MHS Summer Camp Brochure 2015

Coaching Staff
2015 Midland Public Schools
Summer Camps
The opera on, instruc on, and administra on of the Midland Public
Schools summer athle c camps is in
the hands of the individual high
school athle c departments.
Both Midland and Dow High School
offer a wide range of camp opportuni es and will produce their own
brochures. Families can choose the
school, sessions, mes, and dates
that best fit their situa on. Athletes
are welcome to a%end camps at
both schools.
Midland High School registra ons
can be made at
Click on “Chemic HQ” to find the
summer camp link.
Unless noted, each camp will be conducted
by the Midland High coaching staff in that
Registration Deadlines
Registration will be open and accepted until
camp dates. Registrations received before
May 1st will be guaranteed a t-shirt in the
requested size by those camps offering one.
Summer Athletic Camps
Midland High School
We encourage early registration to prevent
cancellation due to low enrollment. You will
not receive registration confirmation but will
be notified in the event of cancellation.
Midland High School
Athletic Department
1301 Eastlawn Drive
Midland, MI 48642
Athletic Director
Eric Albright
Phone: 989-923-5217
Fax: 989-923-5180
Home of the Chemics
2015 MHS Athletic Camps
Youth Girls & Boys: Entering Grades 3-5
June 15-19
Intermediate: Entering Grades 6-8
June 29—July 2
MHS Main Gym
(t-shirt provided)
coaches: Eric Krause and Elaine Mahabir
(t-shirt provided)
2015 Registration will take place online only at
MS Girls : Entering Grades 6-8
June 15-19
High School: Entering Grades 9-12
June 29—July 2
MHS Auxiliary Gym
MHS Main Gym
(t-shirt provided)
MHS Gyms
Select the Link “Chemic HQ”
(t-shirt provided)
Scroll to find “Summer Camps”
HS Girls : Entering Grades 9-12
June 15-19
MHS Gyms
(t-shirt provided)
Contact Coach Tim Zerull for more information
June 15-19
MHS Gyms
(t-shirt provided)
HS Boys : Entering Grades 9-12
June 15-19
Select “Online Registration”
If you need assistance, please call the athletic department at
989-923-5216. You may stop in the MHS athletic office and we
MS Boys : Entering Grades 6-8
Midland High School will also be host to a defense-only camp for Grades 10-12 on July 2023. There is no fee for this instruction.
MHS Gyms
(t-shirt provided)
Online Registration Only
Look under the “Chemic HQ” tab for Summer Camp
will help you register if you do not have internet access.