Learn more about YoungStroke and the 2015 conference at www.YoungStroke.org Partnership Sponsor 1 Endorsed by YoungStroke 2015 aims to raise awareness, increase knowledge and share good practice about stroke in young adults to improve patient outcomes. This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and Policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education through the joint providership of the Florida AHEC Network and YoungStroke. The Florida AHEC Network is accredited by the Florida Medical Association to provide continuing medical education for physicians. This first-time, international event features world-class expertise to enhance clinical understanding. Additionally, it provides a conduit for discussion between healthcare providers and young stroke survivors and their caregivers in both structured and informal settings. The Florida AHEC Network designates this live activity for a maximum of 10.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. YoungStroke 2015 serves as a catalyst for change in policy, communities and the healthcare system. At the conclusion of this educational activity, participants should be able to: Distinguish needs of a young The following presenters wish to disclose: Dr. Byron Ford will discuss Neuregulin-1 treatment for stroke, which is currently in clinical trials for heart failure. Dr. Edward Jauch will discuss tPA use beyond current FDA approval and has support from Genentech. Dr. Preeti Raghavan is the founder of Mirrored Motion Works LLC. Dr. Nina Solenski is a consultant for Specialists On Call. stroke survivor from a geriatric stroke survivor Describe emerging global rehabilitative therapies which benefit stroke patients under 65 Describe international best practices in young stroke care Physicians, Physician Assistants, Neurologists, Cardiologists, Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Public Health Administrators, Nurses, stroke survivors, caregivers and other allied health providers serving the young stroke community. The conference planners and other presenters do not have any relevant financial disclosures. 2 Visit http://youngstroke.org/ aboutus/youngstroke-2015/ to learn more and register. The YoungStroke 2015 conference will take place June 27-29 at the Omni Jacksonville Hotel in Jacksonville, Florida. Depending on registration type, the fee includes: tuition, Indigo Gala on June 27th, Continental Breakfast & Tapas Dinner Reception on June 28th, Continental Breakfast on June 29th, and CE/CME credit. Physicians Premium Education Package Omni Jacksonville Hotel 245 Water Street Jacksonville, FL Guest rooms have been reserved for conference attendees at a special group rate of $125 per night, plus tax. $450 Make your reservation by calling 800-843-6664 and ask for the YoungStroke group rate or book online here. Includes three-day conference access, CME credit, Indigo Gala Physicians Education Package $360 The Omni Jacksonville Hotel, situated in the heart of downtown, connects you with Jacksonville’s most popular cultural and business districts. Includes Sunday & Monday conference access, CME credit Healthcare Professional Premium Package $375 Steps from the St. John’s Riverwalk, this premier hotel pairs southern hospitality with contemporary luxury. Modern, elegant guest room accommodations provide travelers with the comforts of home. Relax poolside with dramatic views of the river and skyline or at the newly renovated J Bar and Juliette’s. Includes three-day conference access, CE Credit, Indigo Gala Healthcare Professional Package $305 Includes Sunday & Monday conference access, CE Credit With convenient access to Everbank Field, Times Union Center, Jacksonville Landing, and other popular attractions, Omni Jacksonville puts you in the midst of the excitement of the River City. Suwannee River Area Health Education Center, Inc. is a Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling, Nursing, and Pharmacy approved provider of continuing education. CE Broker Provider ID #50-1922. Valet parking ($20) includes unlimited in/out privileges. This program meets the requirements for up to 12.0 contact hours. City self-parking ($12) does not include in/out privileges. 3 CME/CE credit given for sessions with ** CE credit given for session with * Noon - 5:00 12:50 1:00 1:45 2:25 3:25 4:15 6:00 6:30 8:10 9:00 Registration & Exhibit Hall Opens Assistive Technology Exhibit Opens Florida Assistive Technology Program "Faces of Stroke" Welcome Ambassadors, Brooks Rehabilitation Hospital, Welcome to JAX! Jacksonville, FL Amy Edmunds, YoungStroke; Ken May, SC Arts Commission, CoSC Young Stroke Photography Project: lumbia, SC; and Photographer Paul Expressions of Health within the Gullah Olsen, Coastal Carolina University, Geechee Corridor Conway, SC Veronica Gerald, PhD, Coastal Overview of Gullah Geechee Culture Carolina University, Conway, SC Vernita Dore, SC State Director of Rural Development, US Department of Our Health/Our Community Argiculture, Columbia, SC Documentary: Past, Present & Future of Ron Daise, Ken May, Veronica Gerald, Gullah Geechee Community Vernita Dore Closing Remarks Amy Edmunds Pre-Gala Reception Ron Daise, Emcee, Gullah Native, VP for Creative Education, Brookgreen Gardens, Murrells Inlet, SC Indigo Gala Keynote Cynthia Williams, PhD, Gullah Descendent, Winston-Salem State University, Winston-Salem, NC Ballots & Desserts Sam Cook, Emcee The Late Show, featuring winners of Sam Cook, Emcee, and Toni Hickman Inspirational Vocal Competition 6:00 a.m. Run, Walk & Roll 7:00 7:00 Registration & Exhibits Continental Breakfast 8:00 Avi Golden, Survivor Volunteer, Moderator: Nina Solenski, MD, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA Panel Members: -Sheldon Herring, PhD, Roger C. Peace Rehabilitation Hospital, Greenville, SC -David Miller, MD, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL -Willae Ivory, Survivor, Atlanta, GA -Byron Ford, PhD, Morehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA -Preeti Raghavan, MD, Rusk Rehabilitation, New York, NY -Carol McKeegan- Survivor, Silver Spring, MD Panel: State of Young Stroke in America ** 4 CME/CE credit given for sessions with ** CE credit given for session with * 8:55 a.m. 9:25 Challenges of Comparative Effectiveness Research in Young Stroke ** Is Stroke Preventable in Young Women? ** Souvik Sen, MD, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC Cheryl Bushnell, MD, Wake Forest Baptist Health, Winston-Salem, NC Adiodun Akinwuntan, PhD, Georgia Regents University, Augusta, GA 10:05 Driving After Stroke ** 10:35 Break Global Stroke Guidelines and Action Plan: Patrice Lindsay, Heart and Stroke Implications for Younger Strokes ** Foundation of Canada Christopher McKevitt, PhD, Kings Long Term Needs After Stroke ** College, London, United Kingdom Audience Needs Survey Amy Edmunds, YoungStroke Lunch on your own Survivor & Caregiver Luncheon River Cruise Appreciation Luncheon Amy Edmunds, YoungStroke Concurrent Sessions Cervical Artery Dissection: A Common Andrew Southerland, MD, University of and Poorly Understood Cause of Stroke Virginia, Charlottesville, VA in Young Adults ** SIFAP Study Update: The European Bo Norrving, MD, World Stroke Study of Stroke Among Fabry Patients Organization Cognitive Rehabilitation: State of Sheldon Herring, PhD, Roger C. Peace the Art? ** Rehabilitation Hospital, Greenville, SC Patient Involvement in Research and Christopher McKevitt, PhD, Kings Service Development: Lessons from College, London, United Kingdom England * Break Concurrent Sessions Preeti Raghavan, MD, Rusk Music Therapy ** Rehabilitation Hospital, New York, NY Exploring the Possibilities: Community Monair McGregor, PhD, American Based Participatory Research ** Cancer Society, Raleigh, NC Carol Keegan, PhD, Young Stroke Be Visible: Become a PCORI Reviewer Survivor, Silver Spring, MD Benjamin Eidelman, MD, Mayo Clinic, Cerebral Venous Thrombosis ** Jacksonville, FL Cheryl Bushnell, Wake Baptist Health, Oral Contraceptives ** Winston-Salem, NC Break Concurrent Sessions Movie Matinee: The Diving Bell & The Butterfly Be Visible: Telemedicine & Nina Solenski, MD, University of Telerehabilitation Advocacy 101 ** Virginia, Charlottesville, VA AHA/ASA Online Patient Support & Katie Seay & Stephanie Mohl, Advocacy American Heart/Stroke Association 10:45 11:15 11:45 12:15 p.m. 12:15 – 3:00 12:15 - 1:15 1:30 2:15 2:30 3:15 3:30 5 CME/CE credit given for sessions with ** CE credit given for session with * 3:30 p.m. Concurrent Sessions, continued 8:45 9:00 – 11:00 Art Therapy: Because of Something Bad Kim Bridges, Roger C. Peace to Something Good to Something Great * Rehabilitation Hospital Jennifaye V. Brown, PhD, PT, NCS, Walking Function After a Young Stroke * JVB Physical Therapy Services, Inc., Charleston, SC Family History and Risks Associated with James Meschia, MD, Mayo Clinic, Stroke in Young Adults ** Jacksonville, FL Break Concurrent Sessions Souvik Sen, MD, University of South Be Visible: Identify Knowledge Gaps Carolina, Columbia, SC Movie Matinee, continued and Jackie Hinckley, PhD, Hope for Aphasia Discussion Group Reflective Journaling as a Research Carol Keegan, PhD, Young Stroke Tool * Survivor, Silver Spring, MD Book Discussion: The Diving Bell & Harriet J. Manis, Caregiver Volunteer, The Butterfly Orlando, Florida Post-Stroke Attire for Young Stroke Jennifaye V. Brown, PhD, PT, NCS, Physical and Social Activities: Making JVB Physical Therapy Services, inc., AFOs that Look & Fit Good for Function * Charleston, SC Post-Stroke Fatigue: Low Recognition, Patrice Lindsay, Heart and Stroke High Impact ** Foundation of Canada Brooks Rehabilitation Hospital, Adaptive Sport Gym Jacksonville, FL Tapas Dinner Reception Neuroprotection by Neuregulin-1 Bryon Ford, PhD, Morehouse School Following Stroke ** of Medicine, Atlanta, GA Personalized Rehabilitation for PostPreeti Raghavan, MD, Rusk Stroke Relearning ** Rehabilitation Hospital, New York, NY Technologic Advances in Endovascular Benjamin Brown, MD, Mayo Clinic, Treatment of Stroke and Cerebral Jacksonville, FL Aneurysms ** Audience Q & A ** Motown Dance Party 6:00 a.m. Run, Walk & Roll 4:15 4:30-5:15 6:00-9:00 6:00 – 7:00 7:15 7:45 8:15 7:00 7:00 8:00 8:25 Avi Golden, Survivor Volunteer, New York, NY Continental Breakfast: Enhance Stroke Rhonda Felice, Brooks Rehabilitation Programs for QOL Hospital, Jacksonville, FL Registration & Exhibits HEALS-Hypertension Control Program Sunita Dodani, MD, University of for African American Churches ** Florida, Jacksonville, FL Thaddeus Bell, MD, Closing the Gap Culturally-Tailored Health Tips for Radio in Health Care, Inc., North Charleston, and Television ** SC 6 CME/CE credit given for sessions with ** CE credit given for session with * 9:15 9:25 STEPS to a Healthier Heart: A Heart Healthy Initiative Designed to Educate, Engage & Empower ** Audience Q & A** Survivor Recognition 9:30 Group Best Practice: RVA Aphasia 8:50 a.m. Program Best Practice: The West End Co-Op: Community Re-entry Through Leisure, Volunteer and Therapeutic Work Activities * Caregiver Recognition Role of Emergency Medicine in Community Stroke Care ** Audience Q & A** Special Performance Keynote Introduction 10:00 10:40 10:50 11:20 11:30 11:40 Cynthia Williams, PhD, Winston-Salem State University, Winston-Salem, NC Amy Edmunds, YoungStroke Jan Thomas, JD, Young Stroke Survivor and Group Leader, RVA Aphasia, Richmond, Virginia Sheldon Herring, PhD, Roger C. Peace Rehabilitation Hospital, Greenville, SC Amy Edmunds, YoungStroke Ed Jauch, MD, MS, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC Ron Daise Amy Edmunds, YoungStroke 11:45 Distinguished Keynote: Stroke in the Young, A Global Perspective ** Bo Norrving, MD, World Stroke Organization 12:20 p.m. 12:30 Be Visible for Community Change Adjourn Amy Edmunds, YoungStroke Agenda is subject to speaker availability and may change to ensure course objectives. Bo Norrving, MD World Stroke Organization Immediate-Past President 2014 Karolinaka Award & Leadership in Stroke Medicine Award Christopher McKevitt, PhD King's College London Professor of Social Sciences & Health Patrice Lindsay, RN, PhD Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada Performance and Standards Specialist Bo Norrving Monday, June 29 Abiodun Akinwuntan Thaddeus J. Bell Benjamin Brown Cynthia Williams Brown Jennifaye V. Brown Cheryl Bushnell Sunita Dodani Benjamin Eidelman Bryon Ford 7 Sheldon Herring Carol Keegan Monair McGregor James Meschia David Miller Preeti Raghavan Souvik Sen Nina Solenksi Andrew Southerland otherwise noted in the event details: 5% on all events over $100; $5 on events under $100. “No shows” are subject to the full event fee. Attendee substitutions may be made at any time without additional charges. Refunds will be issued for cancellations received up to two weeks prior to the event start date. Cancellations and substitution requests should be made in writing and sent via email to ce@srahec.org. Refund requests made less than 2 weeks prior to the event start date can only be considered on a case by case basis and cannot be guaranteed. Call: 386-462-1551 Click: www.YoungStroke.org Email: lhampson@srahec.org Administrative fees for all refunds and credits are as follows, unless youngstroke.org facebook.com/DiscoverYoungStroke @youngstroke_org 8
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