May 2015 M ETAMORA GRADE S C H OO L MGS Messenger **In This Issue** PTO 8-9 Superintendent’s Segment 2 School News 10-15 Principal’s Perspectives 3-4 Community News 16-20 Dean’s Dispatch 5 Activity Calendar 21 School Information 6-7 Menus 22-23 M GS Messen ger Superintendent’s Segment P age 2 As I draft my last “Superintendent’s Segment” for the school year, I need to begin by sharing my most sincere appreciation to many groups of people. As always, my first note of appreciation goes to the MGS teachers who continue to work so hard for the benefit of our kids. Other groups to thank include aides, bus drivers, kitchen/cafeteria employees, our secretaries, custodians, bookkeeper, and technology director. Our PTO, Education Foundation, as well as the Athletic and Music Boosters are in need of thanks for the many things they do for kids. I also want to thank the Mr. Payne Superintendent administrative team, Mrs. Costello and Mr. Damery, and the members of the Board of Education. I realize that in an effort to thank different groups of people, I’m going to forget some that are truly deserving of thanks and appreciation. If I have missed key groups of people, I offer a sincere apology. For all of our many volunteers, thank you for being a crucial part of another successful school year. As we close this school year and look ahead to next, we continue to face so much uncertainty in state supported school funding. Education reform continues, as do the many mandates that continue to come our way. Unfortunately, added financial support doesn’t seem to be coming with it. As we close the current fiscal year, we’ve seen additional cuts in state funding that go beyond the cuts that were already in place to start the school year. The largest allocation of state funds comes in the form of General State Aid. We are currently receiving GSA at about the same rate that we did ten years ago. Unfortunately, the cost to do business, as in the rest of the world, has not remained at the Fiscal Year 2005 rate. The end result for school districts becomes deficit spending, and facing hardships in making ends meet. We too are dealing with these most difficult financial times. My request is simple – thank a teacher! As we closely watch and study news from Springfield, and as we learn more about cuts in funding, the continued onslaught of education reform and unfunded mandates, discussion of greatly reduced retirement benefits, etc., the MGS staff remains focused on our number one client – Kids! Accountability is often the underlying theme of the numerous reform measures that have come our way. Accountability in any profession is not only a good thing, it’s a must. We’ve known that at MGS for years, and we truly don’t need a mandate that tells us kids should gain in knowledge from the first to the last day of the school year. We will continue to celebrate in the fact that we are in the top 25% of the state academically, and in the lowest 25% of the state in dollars spent to get the job done. I apologize if I have the appearance of getting on the soap box. Maybe it’s more than an appearance. When I see the true effort and compassion in our classrooms every day, when I see the success of fine arts and athletics, when I go the recent science fair (WHICH WAS WAY BEYOND A COOL EVENT FOR KIDS!) and see junior high students are so excited they can’t wait to show me their projects – then I do see the need to find the soap box. The words, “We Celebrate Excellence!” are more than something that was put up in places around the school for a catchy appearance. MGS does an outstanding job of educating kids and as a school district I truly believe that we’re one of the best! I’ll end this section of my article with a few simple requests. The first is to thank a teacher, an aide, a principal, a dean of students, secretary, tech director, cafeteria worker, custodian, bus driver, and member of the school board for everything they do for our kids! **And thank the group as well that I’m sure I have forgotten**. Too often my thoughts have included people into one of the groups listed above. I don’t want to leave anyone out of the MGS family. Everyone in this family deserves thanks! My second request is to stay in touch with our congressmen. They have a very difficult challenge ahead of them. Still, I encourage you to reach out to them and keep our kids and schools as a primary focus of importance. LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL The following schedule is for the last week of student attendance: Monday, June 1 – Teacher Institute, No School for Students Tuesday, June 2 – Last Day of School, 11:30 dismissal for students 8TH GRADE GRADUATION As a reminder, 8th grade graduation has been scheduled for Wednesday, May 20, at 7:00 p.m. The ceremony will take place in our large gym. Congratulations to our graduating students, and best of luck in high school Thank you all again for being part of another successful school year – have a great summer! M GS Messen ger Principal’s Perspective P age 3 Latchkey: If you are interested in your child attending latchkey next school year, please remember that you must renew your registration information (Do not assume you are on the Latchkey list due to the fact that you attended the previous school year.) Remember to sign up for the 2015-2016 school year before the first day of school so we have an accurate count and the teachers get your child to latchkey. Mrs. Costello The Metamora Grade School community has been so generous in donating school supplies to our school! MGS understands that times are tough for many families. Over the summer, as you begin thinking of buying school supplies and you are one of the families that could use some help, please contact the school at 367-2361 or email Mrs. Costello at: Just mention that you need school supplies and we will arrange to make that happen! _______________________________________________________________________ K-8 Principal Thanks to all of the wonderful MGS volunteers!!! We really appreciate everyone that has volunteered throughout the school year. Your time and fine efforts has helped enrich learning and make school activities so much fun at our school. Many thanks to all of the MGS volunteers that helped throughout the year copying educational materials, being room parents for holiday parties, helping with PTO activities, helping in the classroom, helping with the graduation reception/ dance, and baking for special school events, etc. A SPECIAL THANKS TO THE MGS EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION COMMITTEE FOR FUNDING MY 2015-2016 GRANT!! Again, this year this grant money helped to fund awards for the K-8 special character awards and it provided items for the Redbird store, too…..Thanks so much!!!! Please continue to take the summer to keep your child busy and involved in their education. Sign them up for summer reading programs and other camps that are available. It’s not just about activity as much as it is about thinking and using their skills. So many academic skills can be lost over the summer. MGS teachers and I encourage parents to seek out educational opportunities that are available in the area. To get specific ideas of where to look, contact your child’s teacher. Graduation Festivities Committee 7th Grade Parents: Traditionally, parents of 7th graders have helped to plan, set up, and chaperone the 8th grade graduation party/dance and graduation reception. If you are interested in helping out, please call Mrs. Costello 367-2361 or Deb Adlington and let us know of your interest. We can tell you about the process. Even if you just have some ideas, that’s help enough. 7th and 8th Grade Parents: There will be no 7th and 8th grade finals in May for your child due to the EOY PARCC assessment. Have a great summer!! Principal’s Perspective M GS Messen ger Mrs. Costello K-8 Principal P age 4 It is hard to believe that it is May and the 2013-14 school year will soon be ending. The month of May will be filled with various exciting activities as field trips; Fun Day, concerts, Spring Fine Arts Festival and some of the dates for the K-8 students are highlighted listed below: May 1, 2015 (Fri.) May 5, 2015 (Tues.) May 6, 2015 (Wed.) May 6, 2015 (Wed.) May 7, 2015 (Thurs.) May 8, 2015 (Fri.) May 12, 2015 (Tues.) May 14, 2015 (Thurs.) Celebration in Peoria May 14, 2015 (Thurs.) May 15, 2015 (Fri.) May 15, 2015 (Fri.) May 15, 2015 (Fri) May 18, 2015 (Mon.) May 18, 2015 (Mon.) May 19, 2015 (Tues.) May 20, 2015 (Wed.) Graduation May 21, 2015 (Thurs.) May 22, 2015 (Fri.) May 28, 2015 (Thurs.) May 29, 2015 (Fri ) June 1, 2015 (Mon.) June 2, 2015 (Tues.) Jr. High Band to Chicago Kindergarten Screening Kindergarten Screening Staff Luncheon 4th/5th Spring Concert 8th grade class trip Spring Choral Concert Jazz Bands at Arts in Education Spring Redbird Store (K-4) Redbird Store (K-4) Jazz Night at MGS 8th Grade Graduation Practice 8th Grade Dance 8th) Grade Graduation Practice 8th Grade Graduation Practice 8th Grade Graduation @ 7PM; 6th and 7th Grade Band Performs @ Board Meeting DARE Graduation K-4 Fun Day Field Day –Jr. High Teacher Institute –No school for students Last day of school **1/2 Day Summer Office Hours As we head into the summer months, please remember that the district office is not open on the same schedule as the school year. Tuesday, June 2 – June 3rd – 5th June 9th – July 30th – Office Closure Dates: August 3rd – 14th – August 17th – normal office hours (open until 4:00 p.m.) the office will be open from 7:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Summer Office Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings from 7:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. During the summer the school office is closed on Monday and Friday. the office will be closed the entire week of July 6th-10th, and on July 14th, for summer cleaning. the office will be open from 7:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. the office will return school-year hours, 7:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. M GS Messen ger Dean’s Dispatch P age 5 Mr. Damery Dean of Students March Student of the Month Winners Kindergarten Mrs. Boulton’s Class Emily Peterson Mrs. Ott’s Class Gracie Johns Mrs. Springer’s Class Kamryn Forney Ms. Vogel’s Class Anna Alvarez Mrs. Duncan’s Class Alivia DeLap 1st Grade Mrs. Nolte’s Class Nolan Hyde Mrs. Rutherford’s Class Sarah Patrick Mrs. Call’s Class Addyson Wooden Ms. Rhodes’ Class Rowan Carpentier Ms. Bernitt’s Class Chloe Blumenshine 2nd Grade Mrs. Ratliff’s Class Josh Madori Mrs. King’s Class Will Asbury Mrs. Brown’s Class Sophia Eaton Mrs. Fehr’s Class Gavin Johnsen 3rd Grade Mrs. Peterson’s Class Kai Morrow Mrs. Grebner’s Class Alex Lehn Mrs. Domenighini’s Class Angel Jones Mrs. Hess’s Class Seth Baumann 4th Grade Mrs. Phillip’s Class Kailani Egli Mrs. Steele’s Class Allie DeLost Mrs. Brown’s Class Peyton Morrison Mrs. Biernat’s Class Noah Symmonds th 5 Grade Mrs. Anglin’s Class Ashley Strehlow Mrs. Sutherland’s Class Emma Blunier Mrs. Peck’s Class Drew DesJardins Mrs. Wilson’s Class Alex Shaff 6th Grade Mrs. Anglin’s Class Kathryn Blackburn Mr. Koonce’s Class Ciara Abernathe Mrs. Gualandri’s Class Camerin Rasmussen Mrs. McKenzie’s Class Brian Lelm Mrs. Cansino’s Class Ethan Shoemaker 7th Grade Grant Woodruff 8th Grade Maggie Murray March Self-Discipline Character Trait Winner Kindergarten Mrs. Boulton’s Class Jacob Vincent Mrs. Ott’s Class Zach Born Mrs. Springer’s Class Evie Crispen Ms. Vogel’s Class Nolan Liesen Mrs. Duncan’s Class Kate Liesen st 1 Grade Mrs. Nolte’s Class Mia Whitfield Mrs. Rutherford’s Class Naomi Roth Mrs. Call’s Class Carley Delinski Ms. Rhodes’ Class Grady Read Ms. Bernitt’s Class Zeke Bevard nd 2 Grade Mrs. Ratliff’s Class Ellie Cox Mrs. King’s Class Mackenzie Cook Mrs. Brown’s Class Jarod Grap Mrs. Fehr’s Class Annika Welke 3rd Grade Mrs. Peterson’s Class Hannah Yoder Mrs. Grebner’s Class Allie Vancil Mrs. Domenighini’s Class Kayla Strehlow Mrs. Hess’s Class Samuel Stamm 4th Grade Mrs. Phillip’s Class Logan England Mrs. Steele’s Class Dalton Shuda Mrs. Brown’s Class Madison Morge Mrs. Biernat’s Class Jessica Lelm 5th Grade Mrs. Anglin’s Class Owen Keenan Mrs. Sutherland’s Class Carson Irvin Mrs. Peck’s Class Brenan Porch Mrs. Wilson’s Class Lydia Bishel 6th Grade Mrs. Anglin’s Class Tea Dvizac Mr. Koonce’s Class Logan Fitz Mrs. Gualandri’s Class Jackie Mahan Mrs. McKenzie’s Class Danielle Dominy Mrs. Cansino’s Class Erin Horan 7th Grade Khea Barnes 8th Grade Maggie Dean SCHOOL INFORMATION M GS Messen ger P age 6 SPRING WEATHER Spring weather is here; students are beginning to dress for warmer weather. School-appropriate shorts mean that they are a longer length. A good way to measure is to have your student stand with his or her arms at their side. If the shorts are at or longer than their fingertips, the short length would be viewed as fine. Anything shorter than that will mean a phone call home for some school-appropriate clothing. This is the time of year that the temperatures are so unpredictable! Please make sure your students have a jacket to keep them warm from the chilly winds. They are not allowed to stay indoors if they do not have a jacket. Make sure students have tennis shoes for recess. Boots with heels, flip flops and sandals are not allowed on climbing equipment or in running games for safety. K-8 Parents/Guardians, We are in the process of planning for the 2015-2016 school year. If there is a possibility that you are planning to move outside the MGS school district before the start of school next year, please notify one of the school offices at 367-2361 (K-5) or 367-2377 (Jr. High) as soon as possible. This would be a tremendous help to the school when ordering materials, establishing the number of homerooms, and making a smooth transition for people moving in and out of the school district. If you know you are moving and do not have time to call in, please fill out the information below and have your child return this form to their homeroom teacher and they will let the office know. We will be moving to another school district before the next school (2015-2016) year begins. (Name of child/grade level-- Place it on the line above): (Parent Signature/Date—Place it on the line above): If you can return this form by May 15th, it would be greatly appreciated. *Please note that your child will be assigned their 2015-2016 homeroom teacher’s name during the summer and next year’s teacher name will not be placed on your child’s end-of-the year report card. With the economy in question and possible fluctuation of classroom numbers, I will be placing your child’s assigned homeroom list on the front door of the building on Aug. 1. You child’s jr. high schedules can be obtained on-line the first week of August. Thanks again for your time and fine efforts. Mrs. Costello M GS Messen ger SCHOOL INFORMATION P age 7 REMEMBER….. If your child is absent or going to be late to school PLEASE call the office. Junior High student call 367-2377. Kindergarten - 5th grade call 367-2361 Reminder: Kinder gar ten, 2nd and 6th gr ader s ar e r equir ed to have a dental examination. Make sure that you have scheduled your appointment. Just a reminder to all parents that by law, a courthouse copy of each child's birth certificate must be on file at the school. Letters have been sent to all parents who need to provide birth certificates. If you received a letter, please provide the school with a copy of the birth certificate as soon as possible. 5th-8th Grade MGS Website Information— All 5th-8th grade parents using Skyward: If you have lost your access information, please email to let him know. He will send you further information regarding access. There is a new Junior High homework page. You can access that using our school website under JH Home- work. Hopefully, this page is a little more streamlined and you know what work will be coming home to complete. Our Daily Announcements can also be found on our school website. 8th Grade Activities for graduation, class trip, and MTHS registration information has a new website as well. All the information you need can be found at that website. It will be updated as new information becomes available. Check us out on the web! ATTN: ALL PARENTS OF STUDENTS IN GRADES 6th - 8th Immunization: Beginning with school year 2011-12 the Illinois Department of Public Health mandates that any child entering sixth grade shall show proof (see Section 665.250(b) of receiving one dose of Tdap (defined as tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis) vaccine regardless of the interval since the last DTaP, DT or Td dose. The HPV immunization is highly recommended at this time, also, but is not required. Students entering grades 6th through 12th who have not already received Tdap are required to receive 1 Tdap dose regardless of the interval since the last DTaP, DT or Td dose. School Physicals and Immunizations The Illinois Department of Public Health mandates that all students entering sixth grade must have proof of a physical done after August 18, 2013, on file in the school office. Students moving from another state must also provide a physical and eye exam after August 18, 2013. Please remember to fill out and sign the health history portion of the physical or it will be returned to you. All fifth grade students must have proof of the Hepatitis B immunization series on file in the school office. Due to the fact that this is a 3 series immunization, it is imperative that you start these immediately. Immunizations may be obtained at the health department in Eureka on Wednesdays from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 and 1:00-3:30 p.m. If your child had the Hepatitis series as a baby, it is not necessary to have it repeated. All 2014-2015 incoming kindergarten students must have a physical and vision exam that was done after August 19, 2013. It is imperative that we have these on file in the school office by October 15, 2014, or your M GS Messen ger PTO NOTES P age 8 M GS Messen ger PTO NOTES P age 9 A hugh “Thank you” to Mrs. Costello, Ms. Rhodes, Jackie Jones, Amy and Neil Hess, Kim Suarez, Gill Osborn, Shay Ronna, Maryn Bevard and Gary Salm for volunteering this school year with Family Fun Night. Your talents and time made our activities a real success and could not have been accomplished without you! M GS Messen ger Ms. Trotter Band Director SCHOOL NEWS P age 1 0 Fifth Grade Band-YEAH BAND!!! This band has done an incredible job this year. If you missed hearing this band you still have two more chances left. The Spring Concert is May 7 at 7:00. Band members should meet in the band room at 6:30. The fifth grade band will give their final performance of the year at the DARE graduation. The graduation is scheduled for May 22 in the gym. The band will be performing during the ceremony. Band members will participate in the ceremony with their classes also. Please make sure your student remembers his instrument and music for both of these performances. Thanks for your cooperation, I really appreciate your help! Please make sure your student is practicing his or her instrument this summer. Three months is a long time to go without getting the horn out. We have just started working with a new CD. I would suggest you consider buying CD ($13) for your student to play along with this summer. This would be an incredible help to them this summer when I am not around. I will need your help and support so that students do not fall behind over this break! Sixth Grade Band-The Sixth Grade Band gave an excellent performance at the spring concert. This band has really pulled together this year. If you have not seen them yet you have been missing out. Your chance is not over yet! We will be performing on Thursday, May 7 at 2:15 in the gym. The 6th Grade Band will also be combining with the Jr. High for a Graduation Band at the eighth grade graduation. The eighth grade graduation is Wednesday, May 20 at 7:00. Sixth grade band members should meet in the band room at 6:00. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give me a call. Please make sure your student is practicing over the summer. Jr. High Band-WHAT A BAND!!! This band has done a super job this year. They gave an incredible spring concert! However, we still have a lot of work to do before the year is over. If you missed hearing this band you will have a couple of chances left. We will be performing at an assembly Thursday, May 7 for our school in the gym from 2:15-2:55. The band will also be playing at the eighth grade graduation, Wednesday, May 20 at 7:00. Band members need to be in the band room at 6:00. Congratulations to all those graduating! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me. Recorders-The Spring Concert is just around the corner. It is scheduled for May 7 at 7:00!! Recorders should meet in their homerooms at 6:45. The recorders will give their final performance of the year at an assembly for K-3 classes Friday, May 8 from 12:30-1. If your student would like to continue the recorder over the summer you may want to consider purchasing a tape $(10) or CD($15) for your student to play along with this summer. Can you believe it is time to think about next year already? Next year your students will have the exciting opportunity of joining our band program. Please mark these dates on your calendar. (see calendar at the end of the newsletter) Jr. High Jazz Band-Excellence takes a lot of dedication; to get up early to go to rehearsal. This band has two more performances. The Jr. High Jazz Band has been invited to perform by the Peoria County Regional Superintendent of Schools to perform for the 26th Annual Arts In Education Spring Celebration at the Monument in downtown Peoria. We will be performing Thursday, May 14 from 12:15-12:45 at the Monument in downtown Peoria. If you get a chance, come down and hear us over your lunch hour. We would love to see you! Over 17,000 students from 135 schools will perform, demonstrate and exhibit their programs in Fine Arts and Applied Arts during the four-week event. This project is sponsored by the Peoria County Regional Office of Education, Gerald M. Brookhart, Superintendent. Funding is provided by Caterpillar, Enc., First of America Bank, Bank One, South Side Trust and Savings Bank, Commerce Bank, Magna Bank, Peoria Arts and Sciences Council, Illinois Arts Council, Illinois American Water Company and WMBDTV-Radio. Jazz Band II-This band has also been invited to perform for the 26 th Annual Arts in Education Spring Celebration by the Peoria Regional Superintendent of Schools. We will be performing May 12 from 12:15-12:45 at the Monument in downtown Peoria. Scholarship Winner-This year’s Band Camp scholarship winner is Noah Berkshier. He will be attending camp at Illinois State University. His camp fees were sponsored by the MGS Music Boosters. Thank you so much for making this possible! Way To Go- This year's award winners are Most Improved 6th Grade Musician-Camerin Rasmussen, Most Improved 7th Grade Musicians-Clare Campbell and CJ Bennett, Most Improved 8th Grade Musicians-Noah Curless and Carter Pearson, Most Improved Colorguard -Alexis Barnes, Outstanding Colorguard Member-Maggie Dean, Robby Kern Memorial Award -Sophie Carrico, and Outstanding Musician-Noah Berkshier. Way to Go! SCHOOL NEWS M GS Messen ger P age 1 1 MGS BAND SCHEDULE May 14 Jazz Bands at Arts in Education Spring Celebration Band Assembly (tentative) May 15 MGS Jazz Night May 7 4th/5th Spring Concert May 20 6th & 7th Grade Perform at 8th Grade Graduation May 8 Recorder Assembly (tentative) May 22 DARE Graduation May 1 Jr. High Band to Chicago May 7 MGS Academy of Music Due to a great deal of interest from students and parents instrumental music lessons will be offered at MGS this summer. Lessons will be offered on the following instruments: Flute Oboe Clarinet Saxophone French Horn Trumpet Trombone Baritone Tuba Mallet (keyboard) Percussion Snare Drum Drum Set Guitar Piano Lessons will be once a week for half an hour. If you are interested please contact Miss Trotter at 251-9692 or email me at ASAP. A limited number of spots are available! M GS Messen ger SCHOOL NEWS P age 1 2 CARNIVAL SUCCESS! I would like to share with everyone the success of the 2015 Carnival. We posted record profits this year! I am thrilled to announce, for the first time, WE MADE OVER $20,000! This is almost $2,000 over last year. We are very blessed to have so many people support this cause. You all know it takes the children, their parents, the MGS staff, businesses and the community to have accomplished this incredible success. Please, take some time to look it over. We are extremely grateful to these donors! We hope we did not miss anyone that should be on the list and thanked as well. They play a great part in helping us achieve such a huge profit. If you are interested in helping chair, co-chair or be involved in a committee for the MGS Foundation for Educational Excellence Spring Carnival, contact Elisha Bachman, 2015 Carnival Donations Nichole Coates, Scentsy Patty Bonczkowski Mandi Washburn jenny b photography Russell’s Cycle Angela Boulton, Scentsy Lisa Shaw, Wildtree Elisha Bachman, SceneGence D’elisha’s Sweet Creations, Photography by Heather Ball WeightnCardio Blue Apparel for Life Kelli Zaremba, POSH pampering Hollie Delinski, POSH pampering Mazzenga Family Carquest Sunnyland Cinemas Monicals Katie Radovich, Thirty one Snag Creek Kirsten Liesen, Scentsy SYNERGY SPORTS FACILITY Shawna Wendte – Isagenix Carrie Walters – Norwex Goodfield State Bank Plaza Lanes Redbird Mart Mike Meier DMD Bachman Family EC Sluggers PA House of Speed Baked Blessings, cookies and tr uffles, $10 gift cer t. total $50 value 309 Technologies, $125 value basket Roger Burke Jewelers MGS Foundation for Educational Excellence Erin Foster, Redbir d Plate Kenny Robertson Julie Bowald, Jim Maloof Realty, FitBit $115 Monica Camper, Easter Wr eath, $50 Lisa Devore, Redbir d Wr eath, $80 Metamora Park District, Concession stand 2 @$5, free family pass 2 @ $??, Merrilee Studios $49 value Historic Grounds, $25 gift car d Benardi’s $25 gift cer t. Hillside Cleaners $20 gift car d Five Points, 7 visit family pass, $75 value Simply Organized & Staged, $275 value Embassy Suites, one night suite, $??? Stoney Creek Inn, one night stay, $199 value Burger Barge, $10 gift cer t ReNew Sport & Therapeutic Massage, $40 value Sleep Inn & Suites, $??? Value Plaza Lanes, $??? I Kneaded That, Nicole Garber 60 Min. massage $??? Tip Top Nails, Pedicur e, $??? Manicure, $??? Snag Creek Golf Course, 18 holes w/car t $??? Maple Seeds Photography, family session $??? The Flame Family Restaurant, $20 gift cer t. Metamora Fields, 2 golf passes. Gr een Fee w/car t Geo’s $20 gift car d M GS Messen ger SCHOOL NEWS Snag Creek Golf Course, 18 holes w/car t $??? Maple Seeds Photography, family session $??? The Flame Family Restaurant, $20 gift cer t. Metamora Fields, 2 golf passes. Gr een Fee w/car t Geo’s $20 gift car d Becca Gangloff, The Hair Connection, $45 value crust pizza, 1 fr ee buffet, $??? Metamora IGA, $50 gift car d RiverPlex passes valued @ $44 Caterpillar Visitors Center, 4 passes, $?? Peoria Riverfront Museum, 4 passes $??? Cliff’s, $30 gift cer t. Michael’s, 1 Spaghetti Feast, $??? Bradley, Soccer , Men’s Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball Kohl’s Tommy Grebner, homemade wine Trac Automotive, gir l’s bike, $150 Mandi Washburn, $90 value Pet Palace, $25 gift car d Zobrist Family Holiday Inn & Suites Ken Matson, $35 value, Redbir d yar d sign Commerce Bank, basket $50, and $500 check Thorton’s McDonald’s, toys MYSA L.A. Tan, $? Farrell’s, $349 Biaggi’s $50 Kristina’s Quilts, $380 Walmart, $25 Hickory Bend Band, $400/3hour s Dutch Landscape Jeremy Mischler Window Repair Sherman’s, $50 Jamberry Nails, $? Studio B, Sarah Roe, $40 wax and cut Curves, 1 month $? Express Detail, $75 La Gondola, family feast $24 JR Stables, $? Simply Signs & Screen Printing Brunks, $? Hollands, Car amel Cor n Mary Upp, $? Glen Oak Zoo, $? Petsmart, $? Logowear, $? Heartland Bank, $200 Midwest Equipment, 2 weed eater sets Mercedes Restaurant, Bur ger Teamworks, $? Seven, $50 Peoria Chiefs Riverman Dixon’s, Lobster Boil $75 Uftring Hoffstetter Wonderwall J. Hess Schooner’s Midway Duck Inn bow-licious Bushwhacker DoTerra, Myranda Driskell Snap On Tools, Mike Kluever MTHS- These are the camps donated: Baseball Boys Soccer Girls Soccer Cheer Dance Volleyball 10 game pass $25 P age 1 3 M GS Messen ger SCHOOL NEWS P age 1 4 ATTN: ALL PARENTS OF MGS KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS FOR FALL 2015 In order to plan for next year, it is imperative that all students eligible for kindergarten in the fall of 2015 register as soon as possible. If you or any of your friends/neighbors have children who will be five by September 1, 2015*, please encourage them to register at Metamora Grade School. Please stop in the school office and register in person between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. If you have any questions, please call the office at 367-2361. We understand the number of working parents is ever increasing; therefore, we have made all the registration papers available on the school’s website. You can print the forms, complete them by hand, and return them to the school office. Our webmaster has even included the dental, physical, and vision forms that will need to be taken to the medical professionals. Kindergarten screenings will be held at the school on May 5 & 6, 2015. Information and sign-up will be available in the school office during registration week. *Please note: A copy of the child’s certified birth certificate and proof of residency must be presented at the time of registration. By the first day of school, each child entering kindergarten must have a physical with a record of immunizations, a dental exam, and a vision exam turned in to the school office. Have some free time? Read a book!!! M GS Messen ger 2015-2016 Metamora Grade School Parent Calendar P age 1 5 NOTICE: Beginning with the 2015-16 school year, classes will start at 8:20 AM. Students will be marked tardy at 8:20 AM. August 2015 Aug. 12 Aug. 17 Aug. 17 &18 Aug. 19 Aug. 20 & 21 Aug. 24-28 Aug. 25 Aug. 25 Aug. 27 Kindergarten Orientation 6pm to 7pm 1st Grade open House 4:00-6:00pm Teacher Institute –No School for Students 1st Day of Student Attendance-*Full Day Jr. High Benchmark Assessments K-5 Benchmark Assessments Back to School Night (Grades 2-5 & 7-8)6:30pm-7:30pm Incoming 6th Grade Orientation 6pm 5th Grade Band Demo September 2015 Sept. 3 5th Grade Band Sign-Up Sept. 7 Labor Day-No School Sept. 14 & 15 5th-8th Grade Parents View Midterms Online Sept. 15 Fall School Pictures Sept. 18 Midterm updates go home Grades K-4 October 2015 Oct. 2 Oct. 2 Oct. 10 Oct. 12 Oct. 12 Oct. 16 Oct. 19 Oct. 23 Oct. 27 Oct. 28 Oct. 29 SIP (11:30 Dismissal for students) MTHS Homecoming Parade 2pm Marching Band at MTHS Invitational Columbus Day-No School for Students IMEA Auditions (Band) End of 1st Quarter Beginning of 2nd Quarter Report cards go home School Picture Retakes K-4 Halloween Parties@ 2:00 PM Parent/Teacher Conferences 12pm-7:30pm; No School for Students Parent Teacher Conferences 8am - 1pm; No School for Students Jan. 15 Jan. 18 Jan. 19 Jan. 22 February 2016 Feb. 12 SIP (11:30 Dismissal for students); K-4 Valentine Parties@ 10:30 AM Feb. 15 President’s Day-No School Feb. 16 & 17 5th -8th Grade Parents View Midterms Online Feb. 19 Midterm updates go home Grades K-4 Feb. 25 4/5th Grade Winter Concert Feb. 26 IGMSA Organization Contest March 2016 Mar. TBA Mar. 1 Mar. 11 & 12 Mar. 18 Mar. 18 PARCC Test-PBA 2015(Grades 3-8) Hot Shot Photos (Optional) IGSMA Solo & Ensemble Contest @ ICC End of 3rd Quarter SIP (11:30 Dismissal for students) School Carnival Weekend Mar. 21 Beginning of 4th Quarter Mar. 24 Last day of student attendance prior to Spring Break Mar. 24 Report cards go home Mar. 25-Apr. 3 Spring Break April 2016 Apr. TBA Apr. 3 Apr. 4 Apr. 15 & 16 Apr. 18 & 19 Oct. 30 Apr. 22 Apr. 28 November 2015 May 2016 Nov. 11 Veteran’s Day-No School May 5 Nov. 21 IMEA Festival (Band) May 5 & 6 th th Nov. 23 & 24 5 -8 Grade Parents View Midterms Online- May 9-13 Nov. 24 Midterm updates go home Grades K-4 May 10 Nov. 25 Teacher Institute-No School for Students May 24 Nov. 26 & 27 Thanksgiving Break-No School May 25 December 2015 Dec. 10 Jr. High Christmas Concert; May 30 (Band 6:30-7:00pm; Chorus 7:15-7:45pm) Dec. 16 Primary Christmas Concert (K-3) June 2016 *6pm K & 1* *7:15 pm- Gr. 2 & 3* June 1 Dec. 18 SIP (11:30 Dismissal for students) Last day June 2 before Christmas Break; Dec. 18 K-4 Christmas Parties@ 10:30 AM Dec. 19-Jan. 3 Christmas Vacation-No School NOTE: CALENDAR IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE January 2016 Jan. 4 Jan. 7 & 8 Jan. 11-15 Jan. 15 School Resumes from Christmas Vacation Jr. High Benchmark Assessments K-5 Benchmark Assessments End of 2nd Quarter SIP (11:30 Dismissal for students) MLK Day-No School Beginning of 3rd Quarter Report cards go home PARCC Testing-EOY 2015 (Grades 3-8) Last day of Spring Break School Resumes from Spring Break Student Council Workshop 5th-8th Grade Parents View Midterms OnlineMidterm updates go home Grades K-4 Jr. High Band Spring Concert @ 7PM 4/5th Grade Spring Concert 7pm Jr. High Benchmark Assessments K-5 Benchmark Assessments Spring Choral Concert 7pm Teacher Institute (with no snow days); No School for Students Last Day of Student Attendance (with no snow days) Memorial Day-No School Teacher Institute (using all five snow days) 11:30AM Dismissal (Last Day of Student Attendance (using all five snow days) M GS Messen ger COMMUNITY NEWS P age 1 6 ON DISPLAY @ THE MUSEUM!!! Congratulations to eight Metamora Grade School students for submitting items for the upcoming Stuff exhibit at the Peoria Riverfront Museum! Connor Bernitt, Ryleigh Hickman, Emma Springer, Mackenzie Farquer, Emma Dorcy, Morgan Tipton, and Maddie Howard! Connor, Maddie, and Mackenzie had pieces they created in Art class. Emma S., Morgan, Ryleigh, and Emma D. let the museum borrow their atom models, each very different from the others! 2014-2015 School Directories Cost: $3.00 each Please purchase one in the office. Profits go directly for the purchase School Equipment! WOODFORD COUNTY SPECIAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION IS LOOKING FOR SUBSTITUTE TEACHER AND TEACHER ASSISTANTS Substitute teacher and teacher assistant opportunities are available in our Bright Beginnings, Life Skills, Autism, and STARS classrooms Substitute teacher and teacher assistants must hold a current Substitute Teacher or Paraprofessional license issued by the Marshall-Putnam-Woodford County Regional Office of Education If interested please contact Phyllis Fisher at 367-4901 or at M GS Messen ger COMMUNITY NEWS P age 1 7 M GS Messen ger COMMUNITY NEWS P age 1 8 Metamora Adventure Camps The Metamora Park District will be offering some weeklong, themed camps for children ages 5 -10 this summer. These camps will be held at Black Partridge Park on Coal Bank Rd. in Metamora starting the week of June 8 and lasting until the week of August 3. Each week will have a different theme with games, crafts, snacks, and outdoor activities. The camps will be offered Monday through Thursday for three hours each day from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Friday will be used as a makeup day if needed for weather. The cost is $45 per week of activities ($55 out of district). There will also be discounts offered for multiple children. Registration for the Metamora Adventure Camps is now open. You can come by our Park District Office at 717 W. Mt. Vernon or visit the Metamora Park District website at for a copy of our program guide with specific dates and themes for the camps and registration sign-up sheets. You can also call the Park District Office at 309/367-2932 if you have questions. Metamora Adventure Camps may not work with your busy schedule, so try one of our mini-camps (two days) for $25R/$30NR. You can sign up for one week of Camp, two weeks, or even every week this summer! Get your kids outside to play and make new friends this summer! Metamora Adventure Camps Weekly Themes June 8 – 11 (June 12 raindate): June 15 -18 (June 19 raindate): Barnyard Palooza Week Visit Atlantis Week June 22 & 23 (June 24 raindate): June 29 & 30 (July 1 raindate): July 6– 9 (July 10 raindate): Ancient Egypt Mini Camp Animal Planet Mini Camp A Bug’s Life Week July 13 – 16 (July 17 raindate): July 20 – 23 (July 24 raindate): July 27 – July 30 (July 31 raindate): Construction/Destruction Week Going on a Cruise Week Mystery Mania Week August 3 – 6 (Aug. 7 raindate): Land Before Time Week Information about the Metamora Pool (opens Wed. June 3) which includes Pool Passes, Swim Lessons, Pool Parties, and Family Fun Nights is also in our new summer guide and website under “Facilities”, “Metamora Pool.” Pool Sign-up Days are Sat. May 2 and May 9 at the Metamora Pool from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. M GS Messen ger COMMUNITY NEWS P age 1 9 2015 REGISTRATION INFO INREGISTRATION DATE/LOCATION Wednesday May 6th @ MTHS 6-8pm Sunday May 3rd @ Germantown Hills Fire Station 3-6 PM Wednesday May 13th @ Riverview Grade School 6-8 PM Monday May 18th @ MTHS 6-8 PM Sign-Up Specifics Tackle Football Ages 8-14* Flag Football Ages 5-7* Fundraiser Added to Registration Fee 2nd Tackle $100.00 $50.00 $30.00 $60.00 *Age as of August 1, 2015 *Can not be 15 prior to Nov. 1, 2015 to be eligible. *Tackle players attendance at registration is required for weigh-in and helmet fitting. *First year players must bring a copy of birth certificate. *MGH-JFL may close registration as capacity is reached at each level **Credit Cards Now Accepted For Payment. Convenience Fee Will Be Applied. For More Info. Contact: Lacey Reising at 303-1083 or Jarrod Love 339-3862 Website – M GS Messen ger COMMUNITY NEWS P age 2 0 Phantom Regiment and Metamora Township High School Music Program proudly presents The Drum Corps International Tour returns to Central Illinois on Wednesday, July 8, for the 2015 edition of the Show of Show s (Central of I llinois) -The only Central Illinois Drum Corp ShowA dynamic lineup of World and Open Class corps is scheduled to perform within the intimate confines of Malone Field at Metamora Township High School. A portion of ticket sales benefit the Metamora Township HS band program DCI Show of Shows (Central Illinois) (In alphabetical order) Blue Saints - Pioneer - Sudbury, ON Milwaukee, WI Legends - Racine Scouts - Kalamazoo, MI Racine, WI Phantom Regiment - Santa Clara Vanguard - Rockford, IL Santa Clara, CA MAY 2015 MGS ACTIVITIES M GS Messen ger Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat 1 2 8 9 4 5 6 7 5:00PM MYSA Volleyball Club 6:30PM Cub Scout Meeting - Walter 3:00PM C JH TR @ Woodford County Meet 3:00PM Brownies Wood 5:30PM Daisy Troop 5:00 AM Tentative -Patrick 8th Grade Class 7:00 PM 4th/5th Trip Grade Spring Concert TBA C JH TR Open Date 4:15 PM C JH TR Germantown Hills Middle School 11 12 13 14 TBA C JH TR Home Track Meet 6:00PM Brownies – Sara Drew 6:45 PM PTO Babysitting 7:00 PM Spring Choral Concert 18 19 th 3:00PM 8 Grade Dance 6:00PM 8th Grade Dance 25 26 P age 2 1 15 16 6:00PM Daisy Troop 3:00PM Jazz Night Patrick 9:00 AM C JH TR @ Sectionals 20 21 23 7:00PM 8th Grade Graduation New Gym 5:30PM Daisy Troop TBA C JH TR OPEN Patrick DATE TBA C JH TR OPEN DATE 27 28 30 22 29 Redbird Coupon Store Thanks so much to the following for their donations to the Redbird Store or Redbird Supply Closet: Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Boeker and Family; and Mr. and Mrs. Tim Abney and Family. Thanks to Victoria DeVore and Audrey Armstrong for babysitting at one of the last PTO meetings. Also, I want to thank all of the student council members and Mrs. Peck for their wonderful help this school year. A big thanks to the 8th grade helpers at the Redbird Store: Torrie Ford 8A, Kayla Ernenputsch 8C, and Madisyn Fandel 8A Special thanks to Donna Cowper, Courtney Mulvaney, Julie Stamm, Deb Barnes, Molly Redenbo, and Sarah Pepino and Nicole Garber for helping the students shop at the Redbird Store. MAY 2015 MGS BREAKFAST MENU M GS Messen ger Monday Tuesday Wednesday P age 2 2 Thursday Friday 1 Mini Wheats Cinnamon Toast Crunch Assorted Fruit WG Toast 100% Juice, Milk 4 Frosted Flakes Lucky charms Assorted Fruit WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 5 Eggs & Bacon or Multigrain Cheerios Assorted Fruit WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 6 Blueberry French Toast or Frosted Mini wheats Assorted fruit juice WG Toast 100% Juice, Milk 7 Waffles & Sausage Lucky Charms Assorted fruit juice WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 8 Fruit Loops Miniwheats Assorted Fruit WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 11 Multigrain cheerios Fruit loops Assorted fruit WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 12 WG Cinnamon Roll Lucky charms Assorted fruit WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 13 Mini Bagels Frosted Flakes WG Toast Assorted Fruit 100% Juice Milk 14 Strawberry Mini Pancakes or Multigrain Cheerios Assorted Fruit WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 15 Mini Wheats Cinnamon Toast Crunch Assorted Fruit WG Toast 100% Juice, Milk 18 Frosted Flakes Lucky charms Assorted Fruit WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 19 Eggs & Bacon or Multigrain Cheerios Assorted Fruit WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 20 Blueberry French Toast or Frosted Mini wheats Assorted fruit juice WG Toast 100% Juice, Milk 21 Waffles & Sausage Lucky Charms Assorted fruit juice WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 22 Fruit Loops Miniwheats Assorted Fruit WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 25 26 Long Johns Cereal Assorted fruit WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 27 Cinnamon Mini Bagels Cereal WG Toast Assorted Fruit 100% Juice, Milk 28 Whole Grain Cinnamon Roll Cereal WG Toast Assorted Fruit 100%Juice, Milk 29 Cereal WG Toast Assorted Fruit 100% Juice Milk NO SCHOOL MEMORIAL DAY JUNE 2015 MGS BREAKFAST MENU 1 Teacher’s Institute No School Breakfast 2 Cook’s Choice Summer Break News in the cafeteria Breakfast is $2.00 per day or $10.00 for 5 days or $40.00 for the month. Extra milk is 50¢ Extra juice is 30¢. When your child's balance reaches -$7.50, they will be served toast & water for breakfast. All Cereal and Breads are at least 51% WG and Fruit Juice is 100%, Milk is 1% Menu is subject to change without notice M GS Messen ger MONDAY MAY 2015 MGS LUNCH MENU Please note that “B” lunch is available only to 5th, 6th, 7th, & 8th grades & adults TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY P age 2 3 FRIDAY 1 A. Chicken Patties/bun B. Tenderloin/bun Baked Beans Banana Milk Ketchup & Mustard. 4 A. Cheeseburger B .Mini Corndogs French fries Peaches Milk Ketchup & Mustard 5 Spaghetti Romaine Salad Ranch dressing Pineapple Garlic Bread Milk 6 A. Chicken Wrap B. Chef Salad/bread Green Beans Pears Chocolate Pudding Milk 7 Chicken Nuggets Mashed Potatoes/Gravy Cinnamon Apples WG Roll Ketchup /BBQ Sauce cup Milk 8 A. Bosco Pizza Stick Carrots Mandarin Oranges Ch. Chip Cookie Milk 11 Pancake Sausage Stick/syrup Tator Tots Apple Sauce Milk Ketchup 12 Walking Tacos/cheese Lettuce Corn Pineapple Rice Krispie Treat Milk 13 A. Grilled Cheese B. Cheese Quesadilla Tomato Soup Goldfish Crackers Peaches Milk 14 Chili Cornbread Celery & Ranch Dip Pears Milk 15 A. Chicken Patties/bun B. Tenderloin/bun Baked Beans Banana….Milk Ketchup & Mustard 18 A. Cheeseburger B .Mini Corndogs Curly Fries Peaches Milk Ketchup & Mustard 19 Spaghetti Romaine Salad Ranch dressing Pineapple Garlic Bread Milk 20 A. Chicken Wrap B. Bosco Pizza Sticks Green Beans Pears Chocolate Pudding Milk 21 Chicken Tenders Corn Grapes WG Roll Ketchup 2 pkt. Milk 22 A. Cheese Pizza Carrots Mandarin Oranges Ch. Chip Cookie Milk 25 No School Memorial Day 26 Super Nacho’s Cheese Sauce Corn Cinnamon Apples Milk 27 Chicken Patty/Bun Green Beans Peaches Ice Cream Cups Milk Ketchup & Mustard 28 Hamburger/Bun French Fries Pears Cookie Milk Ketchup & Mustard 29 Corn Dog Carrot Sticks Orange Slices Apple Chips Milk Ketchup & Mustard Lunch News in the cafeteria Lunch is $2.75 per day or $13.75 for 5 days or $55.00 for the month. Children will have a choice of 3 items this year must include a fruit or vegetable. A/B entrée will be choice for grades 5th-8th. Your child may purchase a hungry man for $1.00. This is extra entrée only and will come out of your account. When your child's balance reaches -$7.50 they will be served peanut butter & jelly sandwich and water. Condiments include (2 pkt ketchup,2 pkt mustard,1 pkt mayo, BBQ sauce cup, dressing 2 Tbsp.), Ants on log celery & SF Butter. Menu is subject to change without notice. Metamora Grade School Faculty and Staff K-5 Faculty Mrs. Jane Boulton (Kindergarten) Mrs. Tara Ott (Kindergarten) Mrs. Debbie Springer (Kindergarten) Ms. Wendy Vogel (Kindergarten) Mrs. Jennifer Duncan(Kindergarten) Mrs. Kathy Nolte (First) Mrs. Jamie Rutherford (First) Mrs Jenera Call (First) Ms. Becky Rhodes (First) Ms. Megan Bernitt (First) Mrs. Jean Stine Ratliffe (Second) Mrs. Heather King (Second) Mrs. Amber Brown (Second) Mrs. Jane Fehr (Second) Mrs. Krissy Peterson (Third) Mrs. Diane Grebner (Third) Mrs. Megan Domenighini (Third) Mrs. Jeanine Hess (Third) Mrs. Kim Phillips (Fourth) Mrs. Kathy Steele (Fourth) Mrs. Marsha Brown (Fourth) Mrs. Teri Biernat (Fourth) Mrs. Beth Anglin (Fifth) Mrs. Jana Southerland (Fifth) Mrs. Amanda Peck (Fifth) Mrs. Tara Wilson (Fifth) KA KB KC KD KE 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 2A 2B 2C 2D 3A 3B 3C 3D 4A 4B 4C 4D 5A 5B 5C 5D Special Education Mrs. Jessica Karch (Sp. Ed) Ms. Andrea Kidd (Sp. Ed) Mrs. Cheryl Oplt (Sp. Ed.) Mrs. Sandra Freitag (Junior High Sp. Ed.) K-2 3&4 5&6 7&8 Bright Beginnings Mrs. Teresa Fandel Mrs. Wendy Schierer Ms. Jennifer Drake Administration Mr. Martin Payne (Superintendent) Mrs. Cathy Costello (K-8 Principal) Mr. Tim Damery (Dean of Students) Ms. Wendy Vogel (Athletic Director) Junior High Faculty Mrs. Laura Anglin Mr. Thomas Koonce Mrs. Molly Gualandri Mrs. Cathy Hawley Mrs. Galyn Cansino Ms. Liz Charlton Mrs. Melanie Koppenhoefer Mrs. Paulette Stalter Mrs. Megan Huss Mrs. Julie LeMasters Mrs. Danielle Buerkett Mr. Mark Dotterer Mrs. Amy Ernenputsch Mrs. Elizabeth Vancil Ms. Brittany Uhlman (Physical Education) Mr. Chris Dalberg (Physical Education) Mr. Tom Benjamin (Health) Mrs. Megan Huss (Computers) Mrs. Heather Brown (Speech) Mrs. Marcy Short (Speech) Mrs. Ann Marie Markle (Vocal Music/Chorus) Ms. Dawn Trotter (Instrumental Music) Mrs. Erin Foster (Art) Mrs. Geni Jacobs (Librarian) Mr. Paul Weber (Technology Coordinator) Ms. Marnin Humphrey (Reading Specialist) Mrs Connie Barber (RTI) Mrs. Melanie Wallace (RTI) Mrs. Paulette Stalter (Jr.High Reading Specialist) Office Staff Mrs. Jan Holman (Bookkeeper) Mrs. Hollie Richards (Secretary) Mrs. Val Huser (Secretary) Mrs. Elisha Bachman (Secretary) Web Address: The MGS Messenger Metamora CCSD #1 815 E. Chatham Street Metamora, IL 61548 A National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence!
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