April 2015 - Mimosa Hills Golf & Country Club

Life and Events at
Mimosa Hills
Bar Progress… From the Chairman:
April News
New members! Pleasant weather and great changes ahead!
Wow, is there a lot going on at Mimosa Hills! Our annual workday was very successful. Approximately fiAy members showed up to do tasks such as trimming bushes, spreading mulch and filling divots. A lot was accomplished on this sunny spring day. Following our work we gathered at the snack shack for a cookout lunch and many played in an informal nine hole captain’s choice event aAer that. A great example of members helping their club while experiencing the camaraderie of their fellow members. April is the Eme to really get excited about golf. Our temperatures are rising and the course will start to green up. The days are longer and we have the added benefit of daylight savings Eme. And the tournament commiGee has some fantasEc events planned so don’t forget to sign up. I hope to see you on the links. (From the Chairman con/nued on page 2) www.mimosahills.org From the Chairman conEnued… (From the Chairman con/nued from page 1) MIMOSA HILLS NEWS
Your Board of Directors has voted to raise the guest fees from $30 and $35 on weekdays/weekends to $35 and $40 respecEvely. This change aligns them with the current market and overall value provided. It is the only change to our fee structure and a complete copy has been included with the April billing statements. I’m pleased to report the clubhouse remodel is complete. The new bar and grill area looks great, a very warm and friendly gathering place. I want to thank everyone who donated Eme, effort and or money toward this great project. Please take a look at the Food and Beverage report for more informaEon about opening and hours. I hope you’ll all support your club by using this great new amenity. I’m also very pleased to report that since last month we have ten new members, across many categories. This is a strong number reflecEng our new rates, markeEng efforts and the fact that Mimosa Hills is just a great place. So let’s keep the momentum going and build our club even more. You should look for a note from me with your April statement reviewing our old rate downward transiEon. Yes, we made our goals so those paying a higher rate than our new plan will begin to see your dues reduced accordingly. And speaking of new members, please join me in welcoming Christopher & Tanya Witherspoon, Ronny & Helen Wilson, Ronny & Kay Childres, Don & Chrystal Ashley, Lee Duncan, Gary Hull, Dr. Dan DeHart, Randy & Pa^ McNeely, David & Patrice Barnard, and Waits & Laura Gordan III. Here’s looking forward to seeing you at the club. -­‐Chuck Ohrt President Work Day – John Sallstrom, Chuck Ohrt & Dick Peck www.mimosahills.org MIMOSA HILLS NEWS
Dining Room:
Life and Events at
Mimosa Hills
May 2014
We are very pleased to make several announcements including the fact that Bernice Toney will become our Director of Food and Beverage. We feel very fortunate that Bernice decided to cease her ancillary businesses and devote her skills, experience and tremendous work ethic fullEme to her new posiEon. She is being joined by Tracy Phillips as Assistant Director of Food and Beverage and Bar Manager. Tracy is young, talented and enthusiasEc and has considerable experience with quality restaurants and bars. With these two individuals, we have an excellent team to lead us. Our beauEful new bar along with bar stools and tables for the grill area, all donated by generous fellow members, is nearing compleEon under the supervision of Jim Belote and Chris Bergelin. We are open now with the Grand Opening Thursday & Friday, April 9th & 10th, just in Eme for Masters week. A Ribbon Cu^ng for our Bar & Grill will be on Thursday, April 9th at 11:00 am, hope to see you there! Happy hour will be between 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm with food and drink specials. We will be closed Saturday, April 11 due to a wedding recepEon. The bar will stock a great beer and wine collecEon as well as mixed beverages. Just a reminder, your food minimum is for food only, and drinks can be purchased with cash, credit card, or charged to member accounts. With summer approaching and the anEcipated increase in memberships, we are announcing the new hours of operaEon for the dining room and bar. Both the bar and dining room will be open seven days per week with a slight variaEon of Emes for Sundays. Both will be open from 11:00 am unEl 8:00 pm Monday through Saturday and 12:00pm unEl 6:00pm Sundays. These new hours will be subject to event scheduling and parEcipaEon so we encourage people to use our faciliEes. The snack shack will remain closed due to lack of sales but the snack and drink vending machines will be available at the shack. We anEcipate having a beverage cart available for the course in the near future but unEl then, beer can be purchased at the bar and sandwiches through the dining room. Our increased operaEon will necessitate addiEonal part-­‐Eme help such as wait staff, bartender, and cook. If you know someone who might be interested in these posiEons, have them contact Bernice or Tracy in our office (437-­‐2967). We have the Easter buffet scheduled for April 5. If you have not placed a reservaEon, please do so by contacEng the office or telling Bernice. Have a happy Easter! -­‐Dick Peck www.mimosahills.org From The Pro: MIMOSA HILLS NEWS
The 2015 golf season has officially arrived. The warm temperatures in March has allowed for our greens to heal very quickly, and the Bermuda grass should start to bloom very soon. We have an exciEng schedule set for April beginning with the Easter Dogfight on Friday April 3rd. Please visit the pro shop to see our new logo on all of our spring apparel, and there are sEll some winter items leA at “rock boGom” prices. If there is anything we can do to help start your golf season, please let us know. April Golf Events • 
Easter Dogfight • 
ASU Womens Intercollegiate-­‐ Friday April 3rd-­‐ 1:00 pm Shotgun Start-­‐ $15.00 entry fee -­‐Saturday April 3rd-­‐ PracEce Round-­‐ Tee Times reserved for tournament between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm. -­‐Sunday April 4th-­‐ Round 1-­‐ 9:00 am shotgun-­‐ Golf Course will be closed unEl approximately 2:00 pm -­‐Monday April 5th-­‐ Round 2-­‐ 8:30 am tee Emes-­‐ Golf Course will re-­‐open at approximately 1:00 pm. • 
CGA Senior 4-­‐Ball • 
Mimosa Cup • 
Western Piedmont Seniors Tuesday April 14th-­‐ 10:00 am shotgun start – Golf Course will re-­‐open at approximately 4:00 pm. New event for 2015. Ryder Cup team format within the club. Jimmy Piercy and Dan Dobson will each captain a team. Team matches will be designed for Saturday and Sunday’s round. Teams and pairings will be drawn on Friday evening at the pairings party in the new bar and grill area. Open to the first 32 members to sign up. Handicaps will be used for pairings and matches. -­‐Friday April 17th-­‐ Pairings Party in the Bar and Grill area. -­‐Saturday April 18th-­‐ Tee Times will begin at 9:00 am -­‐Sunday April 19th-­‐ Tee Times will begin at 9:00 am. Monday April 20th-­‐ 10:00 am shotgun start The Golf Course will re-­‐open at approximately 3:00 pm. Open to any Mimosa Hills male member 50 years of age or older. Please sign up by 3:00pm on Saturday the 18th. Cost is $25.00. (From the Pro Con/nued on page 5) www.mimosahills.org From The Pro ConEnued… MIMOSA HILLS NEWS
(From the Pro con/nued from page 4) • 
Carolinas Healthcare – Blue Ridge Pro-­‐Am Monday April 27th-­‐ 1:00 pm shotgun. The Golf Course will re-­‐open for member play at approximately 6:00 pm. •  Demo Day Thursday April 23rd-­‐ Our annual spring demo day will feature Ping, Titleist, and Callaway from 3:00 pm unEl 7:00 pm. Feel free to bring your current equipment and compare to the latest and greatest technology has to offer. •  Senior Golf The Monday-­‐ Wednesday-­‐ Friday senior group will begin play at 9:00 am on Wednesday April 1st. Note: There will not be Senior Group play on the following dates in April due to outside events. Monday April 6th Monday April 20th Monday April 27th •  Junior Golf PGA Jr. League OrientaKon Saturday March 28th Our first PGA Jr. League meeEng is scheduled for the 28th at 2:00 pm. If you have a child between the ages of 9 and 13, and is interested in playing golf, please join us for this meeEng for more details. •  Junior Golf Fundraiser Saturday March 28th If you wish to parEcipate in the Junior Golf Fundraiser event on Saturday, March 28th ,tee Eme :10:00 am. Please call the golf shop to sign up. If you are not able to play in the event and would like to make a contribuEon to support junior golf at Mimosa Hills, please contact Jimmy in the pro shop. -­‐Jimmy Piercy PGA Head Golf Professional Jimmy Piercy playing Casual Golf on Mimosa Hills Work Day Thomas Messenheimer playing Casual Golf on Mimosa Hills Work Day www.mimosahills.org On The Course: MIMOSA HILLS NEWS
I wanted to thank all who parEcipated for Member Workday on March 7, whether in the form of manual labor or financial assistance. The effort lessens the boGom line of our maintenance expenses and is a great moEvator for the staff. We are all in this together and it is refreshing to witness such pride in our wonderful golf course. It is truly a gem in the foothills of North Carolina. Life
and Events at
The greens have healed up relaEvely quick from the March aerificaEon, even with 2 morning lows in the mid 20’s. In general, due to colder condiEons, the March date is our slow healer of the 3 aerificaEon dates and the reason we choose the smaller diameter Enes. is t1o 4
remove the necessary organic maGer on a yearly basis, as menEoned M Oaur ygoal 20
in detail in last month’s newsleGer, and yet get the greens in good playing condiEons as soon as possible. The fairways, tees and roughs were aerified successfully and the pre-­‐emergent herbicide was applied. The bermudagrass will be ferElized in May aAer it has fully come out of dormancy in order to get the most ‘bang for our buck’. The green-­‐up of the bermudagrass is behind schedule due to February’s average temperature more conducive to a January. April is an exciEng month for golf, the golf course is greening up, the greens are in peak condiEon, the leaves are coming out, the flowers are in bloom and the weather is great. So come on out and enjoy! I also heard there is a new watering hole coming into play soon! -­‐Dan Winters Superintendent AerificaEon 14th Green AerificaEon 18th Green www.mimosahills.org Ground News & Membership: MIMOSA
From the grounds commiMee I would like to thank everyone who contributed their Eme/money to the work day held on March 7 . We had around 50 people spreading mulch, filling divots, trimming shrubbery and muhly grass, etc. all over the course. Now that we have established a good baseline, it is important to maintain it. The “Adopt a Hole “ will be rolled out again this year. We need everyone to take ownership of the course and help keep it in prisEne condiEon. If you are interested in the “Adopt a Hole “ program, just email me at knox.maGhews@sglcarbon.com, or contact someone in the Pro shop. -­‐Knox Grounds Chairman BeauEful view of #2 Fairway. Driving Range: Ge^ng their daily dose of iron. Photo taken on Mimosa Hills Work Day. Big News! The number of new members that have joined Mimosa over the last two months and my handicap are now equal. In case you are not familiar with my golf game or have not heard my frequent shouts of ‘Fore’, this is very good news for Mimosa. It’s such good news that, in April, we will meet our 1st quarter goals and will begin the step down process from the 2014 due structure. This success is a direct result from members recruiEng new members. How do I know this? Because many of the new markeEng iniEaEves developed by the Membership CommiGee are only just now beginning to be implemented. I have always believed that the most powerful markeEng tool we have are members recruiEng new members. On behalf of your board of trustees, thank you! It’s a great Eme of year to join Mimosa. The course is ge^ng into fantasEc shape, the bar and grill area look amazing and will be opening in early April, Junior Golf League will be kicking off at the end of March and swim season is right around the corner. Keep up the good work and bring a friend out for lunch or a round and help us showcase all the incredible features that Mimosa offers. I hope to see you out on the course soon and please contact me if you have any quesEons regarding the 2015 markeEng plan. Also, feel free to contact anyone on the membership commiGee: Stacey Ripley, David BenneG, John Branstrom, Don McGinnis or myself. Working together we can make 2015 a great year at Mimosa Hills. -­‐Mark BenneG Membership / MarkeEng Chairman www.mimosahills.org Tournament News:
Fellow Members, Okay.... It is finally here.....Not Spring (although important), I am talking about Tournament Season Golf at Mimosa Hills. You can view the tournament calendar with this link: hGp://mimosahills.org/golf/tournaments/ . The events have been added to the Club Master Calendar on the website, have been mailed to you in the March statements and events are incorporated into the weekly email blasts you receive from the Club. We want to make sure you get the dates in many ways! Here are the upcoming opportuniEes for you to support and/or compete at your Club. •  March 28th: Mimosa Junior Golf Fundraiser Event -­‐ 10:00 am •  March 28th: OrganizaEonal MeeEng for the Mimosa Junior PGA Team (2pm) •  March 30th: Blue Ridge Seniors -­‐ 10:00 am •  April 3rd: Easter Dogfight 1pm Shotgun Buddy Riebel playing Casual Golf (hole •  April 14th: CGA Senior 4-­‐Ball -­‐ 10:00 am # 15) on Mimosa Hills Work Day. •  April 18th/19th: *** NEW EVENT*** Mimosa Cup (Pairings Party on Friday evening April 17th) •  April 20th: WP Seniors -­‐ 10:00 am shotgun •  April 27th: Blue Ridge Healthcare Pro-­‐Am -­‐ 1:00 pm shotgun •  May 2nd/3rd: Member Member Tournament (Oyster Roast and Live Music the •  evening of May 2nd, open to any member) -­‐ 8:30 am shotgun •  May 4th: Western Piedmont Community College Ge^ng ready for Casual Golf on Mimosa Hills Work Day. •  May 5th: High School Regional Tournament -­‐ 8:00 am tee Emes •  May 9th: Captain's Choice/Reverse Scramble 2 Person One-­‐Day Event -­‐ 9:30 am tee Emes This year's Parent Child Tournament has been moved up to June 7th. Our hope is that by compeEng earlier in the year, the juniors can build on the excitement generated throughout the summer months and strengthen (Tournament News con/nued on page 9) www.mimosahills.org Tournament News Continued…
(Tournament News con/nued from page 8) their passion for golf! Looking forward, here are the dates for the Club Majors! •  May 2nd/3rd: Member/Member •  June 12th-­‐14th: Member Guest •  Sept 5th-­‐7th: Club Championship Dave Barnard – Hole In One on #9 w/ 4 Iron. Way to go! •  Oct 17th/18th: Fall Member/Member Please make note of these dates and I hope that you will make it a priority to parEcipate. I look forward to compeEng with you in our Club tournaments. Sincerely, Buddy Riebel 2015 Tournament Chairman Hole # 15 – Casual Golf on Mimosa Hills Work Day. From The Red Tees: This is the month that the Ladies of Mimosa Hills start their Thursday play days! So, Thursday, April 2nd is our first play day. Call the pro shop or be at the club by 9:15 am. We will set up teams to play 2 best balls of the team. Bring $5 for prizes. No joining fee! See you there! No April Fool! It has been a long winter but we are looking forward to some fun and frolic in the sun and preferably out of the sand. -­‐Flo www.mimosahills.org Out & About in March:
Please enjoy memories made from our Mimosa Hills Work Day. Thank you to all those who contributed. www.mimosahills.org MIMOSA HILLS NEWS
Social News:
www.mimosahills.org MIMOSA HILLS NEWS
Mimosa Hills
P.O. Box 677, Morganton, NC28680-0677
May 2014
Pro Shop: 437-1246
Dining Room: 437-1753
Maintenance: 433-9511
Office: 437-2967
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