MiQuest GPS

Issue 1 | March 2015
Welcome to the next stage of entrepreneurship − where growth, not survival,
is the challenge. Your business issues are increasingly complex and you want
answers and strategies that will take you to the next level. That's what MiQuest
GPS is all about. We're identifying timely and relevant resources, so you can
find them when you need them. We're creating opportunities for you to
connect with experts and leaders, through peer advisory groups and and by
offering discounted tickets to key entrepreneurial events.
You'll learn more about the new Crain Executive Organization (CEO) peer
advisory groups, upcoming events like Fuel: Detroit and Michigan Growth
Capital Symposium, and much more − in MiQuest GPS. Advanced Topics of Entrepreneurial Leadership ­ Assertions and
Are you a strong leader interested in gaining the deeper insights that will enable you
to become a Masterful Leader? With key fundamental insights you can better assess
performance and design action plans for yourself and your team. Join us for an
engaging intellectual conversation that will equip you to have an unfair competitive
Tuesday, March 10, 11:30 a.m.­12:30 p.m. (maximum 10 attendees)
Conference Call
RSVP to attend ­ Events@MiQuest.org
Message Accelerator ­ Branding
How can you activate your brand to bring it to life? You'll take away ideas for finding
your brand's story and telling it in new ways, throughout everything you do. This
informative 90 minutes will also include time for you to meet the other leaders and
get your specific questions answered. Don't miss this opportunity to strengthen your
competitive edge.
Tuesday, March 17, 8­9:30 a.m. (maximum 12 attendees)
MessageMakers, Old Town, 1217 Turner St., Lansing
https://www.messageblocks.com/message­accelerator­branding Creating High Performing Teams ­ Evaluating Your Current Team
Patrick Lencioni suggests that every organization needs to be Healthy and Smart.
Smart means being able to make good decisions. Healthy organizations have solid
social structures where people know how to work with each other and seem to get
an enormous amount done with aplomb. If you have ever been on a High Performing
Team, you know what that looks like. Join us for a monthly discussion on
fundamentals for transforming your "group" into a High Performing Team.
Tuesday, March 17, 4­5:30 p.m. (maximum 10 attendees)
SPARK East, 215 W. Michigan Ave., Ypsilanti
https://www.messageblocks.com/creating­high­performing­teams CEO Breakfast (for CEOs and by invitation)
Crain's Detroit Business and MiQuest are hosting a breakfast event for growth­
focused and truly innovative entrepreneurs that offers valuable opportunities to
hobnob with like­minded entrepreneurs, connect with key resources, and experience
a CEO peer­advisory group. The event also features the release of the 11th Annual
Entrepreneurship Score Card and special offers to those interested in Fuel:Detroit.
Wednesday, March 18, 7:30­10 a.m.
VisTaTech Center at Schoolcraft College,18600 Haggerty Rd., Livonia
If you'd like an invitation, please request by e­mail to: Events@MiQuest.org
Phimation's Monthly Strategy Hour
Are your performance reviews stale? Do they engage your high performers? Is it
hard for your managers to find time to give feedback? We'll talk about three
questions you can use to pump new life into your performance reviews ­ and your
employees' productivity.
Friday, March 20, 8­9 a.m.
Product Launching ­ Maximize your Cash Flow
Every day your product spends in development is just one more day without
revenue. In this session, we will discuss what InfoReady has learned about quickly
deploying your product. We will cover such aspects as hidden costs, reducing churn
through building what the customer wants, and when not to follow the
industry. Lunch provided. Will be held in Lansing in April.
Friday, March 20, 11:45 a.m.­1 p.m. (maximum 10 attendees)
InfoReady, 3775 Varsity Dr., Ann Arbor https://www.messageblocks.com/product­launching Entrepreneurial Aces ­ Coffee with Bob Fish
Once a month, a wildly successful entrepreneur from Michigan meets with a small
group of CEOs and presidents running second­stage growth businesses. In these
informal conversations over coffee our ACE Entrepreneur will share lessons learned
and answer your questions ­ so you can get where you're going with fewer scars.
Join us and bring your burning questions for March's Entrepreneurial ACE, Bob Fish,
Founder & CEO of Biggby Coffee.
Monday, March 30, 4­5 p.m. (maximum 8 attendees)
Biggby Headquarters, 2501 Coolidge Rd., East Lansing
https://www.messageblocks.com/entrepreneurial­aces­biggy­coffee Savvy Entrepreneurs Leverage Varnum Experts
Varnum's expert attorneys are offering six for­CEOs­only topic sessions targeting the
major issues facing growth businesses today. These meetings are exclusively
designed for small groups of key decision makers and include introductions to other
entrepreneurs, a discussion of the critical business issue and an opportunity to ask
questions that directly apply to your situation. Don't miss this opportunity to learn
more and meet those that can help you accelerate your business growth. All
meetings begin at 8 a.m. and are held at Varnum offices. Address details are
included on registration form. (maximum 15 attendees per session)
Exit Strategy Planning
Thursday, March 12 ­ Novi
Wednesday, March 25 ­ Grand Rapids
IP Protection
Friday, March 13 ­ Kalamazoo
Thursday, March 26 ­ Novi
Motivating Employees with Equity, Incentives and Employment Agreements
Friday, April 10 ­ Kalamazoo
Thursday, April 23 ­ Detroit
Term Sheet Savvy
Tuesday, March 10 ­ Grand Rapids
Friday, April 24 ­ Lansing
Vendor, Supplier, Customer Contracts
Friday, March 27 ­ Lansing
Thursday, April 9 ­ Novi
Wednesday, April 22 ­ Grand Rapids https://www.messageblocks.com/savvy­entrepreneurs­leverage­varnum
The following events and opportunities offer additional information, exposure or
access to resources that will benefit your growing business.
Pure Michigan Talent Connect
The Pure Michigan Talent Connect team is hosting two webinars in March to show
users how to optimize their use of MiTalent.org. Sign up to learn more about the
resources available to you on the system and how to get the most out of the tools
you're already using.
Monday, March 2, 9­10 a.m.
Thursday, March 19, 1­2 p.m.
Michigan Energy Forum ­ What's Next with the Internet of Things
and Energy Innovation?
The Internet of Things (IoT) is enabling a whole new level of innovation and
functionality in just about every sector, including energy. Panelists will discuss how
the IoT is driving innovation in the energy space and will touch on opportunities for
entrepreneurs, technology innovation occurring in Michigan, policy development,
and the larger national market that could shape the industry's growth.
Thursday, March 5, 5­7 p.m.
SPARK Central, Lower Level, 330 E. Liberty, Ann Arbor
Global Automotive Innovation Challenge ­ Competition Deadline
SAE International, MIT Alliance of Michigan and NextEnergy announce the 7th
Annual Global Automotive Innovation Challenge. The goal of the challenge is to
shortcut the arduous filtering process in large organizations to bring new innovations
to the industry. More than $200,000 worth of business commercialization
acceleration services and cash will be awarded to four winners in categories that
include:Vehicle Electrification/V2X and Advanced Mobility; Advanced
Materials/Sensors/Manufacturing Processes; Infotainment; and
Disruptive Technologies.
Friday, March 6, Application Deadline
The Role of the CFO in Private Equity Owned Companies
Attend to get a better understanding of what your CFO's skill set should include in
your Private Equity Portfolio Company. Panelists include Larry Smith, CEO, Argus
Hazco; Bob Feller, CFO, Workforce; Paul Edwards, Partner, Plante Moran; John
Newman, Managing Director, Wynnchurch Capital; and Suhas Parekh, VP Middle
Market Banking, Comerica. Is your CFO covering all the bases?
Tuesday, March 10, 7:15­9:15 a.m.
Glen Oaks, 30500 W. Thirteen Mile Rd., Farmington Hills
Commercialization Planning for SBIR­Stage Companies
Do you have a technology that you think has commercial potential? If so, you will
want to know what options are available to you, and you will need the funding to
travel the path to market. This class will provide tips on developing a credible
commercialization plan, using market research to direct your efforts, how to build a
business model and commercialization planning differences across agencies. Learn
how federal funding through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and
Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs can be a valuable part of the
process. Tuesday, March 10, 1­4 p.m.
TechTown, 440 Burroughs St., Detroit
Michigan Growth Capital Symposium ­ Applications to Present
Companies selected to present at the Michigan Growth Capital Symposium will be
privately­held companies from a range of industries and stages of funding.
Companies that are encouraged to apply include seed, early­stage, late­stage, and
pre­IPO. A committee of qualified venture capitalists will select presenting
companies. Benefits include four­page executive summary in conference binder,
investor pitch and presentation coaching, 15­minute presentation slot showcasing
your business, and table­top exhibit space. Don't miss the opportunity to get in front
of investors at this leading national venture forum.
Tuesday, March 10, 5 p.m., Application Deadline
Workplace 2015 ­ Varnum's Labor & Employment Law Seminar
This fast­paced session provides an overview of recent news­making employment
cases as well as the increasingly aggressive approach of government agencies
toward lawmaking and enforcement. Varnum attorneys will address the implications
of these events and trends on your workplace. Additional breakout sessions on
managing EEOC's tactics and initiatives, protecting your company information, and
customers, what to do when the investors knock, and more. (This seminar is
approved for 4 recertification credits.)
Wednesday, March 11, 7:30 a.m.­12:45 p.m.
Varnum, 333 Bridge St., Grand Rapids
Wednesday, March 18, 7:30 a.m.­12:45 p.m.
Westin Book Cadillac, 1114 Washington Blvd., Detroit
www.varnumlaw.com/2015laborseminar SBIR/STTR Introduction with NIH, NSF and DoD Focus
Join SBIR/STTR expert, Michael Kurek, PhD, partner at BBCetc, for this introduction
to the government's Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small
Business Tehcnology Transfer (STTR) programs which make over $2.4B in high­
risk, non­dilutive capital available to innovative small companies.
Wednesday, March 11, 1­4 p.m.
MSU Bioeconomy Institute, 242 Howard Ave., Holland
SBIR/STTR Proposal Preparation for the National Science
This seminar presents essential information for crafting a competitive proposal to
meet the mission, standards and requirements of the NSF SBIR/STTR program. It
includes information and advice on getting registered so you can submit, preparing
the components of your proposal for maximum impact, how to approach
commercialization planning, navigating the submission process, and more.
Thursday, March 12, 9 a.m.­3 p.m.
Technology Innovation Center, 325 E. Grand River Ave., E. Lansing
Emerging Trends in Big Data
How will you capitalize on the emerging trends in big data? Can you diversify your
revenue stream? Join TiE Detroit for a presentation by Dr. Brian Daenzer, Sr.
Manager of Business Intelligence and Analytics Information & Communications
Technology, at Fiat Chrysler.
Thursday, March 19, 5:30­8:30 p.m.
Oakland University, 242 Elliott Hall, 2200 N. Squirrel Rd., Rochester
Arcade Game Night
Treat your IT staff to a throwback their favorite arcade games and a toss up take in
the day's NCAA tournament games. Great food and brews will be served. Have
your team RSVP to reserve tokens before it's Game Over!
Thursday, March 19, 3­7 p.m.
Online Tech Data Center, 6435 North HIx Rd., Westland
Code ReConnect
Are you an employer in need of Microsoft Certified front end or back end developers
with training in C#/.NET and SQL Server? Code ReConnect, an innovative program
from Automation Alley, provides training in the latest development tools to
individuals with past technical experience. Join Automation Alley as we discuss the
program, the candidates, and how your company can benefit.
Tuesday, March 24, 2:30­5 p.m.
Automation Alley Headquarters, 2675 Bellingham, Troy http://www.automationalley.com/Events/Calendar/Event­Detail.aspx?
Engage International Investment Education Symposium
This event is for professionals interested in the latest trends and future outlook on
the economy, venture capital or personal finance. ENGAGE 2015 is expected to
draw hundreds of professionals from across the U.S. and Canada to hear from an
all­star lineup of experts about their perspectives on the economy, the financial
industry, and the global markets.
Thursday and Friday, March 26 and 27
Cobo Hall, Detroit
Emerging Leaders USA
Emerging Leaders identifies existing urban based small businesses ($400k­10M in
revenue and at least 3 years in business) that demonstrate a high potential for
growth then provides them with the network, resources and motivation required to
continue building a sustainable business of size and scale. The program includes 13
educational sessions and CEO mentoring meetings. April 27 through November 9
Application ­ http://www.interise.org/SBAEmergingLeaders
For more information ­ http://1.usa.gov/1xySLNO
Inc. 5000 ­ 2015 Application Deadline
Join the most influential business club in America. Your company could be part of
this industry benchmark that has defined the most innovative, dynamic and
successful companies in the nation. Put in your application to become part of the
Inc. 5000 companies and you could reap the far­reaching rewards of getting listed.
April 30, Application Deadline
120 North Washington Square, Suite 1000­A
Lansing, Michigan 48933
Phone: 517­483­8210
Events@MiQuest.org | www.MiQuest.org
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MiQuest | 120 North Washington Square, Suite 1000­A | Lansing | MI | 48933