Review Meet NCPAH Annual Highlights 2014-15 & Action Plan 2015-16 National Committee on Plasticulture Applications in Agriculture & Horticulture Dept. of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, New Delhi Terms of Reference To coordinate in promotion of horticulture/agriculture development through use of plastics in agriculture (Plasticulture) with special reference to harnessing available natural resources such as water & sunlight in improving the productivity and quality of produce. To recommend suitable policy measures for promotion of plasticulture in the country. To facilitate increased adoption of various plasticulture applications like drip & sprinkler irrigation system, protected cultivation, community tanks, post harvest management etc. To facilitate in promotion of Research & Development and to build database in plasticulture. To suggest suitable strategies in development of quality standards for products used in plasticulture and to ensure proper adoption of such standards in the field. To suggest ways & means for effective implementation of Centrally Sponsored Schemes on Micro Irrigation having integration with NHM, TMNE, RKVY, etc. in relation to plasticulture components in these schemes. To supervise and monitor effectively the performance of Precision Farming Development Centres (PFDCs) in particular and overall development of Precision Farming methods and hi-tech interventions in general in the country. Any other matter connected with promotion of plasticulture in the country. Annual highlights 2014-15 Annual highlights 2014-15 National Workshop on Bamboo Polyhouses in collaboration with Ministry of Tribal Affairs, GoI & Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, GoI. Regional workshop on Bamboo Polyhouses under MIDH scheme at Bhubaneswar. Conducted 15 National/ State level seminars/workshops to promote precision farming practices in agri/horti crops under GoI schemes of MIDH & NMSA-OFWM. Evaluated & Supervised technical programme of 22 Precision Farming Development Centres for approved activities during 2014-15. Provided technical inputs for finalization of the Impact Evaluation study on National Mission on Micro Irrigation conducted by M/s Global Agri Sys. P Ltd. Conducted a survey on Centre Pivot Sprinkler Irrigation System at State Farms and submitted a report to MoA. Prepared a technical report on Fertigation in selected Agri/Horti crops. Prepared a report on Insta-Drip-kit , Maharashtra & System of Agricultural Rejuvenation (SWAR), Andhra Pradesh. Water for Annual highlights 2014-15 Coordinated with 22 PFDCs for conducting 375 training-cum-awareness programme under the approved action plan of 2014-15 for farmers, state officials, entrepreneurs & NGOs etc. Prepared technical manual on Bamboo polyhouse, Trainers’ training manual on Micro Irrigation, Manual on Crop Water Requirement of selected crops, Manual on Aeroponic technique for Potato Seed production. Conducted PFDC Annual Review Meet to review the progress 2013-14 and finalising the AAP 2014-15. Participated at State Level Committee (SLC) meeting under NMSA-OFWM at Andhra Pradesh, Telangana & Haryana. The remaining states are in process of constituting the said committee. Prepared Request for Proposal (RFP) for empanelment of agencies by MoA to provide training on hi-tech horticulture under MIDH & NMSA-OFWM. Organised Industry interface meets for MI & Protected Cultivation on unit cost, technical specifications under NMSA-OFWM & MIDH scheme. Represented Skill Sector Council on Agriculture for providing inputs on National Occupational Standards on MI & protected cultivation. NCPAH @ BIS NCPAH plays an active role in the sectional committees of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) on Farm Irrigation & Drainage Systems (FAD-17) which covers Micro Irrigation system components and Technical Textiles for Agrotech (TXD-35) covering agro shade nets & plastic vermin beds. FAD-17 TX-35 IS 12785:1994 : Provided technical inputs on the draft standard for harmonization of the said standard with ISO/CD 9912-2 on Irrigation Equipments- Strainer type filters. IS 15907:2010: Agro Textiles- High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Woven Beds For Vermi-culture- Specification has been prepared with amendment and is under wide circulation. Semi-Permanent Sprinklers: NCPAH was nominated as the convener for the panel committee to develop draft on Code of Practice for the said technology. IS 16008:2012: Agro textiles — Shade nets for Agriculture and horticulture Purposes — specification is amended including mono filament fabric and is under wide circulation. The said technology was introduced during NMMI guidelines and presently covered under NMSA- A draft on Insect Proof Nets have been OFWM scheme. developed. DRIP TAPE: NCPAH was nominated as the panel committee under FAD-17 for developing draft standard on drip tapes. The said draft having reference FAD 17 (2225) C is under wide circulation. IS 15351:2008: Provided technical comments on textile laminated HDPE woven fabric( Geo-membrane) for water-proof lining. Compendium on Micro Irrigation System Suppliers was prepared and submitted List of BIS standards covered in MIDH & NMSA-OFWM was submitted. NMSA- OFWM Activities : 2014-15 Impact evaluation study - National Mission on Micro Irrigation for 13 states. Study on Efficiency & Efficacy of Central Pivot Sprinkler Irrigation System in Indian conditions . Presentation on assessment of Potential of MI in India an analysis for the study conducted by IIM-Ahmedabad. NCPAH provided technical inputs for the study on MI Potential in the country through GIS & remote sensing by MNCFC, Pusa, IARI, New Delhi. Quarterly Progress Report for NMSA-OFWM activities was submitted to the division. NMSA- OFWM Activities : 2014-15 Prepared draft content on Registration of MI System suppliers in NMSA-OFWM scheme for supply of drip & sprinkler irrigation systems for operational guidelines of NMSA-OFWM. The same is circulated by MoA to all the implementing states. Draft guidelines for NMSA- OFWM scheme having technology wise break-up was prepared and submitted to the division. Zonal Review Meet under NMSA-OFWM at Agartala & Jodhpur under the chairmanship of JS(MIDH) & Addl. Secretary, MoA, GoI to review the progress made under the scheme for 2014-15. Details of financial assistance under the NMSA-OFWM scheme for all the scheme implementing states was prepared and submitted. State wise/ Category wise details for physical and financial progress made under NMSA-OFWM scheme was prepared and submitted. A detailed report on installation of micro irrigation systems at district Mewat, Haryana was prepared and submitted. MIDH/NMSA-ofwm Activities : 2014-15 S.No. Activities Phy. (No.) 1 Coordinated participation of PFDCs/States at events 60 2 PFDCs Zonal & Annual Review Meets 2 3 Participated through PFDCs at State level Seminars/Workshops 15 4 Joint Inspection Team Visits 3 5 Industry Interactive Meetings 24 6 Trainers’ Training Programmes 4 7 State Level Committee Meets 6 8 Technical reports 14 9 BIS sectional/panel committee meetings 4 10 International/National Events 10 11 Publications 6 12 Articles on Precision Farming & Plasticulture technology 4 ** More than 5.5 lakh visitors were made aware about Micro Irrigation, Protected Cultivation, Precision Farming, Creation of Water Resources and norms under MIDH/OFWM-NMSA schemes PFDC highlights New Trials @PFDC (2015-16) NCPAH as National Level Agency (NLA) under Mission for Integrated Development for Horticulture (MIDH) evaluates and monitor the activities of 22 Precision Farming Development Centres (PFDCs). Following field trials have been finalized under annual action plan 2015-16 for promoting precision farming, protected cultivation & micro irrigation under the mission: Response of Agro shade nets w.r.t mesh size and 4 colours on vegetable cultivation at PFDC Bikaner, Bhopal, Navsari & Rahuri. Standardization of Plastic tunnels for vegetable cultivation at PFDC, Bangalore. Study on hydroponic system for vegetable cultivation & hi-value horticulture at PFDC Bangalore, Rahuri & Ludhiana. Standardization of bill of quantity with specifications for polyhouse cultivation at PFDC, Coimbatore. Cultivation of Paddy-straw mushroom under protected structures at PFDC, Bhubaneswar. Development of fertigation schedule for Sugarcane, Potato, Sunflower, Onion & Garlic at PFDC Lucknow , Hyderabad, Raipur & Imphal. Development of online Decision Support System (DSS) for micro irrigation at PFDC, WTC, IARI, New Delhi. Develop customized package of practice for Solar based MI systems at PFDC Bhubaneswar & IIT, Kharagpur. PFDC Ach.2014-15 & target :2015-16 Sl. No. Activity Physical (Ach.) 2014-15 Physical (Tgt.) 2015-16 1 a b 2 a b c Technology Refinement On-going trials New trials Technology Demonstration PFDC Research Farm KVKs Farmers’ Field 69 36 92 27 139 120 152 34 104 3 Technology Display & Information Centre 22 22 4 a b c d Technology Transfer Training & Awareness Program Seminar & Workshop Radio & T.V talk Participation in Agri. Events Promotion of Precision Farming & Plasticulture Applications in Print Media Literature & Publication Survey Staff Exposure/Orientation Program Manpower Deployment emoluments for contractual staff 375 15 149 67 365 34 76 75 18 12 118 129 40 136 66 66 80 114 e f g 5 6 PFDC wise proposed outlay : 2015-16 Amount in Rs. Lakhs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Bangalore Bhopal Bhubaneswar Bikaner Coimbatore Hisar Hyderabad Imphal Guwahati Kharagpur Leh Lucknow Ludhiana Navsari Pantnagar New Delhi Rahuri Raipur Ranchi Samastipur Solan Tavanur Total Budgetary Requirement 79.90 66.60 38.55 72.13 48.50 38.51 38.33 34.67 41.46 74.16 22.32 59.14 81.00 33.17 115.66 62.60 74.55 57.25 33.49 34.03 55.15 38.80 1200 Activity wise proposed Outlay (PFDC) :2015-16 Financial progress (2014-15) Amount in Rs. Lakhs Opening Balance as on 1st April 2014 Fund Release 1st 2nd 3rd Expenditure up Closing Balance to March 2015 as on 31st March 2015 22.91 50 25 * Approved Outlay 300 Lakh INR 25 96.72 26.19 NCPAH Proposed Action plan(2015-16) S.No. Activities Proposed Amount (Lakh Rs.) 1 Monitoring, Evaluation & TSG 45 2 Awareness Programmes 30 3 Extension Activities 60 4 Training Programmes 30 5 Infrastructure / IT 65 Total 230 Photo feature National Seminar on Bamboo Polyhouses PFDC at Mango festival NCPAH @ Krishi Mandap –IITF-2014 Photo feature JS(MIDH) & Hort. Commissioner, MoA, GoI at National Seminar on Bamboo Polyhouses Farmers’ & Officers Training Programs
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