Registration Brochure - Minnesota Turkey Growers Association

Minnesota Turkey Growers Association
2015 Summer Conference
Chase on the Lake Resort | Walker, Minnesota | June 17-19, 2015
(times subject to change as needed)
Wednesday, June 17
MTGA-MTRPC Board Meeting
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
MTGA Board Spouses Lunch
11:30 am - 1:30 pm
Registration Open
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Education Session
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
- Antibiotics: Overview of the new federal regulations
Turkey Taste-Off
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Dessert & Entertainment
8:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Thursday, June 18
Education Session
8:00 am - 11:00 am
- Highly-Pathogenic Avian Influenza
Part 1 - Overview/Background
Part 2 - Biosecurity
Spouses Coffee Get-Together 9:30 am - 10:30 am
Putting for Poults Golf Tourney 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
- Turkey Media Foundraiser
Trap Shoot 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
- Turkey Media Foundraiser
Walker Lunch, Shopping &
Pontoon Tour
Reception & Banquet
Pub Crawl for TURPAC
Friday, June 19
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
9:30 pm - 1:00 am
Get-Away Legislative Breakfast 8:00 am - 9:30 am
A message from President Gene Brownfield ...
On behalf of the MTGA Board of Directors,
I strongly encourage you to participate in
our Summer Conference this year.
The recent HPAI outbreak has been incredibly challenging for the MN turkey industry
and has left us in uncharted territory. You
are facing many challenges every day
and we are focusing on making the MTGA
Summer Conference a highly informative
meeting for you.
One of our Education Committee’s major priorities is to bring valuable information and speakers on HPAI so
that you have the opportunity to hear the most current details and
learn about biosecurity measures that will protect your flocks and the
sustainability of your farm. You won’t want to miss this exchange of
information and dialogue.
The Summer Conference is open to all MTGA members, former/retired
MTGA members (our “Golden Gobblers”), all turkey farmers who pay
checkoff, as well as those who are interested in joining MTGA - along
with family members. We also welcome Iowa Turkey Federation members - please join us!
The Summer Conference is a fantastic opportunity to network and
connect with other members. In fact, the chance to meet and talk
with old and new friends is the #1 reason our members enjoy attending
the Summer Conference. Plus, families are welcome and encouraged
to attend, so bring your spouse/significant other and your kids and
make it a mini-getaway to Leech Lake!
Details are featured inside. Please contact the MTGA office with any
questions you may have. We hope to see you there!
2015 Summer Conference - Event Details
Hotel Reservations
Reserve your room at Chase
on the Lake Resort now – the
deadline to reserve your
room is May 26, 2015. Special rates start at $129/night
(1 or 2 beds). Condos are
also available at higher rates.
- Call 1-888-242-7306 and mention the MN Turkey Growers
Room block/rate available for nights of June 16 (limited
number of rooms), June 17 and June 18.
Rooms may or may not be available after May 26; if available, may be offered at a higher rate.
MTGA encourages you to pre-register for this event
ONLINE (find the link on our members’ only page on the website) or by using the pre-registration form provided in this brochure. Deadline to preregister
is June 5, 2015. LIMITED onsite registration will be available.
Registration fees and cancellation policy are listed on
the form. All registration fees include the evening dinner
on June 17, evening dinner on June 18 and breakfasts
on June 18 and 29. NOTE: Onsite registration fee will be
About “Golden Gobblers” (retired farmers): Registration
fee to attend is $100.00 per person, whether you come for
one night or two. (Fee does not include hotel reservations.)
MTGA Board Spouses Lunch - June 17
Spouses Coffee Get-Together - June 18
Spouses who aren’t attending the education session on June
18 are invited to an informal get-together at 9:30 am for coffee
and treats on Chase on the Lake’s patio, overlooking Leech Lake
(weather permitting; alternate location indoors). Please join us!
(There is no cost to participate.)
Trap Shoot - Turkey Media Day Fundraiser
(Optional) - June 18 | $75/person
Our 3rd annual Trap Shop (approximately 12-3 pm) will be held at
Northstar Sportsman’s Club. Fee includes up to 3 rounds of trap;
bring your own gun(s)/shells - or the club has shotguns for your use
(free of charge) and also sells shells. Transportation will be on your
own (address/map will be provided). Box lunch also provided.
Putting for Poults - Turkey Media Golf
Fundraiser Tournament (Optional)- June 18
Tianna Country Club, Walker
To view course, visit
*Shotgun start at Noon*
All turkey growers, allied members, family members, friends and
colleagues of MTGA are invited to participate. Sign yourself up and for our Allied members, consider bringing your grower customers and setting up your own foursome. All proceeds benefit MTGA’s
turkey media projects.
FORMAT: 4-person scramble
$175/golfer (with reduced rates for signing up 2, 3 or 4 golfers)
INCLUDES: 18 holes with cart, 3 mulligans, box lunch and prizes
Spouses of MTGA Board Directors are invited to lunch together in Walker (restaurant location TBA) during the MTGA
Board Meeting - June 17 from 11:30 am - 1:30 pm. Cost
and transportation to restaurant is on your own. Meet in the
Chase on the Lake Lobby at 11:15 am to carpool.
Lunch, Shopping & Pontoon Tour - Walker
(Optional) - June 18
$30/adult ($15 for kids 15 and under)
Education Opportunities - June 17, 18 & 19
We’ll start at Noon with lunch at the Piggy BBQ
in downtown Walker - featured in the NY Times
and recipient of several honors. (We hope you
love BBQ ribs!) After lunch, you’ll have free time
to wander the shops in downtown Walker. We’ll end the afternoon
with a pontoon ride on Leech Lake (departing from Chase on the
Lake). Additional registration fee
includes lunch and pontoon ride.
MTGA’s Education Committee has put together an extensive education program on two key topics:
June 17 (3:30 - 5:00 pm)
Antibiotics - Overview of the New Federal Regulations
Moderator: Dr. Sally Noll, University of Minnesota
Keynote Speaker (invited): Dr. Bernadette Dunham,
D.V.M., Ph.D., Director, Center for Veterinary Medicine,
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Panel Discussion to include a veterinarian, NTF representative, Kent Meschke, Meschke Poultry (confirmed), and Carl
Heeder, Zoetis (confirmed)
June 18 (8:00 - 11:00 am)
Highly-Pathogenic Avian Influenza
Part 1 - Overview/Background
Moderator: Dr. Dave Halvorson, University of Minnesota
Invited panelists include Dr. Carol Cardona, Dr. Dale
Lauer, Dr. Rob Porter, and a grower
Part 2 - Biosecurity
Moderator: Paul Kvistad, Kvistad Poultry
Panelists will include a swine industry representative
(lessons from PERS and PEDv), industry veterinarian, Ross
Thoreson (confirmed), Best Veterinary Solutions, and Dr.
Sally Noll (confirmed), University of Minnesota
June 19 (8:00 am - 9:30 am)
Legislative Get-Away Breakfast (8-9:30 am), featuring
updates from the National Turkey Federation and MTGA
lobbyist Bruce Kleven.
Pontoon ride limited to first 21 people who sign up
Receptions, Banquets
and Entertainment
All attendees and their families
are invited to enjoy the evening
receptions, banquets and familyfriendly entertainment. Wednesday features our 2nd annual
Turkey Taste-Off, dessert bar,
and entertainment from Songblast, a couple of guys who promise
laughter, energy, participation, music, and more laughter!
Pub Crawl for TURPAC - June 18
Please join us for our annual TURPAC* Pub Crawl on Thursday,
June 18. We’ll visit two bars in downtown Walker - both within easy
walking distance of the resort. Then we’ll come back to Chase on
the Lake to cap off the evening with a beverage on the patio and
some karoake! Minimum TURPAC fee: $10/adult (but if you are so
inclined to give more, we won’t turn you down!) Cost of beverages
on your own.
*NTF’s political action committee has played a key role across the last decade in electing
representatives and senators who understand the challenges agriculture faces.
2015 Summer Conference Registration Form
Register online at (go to Summer Conference page)
Payment is required to register. Fill out form
and mail or fax it, along with payment, to: MTGA,
108 Marty Drive, Buffalo, MN 55313. FAX: 763-6825546. Make checks payable to: MTGA. VISA and
MasterCard accepted via online, mail and fax.
American Express ONLY accepted via mail and
Spouse (if attending)
Book your hotel room at Chase on the Lake
by calling 1-888-242-7306 and mention the
MN Turkey Growers’ block of rooms. Deadline is
May 26, 2015.
Children (if attending) & ages
No refunds or exchanges after June 5 or for
no–shows. After June 5, registration available
onsite ONLY (and at a higher fee).
Onsite registration will be available on
a limited basis - and at a HIGHER fee. No
reduction in fees if you are coming for one day
All registration fees include 2 evening meals & 2 breakfasts
available onsite at the MTGA registration desk at
MTGA Current Member &
Iowa Turkey Federation Member Rate
1Adult ($150.00)
Non-Current Member
Not a current MTGA member? Contact Teresa Sorenson at 763/682-2171
or to become a member & immediately
qualify for the lower registration rate!
1Adult ($300.00)
Golden Gobblers
For RETIRED FARMERS and their spouses only. Fee is for entire event and
includes 3 meals (see page 2 for details)
1Adult ($100.00), quantity: ________
1 Spouse/Guest ($100.00)
Youth ages 5-17, quantity: _______ ($50/child)
Youth ages 0-4, quantity: _______ (FREE)
TOTAL FEES: $_________
1) Trap Shoot Turkey Media Day Fundraiser (Thursday)
1Adult ($75.00), how many: ___________
Includes admittance to shooting club, box lunch, 3 rounds of trap and prizes
2) Walker Lunch, Shopping & Pontoon Ride (Thursday)
Includes transportation, lunch and distillery tour
1Adult ($30.00), quantity: __________
Youth ages 6-17 ($15.00), quantity: __________
Youth ages 0-5 (FREE), quantity: __________
3) Pub Crawl for TURPAC* ($10/adult), quantity: _________
*TURPAC donation must be made via personal
credit card or check - no corporate or business
checks or credit cards, please.
TOTAL FEES: $_________
To help us plan for # of people, please indicate if you think you will attend
any or all of the events below. (Not required; you can decide onsite to attend these events.) NO ADDITIONAL FEES REQUIRED.
6/17: Antibiotics Education Session
6/18: Highly-Pathogenic Avian Influenza Education Session
6/19: Legislative Get-Away Breakfast
All proceeds help fund turkey media projects.
Putting for Poults - Turkey Media Fundraiser Golf Tournament
Includes 18 holes, cart, box lunch, 3 mulligans and prizes
1 Golfer ($175.00) NAME: _______________________________
2 Golfers ($275.00) NAME: _______________________________
3 Golfers ($375.00) NAME: _______________________________
4 Golfers ($475.00) NAME: _______________________________
I am paying only for myself
I am paying for all golfers listed above
Please put golfers above in same foursome if possible*
Extra mulligans ($10/each), indicate quantity: ____________
(Max: 5/person)
* Foursomes can’t be guaranteed but MTGA will do
its best to honor requests.
TOTAL FEES: $_________
(include all fees for registration, optional activities, and golf)
Check enclosed (payable to MTGA)
Credit Card: VISA, MasterCard or American Express
NAME ON CARD: ____________________________________________________________
FULL ADDRESS & ZIP CODE: ___________________________________________________
CARD NUMBER: _____________________________________________________________
CVV NUMBER (3- or 4-digit code): ________________ EXPIR. DATE: _______________
SIGNATURE: _________________________________________________________________
DEADLINE: June 5, 2015
FAX TO: MTGA, 108 Marty Drive, Buffalo, MN 55313
QUESTIONS: Teresa Lynch, 763/682-2171 or
*TURPAC donation must be made via personal credit card or check - no
corporate/business checks or credit cards, please.
Minnesota Turkey Growers Association
108 Marty Drive, Suite 1
Buffalo, MN 55313-0938
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 225
Osseo, MN
Return Service Requested
y 26 June 5
Hote ration D
Chase on the Lake Resort Address
502 Cleveland Boulevard
Walker, Minnesota 56484
Phone / Website
Chase on the Lake is nestled on the shores
of Leech Lake, in the heart of downtown
Walker, MN. Historic and unique, it offers
elegance and charm, mixed in with the
warmth of a 1st class resort venue.
Beautiful classic and lake view hotel rooms,
along with state of the art and gorgeous 2
bedroom and 3 bedroom condos, ensure a
memorable stay at Chase on the Lake.
Special amenities may be enjoyed such
as dining in our 502 restaurant, with patio
seating; Copper Door Aveda Spa; Chaser’s
Bowling Alley and indoor heated pool and
hot tub.
All year round outdoor activities are available with fishing, swimming on our private
beach and boating.
Summertime beach activities include:
– Water Skiing / Tubing
– Canoeing / Kayaking
– Jet Skiing
– Boat/Watercraft Rental