Neighborhood Association PO Box 70876 Milwaukee, WI 53207 (414) 379-2450 Connie Wilson Chairperson Samer Abulughod Vice-Chairman Julia O’Connor Treasurer Jennifer Gordon Secretary Board Members Jared Bell Percy Dorsey Emma Koi Jason Koi Andrea Kozek Marshall Lee Cary Nievinski Dawn Riegel Beth Sellars Debbie Stoddard Ex-Officio Members Ald. Terry Witkowski Sup. Jason Haas The Garden District Neighborhood Association is a nonprofit organization [501(c)(3)] dedicated to serving and improving the quality of life for those who live in the 13th Aldermanic District in the City of Milwaukee The Garden District Neighborhood Association will be holding its 4th Annual Craft Fair on Saturday, May 2, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., at the Milwaukee Center for Independence (Nexday Campus) located at 3333 South Howell Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. MCFI has been a leading provider of life-changing programs and services for children and adults with disabilities, special needs and barriers to success since 1938. We are inviting you to participate and hope you will be able to join us. We are looking for high quality handcrafted items. (Note: Please pass this information on to any of your friends who might be interested as well.) We limit same-type vendors so your sales is successful. You will be provided a space approximately 10’x 8’ for $35, electricity will be provided for an additional $5.00. You will need to supply your own table. You are welcome to bring displays, signage, and/or shelving to display items. However, all items need to stay within your allowed space. Set up will be Saturday morning starting at 7:00 a.m. Arrival times will be scheduled at 15 minute intervals to avoid back-up. Please let us know how much time you need to unload and setup. We will have volunteers available to help you unload at Door 2. All vendors should allow enough time to set up and be ready when the doors open at 9:00 a.m. We ask you to line up so we can help you unload, do not block traffic and immediately move your vehicle to the designated area when unloading is completed. The craft fair will run until 3:00 p.m. and you will be expected to stay the entire time. Volunteers again are available to assist you with the load out. The Garden District Neighborhood Association and the Milwaukee Center for Independence will be handling the advertising of this event which will include the entire 13th District, Craigslist, radio and television stations, community calendars, as well as print ads, community mailings and street signage in the immediate neighborhood. We will provide customers with a map indicating your location, your name and items for sale. We ask you to also promote the event through Facebook, emails and any other way you can. We will have delicious baked goods, lunch items and beverages available for the community to purchase. As a participating vendor you are welcome to help yourself to a light breakfast of assorted bakery and coffee. Lunch will be on your own or you can purchase items from the concession area. Reservations for spots will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. There will be no cancellations or refunds after Wednesday, April 15, 2015. If you have any questions please contact Dawn at 414-379-2450 or send an email to: . Make checks payable to: The Garden District NA Mail payment and signed contracts to: GDNA Craft Fair Committee 3914 South 3rd Street Milwaukee, WI 53207 The Garden District Neighborhood Association 4th Annual Craft Fair Saturday, May 2, 2015 - 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at Milwaukee Center for Independence, 3333 South Howell Avenue, Milwaukee, WI Neighborhood Association PO Box 70876 Milwaukee, WI 53207 (414) 379-2450 Connie Wilson Chairperson REGISTRATION FORM Business Name: Vendor Name: Samer Abulughod Vice-Chairman Address: Julia O’Connor Treasurer City: ________________________ State: ____________ Jennifer Gordon Secretary Day Phone: ______________ _____ Evening Phone: Cell Phone: ____________________ E-Mail: ______ Board Members Jared Bell Percy Dorsey Emma Koi Jason Koi Andrea Kozek Marshall Lee Cary Nievinski Dawn Riegel Beth Sellars Debbie Stoddard Ex-Officio Members Ald. Terry Witkowski Sup. Jason Haas Zip: Website: _________________________________________________________ Description of items for sale: ____ ___________________________________________________________ I/we hereby release, acquit and forever discharge, The Garden District Neighborhood Association and Milwaukee Center for Independence, its officers, members, staff, sponsors, organizers and any other representatives and/or their successors of any and all liability whatsoever relative to participation in the craft fair. Signature: __________________________________ Date: _________________ Make checks payable to: The Garden District NA The Garden District Neighborhood Association is a nonprofit organization [501(c)(3)] dedicated to serving and improving the quality of life for those who live in the 13th Aldermanic District in the City of Milwaukee Cost of 10’x8’ booth with 2 chairs: $35 Do you need electricity ($5 extra): Yes / No Some spaces are 11’x7’ or 12’x6’. Can you make one of those work? Yes / No If yes, which one 11’x7’ or 12’x6’ (please circle) How much time do you need to unload and set-up? ___________________________ Spaces will be assigned on a first-come first-serve basis Mail registration fee by: Wednesday, April 1, 2015 to: GDNA Craft Fair Committee, 3914 S. 3rd Street, Milwaukee, WI 53207 Questions? Please e-mail or call 414-379-2450
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