Boğaziçi University, The School of Applied Disciplines Department of Management Information Systems MIS 336-Business Program Development Course Syllabus, 2014-2015 Spring Course Objective : The catalogue description of the course is: Technology management and innovation in information systems development. Information Systems product & services, product specification, market-oriented versus client-oriented product development. Software engineering, software development process, software process improvement methodologies and standards; SPICE, CMM, ISO 9000, Trillium etc. Quality assurance, validation & verification The course aims to cover all the system development life cycle starting from the conception followed by the requirements analysis, then the design, the development, implementation and the maintenance of a software product. Instructor Office Hours Assistant Course Schedule Course Room Lab Hours : Uğur Gökhan Özdinç, Ph.D. : By appointment and through e-mail ( : Burcu Kör ( : Tuesday-678(14:00-17:00) : HKB 105 : ThTh-56/FF-56, HKB102/HKB104 Textbooks : Software Engineering , 9th Edition, Ian Sommerville, Addison-Wesley, 2011 Software Engineering, A Practitioner’s Approach, 8th Edition, Roger S. Pressman, Bruce R. Maxim, McGraw Hill Education, 2015 Course Outline: Date 10.02.2015 17.02.2015 24.02.2015 03.03.2015 10.03.2015 17.03.2015 24.03.2015 31.03.2015 07.04.2015 14.04.2015 21.04.2015 28.04.2015 05.05.2015 12.05.2015 TBA Topic Introduction, Software Processes, Agile Software Development Requirements Engineering, System Modeling Architectural Design, Design & Implementation Software Testing & Software Evolution Dependability & Security Engineering Software Reuse Component Based Software Engineering, Distributed Software Engineering Midterm Exam Service oriented architecture, Embedded Software, Aspect-oriented programming Software Project Management, Software Project Planning Spring Break Quality Management, Configuration Management Project Presentations Project Presentations Final Exam Boğaziçi University, MIS 336-Business Program Development, Course Syllabus Term Project: The students are expected to form groups of 4-5 (not more or less, at most 10 project groups will be formed) and work as a software development company throughout the semester. The company is expected to develop a software product for a real life problem. The company will have a commercial web site (your web sites will be created under the course web site, your assistant will provide guidance) and deliver several professional outputs (i.e. project plan, risk management plan, design document) as well as the final software product. The software product to be delivered will be developed with ASP. Net and C# technologies using Mysql or Sql Server database. Since every project is a unique endeavor, there exists no “one size fits all” set of deliverables, an important mission of your company is deciding what set of deliverables is required for your project. Additionally you will not be given a format for any document you will be preparing, however you are expected to provide professional looking outputs in any phase of the project as your team is supposed to be a commercial system development company. A typical Software Development Life Cycle may contain the following outputs: Initiation Phase (Concept Proposal, Project Charter) Concept Development Phase (Project Scope Statement) Planning Phase (Project Management Plan, Risk Management Plan, Change Management Plan, Communication Management Plan, Staffing Management Plan) Requirements Analysis Phase (Functional Requirements Document, Test Master Plan) Design Phase (System Design Document, Conversion Plan, Implementation Plan, Operations Manual, System Administration Manual, Maintenance Manual, Training Plan, User Manual) Development Phase (Software Development Document, Integration Document, Test Analysis Report) Test Phase (Test Analysis Approval Determination, Test Problem Report) Implementation Phase (Version Description Document, Post-Implementation Review Report) Operations and Maintenance Phase (Disposition Plan) The timetable for the project is as follows: Task Deadline Form & Name Your Groups and Inform the Assistant 13.02.2015 Develop Your Company Website 20.02.2015 Submit Your Project Proposals 27.02.2015 Initiation Phase Documents 06.03.2015 Concept Development Phase Document 13.03.2015 Planning Phase Documents 20.03.2015 Requirements Analysis Phase Documents 27.03.2015 Design Phase Documents 03.04.2015 Development Phase Documents 10.04.2015 Test Phase Documents 17.04.2015 Implementation Phase Documents 24.04.2015 Operations and Maintenance Phase Documents 01.05.2015 Project Presentations 05.05.2015 Submission of Project Reports 12.05.2015 Submission of Peer Evaluation Reports 12.05.2015 Boğaziçi University, MIS 336-Business Program Development, Course Syllabus Lab Schedule: Week # Topic 1 Creating HTML Web Page and Professional Looking Web Sites 2 Estimating Project Task durations and Planning them with MS-Project 3 ASP vs. HTML, Introduction to ASP Presentation and exercises 4 5 ASP Overview Forms and Databases Database Connection by Using ASP Pages & C#, List, Display, Search, Add, Update and Delete Queries with ASP pages. 6 Database Connection by Using ASP Pages & C#, List, Display, Search, Add, Update and Delete Queries with ASP pages continued 7 Using Forms, Form Behavior, Application Behavior, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery 8 Using Forms, Form Behavior, Application Behavior, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery continued 9 User Authentication, User Authorization 10 Examples with ASP.Net and C# 11 Examples with ASP.Net and C# 12 Examples with ASP.Net and C# 13 Examples with ASP.Net and C# Course Grading: Notes: Midterm Exam (%15) Term Project (%35) Final Exam (%35) Quizzes, Homework and Attendance (15%) It is highly recommended to read the material prior to the course in order to utilize the discussions in the class. Attendance (to courses and laboratories) is required and will be taken into account during course evaluation. Exams are closed book and closed notes of any type. Cheating of any type will strictly be treated in project, quiz and exam evaluations. Therefore, copying a friend’s work and presenting it as your own work may be quite risky. Any form of cheating on any examination, homework, quiz or project submission will result in an F grade for the course and the corresponding disciplinary action will be taken. Boğaziçi University, MIS 336-Business Program Development, Course Syllabus
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