the flyer - Microscopy and Imaging Center

Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy:
A Tool for Imaging Living, Fixed and Cleared Tissues
April 15, 2015
50 µm
50 µm
Top: Hepatocyte Spheroids; courtesy of TNG Weiquan
John, Ng Huck Hui, Genome Institute of Singapore
Bottom: Drosophila; courtesy of Dr. Mohit Prasad,
Department of Biological Sciences, IISER, Kolkata
ZEISS will host a free seminar at Texas A&M University on Wednesday, April 15, 2015. Join us and learn about this advanced and
emerging microscopy technique that allows you to gently image the development of large, living samples. See how you could enhance
your research and gain optical sections of large samples, with virtually no phototoxicity or bleaching, and with high temporal resolution.
• 1:00 - 2:00 PM
• Texas A&M University
Interdisciplinary Life Sciences Building, Room 1143
College Station, TX 77844
Contact your local ZEISS representative, Lindsay Roberts, for more information, a consultation or to register for the event.
Lindsay Roberts
+1 480 467-7593
Carl Zeiss Microscopy, LLC