HOW TO FIND US TERM 2 MONDAY 10.00-12.30pm Beginners Art Class $10/wk 12.30-2.30pm Women’s Empowerment FREE 3.30-4.30pm Kids Ac$vi$es FREE 6.30-8.30pm Book Club (monthly) FREE Armadale Road on the West side of the railway line—le> at Gribble Avenue, right into Numulgi Street and we are located on the Reg Williams Reserve (previously the Ark Road Safety Centre). $2/wk $10/wk 10-12noon Madha3ers Mosaic Group $2/wk 12.30-1.30pm Find My Ancestors Gold Coin 6-6.30pm Drumming FREE 7-8pm Create Your Life $2/wk 7.30-8.30pm Medita$on FREE Minnawarra House acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the Tradional Owners of this country throughout Australia, and their connecon to the land and community. We pay our respect to them and their cultures, and to the Elders both past and present. Roberta Jull Community Care Associa$on Inc. acknowledges financial & other support received from State Government through the Dept. for Child Protec$on and Family Support & Dept. for Local Government & Communi$es, Lo3erywest, Armadale City Council, Beaver Tree Services, Forrest Rd Fresh and Bakers Delight. Special thanks to the CEO, Staff, Board Members & volunteers who run, support & resource Minnawarra House. Josie Rayson, President This service operates with the financial support of the Department of Local Government and Communi$es. MINNAWARRA COMMUNITY HOUSE 24 Numulgi Street, Armadale PO Box 595, Armadale WA 6992 Web: Phone: 9497 1413 Phone/Fax: 9497 1595 Email: PLEASE CALL AND REGISTER FOR ALL PROGRAMS We offer assessment, referrals and counselling for young people 12-18 years and their parents or guardians. It is recognised that the emergence from child to adult can be a trying $me for young people and their parents. THURSDAY Holidays: Bike Restoraon Program 13-17 July * 12noon-4pm 2015 YOUTH & FAMILY COUNSELLING WEDNESDAY 9.30am-12.30pm Crea$ve Clay $10/wk 10-12noon Gentle Paren$ng Playgroup $2/wk 3.30-6.30pm Y-Time FREE APRIL-JUNE Office Hours: Mon-Thu, 9.30am-3.30pm TUESDAY 10-11am Coffee & Muffin Morning 10-12noon Quil$ng AUTUMN This Service can offer counselling to assist children and adolescents and support families through $mes when it feels stressful, confused, abusive, shameful and scary. Cost: $5 - $25 with a Health Care Card Phone Minnawarra House on 9497 1413 and speak to Ruby Angel. CONTACT LUNCH Minnawarra House is hos$ng a networking lunch for not for profit and other community based organisa$ons. A Sandplay demonstra$on will be our ac$vity for the day. Lunch will be provided. DATE/TIME: Friday 10th June, 11am-1pm 2 7 COUNSELLING CONSULTANTS/THERAPISTS Women’s Empowerment - Joy of Life Ruby-Sandra, Social Worker/Therapist, works with adolescents, adults, fam- In the past many Women have a3ended the Empowerment Group and changed their lives. Women carry many responsibili$es for others and this group gives women a chance to focus on the self, to look at ‘What do I want’, and unveil what stops you from doing and geKng what you want. “ ilies & couples - Cogni$ve Behaviour Therapy, Sandtray Therapy, Emo$onal Focus Therapy, Art Therapy, Couple Counselling, Family Therapy. Ken, Transac$onal Analysis Therapist, specialises in working with children/ adolescents/adults with rela$onal, anger and behavioural issues. This Taster is a two hour introductory session as a forerunner to the six week program that will begin in July. Melissa, Social Worker, works with children, adolescents and adults. She Facilitated by Ruby-Sandra Evelyn, Counsellor/Therapist, works with children and adults. She takes a col- TIME: 12.30-2.30pm DATE: Monday, 22nd June COST: FREE CREATE YOUR LIFE You are invited to a3end a new adult support group to crea$vely address life beyond mental health issues. The aim of the Group is to “Create“ a new place to be, an opportunity to recognise your own issues and learn new skills to shi> pa3erns that are no longer serving you well. A Self Care Program to support you. Register before the start date. Group facilitated by Helena TIME: Wednesdays 7-8pm, DATES: 20th May - 24th June COST: $2/wk works from a strengths based perspec$ve, using Solu$ons Focused Therapy, Cogni$ve Behaviour Therapy, Play Therapy and Psychodynamic principles. labora$ve and strength based approach, focusing on Gestalt and Narra$ve Therapy, while employing strategies from other models as suited to the client. Josie, President and Ruby-Sandra, Chief Execu9ve Officer, would like to hear about any group or ac9vity you would like Minnawarra House to run or assist you to run. Phone Minnawarra House on 9497 1413 or call in and say hello. VOLUNTEERS - We are calling on volunteers to come forward and share your skills with Minnawarra House. • • • • Tutors - Would you like to teach a group? Teach computer skills for over 50s. Pack Bread 9am Tuesday & Thursday mornings. Gardening - weeding, plan$ng, sweeping. Fill in an applica9on form at the office. Moorditj Djena - a foot care and diabetes educa$on service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people - is now located at Minnawarra House. To have your feet checked, please call 9495 8300 for an appointment. Disclaimer: The Association does not accept liability for any outside groups using the House, it is the client’s responsibility to investigate a group before joining. 6 3 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ DRUMMING Come along and have fun Drumming. Have fun with the guys and gals from the Y-team. We will have games and outdoor ac9vi9es on Thursday a>ernoons at Minnawarra House and the park next door. Snacks will be provided. A FREE group for kids 10-18 years. Drumming has a healing and calming effect on the body, mind and soul. Drumming can help to reduce tension, anxiety and stress. Group for ALL AGES Thursdays 3.30-6.30pm during Term 2 (2 April to 28 May) /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ TIME: Wednesdays, 6.00pm DATE: Starts 6th May COST: FREE Bike Restoraon Program: 13-17 July * 12noon-4pm MEDITATION ARMADALE GENTLE PARENTING PLAYGROUP We are a local group of like minded parents following varia$ons of A3achment Paren$ng. We gather regularly to enjoy each other's company, share yummy food and relax with our children in a safe, nurturing environment. Held outdoors in the Naturezone area & pergola area. Time: Thursdays 10am - 12noon. Cost: $2 per child. Contact: Cat Fancote 0459 912 283 Meditaon - a way to reduce the stress of daily life & and promote your inner peace in the presence of Meta Loving Kindness. Create posive & peaceful thoughts to bring peace to your World. With Ruby-Sandra on Wednesday evenings. Restarts Wednesday 13th May Social me 7.00 - 7.30pm Meditaon 7.30 - 8.30pm Cost: FREE FIND MY ANCESTORS Genealogy for Beginners Broadband Kiosk for Seniors Minnawarra House is hos$ng a Broadband for Seniors internet kiosk. Come on over and let us help you get started on the web. Learn basic computer skills, word processing, browsing the internet, using Google search engine, set up an e-mail account and internet safety. FOR: Seniors - 50 years and over TIME: Tuesdays 10am - 2pm COST: Free Tutor available by appointment CENTRELINK CLIENTS You can use the Broadband Kiosk at Minnawarra House to update your details. Kiosk open by appointment: Mon/Tue 10.30am-1.30pm. Please ring 9497 1413 ahead to book Come and explore your family tree in a three-week workshop. Basic computer and web skills required. Facilitated by Devorah. Time: Wednesday 12.30-1.30pm, commencing 29th April Cost: Gold coin dona$on The Oral History of Armadale Local resident Graham is collecng the Oral History of the Armadale region. If you live in the area - including Armadale, Kelmsco,, Bedfordale - and have memories and stories to share about events from 1985 and prior, prior please sign up for this acvity. The stories can be about anything: notable individuals living in or vising the area, cultural or sporng events you a,ended, school and work, or just the way of life. Coffee/tea will be provided. Date: Thursday, 7th May, 2015 Time: 10-11am 5 4 FOOD BANK Beginners Art Class We can provide you with food assistance of fresh bread and vegetables for health care card holders struggling financially Come and learn to paint in a happy supporve environment at Minnawarra House. Over six weeks you will learn some basic painng skills and create your own artworks using water based acrylics, water colours and mixed media. The class will follow a set program but the focus will be on developing your own unique style, taking some risks and having some fun. Facilitated by Art Teacher, Julianne Food available Tuesdays 9.45am. BIG THANKS TO: BAKERS DELIGHT, FORREST RD FRESH & ALL OF THE VOLUNTEERS WHO MAKE THIS HAPPEN! Dates: Mondays, 4 May - 8 June Time: 10.00 - 12.30pm Cost: $10/week + $20 materials (Pay $70 in advance - $10 discount) Coffee & Muffin Mornings Come and join us at Minnawarra House and you can enjoy your choice of a cappuccino, latte, flat white or espresso coffee, or tea and Diane’s freshly baked muffins. Restarts: 28th April Time: Tues 10am-11am Muffin & Coffee = $2 Quilting Come and have fun learning Quil$ng with Ar$st Trish. She will teach you how to use even the smallest scrap material in your small quil$ng piece. Bring your own scraps, old clothes, recycled fabrics or favourite materials. 6 weeks course. Dates: Tuesdays, 5th May - 9th June Time: 10am-12noon Cost: $10/wk (or $50 if paid in advance) FUN AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES MADHATTERS MOSAIC GROUP Come a>er school on Mondays and join in ac$vi$es at Minnawarra House Nature Zone, doing fun physical ac$vi$es for children & teenagers. (indoors if weather is bad) FREE GROUP Mon 3.30-4.30pm starts 4th May Minnawarra House Book Review Club Come at 6.30pm and bring food to share along with your thoughts and ideas on the Book of the month with Jennifer Websdale who runs this enjoyable social get together. Held the second Monday of the month. Time: 6.30-8.30pm Next date: 11th May Book: A Cupboard Full of Coats by YvveFe Edwards Come along and join this friendly group who share their knowledge in making beau$ful mosaic pieces, but are also known to share recipes, ideas, laughter, film cri$ques. They have a lot of interes$ng conversa$ons & fun!! Wednesdays, 10-12noon. Cost $2/wk Creative Clay Learn clay techniques & glazing. Create something special for yourself with using clay hand building. Your piece can be fired in the Minnawarra House kiln 6 week workshop. Facilitated by talented local po3er & Ar$st Julie. Dates: Thursdays, 30th April - 4th June Time: 9.30am-12.30pm Cost: $10/wk (or $50 if paid in advance) + materials cost
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