Immune biological rationale for hyperthermia in cancer treatment P. Schildkopf, B. Frey, O. J. Ott, F. Mantel, R. Sieber, E.-M. Weiss, R. Fietkau, and U. S. Gaipl Priv.-Doz. Dr. Udo S. Gaipl (PhD) Associate Professor Head of Radiation Immunobiology University Hospital Erlangen Department of Radiation Oncology Head: Prof. Dr. R. Fietkau 19.11.2010 14.09.2010 Barcelona, Schildkopf et al., Curr Med Chem, 2010 What we hear about hyperthermia (HT) • Modifies blood-circulation • Modifies cell membranes (“smooth” membrane) • Leads to acidosis (due to increased metabolism) • Leads to loss of ATP (due to increased metabolism) • Leads to retardation of DNA-replication (sensitizer for RT) • Leads to pain relief • Direct cytotoxic action: ¾T > 41°C lead to cell damages (preferentially tumor cells) ¾T < 41°C induce stress proteins • Modulation of the innate and adaptive immune system (39-43°C) Levine DB et al., HSS J, 2008 Heat to heal cancer – the Coley´s Toxin (end of the 19th century) Complete remission of tumor in cancer patients with high fever. Birth of immune therapy as treatment option for cancer. Coley´s Toxin: mixture of killed bacteria. William Bradley Coley (1862-1936) surgeon and oncologist However, strong side effects. Gaipl et al., Biological rationale of hyperthermia, in Hyperthermia in Oncology, Uni-Med Verlag AG, 2010 Biological modes of Main aims of action of hyperthermia anti-tumor therapy • Direct cytotoxicity • Radiosensitization • Chemosensitization • Systemic effects • Immune modulation • Stop proliferation of tumor cells • Kill tumor cells • Keep residual tumor cells in check • Induce immunogenic tumor cell death and immune stimulation Adapted from Torigoe et al., Int J Hyperthermia, 2009 Dendritic cells as main players in immune activation Adapted from Curtin et al., PLoS MEDICINE, 2009 Dendritic cells as main players in immune activation Distinct tumor microenvironment DC attraction and migration Uptake of antigen an co-stimulation Antigen presentation, T cell activation CTL response against tumor Modified from Milani et al. and Multhoff et al. HT as immune therapy for cancer – the role of heat-shock proteins crosspresentation (MHC class I) Inside the cell: thermo tolerance Outside the cell: immune activating danger signal Adapted from Shi et al., J Immunol, 2006 HT fosters specific cross-priming of dendritic cells specific (Me275) cross-presentation (CTL) “hot” (HT treated tumor cells) T cells co-cultured with tumor (Me275) loaded DC Tumor was “cold” or “hot” CTL lysis (MHC class I dependent) of melanoma cells (Me275 or K562) Demaria S. et al., Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys, 2004 Local applications may lead to systemic effects Latin: ab (position away from) and scopus (mark or target) w/o Flt3-L RT +/Flt3-L “secondary” tumor “primary” tumor Flt3-L: DC growth factor RT: single dose of 2 Gy RT RT plus Flt3-L Demaria S. et al., Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys, 2004 Abscopal effect of RT – Reduction of tumor growth outside the field of irradiation w/o Flt3-L RT RT plus Flt3-L Nude mice: since 2003: BSD 2000-3D Deep Regional Hyperthermia (RHT) since 2005: BSD 500 Local Hyperthermia (LHT) Interstitial Hyperthermia (IHT) since 12/2007: BSD 2000-3D MRI Deep Regional Hyperthermia c/w Magnetom Symphony (1.5 T) 11 Current definition of locally applied hyperthermia (HT) • Heating of tumor tissue • No alternative but additive tumor therapy • Temperature range: 40-44°C • Therapeutic time: 60 minutes Schildkopf et al., Strahlenther Onkol, 2010 Hyperthermia and colony formation SW480 tumor cells 5Gy HT in combination with X-ray (5Gy) reduces colony formation of colorectal tumor cells HCT15 1 colony formation fraction colony formation fraction SW480 tumor cells w/o ** 0,1 0,01 0,001 0,0001 0,00001 w/o HT 5 Gy 5 Gy + HT 10 Gy 10 Gy + HT 1 ** SW480 0,1 0,01 0,001 0,0001 0,00001 w/o HT 5 Gy 5 Gy + HT 10 Gy 10 Gy + HT Schildkopf et al., Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2010 Hyperthermia and cell death HT in combination with X-ray induces cell death in colorectal tumor cells HCT15 colorectal tumor cells; 72 hours after treatment; HT: 41.5°C for 1h; time interval between treatments: 4 hours Schildkopf et al., Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2010 Hyperthermia and cell death Pictures provided by Marco Vitale et al. Apoptotic cell Necrotic cell HT alone and most notably in combination with X-ray induces mainly necrosis in colorectal tumor cells HCT15 colorectal tumor cells; 72 hours after treatment; HT: 41.5°C for 1h; time interval between treatments: 4 hours Schildkopf et al., Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2010 Necrosis – one prominent form of tumor cell death after RT plus HT HCT15 d) 50 apoptotic cells [%] apoptotic cells [%] a) 40 ** 30 20 ** 10 0 b) w/o HT 5 Gy 5 Gy 10 Gy 10 Gy + HT + HT SW480 50 30 * 20 ** 0 w/o HT 40 ** 30 ** 20 * 10 0 w/o HT 5 Gy 5 Gy 10 Gy 10 Gy + HT + HT Colorectal tumor cells; 72 hours after treatment; HT: 41.5°C for 1h; time interval between treatments: 4 hours necrotic cells [%] necrotic cells [%] ** 5 Gy 5 Gy 10 Gy 10 Gy + HT + HT SW480 ** 50 ** 10 e) HCT15 * 40 ** 50 ** ** 40 30 * 20 10 0 w/o HT 5 Gy 5 Gy 10 Gy 10 Gy + HT + HT Schildkopf et al., Strahlenther Onkol, 2010 Combinations of HT plus RT increase the expression of PUMA SW480 24h PUMA actin 1.5 1 0.5 48h w/o HT 5Gy 5Gy 10Gy10Gy + HT + HT SW480 1.5 1 0.5 0 4 3 2 1 0 48h w/o HT 5Gy 5Gy 10Gy10Gy + HT + HT HCT15 PUMA actin PUMA actin PUMA (18 kDa) content (densitometric value) PUMA (18 kDa) content (densitometric value) PUMA (18 kDa) content (densitometric value) PUMA actin 0 HCT15 w/o HT 5Gy 5Gy 10Gy10Gy + HT + HT PUMA (18 kDa) content (densitometric value) 24h 4 3 2 1 0 w/o HT 5Gy 5Gy 10Gy10Gy + HT + HT Schildkopf et al., Strahlenther Onkol, 2010 Combinations of HT plus RT increase the expression of RIP-1 SW480 SW480 1.5 1 0.5 48h w/o HT 5Gy 5Gy 10Gy10Gy + HT + HT SW480 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 48h w/o HT 5Gy 5Gy 10Gy10Gy + HT + HT HCT15 RIP-1 actin RIP-1 actin RIP-1 (74 kDa) content (densitometric value) RIP-1 actin 2 0 HCT15 RIP-1 (74 kDa) content (densitometric value) RIP-1 (74 kDa) content (densitometric value) RIP-1 actin 24h w/o HT 5Gy 5Gy 10Gy10Gy + HT + HT RIP-1 (74 kDa) content (densitometric value) 24h 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 w/o HT 5Gy 5Gy 10Gy10Gy + HT + HT Schildkopf et al., Strahlenther Onkol, 2010 HT plus RT activate programmed apoptotic and necrotic cell death pathways X-ray plus HT via mitochondrial permeability transition PUMA bax activation RIP-1 IRF-5 activ ation p53# caspase3/7 downregulation bcl-2 blocking tumor cell death Schildkopf et al., Curr Med Chem, 2010 Synergistic effects of radiotherapy and HT Tumor Hyperthermia Ionising Radiation pO2 - pH + aggregation PROTEINS oxidation S phase CELL CYCLE G2, M, G1 modulation CELL DEATH induction Characteristics of the tumor microenvironment: Reduced blood flow and blood vessel density, chaotic vasculature with areas of acidosis, hypoxia and energy deprivation in form of ATP Hyperthermia adds to radiotherapy! Schildkopf et al., Autoimmunity, 2009 and Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2010 Hyperthermia (41.5°C) prolongs the G2 cell cycle arrest induced by irradiation 48h after treatment 24h after treatment 70 50 30 10 0 20 Gy 20Gy+ HT HT+ 20 Gy ** cells in G2 phase [%] late Sphase cells in G2 phase [%] clonogenic potential According: Fritz-Niggli et al., 1988 90 60 ** 50 40 30 20 10 0 20 Gy 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 dose (Gy) 15 cells in G2 phase [%] early SPhase G1-phase mitosis G 2-phase 0 20Gy+HT HT+ 20 Gy HCT15 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 ** ** * w/o HT * 5 Gy 5 Gy 10 Gy 10 Gy + HT + HT Adapted from Apetoh et al., Cancer Res, 2008 Immunogeneic tumor cell death – Calreticulin and HMGB1 Calreticulin: phagocytosis of dying tumor cells by DC HMGB1: mediates cross-presentation of tumor Ag by DC Modified from: Obeid et al., Nature medicine, 2007 Various forms of cell death – immunogenic cell death chemotherapeutic +/- HT 26.2.2007 43.0 T1 T2 T3 dead tumor cells T4 42.5 irradiation 42.0 41.5 41.0 40.5 40.0 39.5 39.0 12:00 Tue 29 Jan 2008 15:00 Time tumor free animals dead tumor cells anti-tumor immunity vital tumor cells Obeid et al., Nature medicine, 2007 and Schildkopf et al., unpublished data Immunogenic tumor cell death calreticulin on the tumor cell surface Colorectal carc. cells 24h after X-ray and X-ray + HT (41.5°C) count Correlation between CRT exposition and immunogenicity: log FITC Calreticulin Schildkopf et al., Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2010 HT additionally fosters the release of other danger signals like HMGB1 HT 24 hours RT tumor cell HMGB1 (32 kDa) w/o 5Gy Examine the supernatant HMGB1: high mobility group box 1 protein 10Gy HT 5Gy HT+ 10Gy HT+ +HT 5Gy +HT 10Gy HT in combination with RT induces the release of HMGB1 SW480 colorectal tumor cells; 24 hours after treatment; HT: 41.5°C for 1h; time interval between treatments: 4 hours Modified from: Kono et al., Nat Rev Immunol, 2008 and Gaipl et al., Curr Top Microbiol Immunol, 2006 Various forms of cell death – immunogenic cell death induced by HT chemotherapeutics ionizing irradiation hyperthermia apoptosis hidden DAMP surface modifications e.g. HMGB1, or HSP70 viable tumor cell hidden DAMP necrosis secondary necrosis eat -m es i gn annexinA5 als of e s ea MP l re DA l i ke phagocytosis cal ret icu li n cells of the innate immune system non- or anti-inflammatory response immature DC DC maturation peptide-MHC complex mature DC inflammatory response antigens of the dying cells co-stimulatory molecule inflammatory response activation of B and T cells anti-tumor immunity The tumor cell as target for the immune system – Natural killer cells • NK cells were originally identified on a functional basis: capability of killing certain tumor cell lines in absence of a deliberate previous stimulation • NK cells do not express clonally distributed receptors for antigen • NK display cytolytic activity against tumor or virusinfected cells • NK cells release cytokines and chemokines that mediate inflammatory responses (connection to adaptive immunity) The tumor cell as target for the immune system – Natural killer cells NK cell tumor cell lack of MHC I inhibitory receptor activating receptors tumor escape! Modified from Burd et al, J Cell Phys, 1998 NK cells are involved in heat-mediated anti-tumor effects of HT Nude mice, human breast cancer tumor No HT With HT Green dots: TUNEL positive dead tumor cells With HT, but NK cell depleted TAKE HOME MESSAGES HT induces immunogenic cancer cell death forms (release of danger signals) Locally applied HT has systemic effects and may lead to immune activation HT activates DC HT primes CTL HT activates NK cells Thanks to … University Hospital Erlangen Department of Radiation Oncology Director: Prof. Dr. R. Fietkau Group: Radiation Immunobiology Dr. Benjamin Frey Petra Schildkopf Eva-Maria Weiss Renate Sieber Roland Wunderlich Kathrin Schulz Barbara Lödermann Frederick Mantel Sonja Stangl Carolin Muth OA Dr. Oliver Ott Co-operation partners Prof. Dr. Patrizia Rovere-Querini and Prof. Dr. Angelo Manfredi (H. S. Raffaele, Milano, Italy) Prof. Dr. Ian Dransfield and Dr. Sandra Franz (MRC, Edinburgh, UK) Dr. Bent Brachvogel (University of Cologne, Germany) Dr. Ernst Pöschl (University of East Anglia Norwich, UK) Prof. Dr. Reinhard Voll and Prof. Dr. Dr. Martin Herrmann (FAU of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany) Prof. Dr. Evelyn Ullrich (FAU of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany) Prof. Dr. Gabriele Multhoff (TU Munich, Germany) Prof. Dr. Ludwig Keilholz (Hospital of Bayreuth, Germany) PD Dr. Franz Rödel (University of Frankfurt, Germany) PD Dr. Peter Kern (Capio Deutsche Klinik GmbH, Germany) Dr. Martin Schiller and Petra Heyder (University of Heidelberg, Germany) Thank you for your attention! RT CT HT IT Cure tumors: turn the heat on!
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