Mission Viejo High School Choral Music Seattle Trip April 1-3, 2016 Information Mission Viejo High School’s Choral Music Program is a hard-working and successful organization that brings pride to the community. Recognizing the string work ethics and high level of talent our kids have to offer, Worldstrides Heritage Performance Programs has invited the Mission Viejo High School Choral Music Program to participate in their nationwide choral music competitions in Seattle, Washington! Exposing them to superb music programs in a competitive competition, while exploring one of the top destinations in the Pacific Northwest, will further provide a unique experience to grow both musically and expand the comradery within our MVHS Choral community making the Seattle 2016 trip one that cannot be missed! Cost and Payment Schedule In an effort to maximize our program’s trip we will combine musical experiences with the sights of Seattle thus allowing our students a once-in-a-lifetime trip they will never forget. To make this happen, we have decided to partner with Worldstrides Heritage Performance Programs, who is known for providing high school music programs like us amazing travel opportunities nationwide. The estimated cost of the Seattle trip is $830. This includes transportation, sleeping accommodations, a salmon bake awards banquet, a clinic with University of Washington School of Music, sight-seeing of major Seattle attractions (EMP Music Museum, Space Needle, Underground Tour, etc), all continental breakfasts and dinners (lunches will be responsibility of the participant), performance/rehearsal space, competition registration, and all taxes associated with the travel. This trip is only possible through continued support of the music program. If the choir cannot meet their donation/fundraising goals, it may not be feasible to participate in this choir trip and future tour events in general. Therefore, the cost of this trip is in addition to the student voluntary contributions that are needed annually for the sustainability of the music program. For our payment schedule, please see “Mission Viejo High School Payments and Cancellations” section in packet. Payments should be made by check to: Mission Viejo High School Choir. Please include your student’s name and Trip Payment Number on the memo line. The first Payment is due Friday, June 5, 2015. An 1 accelerated pay schedule for students committing in the fall 2015 will start 9/11/15. This payment will reserve your spot on this trip. Payments do not include souvenirs, lunches, spending money or extra (non-itinerary) activities that may be available during down time. NOTE: A $5 tip request will be asked at the start of the trip and will be collected by the trip Coordinator. Who’s Eligible? Although everyone in the Mission Viejo High School Choral Music Program is eligible to go, each student must audition due to skill level that such an event requires. Because both the Chamber Singers and Treble Choir are auditioned choirs, students in them automatically are able to attend this tour without a separate audition. All other MVHS Choral Music members must schedule an audition prior to turning in the first trip payment. To do this, please contact Mrs. Norris at norriss@svusd.org. Chaperones While we could not go on this trip without them, chaperones are responsible for the same payments and payment schedule as the students. The school requires one (1) chaperone per ten (10) students. There will be one Mission Viejo High School staff member going to Seattle. Please note: parent chaperones will not necessarily be their own student’s chaperone. There will be a mandatory chaperone meeting two (2) weeks prior to the trip as well as additional information at our trip parent meetings throughout the school year. To stay up to date with all Seattle dates, please visit our website (www.missionviejochoir.com) and clicking on the calendar tab. If you are interested in being a Seattle chaperone, please contact Sarah Norris at norriss@svusd.org or our webmaster at missionviejochoir@gmail.com Fundraising We will be offering several opportunities for our students to raise funds to help offset the cost of this trip. So far, we have our MVHS program advertisements, where a portion of a company’s donations will go towards the student’s trip, and our annual Sweethearts’ Dinner (February 9, 2016). In addition, we will help each student work up trip donation letters that can be used to ask friends and family to help sponsor their trip to Seattle. Please see Mrs. Norris or the choir website (www.missionviejochoir.com) for more details. IT IS POSSIBLE TO FUND THE ENTIRE COST OF THE TRIP THROUGH FUNDRAISING. For any questions, please contact Sarah Norris by e-mail at norriss@svusd.org or our webmaster at missionviejochoir@gmail.com Trip Overview / Q&A Meeting There will be a Parent/student meeting on Wednesday, September 9th, 2015 at 6PM (in conjunction with the fall parent meeting).to discuss a basic intro to the Seattle trip. We will have another meeting in the fall for all new MVHS Choir Students. For any questions, please contact Sarah Norris by e-mail at norriss@svusd.org or our webmaster/Trip Coordinator at missionviejochoir@gmail.com 2 Mission Viejo High School Choral Music Seattle Trip 2016 Information April 1 - 3 Basic Package Includes: Airfare from LAX to Seattle 1 Carry-on luggage and 1 carry-on small bag (backpack, purse, etc) 2 nights’ accommodations at the Seattle Marriott Hotel (or comparable) Several meals for the duration of the trip (2 Continental Breakfast, & 2 Dinner) Competition & Registration for the Worldstrides Heritage Competition Entrance fee and expenses for the EMP Music Museum, Seattle Space Needle, Guided Underground Tour, etc Any adjudication and registration expenses for the program Charter bus transportation in Seattle Round trip transportation from MVHS to LAX All taxes associated with the trip Not included: Souvenir spending money Snacks, food and drinks not provided during meal times All lunches for the duration of the trip Any additional individual charges incurred on the trip Cost per person: (Chaperones and students priced the same) Pricing: $830 (4 students to a room. Chaperones to be 2 to a room limit a 1 to 6 ratio) 3 Mission Viejo High School Choral Music Seattle Trip 2016 Information April 1 – 3 (TENTATIVE SCHEDULE) Friday 3:30am – Meet at MVHS 5:00am – Arrive at LAX Airport 7:00am – Flight to Seattle 10:00am – Arrive at SeaTac Airport 11:00am – Paramount Theatre Tour 1:00pm – Lunch at Pike’s Market in small groups to explore (ON YOUR OWN in small groups w/chaperone) 3:30pm – Depart for the University of Washington 4:00pm –Choral Workshop at University of Washington 6:30pm – Dinner at Rain Forest Cafe 8:00pm – Check into hotel (Marriott) 11:00pm – Bed Check Saturday 8:15am – meet in lobby (Continental Breakfast) 8:30am – Depart for Music Competition 11:30am – Return to Hotel to change 12:30pm – Lunch at the Seattle Center (ON YOUR OWN in small groups w/chaperone) 1:30pm – “Experience Music Project” Museum 3:30pm – Space Needle 5:00pm – Kerry Park Photo Opportunity 6:00pm – Harbor Cruise to Tillicum Village 7:00pm – Salmon Bake, Show and awards ceremony 10:30pm – Depart for the Hotel 11:00pm – Bed Check Sunday 8:30am – Meet in lobby with luggage (Continental Breakfast) 10:00am – Snoqualmie Falls 12:15am – Lunch at Westlake Center Mall (ON YOUR OWN) 2:00pm – The Underground Tour 3:30pm – depart for SeaTac 6:30pm – Flight to LAX Airport (Grab Dinner for Flight in airport food court ON YOUR OWN) 9:15pm – Arrive at LAX 10:45pm – Arrive at MVHS (will ask the student to confirm pickup with parents upon arrival at LAX) 4 Mission Viejo High School Choral Music Seattle Trip 2016 Information Payments and Cancellations Standard Payment Schedule (Current Choir Members): Deposit date: Final Payment: June 5, 2015 September 11, 2015 October 16, 2015 November 13, 2015 December 11, 2015 January 15, 2016 February 12, 2016 $100.00 per person $100.00 per person $150.00 per person $150.00 per person $130.00 per person $100.00 per person $100.00 per person Accelerated Payment Schedule (New Choir Members): Deposit date: Final Payment: September 11, 2015 October 16, 2015 November 13, 2015 December 11, 2015 January 15, 2016 February 12, 2016 $200.00 per person $150.00 per person $150.00 per person $130.00 per person $100.00 per person $100.00 per person NOTE: A $5 tip request will be asked at the start of the trip and will be collected by the trip Coordinator. Cancellations Should something happen and your student is unable to attend after an initial commitment was made, you will be liable for the following amounts due to booking non-refundable trip requirements: Date Range June 5, 2015 – October 15, 2015 October 16, 2015– November 12, 2015 November 13, 2015–January 14, 2016 January 15, 2016 – departure Commitment $100.00 per person $350.00 per person $500.00 per person No refund, 100% penalty **Cancelation due dates and penalties subject to change based on reservation commitments. Final rooming assignments and trip manifest will be posted January 15, 2016. Payments received after the due date may be subject to late charges due to an inability for the choir to obtain the group discount pricing at the time of booking. Any unpaid reservations are subject to the same cancellation penalties. 5 Mission Viejo High School Choral Music Seattle Trip 2016 Information *Must be turned in with first payment* I, ___________________________________ (name of parent or guardian), give permission for my student, _____________________________ (name of student) to participate in the Mission Viejo High School Choral New York City Trip on April 1-3, 2016. I understand that I am financially responsible for the Initial place holder deposit in June 2015 of $100, the $100 hard commitment requirement in September 2015, and that any subsequent trip payment maybe be paid outright or fundraised through the opportunities presented throughout the year by the MVHS Choral Music Program. I also understand the payment schedule and cancellation policy and agree to abide by them. I, ___________________________________ (name of parent or guardian), do not give my student, _____________________________ (name of student) permission to participate in the Mission Viejo High School Choral Music New York City Trip on April 1-3, 2016. __________________________________ Student Signature ________________________________ Student Printed Name __________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ________________________________ Parent/Guardian Printed Name Contact Information (please print): Student Name:________________________________________________________________________ Parent / Guardian Name(s):______________________________________________________________ Mailing Address:_______________________________________________________________________ E-mail Address:__________________________________ Phone:________________________________ 6
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