CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM 2 & 3 MAY, 2015 Presented By the Gippsland Members of the Australian College of Midwives Venue – Silverwater Resort, Phillip Island An easy 1.5 hour drive from Melbourne CBD to San Remo (124km) 17 Potters Hill Road, San Remo 3925 VIC Book before 1st Feb to receive discount! ACM Member - $395 (Early Bird) / $425 Non-ACM Member - $475 (Early Bird) / $500 Student ACM Member - $350 (Early Bird) / $375 Student Non-ACM Member – $395 (Early Bird) / $425 Register online NOW via ] Enquiries – E: PH: 1300 360 480 (local call) or (02) 6230 7333 ABN 49 289 821 863 MIDWIFERY: BE INSPIRED Conference Outline st Friday Night (1 May) – Welcome reception from 1900 onwards Saturday 2nd May Sunday 3rd May 0900 - 0915 Welcome 0730 Breakfast with special guest speaker 0915 - 1000 Hannah Dahlen – Important midwifery research 0915-1000 1000 - 1045 Tanya Farrell - Critical Conversations in Midwifery 1000 - 1030 1045-1115 Morning tea 1030-1100 1115-1245 1100 - 1130 1215-1300 1400 - 1445 Concurrent Sessions Angela Kellock - Implementing water birth in your hospital Nicky Leap - Tackling Tocophobia: the midwifery skill of en[courage]ment Lunch Rebecca McIntosh – Birth and maternal care in seals Maralyn Foureur – Epigenetics and Midwifery Nicky Leap – Working with women: The importance of language Maureen Miles – Understanding midwives challenges when working with pregnant women who use illicit drugs Pat Brodie - Changing workplace culture – woman centred and midwife friendly? Morning Tea Helen McLachlan and Della Forster – A focus on postnatal care – where to from here? Concurrent Sessions 1300-1345 Jacinta Calabro – Implementing music therapy Sonya Edmonds – Aromatherapy applications for midwifery Lunch 1445-1515 Afternoon Tea 1345-1430 1515 - 1615 Concurrent Sessions Maralyn Foureur – Translating epigenetics into practice Pat Brodie – Supporting midwifery in developing nations Ann Kinnear–Open forum -ACM, midwifery in Vic 1430-1515 1245 - 1330 1330 - 1400 1615-1700 1130-1215 1515-1530 Hannah Dahlen - Perineal care- What works and what we can do Gippsland Midwifery through the ages Raffle, evaluations, Victorian midwife of the Year Award and ACM scholarship recipients, close. **Please note sessions are subject to change Accommodation Silverwater Resort is not only our conference venue, but has a variety of beautiful rooms available for you to book to suit your requirements and budget for both Friday and Saturday nights. Relax in your room after our inspiring conference and enjoy all of the resort facilities including pool and spa! Please ensure you book early so as not to miss out! Bookings essential! Please visit or email and quote the reference “midwivesconference2015” to receive a 15% discount off the rate advertised at the time of booking. Activities Breakfast – Join us for breakfast with our guest speaker (TBA) on Sunday 3rd at Silverwater from 0730. Cost is $35. Spaces limited to 30 people. Morning Walk – Optional local morning walk on Saturday and Sunday from 0700 to enjoy the stunning scenery. Penguin Parade – See the penguins up close from 1730 (Optional - Not included in fee). Please book via Prices start from $23.80. Dinner – A conference dinner has not been organized. However if you would like to join the committee for dinner from 1930 on Saturday, please book a table directly with the resort (1800 033 403 / 5671 9393). Bills cannot be split. MIDWIFERY: BE INSPIRED 2 & 3 May, 2015 - Silverwater Resort, Phillip Island How Do I Register? Online Mail or Email To access online registrations go to Or fill out the form below and mail to: ACM, PO Box 965, Civic Square ACT 2608 or email: Go to Events tab, then select events calendar, select Midwifery: Be Inspired NAME EMAIL ADDRESS SUBURB STATE POSTCODE PHONE/MOBILE DIETARY REQUIREMENTS PLACE OF WORK CONFERENCE REGISTRATION DETAILS This form becomes a tax invoice on completion of payment. EARLY BIRD Prior to GST included in prices. ABN 49 289 821 863 COST AFTER 01/02/2015 TICK CHOICE 01/02/2015 $350.00 $375.00 ⃝ $395.00 $425.00 ⃝ $395.00 $425.00 ⃝ $475.00 $500.00 ⃝ Inclusive Inclusive 1A ⃝ Inclusive Inclusive Inclusive Inclusive 1B ⃝ 2A ⃝ 2B- Supporting midwifery in developing nations: P. Brodie (FULL) Inclusive Inclusive 2B ⃝ 3A- Aromatherapy: S. Edmonds (limit 30) (FULL) Inclusive Inclusive 3A ⃝ Inclusive Inclusive 3B ⃝ Inclusive Inclusive Inclusive Inclusive Inclusive Inclusive ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ $35 $35 ⃝ STUDENT – ACM member MEMBER No________________ RUNNING TOTAL Phone bookings only, proof of student status required. STUDENT – NON ACM member Phone bookings only, proof of student status required. Current ACM member MEMBER No________________ Non ACM member CONCURRENT SESSIONS – Please select A or B preference (refer to program) 1A- Implementing water-birth: A. Kellock (limit 30) OR 1B- Tackling Tocophobia: the midwifery skill of en[courage]ment : N. Leap } 2A- Translating epigenetics into practice: M. Foureur OR OR 3B- Music therapy: J. Calbabro SOCIAL FUNCTIONS st Friday night 1 May welcome reception (drinks at bar prices) nd Early morning walk, Saturday 2 May (time to be advised) rd Early morning walk, Sunday 3 May (time to be advised) BREAKFAST WITH GUEST SPEAKER Plated breakfast (numbers limited to 30) TOTAL COST PAYABLE – Credit card or Cheque (Payable to Australian College of Midwives) $ For any concerns regarding registration, please contact ACM on 1300 360 480 / (02) 6230 7333 Mastercard/Visa(Circle) or email CREDIT CARD PAYMENT INFORMATION NAME ON CARD_ CARD NUMBER EXPIRY DATE SIGNATURE CVC NO (3 digits on back of card) Cancellation fee of $50.00 may apply and refunds st not possible after 1 April 2015 Student registrations can only be made directly with the ACM office. Proof of student status (copy of current student card) will be required
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