WSR April 2015c - Ulysses Club Inc. | MILDURA BRANCH

Ulysses Club Inc.—Mildura Branch
(Established 1994)
The Wintersun Runner
April 2015
Presidents Report
Members Draw
Sponsored by
Shane & Vicki Downes
27 Scott Crescent, 5021 5003
What's Inside
Minutes of the last meeting, ,
branch reports, Crossword,
Sudoku, Jokes etc.
Random pictures of
Branch Events
What a fantastic turn
-up at the Ulysses
AGM in Wodonga with
twenty-four of our Mildura
Branch members attending. It is always a concern when members travel
long distances from all over Australia
to get to the AGM that we do not all
return unscathed. Luckily for our
crew, we did! It was a good AGM
with just under three thousand in attendance with about sixty traders. The
weather was quite good generally, but
the 5°C early morning rise was brisk
to say the least!! Poor Barry took a
turn for the worse when he managed
to get food poisoning, off site, but
thanks to Gary & Michelle for helping
Anne to move him into a motel, he
could recuperate more comfortably. It
was great to catch up with old acquaintances and plenty of opportunity
to make new friends. The Mexican
theme for the Friday and Saturday
night meals proved entertaining and
we managed to have a few dress up to
get into the spirit of the night. Bob & I
attended the Extended NATCOM
meeting on the Friday which was very
informative and interesting to hear the
issues that other Branches brought to
the floor.
As you may all be aware, the AGM
for 2016 will be held in Launceston,
Tasmania, and people are being encouraged to organise their transport
now, if you are planning on riding
your bike. Perhaps Shane & Linda
can give us some insight into the pitfalls of ferry transport!! Port MacQuarie will host the 2017 event and
Barmera in the Riverland will host the
2018 AGM.
Last meeting we had a very informative presentation by Tressa Martin
from Community Road Safe regarding
alcohol and drug related matters. One
misconception that most wine drinkers
had was the relevance of the line
marked on the glasses. It did not necessarily mean an
indication of one
standard drink,
but rather it
could be just a
measure that
each establishment uses for
serving purposes. For some of
(Continued on page 4)
Thought for the Month
“It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front,
especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur.
You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership.”
Nelson Mandela
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Ulysses Club Inc. since 1983
Minutes of the General Meeting held on Thursday the 19th. March 2015,
at the Mildura Motor Cycle Club’s clubrooms.
The Branch Meeting commenced with a BBQ around 6.30pm for members, guests and visitors. This was
followed by an entertaining and most informative 40 minute presentation by Ms. Tressna Martin from RoadSafe, describing the significant effects that the consumption of even small amounts of alcohol has on the decision making abilities of drivers, riders and in fact all road users. This was a very worthwhile and well received presentation.
The President, Warren Ward, opened the meeting proper at 8.23pm, and welcomed all those present, and then
asked if there were any Visitors or Guests present?
Members Present:- Gary Rogers, Michelle Rogers, Leanne Hegedus, Stephen Hegedus, Gayle Ellis, Paul
Ferguson, Mandy Ferguson, John Wrate, Margaret Symens, Lyn Harry, Francis Brien, Ken Chapple, Sy
Nunan, Helen Jones, Merv. Jones, Peter Ellis, Daryl Hill, Alan Singlehurst, Jeremy Blair, Bruce Watson,
Dave Lucas, Royce Connell, Janet Connell, Peter Symens, Colin Howell, David Gammon, Maria Page, Greg
Orr, John Basham, Bonny Ward, Dave Fuller, Haydn Roy, Robert Pearson, Warren Ward, Joanne Chapple &
Bob Munro.
Visitors / Guests:- Tressna Martin from RoadSafe, and returning member David Fuller (#4095). David
gave a brief run-down of his history of riding and with Ulysses.
Apologies:- Eric Fiesley, Jim McCleary, Barry Hoyle, Tony Parry, Joe Rizzuto & Glenda Rizzuto.
Ride reports:- Colin Howell reported on a nice lunch ride to Euston on his Honda Goldwing, but had unfortunately had a minor incident with his pillion passenger, Geraldine, when a foot peg broke!
Peter Symens had a ride to Adelaide on a Saturday, back on Sunday. No problems, nice ride.
Royce Connell reported on a disappointing turn-out for the Werrimull overnighter.
Sy Nunan had a back tyre burst whilst riding to Werrimull, about 10klms short of Cullulleraine, and had to
go the 10klms on a very flat tyre – it was beyond the usual roadside repair! The tyre was worn, and it was a
very hot day!
It was good to see Bonny Ward on the ride.
Minutes:- The President advised that the Minutes of the February 2015 meeting held at the Mildura Motor
Cycle Club were as circulated in the March 2015 edition of “The Wintersun Runner” newsletter.
Business Arising from the Minutes:- None.
Passed by Consensus that the February 2015 minutes be accepted.
EXECUTIVE REPORTS:President’s Report:- As per the March edition of “The Wintersun Runner” newsletter.
Secretary’s Report:Correspondence Inward;
Statement from the Bendigo Bank.
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Ulysses Club Inc. since 1983
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Email from Custom Buckles.
Email from the Victorian Motorcycle Council re. a “Share the Road” campaign.
Email notification from Ulysses NatCom of the draft minutes from the committee meeting held on 7 th
February 2015.
Email from Lindsay Earl re. a trailer and tent for sale.
Correspondence Outward;
Letter to Coomealla Memorial Sporting Club in response to their letter re. the Dareton-Coomealla 90th
The Secretary commented on the lack of response from Bunnings to the letter referred to in the
February minutes, regarding information on a sausage sizzle for the purpose of raising some money for charity.
Treasurer’s Report:The Treasurer advised that there were a few minor expenses to be paid, including reimbursing the providers of the BBQ dinner. The branch will have about $19k in funds after those payments.
Passed by Consensus that all Executive Reports be accepted.
Events:- Merv. Jones ran through the Events Calendar for the benefit of members.
Media / Publicity:- Stephen Hegedus requested that contributions to the April ‘Runner’ be in by Sunday,
April 5th.
Quartermistress:- Gayle Ellis showed stock of hats, toiletry bag, multi-tool (inc. compass), sunglasses,
socks, mugs, stickers etc.
Welfare Officer:- Bonny Ward mentioned Stephen’s problem leg. Quite painful.
Birthdays for March; Eric Fiesley and Bob Munro.
Bonny also thanked all those who helped organise the BBQ for the evening.
Wintersun Run Organising Committee (WROC):- Sy Nunan reported that planning was still well on
track. In the process of checking out the possibility of event specific wrist bands.
Passed by Consensus that all Branch Reports be accepted.
General Business:- Gayle Ellis asked about progress with the proposed charity event. Allan Singlehurst has also been making enquiries.
Peter Symens reported on the staffing of the bar at Speedway events, all went well for the season.
Joanne Chapple is having an open garden on the 19th of April.
Royce Connell sought numbers for a proposed visit to the Jacaranda Village Old Folks Home in July or
August. Starting from the Paris-Nice Café after the usual ‘SatChat’.
Leanne Hegedus reminded members of the Black Dog Ride on the 22nd of March. Donations can be made
online if not able to ride / participate.
Stephen Hegedus advised of a visit to Swan Hill on May 23rd. to support the proposed forming of a Ulysses Branch in Swan Hill.
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Warren & Bonny Ward met some folk from Kerang who were still too young to join Ulysses!
Warren then thanked Merv. for cooking the BBQ, and Leanne, Bonny, Ken and Joanne for the salads etc.
Supper: - Linda Smyth volunteered for the April supper.
Members Draw Winner (drawn by David Fuller):- Haydn Roy.
The General Meeting closed at:- 9.25pm.
The Social meeting began at:- 9.25pm.
E & O E.
The Aims of the Ulysses Club
To provide ways in which older motorcyclists can get together for companionship and mutual support.
To show by example that motorcycling can be an enjoyable and practical activity for riders of all ages.
To draw the attention of public and private institutions to the needs and views of older riders.
A social club for motorcyclists over the age of 40
The Ulysses Clubs constitution which was last updated at the 2012 AGM was again reviewed in the last 12
months and again updated at the 2015 AGM.
Constitutions are a living document that reflect the standings of an organisation and from time to time
need to be amended to keep up with the principles of the organisation they represent.
The new constitution was overwhelmingly passed at the 2015 AGM and will be available for members to
download from the Clubs web site in the near future.
(Continued from page 1)
us it could mean that we have well and truly overstepped the line, in our drinking practises!!!
This report is a little rushed as our Editors will be going on holiday to the Land of the Long White Cloud so I
would just like to remind members that we have a Sanger Ride on Sunday, 19th April and our Winter Sun Run
is coming up quickly on the Queen’s Birthday long-week-end. Coincidentally it is also the 90th year Celebrations for Dareton. We have been invited to ride in the parade and I would like to encourage as many members
as we can get to participate in that celebration as well. So, it looks like a big week-end for our members.
Happy Birthday to Stephen Hegedus, Bob Munro and Eric Fiesley who all celebrated their special days in
As always, safe riding everyone!
Warren Ward
Ulysses Club Inc. since 1983
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Ulysses Club Inc. - Mildura Branch
Treasurers Report - March 2015
3 Mths to
Ulysses Gear Sales
Monthly Draw
Bar Staff
Wintersun Rally
Contribution to Wintersun Runner
Transfer from Savings A/C
GST - Payable
Costs of Wintersun Runner
Ulysses Gear Purchases
Wintersun Rally
Social Catering/Events
Monthly Draw
GST - Refundable
Transfers In/(Out)
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Ulysses Club Inc. since 1983
Swap hi-vis vest for Life Paint
by Mark Hinchliffe — 3 Apr, 2015
Volvo has invented Life Paint to light up cyclists at night and
motorcycle riders might also like to swap their hi-vis vests for the
paint to make their bikes more visible to other traffic.
The Swedish car company with a heritage of safety innovations,
has announced Life Paint which is an invisible reflective spray
that glows white under the glare of a car’s headlights.
There is a growing movement for authorities to mandate motorcycle riders to wear fluorescent jackets and vests. In Victoria, it’s
mandatory for novice riders.
Volvo’s hi-vis Life Paint
However, critics say it should be the right of the rider to decide
what they wear. Other arguments are that there are so many fluoro or hi-vis vests being worn these days that riders will still be invisible; hi-vis can create a target fixation for
drivers who will crash into riders; and it puts riders in a false sense of security.
Compared with hi-vis, Life Paint is transparent and only works at night.
It’s like 3M reflective material which is included in a lot of motorcycle clothing and sometimes stuck on motorcycles.
However, Life Paint can be sprayed on to your bike,
clothing or helmet without spoiling their daytime
The downside is that Life Paint only lasts for about a
Volvo has teamed up with UK-based ad agency
Grey London and Swedish startup Albedo100 to
develop the glowing spray paint.
Volvo is giving away cans of Life Paint at six bike
stores in England and if the product is well received,
the company plans to eventually make it available
It’s not the first time Volvo and other car companies
have developed safety equipment that protects other
road users, such as motorcyclists.
Cyclists lit up by Life Paint
Volvo has also developed technology that alerts
drivers of cyclists (
and could have ramifications for motorcycle riders. The system involves two-way communication between
the car and a rider’s helmet that gives driver’s an audible and visual warning of their presence.
Meanwhile, Jaguar/Land Rover have developed technology that makes the pillars inside a vehicle invisible
( and gives drivers a tap on the shoulder to warn them of
approaching riders.
Ulysses Club Inc. since 1983
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WAS: $799.95
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WAS: $699.95
Deakin Motorcycles Pty Ltd.
24-28 Deakin Avenue
P: (03) 5022-7088
F: (03) 5021-3076
M: 0438 573 712
Proud supporters of the 2015 Wintersun Run
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Ulysses Club Inc. since 1983
Motorcycle seat Recover Custom/Dirt
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Leather or Dry/Wet weather jackets
We sew Patches and repair Jackets
Free Quotation and 5% Disc
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"Mrs. Ward, please."
"Mrs. Ward, this is Doctor Jones at the Medical Testing Laboratory. When your doctor sent your husband's biopsy to the lab yesterday, a biopsy from another Mr. Ward arrived as well, and we are now uncertain which one is your husband's. Frankly the results are either bad or terrible."
"What do you mean?" Mrs. Ward asks nervously.
"Well, one of the specimens tested positive for Alzheimer's and the other
one tested positive for AIDS. We can't tell which is your husbands."
"That's dreadful! Can't you do the test again?" questioned Mrs. Ward.
"Normally we can, but Medicare will only pay for these expensive tests
one time."
"Well, what am I supposed to do now?"
"The people at Medicare recommend that you drop your husband off
somewhere in the middle of town.
If he finds his way home, don't sleep with him."
Peter Symens will be looking for helpers for bar work on the dates below so
please give him a call 0403 267 293 to let him know what dates you can help
Ulysses Club Inc. since 1983
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1. More peculiar
6. ___ du jour = Meal of the day
10. Formally surrender
14. Pleasant
15. On the left or right
16. Region
17. Unreactive
18. Assistant
19. Coffee dispensers
20. A type of biologist
22. Carry
23. Shade tree
24. Whiskers
26. Genuine
30. Spanish for "Friend"
32. Cantillate
33. In a forbidding manner
37. Territory
38. Exaggerated nasality in
39. Essence
40. Not the roughest
42. Near
43. Crucifixes
44. Beat
45. Inspire
47. New Zealand parrot
48. Litigates
1. Norse god
49. A shortened version
2. Spanish lady
56. Competent
3. A song for 2
57. Anthracite
4. Beige
58. Juliet's love
5. Withdraw
59. Anger
6. Sacred hymn
60. Bucolic
7. 53 in Roman numerals
61. Wall climbers
8. Contributes
62. Computer symbol
9. Dentition
63. To tax or access
10. Carefully
64. Geeks
11. Mistake
12. Dings
13. Alleviate
Solution Next Month
21. Completely
25. In the past
26. Does something
27. Buddy
28. Tropical tuber
29. Unanticipated
30. Accumulate
31. Pepper____
33. Was indebted
34. Lampblack
35. Verdant
36. The original matter
38. Relating to the chest
Support the Club that supports Us.
The Mildura Motor Cycle Club allows us to call their club rooms ours.
Show your support by joining the club. Contact Ken (Jock) MacLeod
03 5024 6731
0417 552 052 email:
Proud supporters of the 2015 Wintersun Run
41. Foot digit
42. Demean
44. Crimson
45. Having three
46. Greetings
47. Slays
48. Indian dress
50. Portend
51. Beams
52. Relocate
53. Arab chieftain
54. Require
55. Throw
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Ulysses Club Inc. since 1983
Black Dog Ride 1 Dayer—Mildura to Ouyen
At Telstra Mildura,
we’re committed to
providing great products and services to
keep you connected
and we support our
local community.
Shop TO7 Centro Plazza
Mildura 5023 2021
The Business Centre
69 Lime Avenue
Sunraysia Garage Doors & Telstra are both Proud supporters of the 2015
Wintersun Run
Ulysses Club Inc. since 1983
Page 11
Sudoku #1481
Last Months Crossword Solution
Solution Next Month
Do you have a vegetable Garden? Then here is a
list of what you can plant this month
Beans, Beetroot, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts,
Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower, Chives, Endive,
Fennel, Garlic, Kale, Kohlrabi, Leeks, Lettuce,
Onion, Oregano, Parsley, Peas, Radish, Silverbeat, Snow Pear, Spinach, Swedes, Turnip.
And get busy for next months plantings…..
Beans, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrot,
Cauliflower, Chives, Fennel, Garlic, Kale,
Kohlrabi, Leeks, Lettuce, Onion, Oregano,
Parsley, Peas, Radish, Silverbeat, Snow Pear,
Spinach, Strawberry Plants, Turnip.
Last Months Sudoku Solution
Last Months Crossword Solu-
The planting list is courtesy of
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Ulysses Club Inc. since 1983
2015 Ulysses AGM—Wodonga
Ulysses Club Inc. since 1983
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The Harley Davidson LAMs approved Street 500 was revealed to
Australia on the 21st February we are lucky enough to have two demos in store.
One has had an exhaust, breather kit and tune done to it and the other is stock
standard. Thanks to everyone who braved the heat on the Saturday to be here and
to everyone that helped out on the day.
If you would like to take either
of the Streets 500s for a demo
ride please contact us on 0350
233 555 or come in and talk to
our staff.
We have plenty of second
hand Harley-Davidsons and
other make bikes. Everything
from Learner approved V-star to the bigger touring bikes. Check out our webpage
for more details or pop in to chat to our friendly staff
The Black Dog Ride 1 Dayer—Mildura organising committee
would like to thank Gavin and the team at Quick Fix for their
continuing support of the Ride. Once again the support vehicle and trailer were supplied by Quick Fix as were a few bikes
for a couple of needy riders.
It is support like this that will ensure the
ride to raise funds for Life Line will continue and grow.
Quick Fix—Proud supporters of the 2015 Wintersun Run
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Ulysses Club Inc. since 1983
Black Dog Ride overseas future revealed
by Mark Hinchliffe — 31 Mar, 2015
The popular Black Dog Ride to raise funds and awareness for mental health
is heading overseas to the US, UK, New Zealand and even Tasmania!
BDR founder Steve Andrews says he is “overwhelmed” by the success of
BDR which, in the six years since Steve rode around Australia to initiate the
charity, has raised almost $2m. That’s doubled the total in the past 18
“Sometimes I’m overwhelmed by the take-up that there has been,” says Steve
who is also BDR managing director.
“Part of the reason for the success is that we all don’t need much of an excuse to get on our bikes and if you can do that and have some fun and support a cause that is close to everyone’s heart, it’s a great formula.”
Steve says he plans to expand overseas with the first international BDR in September from New York to LA over 21
days with 50 riders and 24 pillions from Australia.
“That will be an amazing experience,” he says. “We put out an invitation to all riders who have participated in rides and
had all spots filled straight away.
“We’ve also got plans to do New Zealand next year in October/November and we’re looking at the UK the following
year.”He also says the main BDR in 2017 will be to Tasmania, rather than the Red Centre. “That will keep them happy,”
he says.
Steve rides a BMW K 1200 GT which he bought to do his first ride and has ridden on every subsequent ride, except last
week’s One Dayer where he rode a “great little BMW R nineT” at the Wangaratta ride. BMW last year gave away an R
nineT in the BDR raffle and this year will provide a popular R 1200 GS.
Total BDR funds raised on the March 23 Black Dog One Dayer have not come in yet, but Steve estimates that it will
bring the six-year fundraising total close to $2m.
“When I got on my bike on my own and rode around Australia I never would have dreamed that there would be 33 rides
on the same day nationally all riding for the same cause,” he says.
Almost 7000 riders participated in this year’s BDR One Dayer, which was slightly more than last year, despite clashing
with the Ulysses AGM in Wodonga.
“The difference we had this year was that the individual rides supported a Lifeline agency in their particular community
whereas before it went nationally to Lifeline,” Steve says.
“In a couple of places like my home town in WA we supported a local mental health organisation.”
This year’s main event is the Black Dog Ride from August 15-22 which returns to the Red Centre after last year doing a
lap of the country and raising a massive $411,000.
“But there is a bit of a difference this time with a visit to Uluru for first time,” he says. “We’re also working on some
exciting things … but I can’t tell you just yet.”
Meanwhile, Wayne Amor and Steve Gower, organisers of the Dubbo BDR One Dayer, say they had almost 200 bikes
with 240 participants on a “beautiful day, about 27C”.
“We left The Macquarie Inn at 9.30 after a catchup with friends, old and new, and a great brekky put on by the staff and
a couple of locals, washed down with coffee from a couple of mobile units,” says Wayne.
The ride headed to Narromine and Trangie via the Dandaloo Road for a short break, then back at 11.30am via Gin Gin
Rd to the Commercial Hotel for lunch and the auction of a framed Rossi t-shirt plus about 50 raffle prizes including an
Indian leather jacket and vest, Harley-Davidson leather jacket, helmets, travel and meal vouchers, and Easter baskets.
Local band Green River donated their talents for a couple of hours.
Wayne says they were joined by well-known Channel Nine journalist Simon Bouda with a couple of mates, plus riders
from the Big Sky HOG Chapter from the Central Coast and Moree.The 2016 BDR One Dayer will be held nationwide
on March 20.
Funds raised by BDR are directed to Lifeline’s Online Crisis Support chat service and funding Mental Health First Aid
Instructors across Australia.
If you need urgent help or support, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14.
Ulysses Club Inc. since 1983
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Ulysses Club Inc. since 1983
APRIL 2015
Thu. 16th Ulysses Club, Mildura Branch Monthly Meeting @ 7.30pm, at the Mildura Motorcycle Club’s rooms, Olympic Park
(Western end of Eleventh Street).
Sun. 19th Lunch Ride. This will be another ‘Sanger’ Run, which proved to be very popular last year. Tony Parry is organising,
aided by Bonny Ward. Departure point will be the APCO Service Station on Deakin Avenue at 11.00am. Final destination will
be decided closer to the date – probably to Anabranch (via Wentworth) if the weather is good, or to the Mallee Fowl Rest
Area (towards Euston) if there is a possibility of inclement weather.
MAY 2015
Thu. 7th Events Group meeting, at the Mildura Working Man’s Club (The Workers) 7.30pm, (or 6.30pm for a meal before the
meeting). Any member is most welcome to come along and have their say. We value all your input and suggestions.
Tues. 12th – Murray House / Fort Courage Ride.
Leave from the Paris-Nice Café at 10.00am, to arrive at Fort Courage at 11.00am. The Murray House people are
putting on a BBQ for us, and a $5.00 donation would be much appreciated.
Thu. 21st Ulysses Club, Mildura Branch Monthly Meeting @ 7.30pm, at the Mildura Motorcycle Club’s rooms, Olympic Park
(Western end of Eleventh Street).
Sat. 23rd - Sun. 24th Branch ride. An overnighter to Spalding S.A. (near Burra). Staying at the Barbed Wire Pub, 19 Main
Street, Spalding 5454, S.A. Book your own accommodation; details are on their web site as follows:, or ‘phone (08) 8845 2006, or you can email them at .
Sun. 31st Working Bee to set up for the Wintersun Run. 9.30am start until about mid-day. A BBQ lunch will be supplied for
the volunteers
JUNE 2015
Thu. 4th Final Working Bee for the Wintersun Run.
Thu. 4th Events Group meeting, at the Mildura Working Man’s Club (The Workers).
Fri. 5th – Mon. 8th The Wintersun Run (Queen’s Birthday Week-end). To be held at the Mildura MotorCycle Club’s site,
Olympic Park.
Fri. 19th Ulysses Club, Mildura Branch AGM. We are currently in the process of deciding between two excellent venues for
our AGM. Further details to be advised.
***Bob Munro has indicated that he will ‘retire’ from writing up the Events Group reports after the June Branch AGM. So we
are looking for someone else to take over. It is not a particularly onerous job, but would suit someone with some basic computer skills (with Microsoft Word or Excel programmes). If you would be interested in filling this role, please talk to either Bob
or Warren Ward. Thank You. Bob Munro.
(Continued on page 17)
Ulysses Club Inc. since 1983
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(Continued from page 16)
(Events listed here are only the ones where we have been notified of the event by the organisers).
Coffs Coast Branch “Coffs Capers” rally at Coffs Harbour, NSW. 1st - 3rd May 2015. Info. on website http:// .
Port Stephens (NSW) Meet & Greet 15th, 16th & 17th May 2015.
Warnbro Sound Wanderers Exmouth Rally (WA) from 30th May to the 1st of June 2015. Registration and details etc. at:
- .
Fri 29, Sat 30 & Sun 31 May 2015, the 39th Historic Winton, at the Winton Motor Raceway. Conducted by the Austin 7
Club, with assistance from the Historic Motorcycle Racing Association, Vic. For info.;-
Vulcan Riders World Rally Western Australia 2015. The first ever Vulcan Riders World Rally. For information contact
Clyde Graham VRAWA President on or check out their website at http:// .
If you are interested in attending any of these events or require further information, email Bob Munro at or ‘phone 0401 409 837 .
Little Johnny boarded the bus and sat down next to a man.
He noticed that the man had a strange kind of collar, so he asked him, "Excuse me sir, but why do you
have your shirt collar on backwards?"
The man smiled kindly and replied,
"I wear this collar because I am a Father."
Little Johnny thought for a second then said, "Sir, I have a father, but he wears his collar the other way
Why do you wear your collar so differently?"
The priest thought for a moment then said, "I am the father of many."
Little Johnny quickly said, "My father, too, is the father of many.
He has four sons, four daughters and many grandchildren.
But, he wears his collar like everyone else does.
Why do you wear yours backwards?"
The priest, flustered, said impatiently, "I am the Father of hundreds and hundreds of people."
Little Johnny sat quietly for a while.
As he got up to leave the bus, he leaned over to the priest and said, "Mister, maybe you should wear your
pants backwards."
Two elderly ladies are sitting on the front porch, doing nothing.
One lady turns and asks, "Do you still get horny?" The other replies, "Oh sure I do."
The first old lady asks, "What do you do about it?"
The second old lady replies, "I suck on a lifesaver."
After a few moments, the first old lady asks, "Who drives you to the beach?"
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Ulysses Club Inc. since 1983
Last Months Branch Overnighter
For a full report on these photos and the ride in general be at the next Branch Meeting
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Ulysses Club Inc. since 1983
Complete Bookkeeping Services GST/BAS/IAS – On Site Visits ~ Payroll Services
Sales/Installation/Training for QuickBooks and MYOB Products ~ Body Corporate Management
General Business Assistance as Needed
70 Lemon Avenue Mildura 5022 0488
Proud supporters of the 2015 Wintersun Run
Kids And Grandkids
My young grandson called the other day to wish me Happy Birthday. He asked me how old I was, and I told
him, "62." He was quiet for a moment, and then he asked, "Did you start at 1?"
A second grader came home from school and said to her grandmother, "Grandma, guess what? We learned
how to make babies today."
The grandmother, more than a little surprised, tried to keep her cool. "That's interesting," she said, "How do
you make babies?" "It's simple," replied the girl. "You just change 'y' to 'i' and add 'es'"
For Sale
I can’t see any point in hanging onto the bike and I’ll sell it at any price – even if just to cover the cost of the
full tank of petrol. The bike (a Kawasaki GPZ900R, 1986 model) usually starts first go and it goes bloody
well. The tyres are good, as is the chain. It also has stainless steel exhaust pipes. It’s regularly serviced and
there’s not much needing doing – except the
acquirer being the one to get the roadworthy
and organising the rego transfer, not me. The
bike is currently registered in my wife’s name
(for several reasons) and is current until
I’d be interested in someone taking the bike off
my hands for even far less than a reasonable
sum; but I’ll reserve the right as to whether I’ll
accept the offer or not. I’ll be interested to see
if I get any offers at all.
Eric Fiesley 0407 022 163
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More from the Black Dog Ride
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Ulysses Club Inc. since 1983
Yamaha XVS950 CU Bolt
$11,199 ride away
Includes free on road costs & 5 year warranty
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One Ex Demo XVS950 CU Bolt
Proud supporters of the 2015 Wintersun Run
733 15th Street, Mildura Vic 3500.
Phone (03) 50232046, 50234518. Fax (03) 50227681
Email: Sales –
LMCT 8145
Ulysses Club Inc. since 1983
Editors report
What a great time we had at the 2015
AGM at Wodonga.
of booking a berth for yourselves and
your ride then you need to book soon.
Although we only spent four days there
(and travelled by car) we still caught
We have had a look at some dates and
up with literally 100’s of friends we
there are many already booked out.
have made at previous AGMs.
There are many combinations of travel
from Day Tickets (no specific seat alThe Wodonga team put together a
location) through to Deluxe cabins.
great event and the Friday and Saturday dinners were well organised and
Vehicle costs are Bike $58, Trike or
the entertainment made the nights, and bike with sidecar or Bike and trailer
the people of Wodonga made all 2850 $81. From around $83 for a car, from
of us feel very welcome.
$100 for a Coaster style motorhome.
One thing we did notice at Wodonga
So for us to get over and back using
was the amount of people wearing the day tickets going and Recliners back
2012 AGM –Mildura shirts and jack- with the bike and camper we are up for
ets, they were everywhere.
$500+. Now we need to work on the
The 2016 Event is in Launceston and dates!
from the looks of the amount of people Leanne and Stephen
at the Tassie stall there was a lot of
booking going on. If you are thinking 35217 and 35218
Next AGM Event
Launceston - February29th to March 6th 2016
320 Days to go
Page 23
Ulysses Club Inc., Mildura Branch – Information
President: Warren Ward, 5027 6272, 0409 414 093 Secretary: Bob Munro 0401 409 837.
Treasurer: Francis Brien 5022 0154
Quarter mistress: Gayle Ellis 5022 9608
Media Liaison: Stephen Hegedus 0409 437933
Editors: Leanne and Stephen Hegedus 50276292, 0427 276292(Leanne), 0409 437933 (Stephen),,
Welfare Officer: Bonny Ward, 5027 6272. 0418 144 321,
Events & Rides Contact: Lyn Harry, (5022 0154, 0418 326 636), Colin Howell (0414 437 069), Mer
Jones (0418 175 036), Bob Munro (0401 409 837), Sy Nunan (0409 437 069), Maria Page (0407 710
501), Tony Parry (0438 286 151), Bonny Ward (0418 144 321), Warren Ward (0409 414 093)
Wintersun Run Contact: Leanne Hegedus 0427 276 292, Bob Munro 0401 409 837, Stephen Hegedus
0409 437 933
Monthly Meetings are held at Olympic Park, Mildura Motorcycle Clubrooms – Eleventh St., 3rd Thursday
of the Month @ 7:30pm. AGENDA: any matter of general business proposed from the floor of the meeting.
Ulysses Club Inc., Mildura Branch,
PO Box 513, Mildura, Vic., 3502
20 Years and Continuing to
Grow Old