JAHC 2013: Meeting The Challenge Weak Kidneys and Frequent Urination: Three Simple Remedies by Karen Allen CCH Roadmap for Our Training Session • Urinary urgency – facts and figures • Seeing the forest and the trees • Thought constructs to evaluate symptoms • Finding the pattern in each case • Therapeutics... and adjuncts for clients! • Let's Meet Our Clients for Today Case Example 1 57 yo female: Urinary Incontinence ● ● ● ● ● I have a history of kidney stones, and my biggest problem now is that I have to pee all the time. Even if I just went to the bathroom 15 minutes ago, I will feel urgent need to urinate again. This has been getting worse over the past 5 years since I hit menopause. I also have had bone spurs on my ankle and shoulder – they were surgically removed twice I don't sleep well because I have to get up several times every night to urinate – at least hourly. So I am always tired. I have been on several different medications for this – they cause side effects I can't live with, so I want to try homeopathy. Case Example 2 19 yo female: Urinary Tract Infection ● ● ● I have had terrible urinary tract infections for the past 3 years. Each time I get an infection, I have the feeling like I need to pee all the time. And I get a terrible cramping pain at the end of urination. I usually am given antibiotics by my doctor. And then the infection goes away. But for weeks afterward, when I sit down, I will often leak a little bit of urine – just enough that I always have to wear a panty liner in my underwear. I have had at least one UTI each month for the last 2 years Case Example 3 38 yo male: Kidney Weakness ● ● ● ● I had a bad kidney infection 6 years ago. I was a thri-athlete, competing, and I got badly dehydrated. We were competing in extreme heat at high altitude, and I just could not drink enough water to stay hydrated. I passed out after I finished the last leg of the competition, and woke up in the hospital on IV fluids. Ever since then, I have had a problem with urinary incontinence. With any physical stress, like when I cough or sneeze or jump, I lose a little bit of urine. I always feel the need to urinate. There have also been a few times when I have woken in the morning and found that I have wet the bed a little. This is really embarrassing to me – I have tried medications, acupuncture, yoga, biofeedback without relief. Dx: Overactive Bladder Syndrome • Bladder can normally hold up to 2 cups of urine, and empty every 3-4 hours/day • Clients with OAB experience – Frequent need to urinate – Strong sudden urging – Leaking (eeeeek!) • 33 million, mostly women, (4044yo – 8%, 75+ - 31%) OAB: Likely Causes and Contributing Factors • Psychosocial factors: Excessive drinking, anxiety, habitual patterns • Urological: UTI, overactive muscle, stones in the bladder, Prostate issues, • Gynecological: Pregnancy, bladder prolapse, fibroids in the uterus, pelvic surgery • Medical: Diabetes, stroke, CNS/Spinal disease or trauma, Medications / Diuretic therapy – be sure to ask! OAB: How Do We Get To This? • Excessive production of urine causes frequent urging and urination. Diabetes, high blood glucose, hypercalcaemia, psychogenic polydipsia, use of diuretics • Reduced ability to hold urine prompts frequent urging. Infection, musculature, reduced space due to mechanical cause ( e.g. fibroid, enlarged prostate, adhesions, prolapse, etc) Hmmmmmmm.... With any pattern of symptoms reported by the client, we must ask ourselves (BEFORE we select a homeopathic remedy): Is this symptom an expression of the Vital Force? Or is this symptom arising from some other exciting cause? Why do we care about this? Why is it important? Sam Says: Maintaining Causes and Obstacles to Cure § 208 The age of the patient, his mode of living and diet... must next be taken into consideration, in order to ascertain whether these things have tended to increase his malady, or in how far they may favor or hinder the treatment.... Sam Says: Maintaining Causes and Obstacles to Cure § 260 Hence the careful investigation into such obstacles to cure is so much the more necessary in the case of patients affected by chronic diseases, as their diseases are usually aggravated by such noxious influences and other disease-causing errors in the diet and regimen, which often pass unnoticed. Sam Says: Maintaining Causes and Obstacles to Cure § 261 The most appropriate regimen during the employment of medicine in chronic diseases consists in the removal of such obstacles to recovery... SO.... talk with your clients about medications, supplements, alcohol consumption! Identify the maintaining causes. Encourage them to speak with the prescribing physician for medications. Who is most likely to present with urinary issues? Urinary disorders involve the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra – Both genders, all ages, incidence increases with age – Predisposed: Diabetes, hypertension – Race is a predisposition for : Black / Indian / Asian – Sycotic miasm – Post-partum women, women with (recent) new sex partner – Let's look at some statistics from NIH / CDC Who is leaking (eeek)? In 2002, a study reported: 32% of UK women 34% of German women 32% of French women 15% of Spanish women had symptoms of urinary incontinence in the prior 30 days. http://www.urosource.com/fileadmin/user_upload/european_urology/PIIS03022838060111 6X.pdf Urinary Incontinence Prevalence Overactive Bladder Prevalence http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/bjs.4796/abstract UTI incidence per 1000 OAB: Conventional Therapeutics • Medications such as Toviaz, Enablex, Vesicare, Sanctura; main side effects are dry mouth, constipation, allergic reactions • Surgery: bladder augmentation • Progressive/Integrative approaches: physical therapy; pelvic floor physical therapy What can we offer clients who have OAB? Remember that disruption of the vital force involves BOTH sensation/function AND physical tissue change – Homeopathy can improve sensation/function – In cases with tissue change (eg scar tissue from a surgery) homeopathy can help to break down adhesions tissue – Homeopathy can relieve predisposing and etiological factors (subacute infection, prostate enlargement, bloodsugar dysregulation, hypercalcaemia, fibroids, etc) Sphere of Disturbance Sensation And Function Organic Tissue Change Oh, Yeah.... please remember... For our clients, we represent a source of encouragement and support – you are SO MUCH MORE THAN A REMEDY FINDER – Clients may feel shame or despair, need to talk. – Connect clients with resources like www.nafc.org and www.continence-foundation.org.uk – Identify and counsel about maintaining causes and obstacles to cure WHO Says: Incontinence is largely preventable and treatable condition. “CERTAINLY NOT AN INEVITABLE CONSEQUENCE OF AGING” Encourage your clients to seek solutions that are robust and address all of the options available. So... The client comes in... ● We trained for just this moment!!! ● We take the case carefully and fully... ● We choose a remedy... ● The client takes it... ● And comes back or calls in... (drum roll please.......) What if it doesn't work???? ● ● ● ● ● Client improves generally, but urinary symptoms do not change Urinary symptoms change, but remedy does not touch other aspects of the case the client wanted to address Remedy acts but does not hold, frequent repetitions bring lawof-diminishing-returns response Remedy does not act... nor does the next choice... nor does the next choice... nor does an intercurrent nosode... nor does another remedy after that... reasonable remedies!!! Not even partial credit!!! Oops. #%#$&. The Quintessential Question: Why didn't it work? ● ● ● ● Mystery when well indicated remedies fail to act or do not hold Our assumption is that we were mistaken... Constitutional remedy concept is the moral high ground, expected to solve everything This is a more recent point of view; there are homeopaths from the past who provided other options of assessment for this Maybe a New (Actually Old) Idea to work with? "Homeopathy may be said to be based upon organopathy, for a drug to cure the heart of its disease specifically must necessarily affect the heart in some manner. But the homeopath specializes, and says further: The drug that is to cure the heart must affect the heart... but that is not enough; to be curative the natural disease of the organ (nosological organopathy) must be like in expression to the therapeutic organopathy or drug-action." (James Compton-Burnett, Diseases of the Spleen) Is It Possible to Predict When a Constitutional Remedy is Unlikely to Act in a Specific Sphere? ● ● ● ● ● Burnett: British homeopath who practiced 1860s – 1900, “Cooper Club” Remedies with affinity for specific organ or organ system Health and action of the vital force exists at the level of cell, tissue, organ, body system, person, family, genus epidemicus Some remedies have shown remarkable affinity to specific organs – use this to our advantage Cure occurs only when the remedy has an affinity for the locus of the disease “Specificity of Seat” All disease begins on the level of the vital force. But it does not stay there! Disease progresses from sensation and function into tissue manifestation. The vital force is NOT RANDOM IN ITS CHOICES about where pathology arises! Specific tissues or organs or body systems are targeted and disrupted in a way that is consistent with the state of the organism. IF so... then we can conclude... If the reasonable remedy we chose does not act.... then before we decide we were mistaken.... we should... ● ● Look at SEAT OF DISTURBANCE... and AFFINITY of remedy If the remedy we select has no/small demonstrable affinity for the seat of the disturbance (urinary tract in this context) in the case, then we may see no response or partial response ● This should not surprise us – we are wiser when we can understand and predict which remedies are / are not likely to act – even when all match the presenting symptomatology ● If we pay attention to this, we will be able to predict what 'should' act and adjust our remedy choices to ensure success ● “Specificity of Seat” Let's Review: Remedy states show specific preference for particular body parts. When those particular body parts have organic tissue pathology, the remedies that act most strongly are those with an affinity! The constitutional remedy may not have affinity for the tissue or organ that is compromised... Breadth of Locus PRIMARY ORGAN WEAKNESS: predominant constraint that is the full case of the client. This is like the full book, the complete story SECONDARY ORGAN WEAKNESS: the symptoms are tangential, an “also” feature, rather than central to constraint. This is like a little sub-plot in the client's story. Finding a Constitutional Remedy to Repair This A good constitutional remedy CAN (MAYBE) resolve this organic tissue pathology... Remedy selection is based on the overall presenting state of the client, together with personal and family history The constitutional remedy matches the state of the client... which may or may not be a close match to the 'seat of disease' Complex Case Management CONCEPTS: Voice of the Client Points of Entry in the Case Matrix of Constraint There are multiple voices for us to hear each time the client comes into the consulting room. It is as if we are sitting at a dinner party with the client, their life experiences and adaptation, their miasma (inherited and acquired), various pathologies, organs and toxic burdens. Each of these can have a voice in the consultation. We will get the best results with the client by listening for the voice of greatest constraint. Let's explore this further... Dr. Francisco Eizayaga There are multiple aspects of each case Not all aspects of a case are equally accessible to us for therapeutic intervention The vital force has its own agenda in repair and we are not able to assign/direct this The end products of disease respond differently to the stimulus of a remedy than the initial disturbance of sensation and function James Compton-Burnett on Hydrogenoid Constitution “ I have held with Eisenmann, Hahnemann, Grauvogl, Wolf, Goullon, these twenty years, and I will just say here that I believe the malady in question has a very decided influence on the organism, being contingently capable of generating a constitutional state which cannot be distinguished from the uric acid diathesis. My conception of the thing is that the gonococcic virus so poisons the organism that acid dyspepsia is set up, and then we have what cannot be distinguished from the uric acid diathesis. So often have I seen this state set up in the wake of the gonorrheal infection, that I have almost come to the conclusion that the typical gouty attack is a child of gonorrhoea.” What is Uric Acid Diathesis Paracelsus: “Each organ has the power to separate the hurtful from the harmless, and when in this faculty it goes astry, there we get tartarus.” “Tartarus” is that residue which should have been excreted – acid, stone, gavel Characterized by pH balance problems, formation of stones and calculi, water retention, gout, kidney pain, recurrent urinary distress Uric acid diathesis can arise from the liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys or bowels When Uric Acid Diathesis is present, clients will report: Chronic urinary infection Stones in kidney, ureters or bladder Gout pain / uric acid diathesis Atrophy of kidneys Localized chronic kidney pain Reduced function, especially in the elderly Chronic asthma and bronchitis Nerve irritation – interstitial cystitis Urinary issues with Chronic vaginitis Osteoporosis – calcium management issues Let's Listen To The Clients: What voice is speaking to us? Where is the greatest limitation? What is in the critical path to healing? Forest / Trees? Where is the most suffering / the greatest disturbance to the vital economy = greatest constraint! Questions on the concepts presented so far? Case Example 1 57 yo female: Urinary Incontinence ● ● ● ● ● I have a history of kidney stones, and my biggest problem now is that I have to pee all the time. Even if I just went to the bathroom 15 minutes ago, I will feel urgent need to urinate again. This has been getting worse over the past 5 years since I hit menopause. I also have had bone spurs on my ankle and shoulder – they were surgically removed twice I don't sleep well because I have to get up several times every night to urinate – at least hourly. So I am always tired. I have been on several different medications for this – they cause side effects I can't live with, so I want to try homeopathy. Ocimum canum: Holy basil Stock this remedy in several potencies; have it on hand. It is not going to be available at your local health food store for clients to pick up! In my practice, most helpful acute remedy in kidney stone and kidney colic in 30c/200c/1M Also use when there is clearly uric acid disruption in the case – give as a nutritive herb for the kidneys in 3x – 3c potency daily. Use in 3 week alternation with nat sulph cell salt or silver birch gemmotherapy tincture. Case Example 2 19 yo female: Urinary Tract Infection ● ● ● I have had terrible urinary tract infections for the past 3 years. Each time I get an infection, I have the feeling like I need to pee all the time. And I get a terrible cramping pain at the end of urination. I usually am given antibiotics by my doctor. And then the infection goes away. But for weeks afterward, when I sit down, I will often leak a little bit of urine – just enough that I always have to wear a panty liner in my underwear. I have had at least one UTI each month for the last 2 years Sarsaparilla Made from smilax In my practice, this is the most helpful OAB urinary support remedy when subacute urinary infection is the likeliest factor Give in 6x potency morning/evening daily for 34 weeks Re-evaluate urging, frequency, leaking symptoms after 3 weeks Case Example 3 38 yo male: Kidney Weakness ● ● ● ● I had a bad kidney infection 6 years ago. I was a thri-athlete, competing, and I got badly dehydrated. We were competing in extreme heat at high altitude, and I just could not drink enough water to stay hydrated. I passed out after I finished the last leg of the competition, and woke up in the hospital on IV fluids. Ever since then, I have had a problem with urinary incontinence. With any physical stress, like when I cough or sneeze or jump, I lose a little bit of urine. I always feel the need to urinate. There have also been a few times when I have woken in the morning and found that I have wet the bed a little. This is really embarrassing to me – I have tried medications, acupuncture, yoga, biofeedback without relief. Serum Anguillae Anguillae Serosa Deterioration / degeneration of the kidneys Albumin in the urine Used in a trial in India: clients on dialysis were able to reduce dialysis frequency and some were able to stop dialysis treatments completely Uric acid diathesis This is one of the strongest options: give in low potency ( 12X? 9C? Remember it is a venom, and it is toxic) 1-2-3 times daily for 3 weeks, then consider a switch to an appropriate cell salt such as nat-sulf. What Else (other than a well chosen remedy) can help? Review / adjust medications with prescribing physician Reduce intake of diuretic herbs (dandelion, chicory, fennel, mint) Manage fluid intake, avoid caffeinated/alcoholic beverages Reduce contributing factors for UTI: good hygiene around sex, underwear choices, diet. D-Mannose. • Scheduled voiding: Urinary Bladder training • • • • – Urination at same time each day/night – Improves ability to reduce reaction to urging • Pelvic Floor exercises: Kegels – When urinary incontinence is associated with pain, refer to a physical therapist who specializes in pelvic floor – kegels are contra-indicated here! – Both men and women can benefit from kegels Review of Strategy Suggestions: ● ● ● ● ● Listen for the voice of the urinary system in the client's intake, remembering that there are both primary (local) and secondary (distant or systemic) manifestations. Consider options of working through the lens of the constitution, the lesional complaint, the miasm, the organ weakness Remember that the client is unconcerned about the philosophical underpinnings of homeopathy – the client just wants to get better! So use all the tools in your toolbox to relieve their suffering Practice responsibly – know what you are working with!! Refer for diagnosis; ask the client to obtain copies of labwork from his/her physician. Clarify. Be safe. Educate about suggestions given here for urinary hygeine, adjuncts to help the client in addition to the remedy. SO, are you ready? You can do this! Remember Burnett and ideas about specificity of seat • Let me know how you do - if you have a successful case, email me: Info@karenallenhomeopathy.com • Additional class materials are available on my website: www.karenallenhomeopathy.com • Thanks for your attention and participation today !
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