Deep Local Hyperthermia for Cancer Therapy: External Electromagnetic and Ultrasound Techniques Augustine Y. Cheung and Ali Neyzari Cancer Res 1984;44:4736s-4744s. Updated version Access the most recent version of this article at: E-mail alerts Sign up to receive free email-alerts related to this article or journal. Reprints and Subscriptions Permissions To order reprints of this article or to subscribe to the journal, contact the AACR Publications Department at To request permission to re-use all or part of this article, contact the AACR Publications Department at Downloaded from on September 9, 2014. © 1984 American Association for Cancer Research. [CANCER RESEARCH (SUPPL.) 44, 4736s-4744s, October 1984] Deep Local Hyperthermia for Cancer Therapy: External Electromagnetic and Ultrasound Techniques1 Augustine Y. Cheung and Ali Neyzari Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, George Washington University, Washington, DC 20052, and Cheung Associates, Inc., Beltsville, Maryland 20705 Abstract External heating techniques for delivery of localized hyperthermia in patients are reviewed. This paper covers microwaves, radiofrequency, and ultrasound methods. Fundamental principles governing tissue absorption, guidelines for applicator selection and design, and restrictions of each heating approach are dis cussed. Innovative techniques utilizing multiple applicators to achieve better heating uniformity are also presented. The advan tages and disadvantages of electromagnetic versus ultrasound heating techniques are compared as a conclusion to this review. Introduction Elevated tumor temperature, or tumor hyperthermia, is a method used in the treatment of cancer based on a considerable amount of good experimental data. In the early part of this century, diseases such as arthritis, asthma, and multiple scle rosis and infectious diseases such as syphilis and gonorrhea were treated by hyperthermia (24). At low-temperature hyperthermia (between 37° and 41.5°), heat enhances cell growth and also may well enhance the growth and proliferation of tumors. At high-temperature hyperthermia (above 45°),heat begins to indiscriminately damage both normal and cancer cells. Thus, to avoid both enhancement of the active growing edge of the tumor and damage to normal cells, we are limited to a narrow therapeutic range. This paper describes the 2 methods of external heating (EM2 and ultrasound) that have been or can be used locally to induce temperature elevation for the treatment of cancer. As we shall see, each method has advantages and disadvantages. As we go deeper inside the tissue, the number of human tumors that can be treated with hyperthermia increases. There fore, depth of penetration of the heating beam is an important consideration in hyperthermia systems. Another important factor is the noninvasiveness of the technique. Metastasis, caused by delivering heat invasively, might increase with disruption of blood vessels and mechanical probing of the tumor. EM and ultrasound are the 2 main methods that are potentially useful for noninvasive heating (17). Localization is also a factor of consideration in hyperthermia. In treating known or suspected multiple tumors with whole-body hyperthermia, temperatures above 42° are hazardous due to difficulty in quick and precise control and physiological stress (24). Consequently, producing localized deep heating without excessive surface heating by means of external EM and ultra sound techniques is the primary subject of this paper. 1Presented at the Workshop Conference on Hyperthermia in Cancer Treatment, March 19 to 21,1984, Tucson, AZ. 2 The abbreviation used is: EM, electromagnetic. 4736s Heat-producing Modalities Most of the heat-producing methods are divided into 2 major modalities: (a) ohmic heating, which is produced by electrical currents generated from radiofrequency sources and by electrical waves generated from microwave sources; and (b) mechanical friction, which is caused by an ultrasound wave shaking the molecules. EM and ultrasound beams follow the general laws of waves as they propagate through the body (14). Because each heat-producing modality has its own physical properties and because the anatomical site of the lesion and the size and depth of the tumor vary, one or several methods may have specific applications or limitations in a given topographical area (22). EM Techniques Heat can be generated in tissue by different kinds of interaction between EM fields and biological systems. One such way is by rotating polar molecules; the friction associated with the rotation of the atoms and molecules causes heat generation when timevarying EM fields are applied. Another kind of interaction is oscillation of free electrons and ions. In this way, collisions between electrons and ions with immobile atoms and molecules within the tissues produce heat. At microwave frequencies and radiofrequencies, the internal electric field E is primarily respon sible for transferring energy into tissue as heat. At microwave frequencies (300 MHz to 30 GHz), the rotation of water mole cules dominates all interactions; therefore, water-containing tis sues like skin and muscle are usually good microwave absorbers (8). In general, materials that interact with an EM field via the interactions mentioned above are classified as lossy dielectrics and are described by a property of material called permittivity, designated by «.Permittivity involves a complex number for sinusoidal steady state fields and can be expressed as «= eo(i' - Je") (A) where (0 ¡sthe permittivity of free space (F/m) and («'- Ji") is the relative permittivity, with «'as the real part and «"as the imaginary part, both of which are unitless. From Equation A, we see that the relative permittivity is (/<0 = <r; it is called the dielectric constant. Tissue can be characterized by e' and a, the conductivity (Siemens m~1) that is given by a = we0e", where w is the angular frequency. Note that the permittivity of tissue ¡sa strong function of frequency. The concept of plane wave propagation in a lossy dielectric is often used to describe wave phenomena in tissues. Therefore, although this concept does not actually occur physically, it is CANCER RESEARCH Downloaded from on September 9, 2014. © 1984 American Association for Cancer Research. VOL. 44 Deep Local Hyperthermia by External Techniques @"(mmhos/cm) nevertheless an important tool in understanding the basic salient characteristics of EM waves in tissue (9). 100 Frequency and Depth of Penetration The use of higher frequencies results in a decreased depth of penetration. As Chart 1 shows, as the frequency decreases, the depth of penetration of the plane wave in muscle tissue in creases. By drawing a vertical line at any point on the depth axes, we would see that, for the same depth of penetration, the use of a lower frequency results in higher power absorption. By drawing a horizontal line at any point on the power axes, we would see that, for the same power absorbed, use of a lower frequency results in a higher depth of penetration. Power ab sorbed P is given by = Vï (W/m3) (B) where £ is the magnitude of electric field (V/m) and <r, the conductivity, is in (S/m). P is the same as the specific absorption rate. Penetration depth D is defined by 2 where a, the absorption coefficient, is given by 4 6 10" 2 4 6 10 Chart 2. Frequency dependence of D (plane-wave depth of penetration) and <r (conductivity) for EM waves in muscle and fat tissues (5). necessarily desirable since as given by Equation B and Chart 2, a, the primary factor governing absorption, decreases with de creasing frequency (8). and reduced wave length X«« is given by +1 C") Frequency Selection where X0 is the free-space wave length which is always greater than A«« (8). Chart 2 shows penetration depth D and power absorption P as a function of frequency for muscle and fat tissue. At any frequency, this graph shows penetration depth in fat is higher than that in muscle, but conductivity a of muscle is higher than that of fat. Despite better penetration, the lower frequency is not FBEQI1PMCV. MH» Because depth of penetration is a function of frequency, then to heat tumors at various depths, it is more desirable to have a generator covering the entire range of frequencies. However, this is not practical because of the radiation hazards as well as restraint on decreased absorption with lowering frequency. Therefore, EM generators other than those of the officially des ignated industrial, scientific, and medical band are generally prohibited for operating on a patient in a regular hospital room; a special shielding room is required for any frequencies other than the above mentioned. For hyperthermia, the EM generators that are commercially available operate at the ISM band frequen cies of 13.56, 27.12, 40.68, 915, and 2450 MHz. A frequency of 433 MHz is also authorized in Europe. For hyperthermia, the power range also varies normally within the range of 10 to 500 watts for a single applicator at microwave frequencies (915 and 2450 MHz). EM Applicators DEPTH IN MUSCLE cm Chart 1. Power absorption in muscle by plane wave versus depth of penetration at different frequencies (9). OCTOBER Experimental studies strongly suggest that hyperthermia is useful in the treatment of cancer. One of the most important and difficult parts of this treatment is the delivery of well-controlled heat into the body, a complex biological system. One of the most significant problems facing application of EM energy is the proper design and selection of the applicators that direct deep penetration of EM energy into the patient. Indeed, the success of hyperthermic treatment appears to be strongly 1984 Downloaded from on September 9, 2014. © 1984 American Association for Cancer Research. 4737s A. Y. Cheung and A. Neyzari related to the capability of the applicator(s) to focus energy effectively into a tumor (6). Factors like reliable, simple, and safe equipment; power output (reproducibility) and surface cooling; localization of the treatment area; knowledge of minimum tumor and maximum normal tissue temperature to avoid temperature rise in the surrounding healthy tissue; and acceptable heating duration are critical in the applicator selection and design proc esses (3). They provide uniform, reliable, and safe heating of the tumor volume. In microwave diathermy (915 and 2450 MHz), spaced appli cators are often used. However, because of the danger of scattered radiation to the operators and the patient's body, problems such as near-field coupling (1). If an applicator that is short compared to the wave length is used, since the near field is strong near the radiator but decays rapidly as its distance from the radiator increases and since the EM field produced in the tissue is dominated by the near fields, then greatly increased surface heating occurs (9). The following section includes a description of the different kinds of EM direct-contact applicators (external), consisting of capacitive, inductive, and radiative aperture applicators and also multiple applicators. Capacitive Applicators shielding is required (6). For a safe treatment with minimum leakage of radiation, an external direct contact applicator can be Capacitive applicators have been used widely in hyperthermia used where shielding is not required (6, 16). Based on official for cancer patients. They are simple devices that operate at low safety performance standards formulated by the United States frequencies (13.56 and 27.12 MHz). This type of applicator Bureau of Radiological Health, direct-contact applicators should consists of 2 plates producing an electric field (£)that is perpen be able to induce hyperthermia in tissue at a rate exceeding 1°/ dicular to the plates and causes deep heating (Chart 3). Parallel min, thus raising the tissue temperature from 37°to 42°in less to the direction of the conduction current, electric field (E) is than 5 min. At the same time, leakage exceeding the safety level basically perpendicular to the interfaces between the tissue of 10 milliwatts/sq cm should not be found at 5 cm from the layers, such as fat and muscle. Due to differences in permittivity outer edge of the applicator in use (6, 23). (É) of different tissues, interfaces between different tissues (e.g., In designing EM applicators, the size of the applicator (radiator) fat and muscle) in wave heating is a major concern (9). For an must be an appreciable fraction of a wave length to be efficient. idealized geometry (parallel plate capacitor), the E field in the fat The wave length is given by (E,) and muscle (£m)is constant. The boundary condition at junction between fat and muscle requires that (C) where f is the frequency and C is the speed of the waves in the body, which is given by o- Cl i,£,= tm£m (D) where a and tm are the permittivities of fat and muscle. From Equation B, power absorbed P (W/m3) at any point for fat and muscle are given by (9,15) P, = where Ci is the speed of the waves in free space. A complication that must be considered for the waves is the impedance mismatch between the source, the body, and the structures in the body. The reflections between interfaces are related to the characteristic impedance Z,. In EM waves, this value is Z, = 377 ii for air and Z2 = 50 ÃŽÃŽ in the body. The reflection power R at normal incidence for planar waves is given by Thus, the ratio of absorbed power in fat to muscle is given by P, _ a, |£,|2 P + z, and the transmitted power (7) is given by (14) P» |(m|2 (F) | i, |2 The following is a simple example that shows how excessive s.c. fat heating occurs when the electric field is perpendicular to 7 = 1 -fl We know that the lower frequency (/) results in an increased depth of penetration (D), so that to have an applicator deliver deep heating in muscle, the length of the radiator must be at least one-half of the wave length (X) (13), and since wave length is related to the frequency by Equation C, a lower frequency results in a longer wave length, which leads to a large radiator. Using too long a radiator, however, is not a practical means of producing EM waves in regions of the patient's body. On the (E) \E I2 Therefore, from Equations D and E Pj_ z, - z a Idealized I geometry i Plate Muscle other hand, it is usually desirable for one to use higher-frequency microwaves, because it is easier to localize the radiator at high frequencies; yet deep penetration cannot be achieved. The design of microwave heating involves solutions to EM 4738s Charts. Capacitive applicator arrangement showing idealized parallel plate capacitor geometry (9). CANCER RESEARCH Downloaded from on September 9, 2014. © 1984 American Association for Cancer Research. VOL. 44 Deep Local Hyperthermia by External Techniques the fat-muscle interface and how this condition may be pre vented. The values needed for this calculation for frequency 27.12 MHz are given as S/m a, = 0.012 am = 0.61 <', = 20 i'm t", = 7.23 t"m = 405.82 = S/m 113 — a 0.02 0* From Equation A, and «m= KÕf'm —Jt'm) Therefore - J("m\2 I113-J405.82I2 I20-J7.23I2 392 From Equation F, = (0.02) (392) = 7.84 which means that power absorbed in fat is greater than power absorbed in muscle (P, > Pm). From Equation D, Ei <m Em (t portion of a patient. These simple applicators, which are now commercially available with the name Magnetrode, operate at a fixed frequency (13.56 MHz). No coupling medium is necessary. With Magnetrodes, high temperature has been achieved at depths of 8 cm or more. In the special case of a homogeneous dielectric placed coaxially in a thin coil, the magnetic field concentrates in the edge vicinity of the coil, thus producing a null at the center, even in the case of a lossless material. In the case of an inhomogeneous medium (e.g., the human body), induced eddy currents do not flow symmetrically around the geometric center. Instead, many smaller locally induced loops may be found in regions of different conductivity (5). These local eddy-current loops may cause more uniformity and deeper heating results (21). Three configurations of magnetic fields generated by induction coils are illustrated in Chart 4 as follows: (a) pancake coil, where the coil is placed on the surface of the body and may consist of one or more turns of a conductor in a planar or axial distribution and produces a magnetic field predominantly perpendicular to the skin surface; (b) coaxial pair of coils, in which 2 single-turn coils on a common axis can be placed on the anterior and posterior sides of the body region to be heated. The arrows indicate the magnetic field lines that pass through the body. The dotted circles indicate the path of representative eddy currents in coronal planes of the body; (c) concentric coil. When one or multiple-turn coils surround a portion of the patient's body, magnetic field lines approximately parallel to the axis of the cylindrical volume are produced. Eddy currents associated with the induced £field are also shown (20). Radiative Aperture Applicators or Ifrl2 392 which means that £field in fat is greater than £field in muscle. Thus, if E, > £m,then P,>Pm, where the fat-overheating problem occurs. The above calculation is based on the condition that the £field is perpendicular to the fat-muscle interface. To prevent fat overheating near the interface, the £field should be parallel to the fat-muscle interface. The boundary condition requires E, = £m.Therefore, from Equation E, This type of applicators is classified as a high-frequency appli cator (microwave), which couples a propagating wave from the applicator to the patient. They are well developed and can satisfactorily heat tissue at depths of a few cm. Furthermore, because they are excited by wave guides, they do not produce fat overheating problems since their £field is primarily tangential to the fat-muscle interface (9). Since the physical size of the applicator must be at least onehalf the wave length, at frequencies below microwave, the ap erture applicators would be practically too large to use. However, as Chart 1 indicates, the penetration depth at microwave fre- which means that power absorbed in fat is much less than that in muscle, resulting in no fat burning (9). In the capacitive heating technique, the current spread can also cause excessive surface heating, which would require prop erly spacing the separation between plates and the tissue. A circulated 0.9% NaCI solution bolus is very often used to control the surface temperature. Inductive Applicators In EM heating, inductive applicators are involved when, instead of direct electric field coupling, the main source of power depo sition is currents produced inductively in the tissue. Recently, Storm ef a/. (27) used a large loop induction coil surrounding a OCTOBER (a) (b) (c) Chart 4. Three arrangements of current loops and the corresponding directions of magnetic field lines. Eddy currents are also shown (20). 1984 Downloaded from on September 9, 2014. © 1984 American Association for Cancer Research. 4739s A. Y. Cheung and A. Neyzari quencies is insufficient for heating deep-seated tumors. Further more, in operating a small-aperture applicator at low frequency (13.56 and 27.12 MHz), the production of radiation into the body is dominated by the near field, causing surface overheat. In a dielectrically filled wave guide as the frequency is lowered, the size of the aperture increases and a reduction of this size is directly proportional to the square root of the relative dielectric constant t,, where t, = —.Therefore, by filling the empty space to (air) of the wave guide applicator with commercially available lossless dielectrics ranging from 1 to 150, the aperture size can be reduced by a factor of up to 12 (5, 11, 13). Indeed, Sterzer ef al. (26) have developed a large ridge-wave guide applicator (27.12 MHz) loaded with deionized water (lossless dielectric with ir = 81) that produces deep heating. Chart 5. Transmission of EM radiation from an applicator to a tumor in hyperthermia system using a bolus. Bolus 44 43°- In EM hyperthermia, a tissue-equivalent bolus is often used to improve the coupling between the applicator and the patient (Chart 5). Application of bolus has the following advantages. Smooth Transmission from Applicators into Tissue. Lack of uniformity of the deposited energy and loss in the coupling coefficient of energy in the heated area due to the curvature of the body surface require use of bolus. Skin Cooling to Avoid Surface Heating. With single applica tors, maximum heating always occurs near the surface. There fore, unless treating very superficial skin, deionized water is often circulated into the bolus to act as a cooling agent against the skin. Safer Treatment by Reducing the Amount of Leakage from the Applicator. Deionized water bolus greatly reduces the amount of leakage from the applicator. Maintenance of the Body Surface at a Fixed Distance from the Applicator for Each Session of the Treatment. Microwave bolus can be used as a spacer to ensure proper placement of the applicator. With a proper frequency, a well-designed applicator, and use of a bolus, EM hyperthermia induction systems can deposit uniform heating into the tissue at the depth of a few cm, but the depth of heating can be greatly increased by using 2 or more applicators rather than a single one. Multiple-Applicator Technique This technique can be incorporated into hyperthermia treat ment to improve the depth of heating in tissue. In regions of extreme curvature (e.g., breasts, head, neck, and limbs), it is possible to generate deep hyperthermia by superposing several beams. With a capacitive applicator, by placing more than one pair of capacitive plates in a "cross-fire" arrangement, heating from all the pairs adds in the center, where deep tissue heating is desired. Less superficial heating may be achieved with this arrangement (11). Phased Array. An array of radiation designed to create con structive interference at the focus is called phased array. In a multiple-element array arrangement (with N elements), depend ing on whether or not the elements are excited in phase, the heating at the focus can be A/2 or only N greater than that expected from a single applicator. However, in reality, it is hard 4740s Applicator Bolus Tumor Tissue Applicators 42'- Tissue 41°- volume Scm Chart 6. Distribution of heat induced by means of 2 conformai applicators facing each other across the heated area in the thigh muscles of an anesthetized dog. Graph represents temperature readings at various points of thermocouples. Inser tion along the distances between applicators (19). to design a phase array radiating into a lossy inhomogeneous dielectric (human tissue) (6). Radiative aperture applicators have been used in arrays to obtain improved heating patterns. Cheung ef al. (7) used 2 applicators at 2450 MHz to obtain more uniform heating. Mendecki ef al. (19) used a single conformai applicator at 2450 MHz. The heat induced in the tissue was not uniform, and the thera peutic temperature range was limited to 1.5 to 2 cm below the surface level (cutaneous or s.c. heating). To improve deep heat ing, they used 2 conformai applicators facing each other across the heated area. As illustrated in Chart 6, perfectly uniform heating in tissue with a thickness of 5 cm is achieved. GuerquinKern ef al. (12) used two 2450-MHz applicators perpendicular to each other; an improved temperature field resulted from the superposition of the 2 intersecting beams. In microwave hyperthermia, a single dielectrically loaded openended waveguide, horn, or coaxial antenna is often used. To avoid the disadvantage of the single applicator, phased array is used in layered lossy media with the focal point several cm away from the radiating aperture. Gee ef al. (11) developed a theory for analyzing an arbitrary array designed for near-field focusing and for testing its predictions for a 4-element linear array against experimental data. The focused linear array of 2450 MHz con sists of 4 titanium dioxide-loaded horn antennas with apertures (2.0 x 1.4 cm). The experiments conducted with the 4-element linear array have successfully demonstrated that the near-field focusing of an array can be accomplished by appropriate phasing of each antenna element for the desired focal point. This validates the theoretical model. Furthermore, Gee ef al. have obtained a reasonable beam spot size (1.3 cm) that is amenable to electric scanning and achieved sufficient sidelobe suppression (as is evident by the 19-element hexagonal planar array) to ensure that most of the EM energy can be confined and directed to the intended focal region. CANCER RESEARCH Downloaded from on September 9, 2014. © 1984 American Association for Cancer Research. VOL. 44 Deep Local Hyperthermia by External Techniques Ultrasound Technique Ultrasound is another method of producing deep heating in hyperthermia cancer therapy. This therapeutic modality has been used for some years but, like the EM technique, has advantages and disadvantages. Vibration due to passage of ultrasound waves through tissues causes the displacement of tissue molecules. Heating is pro duced as a result of the absorption of this ultrasound vibration in the tissue. The speed of sound in tissue is considerably lower as compared to the velocity of EM wave propagation. This difference in velocity and difference of the ultrasound and EM radiation results in vast differences between ultrasonic and EM heating. Because of the relatively low speed of sound in tissue (1.5 x 105 cm/sec), at frequencies between 1 and 10 MHz (ultrasonic frequencies), the acoustical wave lengths (between 1.5 to 0.15 mm) are much shorter than those in the EM range. This frequency range is still low enough to avoid high tissue absorption and as a result provides deep penetration in tissue. The propagation of ultrasound in the body is similar to that of microwave beams. The acoustic impedance z»is related to the velocity of ultrasound V (speed of sound in region x in m/s) and the average density P, (kg/m~3). Because at ultrasound frequencies both speed of sound and average density are almost constant for most tissues (e.g. , water, brain, liver, muscle, and fat, but not bone), the acoustic imped ance Zx is constant for different tissues. For this reason, the internal reflections between fat and muscle are usually neglected in ultrasound technique. However, propagation of ultrasound waves in bone and air is quite different from that of soft tissue; a great deal of reflection occurs at the interfaces of bone (or air) and tissue (2, 15). This is one of the disadvantages of ultrasound technique. Focusing Because heating by plane-wave energy causes the intensity and temperature to decay exponentially as the depth in tissue increases (Chart 7, Curves A), deep heating is not achieved, and regardless of the wave length of the plane-wave energy, surface heating occurs and injury is possible. Therefore, for selective deep-heat deposition in a limited region, focusing the energy is essential (17). As Chart 7, Curves B, shows, by focusing, higher intensity and temperature can be achieved at the desired point of depth, and due to the small size of ultrasound energy wave lengths ultrasound waves can be focused easily into local regions of tissue for producing controlled localized hyperthermia to heat deep-seated tumors (17). Depth Depth (b) Chart 7. Intensity and temperature distribution patterns, with plane wave in a homogeneous medium (Curves A) and with a focused radiation field (Curves B) (17). diameters are used for deep tumors and operate at the lower frequencies (18). Focusing Lens. Energy from the transducer can be focused or concentrated into the tissue with a focusing lens. Different sizes of lenses are available for different sizes of transducers. When selecting focusing lenses, factors such as good impedance matching and low-attenuation loss properties should be consid ered. Degassed water or 0.9% NaCI solutions are used for acoust ical coupling between the transducer and the body during insonation(18). The attenuation coefficient of tissue increases approximately linearly with frequency; i.e., the shorter the wave length in tissue, the greater is the attenuation. Therefore, when deep penetration is needed for deep-tumor heating, a low frequency should be selected. The size and shape of the focus are also determined by wavelength. Therefore, a target as small as 1 mm can be selectively heated by ultrasound. In heating a deep-seated tumor by localized hyperthermia using ultrasound technique, the longest wave length should be approximately one-fifth of the dimension (thickness or diameter) of the tumor (18). Chart 8 shows that in ultrasound technique most of the power is concentrated in the region (heating area) with the diameter S, where S is related to the wave length of the energy X, the depth d (focal length of lens), and the diameter of the transducer D and is given by S = 1.22 \d (cm) Insonation Insonation, or irradiation with ultrasound, elevates the temper ature in tissue and consists mainly of the following. Transducer. Ultrasound is generated from a transducer (x-cut quartz crystals) which, when activated by a high-frequency volt age, produces pressure waves that heat the tissue (4). A rea sonable transducer size in ultrasound is several wave lengths in diameter, such as 8, 12, or 16 cm. Transducers with larger OCTOBER Results from the above equation for a transducer 9 cm in diameter lead to the following (9). For any depth (focal length) smaller than 12 cm and frequently greater than 0.5 MHz, the diameter of the heating area is less than 0.5 cm, which would not be practical for spot size. Ultrasonic power absorption per unit volume of tissue is a function of depth d and is given by Wa = W<,exp(-2a.„d) (watt) 1984 Downloaded from on September 9, 2014. © 1984 American Association for Cancer Research. 4741s A. Y. Cheung and A. Neyzari - Transducer Focused Field Chart 8. Schematic of focusing of energy from the transducer into the tumor (17). where W0 is initial power incident at the tissue surface and am is the acoustic attenuation coefficient. Ultrasound intensity in depth d is also given by ' = T = T A A (watt/sq cm) more and the tumor margin less, due to conduction and blood perfusion. Since at low temperature heat may well enhance the growth and proliferation of a tumor, this situation would create serious problems. Therefore, to raise tumor temperature evenly to the desired level in the entire tumor, translocation must be used, allowing deposition of enough heat at the periphery of the tumor. With a tumor larger than the heat source, stationary focus or pulsing stationary heat source on and off for production of effective hyperthermia is not adequate. Therefore, the heat source (or focal region) must be moved over the entire tumor for deposition of heat at different parts of a large tumor. From the above thermophysical properties of normal tissue and tumors and the length of the trajectory, which depends on the size of the tumor, the velocity of translocation can be determined. Since the generation of heat in tissue is a function of both local intensity and duration of insonation, in order to generate more heat in tumors by increasing the local intensity without possible focal damage to the tumor at focus, the duration of insonation needs to be decreased. This can be done by increasing the translocation velocity (17). Multiple Transducers or / = /oexp(-2a«^) (watt/sq cm) where I0 is the initial intensity and A is the cross-section of the 7T-S focused spot, given by A = -— (sq cm) (9,14). When deep heating is needed, the smallest practical diameter of heating area S (focused spot) should be 0.5 cm; therefore, the area is equal to = 0.196 (sq cm) To deliver deep heating to large or vascular tumors, it may not be possible to use a single transducer. By superposition of more than one beam entering the tissue surface at different points, sufficient power and depth of penetration can be achieved (17). Phase arrays of transducer elements that are being activated in sequence can produce a good deep temperature elevation. Two beams can interface destructively, however, if they are out of phase where they overlap. Consequently, the heat generation may be lower in the overlap compared to that at the beams themselves. A good example of a combination of multiple transducers and translocation is Lele's (18) device, shown in Chart 9. With steered, focused ultrasound, a spatially uniform level of hyper thermia restricted to the target volume and located at depth can Thus / = 5 Woexp(-2a«<y) (watt/sq cm) absorbed power per unit volume is given by P = 2/0amexp(-2a«^) (watt/cu cm) Remark. For heating a fixed spot size (S = 0.5 cm) of homo geneous muscle with ultrasound at different frequencies, we should consider the following. For a depth of 2 cm or less, a frequency of 2 MHz or higher is required. For a depth greater than 5 cm, a frequency of 1 MHz or less is required. Therefore, for a depth of 12 cm, the frequency of 0.5 MHz is optimal. If the initial 3 cm of fat are followed by homogeneous muscle, then for depths of 7 cm or more a frequency of less than 1 MHz is required (9). Translocation Translocation, or moving the heat source (or focal region), is important in the production of hyperthermia by ultrasound be cause of uniform temperature distribution. Tumors have lower blood perfusion than do normal tissues, and the lowest appears to be in their central regions (25). Because more heat can be removed from a region with higher blood flow (2), depositing energy evenly throughout the tumor would heat the central region 4742s 65432 j i \ i l i Diameter, cm i Chart 9. Unitomi temperature distribution in beef muscle mass in vitro using beams focused at 6 cm depth at 0.9 MHz frequency in circular trajectories (18). CANCER RESEARCH Downloaded from on September 9, 2014. © 1984 American Association for Cancer Research. VOL. 44 Deep Local Hyperthermia by External Techniques be achieved. This device is based on the conduction and blood perfusion in tissue and tumors. Two well-focused beams are moved in circular trajectories, one in the peripheral region of the tumor and the other close to the central region. In experimenta tion, such a technique resulted in excellent uniform temperature distribution at 2 to 7.5 cm of depth at a frequency of 0.9 MHz (18). Pounds ef al. [from Hunt (14)] used another approach that was later followed by Fessenden ef al. (10) in which 6-planar, 7cm-diameter PZT-4 discs mounted on a 90°spherical shell sector with a 26-cm radius of curvature were utilized at 0.35 MHz to produce therapeutic heating up to a depth of 15 cm. Advantages and Disadvantages of EM and Ultrasound Tech niques EM Technique Advantages. Since EM energy can propagate through air, in this technique coupling is not required. Due to the presence of air within and in the vicinity of areas such as the lungs, stomach, bowel, bladder, rectum, and pelvis, the use of EM technique is suggested for cancer therapy in these regions. EM energy is not hindered by bones. Therefore, this technique can be used for treatment of cancer in the chest area and all portions of upper and lower extremities. The preferred approach for brain tissue heating is microwave with single or multiple external beams. Microwave radiation can penetrate deeply into low-watercontaining tissue, like fat, and since the breast is composed largely of fat, deep penetration for cancer therapy is possible. Large volumes can be heated with multiple applicators or phase-array microwave. Producing microwave power is relatively inexpensive as a result of the commercialization of the microwave ovens. Mechanisms of interactions of microwaves with biological tis sue are reasonably understood. This allows a better design of safe and effective hyperthermia systems. It is relatively simple to control the power output of a micro wave generator. Depending on the type of treatment, there are different meth ods of induction of hyperthermia by EM system. These are noninvasive and invasive methods. Noninvasive methods can also be divided into simple and multiple-applicator techniques. In invasive methods, the objects can be either implanted in the body or inserted into a body orifice. Disadvantages. EM waves are absorbed by water-containing tissues and cause excessive heat elevation due to both higher absorption and lower heat dissipation. Thus, there are potential hazards for the EM technique in hydrate tissues or in tissues close to the organs containing or surrounded by fluids, such as the heart, stomach, and spinal cord. Depth of dose is limited to a few cm by using a single applicator, particularly with microwaves. The fat near the fat-muscle interface may overheat due to large reflections. These reflections may generate standing waves close to the fat surface. Focusing is difficult at low frequencies. Interaction with metal temperature-measuring devices is pos sible. OCTOBER There is a potential danger to patients using pacemakers. Ultrasound Advantages. Deep penetration of controlled beams up to 12 cm is possible. Tumors absorb ultrasound energy better than does normal tissue, as compared to EM energy. Excellent focusing is possible because the wave lengths are small compared to the diameter of their source. The acoustic impedance of most of the body fluids is close to that of the soft tissue, and absorption in the fluids is lower than that in the tissues. Thus, there is no possibility of excessive heating. There are no significant reflections at the interfaces between fatty and muscle tissues. The method is noninteractive with thermometry devices. 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