Why, What, and Who? The federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) requires that all students be tested annually in English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics in grades 3-11. (Students in grade 12 will not take a PARCC assessment regardless of the courses in which they are enrolled.) This year New Jersey will be replacing the NJASK and HSPA tests with the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) assessments. Central Administration Jill. Takacs Ed.D Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Marjorie Caruso District Director for Mathematics and Science Charlene O’Hagan District Director for Humanities Mary Ellen Walker District Director for Operations Kim Pickus District Director for Assessment At the high school the tests are for specific subjects. Students are tested in the following classes: English 9, English 10, English 11, Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II. If a student takes Algebra I in grade 8, they will be tested in Algebra I (and will not be taking the other grade 8 mathematics assessment). Students enrolled in multiple math courses that have a PARCC assessment, will only take the assessment for either Algebra I or Algebra II. Middletown Public Schools Preparing for W il l ia m O . G eo rg e I II E d.D Su p e ri nt e n d e nt o f Sc ho ol s Mid dl et o w n Pu bl ic Sc h ool s PO B o x 41 70 Mid dl et o w n, N J 07 74 8 Ph on e ( 73 2) 67 1 - 3 85 0 mi ddl e to w nk 12. o rg About the PARCC Assessments 21 st Century Skills Technology and PARCC Hardware Students will be using desktops and or laptop-type computers. Using these devices creates a need for students to feel comfortable typing their responses using a keyboard and using a mouse or trackpad. Accommodations will be made for students with special needs. Computer Skills Students should be familiar with the following computer skills to be able to perform to the best of the ability come PARCC. Drag and Drop Select/Deselect Highlight Redo Undo Hover Single click Scroll Bars Play and pause videos Typing expectations According to PARCC, students in grade six are expected “to demonstrate sufficient keyboarding skills to type a minimum of three pages in a single sitting.” 21st Century Question Types The PARCC offers more opportunities to asses different kinds of skills, reasoning, relationships, and interactivity, including: Matched Pairs Constructed Response Hot Text Hot Spot Cloze Fill in the Blank Sequence Multiple Choice Multiple Response Graphical Gap Match Math Skills Solve Complex problems, Show work, and demonstrate how they solved the problem. Reason abstractly and quantitatively Construct viable arguments to support mathematical work Critique the mathematical reasoning of others Model and apply mathematics in a real world context or scenario Use appropriate mathematical tools strategically to solve problems Attend precession Look for and make use of structure Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning Reading Skills Comprehend and evaluate a range of complex literature across disciplines Construct written arguments that convey information clearly and accurately Demonstrate command of standard English language conventions Demonstrate a solid understanding of a wide range of grade appropriate vocabulary when reading, writing, speaking, and listening Cite specific evidence to support written interpretations of literature and informational texts Make reasoning clear to a reader and evaluate others’ use of textual evidence to support reasoning Read and interpret classic and contemporary works of literature that represent a variety of periods, cultures, and worldviews Evaluate other points of view critically and constructively.
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