Reformed Epistemology and Christian Apologetics Author(s): Michael Sudduth Reviewed work(s): Source: Religious Studies, Vol. 39, No. 3 (Sep., 2003), pp. 299-321 Published by: Cambridge University Press Stable URL: . Accessed: 18/03/2013 13:56 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact . Cambridge University Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Religious Studies. This content downloaded on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 13:56:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Religious Studies 39, 299-321 DOI: 10.1017/S0034412503006553 (? 2003 Cambridge University Press Printed in the United Kingdom Reformed epistemology and Christian apologetics MICHAEL SUDDUTH Saint Michael's College, 1Winooski Park, Box #3 99, Colchester, Vermont 05439 It is a widely held viewpoint in Christian apologetics that in addition Abstract: to defending Christian theism against objections (negative apologetics), apologists should also present arguments in support of the truth of theism and Christianity (positive apologetics). In contemporary philosophy of religion, the Reformed epistemology movement has often been criticized on the grounds that it falls considerably short of satisfying the positive side of this two-tiered approach to Christian apologetics. Reformed epistemology is said to constitute or entail an inadequate apologetic methodology since it rejects positive apologetics or at least favours negative over positive apologetics. In this paper I argue that this common objection fails on two grounds. First, while the arguments of Reformed epistemology are relevant and useful to apologetics, neither Reformed epistemology nor its epistemological project should be identified with a distinct school ormethod of apologetics. Secondly, while certain claims of Reformed epistemology seem to imply a rejection of positive apologetics, or at least a preference for negative or positive apologetics, I argue that no such conclusion follows. In fact, although unimpressed by particular versions of natural theology and positive apologetics, Reformed epistemologists have provided criticisms of each that can constructively shape future approaches to the apologetic employment of natural theology and Christian evidences. of the frequent One done very little to promote theism or Christian even Various stronger writers theism criticism have failing the agenda in particular of Reformed negative to provide reasons is true, so-called been that the distinctive apologetic, the positive is that it has for supposing that epistemology of offering is that it has actually claimed ology restrict it to amere the faith but criticisms positive opposed features to such epistem objections to faith typically An a project. of Reformed simply answering backing apologetics. against associated with natural theology and Christian evidences. Reformed epistemology is thus seen as constituting getics. Owing or entailing to the widely held a weak or inadequate importance form of Christian of Christian apologetics apolo among 299 This content downloaded on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 13:56:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 300 SUDDUTH MICHAEL Christian theologians and philosophers, this criticism indicates a potentially serious liabilityof Reformed epistemology. As James Sennett has noted,' the legit if any, of natural imate place, serious theology for the advocate problems In this paper Iwant of Reformed one of the more epistemology'.' this common to examine remains and apologetics and criticism longstanding of Reformed epistemology. After briefly outlining the distinction between positive and negative Iwill apologetics, clarify of Reformed the nature epistemology and what relationship, if any, ithas toChristian apologetics, especially positive apolo getics. Iwill argue thatReformed epistemology does not constitute a school of sort of philosophical it does entail a particular though apologetics, argumentation which is useful to apologetics. While this argumentation does not in itself entail positive apologetics, neither does it entail a rejection of positive apologetics. Iwill Moreover, show that several alleged arguments with Reformed associated epistemology for rejecting positive apologetics or preferring negative over posi what resolving In this way are inadequate. tive apologetics Sennett and others I hope to make considered have some progress toward of the more serious one problems for theReformed epistemologist. and positive Negative It has been between objections theistic to is roughly and Christian and the presentation apologetics) (negative of religion The distinction apologetics.2 that defend of arguments the presentation against and positive negative in the philosophy in literature commonplace between distinguish apologetics belief of arguments that provide support for the truthof theistic and Christian belief (positive apologetics). To clarify ful to consider and cutting the concept reason reason not provide reasons defeater) or one belief, case, grounds though, to presentation theism and of defeaters rebutting defeaters with that provide can reasons that p is an is an overriding either initial belief the initial belief i.e. do acquires (rebutting (undercutting initial for giving up one's the same degree therefore and Christian (e.g. of defeaters, that p.4 In each case one one's reasons the belief with theistic of a belief that p are inadequate, in some way. One for holding one acquires Christianity against status defeater for the belief beliefs incompatible or at least no longer holding Objections various something loses one's In each defeater). one's a condition speaking, some belief against of some belief sort of support for modifying for accepting defeater not-p. An undercutting that the grounds the appropriate reasons epistemic under between are at least two kinds There A rebutting for supposing for supposing acquires or warrant).' and undercutting. rebutting overriding is, broadly the positive it is help apologetics, the distinction especially A defeater that undermines justification, and positive negative of defeaters, defeaters. rebutting or circumstance rationality, between the distinction be construed belief. Among for supposing This content downloaded on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 13:56:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions of firmness. as the these are that there is no Reformed epistemology and Christian apologetics from the alleged God. Arguments are two such Unlike Feuerbachian rebutting belief defeaters, and Freudian projection undercutting defeaters to the truth of theism as opposed in God, positive there are also a variety But examples. for example, of theism incoherence of undercutting attack of evil defeaters, of religious theories putative belief. grounds for defeat the itself. Since defeaters both sorts of defeaters status of their target beliefs, epistemic and the problem will provide reasons for supposing that theistic belief lacks positive epistemic status. But defeaters can be defeated to Christian the connection positive the alleged reasons against for supposing fence against could the original also rebut then a rebutting hence not-p who simply theism that p.5 One who for supposing is engaging theism against is no God) (there will be a reason attempts or Christian some argument is equivalent to arguing theism However, is a rebutting de one de that not-p. But for supposing that not not-p, to rebut a rebutting attempts since a rebutter against is a God). for p (there defeater (or undercutting) in negative is engaging do not free-will for supposing apologetics a rebutting to undercut belief against in positive a rebut or undercutting argument If a defeater defeater. defeaters involve presenting defeater would p, itwill be a reason defeater-defeater a reason defeater and that there is no God. Plantinga's rebutting some proposition lies negative presents of evil is such a defeater-defeater. the logical problem feater against If someone of the atheological that the premises the conclusion support and herein rebutting by either rebutting a rebutting To undercut defeater. adequately one can respond theism, between of how belief can be defeated. theistic and Christian ting defeater defeater-defeaters), The distinction from a consideration emerges apologetics against (by so-called apologetics. apologetics But one against by showing that is not a good argument. Now Reformed epistemology has frequently been criticized on the grounds that it favours 'Jerusalem osophers or is exclusively and Athens to note committed revisited',6 this apparent to negative George liability of Reformed In his paper apologetics. was Mavrodes one of the first phil epistemology. According to Mavrodes, negative apologetics does not provide us with reasons for supposing that theistic belief is true. It only makes but this is a very weak sort of rationality that attaches that they are true. Mavrodes rational Christians in this stronger meet theistic belief of rational belief. sense to beliefs when argues It stands of 'insufficient evidence' permissible, in contrast we have good that not only might sense, but the task of Christian the charge epistemically to a stronger reasons we want apologetics for God to suppose our beliefs requires head-on to be that by pro viding evidence. Reformed epistemology, he argues, does not provide us with the resources for this task. Similarly, in Gary Gutting's fictitious dialogue between a Calvinist and Catholic,7 theCalvinist, who represents the Plantingian Reformed epistemologist, accepts negative apologetics but iswholly opposed to positive apologetics. As inMavrodes's paper, Gutting's dialogue distinguishes between a weakly rational belief whose denial is also rational and a strongly This content downloaded on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 13:56:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions rational belief 301 302 MICHAEL SUDDUTH whose denial isnot rational. In the dialogue, negative apologetics establishes only to believe, the right or permission and for this reason it establishes the rationality of theistic belief inonly aweak sense. Positive apologetics, on theother hand, estab lishes (if successful) what a person ought and so establishes to believe, the ration ality of theistic belief in a strong sense. The Catholic interlocutor suggests that one of themajor difficulties with Plantinga's religious epistemology is its failure the rationality to establish of theistic and Christian belief in this stronger sense. A more recent expression of this apologetic disappointment in Reformed epistemology is found in Gary Habermas's contributions to the Zondervan Counterpoints Series book, Five Views on Apologetics, edited by Steven B. Cowan In his response and Stanley N. Gundry. to Kelly Clark's presentation of Reformed epistemology (in the same book), Habermas argues thatReformed epistemology faces a serious quandary, for the Reformed epistemologist stands 'between the Scylla of avoiding ologist's and evidence arguments of fideism Charybdis '.8While of negative employment in order to justify their system, in the Reformed the value recognizing Habermas apologetics, and the epistem of what is critical he calls the 'Reformedepistemologist's apologetic strategy'. He writes: Clark does encourage negative apologetics, and his colleagues at Calvin have done an excellent job arguing that crucial Christian doctrines can be defended against objections. is the positive But where .... My defense? concern at this point, is that however, the efforts of Reformed epistemologists have not, tomy knowledge, moved very far in the direction of actually establishing the truth of Christian theism.... Maybe there is a sense in which scholars these the positive think move cannot be made well. Or maybe some of them are not very interested in this step. In any case, I thinkMavrodes is right about the ambivalent status of positive in Reformed apologetics thought. But without it, Iwonder how Reformed epistemologists establish Christian theism in terms of their apologetic methodology.9 of Mavrodes, The criticisms at least ambivalent position think that the arguments Christian This apologetics. positive accentuated in Habermas's book, Reformed of apologetics. to measure deficiency critique As such, Reformed to the demands of Reformed is being treated epistemology its for the ration a case up in his paper since, epistemology these namely and Mavrodes Gutting entail epistemology apparent epistemology, apologetics. too weak to what each point and Habermas flaw in Reformed of Reformed Five Views or school regarding in a sense in God ality of belief Gutting, as a basic thinkers and others perceive and of is epistemology throughout as a distinct appears the method to be wholly inadequate. The project of Reformed But are the preceding accurate? ology More generally, and the dichotomy epistemology closely what between allied criticisms is the connection negative of Reformed between and positive epistemology Reformed apologetics? This content downloaded on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 13:56:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions epistem To answer Reformed epistemology and Christian apologetics these it will questions, ponents be necessary of Reformed to the project Reformed to consider of the essential I will epistemology. as exemplified epistemology some in the work outline com three of the movement's tiers of principal representatives:Alvin Plantinga,William Alston, and Nicholas Wolterstorff. The critique of evidentialism In his seminal a detailed evidential it, is a conclusion propositional evidence or unreasonable, While since argument by arguing existence of God, the evidentialist the concept within focuses has no good reason to undercut tempts incoherent monsense, on of classical for theism. attempted the rather everyday beliefs implausible are not rational to undercut various to show i.e. as a matter intellectual any that where of being He duties. at in that (1) is grounded by arguing which this for the proofs (i) and attempts that (i) is true, especially foundationalism, and has (i) if there is irrational deontologically, objection to theistic be evidence have to suppose is construed or unreasonable, then theistic belief propositional rights or not violating the evidentialist the epistemology for theism, instead developed from two premises: the truth of (2) by adducing against Plantinga intellectual is irrational derived the Enlightenment of rationality one's ',1"Plantinga belief. This objection (2) there is no sufficient and theists many belief to theistic objection explains lief, as Plantinga is no sufficient that theistic of the claim critique the so-called in God 'Reason and belief 1983 essay is both self-referentially of our com implication that most or justified. In the absence of self referentially coherent criteria for proper basicality that exclude theistic belief, the evidentialist reason does not have for affirming Plantinga where, Plantinga has as well entism, In all these that evidentialism need or any form of foundationalism examined as various cases case for (1).Hence, Plantinga he has no good is irrational or unreasonable. of course, has recognized, foundationalism classical a very strong that theistic belief the attempt extensions analogical argues to ground that attempts not be rooted for that matter. evidentialism of classical to support in Else in coher evidentialism. an evidentialist requirement for theistic belief is unsuccessful." The defence of the proper basicality to this critique Corresponding of theistic basicality belief. The thesis of evidentialism is the defence of the proper of evidentialism critiques serve not merely to undercut objections to the rationality of theistic belief, but also objections to the rationality of properly basic theistic belief can be rational theistic belief. (or possess Hence, some positive they purport epistemic to show status) that for some people in the appropriate circumstances, even if the person lacks propositional evidence While belief or an argument Plantinga in several in support has developed papers, his most of the truth of her theistic belief. this defence complete of the proper version basicality of this defence This content downloaded on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 13:56:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions of theistic is featured 303 304 MICHAEL SUDDUTH in his more recent,Warranted Christian Belief [hereafterWCB]. As the title im plies, Plantinga aims to defend not merely theistic belief but more specifically Christian beliefs, I shall focus here on theistic though belief. He aims to defend such beliefs against a variety of objections to their positive epistemic status, what Plantinga calls de jure objections. (De jure objections are distinguished from defacto objections that concern the truth of theistic belief). Plantinga pres ents a model of how belief theistic can possess a number of positive epis temic statuses (e.g. deontological justification, internal and external rationality, and warrant) ment. without the belief being to this model, According based on propositional we have been created with or argu evidence a disposition to form various theistic beliefs in a broad range ofwidely realized experiential conditions. Plantinga argues that thismodel is epistemically possible (i.e. consistent with what the evidence and several accepted of the more by most of in the discussion) the participants a model to such objections prominent are ultimately unsuccessful. Although Plantinga defends the deontological rationality of theistic belief in WCB, his main rant, as Plantinga explained or quality of which A belief enough is a defence in the book focus is warranted of warranted in his two prior Warrant is sufficient to transform if it is produced just theistic volumes, belief. War is that property true belief into knowledge. faculties by cognitive functioning properly in a congenial environment according to a design plan successfully aimed at truth. Plantinga amounts belief that such maintains assumes that theism belief, at least when shows that if theism product held is false, then of properly tive dysfunction when functioning account belief cannot Plantinga, depend in a basic way. spends presuppositions. be divorced of religious not constitute of Freud's of course, Hence, theistic objection) toMarx). attributes defeaters In each belief). actual defeaters case, own examining belief will be the at something of cogni By contrast, Plantinga iswarranted, draws attention defeaters a variety to theistic believers. belief. to theistic of warrant.12 of potential belief will belief. Hence, potential theistic This content downloaded on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 13:56:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Such So Plantinga undercutting of evil, projection that these even to how on distinctly depends status of theistic account other or the product to theistic (e.g. problem he argues for most if one Plantinga the best sort of de jure objection or successful to theistic belief only belief questions that the warranted into Plantinga's is worked that Plantinga from the de facto objection recognizes force precisely, aimed faculties epistemological the latter part of his book and rebutting More it is likely that basic It is here on there being no genuine a condition carry How is false, then it is likely that theistic is true, then it is likely that theistic the answer we give to particular metaphysical will to theistic iswarranted. belief lacks warrant. cognitive (e.g. the view Plantinga that if theism held an objection is false. If theism in a basic way, than truth (e.g. Plantinga's argues to the idea that theistic to an objection ever, Plantinga already sort of de jure objection that the best argues theories defeaters belief do can be Reformed epistemology and Christian apologetics in a basic way, warranted wide range of criticisms Alston Like Plantinga, even has presented ism.13 In his book Perceiving of a detailed does awareness of 'experiential of criticisms a variety of the nature of God'. Alston of theistic in the context beliefs. ('Justifi sense). He truth-conducive and epistemological begins evidential against such a critique justification is taken in a non-deontological, of an analysis this by way is aware of a adult believer who God,"4 he develops of the immediate defence in this context cation' for the mature his theistic beliefs. against implications that there is some by showing thing appropriately designated 'experiential awareness of God' that engenders beliefs that God is doing or that God has to the effect forgiving, loving), -what power) Alston of God, howbeit ate or non-inferential the experiential found in sensory to consciousness). Alston MP produces - is immediate, beliefs sensory perceptual that So it is refers to it as mystical itsM-beliefs so if they are justified manner, (e.g. (e.g. goodness, features generic non-sensory. to the subject property argues of something (MP). Like sense perception, perception also of the essential (e.g. the direct presentation a kind of perception perceivable Alston calls M-beliefs. of God exhibits many awareness perception in relation something some in an immedi - like their justification not based on argument or propositional evidence. An doxastic established objections to this proposal. set of dispositions But then what of MP. And is true of all socially in any socially reasons to suppose cent until proven established But to all socially established suppose that MP is unreliable, doxastic outputs as justified. objections In this way, Alston may doxastic we be viewed justification Doxastic practices are 'inno belief established doxastic prac acceptability that there are reasons to regard considers Alston it as reliable to and its an array of potential that they are unsuccessful. as making of theistic a sufficient Unless are reasonable Naturally, to we have of rational practices. will also be true that it is rational unless is a socially a condition and shared circumstances. practices for he argues is unreliable. satisfy of a socially under particular practice ifMP as a several potential is like sense perception doxastic of MP and argues to the reliability the immediate doxastic then, it will contends, beliefs argument, that the practice guilty'. MP in that it consists established to Alston's for regarding MP as his answering to Alston, establishment, to form and maintain engage tice, as Alston as well According this is central is his case argument practice, of our cognitive other aspects apply in Alston's element important socially a contribution by establishing to the defence of a kind of parity be tween theistic belief and other aspects of our cognitive establishment, principally sensory perception. Moreover, while Alston does not claim to show conclusively that theistic presenting proposal beliefs grounded an argument is plausible in MP are prima for this nonetheless, on the face of it (especially MP and sense perception), (2) objections facie immediately mainly justified, on the grounds given to the proposal the similarities can be met, This content downloaded on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 13:56:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions he is that (i) the between and (3)MP 305 306 MICHAEL SUDDUTH has non-trivial 'significant self-support' (i.e. featureswithin MP that reinforce its being reliable, e.g. internal coherence). Also, while Alston does not claim to show that MP is a reliable doxastic essential good arguments practice, it being against facie justified. prima doxastic So, in Alston practice In the absence the that there are no and reasons to to accept MP as reliable and its outputs as reliable. rational the contrary, we are practically to show that MP satisfies he does claim of a full-blown characteristics of overriding of the proper the defence basicality thesis is closely connected tomore positive arguments in support of the positive epis temic status of theistic arguments belief.15 But positive are also developed by Wolterstorff and Plantinga. case for the proper basicality Positive In his 1983 article, Wolterstorff Nicholas ',16 dations? of basic for the rationality the plausibility of reasons plausibility for supposing cast in terms of epistemic the Lockean beliefs innocent a criterion mulates roughly stated, proven of permits rationally justified us to hold a belief unless refrain from holding tified in holding ('eluctable' role, not merely to have. Wolterstorff requirements have sees this criterion to beliefs people criterion, theistic belief to that we could reasons Reasons jus for play a person capturing Since for reasons has but reasons as appropriately hold He are rationally manner.'7 rational belief. for deontologically The to have adequate a person to consider adequate them), we in an unreliable reasons that there are cases where to suppose we them unless we either have or ought a rationality-removing normative that basis. reference a general innocent. proven in all rooted derives on as he calls beliefs that they are false or formed supposing with as historically Reid: we ought until and of its of rationality. challenge responsibilities, of Thomas not guilty specifically, cri does on the basis criterion and belief the belief. More cease holding ought guilty, an alternate Like Alston, Wolterstorff on the work based until is rational belief obligations, the the truth of evidentialism and plausible of rationality. conception of rationality principle duties, in does by examining that criterion. Wolterstorff against thinks of the evidentialist Like Plantinga, Wolterstorff and a case as Plantinga can, foun that one can assess or one can formulate that theistic of a specific the conditions notes evidentialism to argue against situated no of evidentialism One evaluate for evidentialism, is thereby reasons satisfying in two ways. critically if it has rational in God. Wolterstorff and test evidentialism terion of rationality the latter. He present in God', be a critique developed belief of evidentialism and belief 'Reason 'Can belief and Plantinga thesis: Wolterstorif in God the it is reasonable in a basic way that belief, but do not have, nor ought to have, adequate reasons for surrendering evi theistic belief is - at least for these people - rational and justified without dence. The articulation that theistic of theistic belief of a criterion satisfies for rational belief this criterion contributes and reasons to a case belief. This content downloaded on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 13:56:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions for supposing for the rationality Reformed epistemology and Christian apologetics Plantinga, also, despite belief against of theistic evidentialist found in Plantinga's several important teleological, for and against to such other minds arguments The These in other minds of rationality concept drawn, are the objec neither for God's existence they succeed theistic predates between But with in God belief and fail and Plantinga's in God. But, as is also rational.'9 Plantinga's of the analysis deontological and rationality more that distinction for the rationality and belief to support then so is belief is rational, status. the case to arguments the arguments As proofs, is rational. Hence, epistemic has made Plantinga that while parity between and the distinction sorts of positive (cosmological, respect are designed in God and Other Minds argument existence argues structure. considerations inminds belief claims, examines Arguments is a dialectical there that if belief Plantinga other Hence, argument are far from conclusive, formidable. have a similar dialectical in other minds. contention very of the rationality In this book, Plantinga the same with Plantinga theistic parity God's against and then does in other minds. belief in similar ways. belief for and arguments in God and other minds for belief tions 1967 God and Other Minds."8 and ontological), in support in the now well-known first evident basic of properly has also argued objections, This was belief. of the defence his emphasis of theistic clearly belief more specific.According toPlantinga,most contemporary believers are deontologically in holding justified respect show their central to the central beliefs iswarranted, that theistic belief not do without beliefs. And in WCB, the same is true. But since so does thing is true with has not tried to do is Plantinga which something that theism showing scope of his project theistic of Christianity.20 What Plantinga thinks he can the the latter falls outside the former. The relationship between Reformed epistemology and apologetics How then shall we characterize the project of Reformed and epistemology its relationship toChristian apologetics? In the first place, it is clear that the project of Reformed as out epistemology lined above is not concerned with demonstrating, proving, or otherwise estab lishing the truth of theism or Christianity. the Reformed defined epistemology argument: (1) the critique thesis, and (3) with some of evidentialism, restriction, tiers of the project of Reformed statuses epistemic of no small philosophical project of Reformed their implications More generally, as the aim the works that have three noted tiers of of the proper basicality of the positive embedded are important epistemology significance. have in support belief. Of course, and epistemology examine we (2) the defence arguments temic status of theistic and Christian of positive we When movement, analyses for theistic epis in each of these of a variety belief, a point then, we can describe to clarify5 and defend the a variety of epistemic propositions, specifically propositions about the epistemic status of theistic and Christian belief, as opposed to the truth of such beliefs. Moreover, This content downloaded on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 13:56:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 307 308 MICHAEL SUDDUTH even when we consider themore limited attempt of Reformed epistemology to provide positive arguments in support of the positive epistemic status of theistic belief tomerely (as opposed defending such a claim against the goals objections), remain carefully fitted to the contours of an on-going project in the epistemology of religious belief.21 we Hence, can formulate in a general way the epistemological project of Reformed epistemology as follows: RE epistemology Reformed aims and - with to clarify, defend, qualification - positively support a range of second-order claims about the positive epistemic status of theistic and Christian belief. Is Reformed epistemology a school of or distinct viewpoint in apologetics? Christian apologetics, of course, is concerned with defending Christian belief, and this is typically to involve taken defending the truth and rationality of Christian belief. And here it seems easy to see Reformed epistemology engaged in the same against project of Christian the truth of Christian epistemology as well belief, But different belief. on how exactly views different for Reformed as apologetics, the rationality defending the faith should is interested as answering of apologetics schools be defended. in objections So, if one have identifies the project of Reformed epistemology with apologetics, one is likely to see the arguments of Reformed apologetics. But for supposing since as constitutive epistemology the arguments considered or Christian that theistic belief of a distinct above school do not address is true, as an apologetic of reasons method Reformed epistemology would not include any positive apologetics. And this rendersReformed epistemology vulnerable to the negative assessment examined earlier. With Habermas, 'fulfil a crucial we will have how Reformed to wonder of apologetic component methodology epistemologists in favour -arguing of Christianity'.22 But the argument It is true that some of the goals of Reformed is unsound. here epistemology are the goals of apologetics, epistemology is itself a distinct between The similarities has not are implicated not depend of which in general of apologetics 4-Runner to transport me on the part of my Toyota goal or another, the success the alleged is no more truck. Quite but it hardly follows from the The it belief. Like and value of the project does and Christian the positive epistemic 'failure' of Reformed of a genuine to the moon stem also explains why epistemology the truth of the beliefs on establishing that Reformed of apologetics. in the task of apologetics. for the truth of theistic epistemology, it aims to discuss. Hence, as amethod Toyota interest of Reformed follow or school and apologetics questions on evidence focused not methodology epistemology epistemological other projects it does Reformed fact that epistemological distinctly apologetic but status epistemology failure than the 'failure' of my is indicative trivially, any project will that the project has of a genuine fail to achieve failure some 'failed' or is 'deficient' This content downloaded on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 13:56:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Reformed epistemology and Christian apologetics in any relevant Habermas unless sense, a viable interplanetary transportation. Suppose, to offer a complete that we then, concede to be, a complete an epistemological in support getics Christian ect that has and defence implications formed epistemology Reformed an inadequate positive may form of Christian It is in apolo of theistic is an epistemological this. The complaint form of apologetics, either be, not that may that it entails but a rejection by entailing a preference and proj the critic of Re Of course, apologetics. or at least by showing apologetics status epistemic apologetics, of apologetics can be deployed epistemology concede of or methodology. package, of the positive very well of critiques is not, nor pur epistemology of which is an inadequate school package package. viewpoint, for Christian epistemology regard as unsound that Reformed the arguments it can resolve before a complete that it is a distinct In this case, Reformed belief. as supplying apologetic apologetic project, apologetic I think we must that presuppose epistemology or that it purports its goal. must epistemology package '.23But this is a that Toyota must to NASA, alternative in reaching that Reformed a complete an array of 'problems' lot like identifying be considered Reformed it fails or is deficient of 'problems' 'before it can be considered resolve ports of course a variety articulates for negative of over positive apologetics. What, tive/positive here is the connection then, if we apologetics examine between dichotomy? the relationship Reformed I think we can begin between and the nega epistemology positive to see the connections epistemic status and de featers according to Reformed epistemology. Although Reformed epistemology maintains that reasons epistemic status, are not needed it has rather for theistic held consistently to possess belief that reasons positive remove can or negatively affect positive epistemic status. In other words, properly basic theistic can be defeated beliefs by way of defeaters. what we can call a no-defeater ND Given any person formulation ality, as well cation as epistemic it appears epistemology epistemic respect such desiderata external rationality that the conjunction epistemic defeater to deontological as Alstonian maintains status: belief T has positive S, S's theistic will be true with and Plantingian Now So Reformed for positive if S does not have an undefeated status only This condition for T.24 and internal truth-conducive ration justifi and warrant. of RE and ND entails either negative or positive apologetics, given that: PFD A person believes S* who is engaging in the project that there is some prima outlined facie (rebutting in RE or undercutting) defeater against theistic belief. Take the situation support where the contention the project that theistic of Reformed belief epistemology is rational. aims In this case, This content downloaded on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 13:56:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions to show or one aims to 309 310 MICHAEL SUDDUTH show or establish that the conditions for rationality obtain with respect to belief of any undefeated is the absence but one of these conditions in God, defeaters against theistic belief. So, it looks like dialectically establishing the rationality of theistic belief requires providing good reasons for supposing that prima facie de featers for theistic belief take the case of the be For instance, can be defeated. liever being deontologically rational in holding theistic belief. If a no-defeater condition is imposed upon being within one's intellectual rights (as Reformed epistemologists maintain), then showing that some believers arewithin their in rights in believing tellectual in God from evil, Freudian argument ence of theism, then it will be quite showing requires theories, projection the like. If these prima and to maintain difficult or potential that putative there will be a need featers can be defeated.25 Hence, from the incoher arguments facie defeaters be defeated, cannot that anyone dialectically de the atheological to address is within his intellectual rights in believing inGod. take the case where Now ing the rationality belief in God is not rational. The atheist since belief. Now theistic the epistemic to undercut have on some the positive belief, rationality of theistic belief. Since one of the two premises the Reformed reason strong belief, to suppose reasons defeater that there against of such a defeater contention or agnostic's is a theistic a defeater-defeater require producing the atheist that grounds the defeater against will the is ND, to be the premise either the existence for affirming of these options Both status against in the argument to show is no undefeated that there or that the atheist's are inadequate. belief of ND. One will have against epistemic argument the target will have accepts, epistemologist the consequent that denies defeater alleged the atheist's of theistic which of ND and the is rational. The that t:heistic belief this is a case of defending one will that theistic objection take the conjunction for denying in turn be based will of the consequent is that of defend project epistemology against objector may as grounds denial of its consequent denial the Reformed of belief that theistic is unreasonable. It should be fairly clear that while the Reformed commit necessarily the contention epistemic can view suggested that itwould We apologetics. belief, that theistic a correlated is not a reason defeater) (rebutting of this paper, or one defeater). that rebutting objection to hold B (at least to continue one rational. or undercutting) (rebutting either because of conviction), featers entail a certain kind of dejure belief for a belief B, one has acquired a defeater that B is false that, given ND, theistic belief grounds no longer be rational in the first section above against of any it does not apologetics, noted namely that B is true (undercutting for supposing or positive this as an implication the same degree for believing reasons to theistic If one has acquired for supposing not with to positive that there are defeaters objection Indeed, we defeater. him of RE, ND, and PFD commits the conjunction to either negative epistemologist loses one's acquires We grounds overriding see here a point and undercutting to theistic belief.26 Because This content downloaded on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 13:56:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions de of this Reformed epistemology and Christian apologetics 'epistemic to both of defeaters, implication' why Reformed is false must be eliminated. ality of theistic belief such defeaters crucial the truth, as well theistic against as the that theism threaten belief the ration defending the truth of theism defending defeat becomes belief. This explains for supposing is (or can be) rational. Hence, requires But one may defeaters Rebutting that theistic belief defeaters. of theistic in defending is interested epistemology of such defeaters the rationality of theistic belief. Given ND and RE, reasons rationality, the claim the defeat and defending supporting against rebutting in either negative by engaging or positive apologetics (orboth).27 The compatibility positive of Reformed and epistemology apologetics The basic question, is whether then, or claims the project of Reformed epistemology are logically inconsistent with positive apologetics, or whether Reformed epistemology has reason to prefer negative over positive apologetics. Since for the existence arguments I will tive apologetics, ments, though of God carry out will the considerations a paradigmatic represent the discussion with to arguments also apply case of posi to theistic reference argu for the truth of specifically Christian beliefs. The proper basicality The proper from PBT a negative come in God, to believe theistic in that case theistic as for the positive one might conclude easily in apologetics as to how are superfluous arguments to PBT, as well epis to derive attempt According belief arguments as well to Reformed arguments theology. theistic But belief. of theistic that the implementation PBT] is central that a few related for holding of theistic status epistemic theology [hereafter, on natural verdict are unnecessary arguments At best, thesis so it is not surprising temology, we thesis and natural basicality is contrary to how are in fact justified. such beliefs to the psychological and epistemic dimensions of religious belief. The first thing to note here in holding rational for showing quired a theistic is that PBT is a thesis about belief, if PBT ruled out, the necessity justified in theistic It is crucial in a person's implicated follow to distinguish that theistic between some positive arguments in God, arguments are not needed is not thereby that are implicated status and the conditions because or for such a belief less for showing re it to be true. at the level of being arguments the conditions epistemic for being or for that matter less showing use of theistic that this is the case.28 Simply for belief is justified, much of theistic the apologetic belief possessing in showing are not needed belief belief, the conditions is permitted is rational, much that theistic belief So even ruled out. not what or useful theistic to be justified, for showing that theistic belief arguments it does not that theistic is true, both of which This content downloaded on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 13:56:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 311 312 MICHAEL SUDDUTH are important to Christian apologetics.29Also, even if theistic arguments were not necessary for rational belief belief in the rationality might play a higher-level in God, of one's they might still be necessary in God. That belief In fact, itmight function. for rational is to say, theistic be argued arguments that all such higher level epistemic beliefs require evidential support.30Since Reformed epistemology aims to support and defend such higher-level beliefs, theistic arguments could make an important contribution here. But secondly, it is no claim of Reformed epistemology that theistic belief is basic for everyone in just any circumstance. Proper basicality is circumstance and person relative. For instance, only some people have non-sensory perceptual ex of God periences that would Or, to draw on Plantinga's Plantinga is clear basic ground model, while that the disposition in mystical theistic beliefs everyone may possess to form various perception. a sensus divinitatis, theistic beliefs in widely realized circumstances is not always triggered due tomalfunction or impedance of the sensus beliefs And we divinitatis.31 have so the conditions can be defeated, seen how already even properly to generate that suffice basic such beliefs may not suffice to sustain them given the acquisition of defeaters. Lastly, perhaps for some people theistic beliefs are both experientially and evidentially grounded, such that their theistic multiple beliefs grounds.32 Multiple to sustaining tinctions beliefs theistic even sources thesis basicality or based be especially on relevant Given of defeaters. use of theistic the apologetic if the proper by multiple of this sort might the acquisition given and qualifications, superfluous, are sustained support these dis is far from arguments is true. The strongproper basicality thesis A more case against plausible is suggested guments by a stronger places.33 In 'The Reformed belief in God' to natural ments . is the view This version dard version a person who says that one element or proper way (1980), and in the Reformed does not on the basis arguments. of theistic such arguments an improper way in apologetics to believe question, way? While objection on argu imply that theistic wrong with is in a basic way, which or defective If this is true, then as proposed The in holding implies theistic belief that the use of it appears for belief grounds idea is in God endorses in God. though, exactly would in God improper, in than the stan and stronger version ar offers 'Reason and but rather that there is something to believe incorrect, non-basic different above. The stronger superfluous, that there is something here. What theology' holds his theistic belief on the basis of such arguments. that the correct A crucial of theistic employment of PBT that Plantinga that 'belief in God ought not to be based of PBT is noticeably considered are simply arguments to natural objection (1983), Plantinga theology the apologetic formulation is how be wrong it is possible exactly we with should a person to construe who construe holds the normativity theistic the normativity This content downloaded on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 13:56:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions belief in a in question Reformed epistemology and Christian apologetics I think it ismore deontologically, in terms of the normativity argument could be with a person of arguments while defect. More precisely, ties were her epistemic we WCB would then she would theistic truth-aimed theistic is there any reason articulated to suppose true. The include God's reasons theistic beliefs. However, and sustaining It is hard an exclusively specifying simply God planned do not we actually it. In that case, theistic come typically beliefs. at least on the partial basis of evidential the design belief, natural theology', gree of warrant; holding So, we taining and Plantinga but theistic belief should that people plan cannot I think Plantinga admits do hold agree that theistic that in a fully rational Plantinga's noetic here. arguments plan must strong proper structure, here belief. But of their theistic There grounds is no obvi for holding In 'The prospects can increase have basicality or a noetic in that people considerations. some considerations. in does is likely the way of theistic at least in part of the basis of propositional understand It can't be held with one: how we, of evidential specify multiple design beliefs likely respond often would if so, the cognitive as how we formation. beliefs may of the sole grounds beliefs reason why that if theism have a theistic belief is an empirical will and formation be held very firmly. Plantinga it is plausible theistic about Him as specific belief do form theistic Plantinga are thinking is likely there is for the design argument in God on the basis to suppose the sort of of belief would as basic surely ous But for suppos he presents only shows anything the issue though, to belief this is so if we Perhaps theistic un reasons model of theistic of belief, beliefs may in which to hold design-plan basic mode and non-basic that the way fact, come properly, plan makes the argument to see what of degree be considerations little firmness dicate in the right sort malfunction. for processes not necessarily provision, form such beliefs. plan at least given us to form true beliefs provision is true, then it is likely that our cognitive would design presents to that model, According presents basicality desiring and thus making to Him, include forming or mal are functioning that the design is true, then the proper that will disorder the cognitive of cognitive In WCB, Plantinga above? ing that if theism our duties in a non is this line of argument? how plausible First, facul in a basic way. take this to imply that both are indications belief cognitive that Plantinga belief theistic belief, One might circumstances. and non-basic specification with faculties cognitive sort of theistic belief sort of cognitive to lend itself to this sort of argument. relevant of experiential relevant accepted of theistic that of some theistic belief in accordance then the person will hold a firm, basic, belief hold to some belief The model persons. seem if a person's so is indicative that doing Plantinga's concede theistic belief on the basis rights in holding is subject i.e. not forming for human function.35 One may be that a person who then, would to construe say that if the person's could properly, basic or inferential manner function, and plausible of proper also maintaining functioning The argument, plan accurate specifications for evidence.36 thesis as main structure This content downloaded on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 13:56:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions for the de in which at 313 314 MICHAEL SUDDUTH least the sensus divinitatis and other relevant faculties are functioning properly, inference will not be the sole source structure, theistic of warrant belief will not be based for theistic belief. solely on the basis In such a noetic of argument or evi dence. Clearly this doesn't eliminate theistic arguments. Itonly clarifies the limits of their epistemic function. Christian apologetics can proceed with the recog nition of this epistemological truth. There is no reason why the apologist is forced to construe the presentation of theistic arguments as recommending such argu ments of to the unbeliever theistic grounds as the sole grounds arguments on which to belief not even should be construed believe as a recommendation in God. as refutations of agnosticism in God, perhaps stimulating easily be construed obstacles need a person In fact, the offering for theistic belief. The arguments and atheism or assisting of can just as aimed at removing the deliverances of the sensus divinitatis. Secondly, we Suppose the initial argument though, that a person agreed of the problem The obvious whose a person who with relevant hold a firm basic tioning properly would belief. What theistic belief, is malfunction ambiguity. faculties were cognitive theistic holds is that there entailment a crucial contains above func is the locus exactly in a non-basic but way? in the person's somewhere noetic establishment. There is something defective about the person's cognitive is the defect life. But If I am walking way? the defect. The best situation, defect in question even in the neighborhood. if doing In fact, given it looks is good like there on inferential is healed, as this mechanism the cognitive formation, design plan the noetic less than optimal modes argued, damaged, reasoning cognitive if it turned such belief out of the noetic effects the Reformed for theistic regeneration by spiritual basic mode especially with become respect relevant. of basic requiring partial such time or faith. Even of theistic theistic faculty or set of faculties to theistic And in a This content downloaded on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 13:56:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions belief. as Plantinga belief causally if belief are by-and-large that humans to of its conse at least until beliefs, of sin tradition theological by sin. One of the sensus divintitas, formation some doctrine that the faculty that another faculty F (such as or sustaining of sin suggest situation, iswrong defects. for generating an exclusively specified effects of theistic perhaps cognitive belief-producing is compromised to the operation be damage may dependence has reason within of God wrong with my that something responsible the Reformed that our knowledge suppose is causally that given the physical be not to have said about in a that I have some As a result of F's malfunctioning, that malfunctions. other faculty or set of faculties belief. theistic is held belief the crutches, so is an indication be that there is some basic Itmay the sensus divintitas) were theistic free. But there is nothing similar could Something belief? Or theistic this is an indication of course, would and thus to be crutch relying on the crutches, Other of which on crutches, I have quences a non-basic defect. But there is nothing wrong with my using physical theistic holds fact in consequence some other is the defect non-basic the fact that the person formation generated or Reformed epistemology and Christian apologetics sustained theistic it is likely that God would belief, plan. This of the design that inferential implies as at least part of our post-lapsarian of theistic getic employment reasoning cognitive these as part adopted can easily be construed plan. Once design would arguments have the apolo again, with be consistent the underlying epistemology of theistic belief. The dialecticalforce if we Even thesis of theistic arguments ral theology, is nothing that there agree itself that is incompatible there may with very well to the proper intrinsic and apologetic epistemic be objections basicality functions to the apologetic of natu use of natural theology that, while not entailed by Reformed epistemology, are nonetheless consistent it. Space with here. However, bilities constraints tinent. They both concern prohibit of closely a couple the full array of possi considering are particularly related objections force of theistic the dialectical arguments, per something of particular significance in apologetics. is, first, the view There theistic are logically arguments apologist may prove more of course, ologists, that theistic invalid or lack cogency, have been critical of the logical for instance, criticisms in God and Other Minds. With Plantinga in fact succeed finally, while theologian's to rigorous argument is ineffective theology obvious of stating ways weapon, '." it do that the teleological agrees powerful arguments. arguments to the cosmological of natural Plantinga most epistem force of theistic 'none of the more by the Reformed theistic reference 'this piece argument, '.38And is the natural case paradigm concludes, As for the ontological ment subjected If arguments. their employment than victorious. embarrassing Plantinga, of Aquinas, are just not good arguments argu 'it suffers from a crucial and crippling deficiency'.39 Hence, this argument 'seems no more successful than the cosmological a satisfactory provide to believe While negative, a rather question answer 0 His arguments'. the conclusion to the question final verdict that natural with which seems we began: de does not theology Is it rational in God?'4' Plantinga's wholly with and ontological 'it is hard to avoid cisively negative: Plantinga stringent certain on natural verdict conception lofty claims in God and Other Minds theology has since pointed out that at the time he was working of natural for natural appears theology.42 He was theology, critiquing into calling the idea that theistic arguments constitute conclusive, coercive, certain, or logical demonstrations pro ceeding among from premises that are self-evident all rational people.43 Theistic but this is a far cry from an outright or to which arguments rejection there is universal are ineffective of theistic assent in this sense only, arguments as such. It is clearly compatible with affirming the existence of good probabilistic theistic ar guments.While we might suppose that theistic arguments of this sort could never independently generate enough warrant for knowledge, they could still make some contribution to the positive epistemic status of theistic This content downloaded on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 13:56:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions belief, and they 315 316 SUDDUTH MICHAEL in remain dialectically useful to Christian apologetics.44 Moreover, would 'Christian dorses of positive the project theistic at the end of the 20th philosophy waiting host of good and pro in penetrating to be developed en explicitly 'There are really a whole apologetics: all patiently arguments, Plantinga century', found detail. This is one areawhere contemporary Christian philosophers have a great deal of work on the ontological entitled his lecture ment,46 in addition to do.'45 Indeed, and his more argument 'Two dozen positive to Plantinga's recent argu lays out just arguments' (or so) theistic work defeated naturalism how fruitful Plantinga regards the prospects for the development of theistic arguments.47Therefore, Plantinga's criticisms of theistic arguments should not be construed as undermining but rather as shaping apologetics, positive it in a constructively criticalmanner.48 A second objection about that raises concern the dialectical of the effectiveness arguments relates to the highly subjective determinants of evidence assessment, for instance of our passions the implications for how we view evidence. that fail to recognize should '49It follows people will disagree Clark says here applies to weigh are asked against against logical between considerations and bad states point will hold a casual glimpse What are unlikely in our by rational individuals but to evaluate at the literature will consensus. theistic each and metaphysical arguments. basicality of epistemological show a significant goods, as judgements over against be weighted of the proper on the In fact, thesis. Here arguments, divergence but of opinion in even among Christians. of God or arguments with as well on the very sort of moral a variety of theism typically depend range of possible of evidence judgements in the defence defences But assessments. for here of theism of affairs, assessments also for the defence are asked to meet states of affairs should this shows us is that whether for the existence of evidence elements a postulated and bad of such arguments, the evaluation consider from evil. These often depend implicated also individuals that judgements and equally apologetics, in support evidence of affairs, good other. Such judgements Clark's to negative not argument states of good about how good divergent to theistic belief. The same sort of subjective the atheological relations commitments the weight from it are conditioned of God, nature the subjective into play here. For instance, a conception 'are inextricably as evidence, that follow for the existence equally evidence, defeaters alleged will come that counts apolo on these matters. I think Clark is correct about what Clark writes, that people will have widely of the evidence as to the strength to positive approaches and will. Our fundamental to it, and the inferences attach our commitments. with 'Our believings', emotions, of the evidence.... shape our assessment we this. our passions, with entwined commitments to the Five Views book discussed his dissatisfaction earlier, Kelly Clark indicates getics and pre-theoretical In his contributions we are attempting against The objections lesson to construct arguments to theism our best efforts to be learned here This content downloaded on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 13:56:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions is that there Reformed epistemology and Christian apologetics evidentialism apologetic or proven strated fate of nearly jective that thinks to the satisfaction every dialectical factors of all rational interlocutors. this is not But is needed of a certain ourselves can be logically demon But such is the to refuse a reason of the limits of such engagements them. What influence that theism engagement. but an indication engagement, to disabuse silver bullets. We will need are no apologetic naive and how is an approach sub to positive (and negative) apologetics that is, we might say, presuppositionally sensitive, that is sensitive apologetics, none in which to the way But we dividuals. have much the factors Clark no good less a reason not that would reason to refuse engaging over positive negative in positive all philosophical bringing justify in cites do affect particular to prefer here at least apologetics, to a argumentation screeching halt.50 Conclusion Is Reformed epistemology entails an inadequate ology is fundamentally belief, not a distinct Reformed a multi-tiered school status epistemic the relationship between ing that putative to support to theistic defeaters as a project and defend But belief. and defeaters, rationality a variety of religious in epistemology, of claims this very project, is also concerned can be defeated. belief epistem in the epistemology Secondly, of theistic that it is or the grounds I think not. First, Reformed project of apologetics. aims epistemology the positive on rightly criticized form of apologetics? about owing with Hence, to show Reformed epistemology entails apologetically useful arguments, arguments for and in de fence of the positive status epistemic of the truth of theism. defence straightforward reasons ferring negative to positive the apologetic use internal I have Third, to Reformed apologetics of theistic of theistic belief, argued And as arguments that some in of the more for excluding or pre good arguments against epistemology do not constitute arguments. as well the apparent dialectical weak nesses of natural theology pointed out by Reformed epistemologists are not suf to undermine ficient shape that project positive apologetics, in a constructive but way. Hence, they can and should Reformed be used epistemology to has no intrinsic or principled objection to those schools of Christian apologetics that make use of theistic arguments or Christian evidences, nor should Reformed epistemology be contrasted with such schools of apologetics. I thinkwe must conclude that the widespread reports of the death of natural theology Reformed epistemologists have indeed been greatly exaggerated.5' This content downloaded on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 13:56:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions among 317 318 MICHAEL SUDDUTH Notes i. James Sennett review of Faith and Reason Epistemology, by Dewey 2. Alvin Plantinga 'Jerusalem Dame, Hoitenga, 'Foundations and Athens IN: University from Plato to Plantinga: An Introduction to Reformed New York Press, 1991), 203; Gary Gutting reason', Faith and Philosophy, the conditions cognizer are experiences has special epistemic they obtain. By contrast, environment instance, internalist type defeaters. see my defeaters, for revising (Dordrecht: Epistemic defeaters involve Kluwer, 1999); William and the evidential in G. Bruntrup Alston as argument In the present 'Internalism See John Pollock Contemporary between between that p. Consequently, that it includes the premises in idem view that attack a and the conclusion of an argument. and Here one gets that p is defeated the belief I am using as one might defeaters, a proposal of Theism reasons the premises at least one of the reasons In this paper defeaters. reason-defeating defeat: (Savage, MD: Rowman for one of the reasons can call these reason-defeating in and externalist in epistemology', Theories of Knowledge holding For that prevent 359--360. distinguished a rebutter to continue or not the subject's reflection. internalist of internalist that attack that it is not rational upon (eds) The Rationality 1986), 38-39. But there are also reasons such a way the context, we are interested and externalism Press, 2000), q for some belief since Press, 1989), 191-192; Alvin Plantinga Warranted the connection that attack defeater facts about between significance forms, John Pollock and reasons (rebutters) accessible and R. Tacelli (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University of defeaters of certain on the distinction (New York, NY: Oxford University Belief (undercutters). q for the belief 'undercutting in such a defeater' as two ways the distinction in that p. in which or reason could be inadequate. a ground 5. One might not-p', Faith and reflection whether that there can be true propositions as knowledge. from counting evidentialism', the obtaining maintain For further discussion 'Proper basicality is an internalist Littlefield, way of on faith and for apologetics', i.e. can tell just upon these are not mentally of knowledge classical Justification conclusion We a dialogue 'An apology the defeater to such conditions, situation, where accounts true beliefs over all justified Christian Paul Griffiths (Notre Jr, Faith and Reason (Albany, NY: State University and the Calvinist: or other beliefs, access externalist or cognitive defeasibility 4. Thinking Epistemology 'The Catholic 2 (1985), 236-256; Hoitenga, 5 (1988), 399-420. Philosophy, 3. Where (eds) Faith and Rationality 1983), 192-218, 197; Dewey Press, to Reformed 3 (1986), 313; George Mavrodes and N. Wolterstorff in A. Plantinga of Notre Dame An Introduction 11 (1994), 347. and Philosophy, a reply', Faith and Philosophy, of theism: revisited', to Plantinga: from Plato Jr,Faith that if a rebutting suppose a rebutting defeater-defeater defeater reason q for supposing against p is 'an overriding be an overriding this defeater would against reason that for supposing that that it is not the case that <q is an overriding reason for supposing not-p>. But then my contention that not not-p would be unclear at best. One thereby acquires an overriding reason for supposing one this is to think of a rebutting way of resolving reasons for holding supposing the conclusion thereby acquire for supposing defeater a rebutting not-p, 6. Mavrodes 7. Gutting the conclusion and Athens 'Jerusalem on Christian reasons of the rebutting to overriding forms that present is properly q for reasons a rebutting there is a sense in which defeater one does that it is not the case that <q is an overriding reasons overriding as opposed be cleared up on the latter such a defeater form. Of course, argument that not-p, can equally as argument against for supposing If one acquires for supposing that neutralize defeater argument in Steven B. Cowan that the conclusion the defeating power reason of a rebutting of the reasons 'An evidentialist's Apologetics revisited'. response', (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2000), and Stanley N. Gundry (eds) Five Views 294. 9. Ibid., 296-297. io. Alvin Plantinga 'Reason and belief ii. See Alvin Plantinga Wainwright of Religion q form. and the Calvinist'. 'The Catholic 8. Gary Habermas defeaters is false, one has acquired argument that supported reasons overriding not-p>. the problem defeater-defeater of the defeating as the belief defeater that not-p. But Ifwe are thinking of rebutting account. against the belief 'Coherentism (eds) Rationality, in God', in Plantinga and the evidentialist Religious Belief (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University and Moral Press, and Wolterstorff objection Faith and Rationality, to belief Commitment: in God', New Essays 1986), 109-138; Plantinga Warranted 102-105. This content downloaded on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 13:56:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 16-93. in R. Audi and W. in the Philosophy Christian Belief, Reformed epistemology and Christian apologetics 12. For a detailed the Philosophy 13. See William of this and its implications discussion character internalist and evidentialist of Religion, Wolterstorff (eds) Rationality in the regulation of God', PA: Temple 1991), 6-49. University Alston University 15. Alston Press, Perceiving of belief', International 'The Journal for inM. Hester God: The Epistemology J. van der Hoeven, in H. Hart, (Lanham, PA: University Tradition in the Calvinian 135-170 and idem 'Knowledge 14.William see my of evidentialism, defeaters', 45 (1999), 167-187. 'The role of reason Alston for the critique of Plantingian implications (ed.) Faith, Reason, of Religious and N. Press of America, and Skepticism 1982), (Philadelphia, (Ithaca, NY: Cornell Experience Press, 1991). by way of personal confirmed not merely to defend the prima (27May correspondence facie immediate that in Perceiving 2002) God he intends of theistic belief but to argue justification in support of this proposal. 16. See Nicholas 'Can belief Wolterstorff Faith and Rationality, Wolterstorff 17. The actual has a couple formulation up his belief, but is justified cease holding the belief. See Wolterstorff 21. Nicholas in God be rational?', 'Can belief reason to give in his belief. And reason it is to 163-169. Justification in God (Ithaca, NY: of Belief inWarranted summary Christian Belief, 69-70. 177-178, 203-204. defends the modest character is not', Perspectives, epistemology 22. Habermas and Press, 1967, repr. 1ggo). Wolterstoff Reformed justified to think that he has an adequate obliged A Study of the Rational God and Other Minds: 19. See Plantinga's 20. Ibid., 99-102, in Plantinga has adequate this fact, he is rationally that the subject not be rationally Cornell University If a person of other qualifications. in not recognizing also necessary 18. Alvin Plantinga if it has no foundations?', in God be rational 135-186. 'An evidentialist's response', of the claims of Reformed epistemology in 'What 7 (1992), 14-16. 301. 23. Ibid., 300. 24. This sort of formulation belief in God', is suggested if it has no foundations?', Historical more 164-172; Alston of ND consideration evidentialist implications of internalist defeat'. 25. More facie defeater D against the connection between Perceiving epistemologists. in Reformed See Plantinga ch. 1i;Wolterstorff Belief, 'Can belief Press, 1996), 267-268, see my epistemology, and defeaters', 'Reason and in God be rational God, 79, 159, 189-194; C. Stephen (Oxford: Clarendon of Plantingian one must technically, Christian the Jesus of Faith Christ and detailed by several Reformed idem Warranted 82-87; Evans The 293-295, 'The internalist 306. For a character and the evidential 'Proper basicality first show that there are reasons, Q, such that, even if S acquired theistic belief T, S would remain rational in holding T if S acquired Q and D). Secondly, one would have to show that such conditions and significance a prima Q (and saw are plausibly instantiated. 26. Plantinga that in some cases atheologians has suggested to be against objections the truth or rationality Belief, 464. The confusion is likely the result of a lack of clarity about here truth, and positive defeaters, is necessary one's for any person in RE, which seeks in 'The internalist S* who can possess character to a defeater-defeater requirement not engage in apologetics roughly, if a person epistemic It is important proving, of a defeater-defeater (negative form of apologetics or positive) in the project between defeat', S actually (negative in RE. Clearly in the project outlined this status. However, defeaters', and 'Proper that theistic belief acquires for or positive) a defeater is subject for his status of S's belief at time tn+, will depend on to distinguish between this defeater-defeater or otherwise against I argued in the activity of articulated engaging of Plantingian implications of internalist and the activity of showing, the existence their Christian for the truth of theism) that theistic belief can possess the claim significance of a defeater-defeater. the relations S to engage evidence status without epistemic theistic belief at time t1, then the positive exhibiting is that some and evidentialist requirement: for a person less produce accepts ND and engages positive to show and defend and the evidential the acquisition (much to be justified. My argument theistic belief basicality that it is necessary theistic belief against objections S's theistic belief they intend status. epistemic 27. It should be clear that I am not arguing defending are not clear about whether of theistic belief. See Plantinga, Warranted dialectically some prima to acquire establishing facie defeater. a defeater-defeater. or In short, one need Hence, This content downloaded on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 13:56:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions the positive 319 320 MICHAEL SUDDUTH epistemic status of theistic belief does not depend defending claims to the effect on negative apologetics, that theistic belief has positive epistemic even if supporting status does depend or on negative apologetics. 28. For this distinction, see Plantinga rational?', 157; Alston Perceiving Habermas's critique of Reformed evidentialist's 29. Although response', not accepted availability in support actually have this evidence on the notion proper is rationally rationality of God and sensible basic. would It isworth for the rationality of theistic belief. pointing argument for the for the existence such arguments to his early parity argument with Reformed epistemology, International evidentialism', to that theistic belief of other minds. While essential in and idem 14 (1995), 107-121. If one were on there being arguments for the existence theistic (eds) Readings 1989), 426-437, lovanovich, out that Plantinga's depends they are nonetheless and higher-level 'Toward a sensible and W. Wainwright Topoi, is the that a person be part of the case showing and its logical consistency of this argument foundationalism see my Journal for Philosophy 37 (1995), 25-44. of Religion, 31. Plantinga Warranted Christian emphasizes 214-216. Belief, in which the variety of ways theology, may operate formulation from Plato L. Zagzebski to Plantinga, (ed.) Rational of Notre Dame Perceiving Press, 1993), 49; Patrick Lee 'A cumulative in ibid., 142; and Feinberg recognized 'Natural to Reformed Responses of religious and to contribute belief, including to the positive God, 289-307. has been John Zeis 183, 209, 220-222; Faith: Catholic or grounds psychologically in this paragraph discussed sources multiple to sustain together status of theistic belief. See Alston epistemic 33. The strong University 'An for proper basicality Brace evidentialism', existence that are at least as strong as arguments natural in God be 220. A part of See Habermas if it is not required "', inW. Rowe in God and Other Minds logical demonstrations, Reason evidence for God's as properly of theistic belief 'Alstonian even 2nd edn (New York, NY: Harcourt inferentiality, 30. For a development this distinction. or base his belief on it. See Stephen Wykstra fall short of being 32. Alston conflates 'Can belief the Jesus of Faith, there is the idea that a criterion of " needing then arguments accepted 71-73; Wolterstorff Christ and of the truth of the belief, himself of Religion, 'Externalism, epistemology by Plantinga, evidentalism: take this view, in God', 294. of evidence the Philosophy 'Reason and belief God, 71; Evans Historical case apologist's response', and in reformed?', Epistemology 'Evidentialisrn, Faith by Hoitenga theology: IN: (Notre Dame, and faith and reason', Plantinga, in Cowan and Gundry Five Views, 302, 304. 34. Plantinga or revealing in God, believe else; Belief, these lines is suggested noetic structure; structure'. in God as basic takes belief in his noetic in God is to take belief in personal this interpretation 'Prospects of Religion for natural quite as basic' theology', to natural objection 15 (1980), 49-63. by his associating 'ought' 'As these He then elaborates: is not thereby violating any epistemic the reverse. The correct or proper way ('Reason correspondence from natural and belief theology in God', to or anywhere 72, cf. 73). Plantinga (16 July 2001). in J.Tomberlin CA: Ridgeview, (Atascadero, 'Reformed Association, they thought, was not on the basis of arguments 36. Alvin Plantinga Philosophy Philosophical and a 'well-formed see things, one who a defect the correct way confirmed Catholic the 'ought' here along 'rightness', thinkers Reformed duties construed 'correctness', 71; cf. 72-73. Cf. Alvin Plantinga of the American Proceedings 35. That Plantinga with in God', 'Reason and belief theology', (ed.) Philosophical 1991), 311-312. See also Perspectives idem Warranted 5: Christian 179, no. 16. 37. Plantinga God and Other Minds, 25. 38. Ibid., 64. 39. Ibid., 268. 40. Ibid., iii. 41. Ibid. 42. Ibid., ix-x.; cf. idem Warranted 43. Plantinga makes York, NY: Harcourt twentieth Eerdmans, century', this point Brace Craig has pointed Belief, 69-70. 'Belief in God', in R. Boylan Jovanovich, in J. Sennett 1998), 339-340; Christian in his 1992), 389-406; (ed.) The Analytic and idem 'The prospects this out in 'Classical apologetics', (ed.) Introduction idem 'Christian philosophy Theist: An Alvin Plantinga for natural in Cowan (Grand Rapids, MI: recently William Five Views, 45-48. This content downloaded on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 13:56:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions (New at the end of the Reader theology'. More and Gundry to Philosophy Lane Reformed epistemology and Christian apologetics 44. Plantinga has recently quite properly they may move closer fence-sitters can reveal interesting a reply to Richard the firmness Swinburne', of belief philosophical 47. Plantinga and Alston but he uses epistemologists epistemologist's Perceiving October concur. closing 'the ontological and Proper function Belief argument argument in J.Tomberlin 227-240. Plantinga's provides as good for any important and P. van Inwagen at the 33rd Annual (or so) theistic arguments' lecture notes 23-25, 1986. Plantinga's it to critique referees in Cowan 'Reformed (eds) Philosophy for this talk are available epistemology and Gundry in Cowan response', that Clark uses this argument some approaches to positive Clark introduces to thank Dewey See Kelly Clark remarks', epistemologist's to suggest the considerations anonymous 'Self-Profile', Christian apologetics', Five Views, 273, 365-366, and idem 372-373, God, 270, 289. 'A reformed 50. I do not mean 339. 1985), 71. 'Two dozen College, evidence: at: <>. on the internet 48. Other Reformed 49. Kelly Clark his lecture atWheaton 'A reformed Reidel, and they and public 1974), 213-221; idem Warrant should be noted: Alvin Plantinga (Dordrecht: delivered Conference century', Press, of God as does any serious philosophical conclusion'; Alvin Plantinga in other ways; reached as defeater-defeaters; 'Rationality Press, 1993), ch. 12; idem Warranted argument they can be extremely belief 37 (2001), 217. (Oxford: Clarendon of the ontological for the existence grounds Studies, and support can I doubt in faith (as traditionally involved Alvin Plantinga connections'; Religious of Necessity they think are appropriate. they can function belief; at the end of the twentieth (New York, NY: Oxford University assessment to Christian and important 'Christian philosophy 46. Idem The Nature 51. Iwish to warrant 'on my view, Christians evidences: belief that they have no use at all. On the contrary; follow but it doesn't to Christian respect for the truth of Christian and in at least four different ways. They can confirm useful, 45. Idem this with are sufficient that these arguments understood) explained offer any arguments Hoitenga, apologetics. at least entail a preference Kelly Clark, David Matheson, for this journal for comments and Gundry to oppose Five Views, 85. positive apologetics But one might for negative JillMaria as such, suppose over positive Sudduth, on earlier drafts of this paper. This content downloaded on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 13:56:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions that apologetics. and two 321
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