Application Note Metagenomic Service: 16S rDNA Analyses Introduction Amplicon deep-sequencing using next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies has become an important and widely used tool to study the diversity in microbial communities. Next‐generation sequencing technologies can generate unprecedented amount of sequence data enabling rapid and comprehensive profiling of microbial communities by sequencing parts of the ribosomal DNA (16S rDNA). However, the processing and evaluation of next‐generation sequence data is a challenge due to (i) the large amount of data generated and (ii) the technology‐specific sequencing patterns which must be addressed properly dur- ing downstream analysis. Microsynth offers a full service covering the entire process from DNA isolation, PCR amplification and sequencing up to bioinformatics analyses of the data. Final output is a user-friendly report. Workflow for Projects based on 16S rDNA Project Input: Option1: Customer sends environmental samples Option 2: Customer sends isolated DNA Samples (soil, tissue, feces, water, ...) DNA Isolation Selection of Target Region Design and Validation of Customized Primer Sets PCR Amplification with Microsynths Primer Sets PCR Amplification with Custom Primer Sets PCR Purification and Equimolar Pooling 454 Sequencing Bioinformatics Analysis Microsynth AG | Schützenstrasse 15 | 9436 Balgach | Switzerland E-mail: | Web: Project Output: User-friendly report including OTU lists, taxonomy lists, rarefaction anaylsis and heat plots. Results can be used in down-stream community analysis. DNA Isolation The customer needs to provide 50-300 mg sample material. Depending from sample type and matrix, Microsynth will apply the appropriate DNA isolation protocol. The DNA will be quantified by spectrofluorimetry and checked for its integrity on an agarose gel. primer sets for the 16S rDNA region, Microsynth offers also the synthesis and validation of customized fusion primer sets. The template-specific primer sequences are given by the customer. Based on our experience it is essential to validate fusion primer sets because the kinetics of long oligonucleotides in PCR reactions can significantly deviate from standard PCR reactions and may lead to poor amplification of certain samples. Microsynth will design the fusion primer sets with different MIDs (according to the number of samples) and test them for successful PCR. Once developed, fusion primer sets can serve the customer for many other studies. A certificate, including primer sequences, chemicals, PCR conditions and an agarose gel photograph, will be provided with each fusion primer set. for the first cycles. The resulting PCR products serve as template DNA for the second PCR step with fewer cycles. This two-step PCR is made in order to increase reproducibility and to improve the production of high-quality multiplex amplicon libraries (Berry & al., Appl. Environ. Microbiol. doi: 10.1128/AEM.05220-11, Barcoded primers used in multiplex amplicon pyrosequencing bias amplification). PCR products are purified, quantified with fluorescence spectroscopy using Picogreen and pooled in equimolar amounts. ical repartition on the picotiter plate, as well as the number of reads per sample, is optimized for each project. For metagenomic amplicon projects, and if not otherwise specified by the customer, we perform an unidirectional sequencing (Lib-L adaptors). nomic classification are calculated. Detailed explanations about our metagenomics data analyses pipeline are given in the brochure: “Summary Bio- informatics 16S rDNA Analysis” at the NGS - Application part of our website. Selection of Fusion Primers Option 1: Microsynth Fusion Primers Microsynth has developed and validated some fusion primer sets for 16S rDNA. The specificity of each fusion primer set for the detection of different types of organisms is variable. The choice of adequate fusion primer sets will be discussed with the customer for each project. Option 2: Customized Fusion Primers Besides our validated standard fusion PCR Amplification PCR amplification from 16S rDNA will be made using either our fusion primer sets or the customized fusion primer sets. The PCR amplification is set up as a two-step PCR and is performed with a state-ofthe-art high-fidelity polymerase. Template-specific short primers will be used 454 Sequencing The sequencing is performed on our GS Roche Sequencer (454 technology), using the Titanium FLX reagents. The amount of samples pooled and the phys- Bioinformatic Analysis This analysis includes the sorting of the reads according to the MIDs, quality trimming and mapping against known databases. Diversity measurements and taxo- Need More Information? Call us at +41 71 722 83 33…or E-mail us at Microsynth AG | Schützenstrasse 15 | 9436 Balgach | Switzerland E-mail: | Web:
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