Miniapple Int'l Montessori-Roseville May 2015 Newsletter Infant Room I From the Director’s Chair: News & Notes: Step-up-to-Soccer registration ends May 5th. After the 5th a $20 late fee will apply to your registration. Soccer classes will begin Wed. June 10th. The preschoolers will be going to Pine Haven Farm on Monday, May 11th. We are leaving school at 8:45 so all Preschool children who are going on the field trip must be here no later than 8:30. We will go rain or shine and with more open land the temperature is often much colder on the farm, so please dress accordingly. Sign-up sheets are posted outside the classrooms. We will be having a Mother's Day Breakfast on Friday, May 8th from 7:00-8:30 am. We hope all of our mothers will be able to attend. Our Spring Program & Kindergarten graduation is on Friday, May 15th at the Roseville Middle School. Please drop your child off in the cafeteria by 6:15 and then go downstairs to the auditorium to get a good seat. On that day we will be closing at 5:30 so that the staff has enough time to drive over to the middle school. Our annual preschool recognition day is Wednesday, May 20th at 10:30. Parents are encouraged to join us and stay for a picnic lunch after the recognition. Miniapple is closed on Mon. 5/25 for Memorial Day. Conferences will continue throughout this month - look for information on your child's classroom bulletin board. Have a wonderful month! Lisa & Cindy Spring is finally here! We have been so excited to be able to take advantage of the warmer weather by playing outside on the patio in the afternoons. Please make sure to remember to stock your baby’s cubbies with plenty of weather appropriate clothing. This month we have two new babies joining our room. Please welcome both Clara and Amelia! The month of May is a busy one. We have a lot of events going on. Parent/Teacher Conferences for our room will be on Tuesday, May 5th and Wednesday, May 6th from 3-6pm in the Conference Room. Please make sure to sign up for a conference time on the sign-up sheet posted on our counter. Miss Marie looks forward to discussing your baby’s progress in the classroom with you at that time. We will also be having a breakfast that will be setup in our Discovery Room on Friday, May 8th in honor of Mother’s Day. It will be held from 7-8:30am that day. In addition, we have our Spring Program on Friday, May 15th at 6:30pm. Please make sure to arrive no later than 6:15pm at the Roseville Area Middle School and meet us in the Cafeteria. Please make sure to have your baby dressed in pastel colors for the program. Another important date to remember is Monday, May 25th. The school will be closed for Memorial Day that day. As always if you have any questions, please come and see one of us, and we would be happy to help in any way. Marie, Kathy and Laura Infant Room II Toddler House I It’s time for spring conferences. There is a sign-up sheet on the shelf by the door to our room for May 11th and 12th. Please sign up for a time that works best for you. Conferences are optional and only last for 15-20 minutes. I will be writing up conference forms for each child in our classroom so if you are unable to make an appointment, the form will be sent home with you. After reading through the form, please sign that copy and return it to Ms. Teri. We will be celebrating Mothers Day on Friday May 8th. Please come in and join us for a light breakfast from 7:00 to 8:30 in the Discovery Room. We would love to see you there! Miniapple has two programs a year and our Spring Program will be held on Friday May 15th at the Roseville Middle School. The program starts at 6:30. Please have your child in the cafeteria by 6:15. The infants will “sing” a few songs on stage with Ms. Robin. When our class is finished, parents are asked to come to the stage and pick up your infant and bring them back to your seat with you to watch the rest of the program. Simrat will be moving up to toddlers this month. She is more than excited to be joining the ranks of the bigger kids and be able to work on jobs and be able to use the gym and the outside playground! We will miss her and wish her best of luck as she moves on! Nola will be our baby of the month in April! Remember that Miniapple will be closed on May 25th for Memorial Day. Please plan accordingly. ~Teri, Ista & Deena Happy May Day to everyone! Also, to all of our wonderful moms, Happy Mother's Day. We are planning a Mother's Day breakfast on Friday May 8 from 7:00 - 8:30am. We hope you can attend. The Spring Program is Friday May 15. Please have your child there NO later than 6:10 pm. Also, please have your child wear the color blue. I will be holding parent teacher conferences on Thursday May 7th & Friday May 8th. There is a sign-up sheets located outside of the classroom. If you are unable to attend on either date, please let me know and I would be happy to schedule an alternative time to meet with you. As the spring weather approaches, we will begin planting our flower barrels outside. A list of suggestions for flower contributions is posted outside of the classroom. Any contribution is greatly appreciated. Please bring in a LABELED sunscreen and hat for your child. As the weather gets warmer, please bring in a labeled water bottle to keep cool while playing outside. We will be sending home water bottles each Friday to be washed. This month we will be working on F for flowers and planting vegetables. We would like to wish Rani, George and Alice a Happy Birthday this month. We would also like to say welcome to Lincoln this month. But we had to say goodbye to Ian, Brody, Camille and Graham this month as they all moved up to preschool. Just a reminder.....Miniapple will be closed Mon. the 25th for Memorial Day. Enjoy your longer weekend. Have a wonderful month! Thanks Ms. Michelle, Ms. Jamie, Ms. Kayla & Ms. Alysia Toddler House II Happy May! With summer almost here we are excited to utilize the beautiful weather to play outside, go for walks and explore the nature around us! Please remember to leave sunscreen, a labeled water bottle and a hat. These are all important in helping us keep your child safe from the heat and sun. Please take your child’s water bottle home each Friday to wash them as well! We will continue our weekly walks on Wednesdays and look forward to many fun adventures! Thank you to all of you who signed up and attended a conference. It is always great to get some time to chat with you about your child and discuss their next steps. Please remember that we schedule conferences twice per year, but that you are always welcome to request a parent-teacher conference at anytime! I am always happy to meet with you. Soon, we will be planting our vegetable garden that is located right outside our playground door and we are looking for contributions. A list of suggestions will be posted outside the classroom, if you would like to help contribute, that would be greatly appreciated – the children really enjoy the fresh vegetables for snack once they are ready to harvest! Thank you! I would like to wish a Happy Mother's Day to all of our amazing moms! We would like to celebrate all you do with a Mother's Day breakfast on Friday, May 8th from 7:00 - 8:30am. Hopefully you can stop by for a quick treat before starting your day! Thursday May 14th we will be taking our first “field trip” of the summer to have lunch at Wendys! The children really enjoy getting out, trying something new and they learn valuable manners on how to eat out! If you need another permission slip, please let me know and have them turned in with $5.00 cash by May 12th! On Friday May 15th, our spring program will be at the Roseville Middle School beginning at 6:30pm. Please have your child in the cafeteria ready to go NO later than 6:15pm dressed in blue! Directions and potluck sign up sheets will be posted soon. MIM is closed Monday May 25th for Memorial Day! Have safe and enjoyable holiday weekend! As always, if you have any questions, concerns or comments, please feel free to discuss them with me! Happy May! Ms. Sarah Thanks to all of you have been saving Box Top labels for us. As an incentive for the children to participate in this program, we hold a monthly drawing for a new scholastic book to given to one child each month. Just put the name of your child on the back of the box top and we will draw one name from the labels collected each month. The winner we be announced in the newsletter. The drop-off box is located on the desk in the front lobby. Congratulations Wyatt C ., the Box Top for Education book winner for the month of May. Children’s House I Where did April go? The time seems to be flying by. We are enjoying the spring weather and are hoping for more consistent warmer weather...we will be going out as much as possible and will be applying sunscreen. Please, make sure your child has a NEW bottle of sunscreen here at school. Also, check your child's extra clothes and see if they are weather appropriate and the correct size. **Our Spring Program is coming up on Friday-May 15th. Please, dress your child in green. During the program we will have a special ceremony for the Kindergarten graduates. Next up will be the Preschool graduation. It is Wednesday- May 20th here at the school at 10:30am. You are all welcome to join us!! We will have a picnic lunch on the playground following the graduation. As usual you will see some changes in the classroom. On the science shelf we will focus some of our time on the Life Cycles, insects, and the Parts of a flower. In Practical life we will add some new food works and start flower arranging in honor of spring. Your contributions of these items are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support. It was nice to sit down and talk with all you at Parent/Teacher conferences. As most of you know I am taking some time off this summer to spend with my children at home. Our classroom will turn into the schoolage program and the younger preschoolers will join Jaci or Aisha’s rooms. All of the children are comfortable with both teachers and assistants in those classrooms, so I anticipate it will be an easy transition. I will be returning at the end of the summer to get ready for the following school year. **Mother's Day is coming up, in honor of all our fabulous Moms, Grandmas & people who have been Mom's to us, we will have a special breakfast for you on Friday- May 8th. Hope that you will be able to join us…it starts at 7am and goes until 8:30am. We will be saying Goodbyes to some of friends at the end of this month and in the middle of June. We will miss all of you and wish you all the best in Kindergarten and First grade. Thanks go out to everyone, Children, Parents and Teachers, for a great school year. We are looking forward to a great Spring and Summer! --Ms. Vanessa & Ms.Fanny Dates to Remember Fri., 5/8 - Mother's Day Breakfast (7:00 - 8:30 a.m.) Mon., 5/11 – Pine Haven Farm Field Trip (Preschool only) Thur., 5/14 Walking Field Trip to Wendy’s (Toddler only) Fri., 5/15 - Spring Program & Kindergarten graduation (MIM Closing @ 5:30pm) Wed., 5/20 - Preschool Recognition & Picnic Lunch (10:30am) Mon., 5/25 - Memorial Day - Miniapple Closed Children's House II Children’s House III Spring is here and we are hoping for warmer weather. We will be going out as much as possible and will soon need to be applying sunscreen. Please make sure your child has a NEW bottle of sunscreen here at school. Also check your child's extra clothing and see if they are weather appropriate and the correct size. We welcome our friends Fares, Ian, Eva, Brody and Graham to our Children House. We will be focusing on “Grace & Courtesy and our practical life areas. This is because these areas are critical to the total development for young children in the Montessori environment and most importantly they lay a foundation for all future works and development. Also this month our practical life and art shelves will be change. Dates to remember: Fri. May 8, Mother’s Day Breakfast, Mon. May 11, Fieldtrip to Pine Haven Farm & Fri. May 15, Spring Program. May 18, 19 (Monday, Tuesday) we will be holding our Parent/ Teacher conferences. The sign-up sheet will be posted in the hall (outside the class room door). Please let me know if you need to reschedule. We will find a time that works for us to me. Happy Birthday to Inessa & Kai – Have a wonderful day both of you. Thank you for a great school year! Ms. Aisha & Ms. Mary Spring is here! Please check your child's extra clothes bin in the bathroom for weather appropriate clothing. We will be going outside as much as possible! Please keep a light spring jacket/sweater in your child's cubby for the days that are a little cooler. Please sign your child up for sunscreen and bring in a new bottle labeled with your child's first and last name. Remember to put sunscreen on your child in the morning and we will reapply in the afternoon. Thank you to everyone who signed up for conferences. It was great to meet with all of you This month we have a lot of events taking place. Happy Mother's Day to all of our wonderful Moms! In honor of our wonderful Moms we will be having a Mother's Day Breakfast! It will be on Friday May 8th from 7:00- 8:30 am in the Discovery Room. Hope you can make it! Our spring Program and Kindergarten graduation is Friday, May 15th. Please check the board outside the classroom for more details: clothing, directions and pot luck sign-up. Our preschool graduation is Wednesday May 20th at 10:30 on the preschool playground. After the graduation we will have a picnic lunch outside. All parents are more than welcome to come! This month our practical life, art, science and food jobs will be changing. All contributions made to the class are greatly appreciated! The nice weather is almost here! We will be planting in our garden as soon as we can. A contribution list will be posted outside the classroom for different seeds/ flowers. At the end of the month and throughout the summer we will be saying goodbye to some of our friends. We will miss you all and wish you the best of luck in the future! Congratulations on graduating! If you have any questions or concerns about anything please let us know. Thank you to all the parents, children and teachers for a great school year! We look forward to having a great spring and summer! - Ms. Jaci and Ms. Nou Step Up to Soccer registration on-line Classes will begin on Wed., June 10th. The cost is $65 for 8 classes if you register before May 5th (a $20 late enrollment fee will apply after 5/5). The registration is done online with the Step Up to Soccer program. If you don't have internet access, please see Lisa or Cindy for registration material. Registering On-line 1) Step Up to Soccer web address: 2) Center Password: MINI-ROSE 3) Follow on-line instructions If you have problems, please let Lisa or Cindy know. Daycare May’s Daycare theme will be Growing Plants. The children will be helping to plant the garden with veggies and flowers. If families want to contribute a plant to add to the garden that would be great! During inside time we will be doing art projects based on plants and continuing our themed days of Play-Dough Mondays, Watercolor Wednesdays, and Sci-Fi Science Experiment Fridays. During outside time we will be working in the garden, playing parachute games, and adding new activity stations to the playground. Please continue to check-in with the person that has the clipboard when you pick-up your child at the end of the day. Thanks! Amy Jo Sign-Language This month we will be reviewing most of the signs we have learned throughout the year and getting ready for the spring program. Those include Colors, Numbers, the days of the week, Family members, feelings, songs, the alphabet signs, and much more.... I just have to say how proud I am of everyone. They have been eager learners this year and picked up the signs rather quickly. Well done everyone!!!!! **Just a reminder that we will be taking a break from signlanguage for the summer months. ~Ms. Vanessa Bonjour! We have been busy practicing our French song for the Spring Program all last month. The children are doing really well with it. We are very excited to be able to perform the song for you at the Program! Last month, we also learned new vocabulary words for place settings and tableware. We learned the words for some of the Zoo animals. We reviewed the words for opposites as well. We finished the second chapter book of “Les Triples.” If you have any French books at home that you would like to share with us for French classes, I would be happy to read it during our group time. If you have any questions, please feel free to come and see me in the mornings. - Marie Mother's Day Breakfast Friday, May 8th from 7:00 - 8:30 a.m. .
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