Activity Timetable Spring - Summer 2013 Course Information Baby Massage Welcome To Your Children’s Centre Well we have had our first successful year at ABC Children’s Centre and hopefully we have supported many of you in a number of different ways. Our services are still available to you from pregnancy right through to when your child goes into reception class at primary school. Over the past year we have brought on board and developed a number of new members to our team including two family workers. We are now currently working with a variety of support agencies to offer a range of services to meet you and your child’s needs, all under one roof. Children’s centres are somewhere you and your child can make friends and learn to play together. You can get advice on health and family matters, learn about training and job opportunities or just socialise with other people. Children’s centres fit the needs of the local community so no one children’s centre is the same. A five week course learning a full body routine. Parents will learn the routine, which has numerous health benefits and receive handouts each week so that they can perform the routine at home. The fully interactive sessions give babies a chance to socialise and parents to meet and make friends. Sign & Sing Classes A five week course delivered by Katja from Signing Babies for parents and their children to learn basic signs to help enhance their child’s confidence, self esteem and vocabulary. Babies can start to use signs as young as 5 months old and it can be used with older children to help them develop their speech and language skills. Katja uses fun and stimulating songs, rhymes, props and puppets to make this fully interactive session enjoyable for all. Stay and Play’s Our stay and play’s are opportunities for parents/ carers to come along and meet other people with young children. A variety of activities will be set up for all ages which may include messy play, role play and lot’s more. Why we are here: Bump 2 Babe • At ABC Children’s Centre we ensure that all parents and children are welcome and can use our centre. These are free antenatal classes run by midwives, health visitors, the infant feeding team and children centre staff. Sessions are for two hours per week for five consecutive weeks. They are for women who are 25 weeks plus pregnant. The aim of the classes are to prepare expectant parents for pregnancy, birth and early parenthood. • We are a ‘one stop shop’ for families with under 5’s and if we don’t know the answer we can point you in the right direction. • We believe that everybody’s opinion counts and we value all families. We listen to parents and children and will support you as individuals. • We provide a range of opportunities that aim to support families to be confident, happy and reach their potential. Most importantly we want you to enjoy your family and have fun! Anj Parmar, Deputy Manager Pram to Primary A six week course that aims to help you find different ways of looking at problems. We look at areas of parenting that you are finding challenging and help you to set yourself weekly goals that will reward you with a positive parent and child relationship. Child Health Clinics Childminder Drop-in’s A drop-in clinic and run by the Health Visiting Team. They offer advice and support on your child’s development, feeding, starting to wean etc. They monitor the growth, health and well being needs of children under five. If you are a childminder in the area come along, with the kids, to one of our drop-in’s to meet other childminders. Share good practice or experiences of OFSTED inspections and have a change of scenery. Our Children’s Centre Teacher, Sarah, will sometimes be on hand to support you in developing your practice with the revised EYFS curriculum. Family Learning These courses are run by Luton Adult Community Learning. Sessions are for up to two hours per week for six to twelve weeks dependent on the course. The aim of the courses is to help promote parents/carers awareness of children’s very early learning and development through making the most of everyday activities and interactions. Most of the courses are joint activities with the children. Breastfeeding A weekly drop-in clinic, with a relaxed environment, where mothers can be supported with breastfeeding after having their baby either in hospital or at home. Advice and useful tips are shared and also a chance to meet other mum’s who are currently breast feeding. There is also advice on starting your baby on finger foods and the opportunity to check your baby’s weight. Dietician Drop-in If you have worries about your child’s diet we have a helpful and practical dietician who is available for you to talk over any worries or concerns with. She will suggest a variety of ideas for to try to achieve a balanced diet. Parents Early Education Partnership (PEEP) A 10 week programme giving information, ideas and activities to parents, to support their babies’ and children’s learning and development. The programme focuses on developing babies’ and young children’s self-esteem and positive attitudes to learning, and their language, literacy, numeracy and physical development. We also share songs and rhymes, books and stories, and creative play activities. . Job Centre Plus Drop-in Come for a benefit health check or advice on how you can return to work. Our drop-in’s are for anyone wanting further information on what jobs are available and how best to prepare an application to really get you noticed. Midwife Drop-in A drop-in clinic available twice a week for pre and post natal parents in the local area. Pre-natal parents have a chance to ask a midwife about any worries in relation to their pregnancy and check any signs or symptoms they may be experiencing this is especially useful if your midwife is not on duty. Post-natal mothers can be booked in to receive their 10 day discharge from care check which assesses the wellbeing of the mother and the baby, who is also weighed at this point to ensure growth. The mother is then referred on to the Health Visitor for a home visit. Closure dates Just to advise you all sites will be closed on Monday 6th and 27th May and also on Monday 26th August for the bank holidays. Chapel St and Whipperley will be closed for the summer from Monday 19th August 2013 and will resume on Monday 2nd September 2013. Activities at ABC Children’s Centre Family & Adult Learning ABC at Park Town Course:Transition PEEP (With Children) Start Date:Thursday 25th April 2013 (term-time only) No of Weeks:10 Time: 9.15am – 11.15am Course: umeracy & Literacy N (Crèche Provided) Start Date: Thursdays (term-time only) No of Weeks:Continuing Time: 12.50pm – 2.50pm Bump 2 Babe ABC at St Matthew’s Primary School Call 01582 482 957 or speak to a member of staff ABC at Chapel Street Course: Start Dates: Wednesday 17th April 2013 Wednesday 5th June 2013 Time: 10.00am – 12.00pm No of Weeks:5 EEP P (With Children) Start Date: Friday 26th April 2013 (term-time only) No of Weeks:10 Time: 1.00pm – 3.00pm To book please call 01582 556661 or speak to a member of staff To book please call 01582 413552 option 7 or speak to a member of staff ABC at Park Town Start Dates: Saturday 25th May 2013 Saturday 22nd June 2013 Time: 10.00am – 12.30pm No of Weeks:3 To book please call 01582 556661 or speak to a member of staff Bump to Babe for Young Parents ABC at The Mall Start Dates: Wednesday 17th April 2013 Wednesday 5th June 2013 Time: 2.00pm – 4.00pm No of Weeks:5 Call 01582 556 661 or speak to a member of staff Job Centre Plus Drop-in ABC at Park Town Dates:Monday 8th April 2013 Monday 13th May 2013 Monday 3rd June 2013 Monday 1st July 2013 Time: 9.15am – 11.15am ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) ABC at Chapel Street Start Date: Thursdays No of Weeks:Continuing Time: 12.00pm – 1.45pm To book please call 01582 413552 option 7 or speak to a member of staff Come along to our Baby Friendly Cafe, a place where you can meet other mum’s, have a coffee and most importantly feed your baby in a comfortable and safe environment. Pram to Primary Parenting Course Trained professionals will be on hand to give you information and advice on breastfeeding if required. (Crèche Provided) ABC at The Mall Start Date: Friday 7th June 2013 Time: 10.00am – 12.00pm No of Weeks:6 Call 01582 413 552 Opt 7 or speak to a member of staff Dietician Drop-in ABC at The Mall Dates:Friday 30th April 2013 Friday 25th May 2013 Friday 25th June 2013 Friday 30th July 2013 Time: 12.00 - 2.00pm To book please call 01582 458545 option 4 or speak to a member of staff Baby Massage ABC at The Mall Start Date: Friday 26th April 2013 (Creche Provided) Time: 11.00am – 12.00pm No of Weeks:5 ABC at Whipperley Start Date: Tuesday 4th June 2013 Time: 1.00pm – 2.30pm No of Weeks:5 ABC at Chapel Street Start Date: Wednesday 5th June 2013 Time: 10.30am – 12.00pm No of Weeks:5 To book please call 01582 413 552 Option 7 or speak to a member of staff Activities at ABC Children’s Centre ABC at Chapel Street Wednesday 22nd May 2013 from 1.00pm - 4.00pm Activities at ABC Children’s Centre Luton food bank will provide emergency food supplies for people in crisis throughout the borough. At ABC Children’s Centre we want to ensure that the food bank is never empty and that no-one goes hungry in Luton. You can support us by donating a food item for every stay and play session you attend. Some of the best types of food for the Food bank include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Rice pudding (tinned) Instant mash potato Rice Pasta Tinned meat / fish Tinned fruit Jam Biscuits or snack bars Milk (UHT / powdered) Sugar (500g) Fruit juice (carton) Soup Pasta sauces Sponge pudding (tinned) Tinned vegetables (tomatoes, peas, carrots, sweet corn chickpeas etc.) Cereals Tea bags / instant coffee Be the change You can make a difference by getting involved through volunteering, donating and raising awareness. The aim is to store long-life items so please check that the expiry date for all of your donated food is for more than two months. Don’t Forget ABC Children’s Centre are collecting donations at all stay and play sessions instead of financial contributions from now on. Luton Foodbank Limited Email: Call: 07796 603760 Family Book and Toy Library at ABC Children’s Centre at Chapel St A Free service to all our users, open Tuesday from 9-4pm and Wednesday 9 – 12.30pm Our toy library is stocked with activities and games for you and your child to choose from. Come and borrow books which provide you with information, we have story sacks containing puppets, props, cds and books Parent Forum A Parent Forum is an active group set up in partnership with local mums, dads, carers and the Children’s Centre. Come along to: • Have your say • Contribute towards decision making • Be involved in the life of your local children’s centre ABC at Park Town Tuesday 23rd April 2013 1.45pm – 2.45pm ABC at The Mall Wednesday 24th April 2013 1.00pm - 2.00pm ABC at Whipperley Thursday 25th April 2013 9.30am – 10.30am ABC at Chapel Street Friday 26th April 2013 10.00am - 11.00am Call 01582 413 552 Opt 7 or speak to a member of staff The Mall 01582 458 545 Park Town 01582 482 957 Whipperley 01582 451 339 Chapel Street 01582 413 552 3G-4G The Gallery Luton LU1 2TW Bailey Street Luton LU1 3DU Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Russell Street Luton LU1 5EA Summer Holiday Family Fun Wednesdays Family Fun Day 31st July 2013 At ABC Children’s Centre at Park Town from 10.00am-2.30pm Lots of fun activities for the whole family to come and enjoy Picnic In The Park 7th August 2013 Come along to your local ABC Children’s Centre from 9.30am-11.00am to make a healthy picnic pack lunch, then we will all take a walk to our local parks. Cost is £1.00 per family to make a healthy picnic lunch Booking required at your local centre Family Fun Day with the Petting Zoo 14th August 2013 at ABC Children’s Centre at Chapel St from 10.30am onwards Nort hdr r ay W ift w Rd Russell Street Luton LU1 5EA m Rd urnha Ashb 3G-4G The Gallery Town Centre Luton LU1 2TW Rd Chapel Street 01582 413 552 e os Cl ss o R Whipperley rley Ring pe gb e ok Via du ct Whipperley Ring Luton LU1 5QY Whipperley 01582 451 339 ll Hi ley r Fa Chapel Street et tre ll S sse Ru Ch ap el lford Gui St The Mall St M ar y’s Rd Park Town Bailey Street Luton LU1 3DU Park Town 01582 482957 d dR lan s ng Ki the mall 01582 458545 Wh ip r St Where to find us Bo pel llin Cha fo St l Te n stle Rd Ca Du rk C Pa le b sta t ct hS du rc hu Vi a Dallo rk Pa St Regular Weekly Activities at ABC Children’s Centre Monday Wednesday Stay & Play Activity Tot’s (0 – 5 years) Stay and Play (0 – 5 years) Venue: Time: ABC at Chapel Street 9.30am – 11.00am Sing and Sign Drop In (term-time only) Venue: Time: Price: ABC at Park Town 10.00am – 11.00am £2.50 for 1st child and £1 for 2nd child per session Venue:ABC at St. Margaret of Scotland Catholic Primary School Time: 8.30am – 10.00am Stay and Play (0 – 5 years) Venue: Time: ABC at St. Matthew’s Primary School 8.45am - 10.30am Childminder Drop-in Stay and Play (0 – 5 years) Venue: Time: Stay and Play (0 – 5 years) Childminder Drop-in (term-time only) Venue: ABC at Park Town Time:9.30am – 11.00am Venue: Time: Venue: Time: ABC at The Mall 10.00am – 2.30pm ABC at Whipperley 1.30pm – 3.00pm Mini Explorers (0 – 2 years) Venue:ABC at St Pauls Church New Town Street LU1 3EB Time: 1.30pm – 3.00pm ABC at Chapel Street 9.30am – 11.00am Stay and Play (0 – 5 years) Venue: Time: ABC at the Mall 10.00am – 2.30pm Drop-in Health Clinic (with Health Visitors) Midwife Drop In Clinic Venue: Time: Owl Babies (0 – Toddlers) Thursday Venue: Time: ABC at Park Town 1.00pm – 4.00pm ABC at Chapel St 1.30pm – 3.00pm Venue:St Matthew’s Primary School Time: 2.00pm – 3.15pm Stay and Play (0 – 5 years) Tuesday Midwife Drop-in Stay and Play (0 – 5 years) Venue:ABC St Matthew’s Primary School Time: 8.45am – 10.30am Tiny Tot Baby Group (0 – toddlers) Venue: Time: ABC at Chapel Street 9.30am – 11.00am Stay and Play (0 – 5 years) Venue: Time: ABC at the Mall 10.00am – 2.30pm Baby Feeding Drop-in Clinic Venue: Time: ABC at Park Town 1.00pm – 4.00pm Stay and Play (0 – 5 years) Venue: Time: ABC at Park Town 1.30pm – 3.00pm Venue: Time: Venue: Time ABC at Whipperley 9.00am – 10.30am ABC at Park Town 9.00am – 10.00am One Stop Job Shop Venue: Time: ABC St Matthew’s Primary School 9.00am – 12.15pm Music Time with Charlie (0 – 5 years) Venue: Time: ABC at Chapel Street 9.30am – 10.15am Stay and Play (0 – 5 years) Venue: Time: ABC at the Mall 10.00am – 2.30pm Drop-in Health Clinic (with Health Visitors) Venue: Time: ABC at Whipperley 1.30pm – 3.00pm Stay and Play (0 – 5 years) Venue: Time: ABC at St Matthew’s Primary School 2.00pm – 3.15pm Friday Drop-in Health Clinic (with Health Visitors) Stay and Play (0 – toddlers) Messy Time Stay and Play (0 – 5 years) Stay and Play (0 – 5 years) Venue: Time: Venue: Time: ABC at Park Town 9.15am – 11.00am ABC at Chapel Street 9.30am – 11.00am Stay and Play (0 – 5 years) Venue: Time: ABC at the Mall 10.00am – 2.30pm Venue: Time: Venue: Time: ABC at Whipperley 1.30pm – 3.00pm ABC at Park Town 1.30pm – 3.00pm
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