Southwest Michigan Showdown SHEEP AND GOAT SHOW May 17th, 2015 Cass County Fairgrounds 590 O’Keefe St Cassopolis, MI 49031 MCLA / MBGA Sanctioned Sheep and Goat Judge: Ryan Mortvedt Lynnville, IA Sheep Show Weigh In: 8:00 - 10:00 Skillathon 9:00 - 9:30 Commercial Ewes 11:00 Showmanship 6-under 11:30 Showmanship oldest first Market Lamb Classes Entry Fees: $15.00 per class (postmarked by May 10th, 2015 (deduct $5 per class if entering same class in show B) $25.00 per class after May 10th, 2015 (deduct $5 per class if entering same class in show B) Showmanship: $10.00 (under 6 free) (deduct $5.00 if entering same class in show B) Pen Fee: $10.00 (holds 2 lambs or goats) Skillathon/Quiz: Free *adds bonus points for MCLA Youth Challenge Animals exhibiting fungus, sore mouth or contagious diseases are not allowed to show. Health inspector has final say at check in point. MBGA *APPROVED GOAT SHOW INFORMATION* MBGA(approved) Showmanship and Market Boer Goat Classes offered. Goats check in 1:002:00, show to follow sheep show approx. 2:30. Show will start with Showmanship 6 and under, then showmanship oldest to youngest. Grand $150. Res. $100 +class winners will receive award. COMMERCIAL BREEDING EWE CLASSES 2015 Ewe lambs 2014 Yearling Ewe lambs *2015 Commercial Ewes CAN be shown in market classes *Champion Commercial Ewe $100 *Res Champion Commercial Ewe $75 Sheep Market Class Prizes will include: Grand Champion Market Lamb $200 Res. Champion Market Lamb $150 Third Overall Market lamb $100 4th and 5th Overall Market Lamb $ 50 each Market classes open to youth ages 7 – 21 as of January 1, 2015 Market Lambs will show by weight. All sheep must have USDA Scrapies ID tags Out of state sheep need interstate health papers All lambs must be slick shorn within 5 days of show You may show from pens or trailer Lambs will show in the class they are assigned Black and White faced market classes will be offered 2014 SOUTHWEST MICHIGAN SHOWDOWN (Detach this form and mail with check) Name: _____________________________________ Age: ___________ DOB: ____________ Address: ___________________________________ City: ___________________ST:____ Zip:_________ Phone: _____________________________ ENTER NUMBER IN EACH CLASS Market lambs: ______ Commercial – Ewe Lambs: ______ Commercial – Yearling Ewes: ______ Market Goats $15 per class ______ DELICIOUS FOOD AVAILABLE ON GROUNDS! Total # of classes: ______ x $15(A&Bx$10)= ______ Cass County FFA will be hosting 2nd MCLA Approved show to be held on May 17th, 2015; classes will start, 30 min after SW MI Lamb show. For entry information call or email Carrie George (269) 684-2592 TRIPPPLE CROWN - Based on exhibitors top two point earning lambs from SWMI Showdown, Cassopolis FFA Classic, and Shamrock Shakers Showdown, will win $150 must show two lambs at all 3 shows to be eligible After May 10th, 2015 late fees of $25/$20 per CLASS will apply *Entering both shows must pay Cass FFA other $10 per class. # of Pens (Must clean pens after using) $5@ ______ Sheep Showmanship $10 (A&B =$5) ______ Goat Showmanship $5 ______ Entering both shows (pay $5 also to Cass FFA) Electrical outlet needed $5 ______ Camper Electrical Hookup $15 ______ GRAND TOTAL CASS COUNTY FAIR ASSOC, CASS COUNTY SHEEP PROGRAM, AND VOLUNTEERS, ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS OR LOST/STOLEN ITEMS! For more information, contact Judy Ruggles: (269) 718-9863 or MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: CASS COUNTY SHEEP PROGRAM Mail to: BROOKE RUGGLES 15839 Floating Bridge Rd Three Rivers, MI 49093 Entries are non-refundable ______
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