Geography & Climate The state of Manipur lies latitudes between 23.80N to 25.05 N and longitudes 93.03 E to 94.78 E covering a total area of 22,327 comprising 9 districts (5- Hill districts and 4- Valley districts.) Average temperature ranges from 19°-20°C and sometimes it drops down to 0 to 12°C and maximum summer temperature ranges from 28°-34°C. Mean annual Precipitation varies from 2000-2400 mm . HORTICULTURAL PROFILE OF MANIPUR Area : 22,327 Sq. Km Population (2011 census) : 2721756(no.) No. of District : 9 nos. No. of Village : 2391 nos. Horticultural Potential Area : 2,77,064 ha. Horticultural Crops Area : 93285 ha. (33.66%) Major Horticultural Crops : Passion Fruit, Banana, Citrus, Pineapple, Ginger, Turmeric, Tomato, Cabbage, Potato. Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH), Manipur Activities taken up during the year 2014-15: Area Expansion : (a) Fruits (b) Vegetables (c) Spices (d) Flowers (e) Productivity components:- Green Houses/ Shade Nets/ Community Tank/ Organic fertilizers/ Establishment of infrastructures for different purposes and HRD Components etc. FINANCIAL STATUS 2014-15 (Rupees in Crores) Approved Action Plan Rs.50.00 Released by the GOI Rs.24.17 (1st Installment) Rs.20.00 (2nd Installment) Total:-Rs.44.17 Utilized Rs.24.17 --Rs.24.17 Physical & Financial Achievement under MIDH 2014-15 Target (2014- 1st installment 15) (Achievement) Sl. No. Component A Research & Development Unit Fin. Phy ( Rs in Lakhs) No 1 100.000 Phy Fin. ( Rs in Lakhs) 2nd installment (Target) Phy Fin. ( Rs in Lakhs) A Plantation infrastructure Development I Production of planting material Public Sector a Hi tech nursery (2 ha unit) ( public sector) Project base No 5 250.000 b Hi tech nursery ( 2 ha unit ) ( Private Sector) Project base No 2 40.000 Import of planting material &Demonstration purpose ( State Govt., C Grower Association recognized by NHB/MOA/PSU no 10 50.000 4 200.000 Target (2014-15) Sl.No. A Component Unit Fin. Phy ( Rs in Lakhs) st 1 installment (Achievement) Phy Fin. ( Rs in Lakhs) Area Expansion under Hort.crops B.2 (For amaximum area of 4 ha per beneficiary) a Cost intensive crops a. Without integration i 1st year maintenance (Passion Fruit) Ha 100 15.0000 ii 2nd year maintenance (Passion Fruit) Ha 60 9.0000 60 9.0000 Ha 30 33.7500 30 33.7500 100 15.0000 Integrated package with drip irrigation v.New Plantation (Banana(TC) 2nd installment (Target) Fin. Phy ( Rs in Lakhs) Target (2014- 1st installment 2nd installment 15) (Achievement) (Target) Sl. No. Component Unit Fin. Phy ( Rs in Phy Lakhs) Fin. ( Rs in Lakhs) Without integration 1 st year maintenance (T.C Banana) Ha 200 37.5000 200 37.5000 iv New plantation (Pine apple Sucker ) Ha 200 65.6250 200 65.6257 1st year maintenance (Pineapple( Sucker ) Integrated package with drip irrigation Ha 600 78.7500 600 78.7500 vii. New plantation(Papaya) Ha 16 16 12.0000 Ha 100 13.1250 100 13.1245 12.0000 Without integration 1st year maintenance (Papaya) Phy Fin. ( Rs in Lakhs) 2nd 1 installment Target (2014-15) installment (Achievement) (Target) Unit Fin. Fin. Fin. Phy ( Rs in Phy ( Rs in Phy ( Rs in Lakhs) Lakhs) Lakhs) st Sl. No. Component High density planting (Ha) a. i ii b. i ii iii iv Integrated package with drip irrigation New plantation(Guava) New plantation(Lime/ Lemon) Without integration New plantation(Mandarin Orange) 1st year maintenance(Lime/ Lemon) 1st year maintenance(Orange) 1st year maintenance(Guava) 2nd year maimtenence (Orange) 2nd year maimtenence(Guava) 2nd year maimtenence(Lemon) 2nd year maimtenence(Lichi) Ha Ha 20 100 9.0000 45.0000 20 9.0000 100 45.0000 Ha 100 30.0000 100 30.0000 Ha 450 54.0000 450 54.0000 Ha 865 Ha 80 Ha 1071 Ha 50 400 Ha 40 103.8000 865 103.8000 9.6000 80 9.6000 128.5200 1071 128.5200 6.0000 50 6.0000 48.0000 400 48.0000 4.8000 40 4.8000 Sl. No. Component Fruit crops other than cost intensive 1st year maintenance(Pear /Plum/ i Peach) 2nd year maimtenence(Pear /Plum/ ii Peach) Vegetables( for maximum area of 2 ha per beneficiary) i Winter crops ( Hybrid) Target 1st installment (2014-15) (Achievement) Unit Fin. Fin. Phy ( Rs in Phy ( Rs in Lakhs) Lakhs) Ha 100 6.0000 100 6.0000 Ha 60 3.6000 60 3.6000 Ha 825 206.2500 825 206.2500 Ha 825 206.2500 825 206.2500 i Cut Flower (Small & Marginal farmers ) ha 200 100.0000 200 100.0000 ii Summer crops( Hybrid) Flower (for a maximum area of 2 ha per beneficiary) Spices( for a maximum area of 4ha beneficiary ) i.Seed spices Rhizomatic spices Plantation crops ( for a maximum area of 4ha beneficiary ) i New plantation Cashew 1st year maintenance(Cashewnut) 2nd year maintenance (Cashewnut) Ha 80 12.0000 80 12.0000 Ha Ha Ha 15 60 60 2.2500 7.2000 7.2000 15 60 60 2.2500 7.2000 7.2000 2nd installment (Target) Fin. Phy ( Rs in Lakhs) 1st installment 2nd installment (Achievement) (Target) Fin. Fin. Fin. ( Rs in Phy ( Rs in Phy ( Rs in Lakhs) Lakhs) Lakhs) Target (2014-15) Sl. No. Component Unit Phy B Mushroom i.Production Unit ( Private Sector) No 8 64.000 900 180.000 900 180.000 No 10 200.000 10 200.000 No 14 350.000 14 350.000 No 20 15.000 20 15.000 No 20 18.000 20 18.000 Rejuvenation /Replacement of senile plantation, canopy management D Creation of Water Resource (Unit) C. i. ( Plain) ii (Hill) Water harvesting System for individuals for storage of water in 20mX20mX3m pond i ( Plain) ii (Hill) C. 64.00 Community tank/ on farm pond/On farm water reservoirs with use plastic/ RCC Lining. i ii 8 Protected Cultivation (Green House structure & Shed net House , Naturally ventilated ) a. Naturally ventilated(Tubular Structure) Sqmt 119000 630.700 a. Shade net House(Tubular Struture) Sqmt 61140 217.047 61140 217.047 119000 630.700 Target (2014-15) Sl. No. Component Unit Phy D 2nd installment 1 installment (Target) (Achievement) st Fin. Fin. ( Rs in Phy ( Rs in Lakhs) Lakhs) Phy Fin. ( Rs in Lakhs) Promotion of Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) Integrated Pest management(IPM) i Promotion of INM/IPM Ha ii. Disease forecasting unit No 4 24.000 No 1 45.000 Nos 100 50.000 Nos 430 34.400 Nos 10 20.000 no 4000 per hives per Set Bio control lab.( Private Sector) ( Project based) E Organic farming Vermi compost Unit (30'X8'X25') dimension of i. permanent structure iii. ii. HDPE vermibed 10000 120.000 1554 18.6480 50 25.0000 8446 101.352 50 25.00 100 8.0000 330 26.40 32.000 4000 32.00 4000 32.000 4000 32.00 800 64.000 800 64.00 F Pollination support through Bee Keeping (no) i Production of nucleus Stock iii. Honey Bee colony ( per colony of 8 frames) iv. Bee hives v. Equipment including honey extractor ( 4frame), food grade container(30Kg),net,etc. Target (2014-15) Sl. No. Component Unit 1st installment (Achievement) Fin. ( Rs in Lakhs) 2nd installment (Target) Phy Fin. ( Rs in Phy Lakhs) Fin. Phy ( Rs in Lakhs) No 25 25.0000 25 25.00 i. HRD for supervisors & Entrepreneurs No 1 20.0000 1 20.000 ii. HRD for Gardeners No 1 15.0000 1 15.000 a. Within the State No 3016 b. Outside the sate No G Horticulture Mechanization ii. Power machines ( up20 BHP) including small farm tractor with rotavator/ equipments H Human resource development (HRD) iii. Training of Farmers v. 30.1600 1000 10.0000 2016 5.0000 20.16 5.00 Training /Study tour of technical Staff /field functionaries b. Study tour to progressive States/ Units ( group of minimum 5 participant ) No 250 2.0000 50 0.4000 200 1.60 Target (2014-15) Sl. No. Component I Integrated post Harvest management Functional pack house/ On farm collection C.1 Unit ( 9Mx18M) Integrated pack with facilities for conver belt C.2,sorting grading units washing draying and weighing (Size 9Mx18M) Unit No Fin. Phy ( Rs in Lakhs) 36 72.000 1st installment (Achievement) Phy 2nd installment (Target) Fin. Fin. ( Rs in Phy ( Rs in Lakhs) Lakhs) 36 72.000 No a).Plain area No 4 70.0000 4 70.00 b).Hilly area No 6 150.000 3 75.00 no 12 120.000 12 120.00 8 110.000 8 110.00 10 1.5000 10 1.500 Establishment of marketing insfrastructure for J Horticultural produce in Govt./Private/ Coperative sector. D.3Rural Markets /Apni mandies/Direct markets a).Plain area b).Hilly area D.5 Static/Mobile vending cart/platfromwith cool chamber No Target (2014-15) Sl. No. Component Unit Past committed Liabilities of rural/ Primari market for MM -III Fin. Phy ( Rs in Lakhs) 1 1st installment 2nd installment (Achievement) (Target) Phy Fin. ( Rs in Lakhs) 10.0000 Phy Fin. ( Rs in Lakhs) 1 10.000 K Mission Management State & District Mission Officer and Implementing agencies for G-1administrative expenses, Field Consultants, Project preperation, Computerization, Contingency etc. No 250.0000 120.8620 101.2880 Seminar, Confrences ,Workshops, G-3Exhibition , Kissan mela, Horti show , Honey festivals , etc. National Level No 1 190.0000 60.00 State Level No 5 15.0000 2 6.00 District Level No 8 16.0000 2 4.00 Target (2014-15) Sl. No. Component Unit Phy Technical Support Group (TSG)at State Level for hiring Expert/ Staff Studies Monitoring & G-6 Concurrent Evaluation/mass media publicity video conference etc. Promotion of Farmer producers Organization/FPO/FIG Farmer Interested G-7 Groups of 15-20 farmers/20 ha , Growers Associations and tie up with financial Institution and Aggregators. Grand Total :- Fin. ( Rs in Lakhs) 1st installment 2nd installment (Achievement) (Target) Fin. Phy ( Rs in Lakhs) Phy 50.0000 No 4 50.0000 58.0000 5000.027 Fin. ( Rs in Lakhs) 4 2417.177 58.0000 2000.000 ACHIEVEMENTS (PHOTOGRAPHS) MIDH, MANIPUR 2014-15 Pineapple Cultivation at Imphal East JIT Visit at Bishnupur Tomato Cultivation under Green House at Kameng, Imphal West Banana Cultivation with Integration at Wabagai, Thoubal District Vermicompost Unit, Nongdam, Imphal East Orange Cultivation at Leikinthabi, Imphal West. Pineapple Cultivation, Imphal East District Water Harvesting with Pond Lining, Thoubal State level Training Programme Success Story An innovative farmer of Wabagai, Thoubal District. Shri Sapam Lukhoi(41 years) was brought up from a poor family of Wabagai. He studied only upto class IX and was compelled to abandoned his studies and helping his parents in cultivation of cabbage, cucumber, tomatoes, peas, chillies etc by rotating in his area of only one ha area. He tried mixed cropping and rotation of local pea as well as pumpkin with potatoes and benefitted from the cropping pattern very much .By seeing his activities, the District Officer,Thoubal has recommended him for a green house training at Jaipur , Rajasthan during the year 2010-11. after that, the Department under HMNEH have constructed a 500 Hi-Tech Poly House in his yard during the year 2012-13.The structure is now utilizing for production of nursery plants like cabbage, cauliflowers, onion, tomatoes etc and earning more than three lakhs /year. Moreover, he is earning more than one lakh by cultivation of bitter gourd by using old but innovative technology of trailing and racking system with cotton threads. ACHIEVEMENTS & AWARDS • The Karnataka Govt. and the NE Agri. Fair have honoured him the “Best Farmer Award” at Karnataka and Turah(Meghalaya) during the year 2011. • The ATMA state unit have also conferred him as the “Best Farmer Award during the year 2014. • Now he could earned more than 5 lakhs in his small area and is a proud father and a leading income earner in his locality. The localities are very much interested and motivated by his activities and the neighbouring farmers have started cultivation of horticultural crops all the year round at Wabagai area of Manipur. Vegetable Nursery of Sapam Lukhoi, Thoubal District. PROPOSED ACTION PLAN 2015-16 MANIPUR ACTION PLAN FOR 2015-16 UNDER MIDH Name of State Name of Sub-Scheme Year of Action Plan :::- Manipur HMNEH(MIDH) 2015-16 Summary Indicators: Area, Production & Productivity (APP) (Year 2013-14.) Sl. No. Crop Area (000 ha) Production (000 MT) Productivity (t/ha) 1. Fruits (i) Pineapple 13700 136316 9.95 (ii) Banana 6700 90451 13.50 (iii) Lime/ Lemon 5850 52650 9.00 (iv) Orange 5150 41200 8.00 (v) Passion Fruit 9152 100581 10.99 Sl. No. 2. 3. Area (000 ha) Production (000 MT) Productivity (t/ha) (i) Cauliflower 2750 30250 11.00 (ii) Cabbage 7104 84537 11.90 (iii) Tomato 2830 28725 10.15 (iv) Pea 5809 59426 10.23 (i) Chillies 8950 70716 7.90 (ii) Ginger 2850 34300 12.04 (iii) Turmeric 1910 22920 12.00 Crop Vegetable Spices SUMMARY OF ACTION PLAN (Rs. In Lakhs) Financial Sl. No. Outlay as per Action Plan Percentage (%) of Total 110.00 2.20 12 Nos. 220.00 4.40 a) Fruit 1070 483.758 9.67 b) Vegetables: 2000 500.00 10.00 c) Flower: 50 25.00 0.50 d) Spices: 200 30.00 0.60 e) Plantation crop-Cashewnut: 20 3.000 0.06 (a) Rejuvenation (Ha.) 2009 401.800 8.03 (b) Maintenance (Ha.) 2061 244.602 4.89 Activity 1 Research & Development (Project) 2 Nurseries/Import of planting material for mother/rootstock. Phy. Additional coverage of area to be given crop wise (ha) 3 4 SUMMARY OF ACTION PLAN (Rs. In Lakhs) Financial Sl. No. Activity Phy. Outlay as per Action Plan Percentage of Total 10000 Ha. 120.000 2.40 5 INM/ IPM (Ha.) 6 Protected cultivation (Ha.) 9.15 Ha. 291.915 5.83 7 Pollination support (bee keeping) 300 Nos. 96.00 1.92 7 Organic farming (Vermicompost) 1098 Nos. 129.84 2.59 8 Water sources (No.) 345 Nos. 288.00 5.76 9 Horticulture Mechanization (No.) 2650 Nos. 120.120 2.40 10 Mushroom 24 Nos. 222.00 4.44 SUMMARY OF ACTION PLAN Financial Sl. No. (Rs. In Lakhs) Activity Phy. Fin. Percentage of Total 1100 Nos. 148.000 2.96 11 HRD Training of Farmers (No.) 12 PHM Infrastructure 36 Nos. 72.000 1.44 13 New Markets (No.) 24 Nos. 330.000 6.60 14 New Processing Units (No.) 16 Nos. 800.000 16.00 15 Formation of FPOs 16 Monitoring/ TSG 17 Seminars/Workshop/Exhibition/ Honey Festival/ Purchase of vehicle etc. 18 Mission management --- Total :- 50.000 1.00 --- 67.600 1.35 --- 250.000 5.00 5000.635 100.00 Physical : (Quantifiable major outputs) for the year-2015-16 Sl. No. Activity Phy. 1 Research & Development (Project) 2 Nos. 2 New Nurseries (No.) 12 Nos. 3 Additional coverage of area to be given crop wise (Ha.) (i) Fruit (ii) Vegetable (iii)Flower (iv)Spices (v) Plantation crops (Cashewnut) 1070 2000 50 200 20 4 Rejuvenation(Ha) 2009 5 INM/ IPM (Ha) 10000 6 Protected Cultivation (Ha) 9.15 7 Vermicompost Unit (No.) 1098 Physical : (Quantifiable major outputs) for the year-2015-16 Sl. No. Activity Phy. 8 Water sources (No.) 345 9 Training of farmers (No.) 1100 10 PHM Infrastructures (No.) 36 11 New Markets (No.) 24 12 New Processing Units (No.) 16 13 Formation of FPOs --- OBJECTIVE To promote the growth of horticulture sector through area based regionally differentiated strategies which includes research, technology promotion, extension, post harvest management, processing and marketing in consonance with the diverse agro climatic features of the state. Encourage aggregation of farmers into farmer groups like FIGs/FPOs and FPCs to bring economy of scale and scope. STRENGTH Sufficient technical manpower in the State Department of H&SC. 66.33% of the existing potential area for horticultural crops is yet to be covered. Favourable agro-climatic conditions with abundant rainfall for almost all the horticultural crops. Abundance of manpower-landless Unemployed daily wagers. labourers. WEAKNESS Poverty and ignorance of the farmer. Remoteness/poor communication of the producing areas. Non-existence of proper marketing facilities for horticultural produces. Poor communication facilities with rest of the country which shoots up the cost of production. Limited availability of quality seeds and planting materials. OPPORTUNITIES Large scope for Area expansion. Exploration of natural resources. Different agro-climatic condition from sub-tropical to temperate. Opportunities to increase the production. Potential for high value low volume crops. Growing markets for processed fruits. CHALLENGES Absence of proper marketing network and facilities. Absence of cold chain. Bringing the Jhumia families under settled cultivation. Absence of proper post harvest technology. Lack of credit support. Lack of database for effective planning. ROAD MAPS Mother & Rootstocks for important crops will be procured for development of nursery blocks. High Density planting of important fruits be taken up. Kiwi and exotic temperate fruits will be taken up in the action plan. New processing units and establishment of market for commercialization of crops. Encouragement/Promotion of FPOs for mobilization in clustered approach of cultivation. Pond lining with good quality polyethylene films for regular/uninterrupted supply of water. NURSERY SUB-PLAN • Three public sector & one private sector nurseries are under process for accreditation by the NHB. • Scope for accreditation of more nurseries in the state under during 2014-15 by NHB/CIH. • 4 new model Nurseries has also been established. Planting material Sub-Plan indicating requirement & availability of Area Expansion 2015-16 Sl. No. Crops Variety Area (Ha.) Requirement (No.) Availability in the state Outside Source. A. Cost Intensive Crops 1 Grapes Thomson seedless 20 33,320 --- 33,320 2 3 Kiwi Passion Fruit Allison Yellow and Purple 20 10 10,000 11,110 --11,110 10,000 --- 4 Banana Sucker Cavendish Dwarf 30 75,000 75,000 --- 5 Banana TC G.Naine, Meitei Hei 20 61,720 --- 61720 6 Pineapple Queen & Kew 300 1,35,00,000 Farmers field --- 7 Papaya Taiwan Red Lady. 30 83,310 50,000 33,310 B. High Density Planting 1 Guava L-49, Lalit and Sweta 100 2,22,200 --- 2,22,200 2 Litchi Muzafarpur 50 24,500 --- NRC Litchi, Muzaffarpur 3 Lime/Lemon Kachai & round Lemon 150 93,750 60,000 NRC Citrus. Nagpur 4 Orange Khasi Manadarin, Kinnow 150 75,000 40,000 NRC Citrus. Nagpur Jelly Alberta, Read heaven 30 39,990 --- 39,990 C. Normal Spacing 1 Peach 2 Pear Crimson, Red barlett 30 15,000 --- 15,000 3 Plum Santa Rosa, Meriposa 30 24,480 --- 24,480 Ullan-IV,V-IV 20 5,560 --- NRC, Puttur D. Cashewnut STRATEGIES Will adopt end-to-end approach covering Pre-production, Production, Post Harvest Management, Processing and Marketing to assure appropriate returns to producers/farmers. Will adopt new varieties suitable to the state. Will promote R & D technologies for Cultivation, Production, Post Harvest Management and Processing with special focus for extending the self life of perishables. Main focus for Action Plan 2015-16 Area expansion-fruits, Veg., Spices & flowers towards commercialization. Protected cultivation. Organic farming to promote health soil, water & air and minimize all forms of pollution. Rejuvenation of Old & Senile Orchards. Human Resource Development. Post Harvest Management, Marketing & Processing Based on the achievements made so far as given above, the Annual Action Plan 2015-16 is prepared by considering the requirement of the State to actualize the untapped growth potential in horticulture. CRITICAL GAPS Total horticultural area of the state is 2,77,064 ha and the crop area is only 93285 ha. i.e. 33.66% of potential area covered. Gap between potential & crop area 66.34%. A/E in mandate/important crops can be taken up in a big way in the huge gap. Post harvest losses for both fruits & vegetables ranges between 20-30% due to number of reasons and needs introduction & training in post harvest management support in this area and influence /support of DMI/MFPI is felt very important. The gaps can be shortened in the new action plan proposal. Innovations o Have initiated for cultivation of new cost incentive and high density crops like Washington and Valencia oranges, kiwi, Holland- peach, pear, plum , cherry ,Taiwan red and Thailand yellow var. of papaya, Blue berry & Dragon fruits as innovative crops in the state. o Dendrobium orchids under green house as an innovative project has been taken up for influencing the farmers towards commercialization in the state. o Thomson seedless var. of grapes with good harvest under green house and the farmers are very much interested with it. o Intensified partnership/tied up with progressive farmers group/FPOs & individuals for better result. Proposed Action Plan 2015-16 under MIDH Target Sl. No. Component 1 Research & Development 2 Production of Planting Material Unit Phy Fin. ( Rs. in Lakhs) 2 110.000 8 120.000 4 100.000 Ha. Ha. 20 20 24.000 24.000 Ha. 10 12.000 100 15.000 No. (i) Small Nursery (ii) Import of planting material 3 Area Expansion Under Horticultural Crops I. Cost Intensive Crops Integrated Package with drip irrigation a. New Plantation (Grapes) b. New Plantation (Kiwi) c. New Plantation (Passion Fruit) Without integration a. 2nd Year maintenance (Passion Fruit) Banana (Sucker) Integrated Package with drip irrigation a. New Plantation (Sucker) Ha. 30 22.500 b. Banana (TC) Ha. 20 22.500 Ha. 30 11.250 Integrated Package with drip irrigation a. 1st year maintenance (Banana TC) Target Sl. No. Component Unit Phy Fin. ( Rs. in Lakhs) Ha. Ha. 300 200 98.4375 21.8740 Ha. 16 4.000 Ha. 30 6.750 Pineapple (Sucker) Without Integration a. New Plantation (Pineapple) b. 1st Year maintenance Papaya Integrated package with drip irrigation a 1st Year maintenance (Papaya) Without Integration a. New Plantation (Papaya) II High Density Planting (Ha) Integrated package with drip irrigation Ha. a. New Plantation (Guava) Ha. 100 45.000 b. New Plantation (Litchi) Ha. 50 22.500 c. New Plantation (Lime/Lemon) Ha. 150 67.500 d. New Plantation (Orange) Ha. 150 67.500 e. 1st Year maintenance (Guava) Ha. 20 3.000 f. 1st Year maintenance (Lime/Lemon) Ha. 100 15.000 g. 1st Year maintenance (Orange) Ha. 100 15.000 Target Sl. No. Component Without Integration a. 2nd Year maintenance (Lime/Lemon) b. 2nd Year maintenance (Guava) c. 2nd Year maintenance (Orange) Fruits crops other than Cost Intensive crops III using normal spacing Without Integration a. New Plantation (Peach) b. New Plantation (Pear) c. New Plantation (Plum) d. 4 5 2nd Year maintenance (Orange) Vegetables (for maximum area of 2 Ha. per beneficiary) a. Winter Crops (Hybrid) b. Summer Crops (Hybrid) Mushroom Production Unit (Private Sector) Spawn Making Unit a. Public Sector b. Private Sector Unit Phy Fin. ( Rs. in Lakhs) Ha. Ha. Ha. 450 80 865 54.000 9.600 103.800 Ha. Ha. Ha. 30 30 30 5.400 5.400 5.400 Ha. 100 6.000 Ha. Ha. 1000 1000 250.000 250.000 No. 8 64.000 No. No. 2 4 30.000 24.000 Compost Unit a. Public Sector No. 2 40.000 b. Private Sector No. 8 64.000 Target Sl. No. 6 Component Fin. ( Rs. in Lakhs) Cut Flower ( Small & Marginal farmers) Ha. 50 25.000 Ha. 200 30.000 Ha. 20 3.000 Spices (for a maximum of 4 Ha. per beneficiary) a. 8 Phy Flower (for a maximum of 2 Ha. per beneficiary) a. 7 Unit Seed Spice and Rhizomatic Spices Plantation Crops (for a maximum of 4 Ha. per beneficiary) Without Integration a. New Plantation (Cashew) b. 1st Year maintenance (Cashew) Ha. 15 0.750 c. 2nd Year maintenance (Cashew) Ha. 60 7.200 Ha 2009 401.800 9 Rejuvenation/Replacement of senile plantation, canopy management 10 Creation of Water Resource (Unit) ii Water harvesting System for individuals for storage of water in 20mX20mX3m pond a. Plain No. 150 112.500 b. Hill No. 195 175.500 Target Sl. No. 11 Component Unit Phy Fin. ( Rs. in Lakhs) Protected Cultivation a. Naturally ventilated (Tubular Structure) 1000 60.900 b. Bamboo Structure (200 4000 103.600 c. Shadenet House (Tubular Structure) (500 5000 20.400 d. Bamboo Structure (200 8000 16.560 g. Cost of Planting material & cultivation of Orchids & Anthurium under Poly House/Shade net House 15000 52.500 h. Cost of Planting material & Cultivation of Gerbera under Polyhouse/Shadenet House 10000 30.500 i. Cost of Planting material & Cultivation of Rose under Polyhouse/Shadenet House 3500 7.455 12 Precision Farming Development and extension through precision Development Centres 13 Promotion of Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) & Integrated Pest Management (IPM) a. Promotion of INM/IPM 30.000 Ha 120.000 Target Sl. No. Component Unit Phy Fin. ( Rs. in Lakhs) No. 100 50.000 No. 998 79.840 No. Per Hives 3000 3000 24.000 24.000 Per Set 600 48.000 (a) Tractor (Upto 20 PTO HP) No. 30 30.000 (b) Power Tiller (8 BHP 7 above) No. 100 75.000 (c) Manual Sprayer No. 2520 15.120 (a) Within the State No. 10000 100.000 (b) Outside State No. 11 Organic Farming (a) Vermi Compost Unit (30’ X 8’ X 25’) Dimension of Permanent Structure (b) HDPE Vermibed 12 Pollination support through Bee Keeping (a) Honey Bee Colony (Per colony of 8 frames) (b) Bee Hives (c) Equipment including Honey Extractor (4 frame), food grade container (30 Kg.) 13 Horticulture Mechanization 14 Human Resource Development (HRD) Training of Farmers 20.000 Target Sl. No. Component Unit Phy Fin. ( Rs. in Lakhs) Exposure visit of Farmers (a) Outside State Training/ Study tour of Technical Staff/ Field functionaries (a) Study tour to Progressive States/ Units group of ( minimum 5 participants) 15 Integrated Post Harvest Management (a) Pack House (9MX 6M) Establishment of marketing infrastructure of 16 Horticultural produce in Govt./Private/Coperative sector. (a) Rural Markets/ Apni mandies/Direct markets Food Processing Units (Credit linked back ended capital 17 investment assistance of 50% cost) 18 No. No. No. 20.000 1000 8.000 36 72.000 24 330.000 16 800.000 Mission Management (a) State & District Mission Officer and Implementing agencies for administrative expenses, Field Consultants, Project preparation, Computerization, Contingency etc. No. 250.000 Target Sl. No. Component Unit 19 Institutional Strengthening, hire/purchase of vehicle, hardware/software 20 Seminar, Conferences, Workshops, Exhibition, Kissan Mela, Horti Show, Honey festivals etc. 21 Phy Fin. ( Rs in Lakhs) 20.000 a. State Level No. 10 30.000 b. District Level No. 7 14.000 Per block 9 3.600 Information dissemination through publicity, Printed Literature Local advertisements Technical Support Group (TSG) at State Level for Hiring 22 Expert/ Staff Studies Monitoring & Concurrent Evaluation/ Mass Media publicity video conferences etc. Grand Total :- 50.000 5000.630 S.N. Title of the Project 1. Improving Production and Productivity of Horticultural Crops for Food, Nutrition and Livelihood Security of the Farming Community in Manipur Activity : Production of seed & planting material, technology standardization, technology acquisition and Imparting training & FLD Implanting organization Project Cost ICAR 70 lakhs CAU 40 lakhs 2. Collection, Maintenance and Multiplication of Citrus Planting Material Activity : Collection and maintenance of citrus planting Material and its mass multiplication THANK YOU
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