Millbrook Community Newsletter April 2015 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE MILLBROOK NOVICE FLYERS 2015 CHAMPS AT THE 42ND ANNUAL WALLACE BERNARD MEMORIAL NATIVE YOUTH HOCKEY TOURNAMENT Important Dates April 3 - Good Friday (Millbrook Band Office and Health Centre will be closed). April 4 - Easter Double Decker Legends Bingo Hall April 5 - Easter Sunday April 6 - Easter Monday (Millbrook Band Office and Health Centre will be closed). April 18 - Youth 80’s Theme Dance - Millbrook Community Hall April 22 - Seniors Monthly Luncheon April 22 - Earth Day Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER April 2015 Millbrook Band Office Mailing Address Business Hours Phone Numbers Millbrook Band Administration P.O. Box 634 Truro, NS. B2N 5E5 Monday - Thursday 9:00am-12pm 1pm-4:30pm Friday 9:00am-12pm 1pm-4:00pm Band Office 1 (902) 897-9199 Toll Free 1 (800) 693-3112 Social Assistance Social Assistance Cheques are tentatively scheduled for: April 2, 16 & 30, 2015. Applications are available at the Reception desk at the Band Office. Newsletter Deadline The Newsletters deadline is the 26th of each month. You can make a contribution to the Millbrook Community Newsletter just send in your information by e-mail:, by Fax: (902) 895-0079, or by the website contact form (link)http:// or submit information to the Reception desk at the Band Office. Chief and Council Chief and Council Meeting The next Chief and Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 14, 2014. The deadline for submissions or requests to see Council is Thursday, April 9, 2014. Please submit to the Administrative Assistant, Jay Martin, Phone: (902) 897-9199 Ext. 110, Fax: (902) 893-4785 or e-mail: Chief and Council Meetings April 7 - Economic Development Meeting April 14 - Chief and Council Meeting April 15 - Projects Meeting April 22 - Summer Games Meeting with Chief and Council Page 1 Community Welcome to the Community page; this may include birthdays messages, recent or historic photos, congratulations to a person or group, public events, items for sale, availability for odd jobs. To have your information posted on the newsletter and website send your information to Nigel Gloade by calling the office at (902) 897-9199 extension: 119, iMessage or e-mail: Happy Birthday March 26 Happy Birthday Kylene! Love Mom and Dad. April 26 Happy Birthday Gwen Markie, Love Donna, Janet, Pam, Guy, Jackie, Brothers, Sisters, Grandkids & Great Grand Kids. Happy Birthday Gwen Markie, Love Sister Margaret. Tax Returns Lloyd Johnson is available to do your tax return. Please call (902) 890-3009 or drop off your information at Millbrook Band Office. Youth Connecting with Elders Drum Making Elders (55+) Youth (12-19) We will be having a Drum making workshop Saturday April 11, 2015 at the Community Hall from 1-5 pm. If interested contact Tammy Bernard (902) 890-4724. From the desk of Lavinia Brooks, C.H.R. Weight Watchers Spring Registration Tuesday April 14th, 2015 12:00 Noon Millbrook Health Centre 12 Weeks, Weigh in and one on one consultations only. Meetings will be at the RECC Centre on Wednesdays at 5:30p.m. and Saturday mornings at 9:30 a.m. Please Register with Lavinia, Band members funded thru Millbrook Tobacco Store funding if eligible. Community Yoga Monday Evenings at 7:30 p.m. at the Millbrook Community Hall The next Class for Yoga is Monday April 13th at 7:30 p.m. Sessions are $12.00 per class and open to all community members. Band Members who qualify for funding are asked to please fill out new Tobacco Store funding application. For Information call Lavinia at 895-9468 Seniors Monthly Luncheon Wednesday April 22nd, 2015 12:00 Noon Millbrook Seniors centre Afternoon Activity - TBA NOTICE: It has been decided by the Millbrook Band Council that food vendors be required to have Certified Food Handling course, for any upcoming events, Millbrook Pow wow and the Millbrook Summer Games. If you plan to sell food at these events Certificates must be displayed a proof of food handling be available at time of registration. Dates for Food handling Courses are as follows: Seniors Yoga Food Handlers Courses: Tuesday's at 2:00 p.m. Millbrook Seniors Centre Saturday May 23rd, 2015 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Millbrook Seniors are really enjoying our Yoga for seniors, it is open to all Millbrook community seniors. If you are interested in a fun relaxing exercise, please join us on Tuesdays at 2:00 p.m. Millbrook Band Members are funded through the Tobacco store funding. Drop in sessions for non-band members is $12.00 per session. for more information contact Lavinia Brooks, C.H.R. at the Millbrook health Centre (902) 895-9468 Lunch Provided Limited to 20 participants Monday July 6th, 2015 10 a.m - 3:00 p.m. Limited to 20 participants Please Contact Lavinia Brooks, at (902) 895-9468 to Register. Page 2 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER April 2015 Community Sacred Heart Church Regular Sunday Mass Time is at 11:30 a.m. For More information visit the Immaculate Conception website: Prayer Group Prayer Group meets every Monday at 7:00 pm. at the Senior’s Centre in Millbrook. Agenda includes Rosary and Prayers, followed by tea, a light lunch and a social. Come join us – everyone is welcome! The contact person for group – Jane Abram at (902) 893-7454. “Understanding the Bible”-Weekly Scripture Study for Adults Please join us on Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm for an evening of fellowship as we learn together the Word and grow in grace and understanding. Tea and light refreshments to follow. Located at 74 Abenaki Road. Contact: Kelly Gloade at (902) 890-8307. Community Hall Bookings To book the Community Hall please contact Jay Martin at (902) 897-9199 Ext 110. Thank you to those who continue to keep the hall, clean, neat and tidy. Please try to book your event early, preferably a minimum of 2 weeks in advance. Compost, Garbage & Recyclables (blue bags) CLEAR GARBAGE BAGS ARE A MUST. That means only one black garbage bag (privacy bag) per week, the rest must be in clear bags. Recycle items (containers and paper) must be in blue bags. If you do not have a compost bin please call Elizabeth Paul at the Health Centre. There are some of the small kitchen containers available now. Garbage is picked up every week. Compost bin dates are Tuesday, April 14 & 28. Blue Bags dates are Tuesday, April 7 & 21. All items must be at curb side by 7:00 am. Millbrook Youth Centre There will be a meeting with all youths who want to keep the youth centre open. Time and date will be posted on the youth centre web site. Used Battery Bin If you have old batteries please do not throw them in the garbage, we have a battery recycle bin located in the Band Office and Health Centre. - WELA’LIN Natasha Bernard RECC Membership Millbrook has worked out a corporate rate with the Rath Eastlink Community Centre. Corporate Memberships apply to yearly membership only. The Civic Centre is not located on the reserve, Taxes are applied to the cost. The Band Member must purchase the Membership first then submit the receipts to Priscillia Martin. The Tobacco Store covers $300 per activity(see regulations online at Page 3 Community Family Swim Family swim starts this Sunday at the R.E.C.C. Family swim is continuing every Sunday from 1 pm-2pm. Sunday Morning Ice Time Sunday morning Ice times at the R.E.C.C. are Sunday, April 19, & 26 from 8:00 am - 9:00 am. Millbrook 3-D Shooters Millbrook Archery Club has target practice every Wednesday night. Wednesday’s time is 6 pm till close and Sunday 1pm-6pm. Everyone is welcome. Millbrook Fitness Centre The Millbrook Fitness Centre is open 1pm-4pm Monday to Friday. It is open in the evenings from 6pm-10pm Sunday to Thursday. Exercising a few times a week is a great way to improve your overall health. Youth 80’s Theme Dance There will be a Youth 80’s Theme dance on Saturday April 18 from 7 to 9pm for grades 5 & under 9 to 11pm for grades 6 & up. Pizzas & prizes. There will be 1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes for best dress up for grade 3 and under and for grades 4&5. Then grades 6 & up. Everyone is welcome for more information contact the Community Addictions Counsellor Peter Gloade at 902 897 -1234 Counselling: Charles Casselman a Clinical Therapist from the Truro office of Addiction Services. He is available at the Health Centre every Monday for one on one counselling before and after Addictions Treatment Programs. Follow-up Counselling after successful completion of a treatment program is highly recommended to deal with the challenges of RECOVERY. Counselling by this clinical therapist is also provided for family members of the addict/alcoholic and others affected by addictions. Please call the Health Centre at(902-895-9468) for an appointment time to talk to Charles Casselman when he is in Millbrook. Or you may choose to see him at his Truro office. Call (902) 893-5900 for an appointment at the Truro office. Alanon There is a Alanon meeting every Monday 10am, and Tuesday 8pm at the Alliance Church on Phillips Street which is off Robie Street. Page 4 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER April 2015 Health Centre Mailing Address Business Hours Phone Numbers Millbrook Health Centre P.O. Box 634 Truro, NS. B2N 5E5 Monday - Thursday 9:00am-12pm 1pm-4:30pm Friday 9:00am-12pm 1pm-4:00pm Health Centre 1 (902) 895-9468 Toll Free 1 (888) 895-9468 The Procedure a client has to follow before been admitted into a 5 weeks Treatment program or Detox. Treatment Centre Schedule Rising Sun at Eel Ground, NB is Apr,27 2015, 5 week coed program. Eagles Nest Recovery house Indianbrook Apr, 6, 5 weeks women’s program (Detox)- Its better if the client comes to my office and we call the Mikmaw Lodge at Eskasoni, NS is May, detox to do a booking, the detox always has to talk to the client first to answer questions before a bed is given to them. If for some reason the 4, 2015, 5 weeks co-ed program. client cannot make it into my office, I can ask the detox to call. There Wolastoqewiyih Tobique Apr, 20 2015, is usually a wait for a bed at detox, it will not be the same day. 6 weeks Co ed program. (5weeks Rehab Treatment) – The client has to be clean and sober for at Mawiomi Treatment Center Apr 15/15 least 1 week. The client has to meet with the addiction counsellor five 5 weeks Co-ed times, and has to make sure all appointments are taken care of before Any Millbrook Youth who would like to go going into treatment. a treatment program I have forms for the 3 treatment centres available. Free Spirit AA Millbrook Free Spirit AA group meets every Tuesday night at 7pm at the Millbrook Senior’s Centre. Everyone is Welcome Walgwan Centre in Quebec - long term program Eskasoni Help Line Charles J Andrew Youth Centre Sheshatshiu Labador – long term For any youth who are having a problem such as bullying, peer pressure, or any problems and want to talk to someone there is a number to call; all calls are confidential. Eskasoni help line toll free 1-855-379-2099 or on Facebook Eskasoni Crisis Worker there will be someone there to chat to. NA meeting NA meeting in Truro are every Sunday, Tuesday, & Thursday nights at St Andrew Church 55 King Street at 8pm. For more information call 1 800 205 8402 or Drug Addictions Counsellor - Peter Gloade The Drug Addictions Counsellor has a list of AA and NA & Alanon meetings in the local area or call (902) 895- 5535 for more information on local groups. Also has information. If anyone has any suggestion regarding workshops or presentation what they would like to see regarding addictions. Please contact me at (902) 890-1671 or message me on facebook. I am open to all suggestions, Peter Gloade. Choices in Halifax Contact the Community Addictions Counsellor (Peter Gloade) at 897-1234. Medical Drivers Donna Gloade Home: (902) 895-9540 Cell: (902) 986-8842 Germaine Martin Home: (902) 843-0174 Cell: (902) 305-0204 Sunshine Martin Cell: (902) 324-0907 Sheet Harbour James Howe Sr. Home: (902) 885-2249 Cell: (902) 885-5232 Page 5 EDUCATION NEWS FEBRUARY 2015 LUNCH ALLOWANCE Lunch cheques will be issued on THURSDAY, APRIL 8TH. ATTENDANCE The last Attendance Incentive for this school year will be issued Tuesday, June 30th, if attendance records are received prior to this date! MILLBROOK EARLY EDUCATION CENTRE TEL: 902 897-1249 / 902 897-0445 DIRECTOR’S EMAIL: MEEC@EASTLINK.CA Unavailable at time of print, but here is a Throwback photo. Page 6 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER April 2015 IMPORTANT DATES Friday, April 3 – Good Friday, no school Sunday, April 5 - EASTER Monday, April 6 – Easter Monday, no school Friday, April 17 – In-service Day for students, no school Wednesday, April 22 – EARTH DAY and SAC meeting at 6:30pm Saturday, April 25 – TRES Clothing Swap START TIME IMPORTANT NOTICE A reminder to parents that classes begin at 8:00 am every day! Arrival after that time means that classes are being interrupted and activities are being delayed. PLEASE RESPECT THE MORNING BELL. April is upon us There are only twelve weeks left until the end of the school year! This time of year it is important to Stick to Routines – make home life as predictable as possible by continuing the same routines that have kept your household running through the winter months. For example… maintain bedtimes and expect all chores will still be done. When family life stays on an even keel LEARNING can remain the central focus! HOME READING So often parents ask what they can do to help their children at home. Reading with children at home and encouraging them to read on their own each evening is HUGE in a child’s literacy development. Reading to your child is as important as listening to your child read. Happy Easter Have a Happy and Safe Easter, love Jen, Shelley and Lisa. Parent Teacher If you missed your parent teacher appointment, please call the school to speak to your child’s teacher regarding school progress. A reminder that parents can log into PowerSchool and check on students as well. If you do not remember your login information please do not hesitate to contact the school. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Happy Birthday to the following students who will be celebrating their birthdays in April – Jenae Bernard, Toby Bernard, Zahara Bernard, Hailey Bernard-Kachmar, Madison Googoo, Maria Martin, Mercedes Paul and Connor Wilmot! Page 7 TRURO JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL To Educate Our Diverse PopulationTo The Best They Can Be IMPORTANT DATES Friday, April 3 – Good Friday, no school Sunday, April 5 - EASTER Monday, April 6 – Easter Monday, no school Friday, April 17 – In-service Day for students, no school HAPPY BIRTHDAY Happy Birthday to Marissa Brooks, Luc Maloney, Charleigh Marshall, Frankie Sylliboy and Jayden White who will celebrate April birthdays! PowerSchool Parent Portal – Don’t forget to keep a watch on the student information program, it is a great tool to view your child’s progress in school. Here you can look at your child’s report card format of current marks, assignments, attendance, and much more. You can go to site and under the parent tab click PowerSchool Portal Sign-in. Here you can create an account using the username and password provided last year. If you do not have the username and password, you can contact the school and they will provide you with one. FROM THE DESK OF MALI SYLLIBOY Unavailable at time of print FROM THE DESK OF LEANA KENNEDY Unavailable at time of print FROM THE DESK OF TOM WILSON Students have been back at school for a couple of weeks now. I hope everyone enjoyed their March Break. Parents, Term 3 is well underway… encourage your children to keep their attendance up even when the sunny weather hopefully hits us at the end of April and in May and June. Grade 8 parents are reminded that nightly homework for certain subjects can be found on the TJHS website below: Grade 9 parents are reminded that nightly homework for Mrs. Hencher’s English and Social Studies classes, Mr. Fisher’s Social Studies class and Mr. MacGillivary’s Science and Mr. Nolan’s Math classes can also be found on the TJHS Website below: The TJHS Web Site is as follows: (Click on Homework) Parents please check Power School to make sure your children are up to date with handing in assignments for assessment. It is OK for you to ask them for their User Name and Password. Remember Students your hard work for the next 2 months will pay off BIG TIME at the end of June. Hoping for warm sunny weather, Mr. Wilson Page 8 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER April 2015 CEC NEWS 902 896-5700 FIRST NATIONS PROGRAM SUPPORT TEACHER BRYANT VANCE OFFICE NUMBER: 896-5728 E-MAIL: HIGGINSC@CCRSB.CA VANCEBW@CCRSB.CA IMPORTANT DATES Friday, April 3 -Good Friday (No Classes) Monday, April 6 - Easter Monday (No Classes) Wednesday, April 15 - Mid Term Reports Thursday, April 16 - Parent/Teacher (6:30pm-8:30pm) Friday, April 17- In-service (No Classes) Parent Teacher (1:00pm-3:00pm) Spring if finally here, even if we can’t tell under all that snow! During the month of April, a sheet will go home with students with the courses they selected. Please review this sheet with them, or they are welcome to see us in the Cultural Centre. This is important because no course changes take place after July. Also, a reminder the Student Handbook can be found on our website, or by following this link: IMPORTANT!! ATTENDANCE REMINDER Parents/Guardians are required to call the main office (896-5700) to excuse missed classes. This needs to be done within 5 school days of the absence. A reason will be requested. Please check PowerSchool weekly to ensure all absences are excused. For assistance with PowerSchool Parent login please contact the school. HOMEWORK CLUB Homework Club is held every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3:00-4:00. All Millbrook students are welcome to attend! Snacks will be available to students that attend. Happy April Birthdays! Conner Reeves & Shanice Sylliboy Scholarships & Bursaries There are many scholarships and bursaries available specifically for First Nations students. As the deadlines for these scholarships are approaching students will be notified. Students are also encouraged to check with Student Services about other available scholarships. Post-Secondary There’s still time to apply to post-secondary institutions. Students planning on going to NSCC should contact Carley Gloade as soon as possible at (902) 8979199 Ext. 122. Some application deadline may have passed, but please ask in Student Services or the Cultural Centre. Page 9 CCRSB ATTENDANCE POLICY The CCRSB and Nova Scotia Provincial Attendance Policy states that a high school student may lose credit for a course if they are not present in class for at least 80% of the course, or they miss 19 classes. The teacher will phone home after 6 absences, and the Vice Principals will follow up with a letter at 10, 16 and 19 absences. MILLBROOK SUMMER EMPLOYMENT ATTENDANCE POLICY - SUMMARY The purpose of the Millbrook Summer Employment Program is for eligible students to gain work experience and skill development in various areas of employment. Eligible students will be Millbrook Band Members who live on the Millbrook Reserves, that are in Grade 10 or above, are over 15 years of age and under 26 years of age, who attended school for the entire school year (unless you graduated in February) without being absent for more than 20 school days, and can provide verification from the school you plan to return to FULL TIME in the fall, are eligible to apply. Students who are suspended at the end of the school year or have missed more than 20 school days are NOT eligible to apply. Medicals must be submitted to the school on the day students return from being absent, these days still count towards the 20 day absent rule. There can be no exceptions to these rules. All applicants MUST have a Social Insurance Number in order to apply for summer employment. NO EXCEPTIONS will be made. Social Insurance Numbers can be applied for at Service Canada 181 Willow Street, Truro NS. Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:00 pm There is no cost to getting a SIN Number. Page 10 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER April 2015 Art Instruction Session This was for the Art Instruction session held for the Millbrook Elders & Youth Group,15 people in total showed up to receive a presentation on Artwork by Gerald Gloade They got started with instructions on seeing the basic shapes and doing a 4 hour pencil drawing session and lesson. Every participant received a Sketchbook of water colour paper, and an Art kit containing supplies like a sharpener, erasers, smudger and blenders and a wide arrive of Artist pencils in different softness and hardness You can also Google Gerald Gloade’s Artwork to download a ton of artwork that was in my presentation Native art and Comic book art You can also view Gerald’s artwork using the “Deviant Art” website. Page 11 March Break 2015 The Millbrook Wellness program hosted the 2015 March Break Activities which included swimming, Ski Wentworth, make your own pizza, cookie and cup cake decorating, kids games day, and watched the Movie Cinderella At Cineplex Theatres. The Kids Game Day was the highlight of the week with 3 bouncy castles, game stations, face painting, the traditional cake walk ( I always love the homemade cakes), music and food. Winning at the game stations kids got tickets which could be redeemed for prizes. The children were fuelled with excitement and having a great time thanks to all the volunteers and helpers. Page 12 Page 13 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER April 2015 Serving the financing needs of Aboriginal businesses for over 25 years Variable and fixed interest rates starting at prime plus 3% (6% and up) Non-repayable contributions available on eligible projects *rates and non-repayable contributions are based on project eligibility and certain criteria To find out more about our products & services call: 1-888-766-2376 or visit our website: Markie Bus Tours Halifax Casino Runs On the first Friday of every month we depart from Truro Staples parking lot, Robie Street at 9:30am. Leaving Halifax Casino at 3:30pm same day. Please call ahead for seating. $30.00 per person. Also on the first Sunday & first Friday of every month depart from New Glasgow Zellers parking lot at 8:00am. Leaving Halifax Casino at 3:00pm same day. Please call ahead for seating. $30.00 per person. 1. Bus Transportation 2. FREE Non-Alcoholic Beverages on floor 3. One Meal Coupon Visit: Casino Nova Scotia for more Information. Contact MARKIE BUS TOURS for more information. Phone: 902-843-5501 Page 14 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER April 2015 Healthy Cooking Demonstrations! ! “Dates in April” April 1st April 8th April 15th 11:45am – 1:00pm Millbrook Senior Centre ! Demonstrations!will!include:! ! Preparing!a!healthy!meal! ! Skills!for!everyday!cooking! ! Food!Samples!! ! Please!contact!Sunshine!Bernard!at!the!Millbrook!Health!Centre!to!preB register!for!the!upcoming!Community!Diabetes!Prevention!cooking!demos!at! (902)!895B9468! Page 15 $10.00 in Free Bingo Bucks to customers staying for second session. Page 16 Interested In Becoming A Foster Parent? Mi’kmaw Family & Children’s Services of N.S. is currently seeking Mi’kmaw Foster Homes in our First Nation communities and throughout the province of Nova Scotia. ! For Information on becoming a Mi’kmaw Foster Parent/Family please Contact: Ella Knockwood @ (902) 758-3553 or 1-800-263-8686 OR Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER April 2015 Page 17 Page 18 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER April 2015 Message from Elizabeth F. Paul, Director of Health Services Millbrook Health Centre is planning Programs and Activities for the new year that starts on April 1st, 2015. We have offered different activities over the years and are now looking for new ideas to consider. We may not be able to implement the ideas this year but we are interested in at least hearing from the community what kinds of activities we could try to offer to replace some of the old standbys if they fit into our budget. For Example: During March Break there is usually a family field trip to Crystal Palace for the students and their parents, but Crystal Palace is now closed down so we will be having different activities during March Break. Volunteers are usually needed to assist with activities, so we will also be requesting help from the parents, grandparents, and guardians who are available for different activities. You can add your comments on our Facebook page or by sending an email to me at or dropping off a the “comment page” at the Health Centre during office hours. Looking forward to some good ideas from the Community ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Health Centre Comment Page Activities /Ideas for New Year: Activity/ Event:_______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Address/Contact for Activity( if known)____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Are you able to volunteer or help in some way with this event/activity? ___________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Optional information: Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Phone and/or email: ___________________________________________________________________ Page 19 Community)Volunteer)Income)Tax)Program) Canada)Revenue)Agency) Attention:)MILLBROOK)BAND)MEMBERS) Do)you)need)your)income)tax)done?)If)you)would)like)your)Income)Tax)done)at) the)Millbrook)Band)Office,)please)bring)the)following)information)that)is) required.) (Please'Print)' Name:' Address:' SIN#' Martial'Status:' Name:' SIN#' 1.' 2.' 3.' 4.' 5.' 6.' Applicant)Information) Phone:' Postal'Code:' Date'of'Birth:' Band'#'' Spousal)Information) Date'of'Birth:' Band'#' Children)Information) Date'of'Birth:' Date'of'Birth:' Date'of'Birth:' Date'of'Birth:' Date'of'Birth:' Date'of'Birth:' ' Please)note:)We)need)any)T4,)T4E,)T4A),)CPP,OAS,))Universal)slips,)if)you)have) worked)or)get)Old)age)Pension.))I)cannot)process)incomplete)forms.)So)please) have)ALL)your)information)together)BEFORE)bringing)it)to)the)Band)Office.)) Canada)Revenue)is)pushing)to)get)everything)through)DIRECT)DEPOSIT,)so) please)get)a)deposit)form)from)your)bank)with)that)information.)All)information) you)provide)will)be)returned)back)to)you.) ' ! Natasha!Bernard! Welalioq! !! Page 20 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER April 2015 Millbrook Enterprise Credit Frequently Asked Questions: Why is there not a space on MEC application to provide my children's information, do I have to fill out separate applications for them? No you do not have to fill out a separate application for minor band member children. As stated on the application Band members under 19 years old funds are placed in a trust fund. He/she may apply through the Millbrook Band to have their funds released from trust once they turn 19 years old. My Status card is expired, lost, etc. how do I apply for a new card? Contact Millbrook’s Band Membership Clerk Tricia Fultz at the Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq (902) 895-6385; toll free 1-877-892-2424 or email For out of Province or Country – contact.... If you need a letter to attach to your MEC application while you are in the process of renewing your status card let the Band Membership clerk know this as well. Why do I need to provide a copy of my status card with each MEC application? For Audit purposes, acts as photo identification, DOB and band registry number. Recent Surname change/marriage etc - Please use the name that you are registered as on the Band Registry List on your application. To update your surname on the band registry list, contact Tricia Fultz. Name changed on Band Membership list - should I notify Millbrook band office of this for Millbrook Enterprise Credit/Trust funds? (examples: marriage/divorce, adoption) Yes so we can keep our files up-to-date, and if for a minor – to ensure funds are still in correct trust fund. Why do I have to provide banking information each time with my MEC application? For Audit purposes and to ensure that we have correct banking information for direct deposit. Tip Keep a copy of your status card & voided cheque on file (in a secure place). I give permission to have someone pick my MEC cheque up for me can I just call? No, please send permission in writing and attach to your MEC application (preferred method). Can I fax or email my application? No. Original copies of applications are required. Moved or change of mailing and did not get MEC application? MEC Applications are available in the community newsletters, on the website. If you would like to have an application mailed to your new mailing address or emailed to you contact the Band Office. My (Mother, Father, Son, Daugther) passed away, can a cheque still be processed toward his/her estate? If a band member has completed an application prior to his/her passing, we will issue the credit to his/ her estate. If an application is not completed prior to the passing we do not process the credit and legal executor cannot apply on behalf of the deceased. What about Trust fund in this matter? The executor can apply on behalf of the deceased. Page 21 Millbrook(Enterprise(Credit( Application(Form( P.O.(Box(634,(Truro,(N.S.(B2N(5E5( ( Office(use(only:(((Received(this(_______(day(of(________(A.D.(2015( ( ( (((((Band(Administrator(or(his(designate(_________________________! ( Please(Select:!! ! Mail(____( ( Pick(Up(____( ( Direct(Deposit(____( Applicant(Name:(____________________________________________________________( Band(#(of(Applicant:(_______________((((((((Date(of(Birth:((((Day_____/Month_____/Year_______( ( Telephone#(((((((((((((()(______V________(EVmail:____________________________________( Mailing(Address:((________________________________________________________( ______________________________________________________________________! I! authorize! the! Millbrook! Band! permission! to! use! the! above! information! for! communication! purposes! regarding! band! matters:! ! Yes_________( ( No________! ! All!Millbrook!Band!Members!are!entitled!to!apply!for!the!June(23rd,(2015(Millbrook(Enterprise( Credit.!!A!parent!or!a!guardian!may!complete!the!grant!application!form!on!behalf!of!Band!Members! Under!the!age!of!19!years.! By!signing!this!application,!I,!the!applicant,!do!hereby!agree!and!authorize!the!Millbrook!Band!to!pay!from!my!Millbrook! Enterprise! Credit! Funds,! any! money! I! owe! to! the! Millbrook! Band! as! of! the! date! of! my! application.! ! Any! Millbrook! Enterprise!Credits!payable!to!Band!Members!under!19!years!will!be!placed!in!a!trust!fund.!!When!that!Band!Member! attains!19,!he/she!may!apply!through!the!Millbrook!Band!to!have!his/her!Millbrook!Enterprise!Credit! money!released! from! trust.! ! And! I! also! acknowledge! this! Millbrook! Enterprise! Credit! cannot! be! assigned! to! a! third! party,! and! is! only! payable!to!the!applicant.! Please( note:! ! ! Applications! must! be! fully! completed! to! be! considered! for! this! credit! of! $1000.00! (One! Thousand! (Canadian)!Dollars).!!The(deadline(is(September(23rd,(2015.(((Any(application(not(received(or(post(marked(on(or(after( this(date(will(not(be(accepted.((Faxed(Applications(will(not(be(accepted,(please(mail!( A!legible!photocopy!of!Certificate!of!Indian!Status!(front!and!back)!is!required.!!If!you!do!not!have!a!Certificate!of!Indian! Status,! proof! has! to! be! obtained! from! the! Millbrook! Membership! Clerk.! (902)895S6385,! Ext.! 234.! ! If! you! have! any! questions,!please!call!1S800S693S3112!or!902S897S9199.! ! Dated!this!_____!day!of!_______A.D.!2015! ! _________________________________! ! ! _____________________________! Signature(of(Applicant( ! ! Not!Approved!(!!!!!)! ! ! Witnessed(by( Approved!(!!!!!)! ! ! By________________________________! !!and!by!!!!!!!!!!!!!_____________________________! This!________!day!of!___________!A.D.!2015! ! Page 22 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER April 2015 June 2015 Millbrook Enterprise Credit Applicants All Direct Deposits will be deposited on June 18th 2015. Applications must be received by June 5th, 2015. Funds issued by Mail and Pick Up will be issued June23rd 2015. Applicants requesting direct deposit must provide one of the two listed documents. • Void Cheque belonging to the applicant • Direct Deposit Form from applicant’s bank Please¬e:""To"avoid"any"errors,"hand"written"banking"information"or" use"of"bank"accounts"not"belonging"to"the"applicant"is"no"longer" accepted.""" Page 23 Page 24 Sunday 6 5 26 Dr Vance K. 27 20 19 Dr Vance K. 13 12 Compost & Garbage Dr. M Ferguson C. Casselman 28 Blue Bags & Garbage Dr. M Ferguson C. Casselman 21 Compost & Garbage C. Casselman 14 Blue Bags & Garbage 7 31 Compost & Garbage Tuesday Closed Easter Monday Dr. M Ferguson C. Casselman 30 29 Monday Dr. M. Ferguson Dr. M. Ferguson Dr. M. Ferguson Dr. Vance K -pm Dr. M. Ferguson Wednesday 29 22 15 8 1 Foot Clinic Foot Clinic Thursday 30 23 16 9 2 3 1 24 17 10 Closed Good Friday Friday Saturday Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER April 2015 2 25 18 11 4 Page 25 Archery 1:00-6:00pm Kids time 6:00-8:00pm Archery 1:00-6:00pm Kids time 6:00-8:00pm Archery 1:00-6:00pm Kids time 6:00-8:00pm Archery 1:00-6:00pm Kids time 6:00-8:00pm Archery 1:00-6:00pm Kids time 6:00-8:00pm Sunday 26 19 12 5 29 Kids time 6:00-8:00pm Adult Basketball 8pm - closing Kids time 6:00-8:00pm Adult Basketball 8pm - closing Kids time 6:00-8:00pm Adult Basketball 8pm - closing Kids time 6:00-8:00pm Adult Basketball 8pm - closing Kids time 6:00-8:00pm Adult Basketball 8pm - closing Monday 27 20 13 6 30 Compost & garbage Kids time 6:00-8:00pm 28 Blue Bags & Garbage Kids time 6:00-8:00pm 21 Compost & garbage Kids time 6:00-8:00pm 14 Blue Bags & Garbage Kids time 6:00-8:00pm 7 31 Compost & garbage Kids time 6:00-8:00pm Tuesday Archery 6-closing. Archery 6-closing. Archery 6-closing. Archery 6-closing. Archery 6-closing. Wednesday 29 22 15 8 1 Volleyball 6:30 - closing Volleyball 6:30 - closing Volleyball 6:30 - closing Volleyball 6:30 - closing Volleyball 6:30 - closing Thursday 30 23 16 9 2 Friday 1 24 17 10 3 Saturday Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER April 2015 2 25 18 11 4
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