Aloha Parents, Skool Tools 2 Go Supply Packets made even easier. Entering our 7th Year with Mililani Uka. Pre-Order your child’s 2015-2016 School Supplies and pick them up from the school office before school starts in August. In your packet you get high quality school supplies that satisfies the School Supply list provided by the school. No Shopping, standing in line or fighting the crowd for HARD TO FIND items. Not included in your packet are: Extra Clothes, Milk Cartons, and the Mililani Uka daily planner. - - - AVOID THE RUSH - - Take advantage of this opportunity that will save you HOURS of time. No Hassles, No Headaches! To guarantee a SKOOL TOOLS 2 GO Packet, please submit your order to the Skool Tools’ Lockbox located in the school’s office by July 3, 2015. The office will be open all summer. Questions? Contact us: NEW CONVENIENT WAY TO PLACE YOUR ORDER!!! Email us at Once we receive your emailed order, you will be sent an invoice through PayPal. Kindergarten $59 1st Grade $73 2nd Grade $73 3rd Grade $83 4th Grade $83 5th Grade $93 Once your payment is processed you will receive an order confirmation. PICK-UP PACKET AT: School office during regular business hours after JULY 20, 2015. Special considerations for traveling families available. A portion of the proceeds goes to Mililani Uka Elementary School. Skool Tools 2 Go purchases mostly brand name products like Crayola, Elmer’s & Sharpie, etc. SKOOL TOOLS SCHOOL SUPPLY ORDER FORM BACK FOR OUR th YEAR!!! ORDERS DUE BY JULY 3, 2015 TWO WAYS TO ORDER: 1) Send an email to with the information below (child name, grade and contact info) and process your payment via credit card through Pay Pal. (You don’t need a Pay Pal account to participate). OR 2) Submit this form with your check payable to Skool Tools 2 Go and submit to the lock box in the school office. Packets will be available at the school’s office starting July 20, 2015, during regular business hours. 1) Name of Child:__________________________________________________________________________________ Grade:________ Please print: First, Middle Initial, Last (2015-2016 school year) 2) Name of Child:__________________________________________________________________________________ Grade:________ Please print: First, Middle Initial, Last PARENT NAME:_________________________________________________________________ Email Address:__________________________________________________________________ Contact Phone Number:__________________________________________________________ Alternate Phone Number:_________________________________________________________ (2015-2016 school year) PRICES PER PACKET: Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 $59 $73 $73 $83 $83 $93
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