Daily Announcements Friday, March 20, 2015 1. Congratula ons to two of Mira Monte’s very own AVID Seniors, they competed in the district wide AVID “Write off” and took top Honors. Erika Rico took 1st place and Leah Merete was awarded an Honorable Men on. Congrats AVID LIONS! 2. Student Athletes interested in a scholarship? Come to the career center for more informa on. 3. AP Testers, your MONEY is due TODAY! Come pay in the Finance office today at lunch or a er school! 4. A en on Academic Decathlon students interested in receiving CSUB credit: the deadline for turning in your applica on and all paperwork is DUE TODAY! 5. A en on Interact members, please report to room 1102 TODAY during lunch. We will be going over our volunteer ac vity so don’t be late. 6. A en on Juniors and Seniors: Prom ckets are now available!! Get them now for $50 before they go up to $60 the week of Prom! Counseling Announcements: Seniors! Thinking about a career in nursing? GET THE FACTS! Join the Bakersfield College Allied Health Department for a Pre‐ Registered Nursing Orienta on on Tuesday, April 7th from 6:20‐7:30 at the BC Campus. See Mr. Rodriguez for more informa on today! Seniors did you a end Laurelglen Elementary school? They are offering two 500 dollar scholarships come by the career center for more informa on. Have you ever been interested in working for Law Enforcement? The Bakersfield Police department Explorers are looking for recruits. Come to the Career center today to pick up an informa onal flyer! Are you interested in joining the Police Explorers program? Come by the Career Center today to get more informa on! A en on all students! Do you aspire to go to college? Do you wonder what it takes to get there and what college life is like? If so, you will want to a end Celebrate CSUB on Saturday, April 25th. Enjoy fun, food, music, and explore how a ending CSUB can create paths to a bright future. The event runs from 9 a.m.‐1 p.m. Come see Mrs. Gonsalves in the counseling office for more informa on. A en on gradua ng seniors! Are you entering the workforce a er high school? If so, see Mr. Rodriguez today about job opportuni es at the United States Postal Service which include part and full‐ me posi ons, insurance, and re rement plans. Listen up Freshman, Sophomores, and Juniors. Smile for A life me applica ons are in and are Due April 15th.Come by the Counseling office today, you don’t want to miss on this grade opportunity. A en on all seniors: The SJ Achievers Scholarship Network Applica ons are now available! Please see Ms. Guizar in the career center for more details, but do not delay! The applica on deadline is April 10th. A en on all Juniors: How would you like to have all four years of college paid for? If you have a GPA of 3.5 or above, you will definitely want to apply for the Quest Bride College Prepara on Scholarship. This program is designed to give 11th graders the prepara on they need to not only get into top college, but a end for‐free! Please see Mrs. Gonsalves ASAP for more informa on. The deadline to apply is March 25! Seniors! Did you miss the BC Counseling session here on campus? If so, you have another opportunity to set up your BC classes during spring break at the BC main campus. See Mrs. Sorena for details. The 2015‐2016 Mayors’ scholarship applica on is now available please stop by the career center for more informa on. A en on all students: Are you, or is someone you know currently a parent or expec ng a baby? If so, the Parent Life Program is coming to Mira Monte to assist teen parents in learning valuable skills to care for their child. In addi on, parents will have the opportunity to earn “baby bucks” to help provide their child with diapers and other necessi es. Mee ngs will be held on Tuesdays twice a month please see your counselor ASAP to sign‐up. A en on all students. Are you interested in pursuing a career in Natural Sciences, Mathema cs, and/or Engineering? If so, CSUB is hos ng their annual REVS‐UP summer program that starts July 13th through August 6, 2015. Students will have the opportunity to conduct hands‐on research in the areas of Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Geology, Mathema cs, and Physics. All research projects will take place in the CSUB laboratories. Please see our counselor for more informa on. A en on all Juniors: The 2015 Experience Berkeley applica ons are now available! As a par cipant, you will be introduced to college life, given admissions feedback on personal statements, financial aid informa on, and mentoring throughout the applica on process during the summer and school year. The program is free of charge, and students must have an GPA of 3.5 or higher to par cipate. Don’t miss your opportunity to be a part of this amazing experience! See Mrs. Gonsalves for more informa on. Applica ons are due March 30th. A en on all Juniors: CSUB Enterprise College will be offering Economics over the summer. The three week program runs from June 15th‐July 2nd. Students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher may enroll and receive both college and high school credit. The registra on fee is 150 dollars, but par al financial assistance may be provided. Please see Mrs. Gonsalves ASAP for an applica on. College Bound Juniors: Now is the me to sign‐up for the SAT!! You will want to take the SAT a minimum of two mes, once in the spring of your junior year, and in the fall of your senior year. See Mr. Rodriguez in the Career Center to sign up and receive a fee waiver. Do not delay in making this very important step towards your future. Have you been accepted into a college already? If yes we would like to hear about it, stop by the career center to let us which college you have been accepted to. 8. The SAT word of the day is MUNDANE. Mundane is defined as ordinary or commonplace. REGULAR SCHEDULE Period 0 7:25 - 8:18 1 8:24 - 9:21 2 (Flag Salute/Bulletin) 9:27 - 10:26 3 10:32 - 11:29 4 (Lunch) 11:29 - 12:06 5 12:12 - 1:09 6 1:15 - 2:12 7 2:18 - 3:14 Weekly Events Monday: March 16th, 2015 JV Tennis @ South Varsity Tennis vs. South Tuesday: March 17th, 2015 No Athletic Events- CAHSEE Wednesday: March 18th, 2015 CAHSEE TESTING JV/Varsity Baseball & Softball @ North FS Baseball vs. North FS Softball vs. Foothill Boys Varsity Tennis @ North Boys JV Tennis vs. North Track @ South Thursday: March 19th, 2015 CAHSEE TESTING Golf @ Sundale Country Club JV/Varsity Baseball & Softball vs. North FS Baseball @ North FS Softball @ Foothill Boys Varsity Tennis vs. Highland Boys JV Tennis @ Highland Friday: March 20th, 2015 Swim vs. South @ Jefferson Park Varsity Boys Tennis @ Lynch Cup JV Boys Tennis @ West Tournament Saturday: March 21st , 2015 Varsity Boys Tennis @ Lynch Cup JV Boys Tennis @ West Tournament
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