“APRIL IS MINORITY HEALTH MONTH” MINORITY HEALTH MONTH BACKGROUND: Minority Health Month (MHM) was created in Ohio in April 1989. The first celebration featured 81 community initiated events. We were elated, since our goal was for one event to be conducted each day throughout Ohio. Minority Health Month was designed to be a 30-day inclusive, high visibility, wellness campaign. In 2000, MHM became a national celebration. The five goals established for the month, from inception, remain valid today. Those goals are to: provide crucial information to allow individuals to practice disease prevention; • promote healthy lifestyles; • showcase the providers of grassroots healthcare resources and information; • highlight the disparate health conditions between Ohio’s minority and non minority populations; and • to gain additional support for on-going efforts to improve • minority health year round. Today, the month has grown to over 100 events planned and executed by community based agencies and organizations. The creativity of these initiatives has been extraordinary. 2015 MHM CALENDAR OF EVENTS: APRIL 2 - APRIL 29 Thursday, April 2, 2015 2015 Toledo Minority Health Month Kick-Off Celebration 2:00pm-5:00pm This event will feature a presentation on how place matters for health disparities, and that healthy behaviors related to nutrition, exercise and smoking cessation are important for counteracting social determinants of health. Free and open to the public. THAT NEIGHBORHOOD FREE HEALTH CLINIC 306 BUSH STREET CORNER OF BUSH AND SUMMIT ST. - SUMMIT YMCA BUILDING Sponsored By: Lucas County Regional Health District (419) 213-4095 Local Office of Minority Health Saturday, April 11, 2015 Asian Health Day- Health Screening at Asian Senior Center ASIAN SENIOR CENTER @ HIGHLAND PARK 1865 FINCH ST. - TOLEDO 7:30am-12:30pm This event will include health screenings for blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose (10 hour fasting is required by participants). Additionally a heel scan for osteoporosis, BMI, and oral cancer/dental screening will be conducted. Sponsored By: Asian Resource Center (419) 936-2866 ASIAN SENIOR CENTER @ HIGHLAND PARK SHELTER HOUSE 1865 FINCH ST. - TOLEDO Sponsored By: Asian Resource Center (419) 936-2866 Sunday, April 12, 2015 Good Food for Good Health, Buena Comida Para Una Buena Salud 2:00pm -4:00pm This event will include an interactive cooking demonstration with food samples and a free set of recipe cards to help decrease your risk of diabetes. All materials available in English and Spanish. Spanish interpreters provided. ST. CASPER CATHOLIC CHURCH 1205 N. SHOOP AVE. - WAUSEON Sponsored By: Fulton County Health Department (419) 337-0915 Monday, April 13, 2015 Asian Health Day- Skin Cancer 12:45pm-1:45pm This event will provide a presentation on skin cancer it’s causes, risk factors, and prevention. Wednesday, April 15, 2015 Minority Health Summit 2:00 pm-6:00pm A Minority Health Summit networking event which will include brief presentations by local agency representatives. This event will feature educational information provided to pregnant women, moms and other caregivers, along with information networking breaks to allow participants to mingle, share ideas and form new relationships. Event will include health fair screening and education. ROBINSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1075 HORACE ST. - TOLEDO Sponsored By: Lucas County Regional Health District (419) 213-4095-Local Office of Minority Health and Hospital Council of Northwest Ohio (419) 842-0800 Sunday, April 19, 2015 Good Food for Good Health, Buena Comida Para Una Buena Salud 3:00pm- 5:00pm This event will feature an interactive cooking demonstration with food samples and a free set of recipe cards to help decrease the risk of diabetes. All materials available in English and Spanish. Spanish interpreters provided. TEMPLO CRISTIANO ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH 23569 CO. RD. G, - ARCHBOLD Sponsored By: Fulton County Health Department (419) 337-0915 Tuesday, April 21, 2015 Western Lucas County Health Department Screening Events 11:00am-2:00pm This event will feature a presentation on how place matters for health disparities, and that healthy behaviors related to nutrition, exercise and smoking cessation are important for counteracting social determinants of health. Free and open to the public. WESTERN LUCAS COUNTY CLINIC 330 OAK TERRACE BLVD.- HOLLAND Sponsored By: Lucas County Regional Health DistrictLocal Office on Minority Health (419) 213-4095 Tuesday, April 21, 2015 Health on a Budget: Get the Most Bang for Your Buck 12:00pm-1:30pm This event is located close to downtown Toledo. Participants will be provided education on shopping for healthy options on a budget. Then they will receive a $10 gift card to purchase healthy food options. SEAWAY GROCERY STORE 1707 CHERRY ST. - TOLEDO Sponsored By: Hospital Council of Northwest Ohio (419) 243-1000 Wednesday, April 29, 2015 Friendly Center Health Screening Event 11:00am-2:00pm This event will feature healthy behaviors related to nutrition, screenings, exercise and smoking cessation. Free and open to the public. THE FRIENDLY CENTER 1324 N SUPERIOR ST. -TOLEDO Sponsored By: Lucas County Regional Health DistrictLocal Office on Minority Health (419) 213-4095 Local Offices of Minority Health Akron Summit County Office of Minority Health Summit County Health District 1867 West Market St. Akron, Ohio 44313 Dayton Dayton Council on Health Equity Public Health-Dayton & Montgomery County 117 South Main Street Dayton, Ohio 45422 Monique Harris, Director 330-926-5764 Cheryl C. Scroggins Community Coordinator for Health Equity 937-225-4962 Cleveland Cleveland Office of Minority Health Cleveland Department of Public Health 75 Erieview Plaza Cleveland, Ohio 44114 Shayla Davis, Director 216-664-3052 Columbus Columbus Office of Minority Health Columbus Public Health 240 Parsons Ave Columbus, Ohio 43215 Ryan E. Johnson, MPH Program Director 614-645-7335 Toledo Toledo Lucas County Commission on Minority Health Toledo-Lucas County Health Department 635 North Erie Street Toledo, Ohio 43604 Celeste Smith, Director 419-213-4095 smithc@co.lucas.oh.us Youngstown Youngstown Office of Minority Health Youngstown City Health District 345 Oak Hill Avenue, Suite 200 Youngstown, Ohio 44502 Leigh Greene Colvin, Director 330-743-3333 ext. 238 The Ohio Commission on Minority Health 77 S. High Street, 18th Floor Columbus, Ohio 43215 Telephone: (614) 466-4000 Fax: (614) 752-9049 Website: www.mih.ohio.gov Email: minhealth@mih.ohio.gov 2015 Minority Health Month National Theme: “30 Years Of Advancing Health Equity:The Heckler Report: A Force For Ending Health Disparities In America” In 1985, the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a landmark report, the Secretary’s Task Force Report on Black and Minority Health (Heckler Report). It documented the existence of health disparities among racial and ethnic minorities in the United States and called such disparities “an affront both to our ideals and to the ongoing genius of American medicine.” The Office of Minority Health was created in 1986 as one of the most significant outcomes of the Heckler Report and was reauthorized by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010. The mission of the Office of Minority Health is to improve the health of racial and ethnic minority populations through the development of health policies and programs that will eliminate health disparities. A Statewide Call to Action: The Ohio Commission on Minority Health encourages the use of the following state and national resources: The National Partnership for Action to End Health Disparities National Stakeholder Strategy for Achieving Health Equity Provides a common set of goals and objectives for public and private sector initiatives and partnerships to help racial and ethnic minorities -- and other underserved groups -- reach their full health potential. The strategy -- a product of the National Partnership for Action (NPA) -incorporates ideas, suggestions and comments from thousands of individuals and organizations across the country. Local groups can use the National Stakeholder Strategy to identify which goals are most important for their communities and adopt the most effective strategies and action steps to help reach them. http://minorityhealth.hhs.gov/npa/templates/content. aspx?lvl=1&lvlid=33&ID=286 The National Partnership for Action to End Health Disparities Toolkit for community Action To support community efforts in the goal of ending health disparities and promoting health equity, the Office of Minority Health has released the new NPA Toolkit for Community Action. Through this toolkit, community members will have the information and resources they need to help engage fellow citizens and local media as they spread the word about health disparities and educate others about the impact disparities have in the lives of individuals and the greater impact on society. http://minorityhealth.hhs.gov/npa/templates/browse. aspx?lvl=1&lvlid=39 Ohio Statewide Health Disparities Collaborative The OSHDC is a collaboration of individuals and organizations working together to achieve health equity and eliminate health disparities in Ohio. OSHDC is comprised of individuals from non-profit agencies, healthcare organizations, government agencies, academia, and private sector organizations that provide statewide leadership to racial and ethnic minorities within the state of Ohio. http://www.ohiohealthdisparitiescollaborative.org/ A Statewide Call to Action: United States Department of Health and Human Services Action Plan to Reduce Racial and Ethnic Disparities Outlines goals and actions HHS will take to reduce health disparities among racial and ethnic minorities. With the HHS Disparities Action Plan, the Department commits to continuously assessing the impact of all policies and programs on racial and ethnic health disparities. It will promote integrated approaches, evidence-based programs and best practices to reduce these disparities. The HHS Action Plan builds on the strong foundation of the Affordable Care Act and is aligned with programs and initiatives such as Healthy People 2020, the First Lady’s Let’s Move initiative and the President’s National HIV/AIDS Strategy. http://www.minorityhealth.hhs.gov/npa/templates/content. aspx?lvl=1&lvlid=33&ID=285 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Promoting Health Equity: A Resource to Help Communities Address Social Determinants of Health This workbook was created to encourage and support the development of new and the expansion of existing, initiatives and partnerships to address the social determinants of health inequities. Content is drawn from Social Determinants of Disparities in Health: Learning from Doing, a forum sponsored by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in October 2003. Forum participants included representatives from community organizations, academic settings, and public health practice who have experience developing, implementing, and evaluating interventions to address conditions contributing to health inequities. http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dch/programs/ healthycommunitiesprogram/tools/pdf/SDOH-workbook.pdf Toledo-Lucas County Health Department Office on Minority Health 635 North Erie Street Toledo, Ohio 43604 419-213-4095 smithc@co.lucas.oh.us www.minorityhealthtoledo.org
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