MINISTER FOR VETERANS’ AFFAIRS SENATOR THE HON. MICHAEL RONALDSON MINISTER FOR VETERANS’ AFFAIRS MINISTER ASSISTING THE PRIME MINISTER FOR THE CENTENARY OF ANZAC SPECIAL MINISTER OF STATE 13 22April April2015 2015 VAXXX VA030 LETTER LETTERTO TOTHE THEEDITOR EDITOR––COMMEMORATING COMMEMORATINGTHE THEANZAC ANZAC CENTENARY CENTENARY Dear DearEditor, Editor, One and New Onehundred hundredyears yearson onfrom fromthe theFirst FirstWorld WorldWar Warand andthe thelanding landingof ofthe theAustralia Australian and New Zealand – on thethe shores of Gallipoli in Turkey, Australians come ZealandArmy ArmyCorps Corps––the theAnzacs ANZACs – on shores of Gallipoli in Turkey, Australians come together those who have served our country. togethertotohonour honourall allof those who have served our country. The their own Themen menand andwomen womenwho whoserved servedininthe theAustralian AustralianImperial ImperialForce Forcewere, were by ordinary Australians. admission, ordinarytoAustralians. They volunteered to fight in the Empire’s cause Empire andBritish over the four years of war They volunteered fight in the service of the British and over the four years of war came to be admired for their deeds on battlefields from came to be admired for their performance on the battlefields of Gallipoli and the Middle East Gallipoli and theFront. Middle East to the Western Front. to the Western AThe current focus of the Anzac Centenary 2014-2018 national programme is the centenary of current focus of the Anzac Centenary 2014–2018 national programme is the Gallipoli the Gallipoli campaign, however, from next year there will also be a focus on the Western campaign; from next year, attention will turn to the Western Front and the Middle East. Front and the Middle East. During the Anzac Centenary, we also commemorate a century of service, encompassing all The Anzac Centenary national programme aimsAustralia to give all the opportunity to wars, conflicts and peace operations in which hasAustralians been involved. honour the service and sacrifice of all those who have worn our nation’s uniform, including Themore Anzac Centenary national aims to give Australians the opportunity to honour the than 102,000 who haveprogramme lost their lives. the service and sacrifice of all those who have worn our nation’s uniform, including the more During the Anzac we also commemorate a century of service, encompassing all than 102,000 whoCentenary, have lost their lives. wars, conflicts and peace operations in which Australia has been involved. The Anzac Centenary is also a time to remember the essential contribution of those on the Centenary the most significant of commemoration in our nation’s history. home frontiswho support and careperiod for those in service, and often face the loss or injury of loved ones. This is a time to reflect upon the Australian values of mateship, courage, sacrifice, loyalty and how these values have endured in our armed forces Theresilience, Centenaryand is the most significant period of commemoration in ourtoday. nation’s history. It is a time to reflect upon the Anzac values of mateship, courage, sacrifice, loyalty and resilience, Itand is aon time honour the sacrifices Australian servicemen andand women andtoday. to consider our howtothese values are upheldofby Australia’s servicemen women own role in upholding the legacy of the first Anzacs. I have recently launched the Anzac Centenary photo app to enable Australians to share Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling across Service the (VVCS) andin Veterans Linevisual images that show the diversity of commemorations world a lasting can be reached 24 hours a day across Australia for crisis support and free and confidential counselling. record. Additional Anzac Day resources, including service information and sample Phone 1800 011 046 (international: +61 8 8241 4546) speeches, can be found on the Anzac Portal website. To help local communities learn more about our wartime history, the Australian Government is supporting a range of commemorative, educational and cultural initiatives through programmes such as the Anzac Centenary Local Grants Program (ACLGP) and the Anzac Centenary Public Fund (ACPF). The ACLGP was created to encourage communities to undertake their own Anzac Centenary projects. Through this programme, more than 1,640 grants across 150 federal electorates have been awarded funding to the value of $16.7 million (ex GST). The ACPF was established to enable the Australian business community and the public to donate to Anzac Centenary initiatives. More than $17 million has now been donated to the Public Fund for significant projects associated with the Anzac Centenary, leaving an enduring legacy for current and future generations of Australians. These projects, nominated by state and territory governments, include restoration of Hobart’s Soldiers’ Memorial Avenue; The Borella Ride in the Northern Territory; redevelopment of Victoria’s Shrine of Remembrance and of the Anzac Memorial in Sydney’s Hyde Park. The Anzac Centenary’s flagship community event, launched by the Prime Minister last month, is the Spirit of Anzac Centenary Experience. This free travelling exhibition uses a mix of artefacts, audio and film to tell stories of the First World War and Australia’s ensuing century of service. It will visit 23 locations around Australia starting in September this year. Finally, ex-service organisations across the country are now finalising preparations for this year’s Anzac Day dawn services and marches. These annual commemorations are a driving force in ensuring the Anzac spirit continues, and I encourage every Australian to attend their local service. Lest we forget. Media inquiries: Minister Ronaldson: Mark Lee 02 6277 7820 or 0408 547 381 Department of Veterans’ Affairs Media: 02 6289 6203 Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service (VVCS) and Veterans Line can be reached 24 hours a day across Australia for crisis support and free and confidential counselling. Phone 1800 011 046 (international: +61 8 8241 4546)
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