,000. Emergency Food and Shelter funds have been allocated for the remaining counties of Butts, Jones, Monroe and Pike. Ms. Sergent reported that the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority had approved the carry-over of funds for the DOE and HHS 2014-2015 contracts. They have also approved the 2015-2016 DOE contract in the amount of $130,688 and the Georgia Power contract for $53,464. With new contracts in place, an additional crew may be hired to assist in the implementation of these contracts. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Tom McMichael reported that the Strategic Planning Committee had met prior to the full board meeting to develop and review the following documents: Board of Director’s Self Assessment Agency Risk Assessment Organizational Standards Mission Statement Strategic Plan Board of Directors Policies The committee asked that each director complete a Self-Assessment and return it at the next meeting. Mr. McMichael reported that the management team will complete the Agency Risk Assessment and submit to the committee before the next committee meeting. Mr. McMichael reported that the committee reviewed each question on the Organizational Standards for compliance. The committee will meet again to review the results of the Board’s Self Assessments, Agency Risk Assessment and any Organizational Standards found to be out of compliance. At the recommendation of the committee and on motion by Mr. Tom McMichael, second by Mrs. Ellestene Stephens, the Board of Director’s Policies, Strategic Plan and agency Mission Statement, were accepted and approved as presented. COMMENTS: The board of directors wished Mr. Willie Shannon a Happy 81rst Birthday. ADJOURNMENT: On motion by Mr. Jesse Hall, second by Mr. Rodney Stewart, there being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. ____________________________ Hansel Morris, Secretary Present: Sammie Nelson Jesse Hall Rodney Stewart Donald Floyd Ellestene Stephens Willie Shannon Joe Collins Tom McMichael Staff: Robin Sergent Larry Southerland Tammy Sosebee Shirley Rouse David Crenshaw Dr. Scott Malone
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