Microplastic in the Environment Sources, Impacts & Solutions r 2015 e b m e v o N 4 23 - 2 Germany , e n g lo o C , s u Maternusha +++ More than 200 participants expected +++ +++ 15% early bird discount until end of June +++ +++ Free exhibition booths for participants +++ Organiser microplastic-conference.eu Preliminary programme Scientific studies have shown that plastics greatly contribute to the littering of the environment. Plastic particles can be found in the air, in the soil, in rivers and lakes, and especially in the marine environment. Sources of microplastics Impacts of microplastics Plastic particles can be found in the air, in the soil, in rivers and lakes, and especially in the marine environment. Plastic particles with a diameter smaller than 5 mm are referred to as microplastics. These can be secondary fragments created by the breaking up of larger pieces of plastic such as packaging materials, or fibres that are washed out of textiles. They can also be primary plastic particles produced in microscopic sizes. These include particles used in cosmetics and in other body care applications. Microplastics in the environment cause a wide range of negative impacts. Marine litter is known to have negative effects on the health of more than 600 species. More than half of these ingest or become entangled in plastic debris. The components of microparticles can be toxic or cause endocrine disruption. In addition, marine organisms that swallow plastic microparticles may potentially ingest higher doses of persistent organic pollutants sticking to the surface of these microplastics. This poses the risk of toxic substances accumulating in the food web and harming a variety of animal species and also human beings. What are the most important sources of microplas tics? This question will be answered by the latest findings of studies in Norway, Denmark and Germany. Different sources of microplastics will be introduced to derive a comprehensive understanding of their origins as well as their fate and accumulation in the environment. Confirmed speakers: Prof. Richard Thompson University of Plymouth, Great Britain Peter Sundt Mepex Consult AS, Norway What are the impacts of microplastics in the environment? This question will be answered in detail to highlight the impacts of microplastics on plants and animals in freshwater and aquatic ecosystems. Furthermore, a case study of contaminated seafood will be presented to focus also on consequences for humans. Confirmed speakers: Dr. Miriam Weber HYDRA Institute for Marine Sciences AG, Germany and HYDRA Field Station, Centro Marino Elba, Italy Prof. Dr. Stephan Pflugmacher-Lima TU Berlin, Germany PhD Carsten Lassen COWI A / S, Denmark Prof. Christian Laforsch University of Bayreuth, Germany Roland Essel nova-Institut, Germany Solutions: Prevention, recycling and education What are the most promising solutions for the problem of microplastic in the environment? Different strategies such as prevention of microplastics, resource efficient production, recycling and aware ness rising will be presented and discussed with stakeholders from industry associations, governmental agencies and non-governmental organisations. Confirmed speakers: Nadja Ziebarth BUND - Friends of the Earth, Germany Maria Westerbos Plastic Soup Foundation, The Netherlands Special focus: Substitution of conventional plastics with biodegradable plastics & other materials Can the substitution of conventional materials with biodegradable plastics and other biodegradable materials present a possible solution for certain applications in which plastic waste and entrance of plastic into the environment cannot be avoided? This question will be answered by presenting the detailed concept of biodegradation of bio-based plastics in contrast to the fragmentation of non-biodegradable plastics and oxo-fragmentable plastics. Furthermore, it will be discussed which standards and labels are available for biodegradable plastics in different environments. In addition, innovative companies that already offer products fulfilling these requirements will showcase their applications. Confirmed speakers: Jeroen Dagevos Plastic Soup Foundation, The Netherlands Bruno de Wilde OWS N.V., Belgium Jan Ravenstijn Jan Ravenstijn Consulting, The Netherlands Arjan Klapwijk Bio4Life BV, The Netherlands Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Bonten University of Stuttgart, Germany Michael Carus nova-Institut, Germany Your Conference Team Michael Carus Managing Director nova-Institut GmbH Roland Essel Programme +49 (0)2233 4814 - 40 roland.essel@nova-institut.de Dominik Vogt Conference Management & Sponsorship +49 (0)2233 4814 - 49 dominik.vogt@nova-institut.de Jutta Millich Partners & Media Partners +49 (0)561 503580 - 44 jutta.millich@nova-institut.de Ina Hellge Contact, Registration, Organisation +49 (0)2233 4814 - 64 ina.hellge@nova-institut.de Here is how you can show up and plant your flag! Become a partner of the conference The conference organisers foresee close cooperation agreements with major trade associations, research institutions, environmental organisations and political bodies in order to target and reach a broad base of interested parties. Your contact: Jutta Millich. Become a media partner of the conference Major trade magazines, newspapers and online media in related fields are welcome to join in a media partnership. Your contact: Jutta Millich. Free exhibition booths for participants Register now and take advantage of this opportunity! You can present your alternative products, environmental campaigns or research results in the immediate environment of the conference. Your contact: Dominik Vogt. Entrance Fee Conference incl. Catering, plus 19 % 295 € 495 €) (Single Day) (Both Days VAT ion at: Registration and further informat u www.microplastic-conference.e Venue Maternushaus Köln Kardinal-Frings-Str. 1 – 3 50668 Cologne, Germany +49 (0)221 163 10 info@maternushaus.de 23 - 24 November 2015 Partners & Media Partners bio.org nova-Institut GmbH Chemiepark Knapsack Industriestr. 300 50354 Huerth, Germany ibbnetzwerk-gmbh.com clib2021.de bioplasticsmagazine.com kunststoffland-nrw.de plasticker.de polycomply-hoechst.com 15-06-15 plastixportal.co.za k-zeitung.de heise.de/tr
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