A RECORD OF ACTION A PROMISE OF MORE The Conservative Manifesto for Mid Devon District Council on 7 May 2015 CONTENTS CONTENTS A PERSONAL MESSAGE FROM THE CONSERVATIVE GROUP LEADER 3 WASTE & RECYCLING 4 COMMUNITY & LEISURE 5 TOWN CENTRES & LOCAL ECONOMY 6 PLANNING 7 INFRASTRUCTURE 8 ENVIRONMENT 10 HOUSING 11 COUNCIL TAX AND INTERNAL ADMINISTRATION 12 SUMMARY 13 Promoted by Lucille Baker on Behalf of Mid Devon Conservative Group , both of 9c Mill Park Industrial Estate, Woodbury Salterton EX5 1EL. 01395 233503. A Record of Action, A Promise of More 2 MESSAGE FROM CONSERVATIVE LEADER A PERSONAL MESSAGE FROM THE CONSERVATIVE GROUP LEADER CLLR CLIVE EGINTON LEADER, MID DEVON DISTRICT COUNCIL 3 A Record of Action, A Promise of More WASTE & RECYCLING WASTE & RECYCLING INVESTING TO IMPROVE RECYCLING A weekly waste food collection for every property in Mid Devon. A collection of all plastic (except film) and cardboard for recycling A full recycling scheme will be offered to the whole district. A Garden waste collection will still be provided to those that need it. Food Waste We will introduce a weekly food collection for all properties in Mid Devon, using a new kerbside caddy. Recycling Conservative councillors in Mid Devon have invested heavily in a new recycling fleet to replace the older vehicles. These vehicles have the ability to carry a far wider range of recycled goods. In the first three months of the new council we will widen the range of recycling we can collect to include all plastics (except film) and cardboard. Unlike previously where 20% of Mid Devon, comprising the most rural areas, did not get the benefit of the full recycling service. These new schemes will cover the whole district and will significantly boost recycling rates. Waste We will continue to collect black sack residual waste, on a fortnightly basis. Unlike councils in other areas we will not impose any limits on the amount of waste that households are able to dispose of. Garden Waste A garden waste service, collected fortnightly, will be provided year-round, for those that require it. This is a discretionary service which will be continued as a chargeable service at a rate to cover the cost of the service. Currently several other South-West councils charge for this service including Lib-Dem run South Somerset, Labour-run Exeter and Independent / Lib Dem-run Cornwall. A Record of Action, A Promise of More 4 COMMUNITY AND LEISURE COMMUNITY & LEISURE SUPPORT VOLUNTARY GROUPS AND SPORTS Conservatives have supported a wide range of local community projects over the last four years across Mid Devon. Invested In Leisure Centres resulting in increased user numbers. We will introduce a trial Trimtrail in a Tiverton Park. Grants Conservatives have maintained our grants to Grand Western Canal, Age UK, CHAT, Crediton Arts Centre, Tiverton Museum of Mid Devon Life and Tourist Information Service at a consistent level. At the same time we have continued to support Involve, Citizen's Advice Bureau, Community Aid Nightstop Service, Tiverton and District Community Transport and Crediton and District Community Transport. We have also created a seed fund in 2012 which has benefitted a number of local community projects, Conservatives will continue to support good causes in the district through grants. investment we have seen a 36% increase in users across the district. We are committed to investing in our leisure centres to increase their viability and will continue to do so. Tiverton get fit Conservatives in Mid Devon will look to find a partner to create a Trimtrail in one of Tiverton’s public open spaces to enable people to exercise, get fit and have fun at the same time. Should this be successful we would look for opportunities within other parts of Mid Devon. Leisure Centres Over the last four years we have invested in facilities at all three of our leisure centres. Lord’s Meadow at Crediton benefitted from a major redevelopment, creating improved fitness and training areas as well as a new All Terrain Pitch. Culm Valley, Cullompton celebrated its 30th anniversary recently with the opening of an improved fitness suite and refurbished reception and public areas. Exe Valley has a newly extended car park and new spinning equipment. We will support plans to extend the fitness area, which will result in a significant increase in capacity. Since this A Record of Action, A Promise of More 5 TOWN CENTRES & LOCAL ECONOMY TOWN CENTRES AND LOCAL ECONOMY A BETTER LOCAL ECONOMY The District Council will continue to build relationships with local businesses through Business Forum Mid Devon. Maintain low cost long stay parking in our town centres. Support locally driven Business Improvement Districts. Trial an affordable retail unit scheme. Support businesses looking to relocate to or within Mid Devon. Working With Business Business Improvement Districts The Council needs to have a good relationship with the local business community and understand their needs. We will continue to work with Business Forum Mid Devon and make senior officers and members available to answer questions from the business community. We will support any of our town centres, should the Business Community wish to create a Business Improvement District, to help raise funding for schemes to improve the economic prosperity of their area. Small And Start-Up Business Advice We will provide a trial of one or two small retail units within a town centre location, that will be available at a lower rent, and a shorter tenancy, to help new retail businesses open within our town centres. This will allow new retail businesses to open with a reduced risk burden . We will ensure that small and start-up businesses within Mid Devon will continue to receive access to free initial business advice from suitable consultants. Town Centres We will continue to work with the existing Town Teams in Tiverton, Crediton and Cullompton to help them promote their towns. Town Centre Car Parking Conservatives in Mid Devon have introduced £1 for 5 hours parking in our long stay car parks in Tiverton, Crediton and Cullompton as well as £2 for 10 hours. This benefits businesses, visitors, shoppers and those working in the town. We are committed to the principle of low cost long stay parking in our town centres. Affordable Retail Units Opportunities for Growth We have recently created a full time Economic Development post on the Council, responsible for working with businesses, both from inside and outside the district, to help find suitable premises to expand into. We are committed to working with business to help increase the number and quality of jobs within the district. A Record of Action, A Promise of More 6 PLANNING PLANNING INCREASED EMPHASIS OF DESIGN IN FUTURE PLANNING The Conservative Group on Mid Devon support the current Local Plan document proposed by Mid Devon District Council Significant Growth over the next 20 years to be targeted at Cullompton Support more Affordable Houses where local communities want them. Mid Devon to create a Design Guide for the district to promote better standards of design in new development. Tiverton With the Eastern Urban extension, which is at present underway, Tiverton should have sufficient allocated growth for the future. We would not support additional large sites coming forward as the town has reached its natural boundaries to the South and West, with the North Devon Link Road and the setting of the Grand Western Canal also drawing a line around the town. Crediton Crediton is the smallest of Mid Devon’s three towns. Whilst it is important to provide some new housing, especially affordable housing, to meet the needs of the town, we do not support large scale further development beyond that in our proposed Local Plan. We will also lobby Devon County Council to provide an additional primary school to serve the North Eastern side of the town. Cullompton We see Cullompton as having an important strategic role in Mid Devon’s future. We support Cullompton Town Council’s vision to grow the town, as it straddles the M5 and mainline railway. Through development, funding can be made available to provide the infrastructure that the town needs to flourish, including new primary schools and improvement to the existing secondary school, a relief road, new motorway junction and a reinstated railway station. Villages Mid Devon’s proposed Local Plan does look to allow small amounts of housing growth within some villages. We will also look to work with local communities who would like more affordable housing by identifying additional sites to meet local need. Design We recognise that, like all the rest of the country, we need to build new houses to meet a growing housing need. However we believe that the council needs to provide more guidance to developers in the way these are designed so that we get new developments that we can be proud of. To do this we will look to create, in consultation with local communities, a Design Guide SPD (Special Planning Document). This will look to promote higher standards of design and layout in Mid Devon by setting out the key principles that we expect to be applied to new development in our District. A Record of Action, A Promise of More 7 INFRASTRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE ADDRESSING THE INFRASTRUCTURE GAP IN MID DEVON Campaign for new schools where new housing creates a need. We will support a second motorway junction at Cullompton. We will lobby for a new Railway Station to serve Cullompton. We will look to protect our existing sports facilities and work to help sports clubs expand where possible. Campaign to ensure broadband rollout is not delayed Schools We recognise that new development in our towns will create a need for more school places. We will work through the planning system to make sure that Devon County Council (DCC) provide these at the earliest opportunity. There is agreement with DCC that the new urban extensions in Cullompton and Tiverton will provide new primary schools within them. The Conservative group believe there is also a need for a new primary school to meet the demand in Crediton and will look to work with DCC to identify a suitable site. Junction 28 We recognise that Junction 28 is at capacity. Cullompton needs a second motorway junction to allow better access to the network and to relieve the current road system. Town Centre Relief Roads While Tiverton town has a ring road and Crediton has recently benefitted from the new link road joining Lord’s Meadow to Exeter Road, Cullompton still has a major congestion issue at the heart of it’s town. Through the planning system we will work with DCC to bring forward a relief road. We believe however, that there might be road building opportunities on the east of the motorway, and will ask DCC to consider these. Railways We will lobby Devon County and HM Government to support a station at Cullompton and the creation of a commuter rail link between Taunton and Exeter. We support the principle of a secondary rail link to serve Plymouth and believe that the best route would be via Crediton, Okehampton and Tavistock because of the economic benefits that the route would bring to parts of Mid Devon and West Devon not currently benefiting from a main line rail service. We will lobby wherever possible to this effect. We will also be lobbying for a greater number of regular stops on the Tarka Line for those stations that lie within Mid Devon. A Record of Action, A Promise of More 8 INFRASTRUCTURE Broadband Sports Provision Broadband is becoming vitally important to all of us. We are concerned about the slow rate of installation of High Speed Broadband to rural areas of Mid Devon, as without this everyday need, especially to farmers and other rural businesses, our local economy will not flourish and rural isolation will not be reduced. We will campaign to ensure that rollout across Mid Devon is not delayed and also that mobile phone coverage is improved. Sports facilities should remain protected within the planning process. We will work with sports clubs and local groups to ensure that both their short and long term viability are not threatened through the planning process. Where there is a desire for a sports club to relocate we will work proactively with them, if possible, to help them find a solution. 9 A Record of Action, A Promise of More ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT A CLEANER DISTRICT Encourage the use of green technology on brownfield and industrial sites. Introduce a new litter team covering the district . Support the campaign to designate the Exe Valley AONB. Green Energy Since the Conservatives took control of Mid Devon we have invested in a range of environmentally friendly activities to reduce our energy usage including solar panels on Council Houses, heat pumps in Council house areas without gas, batteries for storage of solar energy, solar panels on corporate buildings, biomass boiler in Lord’s Meadow leisure centre. The benefits of this has been a saving in electricity bills for both the council and tenants as well as an income from generation. Most of this has been achieved without any cost. We believe that brownfield, industrial sites and where appropriate, new build, can provide excellent opportunities to mix Green Energy with development. Litter We propose creating a dedicated litter team working daily in the area to further improve the cleanliness of the District. Fly Tipping We will support the prosecution of offenders where evidence of fly tipping is found. Protecting our Rural And Urban Environments We will take all necessary measures to ensure that owners of buildings within towns and the countryside do not allow them to become a hazard to the environment. Exe Valley AONB Currently the eastern part of our district is recognised for its quality of landscape and is part of the Blackdown Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). We believe that the Exe Valley has equally outstanding characteristics. Conservatives will look to work with parish councils and other local bodies to bring forward a proposal to create an Exe Valley AONB. We believe that that this will benefit tourism as well as offer long term protection to a beautiful rural area. A Record of Action, A Promise of More 10 HOUSING HOUSING A REFORMED HOUSING SERVICE IMPROVED FURTHER 300 more Council Houses proposed in the next four years. Lifeline Alarms will continue to be provided. Provision of new care positions, to ensure vulnerable tenants receive the right quality of care. We will invest £25M to maintain a decent standard of housing stock. We will proactively work with tenants to reduce arrears. Council House Building At the last election we promised to build new council houses, the first in Mid Devon for two decades. Since then we have completed developments in Crediton and Willand as well as having a refurbishment project in St Andrews Street, Tiverton underway. Several more projects are at the design stage. The Conservative group on MDDC are proud to have re-established a Council House building programme in Mid Devon and believe it is important to help meet our housing need. In the next four years we will deliver at least a further 300 council homes. Lifeline Alarms The Council will continue to provide the Lifeline Alarm Service, which is available to anyone in the District. Care Services We will introduce two new housing staff to provide support to elderly and vulnerable tenants that do not qualify for Devon County Council’s care services. They will support tenants by referring them to appropriate agencies that can provide the necessary assistance. This will be funded through rental income received from council housing. Decent Homes standard Following significant investment all MDDC’s housing stock has achieved government standard for decent homes. This is a significant improvement from when the Conservatives took control of the council. Eight years ago the housing service was rated as Poor with no likelihood of improvement, but today we are one of the leading housing service providers in the country. Over the next four years we will maintain our stock with a likely investment of around £25million by reinvesting the rental income we receive. Rent Arrears We currently are among the top performing councils in the country for collecting rental income. This means that the number of tenants suffering eviction is low as our team now work with them to make sure they don’t fall deeply into debt. This change in working practice was brought in by the Conservatives on MDDC. We will continue to carry on these good practices in the future. A Record of Action, A Promise of More 11 COUNCIL TAX & INTERNAL ADMINISTRATION COUNCIL TAX AND INTERNAL ADMINISTRATION LOWER TAX, VALUE FOR MONEY AND CLEAR DECISION MAKING We will continue our commitment to low council tax. We will deliver additional apprenticeships over the next four years. Save money by increased use of digital media, reducing printing and paper. We will retain the current system of governance, but work with all councillors to improve it. Council Tax of the next council we will encourage councillors to use digital media. At the last election Conservatives on MDDC pledged to keep council tax low. Since then we have frozen Mid Devon's proportion of the Tax. We are committed to maintain Council Tax at as low a level as possible. Governance Revenue Collection Mid Devon have a high rate of collection for business rates and council tax. We are committed to maintaining those standards. We are committed to a fair process and will look to take appropriate action on those that try to defraud the district. Apprentices In the last four years Mid Devon District Council has taken on apprentices in several of their departments. Conservatives are looking to further widen the use of apprentices in the council and will commit to every department of the council taking on at least one apprentice. We believe that the Cabinet system of governance offers the most effective way of running a council. Previous committee systems have been slow to make decisions, often passing the same report back and forth between committees before reaching an eventual conclusion. Currently all members have an opportunity to sit on a range of different committees. Some, like Licencing and Planning make outright decisions, others like the various Policy Development Groups and Scrutiny present their recommendations for the Cabinet to consider. In the vast majority of cases these are agreed without further amendment. However we do accept that no system of governance is perfect and will look to work with all councillors to make sure everyone has their voice heard effectively. Digital Media We will encourage the widespread use of digital media throughout the council, reducing the amount Mid Devon spend on paper and printing. We believe that councillors should lead the way by example and in the first year A Record of Action, A Promise of More 12 SUMMARY DELIVERING OUR PLEDGES TO YOU CONSERVATIVES HAVE NOW RUN MID DEVON DISTRICT COUNCIL FOR FOUR YEARS AS THE MAJORITY PARTY, BUILDING UP A RECORD OF ACTION AND DELIVERING ON OUR PROMISES. A RECORD OF ACTION A PROMISE OF MORE A promise to keep Mid Devon’s portion of the We still believe that we should keep council tax council tax low, was followed by no rises in the low, keeping any rises down and providing four years since the last election. value for money. Conservatives at the last election pledged to restart council house building, with 45 new houses promised. These are now either built or in production. We will continue our council house building programme, bringing forward another 300 properties in the next council cycle. MDDC have always performed well on recycling We will widen the range of recycling we collect, and this was recognised by winning a national to include all plastics (except film) and recycling award recently. cardboard, together with a weekly food waste collection to the whole district. We introduced low cost long stay parking within We are committed to the principle of low cost our town centres with £1 for 5 hours fees to long stay parking within our town centres. make parking more affordable for both shoppers and workers. We have invested in our leisure centres to attract more users, seeing a 36% increase, thereby improving the viability of the centres. We will continue to look at future investment projects within our leisure centres that will increase the number of users and will make better facilities within the centres. We have improved the way we work with business, setting up the Business Forum Mid Devon and arranging for free business advice for our small and start-up businesses. A dedicated Economic Development team will look to work with established and new businesses within the area to help them to grow in the improving economic climate. The Conservatives on MDDC have under-taken a complete review of our Local Plan, identifying Cullompton as having the strategic role for growth and investment in the next 20 years. With sites allocated for new housing in the Local Plan. Mid Devon will publish a Design Guide SPD, to give clear direction to developers, improving the quality of property design in the district. We will commit to taking on apprentices in every department within the council, to help bring forward the next generation of workers in Mid Devon. We will establish a dedicated litter team to help further improve the cleanliness of the district. 13 A Record of Action, A Promise of More
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