N4101 3/15/201 3-BC-ll GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF INFORMATION & BROADCASTING .A' WING, SHASTRI BHAWAN' NEW DELHI - 11OOO1 07th April, 2015 ORDER ln supersession of this Ministry's orders of even number dated 25.03.2015 and 06.04.2015. WHEREAS, it has come to the notice of the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting on 27-08' that Jai Hind channel had telecast "A" certified film, titled 'Hai Harithe' 2012att0:03:l2hours.,whichitse|fWasagrossvio|ationaspertheprovisionsof ih" C"nt" Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995 and Rules framed thereunder' WHEREAS,byte|ecastingtheaboveprogrammethechanne|(JaiHindTV) Networks appeared to have violated following provisions of the cable Television Rules, 1994: . be carried in the cable Bglg-O(ll3g). provides that no programme-should se.icewNchcontravenestheprovisionsoftheCinematographAct'1952' . in the Rule 6 (1) (o), which provides that no programme should be carried caoteservice,whichisnotsuitableforunrestrictedpublicexhibition. WHEREAS,accordingtobasicconditions/ob|igationsofpermission/approvalfor permission to uplink "Jai Uplinking/Downlinking of TV Channels in India under which is bound to follow the Programme HinO', W Channel has been granted, the Channel CodeandAdvertisingCodeprescribedundertheaforementionedAcVRu|esand event of failure to comply Government orders as circulated from time to time. In the withanyofthetermsandconditions,permission/approva|grantedis|iab|etobe suspended/ cancelled; WHEREAS,theabove.mentionedprogrammeappearedtobeinvio|ationofthesaid and conditions of the orovisions of the said Act and Rules, Guidelines and terms permission granted to the Channel' WHEREAS,ThisMinistryissuedaSCN(ShowCauseNotice)dated28-05-2013to ..JaiHind''TVChanne|fortelecastof,.A''certifiedfi|m,asthesameappearedto vio|ateRu|e6(1)(n)and6(1Xo)oftheCab|eTe|evisionNetworksRu|es,1994under was asked to the Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act' 1995' The channel scN 15 days from receipt of the scN. lt was also laid down in the show cause within thatifnorep|yisreceivedwithinthestipu|atedperiod,itwi||bepresumedthatthe violation channel had nothing to say in the matter and further action for the aforesaid of the provisions will be taken against it ex-parte; ft- . ^ atg.:r_" -11 u lts (+fu trvorvl (NEETI SARKAR) Ritta,/olr'ctor lFft qtl Eltlq {"r l Mh. of Into.m.tion t 8F$certlng Govt' of Indlr, N'w Oelhi - 1- WHEREAS, responding to the SCN of this Ministry, "Jai Hind" W Channel replied vide their letter dated 19.06.2013 stating that the channel had arranged for a Malayalam movie for telecast but unfortunately at the last moment the print Malayalam movie got damaged and became unfit for immediate uplink and in order to avoid delay, the channel telecast another film "Hai-Harithe" certified as 'A' mistakenly due to lack of proper care of the technical staff. On enquiry the channel found that the tape "Hai-Harithe" was mistakenly cased in another case with another title. Hence the telecast of "Hai-Harithe" an "A" certified film. The channel undertook that such incident shall not be repeated in future. They apologized for the lapse and requested the Ministry to accept their explanation and close the proceedings. WHEREAS, even though the channel had not asked for affording an opportunity for a personal hearing to present their case, the Ministry has given opportunity to them before IMC in its meeting held on 05.08.2013. in keeping with the principal of natural justice. WHEREAS, the matter was placed before the IMC who observed that telecast of "A" certified film was in clear violation of the programme code and opined that though the channel had admitted their fault and apologized for content of their channel which must be in conformity with the programme code at all times. such content which has been certified not fit for general public exhibition cannot be carried on television as it causes immense harm to whome the content is not intended. Based on the material or record and submission of the channel, The IMC opined that the channel should have observed caution and set up such systems at their end so that no "A" certified film is telecast on their channel even by mistake. The IMC observed that telecast of 'A' certified film on television is itself a gross violation. After deliberation on the matter the IMC reiterated its earlier recommendation (in its meeting held on 05.08.2013) of one day off'the'air penalty to "Jai Hind" TV' WHEREAS, as per para 5.2 of the guidelines for uplinking from India, one of the basic conditions/obligitions of the company permitted to uplink registered channels is that the company lhall comply with the Programme Code prescribed under the Cable Television Nltworks (Regulation) Act, 1995 and Rules framed thereunder. WHEREAS, as per para 8.1 of the said guidelines, in the event of a channel found to have been/being used for transmitting any objectionable/unauthorized content, inconsistent with public interest, the Central Government has the power to revoke the permission granted. WHEREAS, as per para 8.2 of the said uplinking guidelines, the central Government has the power to impose penalties for violation of any of the terms and conditions or other provisions of the said guidelines. WHEREAS, in case of violation of Programme code this Ministry have powers to suspend the permission of uplinking granted to a company for up to a period of 30 days in the event of first violation ai [er para 8.2.1 ,Ior up to 90 days in the event of seiond violation as per para 8.2.2 and revocation of permission of the company and prohibition of broadcast up to the remaining period of permission in the event of third violation as per para 8.2.3 of the said uplinking guidelines' a,L'f7 (.r11?t si6+k) (NEFTI SAFTKAR) cto. -lhths' ol & Eroadca.llng nff"iffi;.*f*,' Fii{raFl'D Min. -q- ir€ qrFlt vq Frrrtq {4rrirq Inlormar,on WHEREAS, sub-section (2) of Section 20 of the Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995 provides that where the Central Government thinks it necessary or expedient so to do in the interest of the (i) sovereignty or integrity of India; or (ii) security of lndia; or (iii) friendly relations of India with any foreign State; or (iv) public order, decency or morality, it may, by order, regulate or prohibit the transmission of any channel or programme. WHEREAS, sub-section (3) of Section 20 of the Cab le Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995 provides that where the Central Government considers that any programme of any channel is not in conformity with the prescribed programme Code referred to in section 5 or the prescribed Advertising Code refened to in section 6, it may by order regulate or prohibit the transmission or re-transmission of such programme. AND WHEREAS, the Competent Authority has decided to impose a penalty of prohibition of transmission/re-transmission of "Jai-Hind" TV channel on any platform throughout the territory of India for a period of one day. NOW, THEREFORE, the Central Government, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) & (3) of Section 20 of the Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995 and under paras 8.2.1 , 8.2.2 & 8.2.3 of the policy guidelines for up linking of the Television channel in India, orders to prohibit the transmission or re-transmission of ,,Jai Hind" TV channel for one (1) day on any platform throughout India with effect from 00:01 hrs. on 16-04-2015 till 00:01 hrs. on 17-04-2015 il"^iG ttltiti'-;- This issue with the approval of the competent authority' 1 lq lt > (Neeti Sarkar) Director (BG) Tele # 23386536 (r+Rr qv6r<) (NEETI SARK.AR) FitTa,/Dt16ctor Jai Hind TV Bharat Broadcasting Network Ltd. Karimpanal Arcade, East Fort, Fort . P.O., Thiruvananthapuram Kerla. India {|m qq sqlirq qatiRl {ln rfrarR, l-J ffi Mln. ot Inform.Ion A Broadc!3tino Govt. ot Indta, N.w Dsthl - 695023 (with the direction to send compliance report immediately after the commencement of the above period followed by a final report on expiry of the said prohibition period on e-mail id sobc2-moib@gov.in) /,^,aE_ -tl4lt5 (Neeti Sbrkar ) Director (BG) Tele # 23386536 ({R i6-r.6ri) (NEETI SARK,AR) Ffirl!,/Oir6clot qlFlr crl FdRq qqrdq Mln. ot Intormstlon & E.oEdcaalinq a|tar rf{6R, d H Govt. ot Indl., Nsw Dsthl -3- Copy to- Teleport : Managing Director, Essel Shyam Communication, C-34, Sector 62, Electronic City, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201307. with the request to stop uplinking of "Jai Hind" w channel for one day with effect from 00:01 hours on 16th April, 2015 till 00:01 hours on 17'n April, 2015. The receipt and compliance of this order may also be confirmed to this Ministry at the earliest via fax on 01 1-23383235 and on e-mail id sobc2-moib@qov.in as well. ,r: /u22. -')l'-1 lt> (Neeti Sarkar) Director (BC) Tele # 23386536 (*Fr tr"'rY) (NEETI SARKAR) filrlc'/Dlr€clor qfd \cl tqKlt lr{nrq urn. oi tntormat'on a BroEdcarlin0 -'' .ttv. K{tn, r{ eFd Govt' of tndi6' Now D6lhi Copy for kind information to: Shri A.K. Kalia' DDG (NOCC), Network OPeration Control Cenhal, Deptt of Telecom., New Delhi. l^t ,vt&^:= llnll>- (Neeti'SArkar) Director (BC) Tele # 23386536 (rfrR sy+'ri) (NEETt SARKAR) fritte/oir€cror tlrtd sql g{l|!!l trrrElc Copy for ensuring comPliance to: Mln. ol Intormetion qnrc rrcon, e Broedcaltino ll ffi Govt. ot Indis, N€w D.thi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. g. MSO Alliance, DTH Association, Cable Operators Federation of India' IPTV Forum, Wireless Advisor (WPC), DDG (NOCC), Director (M&C) PtB, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi' ADG EMMC with a request to report compliance of Ministry's order regarding "Jai Hind" TV Channel rrytr-- L)y lt?' (Neeti'Sarkar) Director (BC) Tele # 23386536 (+Rr q{-oR) (NEETt SARK.A.R) Ratr.F,/Dirsctor qct|l gcl rllr€t {rrdc Mln. of Inlormalion & Broactcasttno .|trd 1f{arrt, :i-{ H Govr. of India, N€w Derhi
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