APRIL 2015 GARDEN THYMES MIDDLEBURY GARDEN CLUB NEWSLETTER www.middleburygardenclub.org We missed you on March 10 . . . LIBRARY FLOWERS . . .but so many members of the public attended Jane Burton’s presentation on Container Gardening that we might not have fitted you in! Jane did a wonderful job encouraging all types of container gardening, informing us of the better products to use to enhance our efforts. Jane answered numerous questions and provided illustrations for our viewing pleasure with the able technical assistance of Jane explains her favorite mixtures and additives. Maggie Nocca. Thank you to Jane, Maggie, Louise Crawford, the chair person, and to our hospitality providers, Jane, Pat Morrow, and Anneke Oranje. (Did I miss Lemon Rosemary cookies through my good intentions not to eat? Aagh!) March - Kari Hansen Thank you! DUES DUE!!! Please make sure Shari Johnson has your $20 annual membership dues by March 31. 535 Sperry Road, Cornwall, VT 05753 NEXT MEETING “A Stroll in the Park” Tuesday, April 7, 1PM, at The Residence at Otter Creek, 350 Lodge Road, Middlebury After a light lunch generously provided at 12:30PM by The Residence, join Judith Irven for a photographic tour of some remarkable public gardens, from expansive to intimate, in Quebec and Maine. On this virtual tour you will be both inspired and delighted, as you stroll along gentle paths beside colorful flowers and peaceful water, past productive kitchen gardens and through wooded glades. The talk is richly illustrated with gorgeous photographs of every garden. Judith is a Master Gardener, Landscape Designer, and Garden Writer who lives in Goshen. (See below for more on Judith.) Note that this is a change from the program in your yearbook. Note too, that attendance qualifies for Extension Master Gardener continuing education hours. Chair: Peggy Cox GUESS WHAT IS ONLY SEVEN WEEKS ON SATURDAY PLEASE ADD THIS NEW MEMBER INFORMATION TO YOUR YEARBOOK PLANT SALE! May 16, 9 - 1 Last year we had a late spring and it looks as though we may again. Well, it didn’t stop us having a successful plant sale last year and it won’t this year either, that is, if you put on your thinking caps and work out how to contribute as many plants as you can, even if you no longer have a garden, or think you don’t. Anne Collins spotted this cute idea for appealing seedlings that any of us with a sunny windowsill can produce at little cost. Find the instructions online:http:// www.squawkfox.com/2012/04/12/seedling/ or http://mossymossy.com/egglings/If eggs are not your thing, try yogurt pots with holes punched in the bottom for drainage, or the centers of toilet rolls, with the bottoms turned in like closing up a box with just the flaps. Have houseplants? They are happy to reproduce for us. Take a cutting now and become a mother. Barbara Greenwood (Jim Pugh) 2207 N. Bingham Street Cornwall, VT 05753 802-462-3183 help. We particularly need people who can put up a flyers out of downtown Middlebury: 802-345-1539, salisburyvt@yahoo.com. Save Paula Moore a phone call to you and let her know you will bring some plants. Only sixteen members so far have committed to this vital contribution: 802-475-2699 prmoorevt@gmail.com. Lorrie Muller, our plant sale cashier, needs another helper for second shift to work with her and Marilyn Needham. Contact Anne Taylor to secure this coveted sitting-under-cover position. 802-382-9441, anneet@gmail.com Barbara is an Extension Master Gardener. She is interested in assisting us with the Sheldon Museum garden and the plant sale. Do you have a table or a canopy to lend for the sale? Lorrie can borrow a canopy and one is promised for refreshments, but if the weather is bad, a place to shelter would be great to have. Please let Anne Taylor know if you can help. Please note that members may buy one plant before 9AM. Have neighbors? See if they can divide a plant of two for us. Which not-for-profits might want leftovers? Let Anne know. Lesley Bienvenue is heading up the flyer distribution the week before the sale. Please get in touch with Lesley if you can Questions? Contact Anne or Paula.Thank you for helping us make the 2015 sale the best ever! March 10 - all eyes on Jane MINUTES - MARCH MEETING Please read. You will be asked to vote on accepting these minutes. The Middlebury Garden Club met on March 10, 2015, at 1:00 PM at The Isley Library. The speaker, member Jane Burton, gave a most informative presentation on “Container Gardening”. Maggie Nocca assisted Jane with the pictures of Jane’s gardens and examples of other container arrangements. A business meeting followed led by Club President, Pat Morrow. A motion to make a minor change to the February minutes was made and the motion passed. Treasurer Lorrie Muller stated that there were no financial transactions in the past month. Pat talked about the dollar value of all our many volunteer hours such as the work at the Sheldon Museum, Library flowers, lectures open to the public, flower shows, newsletter publication, flower arranging at Helen Porter and our plant sale. If we were paid $22.14/hr. we would have made $11,000! She thanked the members who had recently volunteered to work at the Vermont Flower Show in Essex. Also, thanked was Paula Moore for her work on updating our website and handling publicity for meetings. Pat Durfee requested that members check their barns, cellars and garages for any supplies that belong to the club. She is compiling a list of locations in order that they could easily be located when needed. Shari Johnson reported that 30 members have paid their dues and urged everyone to pay before the end of the month if they want to be in the next yearbook. Anne Taylor updated us about Plant Sale plans. Sign-up sheets were available listing tasks for pre-sale as well as the day of the sale, Sat., May 16. She urged members to donate more plants this year as almost everything was sold last year and more profit could be made. Peggy Cox gave new information about the next meeting which will be held at the Residence at Otter Creek at 12:30 pm. A light lunch will be served. The date is April 7 not April 8 as listed in the yearbook. Judith Irvin will speak about “Exceptional Public Gardens”. Barbara Blodgett reported that the second Master Gardener Scholarship goes to Patrick Fitzsimmon. It was suggested that cards be sent to several members who have recently been ill. The meeting was adjourned at 2:45pm. Respectfully submitted, Pat Durfee, Secretary CAPSULE CALENDAR April 7 - Judith Irven - “A Stroll in the Park” May 12 - College Tree Tour, continued May 14 - Junior Flower Show May 16 - Annual Plant Sale June 9 - Annual Meeting June 23 - Flower Arranging - N. Ferrisburgh Did you miss the newspaper article? The Addison County Independent featured an article by our next speaker, Judith Irven, about the Parent Child Center in Middlebury in the greenhouse of which several of our members who are Extension Master Gardeners work diligently throughout the year. You will recall that Shari Tomatoes, January 2015 Johnson was honored for her work on this project by the Northwest Chapter of the Vermont Master Gardeners (see Garden Thymes, February 2015 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/ 31874674/2015%20February %20newsletter.pdf). Judith posted her article, with additional photographs, on her blog. You can read it here: http:// northcountryreflections.com/growinghealthy-futures/
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