Spring 2015 Syllabus - University at Buffalo School of

Office of Internships and Experiential Learning (IEL)
A Division of the Frank L. Ciminelli Family Career Resource Center
308 Alfiero Center  Buffalo, NY 14260
Tel.: 716-645-3233  Fax: 716-645-3231  E-mail: mgt-internships@buffalo.edu
Carrie Gardner, Director: cg53@buffalo.edu  Mary Dahl, Program Assistant: dahl@buffalo.edu
Web: mgt.buffalo.edu/internships  BizLink: mgt.buffalo.edu/bizlinkstudent
Required Activities and Assignments (I, II, and III)
150 hours: All interns must complete a minimum of 150 hours of internship participation. Internship hours are to be
earned mainly onsite. Students will track their own hours (verified by IEL with employer).
WNY Prosperity Scholars must complete a minimum of 300 hours and all assignments.
LeaderCORE™ students must complete all assignments as outlined in this syllabus.
The following forms are located under your Bizlink account: mgt.buffalo.edu/bizlinkstudent
Progress Report: Deadline = March 23, 2015 by midnight.
This is an online questionnaire to be completed at the halfway point of the internship (75 hours). Feedback
will be provided by IEL staff on the same form shortly after the due date.
Your Progress Report is located on the bottom half of the Internship Main Form in the BizLink system.
a) Log in to your BizLink account.
b) Click the “Report My Internship” shortcut from your BizLink home page.
c) Click the Edit button in the far left column (first column) next to your internship heading.
d) Scroll down the Internship Main Form until you see the Progress Report heading.
e) Complete the questionnaire and hit Save.
End of Semester Assignments: Deadline = May 8, 2015 by 4:00 p.m.
All interns are required to complete assignments by this date regardless of last day on internship.
Last day international students can work on spring CPT is May 23, 2015.
Evaluations: Indicated by links to the right of the webpage under the Internship Reports tab. Click the link, complete
the form and hit save. You complete evaluations 1 and 2 below; your supervisor completes 3.
1. Self-Evaluation: Explores your learning and professional development as a result of the internship.
2. Program Evaluation: Provides feedback on your supervisor and our services.
3. Supervisor Evaluation (hidden from your view): Your supervisor is asked to evaluate your
performance and will receive instructions by email. There is no penalty for late supervisor evaluations.
Choose between: 1. Writing a Final Report/Paper or, 2. Conducting an Internship Showcase Presentation:
Choice 1: Final Report/Paper
Upload a 3-5 page double-spaced PDF into BizLink and cover the following points:
 How did the internship change from the first to the second half?
 How were your learning objectives achieved or not achieved and why?
a. LeaderCORE™ students, how were competencies explored?
 Describe your supervisor’s management style; did it correspond with your preferences?
 Did you introduce any ideas that were implemented by the employer?
 In what way has this experience impacted or influenced your career plans?
How to upload your paper
 File name: your last name, report name and semester; ex.: SmithFinalReportSpring15.
 Cover page: report name, company, supervisor; your name, student status, telephone, e-mail.
 Submission: Click on the Final Report link to the right of the webpage under the Internship
Reports tab, answer questions, and upload. Feedback will be provided by our staff on your
Internship Main Form.
Choice 2: Internship Showcase Presentation – Most Popular Choice by Students!
All students have an option to conduct a brief, five to ten minute (maximum) presentation in place of the final
paper, highlighting their internship experience. Presentations will be conducted during our “Internship
Showcase”. Internship supervisors, faculty and fellow students may attend in addition to our staff.
Internship Showcase Schedule and Logistics
Monday, May 4, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., 205 Alfiero
Thursday, May 7, 2:00-4:00 p.m., 205 Alfiero
Students are encouraged to stay for at least one other presentation to support fellow presenters.
Business casual attire. No jeans, sweatshirts/pants, mini-skirts, flip-flops, etc.
Students inviting their internship supervisors must alert us in advance so that we may send parking
Students Choosing the Internship Showcase Option Must Do The Following:
1. Log in to BizLink and apply to the Internship Showcase posting found under the Jobs/Internships tab
by searching on “Internship Showcase”. We will invite you by email to select a time slot. Directions
will be emailed to you.
2. Create one visual aid (PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.) and submit a PDF to mgt-internships@buffalo.edu prior to your
scheduled presentation.
3. Complete the Final Report/Presentation questionnaire under your Internship Reports tab in BizLink.
Click on the Final Report link, answer the questions and hit save.
Presentation Guidelines (5 to 10 minute maximum)
Do not read to us! Be yourself and cover the topics below.
 Provide a basic introduction and overview of your internship.
 How did the internship change from the first to the second half?
 Were your learning objectives achieved or not achieved and why?
(LeaderCORE™ students, how were competencies explored?)
 How would you describe your supervisor and their style of supervision?
 Did you introduce any ideas that were implemented by the employer?
 In what way has this experience impacted or influenced your career plans?
Grading Policies
Final grades are based on quality of assignments throughout the internship experience and on internship
performance as reported by supervisors. Ability to meet deadlines is crucial.
Undergraduate Students are graded using a Pass/Fail (P or F) measurement.
Graduate Students are graded using a Satisfactory/Fail (S or F) measurement. Graduate students with a
credit-bearing internship required for graduation must receive an “S” in order for the internship experience to
count toward degree requirements.
Incomplete Status/“I” Grades: Under special circumstances only, it may become necessary for a student to
complete an internship after the grading deadline. Requests for special arrangements must be made with the
director ahead of each semester’s corresponding grading deadline. Students who do not make these special
arrangements in advance will fail the course. “I” grades will be changed only after all requirements are met.
Students are not permitted to graduate with an “I” grade. If requirements are not met within one year, the “I”
grade changes to an “F”.
“F” Grades: Students not meeting requirements and deadlines as stated above will receive a failing grade.
Highly Recommended Activities (OPTIONAL)
Tracking Sheet: You may wish to track the hours worked during your internship. BizLink now provides an hours tracking
feature under your credit-bearing internship tab.
Internship Activities Journal: Record observations and learning experiences related to your internship as well as to the
people you meet. A journal is a tremendous help when building your résumé and preparing for interviews.
Portfolio*: A valuable marketing tool as you look for future internships or full-time employment, a portfolio will provide
potential employers with a visual record of your accomplishments. Materials to consider: project reports, presentations,
writing samples, letters of recommendation, surveys, photographs, newsletters, press releases, brochures, budgets or
financial reports. *Always respect the boundaries for non-disclosure of the employer’s proprietary information.
CODE OF CONDUCT FOR INTERNS (as outlined on page 2 of the MBO contract signed by you)
During my internship, as a representative of UB and the UB School of Management, I will:
a. Demonstrate respect, dependability and cooperation with my supervisor and co-workers.
b. Ask questions to resolve any confusion regarding my internship responsibilities.
Maintain a strictly professional relationship with my supervisor and co-workers.
d. Refrain from using profane or inappropriate language on-site and while engaged in any off-site activities related to
my internship, including interactions with staff, clients and student interns.
e. Refrain from the consumption of alcohol or drugs while engaged in activities related to my internship, including
off-site meetings or gatherings with supervisor or co-workers.
Adhere to all organizational policies of the internship employer.
g. Adhere to the University at Buffalo Student Code of Conduct (even if my internship takes place off-campus).
h. Strive to understand what constitutes a permissible work absence and who to notify if absent
Report changes in schedule, supervision or problems with my internship or personal issues interfering with my
ability to complete my internship to the IEL director.
Dress appropriately for the work place as defined by the employer’s dress code.
We’re Here to Help
Feel free to call, e-mail or stop by our office (inside the Career Resource Center, 308 Alfiero) to talk.
If you experience any difficulties while on your internship please let us know before they become unmanageable.
We want you to have a great internship experience!
Check out our website: mgt.buffalo.edu/internships
Join our group on Linked-In
www.linkedin.com: Office of Internships and Experiential Learning
“Use what talent you possess - the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best."
-- Henry Van Dyke