Micro Irrigation under On Farm Water Management scheme of National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture Review meeting of Annual Action Plan 2015-16 on 25th March, 2015 DEPARTMENT OF HORTICULTURE & FOOD PROCESSING, UTTARAKHAND Information on Land use in Uttarakhand Geographical Area 53.48 lakh ha. Total Agriculture land 7.66 lakh ha. Land under Horticulture 3.00 lakh ha. (39.16%) Cultivable waste land 3.60 lakh ha. Average land holding 0.8 ha. Small & Marginal farmers 88 % Forest Area 35.39 lakh ha. Irrigation i) Plain Districts (Haridwar and US Nagar) 2.49 lakh ha. (73.67%) ii) Hill Districts Total 0.89 lakh ha. (26.33%) 3.38 lakh ha. Irrigated area in Uttarakhand SI. No. District Total Irrigated Area Canals Tanks Tube wells Other wells Other sources 5411 1369 401 01 Nanital 27695 Hill Districts 20514 02 Almora 5198 2900 2298 03 Bageshwar 4682 3639 1043 04 Pithoragarh 4657 1145 05 Champawat 2075 516 1315 0 244 06 Dehradun 21513 16148 1917 1748 1700 07 Pauri 7875 2174 1235 0 4465 08 Tehri 7155 586 6569 09 Chamoli 1805 825 980 10 Rudraprayag 1656 830 826 11 Uttarkashi 4727 3481 1246 89038 52758 Total Hill Districts 8 1 9 3504 9878 3117 23276 109617 10780 779 94822 12 Udhamsingh Nagar 140416 Plain Districts 19234 6 13 Haridwar 109039 11935 Total Plain Districts 249455 31169 6 204439 10780 3061 Total Uttarakhand 338493 83927 15 214317 13897 26337 2282 * Data Source -Statistical Diary, Uttarakhand 2010-11 Farming Situations S. No. Situations Altitude (m) Crops 1 Irrigated Tarai & 600-1200 hill valley areas All seasonal vegetables, citrus, mango, guava, aonla, litchi & pomegranate 2 Rainfed lower hills 600-1200 Potato, tomato and other seasonal vegetables and spices Off-season mango, aonla, citrus and Spices 3 Mid-hills (South-West) 1200-1700 Off-season vegetables, stone fruits citrus & walnut 4 Mid hills (North- 1200-1700 East) Pear, stone fruits and vegetables 5 High hills 1700-2500 Pome & stone fruits & off-season vegetables 6 Very high hills 2500-3500 Pome, cherry, walnut, off-season & European vegetables off-season 4 Horticulture Scenario in Uttarakhand (Area, Production and Productivity 2012-13, State Horticulture Database) Crops Area Production (lakh ha) (lakh MT) Productivity (MT/ha) State Productivity (MT/ha) National level Fruits 2.02 7.58 3.75 11.70 Vegetable (includingPotato) 0.91 10.82 12.13 17.30 Spices 0.11 0.80 7.23 1.80 Flowers 0.016 Loose-0.02, Cut-2939 lakh no - - 5 ON FARM WATER MANAGEMENT (OFWM) Background • To optimize utilization of limited irrigation water through efficient water management, a Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Micro Irrigation (MI Scheme) was launched during the year 2005-06, which was upscaled as the “National Mission on Micro Irrigation” (NMMI) to be implemented during XIth Plan. The National Mission on Micro Irrigation is being implemented in Uttarakhand from 2011-12. • Keeping the view the level of awareness, proximity to the manufacturing units, distance involved in transportation states have been categorized into three categories, viz.. Category “A”, “B” and “C”. • Category “A”:- States where more than 20,000 hectares have been brought under Drip Irrigation i.e. Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu. • Category “B”:- All the states except those covered under Category “A” and those falling in the Himalayan belt would come under Category “B”. • Category “C”:- All the North Eastern States, Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttarakhand and Darjeeling District of West Bengal would come under Category “C”. • The cost of Irrigation system in category “B” States is estimated to be 15% higher than Category “A” States while for Category “C” States it is estimated to be 25% higher than Category “A” States. • During 2014-15 NMMI has been subsumed in NMSA, as On Farm Water Management (OFWM). Subsidy Pattern in Uttarakhand • • • • Implementation of OFWM is shared in the ratio of 50:10:40 between Central Government, State Government and the beneficiary in case of Small and Marginal farmers. In other words, subsidy assistance for Small and Marginal farmers will be @ 60% of the cost of the Drip / Sprinkler Irrigation System and the remaining 40% will have to be borne by the farmer. In case of General category farmers, subsidy assistance will be @45% of the cost of the system which will be shared in the ratio of 35:10:55 by the Central Government, State Government and the beneficiary. States are free to provide additional financial assistance to lessen the burden of individual beneficiaries. OFWM has 3 component viz – Micro Irrigation (Drip/Sprinkler Irrigation), On Farm Water Distribution/Application and On Farm Drainage. Out of 3 in 2014-15 AAP only Micro Irrigation has been included. PHYSICAL AND FINANCIAL PROGRESS UNDER NMMI / OFWM Physical Progress Annual Action Plan Targets as per Approved AAP Balance target of previous year Target as per fund released during the year Total targets during the year Achievement during the year Balance No. of beneficiari es Area (in ha) No. of beneficiari es Area (in ha) No. of beneficiari es Area (in ha) No. of beneficiari es Area (in ha) No. of beneficiari es Area (in ha) No. of beneficiari es Area (in ha) 2011-12 732 387.20 - - 412 214.80 412 214.80 - - 412 214.80 2012-13 2881 1296.20 412 214.80 885 410.80 1297 625.60 433 216.80 864 408.80 2013-14 3413 1676.80 864 408.80 3023 1559.20 3887 1968.00 3725 1888.00 162 80.00 2014-15 4421 2619.60 162 80.00 2048 1127.60 2210 1207.60 1478 884.00 732 323.60 9 Financial Progress (Rs. in lakh) Annual Action Plan Approved AAP Balance of previous year Released during the year Total available fund State Total Center State Share Share Share Center State Share Share Balance Center Share State Share Center Share State Share Center Share 2011-12 150.00 37.55 - - 75.00 6.15 6.15 81.15 - - - 2012-13 600.00 42.11 75.00 6.15 150.00 15.45 165.45 225.00 21.60 246.60 72.39 7.05 79.44 2013-14 600.00 66.00 152.61 14.56 540.00 44.20 584.20 692.61 58.56 751.17 639.37 55.42 694.79 2014-15 710.00 142.02 53.24 3.32 295.00 42.30 337.30 348.24 45.62 393.86 234.08 40.86 274.94 114.16 81.15 75.00 Total Expenditure Total Center State Total Share Share 75.00 6.15 81.15 152.61 14.56 167.17 53.24 3.32 56.56 4.76 123.92 10 Physical & Financial progress during 2014-15 SI. No. Component / Sub component 01 Physical 02 Financial No of Beneficiaries Area / No GoI Share State Share Total (GoI + State) share 03 04 05 06 07 1 Horticultural crops A Area coverage (ha) 01 Drip Irrigation 813 536.80 12669600 2540157 15209757 02 Micro Sprinkler Irrigation 167 87.20 3272917 654584 3927500 03 Mini Sprinkler Irrigation 100 40.00 2134720 426944 2561664 04 Portable Sprinkler 290 176.00 2158550 431505 2590055 05 Large Volume Sprinklers - Rain Gun (75mm) 8 10.00 166094 33219 199313 06 Demonstration for Drip Irrigation 91 30.40 2020820 2020820 07 Demonstration for Micro Sprinkler Irrigation 2 0.80 248761 248761 08 Demonstration for Mini Sprinkler Irrigation 7 2.80 236040 236040 1478 884.00 22907501 Total (A) B Human Resource Development (No) 01 Training of group of 30 person at a time (@Rs.50000) 4086409 500000 Total (B) Grand Total 0 1478 0.00 26993910 500000 500000 0 0 23407501 4086409 27493910 11 Annual Action Plan 2015-16 under ON FARM WATER MANAGEMENT (OFWM) Annual Action Plan 2015-16 SI. No. 01 1 A 01 02 03 04 05 Component / Sub component Physical No of Area / No Beneficiaries 02 Horticultural crops Area coverage (ha) Drip Irrigation Micro Sprinkler Irrigation Mini Sprinkler Irrigation Portable Sprinkler Large Volume Sprinklers - Rain Gun (75mm) Total (A) B 01 C 01 2 A. Human Resource Development (No) Training of group of 30 person at a time (@Rs.50000) Total (B) On-farm water distribution / application (No) Construction of Secondary Storage Structures Total (C) Total (Horticulture) Agricultural crops (ha) Mini Sprinkler Irrigation Total (Agriculture) Total (Horticulture + Agriculture) Administrative Cost @5% Grand Total GoI Share Financial Financial outlay State Share Total (GoI + State) share 03 04 05 06 07 3177 744 365 708 22 5016 2158.20 337.80 146.00 569.40 22.00 3233.40 44315798 11191736 6997050 6277635 391050 69173269 14771933 3730579 2332350 2092545 130350 23057756 59087730 14922315 9329400 8370180 521400 92231025 420 420 700000 700000 - 700000 700000 4530 4530 9966 27180000 27180000 97053269 23057756 27180000 27180000 120111025 17971875 17971875 115025144 5734856 5990625 5990625 29048381 1441619 23962500 23962500 144073525 7176475 120760000 30490000 151250000 375 375 10341 10341 375.00 375.00 13 Annual Action Plan 2015-16 for General beneficiaries SI. No. 01 1 A 01 02 03 04 05 Component / Sub component Physical No of Area / No. Beneficiaries 02 Horticultural crops Area coverage (ha) Drip Irrigation Micro Sprinkler Irrigation Mini Sprinkler Irrigation Portable Sprinkler Large Volume Sprinklers (Rain Gun) (75mm) Total (A) B 01 C 01 2 A. Human Resource Development (No) Training of group of 30 person at a time (@Rs.50000) Total (B) On-farm water distribution / application (No) Construction of Secondary Storage Structures Total (C) Total (Horticulture) Agricultural crops (ha) Mini Sprinkler Irrigation Total (Agriculture) Total (Horticulture + Agriculture) Administrative Cost @5% Grand Total Financial Financial outlay GoI Share State Share Total (GoI + State) share 03 04 05 06 07 2437 604 292 532 22 3887 1648.40 276.40 116.80 448.00 22.00 2511.60 33730515 9157478 5597640 4939200 391050 53815883 11243505 3052493 1865880 1646400 130350 17938628 44974020 12209970 7463520 6585600 521400 71754510 420 420 700000 700000 - 700000 700000 3534 3534 7841 21204000 21204000 75719883 17938628 21204000 21204000 93658510 13994100 13994100 89713983 4476018 4664700 4664700 22603328 1120673 18658800 18658800 112317310 5596690 94190000 23724000 117914000 292 292 8133 8133 292.00 292.00 14 Annual Action Plan 2015-16 for SC beneficiaries SI. No. Component / Sub component 01 02 Physical Financial No of Beneficiaries Area / No 03 Financial outlay GoI Share State Share Total (GoI + State) share 04 05 06 07 1 Horticultural crops A Area coverage (ha) 01 Drip Irrigation 604 415.80 8442776 2814259 11257035 02 Micro Sprinkler Irrigation 118 51.80 1716199 572066 2288265 03 Mini Sprinkler Irrigation 68 27.20 1303560 434520 1738080 04 Portable Sprinkler 146 98.00 1080450 360150 1440600 936 592.80 12542985 4180995 16723980 815 4890000 - 4890000 Total (C) 815 4890000 - 4890000 Total (Horticulture) 1751 17432985 4180995 21613980 Total (A) B On-farm water distribution / application (No) 01 Construction of Secondary Storage Structures 2 Agricultural crops (ha) A. Mini Sprinkler Irrigation Total (Agriculture) Total (Horticulture + Agriculture) 68 68.00 3258900 1086300 4345200 68 68.00 3258900 1086300 4345200 20691885 5267295 25959180 1028115 262705 1290820 21720000 5530000 27250000 1819 Administrative Cost @5% Grand Total 1819 15 Annual Action Plan 2015-16 for ST beneficiaries SI. No. Component / Sub component 01 02 Physical Financial No of Beneficiaries Area / No 03 Financial outlay GoI Share State Share Total (GoI + State) share 04 05 06 07 1 Horticultural crops A Area coverage (ha) 01 Drip Irrigation 136 94.00 2142506 714169 2856675 02 Micro Sprinkler Irrigation 22 9.60 318060 106020 424080 03 Mini Sprinkler Irrigation 5 2.00 95850 31950 127800 04 Portable Sprinkler 30 23.40 257985 85995 343980 193 129.00 2814401 938134 3752535 181 1086000 - 1086000 Total (C) 181 1086000 - 1086000 Total (Horticulture) 374 3900401 938134 4838535 Total (A) B On-farm water distribution / application (No) 01 Construction of Secondary Storage Structures 2 Agricultural crops (ha) A. Mini Sprinkler Irrigation 15 15.00 718875 239625 958500 Total (Agriculture) 15 15.00 718875 239625 958500 Total (Horticulture + Agriculture) 389 4619276 1177759 5797035 230724 58241 288965 4850000 1236000 6086000 Administrative Cost @5% Grand Total 389 16 REGISTERED FIRMS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF OFWM SCHEME IN UTTARAKHAND SI.No 2014-15 to 2016-17 1. M/s Shree Bhandari Plastic Pvt. Ltd. 2. M/s Harvel Agua India Pvt. Ltd. 3. M/s Dinesh Irrigation Pvt. Ltd. 4. M/s Finolex Plasson Industries Pvt. Ltd. 5. M/s Pioneer Plastic Industries Pvt. Ltd. 6. M/s Ranisati Irrigation Pvt. Ltd. 7. M/s Bharat Drip Irrigation and Agro, Jaipur 8. M/s Fimi Irrigation India Pvt. Ltd. 9. M/s Nimbus Pipes Ltd. 10. M/S Swati Storwel Pvt Ltd. 11. M/s Jain Irrigation Pvt. Ltd. 12. M/s Ajay Industrial Polymers Pvt. Ltd. 13. M/s Rungta Irrigation Pvt Ltd. 14. M/s Purma Plast Pvt Ltd. Success Stories ¼Jh xksiky nRr iq= Jh “kadj nRr xzke “kgjQkVd ekbZdzks fLizxadyj¼lCth½ eS xksiky nRr tks”kh] xzke ukVkMksy iks0 eksfr;kikFkj fodkl [k.M yexMk LFkkbZ fuoklh gWwW esjs ikl 1-5 gS0 Hkwfe gS] esjs ikl ikuh dk Jksr Fkk] ijUrq LVksj dk lk/ku ugh Fkk] m|ku foHkkx eq>s ikS.M fuekZ.k gsrq izsfjr fd;k x;kA ftlls esa vkyw] Qwy xksHkh] eVj] lfx;k fepZ esa flapkbZ djus yxk rFkk esjs lCth mRiknu esa o`f) gksus yxhA o’kZ 2012&13 esa eq>s fLizxadyj yxkus dks izsfjr fd;k x;kA ftlls esjs }kjk vius Hkwfe esa fLizxdyj yxk;k x;kA vc eS vius lCth mRiknu esa 3-5 xquk vf/kd mRiknu dj jgk gWw ftlls esjh vkfFkZd fLFkfr es dkQh lq/kkj gks jgk gS ,sls le; eas tcfd ekSle ds lkFk u nsus ls {ks= esa lCth mRiknu izHkkfor gqvk gSA ml fLFkfr eSus bl o’kZ vkyw]xksHkh]lfx;k fepZ ls yxHkx 1-25 yk[k dh udn vkenuh dhA uoEcj esa fQj eVj yxkmxk ftles fLizxadyj dk Hkjiwj ykHk ywxk D;ks igys eS vius cPPkks dh ijofj”k lgh <ax ls ugh dj ikrk Fkk tc m|ku foHkkx }kjk lCth izn”kZu djok;s rFkk gedks ekxZn”kZu fn;k fd vki yksx rduhdh viukdj lCTkh@Qyks dk mRiknu djs eSus m|ku foHkkx ds ekxZn”kZu ls dk;Z fd;k vc esjh vkfFkZd fLFkfr eS le>rk gwW fd vPNh gS] eSus ,d oehZ dEiksLV fiV Hkh cuk j[kk gS ftlls eq>s 0-30 yk[k dh jktlgk;rk feyh eS [ksrks es oehZ dEiksLV dk iz;ksx dj jgk gwW rFkk m|ku foHkkx dk vkHkkjh gWwA ¼Jh fo”ku flg iq= Jh uj flg xzke rksyh tyuk fodkl [k.M yexMk½ eS fo”ku flg] xzke rksyh tyuk iks0 tyuk fodkl [k.M yexMk dk LFkkbZ fuoklh gWw esjs ikl yexHk 0-40 gS0 {ks= esa vkMw]lsc]Iye vkfn dk cxhpk gS iwoZ esa foHkkx }kjk eq>s 0-20 gS0 {ks= esa lsc {ks=Qy foLrkj ;kstuk vUrxZr Qy ikS/k jksfir fd;s x;s gSA eS o’kksZ ls vkS|kfud dk;Z dj jgk gWWw o`}koLFkk gksus ds dkj.k vc esjs lqiq= Jh thou flg cxhps dh ns[k js[k dj jgk gS esjh vkthfodk dk eq[; lk/ku Qyks dk mRiknu dj fcdzh dk;Z djuk gS m|ku foHkkx ds izHkkjh }kjk eq>s fMªi yxkus dh lykg nh x;h esjs }kjk cxhps esa fMªi yxk;h x;h fMªi ;kstuk ls tgkW ,d vksj lHkh ikS/ks dks leku :i ls ikuh dk forj.k gqvk ogh le; ,oa ty dh Hkh cpr gqbZ A bl o’kZ eq>s bldk ykHk Hkh vPNk feyk esa bl lg;ksx ds fy, m|ku foHkkx dk vkHkkjh gwWw Jh izse yky iq= Jh /kje yky] xzke&ykslKkuh iks0&jkex<] tuin&uSuhrky m|ku foHkkx tuin uSuhrky }kjk esjs iz{ks= esa 0-40 gS0 esa feuh fLizdyj flapkbZ i)fr jktlgk;rk ij LFkkfir dh xbZ ftlesa esjs }kjk le;kuqlkj xksHkh] eVj] vkyw vkfn lfCt;ksa dk mRiknu fd;k tk jgk gSA ikuh dh deh dkj.k bls iwoZ esa iwjs iz{ks= dh flapkbZ ugha gks ikrh FkhA fLizdyj ls tgka iwjs {ks= dh flapkbZ VSad ls iw.kZ gks jgh gS] ogh nwljh vksj Je dh cpr Hkh gSA fLiazdyj flapkbZ ls vkSlru 25&30 izfr’kr mRiknu esa o`f) gqbZ gSA mDr ;kstuk lCth mRikndksa ds fy;s ojnku Lo:i gSA Jh xqlkbZ jke iq= Jh Vhdk jke] xzke&ykslKkuh iks0&jkex<] tuin&uSuhrky m|ku foHkkx tuin uSuhrky }kjk esjs iz{ks= esa 0-40 gS0 esa feuh fLizdyj flapkbZ i)fr jktlgk;rk ij LFkkfir dh xbZ ftlesa esjs }kjk le;kuqlkj xksHkh] eVj] vkyw vkfn lfCt;ksa dk mRiknu fd;k tk jgk gSA ikuh dh deh dkj.k bls iwoZ esa iwjs iz{ks= dh flapkbZ ugha gks ikrh FkhA fLizdyj ls tgka iwjs {ks= dh flapkbZ VSad ls iw.kZ gks jgh gS] ogh nwljh vksj Je dh cpr Hkh gSA fLiazdyj flapkbZ ls vkSlru 25&30 izfr’kr mRiknu esa o`f) gqbZ gSAmDr ;kstuk lCth mRikndksa ds fy;s ojnku Lo:i gSA Photos at a Glance
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