2015 FPM-MBAA Scholarship Application PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE: Name: First Middle Last Temporary Address: Permanent Address Cell Phone: E-Mail Address: U.S. Citizen: Yes No College, University or Technical School: Degree Major: Current Year in School : Sophomore Junior Grade Point Average (convert to 4.0 scale): ______ Senior Graduated/Flight Instructor Graduation Date: Scholarship(s) applying for: Cash FlightTraining Maintenance/Avionics Emergency Procedures OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION 1) Please list any aviation or community service organizations and/or events with which you are or have previously been associated. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 2) Please include any additional information you believe should be considered regarding your qualifications and your commitment to aviation excellence. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ CERTIFICATION STATEMENT: The information provided above is true and accurate and I understand that information found not to be true may disqualify me from consideration. I also agree to allow my name and photograph to be used in any publicity regarding the scholarship program. SIGNATURE DATE Submit the application package by Friday, April 10, 2015 to the FPM-MBAA Scholarship Program at: C. Bush, 6060 Turnberry Dr., Commerce, MI 48382 FPM-MBAA Scholarship Program Candidate Eligibility and Application Requirements 1. Applicant must be a U.S. citizen 2. Applicant must be enrolled as a college sophomore, junior, or senior in a two or four year degree program and active within aviation as demonstrated by their educational curriculum or achievements; or not more than 2 years after graduation and employed in the aviation industry as a Technician, Pilot, Certified Flight Instructor or Dispatcher. 3. Applicant must have a 3.0 minimum GPA (on a 4.0 system) at the time of application. 4. The completed application shall be accompanied by the following items: A letter of recommendation from a member of the Aviation Department Faculty at the institution in which the applicant is currently enrolled or an Aviation Manager working closely with the applicant in their current employment position. A current resume Transcripts from current and all prior collegiate institutions A 250-word essay describing the applicant's aviation background, current status, financial need and future aviation goals Photocopies of all FAA ratings/certificates held 5. Completed application packages must be postmarked by midnight April 10, 2015. How To Apply: Interested candidates can view & print the application from the Scholarship Application link on the http://www.mibaa.org/scholarships.php Student Scholarship Program Page. Please direct any questions to Cheryl Bush at Cheryllbush4@gmail.com or by phone at (248) 249-1960 or Tara Paksi at paksi.t@gcsionline.com or by phone at (517) 371-2223.
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