4 - Week Parenting Film Series - Mental Health America of Dutchess

4 - Week Parenting Film Series
Each week we will view a movie and discuss how parenting styles, and values of the
caregivers may influence our children or teenagers. This exploration is open to parents and
caregivers who love movies and are interested in examining how film can serve as a tool for
caregivers who are raising children and teenagers. We will allow the movie to direct our
course as parents and caregivers in the “to do or not to do” of raising children and teens.
Dates: Wednesday Evenings
Time: 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm
April 1, 2015 - Live Presentation by:
Linda Dixon, MA, CAS, NCC
Nationally Board Certified Counselor
NYS Certified School Psychologist
TOPIC: Child and Adolescent Development:
Understanding Your Child/Teen
April 8, 2015
Ordinary People
April 15 , 2015
No Class
April 22, 2015
Antowone Fischer
April 29, 2015
TBD by the class
Mental Health America is offering the
Parenting Film Series - FREE to the Public
For information or to register contact:
Marlene Taylor, MPS
Education and Training Coordinator
(845) 473-2500 Ext. 1309 or
email: mtaylor@mhadutchess.org and
Website: www.mhadutchess.org
Adults only. Childcare is not available.
Bring Snacks to Share!
Mail registration form to MHA
ATTN: Marlene Taylor
Location :
Mental Health America
253 Mansion Street, Poughkeepsie, New York 12601
(Conference Room B)
Parenting Film Series Registration Form - April 2015
Address _________________________________________________________________________________
Email _______________________________________Phone Contact: _______________________________