Building a Stronger Turkey Industry

What Does TURPAC Do for Your Business?
TURPAC helps create a political environment
favorable to business growth.
TURPAC Supports a Pro-Industry Congress
Government regulations that affect your
business’s profitability originate in Congress, so
electing a Congress committed to minimal
government regulation is key to the entire
industry’s future profitability.
campaigns are expensive, and candidates who
share our philosophy cannot win without
contributions from friends like us. TURPAC
gives the turkey industry a way to provide that
Building a Stronger
Turkey Industry
TURPAC Counters the Forces Committed to
Groups committed to increasing government
regulation are giving increasingly large sums of
money in every election. They want to elect
activist lawmakers and defeat the turkey
industry’s friends on Capitol Hill. TURPAC
helps the turkey industry make sure these
regulatory advocates do not control the political
The National Turkey Federation
1225 New York Avenue NW
Suite 400
Washington, D.C. 20005
(202) 898-0100, x7228
TURPAC Produces Proven Electoral Results
During the last decade, 90% of the candidates
backed by TURPAC won their races, an
outstanding record of success for the industry.
What is TURPAC?
TURPAC is a bipartisan political action
committee that supports U.S. House and Senate
candidates who support the turkey industry.
TURPAC contributes money to both U.S. House
and Senate candidates based on several factors.
TURPAC members represent all segments of the
industry, including processors, growers, breeders,
hatchery owners, & allied companies.
 Money is contributed to TURPAC by
individuals who want to ensure that the
industry is allowed to operate with minimal
government intervention. TURPAC then
contributes those funds to U.S. House and
Senate candidates who share the industry’s
 For incumbents, committee membership is a
key factor. Legislation affecting the turkey
industry is formed in several key committees,
such as the Agriculture and Appropriations
Committees. Members of these committees
are strong candidates for TURPAC support.
 NTF members and others interested in the
turkey industry’s success contribute to
TURPAC. Those who contribute help ensure
that the turkey industry plays a meaningful
role in our electoral and legislative processes.
Contributors recognize their participation is a
contributions have increased for 15
consecutive years. Your support this year
will allow TURPAC to build on that record
of success and to have a bigger impact than
ever before in our nation’s capital.
 TURPAC is a grassroots organization that
increases the turkey industry’s voice in the
electoral process. TURPAC allows people
working in the industry to band together and
make a larger contribution than they would
make individually. That in turn makes
candidates more aware of the issues
important to their constituents in the turkey
Individual TURPAC members
often are asked to present the TURPAC
checks to their representatives or senators,
increasing the impact of this grassroots effort.
 For all candidates, turkey production in their
states and districts is also a key factor.
Candidates from turkey producing regions
are eligible for TURPAC support.
 Leadership or support of NTF legislative
initiatives is important. Legislators who
support efforts to strengthen the turkey
industry are candidates for TURPAC support,
regardless of committee assignments or
turkey industry presence in their states or
 TURPAC plays an important part in the
legislative efforts of its connected
organization, the National Turkey Federation
 Grassroots participation plays a major role in
TURPAC. As such, the advice of TURPAC
consideration of support for candidates.
Members are always encouraged to voice
their opinions about their elected officials and
to recommend TURPAC contributions.
How Does TURPAC Decide Who Receives
Who Contributes to TURPAC?
To learn more about TURPAC, please
contact your State Chairman or the
following NTF staff members:
Damon Wells
(202) 898-0100
VP of Gov’t Affairs
ext. 7232
Leslee Oden
TURPAC Manager
(202) 898-0100
ext. 7228