NAME_______________________________________________DATE______________PERIOD_____ U.S. HISTORY- Moberg The following topics and sections will be covered on your final examination: A. U.S. and the end of WWI [Chapter 19.3 & 19.4] B. The 1920’s [Chapter 20 & Chapter 21] C. The Great Depression [Chapter 22] D. The New Deal [Chapter 23] E. The Causes and Events of WWII [Chapter 24 & Chapter 25] F. Cold War Conflicts [Chapter 26] G. The Postwar Boom (The 1950’s) [Chapter 27] H. The New Frontier and the Great Society (Kennedy & LBJ) [Chapter 28] I. Civil Rights Movement [Chapter 29] J. The Vietnam War Years [Chapter 30] K. An Era of Social Change [Chapter 31] L. Nixon, Ford, Carter [Chapter 32] M. The Conservative Tide [Chapter 33] 1. What were Wilson’s Fourteen Points? Which was incorporated into the Treaty of Versailles? 2. Why has it been said that the First World War planted the seeds for WWII? 3. Who was the chief critic of Wilson’s design for a League of Nations? Why? 4. Why did the U.S. reject the League of Nations? 5. What was the state of the American economy directly after WWI? 6. How did Warren G. Harding exemplify the Republican platform via his “Return to Normalcy” program? 7. Who was the Secretary of the Treasury throughout the 1920’s? What was his policy? 8. What was the Kellogg-Briand Pact? Was it successful? Why/Why not? 9. What is meant by “nativism”? What caused its rise during the 1920’s? 10. What did the “Red Scare” mean? Why was this so prevalent during the 1920’s? 11. Which political party was in control during the 1920’s? 12. When was Calvin Coolidge elected president? On what campaign slogan? 13. What other industries were created as a result of the boom of the automobile industry (see your PowerPoint notes)? 14. Who was A. Mitchell Palmer? What were the “Palmer Raids” about?” 15. Why did Republicans during the 1920’s favor high tariffs? 16. What did the Sacco and Vanzettti case reflect about America during the 1920’s? 17. How did most people manage to gather enough funds to purchase an automobile during the 1920’s? 18. How did Henry Ford make affordable cars? 19. What were the major causes of the Great Depression? 20. What were the major causes of the stock market crash of 1929? 21. What did “buying on margin” mean? 22. How did Herbert Hoover handle the ever-deepening Depression? 23. How did the political philosophy of Herbert Hoover and that of Franklin D. Roosevelt differ? 24. What was meant by the “Hundred Days”? 25. What was the philosophy of the so-called “New Deal”? 26. In what ways can the New Deal be judged a success? A failure? 27. What was the purpose of the Dawes Plan of 1924? Its effect? 28. What legislation passed under the New Deal are relevant today? 29. What was the purpose of the alphabet agencies like the PWA and CCC? 30. What was the purpose of the Neutrality Acts passed in 1935-1937? 31. Hitler used the economic situation of Germany as his basis for the need of Nazism in Germany. When did he become Chancellor? 32. How did the U.S. feel about Europe and war in general in the 1930’s? 33. Germany’s rearmament in the 1930’s directly violated what international document? 34. What was meant by the policy of “appeasement”? Who were the supporters of this policy? Why? 35. Where did Japan first invade in 1931? Why? 36. Who made foreign policy in Japan in the 1920’s? How did this change by the 1930’s? 37. Why were the Japanese upset over the results of the London Naval Conference in 1930? 38. Where did a Chinese “holocaust” occur as a result of the Japanese invasion of their land? 39. What was the purpose of FDR’s “Quarantine Speech” in 1937? How did the American people react? 40. Who was Mussolini? Where did he invade in 1935? 41. Why was the League of Nations inept? 42. What was the Exclusion Act of 1924 about [The General Immigration Act]? How did the Japanese respond? 43. WWII began with the invasion of what country? When? 44. Who signed the Non-Aggression Pact of 1939? Why was this a shock to the world? 45. When was Pearl Harbor attacked? 46. Who was the Allied leader that stated after the attack on Pearl Harbor: “We have won the war”? What did he mean? 47. Who was the Japanese Prime Minister during WWII? 48. Who was Yamamoto? 49. The major turning points of WWII were what battles? Why? 50. Who was the Commander of the Allied forces for D-Day? When was D-Day? What was its significance? 51. What was the rationale for America’s use of the atomic bomb on Japan? 52. What was this secret project on the bomb called? Where? 53. Who led the scientists on the project? 54. What was the Interim Committee? What choices did they discuss regarding the use of the atomic bomb? What did they finally decide? 55. When did FDR die? Who replaced him as President? 56. What was the Allied strategy called in the Pacific theater? 57. The first atomic bomb was used where? What was its nickname? 58. The second atomic bomb was used where? Its nickname? 59. When did Germany surrender? 60. Who was responsible for the final decision to drop the atomic bombs on Japan? 61. When did Japan surrender? Who accepted the surrender document? 62. What causes suspicions between the U.S. and the Soviet Union during WWII? 63. What happened at the Yalta Conference? At the Potsdam Conference? 64. What was at the heart of the disagreement between the Soviet Union and the U.S. in Europe? 65. How were the U.S. and the Soviet Union different? 66. What was the Truman Doctrine? What was the Marshall Plan? What were the effects of these two things? 67. What caused Stalin to close access to Berlin? 68. How did the Allies get supplies to West Berlin? 69. Why was the NATO alliance formed? 70. What was the Cold War? 71. How long did it last? 72. What happened to Germany—and Berlin—after WWII? 73. When was the Berlin Wall built? Why? 74. What was the first “hot” event of the Cold War? The second? 75. What was the outcome of the civil war in China following WWII? 76. Why did the United States go to the aid of South Korea in 1950? 77. What brought China into the Korean War? 78. What caused the disagreement between MacArthur and Truman? How did the disagreement end? 79. How did the Korean War end? 80. What two men are credited with ending the Cold War? 81. In what year did the USSR dissolve? 82. Why were Americans worried about the security of the U.S. after WWII? 83. What was HUAC? What did they do? 84. Who were the Hollywood Ten? 85. Who were the Rosenberg’s? 86. What was McCarthy? Why was he controversial? 87. How did the Soviet launch of Sputnik affect the U.S.? 88. How did the GI Bill help returning veterans? 89. What caused the economy to recover so rapidly after WWII? 90. How did Truman address civil rights during his presidency? 91. What was Truman’s Fair Deal? 92. Who won the presidential elections of 1952? And again in 1956? Why did Americans choose him? 93. What happened to the birthrate in the U.S. after WWII? 94. What were American buying patterns for consumer goods in the 1950s? 95. How did the beat movement challenge conformity? 96. How did rock ‘n’ roll get into mainstream culture? 97. Who won the presidential election of 1960? Why? 98. What political change did Fidel Castro bring to Cuba upon taking power? 99. What was the Bay of Pigs incident? How did it lead to the Cuban Missile Crisis? 100. What was the Cuban Missile Crisis? 101. What brought on the development of the U.S. space program? 102.What happened on November 22, 1963? What was the reaction amongst U.S. citizens? 103.What does the Civil Rights Act of 1964 state? 104.What were the components of LBJ’s Great Society? 105.How were the rights of people accused of crimes expanded by the Supreme Court in the 1960s? 106.How did the Great Society under LBJ contribute to a conservative backlash later on? 107. What world event inspired African Americans to fight for civil rights at home (we realized we were being hypocritical because of what)? 108. What issues did the NAACP use to challenge the Plessy decision? 109. Who was Dr. Martin Luther King? What kind of civil disobedience did he advocate? 110. How did President Kennedy view the Civil Rights Movement? 111. What were “sit-ins”? What organization organized these? 112. What were “Jim Crow” laws? 113. What was the purpose of the NAACP? What does it stand for? 114. What Supreme Court decision supported the Jim Crow laws? 115. How did the Brown decision affect the cause of civil rights? 116. How did the tactics of the student protesters from SNCC differ from those of the boycotts in Montgomery? 117. What was the result of the Montgomery Bus Boycott? 118. Who was Emmett Till and how did his murder contribute to the Civil Rights movement? 119. Describe the main parts of each of the following civil rights acts: the Civil Rights Act of 1957, 1964, and 1968. 120. What factors contributed to the outbreak of violence in the fight for civil rights? 121. What was lynching? What group actively participated in such a crime? 122. What were the major aspects of the Voting Rights Act of 1965? What President signed this into law? 123. Who were the “Freedom Riders”? 124. How did television coverage of the Birmingham marchers affect legislation? 125. What was “Freedom Summer”? When was it? 126. What restrictions had been placed on blacks in the South in the years between Reconstruction and the 1960’s that prevented them from voting? 127. What happened after Martin Luther King, Jr.’s assassination in cities across the United States? 128. What is the relationship between the 24th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the civil rights movement? 129. What division emerged amongst black people fighting for their own civil rights in the latter part of the 1950’s/ early 1960’s? (Why did some people turn away from people like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) 130. What was Malcolm X’s appeal as a leader to black people? 131. When did France rule Vietnam? 132. Who were the Vietminh and what were they fighting for? 133. What happened at Dien Bien Phu? 134. What did the Geneva Accords do to Vietnam? 135. Who was Ho Chi Minh? 136. What larger conflict was the Vietnam War only a small part of? 137. What ideas were at war in the Vietnam War? 138. Why did Diem cancel elections? 139. Why did Kennedy decide to support Diem? 140. Why did Diem’s popularity plummet? 141. Why did South Vietnam become increasingly unstable? 142. What was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution? 143. Why did Johnson increase U.S. troop numbers in Vietnam? 144. Who were William Westmoreland, Dean Rusk, and Robert McNamara? 145. What tactics did the Vietcong use? 146. What results did the Vietcong achieve? 147. Why did U.S. troops have morale problems? 148. How did the conduct of the South Vietnamese government affect the way the war was conducted? 149. How did the cost of the war effect the U.S. economy? 150. How did TV broadcasts from Vietnam affect support for the war? 151. How was the draft unfair? 152. What issues did Vietnam raise for African Americans? 153. What did women in the military do in Vietnam? 154. What was the program of the New Left? 155. How did draft-eligible Americans respond to the draft? 156. How did the American public respond to the protests against the war? 157. What was the Tet Offensive? 158. How did the Tet Offensive change American public opinion about the war? 159. How did the Tet Offensive change President Johnson’s popularity? 160. Why did President Johnson decide not to seek reelection? 161. Why did riots occur at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago? 162. How did George Wallace affect the outcome of the 1968 election? 163. What happened to peace negotiations with North Vietnam? 164. What was Vietnamization? 165. What was the goal of Nixon’s Vietnam policy? 166. What happened at My Lai? 167. Why did students and others protest Nixon’s invasion of Cambodia? 168. What happened at Kent State and Jackson State that prompted nationwide protests on college campuses all across America? 169. What were the Pentagon Papers? 170. What announcement did Kissinger make one week before the election? 171. What happened with peace talks after Nixon’s reelection? 172. What were the terms of the cease-fire agreement? 173. What was the final resolution of the Vietnam War? 174. Who was Henry Kissinger? 175. What kind of reception did Vietnam veterans receive when they came home? 176. What happened in Southeast Asia after the Vietnam War? 177. What is the legacy of the Vietnam War? 178. How does the war still influence American politics and foreign policy? 179. Did the Latino population grow or shrink in the 1960s? 180. Who was Cesar Chavez, and what did he do to help Latinos? 181. What did Latinos do to enhance their political power in the 1960s? 182. What successes did Native Americans attain during the 1960s? 183. What kinds of discrimination did women encounter at their jobs in the 1960s? 184. How did women’s experiences in civil rights and antiwar protests increase their awareness of sexism? 185. What was the impact of Betty Friedan’s book The Feminine Mystique? 186. What were the National Organization for Women’s goals? 187. What was Roe v. Wade, and why was it important to women? 188. What influence did hippies have on art and fashion? 189. How did the counterculture change American social attitudes? 190. What actions did Nixon take to slow desegregation? 191. What is stagflation? What factors caused it? 192. What was the policy of détente? 193. What was the significance of Nixon’s trip to China? 194. What were the provisions and significance of the SALT I Treaty? 195. Why did burglars attempt to steal information from the DNC headquarters? 196. How were the White House ties to the burglary covered up? 197. What event triggered the Watergate investigation? 198. Why did Nixon resign? 199. What were the effects of Watergate? 200. What were the Helsinki Accords? What president signed it? 201. How did energy and economic issues affect Carter’s political support? 202. Why was Carter unsuccessful in dealing with the Soviet Union? What led to the collapse of détente? 203. What were the Camp David Accords? 204. Why did Iranian revolutionaries take Americans hostage in 1979? 205. Who is Rachel Carson? What Congressional action resulted from her book? 206. What happened at Three Mile Island? 207. Why did many Americans come to embrace the conservative movement? 208. Who was Ronald Reagan? Why did Americans like him? 209. What was the result of the Reagan tax cut? 210. Who is George Bush (Sr.)? What led to his election for president? 211. What were some of the major health-care issues in the 1980s? 212. What group was particularly vilified as a result of AIDS spreading worldwide in the 1980s, although it is now understood that AIDS does NOT only affect this group? 213. How did Reagan and Bush approach the problem of drugs in America? 214. What challenges did most American cities face in the 1980s? 215. What political gains did black people make in the 1980s? 216. What new economic opportunity was presented to Native Americans in the 1980s? 217. What changes occurred in China in the 1980s? 218. What did Reagan and Bush consider a threat in Central America and the Caribbean? 219. Why did the U.S. invade Panama and Grenada? 220. What was the Iran-Contra scandal? 221. What prompted the U.S. to take action in the Middle East in the 1990s? 222. What was Operation Desert Storm?
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