Notice of Annual General Meeting March 16, 2015 The 65th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Manitoba Institute of Agrologists (MIA) will be held at the William Glesby Centre, 11 2nd St NE Portage La Prairie, MB R1N 1R8 on Thursday, April 16, 2015 starting at 1:00 p.m. (CST). This notice contains information regarding the AGM agenda including Election of Council members. In accordance with MIA ByLaws, the following business will be part of the agenda: For approval by members 1. Minutes of the 64th AGM 2. Audited Financial Statements 3. Appointment of Auditors for the next fiscal year 4. Election of Provincial Council Members 5. Annual Membership Fee For information and discussion 1. Report of Council and Member Engagement 2. Report of the Auditors 3. ByLaw changes Members of the Provincial Council will be on hand to discuss important committees of Council and how they affect outcomes for the Public and the organization. Members will also have an opportunity to participate in a Members’ Forum and discussion focused on what the public expects from Agrology professionals. Election of Provincial Council Members Notice to members about the nomination procedures, and other information was completed in accordance with the ByLaws beginning in November 2014. Bylaws require members’ vote at the AGM to elect Provincial Councilors. There are seven candidates nominated for six vacant seats. The voting procedure that will be followed, and the ballot for casting a vote are detailed on a separate page. Members standing for election (alphabetical order by last name): 1. Terry Betker, P.Ag., CAC, CMC 2. Casey Fox, P.Ag. 3. Arturo Gardeweg, P.Ag. 4. Lori-Ann Kaminski, P.Ag. 5. Darren Keam, P.Ag. 6. Ray Redfern, P.Ag. 7. Karin Wittenberg, Ph.D., P.Ag. Six nominees receiving the most votes from members will be confirmed elected. Annual Registration Fee ByLaws state an annual membership fee will be established by Council and amended as required from time to time. The change in the annual membership fee will be proposed by Council and communicated to the membership a minimum of thirty days prior to the AGM at which such change is to be considered. If approved by the membership, the annual fee shall be implemented on January 1 of the following year. Council proposes no change in the annual registration fee from 2015 to 2016. The Annual Registration Fees proposed by Council will remain the same as they are for 2016. Proposed 2016 fees Full status members (P.Ag/Tech.Ag) Agrologist in Training Affiliate/Associate Retired $355.00 $300.00 $132.50 $100.00 No change No change No Change No Change ByLaw Changes Approved by Council since last AGM Notice to Members is also required of any approved ByLaw changes made in the previous year. The Council made no bylaw since the last AGM.
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